The corruption of the calamity trio amphibia season 4 fanfiction - Sethisevilone02 (2024)

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  • Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
  • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
  • F/F
  • Gen
  • Amphibia (Cartoon)
  • The Owl House (Cartoon)
  • SCP Foundation
  • Five Nights at Freddy's
  • Dead Island (Techland Video Games)
  • Dying Light (Video Game)
  • Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
  • Sonic X
  • (Mario) The Music Box (Video Games)
  • Anne Boonchuy/Sasha Waybright
  • Anne Boonchuy
  • Sasha Waybright
  • Marcy Wu
  • Circus Baby (Five Nights at Freddy's)
  • Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's)
  • Kara (Detroit: Become Human)
  • Luz Noceda
  • Amity Blight
  • Willow Park
  • Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House)
  • Gus Porter
  • Vee (The Owl House)
  • Eda Clawthorne
  • Camila Noceda
  • Lilith Clawthorne
  • King Clawthorne (The Owl House)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Shadow the Hedgehog
  • Cream the Rabbit
  • Miles "Tails" Prower
  • Knuckles the Echidna
  • Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Cosmo the Seedrian
  • Chris Thorndyke
  • Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik
  • Decoe (Sonic X)
  • Bocoe (Sonic X)
  • Metarex (Sonic X)
  • Alice Aduraice
  • Riba (Mario The Music Box)
  • Anna Addington
  • Len (Mario The Music Box)
  • Layla
Additional Tags:
  • Corruption
  • Mind Manipulation
  • Emotional Manipulation
  • Moral Dilemmas
  • Betrayal

The corruption of the calamity trio amphibia season 4 fanfiction



the tags aren't click bait my story uses all these IPs]

Also there are new songs for my story on my YouTube channel

They thought there adventure was over.

saving amphibia and going home to live there lives in peace.

But He wouldn't let that happen.

He deemed the trio unworthy of there happy ending and will make sure they get the ending he thinks they deserve....

I need honest feedback and criticism don't hold back.

I'm still actively writing new chapters


reminder i need feedback on the writing pacing story progression and character growth

IT helps if you watched the shows and played or know about the games lore



Chapter Text


It had been a decade since Anne, Sasha, and Marcy had been transported from their world to the strange and magical land of Amphibia. The trio had faced unimaginable challenges, conquered powerful foes, and ultimately sacrificed their god-like powers to save Amphibia from the clutches of the malevolent core. Anne's sacrifice was the most significant, using the combined power of the three gems to obliterate the core, only to lose her life in the process. However, she was miraculously reborn, thanks to the watchful eye of a benevolent god.

The three friends, having lost their powers, returned to Earth to resume their normal lives. They grew up, pursued their individual paths, and gradually drifted apart. Anne, now an adult, found herself working in a local zoo, caring for amphibians and reptiles. Little did she know that her past was about to catch up with her.

On an ordinary day, amidst the routine of cleaning the amphibian exhibits, Anne's ears perked up to familiar voices echoing behind her. Swiftly turning around, she was greeted by the sight of Sasha and Marcy, each bearing distinct traits - Sasha donning a sleek black leather jacket and shades, while Marcy flaunted a voluminous ponytail and a vibrant purple shirt. Anne's eyes welled up with tears of joy as she enveloped them in a tight embrace, overwhelmed by the unexpected reunion.

Releasing her friends, Anne's curiosity piqued, prompting her to inquire about their sudden appearance. Marcy explained she happened to be in the vicinity and wished to reconnect, with Sasha being the generous soul who volunteered to pick her up from the airport.

With a nod of agreement, Sasha chimed in, expressing her genuine interest in catching up with Anne, reminiscing about their high school days when life seemed simpler. Anne, concluding her duties, suggested continuing their reunion over dinner at a nearby restaurant, eager to share stories and laughter with her cherished companions.

As Anne wrapped up her final tasks and punched out, anticipation for the impending dinner filled her heart. Little did they know, fate had a cruel twist in store for them. Unbeknownst to the trio, a mysterious figure had been shadowing their movements within the aquarium, harboring sinister intentions fueled by a twisted desire for suffering.

In the parking lot outside the aquarium, the tranquility was shattered by the arrival of a truck, accompanied by a soldier clad in formidable tactical gear. Opening the rear doors revealed a chilling sight - six grotesque nightmare animatronics: Freddy, Foxy, Chica, Bonnie, Nightmarrione, and the infamous Nightmare Fredbear. Also amongst them stood the embodiment of terror itself - William Afton, known as "Springtrap," his human form forever ensnared within the confines of the Spring Bonnie suit.

Addressing Springtrap, the soldier relayed a haunting message - their boss demanded the trio be delivered unharmed, with no missing limbs, hinting at the sad*stic torment awaiting them. Thus, unbeknownst to Anne, Sasha, and Marcy, their long-awaited reunion would spiral into a nightmare beyond comprehension, orchestrated by forces beyond their imagination.

As the trio strolled toward the front of the aquarium, Sasha couldn't help but notice the eerie emptiness surrounding them. Even the bustling staff at the front desk seemed to be absent.

Anne, nonchalant as ever, attributed it to her usual duty of closing up shop, brandishing her keys as evidence that all was under control. Marcy, in her usual playful manner, teased Sasha about being spooked by the dimly lit aquarium. Sasha reassured her companions that she wasn't frightened, but the unusual atmosphere unsettled her. She recounted how the front desk attendant had instructed them to stick with Anne, who would be locking up, but something about the situation felt off.

Anne tried to soothe Sasha's unease, urging them towards the exit just ahead. But their progress was halted by a bone-chilling, deep laughter echoing through the museum halls. "Marcy's bravado crumbled into concern as the laughter jumped to the front of her mind". telling Anne that her coworkers' creepy laugh wasn't funny Anne, puzzled, questioned Marcy's reaction, only to be met with a fearful accusation that she orchestrated spooky pranks to scare them.

Anne vehemently denied any involvement, expressing genuine surprise at their presence.With an apology tinged with increased worry, Marcy pleaded to leave"

Anne, now feeling the creepiness herself, concurred, and the trio hastened toward the front door. Their escape plan was thwarted when the security grate descended, sealing off the front doors of the aquarium. Anne, alarmed, called out into the silence, only to be met with an even more terrifying sight: a decayed golden bunny springlock suit, housing what appeared to be a decomposing corpse within. It emerged from a side hallway, blocking their path, its silver eyes fixing upon them with a ghastly stare.

"Come with me or die here." The cryptic choice sent shivers down their spines, leaving them bewildered and unnerved.

Summoning her courage, Sasha, the boldest of the group, stepped forward, defiantly declaring that she didn't know what Springtrap was, but she'd send him straight to hell if he dared to harm her friends.

Springtrap's chuckle cut through the tension, his voice dripping with icy indifference as he dismissed Sasha's threat. He taunted her, claiming that no one had ever succeeded in stopping him, but he was eager to watch her try.

Undeterred, Sasha instructed Anne and Marcy to arm themselves with whatever they could find to fight back. In a quick-thinking move, Marcy rummaged through her purse and retrieved hairspray and a lighter, recognizing the potential to create a makeshift flamethrower.

Meanwhile, Anne's eyes scanned the surroundings and landed on two metal poles left over from a section of the aquarium undergoing renovation. With swift determination, she seized one pole and tossed the other to Sasha, equipping themselves for the impending battle.

With newfound resolve and armed with makeshift weapons, the trio's confidence surged. Sasha locked eyes with Springtrap, her voice steady as she declared, "You picked the wrong trio to mess with. We've faced monsters ten times your size in Amphibia, and we'll take you down too somehow."

Springtrap's amusem*nt twisted into cruel taunting as he remarked, "Well then, it seems you'll have no trouble facing them." With a sinister gesture, he directed their attention behind them, where Nightmare Freddy and Bonnie lurked, their twisted forms ready to strike. The trio reacted swiftly, narrowly evading the grasp of the nightmarish animatronics.

Marcy unleashed her makeshift flamethrower, sending a torrent of fire toward Nightmare Freddy, while Sasha wielded her metal pole, striking at Nightmare Bonnie. Despite their efforts, the creatures seemed unfazed, Nightmare Bonnie charging directly at Sasha with menacing intent.

Anne, recognizing the dire situation, urged her companions to flee and call for help. Marcy concurred, but Sasha, determined to hold her ground, insisted that they go ahead without her. Anne hesitated, unwilling to abandon Sasha, but she relented under Sasha's firm command.

As Anne and Marcy dashed toward safety avoiding nightmare Freddy attempted grab, Sasha remained behind to confront the nightmares. Marcy assured Anne that Sasha knew what she was doing as they raced through the aquarium toward another exit, past the amphibian exhibits.

However, their path to safety was fraught with danger as Nightmare Chica and Foxy the other 2 members of the vicious band joined the pursuit, their metal feet crashing down against the floor. Anne quickly closed doors behind them, buying them precious seconds, but Nightmare Foxy crashed through with a ferocious leap, threatening Anne's safety.

Marcy acted swiftly, dousing Nightmare Foxy with fire, momentarily halting its advance. Anne seized Marcy's hand, leading her onward away from the 2 nightmare animatronics, but their escape was abruptly halted as Marcy was ensnared by black and white tentacles, dragging her upwards towards the ceiling.

Anne could only watch in horror as Marcy screamed, her hand outstretched, before disappearing into the vent above, leaving Anne alone to face the nightmare alone.

Anne collapsed to the ground, her gaze fixed on the vents above, fear gripping her heart as she cried out Marcy's name, her voice echoing unanswered through the empty corridors. The sound of something dragging Marcy away in the darkness of the vents sent shivers down her spine.

Summoning every ounce of resolve, Anne rose to her feet, a mixture of fear and fury burning within her. With grim determination, she vowed to rescue Marcy and Sasha from the clutches of the evil that now surrounded them.

Rushing towards the emergency exit, Anne's hand reached for the door, only to find it blocked from the other side. Frustration boiled over, mingling with her growing desperation, as she unleashed a futile kick against the unyielding barrier.

Realizing she needed another escape route, Anne turned, scanning the room for a window to break through. But her hopes were dashed as she came face to face with Nightmare Fredbear, its ominous presence looming over her, blood-red eyes fixated upon her trembling form and its stomach mouth ready to pull her into its maw .

Anne's voice trembled with defeat as she asked the looming Nightmare Fredbear what they wanted with her and her friends. Nightmare Fredbear leaned in closer, his presence suffocating as he spoke in a deep, nightmarish tone, revealing, "HE wants you."

Confusion and terror gripped Anne as she demanded to know who wanted them. Nightmare Fredbear seized her arm, his grip unyielding as he began to drag her back towards the main gate. Anne's panicked cries for help echoed through the empty halls, but they fell on deaf ears, no one coming to her aid.

Resigned to her fate, Anne ceased her struggles, allowing Nightmare Fredbear to pull her closer to the entrance where Afton awaited. As Nightmare Fredbear released her arm, Anne's eyes widened in horror at the sight of Sasha restrained by Nightmare Bonnie, while a monstrous figure emerged from the vent, its eerie white mask and black and white tentacles ensnaring Marcy.

Springtrap's mocking laughter filled the air as he taunted Anne for her futile resistance. Rising to her feet, Anne demanded to know the intentions of their captors. Springtrap approached her, introducing himself as the creator of the animatronics and the one responsible for bringing them to his boss.

Anne's brows furrowed with suspicion as she confronted Springtrap, questioning his motives. Springtrap affirmed that his boss indeed desired them, hinting at grand plans for their future, urging them to depart immediately.

Anne's instincts bristled with distrust towards Springtrap's directives. She defiantly declared that she wouldn't comply, vowing to dismantle him then and there to liberate her friends from his grasp.

Springtrap's laughter echoed ominously, his warning ringing in Anne's ears. Undeterred, she dashed back to the renovation area, seizing another pole before launching herself at Springtrap, striking him with all her might.

Springtrap staggered momentarily before retaliating, his movements swift and calculated. Anne's Tai Chi training proved invaluable as she deftly evaded his attacks, but Springtrap managed to seize her leg, dragging her down to the ground.

As Anne collided with the floor, Springtrap's form began to shift and pulsate, morphing before her eyes. Unbeknownst to her, Springtrap utilized an illusion disk to manipulate her perception, projecting an image of her mother in place of himself.

Anne, bewildered and disoriented, rose to her feet, her heart torn between disbelief and hope at the sight of her mother. Springtrap, now mimicking her mother's voice, pleaded with Anne to come with her, claiming that Amphibia needed their aid once more.

Confusion clouded Anne's mind as she hesitated, drawn towards the illusion of her mother. However, Marcy's urgent scream shattered the illusion, jolting Anne back to reality, reminding her of the danger lurking before her. With a gasp of realization, Anne recoiled from the false image, her trust shattered as she backed away, heeding Marcy's warning.

Anne's fury blazed like a wildfire as she confronted Afton, her voice trembling with righteous anger at his despicable use of her mother's image to manipulate her.

Springtrap, growing impatient with Anne's defiance, scoffed at her determination, urging her to surrender. But Anne stood firm, refusing to yield to his coercion.

With a calculated motion, Springtrap retrieved a radio embedded within his decomposed form, instructing an unseen ally to deploy the gas. Anne's senses reeled as the noxious fumes filled the room, her vision blurring before darkness consumed her.

Meanwhile, Sasha and Marcy remained ensnared in the nightmarish clutches of their captors, succumbing to the same unconsciousness that overtook Anne.

Seizing Anne's keys, Springtrap wasted no time in unlocking the security gate and opening the doors to the outside world. As he and the nightmares departed the aquarium, Springtrap rendezvoused with a soldier, signaling their escape with a flare that pierced the night sky, beckoning a nearby cargobob helicopter to their location.

With the precision of a well-choreographed nightmare, the black cargo Bob helicopter touched down, its rear doors sliding open with mechanical precision. Springtrap, the mastermind behind the night's sinister scheme, issued orders to the Nightmare animatronics, directing them to handle Anne, Sasha, and Marcy's unconscious forms with care.

The Nightmare animatronics, under Springtrap's control, moved with eerie efficiency, lifting the limp bodies of the trio and transferring them into the cargo hold of the aircraft.

Satisfied that his plan was proceeding as intended, Springtrap climbed aboard the helicopter, ready to depart. The pilot expertly guided the aircraft into the night sky, steering it towards the outskirts of the city, where the mysterious egg carrier ship awaited their arrival.

As the helicopter approached the waiting vessel, a notable change could be seen as the once-familiar Eggman symbols adorning the ship had been replaced by a gold planet symbol, adding an air of intrigue to the enigmatic craft.

Within the cargo hold, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy remained unconscious, unaware of the unfolding events around them. As the helicopter smoothly docked with the egg carrier, the Nightmare animatronics, still under Springtrap's command, carefully carried the trio's bodies aboard the ship, where their fate would be decided in the hands of their captors.

As the egg carrier defied its original design, soaring into the vast expanse of space,The trio were placed into one of the ship's secure holding cells, watched over by soldiers armed with rifles, ready to shoot if they somehow awoke and tried to escape.

"moving at an immense speed, the egg carrier jumped through a newly created portal to a place beyond their own universe and into another one.

Emerging, it met with a myriad of other ships in a place of wonder. The Armada all converged at their singular destination: the legendary space colony ark"

This colossal research station, constructed by humanity from a different universe, held a storied past. It was once home to the brilliant Dr. Gerald Robotnik and his team of scientists. Driven by the desperate desire to cure his daughter Maria's illness, Dr. Robotnik embarked on a quest to create the ultimate life form, resulting in the creation of Shadow the Hedgehog.

Tragedy befell the ARK when it fell into the hands of the government, leading to the loss of Maria and the capture of the science team. This event set into motion the events of Sonic Adventure 2. In the wake of these tragedies, the ARK fell into abandonment, until it was seized by a mysterious figure who formed an organization, the very one now employing Springtrap.

As the egg carrier docked with the ARK, the trio remained unconscious within its silent halls, unaware of the historical significance of their arrival. Once a bastion of scientific discovery, the ARK had been repurposed for a sinister agenda by the organization now manipulating events. The trio's connection to Amphibia made them pawns in a game played out on the grand stage of the Space Colony ARK.

As the egg carrier touched down in the vast hangar of the Space Colony ARK, Springtrap wasted no time in leading his Nightmare animatronics back to his clandestine laboratory. Meanwhile, under the watchful gaze of armed guards, the still unconscious trio were carefully transported to the medical bay for their impending surgery.

With precision and efficiency, the guards assisted the medical team in transferring Anne, Sasha, and Marcy onto stretchers, their limp bodies laid out before a team of surgeons. Among them stood members of an enigmatic organization from another universe known as "the Church of the Broken God," their presence adding an aura of mystique to the proceedings.

The surgery commenced with meticulous detail. First, the surgeons crafted small ports in the trio's upper chests, designed to house one of the three calamity gems, each returned stronger than before. These gems held untold power, integral to the mysterious leader's dark designs.

Next, the surgeons reinforced their skeletons with titanium, rendering their bones nearly unbreakable. However, their spines were deemed less durable, a necessary compromise for the enhancements to come.

Then, each of them was injected with a modified form of the metal virus, engineered not to transform them into machines, but to enhance their healing abilities. This modification would enable them to rapidly regenerate any non-nerve damage with remarkable ease, ensuring their resilience in the face of adversity.

Finally, cybernetic eyeballs were implanted, granting them enhanced vision, while a chip was embedded into their brains, complete with a port on the side of their heads. This intricate neural interface would allow for seamless integration with various machines and technologies, transforming them into formidable assets for the leader of this organization's sinister agenda.

As the surgery team concluded their meticulous work, the trio were gently transported to a recovery room within the depths of the Space Colony ARK. Hours passed before Anne stirred from unconsciousness, her head throbbing as she regained awareness in the sterile environment of the recovery room. Clad in medical garments, she rose unsteadily from the bed, her gaze darting around the room in search of her companions.

Relief flooded Anne's senses as she spotted Marcy and Sasha lying in their respective beds, still asleep. Hastening to Sasha's side, Anne shook her gently, urging her to wake. Sasha's eyes fluttered open, confusion and panic clouding her features as she demanded to know their whereabouts. Anne, lacking answers herself, simply urged Sasha to rouse Marcy and prepare to escape.

With a determined nod, Sasha rose from the bed, scanning the room for suitable attire. Meanwhile, Anne turned her attention to waking Marcy, the urgency of their situation pressing upon them.

As Marcy groggily emerged from slumber, she echoed Sasha's confusion, prompting Anne and Sasha to admit their own uncertainty. Marcy speculated if the animatronic bunny creature had brought them here, a theory met with Anne's solemn agreement as she vowed to confront Springtrap and seek retribution for their abduction.

Their resolve firm, Sasha discovered three futuristic suits within the room, each adorned with distinct colored trim. Without hesitation, Anne claimed the blue suit, Marcy the green, and Sasha the red. Donning their new attire, they emerged from the room, united in their determination to find Springtrap and uncover a means of escape from their mysterious confines.

As the trio stealthily traversed the corridor, they remained vigilant, avoiding any encounters with guards or other potential threats that could compromise their escape. Glancing out of a nearby window, Marcy's expression shifted from curiosity to shock, prompting her to beckon Anne and Sasha to join her.

Gazing out into the vast expanse of space, Anne's disbelief mirrored Marcy's as she murmured, "What the hell is going on? How did we get into space?!" Sasha, rendered speechless by the surreal sight before her, could only offer a bewildered shrug in response.

Realizing the urgency of their situation, Marcy urged her companions to set aside their questions for the moment, emphasizing the need to return to Earth before they were discovered or faced even graver consequences.

With a shared sense of determination, Anne and Sasha nodded in agreement, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of an opportunity to escape. Soon, they spotted an entrance leading to one of the ARK's many hangars, igniting a glimmer of hope within their hearts as they recognized the potential means to secure a vessel and make their daring return home.

The trio's hope for a swift escape evaporated as a figure emerged, casting an imposing presence that blocked their path. Clad in futuristic attire, she exuded an air of authority and intrigue, her sharp gaze fixated on Anne, Sasha, and Marcy.

"Who dares intrude upon the ARK?" Her commanding tone cut through the tension, demanding an explanation for their presence in the hangar. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy exchanged uneasy glances, realizing they had been discovered.

"We're just trying to find our way back home," Anne stammered, her voice tinged with desperation.

The woman remained unmoved, her expression inscrutable. "Home? You are far from your home, and the ARK does not take kindly to unauthorized visitors."

As tension mounted, the trio grappled with the uncertainty of their situation. The woman's motives remained shrouded in mystery, casting a shadow over their hopes of escape. What began as a quest for freedom now escalated into a confrontation with an enigmatic figure, leaving the trio on edge.

Their attempt to reason with the woman quickly turned chaotic.

With an unsettling giggle, she launched an assault, catching Sasha off guard. Despite Sasha's combat prowess, the encounter took a bizarre turn, her opponent's movements possessing an odd quality as her punches felt metallic .

As the woman and sasha continued to exchange punches and kicks Anne seized an opportunity to sneak attack the woman but the woman's uncanny agility thwarted her efforts as she pushed sasha away with ease. In a sudden turn of events, she revealed her true nature with metallic screech, her faceplate retracting to expose a metallic endoskeleton beneath.

Pinning Anne against the wall with robotic precision, the woman taunted her with chilling words. Anne struggled against her metallic grip, grappling with the realization that their adversary was more than human.

The hangar, once a beacon of hope, had transformed into a battleground of uncertainty. As Anne fought to break free from the woman's grasp, the trio's journey took a dark turn, plunging them deeper into the mysteries of the ARK and the enigmatic forces that governed it.

As Anne struggled against the metallic grasp of the enigmatic woman, fear and curiosity mingled in her strained voice as she managed to gasp out a question, "What are you?"

The woman's grip loosened slightly as she chuckled, her voice taking on an eerie robotic tone as she began to recount her haunting origin. "I am Circus Baby, reborn," she explained. "Originally a green-eyed, blonde-haired girl, I was lured into the party room where Baby stood. In an instant, I was grabbed and killed, only to possess the animatronic you see before you."

As the chilling tale unfolded, Circus Baby delved into the events of FNAF Sister Location and FNAF 6, detailing her entanglement with her father, William Afton, and their escape from Henry's trap. She revealed their allegiance to a mysterious leader, the orchestrator of the organization responsible for bringing Anne, Sasha, and Marcy to the space station.

Her metallic eyes gleamed with haunting memories and a sense of purpose as she concluded, "You three are part of a grand plan, and you'll soon understand your role in this cosmic narrative. I'm sure of it now."

Anne's spine tingled with unease as she processed the implications of their involvement in the organization's machinations. The hangar, once a beacon of hope, now harbored the weight of Circus Baby's ominous history and the enigmatic forces shaping their destiny.

Springtrap hearing Circus Baby metallic screech sprang into action, rallying nearby guards to investigate the disturbance. With malevolent anticipation evident in his expression, Springtrap led the security team toward the source of the commotion, determined to confront the unfolding situation.

The metallic corridors reverberated with tension as they approached the hangar, the clash between Circus Baby and the trio promising to reveal more about the mysterious forces at play. The once hopeful space station now served as the battleground for a confrontation that would define the next chapter of their perilous journey.

Springtrap, approaching the scene with an air of authority, confronted Circus Baby Reborn. He raised a mechanical hand, signaling for her to stand down. The animatronic, momentarily halted, faced her father with a mix of compliance and defiance.

"Stand down, Circus Baby," Springtrap ordered, his voice a distorted blend of haunting whispers and mechanical sounds. "Apologize for your behavior."

Circus Baby, compelled by her father's command, reluctantly turned her attention to Anne, Sasha, and Marcy. "I apologize for my actions," she stated, her metallic voice carrying a surreal mix of compliance and lingering menace.

Springtrap, now in control of the situation, issued a proposition to the trio. "If you wish to learn the truth, come with me. There's a choice to be made - join our cause and embrace your destiny, or return home and seal the fate of Amphibia forever."

The hangar, once filled with tension, now held a pivotal moment of decision. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy faced the weight of choosing between the unknown path that lay ahead or the possibility of returning to their former lives, leaving the mysteries of the ARK and its enigmatic organization behind. The consequences of their choice would reverberate through both their world and the fantastical realm of Amphibia, hanging in the balance of this cosmic dilemma.

Infuriated by Springtrap's words, Sasha couldn't contain her frustration. "You attacked us! Why should we believe anything you say?" she argued, her voice laced with a mix of defiance and anger.

However, Springtrap, seemingly unfazed by Sasha's protest, turned around ominously. His response echoed through the metallic corridors with an unsettling certainty. "Follow me," he stated, his voice carrying an omniscient tone that sent a shiver down the spines of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy.

Without waiting for further discussion, Springtrap began to walk away, his silhouette disappearing into the shadows of the ARK. The guards, under his command, moved aside to allow the trio to decide their next course of action.

The hangar, once a potential escape route, now stood as a crossroads of choices. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy faced the decision of whether to follow Springtrap into the unknown depths of the space station or to resist and seek their own path within the enigmatic confines of the ARK. The mysteries that surrounded them and the fate of Amphibia hung in the balance as they stood at the precipice of a choice that would shape the next chapter of their unfolding journey.

Chasing after Springtrap, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy quickly closed the distance, finding him outside the imposing doors of an office that echoed with an aura of leadership and power. The metallic corridors of the ARK seemed to amplify the tension as the trio approached the enigmatic figure.

As they caught up with Springtrap, he turned to face them, his distorted features masked in shadows. The guards, maintaining a vigilant watch, secured the area as the trio stood before the foreboding office.

Springtrap, with an air of eerie authority, gestured towards the doors. "Enter, and you shall learn the truth," he intoned ominously, his voice carrying the weight of unknown revelations.

The trio exchanged uncertain glances, grappling with the decision that lay before them. The choice to enter the mysterious office, to unravel the truths concealed within, or to forge their own path in the ARK's labyrinthine corridors, now hung in the balance. With a shared resolve, they pushed open the doors, stepping into the heart of the enigmatic space station, where the secrets of their destinies awaited.

Entering the room, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy found themselves surrounded by an arsenal of weapons and armor, the likes of which surpassed their wildest imaginations. Blades capable of cutting through buildings, guns radiating mysterious energy, and armor that exuded an intimidating aura filled the expansive space. The room spoke of power, preparation, and a level of technology that transcended their understanding.

At the heart of this arsenal, a man wearing a fancy gray suit paced back and forth by a desk positioned in front of a giant window that revealed the cosmos beyond. The trio could hear him engaged in a heated conversation with someone on the other end.

"What the hell do you mean they're gone? Did they escape back to Earth, or are they hiding in a room somewhere? I want them found NOW!" he angrily shouted into the communication device, his frustration palpable.

The room seemed to hum with tension as Anne, Sasha, and Marcy absorbed the gravity of the situation. The man's anger and urgency indicated that their presence had set off a chain of events beyond their control. The realization that powerful forces were at play and that they were entangled in a web of cosmic significance intensified with each passing moment.

As the man concluded his conversation, he turned his piercing gaze towards the trio. The atmosphere in the room crackled with anticipation as they stood on the precipice of a revelation that would shed light on the enigmatic forces steering their destinies. The cosmos beyond the giant window seemed to hold secrets that echoed the complexity of the choices they faced within this formidable space station.

The man, his face a mix of shock and disbelief, dropped the phone as he turned to see Anne, Sasha, and Marcy standing in his office. His eyes widened as he took in the unexpected sight of the trio, no longer hiding or back on Earth but present in the very heart of his fortified space.

For a moment, silence hung in the air, broken only by the distant hum of machinery and the vast expanse of the cosmos outside the window. The man, regaining his composure, studied the trio with a calculating gaze, his mind undoubtedly racing to comprehend the unforeseen turn of events.

"Who are you?" he demanded, his voice cutting through the stillness of the room. The weight of authority in his tone hinted at a position of influence within the organization that had brought them to this mysterious space station.

As Anne, Sasha, and Marcy faced the man's scrutiny, the room seemed to hold its breath, the arsenal of weapons and armor bearing silent witness to the unfolding drama. The trio, now standing in the epicenter of enigmatic forces, awaited the man's response, poised on the brink of revelations that would define the next chapter of their perilous journey.

The man's initial shock transformed into a recognition that left Anne, Sasha, and Marcy puzzled. His perplexity deepened as he addressed the trio.

"Wait, it's you, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy? I didn't recognize you with the outfits. And wait, there was supposed to be 24/7 security guarding your room. But it does not matter now. Sit. Do you need a drink or food, or..." he paused for a second, considering his words carefully, "you need answers."

The sudden shift in tone and demeanor hinted at a complexity beneath the surface, a blend of surprise and an acknowledgment that the situation had veered off the expected course. As he gestured for them to take a seat, the trio exchanged glances, uncertainty lingering in the air.

The man's offer of hospitality and a willingness to provide answers introduced a new layer to the unfolding narrative. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy faced a pivotal moment as they considered whether to accept the man's invitation and delve into the truths that lay concealed within the enigmatic confines of the space station.

As Anne, Sasha, and Marcy took their seats, the door behind them shut with an echoing thud. The trio exchanged glances, a sense of anticipation lingering in the air. Unbeknownst to them, Springtrap, who had closed the doors, remained present in the room.

Springtrap walked up to the man, his mechanical presence casting an eerie shadow across the room. In a hushed conversation, he relayed the events that had transpired - the encounter with Circus Baby, the confrontation in the hangar, and the subsequent chase that led them to the man's office.

The man, absorbing the information, maintained a composed exterior, his eyes flickering between Springtrap and the trio. As the details unfolded, the complexity of the situation became apparent. The room, now filled with a palpable tension, seemed to hold its breath as the man processed the events that had unfolded under his watch.

Anne, Sasha, and Marcy, seated in the midst of this unfolding drama, were on the cusp of discovering the truths concealed within the ARK. The man, with an air of authority, prepared to address their questions and illuminate the enigmatic forces that had brought them to this cosmic crossroads. The revelations that awaited promised to reshape their understanding of their own destinies and the intricate web of mysteries that surrounded them.

The man gave a hearty laugh, acknowledging Springtrap's actions, and conveyed a cryptic message about the purpose behind rescuing him from Henry's trap.

"This, Afton, is why I rescued you from that trap," the man declared with a knowing smile. "Continue to be cunning and brilliant, and you'll have your family back. This time, Henry will know how superior you are to him."

Addressing Springtrap's role in the grander scheme, the man instructed him to return to the lab, hinting at new subjects that required Afton's attention.

"Now, leave and return to the lab. We have new subjects for you to attend to," the man directed, his voice carrying an air of authority that left lingering questions about the nature of the experiments and the motivations behind the organization's actions.

As Springtrap acknowledged the command, the room's atmosphere remained charged with an enigmatic energy. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy sat amidst the unfolding revelations, a sense of urgency and uncertainty permeating the air. The man, with a final glance towards the trio, left the room, leaving them to grapple with the mysteries that had brought them to this peculiar intersection of destinies within the ARK.

The man excused himself and ran into a room in between 2 bookcases and left the trio alone sitting in the chairs in his office.

He soon returned with a disk and popped it into his computer showing all the complete timeline from when marcy learned she would be forced to move away to learning about the music box and tricking Anne into stealing it and sending the 3 to amphibia it also showed Sasha being a horrible person to her friends making fun of marcy movie and forcing Anne to skip schools to celebrate Anne birthday and meeting with marcy before getting trapped in amphibia

He told them he saw everything the betrayals the suffering but the found families each of the trio found and grew with but when he skipped to Anne and her frog family the planters returning to earth his smile dissipated away as he told Anne and with a sudden tonal shift in his voice that shocked the trio he yelled


he recomposed himself. I'm sorry that was unprofessional. The man spoke.

It's fine Anne responded with a guilty look on her face.

He skipped to the final fight against the core who fused with the moon and wanted to crash it into amphibia " I saw the power you 3 held but it was wasted and Anne had to sacrifice her life to save the world you 2 were weak but you were mere children" he continued Anne you were cloned by the God you call domino but it Said in 85 years you would die and replace him as the God of amphibia...

Sasha and marcy were shocked to learn Anne was cloned before she died fighting the core.

"The plan has changed. Domino is dead, and your world is at risk. In his last moments he condensed all his remaining power into 3 new gems just like the old ones but even more powerful and to make sure nothing could happen to them i had my top surgeons craft a special port in each of your chests that house the gems and can let you use there power easier but If you don't train and follow my command, Amphibia will be destroyed by evil," he declared, the urgency in his voice underscoring the impending threat that loomed over both their worlds.

Shock and repulsion filled the trio minds as they each looked down and felt a metallic presence where roman said the gem port was created. Anne spoke up saying "you kidnapped us and performed invasive surgery on us and you expect us to trust you?" he nodded saying it was the only way to keep you and the gems safe and he promised it was all for the greater good.

Sasha spoke up asking what else he did to them. He told them that there skeletons were reinforced with titanium and they were injected with a modified virus that would quickly heal most wounds, and lastly he replaced there eyeballs with synthetic ones that could project information to them and a port on the side of their heads to insert usb sticks and other machines wires into

The trio were both mortified and curious, asking him why he needed them when he got an army to protect amphibia. He told them that the evil could only be stopped by them and it was domino's final request and turning his monitor around and played a message that came from domino itself.

“Greeting Anne Sasha and marcy I'm sorry that I have to call upon you 3 again so soon but a new evil has risen and my time shall soon be up. With the last of my energy I shall condense my power into 3 new gems and give them to this man who shall help you on your new quest to save Amphibia from evil. You must listen to him as he can help you become strong enough to overcome this new evil. Anne it's time you rise up as the next guardian of Amphibia and know you have the will and strength to protect it and billions of other worlds like it. There will be sacrifices you 3 must make but its all for the greater good remember that aways.” The video ends and Roman turns his monitior back around.

The trio shocked that Roman was telling the truth or so they though.

Anne knowing she has to eventually become the next god of amphibia and other worlds agreed saying she is doing this for amphibia and not for him. He expressed satisfaction with their decision, acknowledging the gravity of the situation they were thrust into. The man extended an apology for the drastic measures taken but emphasized that it was necessary to ensure their survival against external forces.

"I'm glad you've accepted. Apologies for the drastic measures, but it was the only way to ensure you'd survive," he explained, his tone carrying a mix of sincerity and pragmatism.

The man then informed them that there were rooms available for them to rest and live in until their assigned tasks were completed. The trio, still processing the weight of their newfound responsibilities, followed the man to their designated quarters within the vast and mysterious space station.

As they settled into their rooms, a sense of purpose and uncertainty lingered in the air. The trio faced a unique journey ahead, one that would require them to tap into the godlike powers bestowed upon them and navigate the complexities of cosmic destinies. The rooms became a temporary haven, a place for reflection and preparation before stepping into the challenges that awaited them on this interwoven path between Earth and Amphibia.

In the quiet confines of their rooms, Marcy, lying on her bed, couldn't hold back the thoughts that weighed on her mind. She whispered to Anne, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern.

"You were barely phased that I was stabbed through the chest by Andreas," Marcy remarked, seeking clarity on the seemingly understated reaction to a traumatic event.

Anne, processing the words, turned to Marcy, her expression a mix of contemplation and introspection. The revelation brought to the surface a layer of their shared experiences that demanded further exploration. The room, once a sanctuary, now became a space for the trio to unpack the emotional complexities that had shaped their journey and forged the bonds that connected them across worlds.

Anne, feeling the weight of Marcy's observation, quickly responded with a touch of panic. "I was mortified, Marcy. But... I was so deep in denial. I couldn't accept any reality where you died," she admitted, her voice carrying a mix of guilt and vulnerability.

The confession revealed the internal struggle Anne had faced, grappling with the traumatic events that unfolded in Amphibia. The room, once a temporary refuge, now bore witness to the intricate emotions that bound the trio together. As Marcy absorbed Anne's words, a shared understanding began to unfold, paving the way for a deeper exploration of their experiences and the impact those experiences had on their individual perspectives.

Sasha, compelled by the sincerity of the moment, opened up to Marcy as well. "After I fled the castle, I felt worthless. I thought by being such an awful friend, I was responsible for you getting stabbed and Anne being on Earth alone," she confessed, her voice carrying the weight of guilt and self-blame.

She continued, revealing the depth of her struggle. "I felt so worthless that I almost ended it all a few times because of the guilt." The vulnerability in Sasha's admission underscored the profound impact their shared experiences had on each of them, unraveling layers of pain and remorse that had long remained hidden.

In the quiet space of the room, the trio confronted their inner demons, laying bare the scars of their journey. The revelations opened the door to empathy and understanding, setting the stage for a shared healing process that would shape their collective path forward.

In the midst of confessions and shared vulnerabilities, Anne hesitated, grappling with a revelation she never wanted her friends to know. "There's something else," she began, her voice carrying a weight of uncertainty. The man was correct, "I might be a clone of the girl who died, destroying the core moon."

Anne's admission hung in the air, a secret she had guarded out of fear that her friends might be disgusted or feel betrayed by the potential existence of an imposter in their midst. The room, once a sanctuary for sharing, now held a moment of tense silence as the trio navigated the implications of this unexpected revelation. The bonds that had carried them through Amphibia's trials faced a new challenge as they confronted the complexities of Anne's identity and the uncertainties that loomed over their shared destinies.

Sasha, responding with conviction, dismissed Anne's fears. "That's a load of sh*t. You're the real Anne, and I know it. You're the same sweet, kind, brave girl who made me reflect on my horrid behavior," she declared, her words carrying a sense of unwavering support and certainty.

Marcy, echoing Sasha's sentiments, added her reassurance. "Clone or not, you are valued, and you deserve happiness," she affirmed, emphasizing the importance of Anne's identity beyond the circ*mstances of her creation.

In that moment, the room became a haven for mutual understanding and acceptance. The trio, bound by their shared experiences and the depths of their friendship, faced the uncertainties of their journey with a newfound resilience. The revelations, rather than driving a wedge between them, strengthened the bonds that connected Anne, Sasha, and Marcy as they prepared to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

Before they went to sleep, Marcy wanted to test this healing ability the man told them they possessed now.

With a mixture of curiosity and a hint of trepidation, Marcy found a small knife in the kitchen connected to their rooms. Closing her eyes, she ran the blade across her arm, testing the limits of their altered bodies. To her surprise, the wound that formed began to heal at a pace far faster than any natural process could achieve.

Opening her eyes, Marcy observed the rapid regeneration with a mix of awe and realization. "This is... not normal," she whispered, the implications of their newfound abilities sinking in.

Feeling the weight of exhaustion, Anne, still processing the rapid healing, suggested, "We'll figure it all out tomorrow. Let's get some rest." Her voice carried a note of weariness, and the trio, having navigated a rollercoaster of revelations, agreed to postpone further exploration until the next day.

As they settled into their respective beds, the room became a sanctuary for sleep, a temporary refuge from the complexities that surrounded them. Tomorrow held the promise of more answers, more discoveries, and perhaps a clearer understanding of the godlike powers that now coursed through their transformed bodies. The trio drifted into a restless slumber, their dreams entwined with the enigmatic journey that awaited them within the walls of the mysterious space station.

In the hushed darkness of the trio's sleeping quarters, the hidden camera quietly shut off, its feed linked to the office of the mysterious man who orchestrated their destiny. A subtle smile played across his face, the satisfaction of knowing that Anne, Sasha, and Marcy would become his most valuable pawns in the quest to control all worlds.

The man turned away, his thoughts drifting to the moment he had killed the god Domino and claimed its power for himself. He recalled the promises he had made, the ominous pact forged in the shadows.

"To become twisted versions of themselves, spilling the blood of the innocent, and evolving into entities no one could ever hope to defeat," he murmured, his voice a chilling echo in the solitude of his office.

“They even bought that deepfake recording of domino” he chuckled to himself

As the man revealed in the unfolding plans, the trio slept, unaware of the darker forces that sought to manipulate their destinies and exploit the godlike powers now coursing through their transformed bodies. The room, once a refuge for rest, held within its walls the seeds of a future entangled in a cosmic struggle between light and shadow.


Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Training

Chapter Text

Chapter 2 Training

The man was now ready to move on to the next step in the grand plan of corrupting the calamity trio.
Setting his sights on the boiling isles..., a world connected to the same Earth where Anne, Sasha, and Marcy hailed from, he delved into the intricate threads of yet another world teeming with magic and adventure. This realm, discovered by Luz Nocera, had its own set of heroes and tales, including Luz herself, now 21 and living with her wife Amity Blight.
The Boiling Isles, with its magical inhabitants and unique dynamics, was soon to become the stage for the trio's first mission. The primary targets were the powerful being known as the Collector, a child of the stars possessing reality-bending magic, and Ayzee, the daughter of Luz and Amity, a human-witch hybrid with potential research value.

The man prepared for an invasion, strategically timed for the Collector's next scheduled visit, marking the initiation of the trio's journey into the complexities of interconnected worlds. As the trio slept, unaware of the impending mission, the man's grand plan unfolded, weaving a tapestry of destinies that extended beyond the confines of Earth and Amphibia, reaching into the magical realms of the Boiling Isles.

But he knew they required training and weapons if they were to successfully complete the mission.
In their new living quarters, the trio stirred from a restful slumber, greeted by the promise of a new day. A gentle knock on the door roused them further, prompting Marcy to take the initiative and answer.

As the door swung open, Marcy found herself face to face with a woman with short brown hair and a glowing circle on the side of her head. Introducing herself as Kara, a CyberLife android hailing from another world, she recounted a harrowing narrative of sentience under threat. Kara revealed that she and her fellow Androids had nearly faced death, but thanks to the man's intervention, her and all cyberlife Androids were saved from genocide" . Now, they stood as allies, committed to aiding others who faced a similar peril.

Marcy's smile of greeting was warm as she clasped Kara's hand in welcome. Introductions followed, as Marcy presented her still groggy companions, Sasha and Anne, to their newfound acquaintance. Kara returned the gesture with a smile, before delivering her message: they were summoned to meet their enigmatic savior in his office.
Adorned in their respective suits - Anne in blue, symbolizing heart; Sasha in red, representing power; and Marcy in green, signifying intelligence - the trio made their way to the mysterious man's office. The corridor was lined with androids and guards, each offering warm welcomes that hinted at a complex camaraderie within the organization.

As they navigated the futuristic surroundings, the trio felt a mix of curiosity and trepidation. The enigmatic nature of the man and the unfolding plan added layers of uncertainty to their Initiation . The office, a nexus of authority and information, awaited them, promising answers and further revelations about the godlike powers, their mission, and the interwoven destinies that connected Earth, Amphibia, and the Boiling Isles.

The man, a figure of authority and mystery, greeted the trio with a firm yet caring handshake as they entered his office. His demeanor held a complex blend of determination and a genuine concern for the journey that lay ahead.
"Welcome. I trust you had a restful night," he began, his voice carrying an air of command. "We have much to discuss, and your training awaits."
The trio, standing before him, felt the weight of the impending mission and the training that would shape their abilities in the upcoming mission.

“He led the trio out of his office down the hall to a secure door and using his clearance opened the door and walked in with the trio behind him”
In the room with the mysterious man, the trio faced a colossal black pyramid, an enigmatic structure that held the promise of power beyond their comprehension. In each corner of the pyramid were blue glass tanks, each containing an unknown element, heightened the intrigue.

"Anne, touch the control panel with your hand. This will link your mind to the pyramid," he instructed, his tone carrying a sense of gravity. As Anne approached the pyramid, a palpable energy resonated within the room.
As Anne touched the controls, an intense cascade of images and voices surged through her mind. The sheer force of the experience made her shake, but the upgrades she underwent proved resilient against the invasive attempts of the voices. Despite the onslaught, she held firm.
Releasing her grip on the control panel, Anne fell to her knees, a blue energy radiating from her eyes. The room pulsated with an otherworldly energy as the mysterious pyramid revealed its connection to Anne's newfound abilities.
The man, observing the transformative process, maintained a watchful gaze. The room held an air of anticipation as the trio grappled with the profound changes unfolding before them, signaling the beginning of their training and the unlocking of the powerful tools that would shape their destiny as protectors across worlds.
Sasha and Marcy helped Anne to her feet with concern etched across their faces. They anxiously inquired about her well-being until Anne reassured them with a firm declaration that she was fine.
Once stable on her feet, Anne's demeanor shifted from vulnerability to assertiveness. She turned to the man and, with a mix of frustration and curiosity, demanded an explanation.

"What the hell was that?" she exclaimed, seeking answers to the tumultuous experience that had unfolded during her connection with the mysterious pyramid. The room, now charged with tension, awaited the man's response, unveiling the intricacies of the powerful tools that had been set in motion for their cosmic mission.

The man, with an air of authority, revealed the nature of the pyramid - the Moon Pyramid Device (M.P.D), created by otherworldly creatures to control a reality beyond comprehension, Agartha but that's not important. Walking up to the control panel he pulled a metal sphere from a port in front of the pyramid, introducing it as the Summoning Key.
"This is the Summoning Key. It can open portals to worlds filled with undead horrors, and you, Anne, can control them with your godly power now linked to the M.P.D," he explained, the weight of the revelation hanging in the air.
The room became charged with the potential and peril of the tools at their disposal. The Summoning Key, a gateway to realms of undead horrors, now rested in the hands of Anne, the latest link in a cosmic chain that connected her, Sasha, and Marcy to a destiny that spanned across worlds. He then led them to the back of the room where another door stood. He unlocked it and walked down the stairs with the trio following behind.

Entering the room that was a replica of the Undercroft from the Black Ops 3 zombie map Der Eisendrache, the trio was met with a sight that sent shivers down their spines. Four mysterious glowing bows emitted above their respective stone box emitting an eerie glow, while a replica of the Moon Pyramid Device (M.P.D), made of stone, sat in the middle.
The man gestured toward the scene, explaining, "These are the Bows of Creation. Each one holds a unique power. When wielded properly, they can be potent weapons against the forces you'll encounter."

The room, bathed in an otherworldly ambiance, held the promise of both power and peril. The Bows of Creation, the stone M.P.D replica, and the Summoning Key hinted at the vast arsenal at their disposal. The trio, now faced with the tangible tools of their cosmic mission, prepared to unlock the secrets and potential that lay within these enigmatic artifacts.

The man turned to Marcy, asking her which bow she wished to wield. As he led them to the first one, he introduced it as the Wolf Bow. This bow housed the power of a great wolf who once served a king. Charging the bow unleashed a powerful spirit capable of pushing away their enemies.
He continued, pointing to the second bow as the Fire Bow. When charged, it had the ability to trap foes in mini volcanoes, causing fiery destruction.
Next was the Void Bow, the third in line. Charging this bow released alien skulls that devoured their foes.
Lastly, he pointed to the Lightning Bow. This bow had the ability to channel fierce electric tornadoes that would annihilate any adversaries.
The room echoed with the weight of the decision. Marcy stood before these powerful artifacts, faced with the choice of a bow that would become a formidable ally in the cosmic battles that awaited them.

Marcy, after thoughtful consideration, chose the Void Bow. The allure of unleashing alien skulls to consume their foes appealed to her strategic mind.
Sasha, with a fiery determination in her eyes, chose the Fire Bow. The promise of trapping foes in mini-volcanoes and burning them to ashes resonated with her powerful and assertive nature.

Anne, inspired by the potential of wielding a force as fierce as a lightning bow, made her choice. She selected the Lightning Bow, drawn to the prospect of channeling electric tornadoes to annihilate their adversaries.
He then led them out of the rooms and back to the hallway where he then took them to the armory to equip them with firepower they could only dream of.
In the armory, Sasha's eyes widened as she spotted a familiar-looking sword - the Heron Sword, a gift from General Grime of the Toad Army. However, something about it had changed. An arcane symbol on the bottom of the blade now glowed with a mysterious aura, adding an enigmatic quality to the weapon.

Sasha, intrigued and slightly taken aback, reached for the sword. The man, observing her reaction, spoke, "That sword has been enhanced for your cosmic mission. Its power has been imbued with arcane energies to aid you in the battles ahead."
The armory, filled with an array of powerful weapons and artifacts, hinted at the vast arsenal at their disposal. Sasha, now armed with the enhanced Heron Sword,...felt a feeling she hadn't felt since she left Amphibia: familial love
Sasha unknowingly tearing up watched as a tear, landed on the blade of the enhanced Heron Sword, carried a weight of emotion and purpose. The connection to her father figure, General Grime, became a tangible force as she prepared to wield the sword in battles across cosmic realms.

Meanwhile, Anne and Marcy, eyeing the array of guns on the wall in the armory, raised a practical question. They inquired if they were also going to be given guns for use in their cosmic mission. The room, filled with the echoes of Sasha's emotional moment, awaited the man's response to the new queries posed by Anne and Marcy.

The man, acknowledging Marcy's role as the sharpshooter, selected a DSR50 sniper rifle from the armory wall. He handed it to her, detailing its enhancements. The weapon was outfitted with stock, Quickdraw, long barrel, hybrid quick/extended mags, ballistic CPU attachment, and high-caliber attachment - a combination designed to make it the most efficient sniper rifle she could wield.

As Marcy took hold of her designated weapon, the room brimmed with a sense of readiness.
Sasha, with a contagious excitement, received her designated weapon - a Haymaker fully automatic shotgun. The shotgun was equipped with quick draw, hybrid mags, a reflex sight, extended barrel, stock, and grip - a powerful combination tailored to her combat style.

As Sasha embraced the Haymaker, the armory resonated with her enthusiasm. Armed with her enhanced Heron Sword and the formidable shotgun, she stood ready to unleash a torrent of firepower against any cosmic adversaries that dared to cross their path.
Acknowledging Anne's apprehension and unique circ*mstances, the man selected two MR6 pistols tailored to her needs. Each pistol was equipped with a reflex sight, hybrid mags, Quickdraw, high caliber, and long barrel - a setup designed to provide her with both precision and flexibility.

As Anne received the pistols, a wave of nervousness washed over her. The weight of the responsibility and the realization that her actions would impact not only her but also her frog family and Amphibia fueled a determination within her. Armed with the dual MR6 pistols, Anne embraced the challenge, ready to face the cosmic battles that lay ahead with newfound courage and resolve. He then walked to the nearby blast door and opened it.

As the blast door opened, revealing a room they never could have imagined, the trio was met with the sight of a machine that held a legendary reputation - the Pack-a-Punch. Its presence hinted at a capability to enhance their weapons beyond their wildest expectations.

The man directed Anne to place the MR6 pistols inside the machine. As she did, the Pack-a-Punch came to life, channeling its arcane energies to elevate the pistols to a level beyond ordinary weaponry. The room pulsed with newfound power, setting the stage for the trio's weapons to become instruments of cosmic destruction.

The Pack-a-Punch, an enigmatic force in its own right, marked the culmination of their armament preparations, unlocking the true potential of their chosen weapons for the battles that awaited them across interconnected worlds.
The trio, jaws slightly agape, witnessed the astonishing power of the Pack-a-Punch enhancements as Anne pulled out the MR6 pistols. Firing at a target in the nearby firing range, the bullets erupted with an unexpected force, causing the target to explode in a display of overwhelming power.
Shocked by the newfound capabilities of their weapons, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy exchanged glances. The room, now charged with the echoes of the explosive display, affirmed the tremendous force they now wielded. The Pack-a-Punch had transformed their weapons into instruments of cosmic devastation, setting the stage for the trio to become formidable protectors across interconnected worlds.

Marcy, fueled by a mix of excitement and adrenaline, swiftly placed her sniper rifle into the Pack-a-Punch machine. Eager to witness the results, she fired at a target in the firing range. The recoil pushed her back, surprising even her with the enhanced force behind the shot.
Sasha, undeterred, followed suit, placing her Haymaker shotgun into the machine. As she fired at another target, the room echoed with the powerful blasts. Sasha stood firm, showcasing her mastery over the weapon, emptying the magazine into the target with controlled precision.

The combined display of Marcy and Sasha utilizing their enhanced weapons added a layer of awe to the atmosphere. The Pack-a-Punch had amplified their firepower, solidifying the trio's readiness to face cosmic challenges with a force that transcended ordinary weaponry.

The man, exuberant with the results, produced three bags of gumballs and instructed the trio to each eat one.The three, confused as to why he was offering them candy, gave him a weird look. Perceiving their confusion, he explained that these were GobbleGums, to be precise, Perkaholic GobbleGums.
The trio, puzzled, sought clarification on what exactly he meant by "GobbleGums" and "Perkaholic GobbleGums."
The man, realizing the trio's lack of familiarity with "Perk-a-Colas," took a moment to explain. He clarified that Perk-a-Colas were special drinks that granted various enhancements to those who consumed them. The Perkaholic GobbleGums they were about to eat contained the benefits of all available Perk-a-Colas.

As the trio processed this information, the anticipation in the room grew. The prospect of gaining these mysterious enhancements added another layer to the arsenal of tools they were being equipped with for their cosmic mission. The trio, now on the brink of a transformative journey, prepared to consume the Perkaholic GobbleGums and unlock the potential within.
The man continued to list the benefits of the Perkaholic GobbleGums:
Increased health for enhanced survivability.

Faster reloading speed for swift and efficient combat.
Each bullet fired counts as two, effectively doubling your firepower at the cost of one bullet.
Producing electric lightning when reloading, potentially stunning nearby foes.
When struck, spider webs will envelop your attacker, providing a defensive advantage.
Increased stamina for heightened agility and endurance.
Improved accuracy when aiming for precise and effective shots.
but he warned the effects were temporary and would dissipate after 5 minutes
The trio, now informed of the perks they were about to gain, brimmed with anticipation. The consumption of the Perkaholic GobbleGums promised to elevate their abilities to new heights, making them formidable adversaries in the cosmic battles that lay ahead.
As Anne, Sasha, and Marcy each consumed a Perkaholic GobbleGum, they felt a surge of power enveloping them. The room vibrated with an otherworldly energy as the enhancements took effect. Their senses sharpened, their bodies became more resilient, and an unmistakable aura of strength emanated from each of them.
The trio, now infused with the benefits of the Perkaholic GobbleGums, stood ready to embark on their cosmic journey. The room, filled with the echoes of newfound power, marked the beginning of a transformative training that would prepare them for the interconnected challenges and battles across diverse worlds. He smiled and held the summoning key up, and as it started to glow, a portal opened below the trio's feet

In an instant, the trio found themselves transported to a ruined city, a desolate landscape devoid of life. The man's satisfaction with their preparation echoed in the air as the once-familiar surroundings gave way to a haunting and empty cityscape.

Amidst the remnants of what once thrived, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy stood, Perkaholic enhancements pulsating within them. The ruined city became the canvas for their first step in training, setting the stage for challenges and tests that would shape them into the protectors they were meant to become across interconnected worlds.

The trio looked around confused and realized they were transported from the ark to a mysterious abandoned city.
Speakers connected to the buildings started to play a message:
"This is your first challenge: to get to the center of the city alive and together to escape back to the ark. Oh, and Anne, you won't be able to control them nor will you have access to your calamity forms or powers. Good luck.

Left to decipher the enigmatic instructions, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy found themselves facing an unfamiliar challenge.

The man's directive to reach the center of the city without utilizing their calamity powers or controlling their enemies left them puzzled.

As the transmission ended, leaving them to navigate the desolate city on their own, the trio exchanged on certain glances"
The ruins stretched out before them, silent witnesses to the mystery that awaited in the heart of the abandoned metropolis. Determined, yet with questions lingering, they began their journey through the eerily quiet streets, ready to confront whatever challenges lay in their path.

As the trio stood ready to confront any obstacles in their path, Marcy's brain implant suddenly buzzed with an urgent notification:

- Suiciders: prone to explode upon proximity
- Butchers: equipped with sharpened bone fragments
- Crushers: towering giants capable of hurling heavy debris
- Floaters: spewing corrosive acid
- Volatiles: the apex predators, possessing heightened intelligence along with abilities to sprint, spit acid, and sport a jaw that splits into four.

With barely a moment to process this ominous update, the once-silent ruins of the city erupted with eerie sounds of groans and shuffles. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy quickly grasped the severity of the situation as mutated zombies of various kinds emerged from the crumbling structures.

Among the typical undead, these new threats loomed, embodying the descriptions from Marcy's message.

Devoid of their usual powers and unable to command the zombies, the trio faced an intense and perilous challenge, their every move fraught with uncertainty...

The trio, unable to use their calamity powers or control the zombies, faced an intense and unpredictable challenge. The once serene city now transformed into a battlefield as they navigated through the undead horde, determined to reach the elusive goal at the city's center.

Anne, quick on the draw, wielded her dual MR6 pistols, firing precise shots at the encroaching zombies. Sasha, with her formidable Haymaker shotgun, focused on distracting the more threatening mutations, creating openings for Anne to maneuver. Meanwhile, Marcy, the analytical strategist of the trio, engaged in a calculated approach. She mapped out the optimal path, seeking ways to navigate through the undead labyrinth efficiently.
The synchronized efforts of the trio showcased their diverse skills and strengths. Anne's marksmanship, Sasha's close-quarters prowess, and Marcy's strategic mind formed a cohesive unit as they progressed through the undead-infested cityscape. The challenge to reach the goal became a test of not just combat skills but also teamwork and adaptability in the face of relentless adversaries.

The haunting melody of "115" began to echo through the desolate cityscape, creating an atmospheric backdrop to the trio's intense training. As Anne, Sasha, and Marcy pressed forward, the music heightened the tension, adding a surreal layer to their journey through the undead-infested ruins.
The familiar strains of the song immersed them in an experience reminiscent of the challenges faced in interconnected worlds. Each beat resonated with the pulse of their progress, the undead adversaries, and the impending goal. The music served not only as a soundtrack but also as a reminder of the cosmic battles that awaited them beyond this apocalyptic city.

Amidst the chaos, just as they reached the goal, Anne fell victim to a surprise attack from a Volatile. A chunk of flesh was taken from her shoulder before Marcy's precise sniper shot ended the threat. Sasha, reacting swiftly, grabbed Anne and, despite the pain, dragged her towards the goal where a portal awaited.

With Anne in extreme pain, Sasha provided support, ensuring they reached the portal in time. Anne, using her remaining strength and her MR6 pistol, kept the encroaching zombies at bay as they crossed the threshold of the portal. The echoes of their struggle lingered in the city as the portal closed behind them, transporting them back to the safety of the advanced medical facilities aboard the Ark.
Sasha, in a moment of panic and concern, ripped off Anne's sleeve to inspect the wound from the Volatile attack. To her astonishment, the wound began to heal rapidly, mirroring the regeneration Marcy had demonstrated earlier when testing her own injury.

Realizing that he was right about the healing factor and all their bodies had undergone a profound transformation during the medical procedures, Sasha's initial panic shifted to a sense of awe. The trio now faced a new reality - enhanced not only with powerful weapons but also with bodies that could recover from injuries at an extraordinary pace. The mysteries surrounding their transformation deepened, setting the stage for further revelations and challenges in their cosmic journey.

Circus Baby, the animatronic entity reborn, stood in the doorway, observing the trio. Impressed by their survival and transformation, she offered a sincere yet unsettling praise. The atmosphere tensed as her presence added a layer of mystery to their situation. The trio, now equipped with newfound abilities, awaited further guidance in this enigmatic cosmic odyssey.

Circus Baby, after acknowledging the trio's efforts, informed them that the training for the day was complete. She advised them to eat and get some rest, providing a temporary respite from the challenges they had faced in the desolate city. The trio, now relieved of the immediate threats, prepared to follow her instructions, anticipating that the cosmic journey they had embarked upon held even more trials and revelations in the days to come.
In the quiet of the night, Marcy, engrossed in documenting the extraordinary events in her journal for her fanfic, noticed Circus Baby standing alone near a window, gazing at her reflection. The animatronic entity's presence seemed contemplative, as if caught in a moment of self-reflection.

Intrigued, Marcy couldn't help but wonder about the complexities and stories that might lie within Circus Baby's animatronic existence. The cosmic journey had not only brought them face to face with challenges but also with enigmatic figures, each carrying their own tales. The encounter hinted at a deeper connection between their destinies, further adding layers to the unfolding cosmic narrative.

Caught off guard by Marcy's approach, Circus Baby responded with a mix of surprise and panic. Attempting to deflect the incoming conversation, she resorted to childish insults, using words like "dummy" and "loser" to discourage Marcy from further inquiry.

The encounter left an awkward tension in the air as Marcy navigated the unexpected reaction. The mysteries surrounding Circus Baby and her connection to the organization deepened, and Marcy found herself contemplating the animatronic's peculiar behavior in the quiet corridors of the advanced medical facilities aboard the Ark.

In the midst of the tension, Marcy extended an empathetic offer to Circus Baby. She assured her that she could listen without judgment, sensing that something was amiss. The atmosphere shifted as the invitation hung in the air, leaving room for a potential revelation or connection that could bridge the gap between the enigmatic animatronic and the inquisitive strategist. The quiet exchange held the promise of unraveling layers of complexity within Circus Baby's existence and the larger cosmic narrative that bound their destinies together.

Circus Baby, with a gaze filled with a mix of sadness and frustration, opened up to Marcy. She expressed the deep turmoil within her animatronic existence, describing herself as a "freak," a "monster," and a machine with a history tainted by violence. She revealed a dark past, including tricking her own brother into the Scooping Room and later being discarded, only to rebuild herself and become a tool for her father. The mention of being burned by Henry added another layer of complexity to her narrative.
The revelation hung in the air, shedding light on the animatronic's internal struggles and the haunting experiences that had shaped her existence. Marcy, now privy to Circus Baby's painful history, had the choice to offer understanding and support or navigate the delicate balance between empathy and the enigmatic forces that surrounded them. Marcy, feeling sympathy, tried to tell her she wasn't a monster.

The vulnerable moment turned abruptly as Circus Baby, convinced of her monstrous nature, snapped and forcefully bound Marcy to the wall. The animatronic, exposing her metal endoskeleton behind the faceplate, questioned Marcy's perception, challenging her with the stark reality of her own appearance. "DOES THIS NOT LOOK LIKE A MONSTER TO YOU?" she exclaimed before releasing Marcy and turning away.
The encounter left Marcy grappling with the harsh dichotomy of Circus Baby's existence - a small child turned into a machine of destruction, haunted by a past of manipulation and violence. The animatronic's emotional turmoil added another layer to the intricate web of narratives intertwining within the cosmic journey, leaving Marcy to contemplate the complexities that defined their shared destinies.

Undeterred by the intense encounter, Marcy stood up and spoke with empathy and sincerity. Acknowledging the monstrous nature Circus Baby had been designed for, she reassured her that despite the destructive exterior, her soul remained intact. Marcy expressed empathy for the pain inherent in Circus Baby's existence and extended an olive branch, proposing friendship.
The offer hung in the air, creating a moment where the boundaries between machine and soul, monster and friend, blurred in the cosmic journey. The intricacies of their relationship held the potential to reshape destinies and unveil hidden depths within the enigmatic forces guiding their path.
In a moment that carried profound weight, Circus Baby, now revealing her true identity , uttered four simple words: "My name is Elizabeth." The revelation added a personal touch to the animatronic's existence, unveiling the human identity buried within the mechanical exterior.
As Elizabeth retreated into a room and closed the doors, Marcy was left to absorb the significance of the shared moment. The revelation hinted at a potential shift in their dynamic, offering a glimpse into the complexities of Elizabeth's past and the possibility of understanding and connection in the midst of the cosmic journey's mysteries.


Chapter 3: Chapter 3 The Boiling Isles


The mysterious man tasks the trio with capturing the collector and Ayzee but its easier said then done...

Chapter Text

Chapter 3 The Boiling Isles
After five months of relentless training, the trio had honed their skills and abilities to a level where they could face adversaries without fear of being overpowered. The culmination of their efforts marked the readiness for the next phase of their cosmic journey - the invasion of the boiling Isles.
Armed with the powers bestowed upon them, along with the weapons and training provided by the mysterious organization, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy stood prepared to confront the challenges that awaited them on the isles. The echoes of their past experiences and the revelations within the Ark set the stage for a formidable encounter with new worlds and adversaries. The trio, now a formidable force, prepared to embark on a mission that held the fate of multiple universes in the balance.

In the war room, the trio found themselves surrounded by generals and lieutenants, with Springtrap (Afton) and Circus Baby (Elizabeth) also seated on the other side as well. The mysterious man, still withholding his name, indicated three seats for Anne, Sasha, and Marcy. It was time for the trio to be briefed on the invasion plan that would unfold in the boiling Isles.
As they took their seats, the air in the room carried a mix of tension and anticipation, signaling the gravity of the mission ahead. The mysterious leader prepared to reveal the intricacies of the plan that would set the trio against new challenges and adversaries in the cosmic landscape.

As the plan unfolded on the live feed, showcasing the arena in the boiling Isles where Ayzee and her parents were enjoying the "flyer derby," the mysterious leader outlined the three-pronged attack. The first wave involved deploying machines to open portals connecting to zombie-infested cities-Harran and Banoi to cause a distraction and lure luz amity and Ayzee outside the stadium.

Team Bravo, including Afton, Baby, and the Nightmare animatronics, would arrive outside the arena to lure and capture the girl. Simultaneously, the Calamity trio, forming the third team, would distract the parents and assist in capturing the Collector, a child of the stars visiting his friend the Titan King Clawthorn but would 1st he would be watching the flyer derby game in a special booth.

With the complex plan laid out, the leader invited questions from the trio or anyone else in the room, emphasizing the need for clarity before the mission unfolded.

Anne asked why they had to kidnap the child and the Collector and how would this save Amphibia?

The man told the trio that the Collector has godly powers and could move planets with just a finger and could easily destroy the ark if given a chance. He assured the trio that kidnapping Ayzee and bringing her to him was crucial for saving Amphibia. Spinning an elaborate tale, he lied to them, claiming that the Boiling Isles housed magical weapons capable of destroying the Ark. According to his story, only the Collector could fully power these weapons with his unique magic. He emphasized that the weapons were designed to be ineffective against other witches, implying a level of safety and control. Additionally, he convinced the trio that keeping Ayzee with them until the Collector was dealt with would ensure their safety. He promised repeatedly that Ayzee would not be harmed in any way.

Sasha questioned the man, asking why they needed to go through with this plan, pointing out that the Boiling Isles were in a completely different universe.

The man countered her skepticism by explaining that the Isles were connected to the same Earth that Amphibia was linked to. He elaborated that an evil trio had brainwashed the inhabitants of the Isles to serve them and had even managed to convince the Collector to join their side. The man insisted that the only way to save Amphibia was by bringing both the Collector and Ayzee to him, as their combined presence was essential for thwarting the evil trio's plans. He reiterated that this course of action was crucial and assured Sasha that Ayzee would not be harmed.

The trio now understood the threat and reluctantly agreed to do it.
He asked everyone if they had any more questions.

Marcy Wu, with a keen eye for details, inquired about the drop-off point for the machines and expressed concern about the parents posing a potential challenge. The mysterious leader acknowledged her questions, providing concise answers to address their concerns.
"The drop-off point for the machines will be strategically chosen inside the arena, ensuring a swift and chaotic deployment. As for the parents, the Calamity Trio's role is to assist in managing any complications. We have contingency plans in place, and our focus is on a precise and efficient execution of the mission."
With the responses given, Marcy and the rest of the team could grasp the strategic nuances of the operation and prepare for the challenges ahead.
The mysterious leader emphasized a crucial aspect of the mission: the need to drop off the child (Ayzee) and the Collector at the Egg Carrier. To secure the success of the operation and prevent any potential rescue attempts, it was essential to execute this part of the plan with precision and efficiency.

As the trio absorbed this additional detail, the gravity of their mission became even more apparent. The intricacies of the plan underscored the importance of each team's role in ensuring the safe extraction of the targeted individuals and the prevention of any interference.

As the leader concluded the briefing and asked for any final questions, the trio hesitated on their unspoken concerns. Wondering about the true purpose of kidnapping Ayzee, the Collector, and the involvement of Springtrap and Circus Baby, they chose to reserve their doubts for now, trusting that there was a larger plan in motion.

Preparing themselves for the imminent mission, the trio hoped that the answers to their lingering questions would reveal themselves in due time. With a sense of determination, they readied themselves for the challenges that awaited them in the boiling Isles.

Meanwhile on the Boiling isles
Amidst the excitement of the flyer derby, Luz Noceda, carrying a tray of snacks for her family, settled down next to her beloved wife, Amity. Ayzee, their enchanted child, sat wide-eyed, utterly absorbed in the exhilarating match unfolding before them. Willow and Hunter, in their competitive glory, dominated the enemy team with a score of 7-4.
The air was filled with cheers and camaraderie, creating an atmosphere of pure joy. Laughter echoed through the stadium as families and friends revealed the spectacle. However, this idyllic scene was about to take an unexpected and terrifying turn, casting a shadow over the carefree ambiance of the flyer derby.

In the midst of the cheers and jubilation, an unforeseen event unfolded, setting in motion a chain of events that would intertwine the lives of Luz, Amity, and Ayzee with the unfolding mission of the Calamity Trio.

The vibrant atmosphere in the stadium shifted abruptly as a series of unexpected events unfolded. From high above the sky, unidentified objects came hurtling down, narrowly missing a few players as they crashed onto the court. The once orderly flyer derby turned into a chaotic scene, with five more crashes occurring in the stadium itself.

In the stands, Luz and her family were struck with shock and disbelief as the unexpected calamity unfolded before their eyes. Alongside the gasps and murmurs of the spectators, they stood up, attempting to get a clearer view of the chaos that had disrupted the previously jubilant atmosphere of the flyer derby. Uncertainty hung in the air, leaving everyone in the stadium on edge, awaiting an explanation for the sudden turn of events.

The once-crashed machines, now roaring to life, triggered a nightmarish sequence of events. Portals began materializing around them, opening gateways to worlds on the brink of doom, infested with horrifying zombies and nightmarish abominations. The stadium, once a haven for joy and entertainment, was now transformed into a chaotic battleground where the line between reality and nightmare blurred.
Spectators, players, and families in the stands were thrust into a surreal situation as the portals unleashed a flood of creatures from these cursed realms. Panic spread like wildfire, and screams echoed through the stadium as people grappled with the sudden and terrifying intrusion of these otherworldly horrors into their lives.

Luz, Amity, and Ayzee found themselves caught in the midst of this surreal nightmare, their hearts pounding with fear and confusion as they tried to make sense of the unfolding chaos. Little did they know, the calamity that had befallen the flyer derby was only the beginning of a much larger and more ominous conspiracy that threatened not only the Boiling Isles but also the interconnected fate of worlds beyond their understanding.

Chaos erupted in the stadium as the relentless tide of zombies poured through the portals, launching frenzied attacks on anyone unfortunate enough to be in their path. The magical prowess of the witches among the spectators was put to the test as they conjured defensive spells to hold off the advancing horde.

Amidst the pandemonium, a group of witches valiantly attempted to create a barrier between the zombies and the panicked crowd. Their magical prowess manifested in flashes of light and bursts of energy, momentarily fending off the gruesome onslaught. Meanwhile, others took on the crucial task of evacuating those in immediate danger, guiding them to safety through the chaos that had engulfed the once-celebratory atmosphere of the stadium.

For Luz, Amity, and Ayzee, the surreal nightmare unfolded before them, as their peaceful day at the flyer derby transformed into a desperate struggle for survival. With uncertainty hanging in the air and the resonance of magic and mayhem echoing through the stadium, they found themselves caught in the crossfire of a battle that transcended the boundaries of their understanding.
In the midst of the chaos, Willow and Hunter, with urgency in their voices, found Luz and her family and directed them to seek refuge at the college where Eda and Lilith were presumably located. Amity, fueled by determination, insisted on staying and aiding in the battle with her abomination magic, but Luz, concerned for her safety, advised her to keep a safe distance from the zombies.
With a heartfelt hug between Luz and Amity, the trio parted ways. Luz, holding Ayzee close, ventured into the stadium, weaving through panicked crowds, desperately searching for an exit. The once-thriving atmosphere of the flyer derby had devolved into a nightmarish scene of destruction, and the urgent need for safety spurred them onward through the turmoil.
As the duo were running down a hall, A suicider zombie came limping out a side room.

A deafening explosion echoed through the stadium hallway as Luz instinctively swung her Palisman staff, Stringbean, at the approaching undead. The impact sent the creature flying, but she was too late. The blast engulfed the area in a blinding light that disoriented both her and Ayzee.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, Luz, in her desperation, accidentally grasped the hand of a stranger. Realizing her mistake, she turned around to search for her daughter, Ayzee, frantically calling out her name amidst the pandemonium.

But unbeknownst to Luz and her daughter Circus Baby found Ayzee first.

Circus Baby, using an illusion disc, expertly mimicked Luz's appearance and voice to gently guide Ayzee through the chaos of the stadium.

"Don't worry, dear, there's a secret path through the woods. It might be a bit dark, but it's much safer than the chaos back there. Your parents are aware, and they'll catch up with us soon," she explained, maintaining an illusion of safety.

The ominous shadows of the dense forest enveloped them as they ventured deeper into the unknown. Ayzee, trusting the familiar voice and believing in the promised safety, followed Circus Baby with a mix of curiosity and innocence, completely oblivious to the sinister agenda behind the comforting façade.

But as they walked, Ayzee replayed what was said to her. Luz doesn't talk like that, and why would she say "your parents"? Ayzee was confused since Luz is one of her mothers and Amity was still back at the stadium. Her curiosity was helping her figure out that something wasn't right.

"Ayzee stopped where she was and jerked her hand away from "Luz". "What do you mean 'your parents'? You're here and Mom's back at the stadium.”

"Circus Baby, still maintaining the illusion, hesitated for a moment. She realized her mistake and corrected herself. She then leaned in with a sly smile, her mechanical eyes glinting. "I meant your grandma Eda. I'm just still processing everything that's happening." Ayzee, now both curious and confused, listened intently, her innocent gaze fixed on the imposter who wore her mother's guise. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath as the truth lingered in the shadows.”

Circus Baby paused for a moment as the illusion wavered slightly. She adjusted her tone to feign reassurance, "We need to keep going to get to Eda and Lilith”

Ayzee started to trust her more and started to agree, but was now noticing odd things about her mother's appearance. She looked off and didn't have that determined look she always had. On top of that, her hands were cold and smoother than they were earlier, like they were made of some kind of polished metal.

Ayzee, knowing something was definitely wrong, asked "Luz" if she thinks the witches back in the arena will be okay. Circus baby replied coldly saying that it was not important.

Ayzee, now having her suspicions confirmed, knew the real Luz would never say something that cold and heartless. She pulled out a fire glyph, let go of Circus Baby's hand, and backed up before activating it.

The fire glyph burst into flames as Circus Baby skillfully dodged the attack. Ayzee, fueled by suspicion and the instinct for self-preservation, swiftly drew another glyph, this time infused with ice magic, and cast it toward the illusionary figure. The icy spell collided with Baby's illusion, causing it to flicker and distort.

Ayzee, now on guard, demanded, "Tell me the truth. Who are you really?"
Circus Baby giggled, "Oh well, guess we got to do this hard way", before lunging at Ayzee

As Ayzee sprinted through the thicket, Baby, now in pursuit, was joined by the nightmare animatronics. The nightmares, grotesque and menacing, closed in on Ayzee, attempting to block her path and cut off any possible way out.

Ayzee continued sprinting through the dense woods, her heart pounding with each step. The unnerving presence of the nightmares and Circus Baby fueled her determination to escape. However, as she looked over her shoulder, she collided with Springtrap.

The metallic grip of Springtrap closed around Ayzee, trapping her in his cold, unyielding grasp. Before she could react, he swiftly injected a tranquilizer into her shoulder. The world around her started to blur as the drug took effect, and the last thing Ayzee saw was the ominous grin on Springtrap's face. Carrying her limp form effortlessly, he made his way towards the awaiting helicopter, leaving the haunting woods behind.
Luz's heart sank as she caught up and witnessed the horrifying sight of her daughter being carried away by Springtrap followed by circus babies and the nightmares. Fear and desperation surged through her as she chased after them, propelled by her Palisman, Stringbean. The eerie atmosphere of the dark forest heightened the tension, and Luz's mind raced with thoughts of how to rescue Ayzee from this nightmarish creature.

As she closed in on the ominous helicopter, the twisted animatronic figure of Springtrap became clearer, sending shivers down her spine. She could only hope that she would reach Ayzee in time to save her from the clutches of this menacing abductor.

Luz approached and demanded to know who they were and what they were doing with her daughter.

Springtrap, his cold, metallic eyes fixated on Luz, grinned eerily. He responded with a distorted, hollow voice, "Oh, my dear, I'm just a humble servant. As for your daughter, she's an integral part of our grand plan."
Luz, fueled by anger and worry, raised her Palisman staff, ready to unleash her magical abilities. "Release her now, or you'll face consequences you can't imagine!"

Before Springtrap could respond, the helicopter's engines roared to life, drowning out any further conversation. The animatronic villain swiftly boarded, taking Ayzee with him. As the helicopter ascended into the night sky, Luz was left standing in the clearing, vowing to rescue her daughter and confront the dark forces responsible for the chaos.

Luz closed her eyes and transformed into her titan form by using her connection to king Clawthorn.
As Luz, now in her powerful titan form, soared through the night sky in her purple glyph bubble, determination burned in her eyes. She could feel the link with King Clawthorn, the last remaining titan, coursing through her veins, granting her immense strength and magic.

The helicopter carrying Ayzee and the sinister operatives continued its journey, unaware of the impending threat. Luz approached the vehicle, her form casting a shadow over the night. With a mighty roar, she summoned powerful screams of magic to destabilize the helicopter.
Inside the aircraft, Ayzee, still groggy from the tranquilizer, began to regain consciousness. She found herself caught between the clutches of Springtrap and the possibility of the helicopter crashing if it didn't restabilize.

The helicopter, buffeted by the magical screams, started to lose altitude. Luz, fueled by the love for her daughter and the titan's might, was determined to rescue Ayzee from the clutches of these malevolent forces.

Aboard the helicopter, the pilot deployed a flare; the flare illuminated the intense situation. The trio, still tailing the Collector, noticed the sudden distress signal. The collector, sensing Luz's immense energy, flies towards her for safety knowing together they can win.

Anne spotted the flare and knew they needed her help flew towards it.
As Anne soared towards the flare, the night sky became a battlefield. The haunting melodies of "115" played, setting the tone for the impending clash. The moon's glow revealed the chaos below: zombies swarming, helicopters faltering, and titan luz dominating the sky.

The aircraft descended rapidly, caught in Luz's magical tempest. Anne, ready to defend the helicopter from the threat, intercepted the helicopter's descent. Her blue-calamity form glowed with power as she manipulated the gravitational forces, slowing the fall.

As Anne reached the helicopter, the Collector, Sasha, and Marcy also caught up, forming a tense tableau in the night sky. The Collector pleaded for a resolution that wouldn't end in violence, hoping to find common ground.
The fate of the isles and the well-being of Ayzee hung in the balance as Anne, Sasha, and Marcy confronted the Collector, each with their own resolve and the weight of their past on their shoulders.

In the chaotic dance of powers, Anne faced off against Luz, clashing in mid-air. The magical glow of Anne's blue-calamity form countered the intricate glyph magic summoned by Luz, creating a stunning spectacle of light and energy. Anne, driven by her mission and the looming threat, fought with unwavering determination.

Meanwhile, Sasha and Marcy confronted the Collector, whose once composed demeanor had shifted to fury. Sasha wielded the fiery bow, sending arcs of flames towards the Collector, while Marcy showcased her newfound sniper skills, taking precise shots with her enhanced weapon. The Collector, caught off guard by their coordinated assault, struggled to maintain his pacifist stance amidst the onslaught.

The night sky became a battleground for conflicting forces - Anne versus Luz, and Sasha and Marcy against the Collector. As the clash intensified, it was unclear if diplomacy or confrontation would ultimately shape the destiny of the isles and decide the fate of Ayzee.

Anne's pack-a-punched MR6 pistols unleashed a hailstorm of bullets The bullets carried a mystic energy, weaving through the air with unnatural precision. Luz, caught off guard by the unexpected firepower, creates protective barriers, barricading herself from the relentless barrage

In the midst of the chaos, the Collector attempted to calm the situation, but Sasha, fueled by the fiery power of her bow, pressed on.
Marcy, ever the strategist, aimed her sniper at the Collector. The modified weapon fired charged shots, each finding its mark with uncanny accuracy. The Collector, unable to withstand the focused assault, grappled with the decision to retaliate or continue his efforts at diplomacy.

As Anne, Sasha, Marcy, and Luz clashed, the fate of Ayzee and the isles hung in the balance. The battles unfolding in the night sky would determine the path of this interdimensional conflict.
The Collector, now understanding that he needs to fight, produced powerful magical blasts to try and take down Sasha and Marcy.

The Collector's cosmic onslaught intensified as he summoned celestial energies, creating a dazzling display of colors in the night sky. Watcher stars whirled around the trio, their hypnotic glow threatening to ensnare their minds.
Sasha, with her fiery bow, attempted to disrupt the cosmic assault by launching volleys of flaming arrows towards the Collector. Marcy, maintaining her sniper position, focused on precise shots to disrupt the cosmic constructs. Anne, wielding her pack-a-punched MR6 pistols, fired mystic bullets that shimmered with an otherworldly glow.

Luz knowing she needs to beat the calamity trio 1st before rescuing her daughter told the Collector ''We need to fight together to beat them" he agreed. The Collector, ready to continue fighting, felt a pain coming from his back. Marcy was able to fly to the ground unnoticed, take aim and shoot him in the back with her sniper. The Collector fell to the ground where Marcy grabbed his body and told the duo to finish off Luz and leave.
Anne and Sasha, with determination in their eyes, faced Luz, who was still in her titan form. The battle between the duo and the powerful titan unfolded with dazzling displays of magic and calamity powers.

Anne, using her pack-a-punched MR6 pistols, fired shots infused with calamity energy, aiming to break through Luz's magical defenses. Sasha, with her fire bow, unleashed fiery arrows, creating a barrier of flames to keep Luz at bay. The clash of elemental forces echoed through the stadium.

Luz, in her titan form, countered with glyph-enhanced attacks, summoning magical constructs to deflect bullets and arrows. The battlefield became a chaotic spectacle of magical and calamitous energies colliding.
As the battle reached its peak, Anne and Sasha, utilizing their enhanced powers and weapons, managed to weaken Luz's defenses. With a coordinated effort, they created an opening in Luz's magical shield, Anne shot an energy blast hitting luz and forcing her to return to her normal form and hit the ground.
With Luz no longer a threat, the trio regrouped with Marcy carrying the defeated collector, and arrived on the egg carrier. The mysterious man overseeing the mission signaled the success of the operation, but questions lingered about the purpose of this kidnapping and the fate of Ayzee.
As the chaos settled, the trio, now facing an uncertain future, prepared for the next phase of their mission. The stadium and its surroundings were left in disarray, and the consequences of their actions would unfold in the days to come.
With a press of a button on the remote, the man initiated a sequence that destroyed the portal machines and severed the connection to the zombie-infested worlds. The remnants of the portals dissipated,dissipated, killing the zombies and leaving the stadium free from the otherworldly threat.

As the eerie silence settled over the isles, the trio, still recovering from the intense battle, looked to the man for answers. It was a moment of respite, but the mysteries surrounding their mission and the true motives of the organization lingered.

The man, unfazed by the chaos around him, addressed the trio. "This was just the beginning. There is much more you need to learn, and challenges yet to face. Prepare yourselves for what lies ahead."

With that ominous declaration, the man led them into the egg carrier, leaving the isles in the aftermath of the supernatural invasion. The trio, burdened with questions, began to realize that their journey was far from over, and the true nature of their role in this grand scheme was still shrouded in uncertainty.
In the dimly lit prison cell, Ayzee found herself confined, the cold metal walls closing in on her.

The air was heavy with the scent of despair as she pondered her fate. The distant echoes of the ongoing events outside her cell served as a reminder of the chaos she was unwittingly entangled in.

Meanwhile, the collector, weakened and defeated, was escorted to a mysterious machine. The cold, clinical environment suggested a procedure beyond the comprehension of any regular medical facility. Strapped to the apparatus, he awaited the extraction of his blood, an ominous process that promised both life and death in equal measure.

As the organization's machinations continued, Ayzee and the collector found themselves at the mercy of forces far beyond their understanding. The grand plan unfolded with each calculated move, leaving a trail of unanswered questions and an uncertain fate for those caught in its web.
The humming of machinery filled the sterile room as the scientist meticulously initiated the extraction process. The collector, bound to the ominous apparatus, could feel the life force draining from him. The room pulsated with an eerie energy as the mysterious machine performed its macabre task.
As the extraction progressed, the collector's features contorted in agony, his cosmic essence being siphoned away. Tubes and wires connected him to the intricate mechanism, each connection symbolizing another step closer to his demise. The room seemed to echo with the solemnity of a ritual, a ritual that promised power to those who orchestrated it, at the cost of a life.

Outside the chamber, the organization's members moved with purpose, unaware or indifferent to the life slipping away within the confines of the extraction room. The collector's sacrifice was a vital component in their grand design, a design that transcended the boundaries of morality and ventured into the realm of cosmic manipulation.

As the collector's consciousness waned, a final surge of energy coursed through the machine, completing the extraction process. His life force extinguished, the collector's body slumped in the restraints, an unwitting pawn in the organization's pursuit of otherworldly dominance.

Luz lay on the ground, the aftermath of the fierce battle evident in the wounds she had sustained. Her mind raced with thoughts of failure and concern for her daughter, Ayzee. The stadium, once filled with the joy of a flyer derby, now echoed with the lingering sounds of conflict and despair.

Bruised and battered, Luz couldn't shake the guilt that gnawed at her. She believed in her abilities as a witch, but the events of the day had shown her the limitations of her powers. Her daughter, taken by the animatronic abomination known as Springtrap, remained in the clutches of the organization orchestrating the chaos.
Luz's gaze fixated on the sky, where the remnants of the chaotic battle still lingered. The sense of failure weighed heavy on her shoulders, and she questioned whether she had what it took to face the dark forces that now threatened the isles. The injuries she sustained served as a painful reminder of the consequences that befell her and her loved ones.

Amidst the wreckage, Luz's determination flickered like a dwindling flame. However, a spark of resilience ignited within her. The well-being of her daughter became the driving force behind her resolve. She couldn't let fear and doubt consume her; instead, she needed to find the strength to rise again.
With a deep breath, Luz pushed herself up from the ground. The battle might have been lost, but the war was far from over. Clutching her staff, she cast a spell to ease her injuries, and with renewed determination, she set off to face the challenges ahead, ready to confront the shadows that threatened the isles and rescue her daughter from the clutches of darkness.

Amity's eyes widened with concern and fear as she saw the state of Luz, battered and bruised from the fierce battle. She rushed to her wife's side, a mixture of relief and worry in her eyes. Emera, skilled in the art of magical healing, quickly joined them, her hands glowing with a soft, healing light.
"Luz, what happened? Where's Ayzee?" Amity asked, her voice filled with urgency and anxiety.

Luz took a deep breath, recounting the events that unfolded - the sudden invasion, the chaos in the stadium, and the abduction of their daughter by Springtrap. As she spoke, Amity's expression shifted from concern to a mix of anger and despair.
"No... Ayzee," Amity whispered, her heart sinking at the realization of the danger their daughter was in.
Emera worked diligently, using her magical abilities to accelerate the healing process. The gentle glow of her hands enveloped Luz's wounds, mending the broken skin and soothing the pain. Despite the magical mending, the emotional wounds ran deep.

"I failed her, Amity," Luz admitted, a hint of guilt in her voice. "But I won't stop until I get her back. We'll get her back."
Amity, while devastated by the news, locked eyes with Luz, determination burning in her gaze. "We'll find her, Luz. No matter what it takes."
United in their resolve, Luz, Amity, and Emera prepared to face the challenges ahead. The isles may have been shaken by the recent events, but the fight for their family was far from over. With renewed determination, they set out to rescue Ayzee and confront the looming threat that cast a shadow over their beloved home.

Luz, Amity, and Emera joined Hunter and Willow, the group gathering in a quiet corner of the stadium where they could discuss the unfolding crisis.
"Luz, what happened out there?" Willow asked, her eyes reflecting concern and worry.

Taking a deep breath, Luz recounted what happened when she tried to escape with Ayzee- The exploding zombie, Ayzee being lured away by a robot clown girl, and her being drugged and transported away on a helicopter, and the fight against the 3 strangers with overwhelming power. Amity listened with a mix of anger and despair, her grip on Luz's hand tightening as she heard about their daughter's perilous situation.

Hunter, known for his strategic mind, analyzed the situation. "These portals and zombies - it's a coordinated attack. But who's behind it? And was all this just to kidnap Ayzee?"

"We have to find Ayzee first," Amity asserted, her determination unwavering. "Luz, did you see where the helicopter was heading before you were beaten?"
"They were heading north towards Bonesborough" Luz explained, frustration evident in her voice.
Willow, with her plant magic, proposed, "Maybe we can use the plants to track her. They can sense changes in the environment.
The group agreed on the plan, and Willow summoned her magical vines to intertwine with the flora around them, creating a network of interconnected plants. The vines began to react, their movements indicating a disturbance.
"We've got a trail. It leads toward the outskirts of Bonesborough," Willow reported.
Hunter, determined to get answers, spoke, "Let's follow that trail. We need to find Ayzee and uncover the truth behind this attack."
The group, now a united front, set out on their mission, guided by the subtle movements of the enchanted vines. The journey to rescue Ayzee had begun, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the pursuit of their family.
As they were about to leave, Hunter stopped and asked wait where the collector could help us but luz told him that he was taken too...
Hunter frowned, the weight of the situation evident on his face. "He was taken too?"
Luz, still recovering from the physical toll of the battle, explained, "The people behind this attack - they took the Collector too. There's some larger plan at play, and we need to figure out what it is."

Willow, tapping into her plant magic, added, "The vines can guide us to the outskirts of Bonesborough, but we have to be cautious. Whatever force is behind this might have more traps in store for us."
Emera, who had been silently observing, spoke up, "We should also consider seeking help. This isn't just an isolated incident. If there's a coordinated attack on the Boiling Isles, other realms might be affected too."
Amity, determined to rescue her daughter, nodded. "We need a plan. Luz, can you use your connection with King to get any insights? Maybe he can provide some guidance."

Luz nodded, and with a moment of concentration, she reached out to King through their magical connection. As the communication unfolded, King's thoughts and emotions streamed into Luz's mind, giving them a glimpse of the situation from the titan's perspective.

"He senses danger in Bonesborough," Luz relayed the information. "We should be prepared for anything. Let's go, but stay vigilant."
The group, now aware of the potential dangers awaiting them, proceeded with caution. As they followed the enchanted vines leading to Bonesborough, the mysteries surrounding the coordinated attack deepened, and the urgency to rescue Ayzee and the Collector intensified.

Back on the egg carrier, the man satisfied with the complete mission was ready to depart from the realm. But a thought popped into his head. “wait a moment i wonder if that old fool belos the former emperor of the isles and witch hunter who was slain by luz the human had that recipe for grim walkers tucked away somewhere in the castle” he decided to check it out for himself so he boarded a helicopter to the now abandoned castle.
Luz and the gang were riding their respective palismans through Bonesborough looking for a helicopter that they could follow to wherever Ayzee was being held.

Gus spotted a black helicopter flying towards the old castle and pointed to it alerting Luz and the others.
Luz said that it looks like the one Ayzee was holding on and told the group to follow it.
As they approached the castle, the eerie stillness that enveloped the once-bustling structure sent shivers down their spines. The castle's ominous silhouette loomed against the dimly lit horizon, casting an imposing presence.
They saw the helicopter land and a single man exit and walk inside. Amity whispered "that guy looks important, you think he is the leader" Luz replied "I have a feeling he is, let's follow him and see if we can get him to give us Ayzee and the Collector back.

Luz, leading the group, glanced back at the others. "We need to be careful. If there's anything here, it's not going to be friendly. Stay close, and let's find out what they're up to."

The group landed in the castle courtyard, surrounded by the remnants of the past. Broken stone statues, overgrown vines, and the haunting echoes of lost magic filled the air. The man, unaware of the approaching group, entered the castle's main hall.

"This place bring back horrible memories" luz thought to herself
The group followed the signs of disturbance, navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the castle. The atmosphere grew more tense with each step, and Luz's instincts told her that they were getting closer to the heart of the mystery.
Finally, they reached the castle's library, where the man was seen flipping through ancient tomes and scrolls. Luz, peering from behind a bookshelf, saw the object of their pursuit.
"There he is," she whispered. "Let's find out what he's up to and why he's so interested in the castle."

The group prepared to confront the mysterious man, ready to uncover the secrets hidden within the walls of the Boiling Isles' forsaken castle.
The man who somehow knew their presence turned around with a sick twisted smile and shouted “LUZ AND AMITY MY FAVORITE BI COUPLE HOW ARE YOU OH IT'S A HONOR TO MEET YOU TWO oh and you brought the whole gang im honored.”

The man's unsettling smile widened as he talked to Luz, Amity, and the rest of the group. Undeterred by his unnerving demeanor, Luz stepped forward with determination.
"Who are you, and are you the one responsible for kidnapping my daughter?" she demanded.

The man gave a wide smile and admitted, "Yes, I'm the mastermind of that little operation. Many apologies for the zombies, but it was the only way to capture both her and the collector at the same time. Once I have the data I need, I'll return her to you, I promise."
"Why are you here then?" Amity chimed in.
"I just want the recipe for Grimwalkers," he replied.
Luz questioned him, her tone demanding answers. "What do you want with the recipe for Grimwalkers?"
The man chuckled, his demeanor shifting between friendliness and malice. "Oh, my dear, I have a deep interest in the arcane and the untapped potential of creatures like Grimwalkers. I seek knowledge, and the Boiling Isles hold many secrets."

Hunter, suspicious of the man's true intentions, tightened his grip on his staff. "Why should we believe anything you say? You brought death and suffering to our world."
The man's smile turned sly, and he tilted his head. "Ah, skepticism-a trait I've always admired. But let me assure you, we might have more in common than you think."
Amity, still wary, spoke up, "Common or not, you're not getting your hands on anything in this castle."
The man's eyes glinted with amusem*nt. "I admire your spirit, Amity Blight. But let me make a proposal. Help me find what I'm looking for, and I'll answer one question for each of you. Fair, isn't it?"
The group exchanged cautious glances, contemplating the offer. Luz, unwilling to trust the man, spoke with determination, "We won't be making any deals with you. We will rescue Ayzee and stop you from getting your hands on a Grimwalker book if it is here."
The man issued a warning, "Look, I don't want to kill you, but if you get in my way, I might be forced. Don't make me."
As the man's threatening words echoed through the castle chambers, Luz, Amity, and the rest of the group stood firm, undeterred by his ominous presence.
Luz defiantly responded, "We won't be intimidated by you. Whatever you're up to, we're here to put an end to it."
The man chuckled, his laughter echoing eerily in the castle halls. "Such bravery. But remember, curiosity killed the cat, and meddling in affairs beyond your understanding might lead to consequences you can't fathom."
Hunter, not one to back down, retorted, "We've faced powerful foes before. If you're in our way, we'll deal with you like any other threat."
With a wave of his hand, the man created a spectral barrier, blocking the group's path. "Very well, stubborn witches. You've made your choice. If you insist on meddling, face the consequences."

As the group prepared for a confrontation, the man disappeared in a swirl of dark energy, leaving an ominous presence behind. The air was thick with tension as Luz and her allies readied themselves for whatever he was planning
Suddenly the man reappeared behind them wielding a replica of the blades of chaos that were infused with flames so hot they could cut through steel.

The blades of chaos swung through the air, leaving trails of fiery arcs as the man lunged at Hunter with incredible speed. Hunter, a skilled combatant himself, narrowly avoided the initial onslaught, using illusion glyphs to create duplicates and disorient the attacker.
The man, seemingly enjoying the chaos he was causing, laughed maniacally. "Ah, the dance of combat! How exhilarating!"
Meanwhile, Luz, Amity, and the rest of the group ran to support Hunter. Amity used her abomination magic, creating barriers to protect the group, while Gus prepared his illusion magic to create distractions.
The man, undeterred by the defensive measures, unleashed a barrage of strikes with the blades, each swing carrying an unpredictable rhythm. Hunter skillfully dodged and countered, using his own weapons - a set of enchanted arrows - to keep the man at a distance.
As the battle raged on, Emera channeled healing magic to mend any injuries the group sustained. The air crackled with magical energy and the clash of weapons, creating an intense atmosphere within the ancient castle.
Luz, observing the fight, knew that defeating this mysterious adversary was crucial to uncovering the truth behind the recent events in the Isles. With determination in her eyes, she focused her magical energy, ready to join the fray when the right moment presented itself. The group was united, facing an unknown foe with blades that seemed to defy the very laws of reality.
The man, wielding the illusion disks, projected images of the loved ones of Luz, Amity, and the rest of the group. The illusion was so vivid that, for a moment, it seemed like their friends and family were standing before them.
Luz hesitated, momentarily captivated by the illusion of her mother. Amity, recognizing the trick, quickly shook her wife back to reality. "Luz, don't be fooled! It's just an illusion!"
Hunter, experiencing the same illusion with his family, gritted his teeth and dispelled the false images using his own illusion magic he learned from gus. "Stay focused! We can't let this distract us."
Despite their efforts to resist the emotional impact of the illusions, the group found themselves momentarily vulnerable. The man, taking advantage of their hesitation, resumed his assault with the blazing blades of chaos.
It was a fierce struggle, with the group having to battle not only the physical threat but also the emotional turmoil stirred by the illusions. Each swing of the blades created sparks and waves of heat, pushing them to their limits.
Gus, with his illusion expertise, attempted to counteract the man's tricks by creating illusions of their own. The battlefield became a chaotic mix of real and false images, as the two sides clashed in a surreal dance of magic and blades.
Amidst the chaos, Luz gathered her determination and focused on dispelling the illusions. She called upon her connection with the Titan king clawthorn, hoping to draw strength from that mysterious power. As her eyes glowed with newfound energy, she shouted, "Enough of your tricks! We won't be deceived!"
With a surge of magical energy, Luz unleashed a titan screech with the power she managed to gather from king that shattered the illusion disks, revealing the true battlefield. The group, now free from the emotional entanglements, prepared to face the man with renewed resolve.
The man's voice echoed through the space as he declared his supposed godhood. Luz, Amity, and the rest of the group exchanged determined glances, refusing to be intimidated by his grandiose claims.
Gus stepped forward, conjuring illusions that morphed into towering figures representing different mythological gods. "You may think you're a god, but there are plenty of gods out there, and I highly doubt you're one of them."
Hunter, wielding his staff, smirked. "If you're a god, then you're in for a rude awakening."
The man, undeterred, swung the blades of chaos with newfound ferocity. The clash intensified as magic, illusions, and weapons collided in a chaotic symphony.
As the battle raged on, Luz tapped into her growing connection with king. She felt a surge of energy, and her glyphs glowed even brighter. With a determined expression, she channeled the newfound power into her staff, creating a burst of light that temporarily blinded the man.
Seizing the opportunity, Amity cast a powerful abomination binding spell, restricting the man's movements. "You may have some tricks, but you're not invincible."
The man struggled against the magical bindings, his godly facade beginning to crumble. The group, unified and resolute, pressed the attack. Hunter, using his teleportation magic tried flanking him, but the man escaped the bonds and blocked his attack.

The man, now realizing the depth of the challenge he faced, shouted defiantly, "You may win this battle, but you cannot defy fate!"
With a final surge of combined effort, the group overwhelmed the man, causing him to retreat. As he vanished from their sight with help from the smoke grenades he deployed, Luz yelled, "We may not be gods, but we are defenders of our world, and that makes us stronger."

The group, having faced this unexpected adversary, stood together with newfound determination, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.
But it was only another illusion. The man hung from the ceiling, ready to strike. He dropped down, grabbing Emira by the throat and shouted, "I'VE KILLED GODS, AND YOU ALL WILL BE MY PAWNS IN THE CALAMITY TRIO'S CORRUPTION!" With a twist of his hand, he slit Emira's throat, taking her life before throwing her body against a bookcase.

The shock and horror reverberated through the group as they witnessed the brutal demise of Emera, Amity's sister. The man's malicious laughter mixed with a tinge of regret and madness echoed in the chamber, taunting them with the fragility of their existence.
Luz's eyes flared with a mix of grief and rage. "You monster! What have you done?"
But the man, mostly unfazed, continued his sad*stic proclamation. "The Calamity Trio will be corrupted, and you will all bow before me."
With a flick of his wrist, he conjured illusions of the Calamity Trio, distorting their images into grotesque, nightmarish versions of themselves. The once vibrant and heroic figures now appeared corrupted and twisted.
As the illusions of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy started to act in disturbing ways, the man's laughter filled the chamber.

The fate of the Calamity Trio hung in the balance as the man's malevolent machinations threatened to unravel the very fabric of both worlds.
As the man reveled in his cruel mockery, Luz, Amity, and the remaining members of the group felt a renewed surge of anger and determination. The loss of Emera and the threat to Ayzee only fueled their resolve to stop this sad*stic madman.

Luz, her eyes blazing with an intense fury, shouted, "You won't get away with this! We'll stop you, and Ayzee will be free!"
But the man, unfazed by their defiance, continued to taunt them. "You can try, but I have powers beyond your comprehension. Ayzee will be mine, and there's nothing you can do to change that."

The group, despite the odds, prepared themselves for a confrontation. They knew that facing this formidable foe would be a daunting task, but the safety of Ayzee hung in the balance. As they steeled themselves for what lay ahead, the man vanished from their sight, leaving them with a chilling sense of impending doom.

As the man returned to the helicopter, he coldly ordered a series of missile strikes on the once-proud castle. The once-majestic structure, a symbol of the Isles' authority, was now destined to crumble under the relentless assault.
The group, who narrowly escaped and were now watching from a distance, could only feel a sense of profound sadness as the castle, still with Emera's body in it, was obliterated in a storm of fiery explosions. But amidst the wreckage, Luz, Amity, and the others found a renewed determination to confront the man responsible for the destruction.

With the castle now reduced to ruins, the man's helicopter soared into the dark sky, leaving behind a smoky trail of destruction. The group knew they had to regroup, gather their strength, and uncover a way to stop this powerful adversary before more lives were lost, and the entire realm fell into his grasp.

Amity, now fully realizing the death of her older sister, dropped to her knees and began to cry. Mourning the death of her sister to that man.

Luz hugged her wife, "I know it hurts, but we can't let her death be in vain". Amity gets up and takes a few minutes to compose herself. She vows revenge.

"He will pay for what he's done"

As the remnants of the castle smoldered behind them, the group quickly gathered to discuss their plan. Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow, Gus, and the others knew that time was of the essence. They decided that targeting the man's ship was their best chance at trapping him and turning the tide.
Using their palismans, they swiftly traveled to where the man's ominous ship loomed in the distance. It was a massive vessel, surrounded by an air of malevolence, but they were determined to confront the man and put an end to his reign of chaos.

As they approached the ship, the man, seemingly aware of their intentions, unleashed a barrage of cannon fire and missles, attempting to thwart their advance. The group, fueled by a mix of determination and desperation, dodged and countered the attacks.

In the midst of the intense aerial battle, Luz unleashed her Titan form once again, creating a protective barrier for her allies as they closed in on the ship. Amity's abomination magic, Hunter's archery skills, and Willow's plant-based spells complemented each other, creating a formidable force against the man's defenses.

Finally, they reached the ship's hull, and the group prepared for a coordinated assault. The man, now realizing the severity of the situation, Activated all the ship's outer defenses to stop the group from advancing.

As the battle raged on, the group pressed forward, determined to breach the ship's defenses and confront the man directly. Little did they know that even greater challenges awaited them within the heart of the vessel, where the true nature of their adversary's power was yet to be revealed. The fate of the Isles hung in the balance as the clash between light and darkness intensified.
Navigating through the intricate network of the ship's Skydeck proved to be a daunting challenge. The group faced a barrage of obstacles, from automated turrets to collapsing platforms and gravity-defying hazards. Each step forward was met with resistance as the man's defenses seemed insurmountable.
Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow, Gus, and the others worked in unison, combining their unique abilities to overcome the ever-increasing challenges. Luz's Titan form provided a shield against incoming attacks, while Hunter's precision archery skills took down distant threats. Amity's abomination magic manipulated the ship's architecture, creating temporary safe passages for the group.

As they progressed, the man taunted them through holographic projections, his voice echoing through the chaotic Skydeck. "You think you can challenge a god? Pathetic insects! Your futile attempts amuse me."

The group pressed on, determined to reach the core of the ship and confront the man. The air crackled with magical energy and the whirring of machinery. Despite the adversity, their resolve remained unbroken.
They reached a critical juncture, a massive chamber that housed the ship's main control center. The man, aware of their proximity, intensified his attacks. The Skydeck transformed into a labyrinth of shifting platforms, creating a dynamic battlefield.

With synchronized precision, the group navigated the treacherous environment, dodging energy blasts and retaliating against the ship's defenses. Every leap, every spell, and every arrow brought them closer to their goal.

Finally, they reached the entrance of the control center. The man, still confident in his godlike power, awaited their arrival. The battle on the Skydeck had been a test of their strength, but the true challenge awaited them within the heart of the ship. As they entered the control center, the man's malevolent laughter echoed, signaling the beginning of the final confrontation. Or so they thought.

Once they opened the door, they realized it was a trap. In front of them stood in the ignited animatronics, horrifying machines that oozed a strange liquid and were immune to fire. They looked like the original animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's and were extremely dangerous. They started taunting crew by singing "we know what scares you".

The sight of the Ignited Animatronics sent a shiver down the spines of the group. These nightmarish creations, fueled by agony and possessing an unsettling sentience, moved towards them with an eerie rhythm. Their mechanical limbs creaked and strained, and the haunting melody of their taunting song echoed through the chamber.

Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow, Gus, prepared for the encounter, weapons drawn and magical abilities at the ready. The Ignited Animatronics, however, seemed impervious to their attacks. Fire, the very element that should have been their weakness, only fueled their relentless pursuit.

As the group fought to hold their ground, the Ignited Animatronics exhibited a level of coordination that surpassed any expectation. Bonnie's mechanical claws slashed through the air, Chica's fiery gaze burned with malevolence, Foxy's rapid movements defied the laws of machinery, and Freddy, the orchestrator of this nightmare, directed their unholy symphony.
The battle raged on, each member of the group facing their own personal nightmare. The relentless onslaught of the Ignited Animatronics left no room for respite. Amidst the chaos, the man's laughter echoed, amplifying the dissonance of the macabre scene.

But as the group faced the relentless onslaught, they also began to notice patterns in the Animatronics' attacks. Each movement, each note of their haunting song, hinted at a vulnerability waiting to be exploited.
Luz, with her now activated Titan abilities, focused on shielding her allies from the Animatronics' assaults. Amity, drawing on her abomination magic, sought to disrupt the Animatronics' coordination. Hunter's precise archery targeted specific joints and mechanisms, while Willow's plant magic aimed to entangle and restrain.

Despite the overwhelming odds, the group fought with unwavering determination. The battle against the Ignited Animatronics became a test of resilience, strategy, and teamwork. Little by little, they began to unravel the mystery of these mechanical horrors, inching closer to victory in the heart of the ship.

`Seeing that the ignited animatronics might not be enough, the man remotely opened three doors letting in agony fuel endoskeletons`

The emergence of the endoskeletons added a new layer of complexity to the already chaotic battle. Their metallic limbs moved with unnerving precision as they closed in on Luz, Amity, Gus, Hunter, and Willow. The group, now facing a dual threat from both the relentless Ignited Animatronics and the agile endoskeletons, had to adapt quickly.

Luz, harnessing her Titan form, focused on creating protective barriers to shield her friends from the relentless attacks. Amity's abomination magic, usually used to create monsters and weapons, was adapted to interfere with the endoskeletons' intricate machinery, causing momentary malfunctions. Gus summoned illusions to confuse and divert the attention of the metallic foes, creating openings for strategic strikes.

Hunter, relying on his keen archery skills, aimed precise shots at the vulnerable joints and critical points of the endoskeletons. Willow's plant magic entwined around the metallic limbs, attempting to immobilize and restrain their movements. The palismans, summoned by each of them, added an extra layer of magical attacks to the fray.

Despite the odds stacked against them, the group's cohesion and adaptability proved to be their greatest strengths. Each member, leveraging their unique abilities and experiences, contributed to the intricate dance of combat. The echoes of clashing metal, elemental magic, and haunting melodies reverberated through the confined space of the ship.
As the battle unfolded, the man's voice echoed over the intercom, taunting and reveling in the chaos he had orchestrated. The group, fueled by determination and the need to save Ayzee and stop the man's plans, managed to destroy the animatronic threats.
Luz and the gang ran through one of the doors the endoskeletons came from and found themselves running down a hall.

Navigating through the labyrinthine corridors of the egg carrier, Luz, Amity, Gus, Hunter, and Willow continued their relentless pursuit of Ayzee and the Collector. The ship seemed to warp and twist, a manifestation of the mysterious man's illusions, making it challenging for them to discern reality from deception.

As they progressed deeper into the vessel, they encountered holographic projections of disturbing scenes - twisted versions of Ayzee, their loved ones suffering, and glimpses of the man reveling in their torment. These illusions served as both distractions and psychological warfare, testing the resolve of the group.

Eventually, they reached a room shrouded in an otherworldly aura, the air thick with a foreboding presence. There, they discovered Ayzee restrained and unconscious, connected to a strange device. The Collector, drained, lay nearby, his life force gone.

The man's voice echoed through the room, taunting them once again. "Ah, the heroes arrive! But it's too late. The Collector's essence will serve a greater purpose. Witness the dawn of a new era!"
As the group approached, the man initiated a series of illusions, attempting to confuse and disorient them. Gus, using his expertise in illusions, countered with a barrage of his own, creating a chaotic dance of distorted realities.
Luz and Amity focused on freeing Ayzee from the device, delicately dismantling the intricate machinery with precise strikes and magical assistance. Hunter willow and gus, stood guard, shielding her friends from any potential attacks.

`As the duo freed Ayzee from the table, her eyes opened. Seeing Amity and Luz, she instinctively hugged her mothers, telling them she was scared and afraid she'd never see them again. They held each other in a warm wholesome embrace.`

But it wouldn't last as Ayzee pulled out 2 syringes of a mysterious liquid and stabbed both of her mothers in the back injecting it before pushing them away with a giggle.

Luz and Amity, confused, looked up at Ayzee, but to their horror, standing there was Circus baby who had use an illusion disc to mask herself.
`She told them she was a master of pretending and to enjoy a gift from the big boss himself. Expecting the syringes to be filled with poison, she waited for the two to die. To her shock, their wounds had healed and they felt refreshed and re-energized.

`circus baby question though they weren't dead and somehow alive and healed. Knowing she wouldn't be able to beat the whole group, she retreated before she could be captured.`

Puzzled by the infusion of this injection, Luz and Amity pressed on through the unfamiliar corridors of the ship. Their journey led them to a room illuminated by an eerie light emanating from the floor. The room's atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and the revelation awaiting them sent shivers down their spines.

To their astonishment, the man, accompanied by the real Ayzee, stood within the confines of the room. A gun held firmly to Ayzee's head painted a grim tableau. Baby, standing nearby, displayed an unexpected reaction as the man surprised everyone with an unexpected apology.
In a sudden departure from his psychopathic facade, the man confessed his sorrow and regret to Luz and Amity, revealing that his actions were not intended to inflict harm upon them. Instead, he claimed that his orchestrated ordeal was a means to push the Calamity Trio down a certain path he laid out for them.

The room hung heavy with a mix of tension, revelation, and an uneasy truce. Luz, Amity, and the others grappled with the complexity of the man's motives and the unexpected twist in their encounter. The true nature of the man's intentions was gradually coming to light, leaving the group to question the path ahead and the ultimate purpose of their entanglement in this elaborate scheme.

Distrust and skepticism gripped Luz, Amity, and the others as they confronted the man about his sudden change in attitude. The air in the room hung heavy with tension as they sought clarity amid the enigmatic circ*mstances.
Amidst the uncertainty, Luz was the first to voice the collective doubt. "Why the sudden change of heart?" she questioned, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. The man, still holding the gun, glanced between the group and Ayzee, a complex expression flickering across his face.
In response, the man offered a cryptic smile, an unsettling blend of sincerity and mystery. "You see, I never wanted to fight you all. I just needed the collector blood and your daughter to run a few tests on. But you forced my hand at the castle, and I had to act. I couldn't let you put a stop to my plans. I even tried acting like a psycho to deter you all from continuing, but I was a fool. I'm sorry, Amity, for killing Emera. I got carried away, and ... I lost sight of why I was fighting you all. I also tricked Circus Baby here into injecting the two of you with a substance known as Juggernaut to heal you as a token with my sorrow.`
Amity looked at him with disgust and anger. "I will never forgive you for what you've done, and we don't care if this isn't what you want. You killed innocent people and my sister. You will die for that."

`Luz annoyed by the man's cryptic responses asked "Alright, you keep talking about this Calamity trio, are those the three girls I fought earlier?"`

The man agreed saying, "Yes, and you'll see them again. They're on their way here as we speak, and I just want to thank you for helping me mold them into what they need to be"

Luz, still confused, wanted to ask him what he meant, but knew he was just wasting time. "We'll figure it out on our own, and Amity is right, you will be brought to justice for what you did"
The man looked down and said, "I know you'll try, but you won't ever get that chance"

Abruptly, Springtrap made a dramatic entrance into the room, accompanied by Anne, Sasha, and Marcy. The trio, astounded by the perplexing scene unfolding before them, exchanged bewildered glances. Sasha, always straightforward, cut through the confusion. "Okay, what the hell is going on here?"

As Sasha voiced her inquiry, the man, holding Ayzee, released her, instructing her to walk directly towards Luz. Ayzee compiled, advancing cautiously towards the center of the room. The atmosphere crackled with tension as everyone awaited an explanation, their gazes fixed on the unfolding events.
Intriguingly, Ayzee stepped over the peculiar light in the middle of the room. Suddenly, a glass tube descended, encapsulating the girl within it for a fleeting moment. Just as swiftly, the tube launched back to the surface of the Isles, leaving the onlookers perplexed and eager for elucidation. The room's silence hung heavy, punctuated only by the lingering uncertainty of the unfolding narrative.
Luz and Amity were engulfed in gut-wrenching screams as they witnessed Ayzee plummeting towards the earth. The sense of helplessness gripped them, rendering their hearts heavy with dread. Before they could intervene, Springtrap and Baby swiftly seized them. The nauseating stench emanating from Afton's decaying corpse within the suit caused Luz to retch, while Amity, overcome by sorrow, found herself in tears.

Meanwhile, Hunter, Gus, and Willow were forcibly propelled through mysterious portals by an unseen force. They materialized outside the very house where Luz had first entered the Boiling Isles as a child, a place laden with memories both magical and painful. The abruptness of their expulsion left the trio disoriented and uncertain of their next steps. The abandoned house loomed over them, silent witness to the unfolding saga of calamity and consequence.

The man casually tossed a remote to Anne, who caught it with a mix of confusion and frustration etched on her face. As she held the remote, she shot an intense gaze at the man and demanded, "Alright, spill it. What's the grand plan here?"

The man told them that the plan has changed and this world is going to rise up to stop us from saving amphibia and we must put a stop to it before they can unite against us and that remote is the only thing keeping amphibia safe for now.

Sasha and Marcy exchanged perplexed glances, unsure of what to make of the unfolding situation. With a hesitant nod from Anne, the trio braced themselves for whatever revelations the mysterious remote might unveil.
The man, maintaining his cryptic demeanor, added a layer of gravity to the situation. "But I warn you," he intoned, "that remote, once pressed, will give the go-ahead to the Space Colony ARK control room to fire the Eclipse Cannon, obliterating this world."

He wove a narrative of betrayal, manipulating their emotions. "These intruders were here to kill you and destroy the ship, thus dooming Amphibia. We must squash this uprising." A dramatic pause followed, as he seemingly succumbed to remorse, shedding a single tear. "I only needed the girl for research, and she was going to be handed back to her parents. But they forced me to do this. I didn't want any of this." the man said with a pain in his tone
Luz and Amity, their faces etched with disbelief and anger, stood before the man, their voices echoing with a mix of accusation and realization. "he manipulated you," Luz spat out, "and you were foolish enough to trust him."
Amity, her eyes blazing with a fierce determination, added, "You won't get away with this. We will stop you, no matter what it takes."
Meanwhile, Anne, visibly shaken by the unfolding events, fumbled with the remote in her hands. The weight of the situation pressed upon her as she dropped it, a symbol of the control slipping away. Marcy, seemingly under the sway of the man's influence, picked up the remote with a determined expression.

Justifying her actions, Marcy revealed the green calamity gem implanted in her chest and spoke with a conviction that sent shivers down everyone's spine. "If this man can help us protect our world, we have no choice. We can't let it fall and domino told us to trust him."
Tears welled up in Marcy's eyes as she attempted to press the button, succumbing to the persuasive force that clouded her judgment. But Anne, quick to act, intervened, taking the remote back with a firm grip.

Amity and Luz, released from there holds, rushed to the window, only to witness the devastating moment as the cannon opened, and a sinister green light built up before unleashing its destructive force, obliterating the isles forever. The weight of failure hung heavy on Luz's shoulders, a crushing realization that she couldn't save the world she cherished.
a crazy grin appeared on the once happy luz as she lost it swearing at the man and trio saying things soo graphic it would make anyone look away in horror

Luz, consumed by a maddening despair, unleashed a torrent of obscenities and graphic curses at the man and the calamity trio. Her once joyous demeanor twisted into a visage of rage and despair, creating a spectacle that would horrify anyone witnessing the unraveling of her sanity.
In a moment of twisted remorse, the man, burdened by the weight of his actions, approached the wailing Luz.

With an unnatural strength, he seized her and, with a gut-wrenching scream, expressed his regret. "I loved that world too, it brought me joy," he confessed, but asserted that it had to be done. With an almost reluctant force, he hurled Luz towards Amity Blight, allowing her to catch the sobbing girl in her arms.
Suddenly the duo were thrown through a portal to the outside of the house on earth where the others were sent earlier. Hunter ran up to them and asked what happened. Luz and Amity looked at each other before telling Hunter and the others.

They explained the grim truth: The Boiling Isles were no more. The man, driven by his own twisted logic, had initiated the destruction of the world they once knew. The Eclipse Cannon had obliterated the isles, leaving only memories and despair in its wake. The calamity that unfolded before their eyes left the group in shock and disbelief. A somber atmosphere hung heavy in the air, as they realized that the vibrant, magical realm they had fought to protect was now lost forever.

Cutting back to the egg carrier The man quietly left the room. Afton left too returning to his laboratory

In the eerie silence that followed, Baby took a moment to break the tension. With a mechanical tilt of her head, she acknowledged the weight of their actions and muttered, "I hope you understand the sacrifices made for a greater cause."

The trio, still processing the cataclysmic events, exchanged uneasy glances. The man's cryptic justification lingered in their minds, but the devastation of losing the Boiling Isles overshadowed any sense of purpose.
As they stood on the now desolate egg carrier, the reality of their choices sank in. The man, who had orchestrated this destruction, remained an enigma, and the trio couldn't shake the feeling that they were pawns in a much larger game.

Anne quietly walked out the room Telling Sasha and Marcy she will meet them back at their living quarters later as right now she needs to be alone.
Sasha also left the room saying she needs to be alone too to process what they all just done.

All that was left in the room was Marcy and circus baby.
Marcy felt a pang of empathy. The weight of the choices they all made, the destruction they all witnessed, and the toll on their humanity were becoming too heavy to bear. A somber atmosphere enveloped the debris-filled space around them.
Elizabeth, her animatronic eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and longing, turned to Marcy. "You're a long way from your fanfics, aren't you? Reality has a way of shattering the illusions we create for ourselves."
The two stood there, surrounded by the remnants of the destroyed world, sharing a moment of vulnerability in the face of a cruel and unpredictable fate. The distant hum of the spaceship's engines served as a haunting backdrop to the quiet contemplation of two souls burdened by the consequences of their existence.

Elizabeth soon left the room leaving Marcy alone to think.

As Marcy stood alone in the room, the weight of uncertainty pressed upon her. She questioned the path they were on, the choices they were forced to make, and whether their actions were truly justifiable. The remnants of the destroyed world outside the window served as a stark reminder of the consequences of their mission.

She mused to herself, "Are we really saving our worlds, or are we just perpetuating a cycle of destruction? The man, whoever he is, claims it's for the greater good, but is it? What if there was another way?"
The echoes of her thoughts reverberated in the emptiness of the room. Marcy felt a profound sense of isolation, caught between the echoes of her fanfiction fantasies and the grim reality she found herself in. The line between right and wrong blurred, and the choices ahead seemed increasingly complex.
As the spaceship continued its journey through the void, Marcy's internal struggle intensified, creating a storm of doubt and introspection within her.
With a heavy heart and a mind still wrestling with uncertainties, Marcy decided to set aside her contemplations for the time being. As the ship sailed through the cosmic expanse, she found solace in the idea of a new day awaiting them on the horizon. Exhaustion settled in, and the weariness of the events they had faced demanded respite.
As the Egg Carrier approached the Ark, Marcy knew that sleep would be a welcome escape from the tumultuous reality that surrounded them. The promise of tomorrow offered a glimmer of hope, a chance to face the challenges anew and, perhaps, find a clearer path forward. With this thought in mind, she prepared to rest, hoping that the answers to her questions would reveal themselves in the light of a new dawn.

In the quiet solitude of her room, Marcy noticed the absence of Anne and Sasha. The events of the day had left her physically and emotionally drained, and the pull of exhaustion was too strong to resist. Without delving into the mystery of their whereabouts, Marcy decided to let her weary body succumb to the embrace of sleep.

The room, now dimly lit, provided a temporary haven from the uncertainties of their mission and the weight of her contemplations. As Marcy drifted into slumber, her mind slowly surrendered to the realm of dreams, where the echoes of the day's chaos faded into the background, granting her a momentary reprieve. Tomorrow would bring its own challenges, but for now, in the quiet of the night, she sought refuge in the embrace of rest.


Chapter 4: Chapter 4 The aftermath


Everyone process the events that unfolded on the boiling isles.

Chapter Text

Chapter 4 The aftermath

Meanwhile the man's demeanor shifted as he navigated through the bustling corridors of the ark. His usual air of authority gave way to a solemnity that caught the attention of the guards and personnel along the way. As they saluted in acknowledgment, he responded with a subdued nod, his gaze fixed on the floor.

The weight of his recent actions lingered in the air, casting a shadow over his usual commanding presence. The once deranged and enigmatic figure seemed burdened by a profound sorrow. Each step resonated with the heaviness of the choices made and the consequences faced. Silently, he pressed on, a solitary figure navigating the corridors of his own creation, grappling with the complexities of his role in this cosmic drama.
He made it to his office, closed the door and sat against it.

In the solitude of his office, the man's usual façade crumbled, revealing a vulnerability rarely seen. As he leaned against the closed door, the weight of his actions etched lines of remorse on his face. His confession wasn't mere manipulation; there was a genuine conflict within him. Despite the chaos he orchestrated, a flicker of remorse suggested a deeper connection to the world he had disrupted.

He had revealed in the tales of the Boiling Isles, cherished the journey of Luz and her companions. Beneath the layers of his enigmatic persona, he harbored a genuine affection for the fantastical realm. The supposed cruelty was driven by an obscure purpose - a twisted quest for power and knowledge, wrapped in the desperate belief that it was the only way to move forward with his plans. He needed the blood and Ayzee but was this really the cost to have this he thought.

As he grappled with the consequences of his decisions, the man's solitude became a crucible for reflection. The conflict within him mirrored the complexity of the worlds he had touched, leaving an enigma wrapped in remorse within the walls of his office.
He continued to reminisce on what he did and thought back to his 1st encounter with the group in the castle.

the man's reflections deepened. His seemingly maddening proclamations were, in essence, just babble said to fuel the group's fighting spirit. The quest for the grimwalker recipe, initially shrouded in obscurity, was revealed as a potential backup for a project now laid to rest. He had the power to challenge divine entities, but his actions were guided by a peculiar moral compass-one that sought to mete out worlds he deemed deserving of happy endings and punishments for those who fell short.

The complexity of the man's motives unfolded, painting a portrait of someone driven not merely by a desire for destruction but by a distorted sense of justice. The battles he waged were not only against external foes but also internal conflicts, revealing the intricacies of a character grappling with the consequences of wielding godlike power and the world he ruined to get his way.

He went to his desk and pulled out a file As he perused the file, capturing the essence of Luz's remarkable journey on the isles, a single tear betrayed a profound regret. The apology he whispered echoed in the empty office, a whispered sentiment directed at Luz, a character he admired from the shadows. Yet, his words held a chilling undercurrent - a forewarning that if she dared to intervene again, he might find himself compelled to cross a line he hesitated to articulate, the gravity of his internal conflict etched in his expression.

Continuing to sit in the solitude of his office, he grapples with the dichotomy of his actions. The weight of his decisions, the shattered destinies, and the lives redirected by his interventions burden him. The twisted sense of purpose and the disregard for predetermined fates linger in the air. Despite recognizing the darkness within, he remains resolute in the belief that, for better or worse, his plan must unfold. The unsettling calm settles over his office, a silent prelude to the storm he has set in motion.

While the man sits in the office mentally closing his heart to the suffering he shall bring. Baby who is walking down a hall enters her room that was gifted by the man when her and afton were rescued
In the quiet solitude of her room, Baby allows herself a moment of reflection. The memories of her escape from Henry's trap, the twisted machinations of Afton, and the subsequent events flood her artificial consciousness. The room, a gift from the man, bears the marks of a painful history she can never escape. Yet, despite the gruesome past, she can't help but feel a strange sense of connection with the enigmatic figure who orchestrated her release. As she navigates the room, its walls seem to echo with the haunting whispers of a past she wishes she could forget.

In the eerie silence of her room, Baby clutches a doll that resembles her. As she gazes at it, her artificial mind drifts back to the chaotic day when Afton, Lefty, and Molten Freddy, once Ennard without her, embarked on a quest to capture little souls they believed were in a restaurant. The day turned into a nightmarish labyrinth orchestrated by Henry, Afton's erstwhile business partner. The burning building, filled with sounds of despair, misdirection, and misfortune, became a suffocating trap.

Panic enveloped Baby as she desperately banged on the door, searching for her father. However, in the midst of hopelessness, an unexpected explosion shattered the chaos. The steel door fell, revealing her father, Afton, seemingly giving up on escaping the fiery fate. But then, a mysterious figure with a flashlight and a fire extinguisher emerged, rescuing Baby from the encroaching flames. As her father, still consumed by madness, tried to lash out, men in black intervened, tasering him and loading both of them onto a helicopter, spiriting them away from the inferno.
Baby was badly damaged more than she already was anyway she was taken to a laboratory.

In the sterile environment of the laboratory, Baby underwent a profound transformation. The damage inflicted upon her was meticulously addressed, leading to her disassembly and subsequent reformation. Emerging from this process was a sleeker model, designed to emulate the body type of a woman in her twenties. She was reborn into a new, more refined version of herself.
Her father, Afton, also underwent a process of restoration. Despite his body's rotting flesh, which remained as a haunting reminder of his twisted past, there were fears that attempting to remove it might jeopardize the delicate connections holding his form together. As a result, these remnants of decay persisted, an unsettling feature of his continued existence.

Baby, frustrated and seeking answers, demanded to know the identity of the people in the laboratory. However, her father, Afton, intervened, advising her to halt any aggressive actions. He explained that these individuals had promised to rebuild their shattered family in exchange for their services. Afton saw this arrangement as a means to reunite their family and exact revenge on Henry, whose failures would haunt him indefinitely.
Baby, torn between her desire for answers and the realization of her father's priorities, felt the weight of her own choices. She regretted the curiosity that led her to interact with the mysterious baby animatronic all those years ago. It seemed her attempt to understand her existence was turning into a punishment for defying her father. Despite the yearning to disobey him again, a lingering fear of something worse held her back.

In the quiet solitude of her room, Baby grappled with her identity, torn between the desire to be Elizabeth and the lingering consequences of her past actions. The torn-off plushie head, a symbolic act of rebellion, represented her frustration with the role she was forced into. Trapped in her mechanical form, she sat in painful silence, unable even to shed tears, as the weight of her choices bore down on her.
Meanwhile Anne who was walking down the hall was showing signs of deep regret,

With a heavy heart, Anne entered a solitary, empty room, its lone sofa offering a view of the cosmos outside. Overwhelmed by guilt and the weight of her decision, she sank into the sofa and tears welled up, knowing that she had been forced into a choice of 'them or us.' The magnitude of the lives lost weighed heavily on her conscience.

As tears continued to flow, Anne couldn't shake the feeling of being a monster. In her anguish, she questioned if there could have been a way to prevent the people from interfering without resorting to such extreme measures. The weight of her actions pressed upon her, leaving her with a heavy burden of remorse.

Sasha, carrying the weight of recent events, was also walking down a hallway when she turned and noticed Anne in the room, tears streaming down her face. Attempting to offer solace, Sasha knocked on the doorframe and asked if she could come in, silently acknowledging the shared burden they both carried.

Sasha's words offered a semblance of comfort, reminding Anne that their actions were driven by a desperate need to save Amphibia. She emphasized that they weren't inherently evil and that mistakes, though grave, didn't define them as bad people. They sat together in the quiet room, grappling with the heavy consequences of their choices.

Anne appreciated Sasha's words, acknowledging the weight of the responsibility she had taken on. Sasha's admission of struggling with her own strength showed a vulnerability that brought them closer in this moment of shared pain. Together, they found solace in the hope that their sacrifice would safeguard Amphibia in the days to come.

In the comforting silence of the room, Anne found solace in Sasha's presence. Their shared burden seemed momentarily lighter as sleep embraced them, offering a brief respite from the weight of their decisions. Together, they navigated the realm of dreams, seeking refuge from the harsh reality they had faced.

Back on earth luz and amity blight continued to cry in each other's arms grieving over not just their daughter but Emera and everyone on the isles who were lost to the cannon firing. Gus willow and hunter also each dealing with the reality there friends home and family were gone sat each grieving in there own way but soon Camila and vee luz mother and adopted sister who unbeknownst of the dark fate were carrying groceries to the house stood there with confused looks asking why everyone is here and why are they all crying....

Camila and Vee, oblivious to the tragic events that had unfolded, arrived home with groceries, greeted by the solemn faces of Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow, and Hunter. The weight of the situation was palpable, and as the two newcomers questioned the tear-stained eyes and heavy hearts, the group struggled to find the right words to convey the devastating news.
Luz, choking back tears, began to explain the cataclysmic events that had transpired, recounting the destruction of the Boiling Isles and the loss of their beloved daughter, Ayzee. Camila and Vee, initially in disbelief, soon realized the depth of the tragedy that had befallen their family and the entire realm of the Boiling Isles.

The once joyous atmosphere of the home was replaced by an eerie silence, broken only by the sobs of those mourning the irreplaceable losses. Camila and Vee, now aware of the grim reality, joined in the collective grief, mourning the falling
In the face of unimaginable sorrow, Camila and Vee dropped the groceries clung to the group with a warm hug, finding solace in shared pain and a collective determination to navigate the uncertain future that lay ahead. The once vibrant household was now marked by a profound sense of loss, forever changed by the cosmic tragedy that had unfolded in the otherworldly realm of the Boiling Isles.

Camila, with a fierce determination fueled by grief and anger, looked into Luz's eyes and reassured her daughter that they would find a way to bring justice to those who had taken everything from them. The pain of loss had transformed into a burning resolve to avenge the dead and ensure that the memories of those they cherished would live on through the actions of the living.
Amity, standing by Luz's side, nodded in agreement. The couple, united in their grief and shared purpose, understood that they needed to channel their pain into a pursuit of retribution. The once peaceful household now became a crucible of determination, a place where the flames of vengeance were kindled.

As they contemplated the path ahead, Luz and Amity felt a renewed sense of purpose. The quest for justice became their driving force, an endeavor that would not only honor the memories of the fallen but also serve as a testament to the enduring strength of the love that bound them together.
In the face of unimaginable loss, the family, along with their human friends, stood united, ready to confront the shadows cast by tragedy and embark on a journey to ensure that those who had stolen their world would face the consequences of their actions. The quest for justice had begun, and amidst the tears and sorrow, a resilient flame of determination burned bright within each heart.


Chapter 5: Chapter 5 The battle for the 7 chaos emeralds


The ark is low on power and the eclipse cannon is offline due to lack of power only the 7 chaos emeralds can restore the ark to full power. But getting the 7 emeralds isnt going to be easy as there currently in possession of the METAREX

Chapter Text

Chapter 5 The battle for the 7 chaos emeralds

Back on the ark the next day
The man, nursing a hangover and still grappling with the weight of his decisions, listened to the report from the cannon division. The revelation about the power source of the cannon, once fueled by the formidable energy of the seven chaos emeralds, struck him with a harsh reality. The excess energy had been drained, leaving the ark reliant on a limited power supply derived from nuclear reactors and solar panels.

As the news sank in, the man realized the gravity of his impulsive actions. The cannon, once a symbol of overwhelming power, now stood dormant, its colossal capabilities reduced to a mere fraction. The repercussions of his choices were becoming increasingly evident, and a sense of regret began to gnaw at him.

The man, conflicted and burdened, pondered the consequences of his decisions. The very instrument he had wielded to reshape destinies had now become a reflection of his own recklessness. In the vastness of space, surrounded by the cold metal walls of the ark, he found himself at a crossroads, unsure of the path that lay ahead. The realization that he had jeopardized the very power that sustained the ark left him with an unsettling uncertainty about the future.

Fueled by anger and desperation, the man threw the empty bottle to the ground, his mind racing for a solution to the power predicament. In a moment of revelation, he realized that the seven chaos emeralds, a potent source of energy, could be the key to keeping the ark operational. However, a new obstacle emerged - the emeralds were now in another universe, taken by Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends back to their home.
The man, undeterred by the challenges ahead, hatched a plan to invade this alternate universe, leaving the destruction and consequences of his actions in the rearview. Calling for a meeting in the war room, he outlined his intention to track down and retrieve the chaos emeralds, securing the power needed to sustain the ark. The decision was made, and the man prepared to embark on a new mission, determined to undo the consequences of his impulsive choices.

In the war room, the man addressed his top trackers and captains, conveying the urgency of the situation. He explained that they needed to locate the alternate universe where Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends resided, with the primary objective of retrieving the chaos emeralds to restore power to the ark. The fleet, spearheaded by the formidable egg carrier, would be tasked with invading this world.

The trackers, well-versed in their duties, nodded in understanding and began the process of pinpointing the coordinates of the targeted universe. The room buzzed with a tense energy as the man awaited the results, knowing that this mission was not only a means to salvage the ark but also a chance to regain control over the dire consequences that had unfolded.

Acknowledging the timeframe required for the preparations, the man maintained his patience, understanding the importance of a well-executed plan. He emphasized the significance of the chaos emeralds in the possession of Sonic, emphasizing the need for maximum firepower to confront the speedy hedgehog and his allies. The war room buzzed with activity as the team of trackers diligently worked to locate the alternate universe and ready the fleet for the upcoming mission.

As the man exited the war room, he instructed the nearby android, Kara, to convey to the trio that their next mission was set to commence in a week. Kara acknowledged the order and proceeded to deliver the message to the trio, who were likely preparing for the challenges that awaited them in the unfamiliar universe. The countdown to the next mission had begun.
Kara greeted Marcy and conveyed the message from the man, informing them that their next mission was scheduled to start in a week. Marcy, still groggy from sleep, listened intently and acknowledged the information. Kara then asked if the rest of the trio was present and ready for the upcoming mission.
Kara was assured by Marcy that she would inform the others.

Back in the room where Anne and Sasha were sleeping, Anne was the 1st to wake up. still sleepy she turned her head seeing she was laying in sasha lap. blushing and embarrassed she quickly got up but woke sasha up while doing so.

Sasha, still groggy, rubbed her eyes and looked up at Anne. She noticed the blush on Anne's face and chuckled. "Morning, sleepyhead. Sleep well?"
Anne, a bit flustered, nodded and mumbled a response. "Yeah, I guess so. Didn't expect to find myself using you as a pillow."
Sasha grinned. "No worries. We all need a bit of comfort after what happened."

Anne nodded in agreement, and they both got up, preparing for whatever awaited them on the ark.
Sasha told anne that they better get back to there shared rooms where marcy was probably worried seeing them not there
Anne agreed, and the two of them made their way back to their shared rooms. As they walked down the corridor, Sasha glanced at Anne and said, "We should probably check on Marcy too. She might have woken up and found us missing."
Anne nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Sasha despite the heavy burden they all carried. They reached their rooms, hoping to face whatever challenges lay ahead together as a team.
As they opened the door, Marcy, who was finishing her shower poked her head out the bathroom and told Anne and Sasha that android girl wanted us to know we had a new mission next week explaining to the duo that the mission was going to require us to visit another new world.

Anne and Sasha exchanged glances, both realizing that their lives had taken a turn into an unexpected and complex direction. Marcy stepped out of the bathroom, drying her hair, and said, "Well, it seems like our adventures are far from over. Another new world, huh? Wonder what kind of mess we're stepping into this time."

Sasha, leaning against the wall, replied with a smirk, "As long as it doesn't involve pressing any buttons that destroy planets, I'm good."
The trio shared a moment of laughter, finding solace in each other's company despite the challenges that awaited them. They began discussing their next mission, preparing mentally for whatever lay ahead in the uncharted territories of the multiverse.

Later that day Circus Baby entered the laboratory, her cold metallic exterior reflecting the dim lights of the room. Afton looked up from his workbench, his hands still busy repairing the damaged animatronics. Baby, with her characteristic mechanical voice, spoke, "Father, I'm here to assist. The chaos on the boiling isles seems to have provided us with an opportunity to further our goals."

Afton acknowledged her presence with a nod, appreciating the loyalty of his animatronic creations. "Indeed, my dear. The events on the isles have opened up new possibilities for us. We need to continue our work and prepare for what comes next."

Baby approached, her segmented limbs moving with an eerie grace. "What are your plans, Father? How can we capitalize on the situation?"
Afton paused, contemplating his next move. "First, we need to gather information about this new world they're venturing into. Once we have that, we can determine how it aligns with our goals. There might be opportunities for experimentation and enhancements."

With a mechanical grin, Circus Baby responded, "Very well, Father. I'll ensure that everything is in order here while you focus on your plans. The calamity trio will surely provide us with valuable data."
Afton returned to his work, his mind consumed by the twisted ambitions that drove him. The partnership between the father and his animatronic daughter continued, fueled by their shared desire for power and control.
As they were getting back to work the man entered the lab with a sinister aura afton turned around and asked what brings him here but the man jestering behind him brought in none other than marcy who asked why he needed her and only her.

Afton eyed Marcy with a twisted smile as the man explained, "Marcy, my dear, you have a unique set of skills that I require for an upcoming mission. Your expertise in technology and overall brilliant mind is needed to help afton with his latest project to help us on our mission.

Marcy, although suspicious, questioned, "What mission are you talking about, and why specifically me?"
The man leaned against a nearby worktable, his expression revealing little. "You see, The ark is running low on power and needs a new power source that is currently in the hands of evil. Your technical abilities will be crucial in creating a tool ensuring we win. Consider it an opportunity to showcase your talents.

Afton chimed in, "Marcy, my dear, you have a choice here. Embrace this opportunity, and perhaps we can forge a mutually beneficial arrangement."
Marcy, unsure of the man's true intentions, hesitated but reluctantly agreed to lend her skills for the mission. Little did she know the darker plans that lurked beneath the surface, and how her involvement would contribute to the unfolding chaos across the multiverse.

Marcy listened intently as Afton delved into the intricacies of the Amphibian rulers' failed attempt at a collective hivemind AI. Afton's proposal of creating a better AI, named Glitchtrap, intrigued her. The idea of contributing to a cause with potentially positive outcomes appealed to Marcy's sense of purpose.
Afton continued, "Glitchtrap will be different, Marcy. It won't be an oppressive force; instead, it will be a tool that helps us achieve our goals efficiently. With your intelligence and my expertise, we can craft something revolutionary."
While Marcy remained skeptical of Afton's true intentions, the allure of creating a powerful AI for a purpose she believed in tempted her. She cautiously agreed, "Alright, let's see what we can create together. But remember, Afton, any deviation from our agreed-upon goals, and I'm out."
Afton grinned, satisfied with Marcy's agreement. Little did she know the extent of the darkness that lurked within Afton's plans and the potential consequences of their unholy alliance.

As the man left the room, he couldn't help but mutter a single word under his breath- "fool." It was a word loaded with meaning, a subtle acknowledgment of the complex game he was orchestrating. In that moment, his thoughts were inscrutable, leaving others to wonder about the true depths of his schemes and the roles individuals like Marcy and Afton played in his grand design.
The man now went and found Anne who was in the cafeteria eating a lunch he walked up to her and sat across from her he told her that this next mission she and Sasha and marcy would need to train in there full powered calamity state this week out in space to prepare for the challenge this mission would Harbor

Anne looked up, a mix of determination and concern in her eyes as the man laid out the plan for their upcoming mission. Training in their full-powered calamity state was no small feat, and the weight of the impending challenge pressed upon her. She nodded, acknowledging the necessity of preparation, readying herself for the trials that awaited in the vastness of space.
He warned her that since she will need to stay in that form for longer than her battle against titan Luz and the core combined they all need to make sure their bodies won't give out while fighting or their enemies will exploit that opportunity to kill you without mercy.

Anne took in the warning, understanding the gravity of the situation. The prolonged use of their calamity forms required not only mental fortitude but also physical endurance. She pledged to herself that she, along with Sasha and Marcy, would undergo rigorous training to ensure their bodies could withstand the intensity of the upcoming battle, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But before he left Anne wanted to know something. He turned around and asked her what she wanted to know. Anne wanted to know what the golden globe symbols plastered everywhere means?

That is the symbol of my organization. It represents good and peace but Even that comes at a price as you saw.

Anne listened, still skeptical but starting to understand the complex web of conflicts that entangled their worlds. The man continued, "The organization's goal is to maintain balance in the multiverse, preventing the rise of tyrannical powers that threaten to destroy it. We're not heroes or villains; we're keepers of equilibrium."

As Anne now more convinced but still cautious thanks him for answering the questions and goes back to Eating her lunch the man leaves
The man nods in acknowledgment and exits the cafeteria, leaving Anne to ponder the intricate balance between heroism and sacrifice. As the days pass, the trio gears up for their upcoming mission, training in their calamity states to face the impending challenges in the vast expanse of space.

As the anticipated day for the next mission dawned, Marcy found herself divided between training with Anne and Sasha and delving into the lab with Afton. In the lab, she assisted in creating the glitchtrap AI, Hoping it could be used for good and not evil.

Caught in a web of manipulation, Marcy felt conflicted. Gaslit into believing that assisting the man was her duty to ensure he paid for his crimes, she reluctantly continued working alongside this monstrous figure, all while grappling with the unsettling moral quandaries of her actions.

With the newly created Glitchtrap AI stored on a USB stick, Circus Baby instructed Marcy to head to the war room for a mission briefing. Uncertain of the true implications of her involvement, Marcy proceeded to the war room, her mind laden with conflicting thoughts.

Meanwhile Anne and Sasha were eating lunch but suddenly.
Amidst their meal, Kara, the android, informed Anne and Sasha to conclude their lunch promptly and head to the war room for further instructions. The anticipation of the impending mission lingered in the air as they prepared to learn about their next challenge.

Anne and Sasha quickly finished their lunch and followed Kara to the war room and sat down at the table. The man turned on the TV behind him.
As the images flickered across the screen, the man detailed the characteristics of the targeted world, highlighting potential threats and key locations. The trio absorbed the information, bracing themselves for the challenges that lay ahead.

The war room's atmosphere became charged with a sense of urgency as the gravity of their next mission sank in.

He informed them that the main objective was the 7 chaos emerald gems that housed unlimited power. marcy noticed that that sounds familiar to their calamity gems but the Man said it was different as they were not linked to a person rather these can be used for anything.

He delivered the unfortunate news that the chaos emeralds were currently held by the Metarex, a formidable army with a mission to annihilate all meat-based life in their universe, replacing it with plant life. The Metarex were engaged in a fierce battle at the center of their universe against Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails the Fox, Knuckles, Cream the Rabbit, Cosmos the Seedrian, and a human named Chris Thorndike. The trio realized the magnitude of the challenge that awaited them.

He added that before their arrival, they needed to teleport Dr. Eggman to another part of the galaxy to eliminate any potential interference since he built the egg carrier and could exploit its weaknesses. The teleportation department was prepared to execute the order once given.
Next up he pulled up a battle plan showing the strategy
He explained, "This is another three-pronged attack. First, the fleet will arrive and request the emeralds to be handed over. If they comply, we can return home.
If not, the armada, led by the Egg Carrier, will engage with the Metarex fleet. While that happens, Baby and the Nightmares will load onto a small ship and dock at the Blue Typhoon, disabling it from within using a copy of the Glitchtrap AI virus. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy will engage the leader of the Metarex, Dark Oak, and Sonic. Defeat them, take the emeralds. One last thing, Baby, you'll use the Summoning Key to open portals to the zombie-infested worlds as backup in case the crew attacks. Anne hands her the key.``

Anne raised her hand and asked, "What's the likelihood of Sonic and his team handing over the Chaos Emeralds peacefully?"
The man continued, "Our best bet is to prepare for a fierce battle. Now, any other questions?"

Sasha raised her hand showing she had a question
"Go ahead, Sasha. What's your question?"
"I was looking through the ark history logs and saw that there something called a master emerald will we need that too"
"No, Sasha, we won't need the Master Emerald for this mission. Our focus is solely on acquiring the Chaos Emeralds from the Metarex. Any other questions or concerns?"

One of his scientists chips in sir that could give us a better advantage if we got it could you have baby try and secure it on there way out
The man considers the suggestion and nods. "Good idea. Baby, see if you can secure the Master Emerald during your mission. It might prove useful. Now, let's get ready for the operation."
As the meeting concludes, the trio begins to prepare for the upcoming mission. The man, with a sense of determination, leaves the war room to oversee the final preparations. The gravity of the task at hand looms over everyone involved.

Meanwhile in sonics world he and his friends aboard the blue typhoon arrived at the center of the universe where the metarex were ready to use the chaos emeralds they collected to start the genocide of all non plant life but in the meantime to buy dark oak more time he ordered his 2 commanders Pale Bayleaf and Black Narcissus to attack the blue typhoon.

The battle between the blue typhoon and the metarex commanders Pale Bayleaf and Black Narcissus raged on. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Cream, Cosmo, and Chris were determined to stop the metarex from carrying out their destructive plan.

The sky was filled with intense energy clashes as Cream and Tails worked together to defend the ship against the powerful attacks of Pale Bayleaf by using the ship's defenses and offenses. Knuckles engaged in a fierce hand-to-hand combat with Black Narcissus. Who was countering with his giant mirror.

Inside the blue typhoon, the crew was coordinating their efforts to counter the metarex threat. Sonic dashed through the chaos, delivering quick strikes against their adversaries. The ship's weapons were unleashed, firing beams of energy to repel the enemy forces.

As the battle unfolded, Sonic's team remained vigilant, knowing that the fate of their entire universe hinged on their success in thwarting the metarex and protecting the chaos emeralds.

Dr. Eggman, always scheming and seeking an opportunity to further his own agenda, saw the chaos ensuing between Sonic and the metarex as the perfect moment to put his own plan into motion. He returned to his ship and contacted Rouge, instructing her to temporarily ally with Sonic and his team to fend off the metarex threat.

Rouge, although skeptical of Eggman's motives, agreed to assist Sonic for the time being. She joined the battle alongside Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Cream, Cosmo, and Chris, utilizing her skills and agility to navigate the skirmish with the metarex commanders Pale Bayleaf and Black Narcissus.

Meanwhile, back on Eggman's ship, the mad scientist began concocting a scheme to deal a decisive blow to the metarex. His mind raced with ideas for a weapon or plan that could turn the tide of the battle and, perhaps inadvertently, serve his own interests.

As the two conflicting forces clashed in the vastness of the universe, the stage was set for a multifaceted conflict involving Sonic, the metarex, and the ever-cunning Dr. Eggman. The outcome remained uncertain, with each side vying for control and dominance.

Suddenly eggman's ship was engulfed in a strange energy and vanished. Both sides seeing the sudden disappearance were confused, blaming one another for what just happened.

But suddenly Tails' radar detected an influx of unknown ships entering the airspace, confusion and uncertainty swept through both Sonic's team and the metarex. The sudden disappearance of Dr. Eggman's ship only added to the mystique of the situation. The tension heightened as they all observed the arrival of a fleet led by a mysterious figure piloting the iconic Egg Carrier.
Sonic, always ready for action, turned his attention towards the newly arrived fleet. He signaled to his team, urging them to be prepared for any potential threat. Tails tried to establish communication with the mysterious commander, but there was no response.

On the Egg Carrier, the enigmatic figure revealed himself on the communication screen. With an air of authority, he addressed both Sonic and the metarex. "Greetings, Sonic the Hedgehog and the metarex. I am here with a proposal that could benefit both parties."

The unexpected turn of events left everyone on edge, unsure of the stranger's intentions and what this proposal might entail. The fate of the chaos emeralds, the ongoing battle, and the entire universe seemed to hang in the balance as the mysterious figure continued to speak, revealing his plan that would alter the course of the conflict.

The man told both parties to surrender the chaos emeralds to him or face complete annihilation.
As the Egg Carrier hovered in the vastness of space, Sonic and his team cautiously observed the unfolding events. Dark Oak, the imposing leader of the metarex, stepped forward to confront the mysterious figure who had just demanded the chaos emeralds.

Tails, perplexed by the Egg Carrier's sudden appearance, was the first to voice his concerns. "What's the Egg Carrier doing here? It wasn't built for space travel!"

The mysterious man, displaying an air of authority, interrupted Tails. "I'm the one who will dictate the course of this conversation now. Hand over the emeralds, and no one gets hurt. Do not force my hand."
Dark Oak, surrounded by his loyal commanders, eyed the stranger with suspicion. The tension in the cosmic standoff grew palpable, as the fate of the chaos emeralds and the outcome of the entire conflict rested on the decisions made in the next moments. Sonic, always ready for action, adopted a defensive stance, prepared for any sudden movements from either side. The fate of the universe hung in the balance, with Sonic and Dark Oak awaiting the next move from the mysterious figure on the Egg Carrier.

Dark Oak, unimpressed by the interference of more adversaries in his grand plan, broadcasted a threatening message to the approaching fleet. With an air of authority, he warned that if they did not surrender immediately, he would unleash the full force of his fleet upon them, intending to obliterate both the intruders and their enigmatic commander.

The tension in the cosmic battlefield escalated as the metarex fleet readied themselves for combat, preparing to face the newfound threat from the Egg Carrier and its mysterious leader. Onboard the Egg Carrier, the man calmly assessed the situation, fully aware that a direct confrontation was imminent. The fate of the chaos emeralds, as well as the outcome of the clash between these two formidable forces, hung in the balance of the impending space skirmish. The stage was set for a cosmic showdown that would decide the course of the conflict and the destiny of the entire universe.

The man, standing on the Egg Carrier's deck, listened to Dark Oak's taunting words with a calm demeanor. As Dark Oak challenged him to a direct confrontation on his runway, the man's twisted grin grew wider. He responded through the communication link, his voice carrying an eerie confidence.
"Your threats amuse me, Dark Oak. I accept your invitation. I'll be on the runway shortly. Prepare yourself for the end."
With those words, the man made his way to the runway. , disappearing from the Egg Carrier's deck. Dark Oak, fueled by arrogance and confidence, awaited the impending duel on the cosmic runway, unaware of the mysterious power the man possessed.

Meanwhile, Pale Bayleaf and Black Narcissus, the two commanders of the Metarex, led their fleets against the newly arrived forces. Their ships engaged the unfamiliar vessels, creating a chaotic dance of energy beams and explosions in the vastness of space. Sonic and his friends, still aboard the Blue Typhoon, found themselves caught in the crossfire.

The man, stepping onto the runway with an air of confidence, was ready for the confrontation with Dark Oak. As the Metarex leader descended to meet his challenger, the fate of the chaos emeralds and the outcome of this cosmic clash remained uncertain. The stage was set for a battle that would echo through the cosmos.

Dark Oak, towering over the man, observed him with disdain. The clash between the two seemed inevitable, and the cosmic forces were poised to bear witness to this otherworldly duel. The man, fueled by the effects of the Perkaholic GobbleGum he consumed and armed with the mystical Blades of Chaos, faced the formidable leader of the Metarex.

As they crossed blades, sparks flew, and the clash echoed through the emptiness of space. Dark Oak, wielding his mighty sword, aimed to strike down the man challenging his authority. The battle became a dazzling display of skill and power, and each move was a testament to the determination of both combatants.

Meanwhile, the fleets continued their intense battle around them, creating a cosmic spectacle that painted the universe in hues of explosions and energy. Sonic and his friends, caught in the midst of the conflict, struggled to navigate the chaos and find a way to contribute to the fight against the Metarex forces.
The fate of the chaos emeralds and the success of the man's daring challenge against Dark Oak hung in the balance, leaving the universe teetering on the brink of an unprecedented showdown.

The man's duel with Dark Oak was a strategic diversion. As the colossal clash between them continued, the rest of the team swiftly executed their roles in this intricate plan.

Baby and the nightmare animatronics who were riding in a stealth ship cloaked in the shadows of space silently approached the Blue Typhoon. Their mission: infiltrate and disable the ship from within using the newly developed Glitchtrap AI virus. The element of surprise was crucial to ensure the success of this covert operation.

Meanwhile, Sasha and Marcy soared through the cosmic battlefield, aiming for the Metarex commanders, Pale Bayleaf and Black Narcissus. Their combined powers and skills were to be unleashed upon the commanders, disrupting the Metarex chain of command and creating an opening for the others.

Anne, guided by her determination, engaged Sonic in a high-speed confrontation. Her goal was not to defeat him outright but to weaken his resistance, ensuring he would be occupied and unable to intervene in the critical moments of the mission.

The universe witnessed this intricate dance of strategy and combat, where every move played a pivotal role in the success of the mission. The man's duel with Dark Oak, the infiltration of the Blue Typhoon, the assault on the Metarex commanders, and the confrontation between Anne and Sonic converged in a symphony of cosmic chaos. The fate of multiple worlds hinged on the outcome of this multidimensional battle.
Meanwhile Sasha and Marcy, with determination etched on their faces, confronted the Metarex commanders, Pale Bayleaf and Black Narcissus. Surrounded by the vastness of space and the cosmic turmoil of battle, the commanders turned their attention to the unexpected adversaries.
Sasha, wielding her formidable combat skills and enhanced strength, faced off against Pale Bayleaf. Their clash echoed through the cosmic void as Sasha aimed to bring justice for the countless lives affected by the Metarex's genocidal plans.

On the other side, Marcy engaged Black Narcissus with her cunning intellect and magical prowess. Spells and energy surged as Marcy sought to unravel the dark schemes woven by the commanders and end their reign of terror.
The commanders, initially confident in their superiority, now found themselves confronted by adversaries who fought not only for their worlds but also for the very fabric of justice and morality. The cosmic battlefield became a stage for the clash between good and evil, with Sasha and Marcy standing as the heralds of retribution against the Metarex atrocities.

Sasha and Marcy, working in perfect harmony, skillfully coordinated their attacks against the Metarex commanders. The cosmic battlefield witnessed a dazzling display of powers as the duo harnessed their individual strengths to overcome their formidable adversaries.

With swift movements and strategic precision, Sasha unleashed her enhanced physical abilities, landing powerful blows on Pale Bayleaf. Her combat skills, augmented by the Calamity Powers, proved to be a formidable force against the once-dominant Metarex commander. Meanwhile, Marcy, with her smarts and sharpshooter skills unleashed attacks against Black Narcissus. The commanders, initially confident, struggled to withstand the relentless assault.
As the battle reached its climax, the combined powers of Sasha and Marcy proved to be overwhelming. Pale Bayleaf and Black Narcissus, once imposing figures in the cosmic conflict, succumbed to the relentless determination of the duo. The commanders fell, defeated but not forgotten, marking a significant victory for the forces aligned against the Metarex.

The cosmic echoes of their triumph reverberated through the vast expanse of space, a testament to the resilience of those who fought for justice against the forces of darkness. With the commanders vanquished, Sasha and Marcy readied themselves for the next phase of the mission, determined to bring an end to the Metarex threat and secure the coveted Chaos Emeralds.
The man, standing before Dark Oak, taunted him with a smirk, reveling in the defeat of his commanders. He gloated, "Your minions were no match for the might of the Calamity Powers. The Chaos Emeralds are within my grasp, and your feeble attempt to thwart my plans has failed."
Dark Oak, seething with anger, raised his formidable weapon, ready to face the man in a final confrontation. The cosmic battlefield became the stage for an epic showdown between the enigmatic leader and the powerful Metarex commander.
With a swift and calculated movement, the man unsheathed the Blades of Chaos, their ethereal glow illuminating the darkness of space. Dark Oak, fueled by rage and determination, lunged forward, engaging in a fierce clash of blades. The clash echoed through the void, a testament to the intensity of their battle.

The man, a master of combat and strategy, skillfully parried Dark Oak's attacks, countering with precision and finesse. Each movement was calculated, each strike aimed at weakening the formidable adversary. As the battle unfolded, it became clear that the man held the upper hand, exploiting openings in Dark Oak's defense with strategic strikes.
In a final, decisive move, the man disarmed Dark Oak, sending his weapon spiraling into the cosmic abyss. The defeated Metarex leader, humbled and broken, knelt before the man. The Calamity Powers had prevailed, and the Chaos Emeralds were now within the man's possession.
With a victorious smirk, the man declared, "Your reign of terror ends here. The fate of this universe now rests in my hands." As the defeated Dark Oak faded into obscurity, the man turned his attention to the next phase of the mission, determined to fulfill his quest for the greater good.

Dark Oak, summoning the last reserves of his strength, seized the Chaos Emeralds from the man's clutches. In a desperate act, he propelled himself off the Egg Carrier, hurtling toward the ongoing battle between Sonic, Anne, and the formidable new adversary.

Crashing onto the runway, Dark Oak, weakened and battered, staggered toward the control room where Tails, Cosmos, Cream, and Chris were stationed. Before collapsing, he conveyed a dire warning to them, gasping for breath, "This new force... more evil than even I... Give Sonic the emeralds... They are the only hope..."

Tails, Cosmos, Cream, and Chris exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. Dark Oak's revelation hinted at a threat beyond their comprehension. Tails rushed to retrieve the Chaos Emeralds, understanding that they might be the key to countering this mysterious force.

As Sonic and Anne continued their intense battle, Tails approached with the emeralds, conveying Dark Oak's final message. Sonic, recognizing the urgency, took the emeralds, prepared to face this new and seemingly more malevolent adversary. The unfolding events hinted at a perilous challenge that surpassed even Dark Oak's reign of terror.
As Anne, armed with her storm bow, prepared to face Sonic who was about to go super sonic was unexpectedly interrupted by Shadow's swift arrival. Shadow conveyed that he had observed a mysterious small ship approaching the Blue Typhoon. Anne, aware that it was likely Baby and the Nightmares, seized this opportunity to distract Sonic and Shadow.

With a sly grin, Anne warned them that unless they handed over the Chaos Emeralds, she would be compelled to engage them in battle. Sonic and Shadow exchanged glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. The threat of the unknown force, coupled with Anne's determination, left them with a difficult decision to make. The tension in the air escalated as they weighed the consequences of their choices.

Sonic and Shadow refused and told Anne she was going down.
As Sonic and Shadow harnessed the power of the Chaos Emeralds, a radiant transformation enveloped them. The once blue hedgehog and his sleek, black counterpart were now Super Sonic and Super Shadow, emanating a dazzling glow.

Anne, realizing the immense power before her, tightened her grip on her storm bow. The air crackled with energy as the two super-powered hedgehogs prepared to confront her.

The battlefield was set for a clash of forces beyond the ordinary, with the fate of the Chaos Emeralds hanging in the balance. The small ship carrying Baby and the Nightmares hovered nearby, awaiting the outcome of this otherworldly encounter

Super Sonic and Super Shadow, now fully focused on Anne, darted toward her with incredible speed. The clash of powers created shockwaves that reverberated through space, distorting the very fabric of reality. Anne, despite her formidable abilities, found herself challenged by the sheer might and agility of the super-powered hedgehogs.

As the trio engaged in a high-stakes battle, the small ship carrying Baby and the Nightmares breached the Blue Typhoon. Inside the ship, Baby initiated the plan to disable the vessel using the Glitchtrap AI virus. The artificial intelligence infiltrated the ship's systems, causing disruptions and chaos within.

Meanwhile, Sasha and Marcy, having successfully defeated Dark Oak's commanders, observed the ongoing battle from their vantage point. The fate of the mission hung in the balance as the struggle for the Chaos Emeralds intensified.

The breach alarms blared throughout the Blue Typhoon as Tails desperately attempted to contain the situation. However, the Glitchtrap virus, cunningly wielded by Baby, rendered all security measures useless. The animatronic nightmares followed her, their cold metallic eyes scanning the ship for any potential threats.

In the midst of the chaos, Anne continued her fierce battle against Super Sonic and Super Shadow. The clash of powers intensified, creating shockwaves that shook the entire ship. The fate of the Chaos Emeralds hung in the balance, and the mysterious man's intricate plan was unfolding with unpredictable twists and turns.
As the conflict unfolded, the Blue Typhoon became a battleground where forces clashed for control, and the destiny of multiple worlds teetered on the brink.
Amy and Knuckles, determined to protect their ship, armed themselves and headed towards the location of the breach. The atmosphere on the Blue Typhoon was tense, with panic and urgency spreading among the crew members.
Meanwhile, Anne faced the formidable challenge of battling Super Sonic and Super Shadow simultaneously. Their immense power levels posed a threat not only to Anne but also to the delicate balance of the entire mission. The mysterious man watched the events unfold from his vantage point, carefully calculating the next steps in his intricate plan.

As Amy and Knuckles reached the breached area, they were met with the horrifying sight of the nightmare animatronics and Baby, the clown-like figure who seemed to revel in chaos. The animatronics moved with an eerie precision, immune to fear and driven by an unknown force.
In a desperate attempt to regain control, Tails initiated emergency protocols and attempted to reroute the ship's functions. However, the Glitchtrap virus proved to be a formidable adversary, resisting all attempts at containment. The situation aboard the Blue Typhoon spiraled into chaos, and the fate of the mission became increasingly uncertain.

Circus Baby asked Knuckles and Amy where Chris Thorndyke was.
Chris stepped forward cautiously, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the animatronics and the mysterious figures. Amy and Knuckles remained on guard, ready to defend their friend.

Chris hesitated for a moment before responding, "I'm Chris Thorndyke. What do you want, and why are you attacking our ship?"
Baby, with her unsettling mechanical voice, chuckled, "Ah, the human. We have a special interest in you, Chris Thorndyke. Our employer desires something from you."

Chris, puzzled and alarmed, asked, "Who is your employer, and what could they possibly want from me?"
Instead of answering, Baby signaled the animatronics to advance. Amy and Knuckles prepared for a confrontation, determined to protect Chris and the ship from this unexpected threat. The tension in the corridor heightened as the clash between the Blue Typhoon's crew and the enigmatic invaders became inevitable.
Knuckles charged at the robots but was suddenly entangled by Nightmarionne while Amy was sucker punched by nightmare Bonnie falling to the ground dazed and grabbed by Nightmarionne. Chris pulled out a flash grenades throwing it blinding the monsters grabbing amy while knuckles freed himself from the Nightmarionne tentacle grasp
Taking advantage of the momentary chaos caused by the flash grenade, Knuckles quickly regained his bearings and rushed to Amy's side, checking on her condition. Chris, although momentarily relieved, remained vigilant, realizing the situation was far from over.
The mysterious figures, undeterred by the temporary blindness, continued their advance. Baby, with her eerie mechanical movements, signaled the animatronics to persist in their mission to locate Chris. Nightmarionne lurked in the shadows, ready to strike again.
Seeing that the situation was becoming increasingly dire, Chris made a quick decision. He turned to Knuckles and said, "We need to find Sonic and the others. We can't face these things alone."

Agreeing with the urgency of the situation, Knuckles nodded, helping Amy to her feet. Together, the three of them rushed towards the control room hoping to regroup and form a plan to fend off this unexpected threat. The Blue Typhoon echoed with the clashing sounds of metal and the tension of an impending showdown.
They made it back to the bridge but couldn't seal the door and soon the baby and the animatronic horrors made it to the bridge too.
Rouge, with her quick reflexes and combat skills, managed to intervene just in time. She swiftly kicked Baby out of the bridge, creating a temporary barrier between the intruders and the ship's control center. Meanwhile, she skillfully deployed electronic shock devices, disrupting the animatronics' functions.
The sparks and electronic zaps filled the air as the animatronics struggled against the disabling effects. Knuckles, Amy, and Chris, still on edge, watched the events unfold with a mix of relief and apprehension. Rouge, determined to protect her allies, stood ready for any further threats that might emerge.
With the immediate danger seemingly neutralized, Knuckles turned to Rouge, expressing gratitude. "Thanks for the save," he said, eyeing the disabled animatronics cautiously.

Rouge nodded, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of additional trouble. "We need to figure out who sent them and why," she suggested, her attention now focused on the overarching mystery behind these unexpected attackers.

Circus Baby, though seething with anger, quickly assessed the situation. Realizing the temporary setback due to the electronic shock devices, she adopted a cunning strategy to buy time. With a feigned expression of surrender, she raised her hands in submission.
"Alright, you win," Circus Baby declared, her voice carrying a tone of false defeat. "We came here on a mission, but it seems we underestimated your defenses. We'll cooperate, just give us a chance to explain."

Rouge eyed Circus Baby suspiciously, her vigilant stance unwavering. "Explain quickly, and no tricks. We're not in the mood for games."
Circus Baby nodded, keeping up the facade. "We were sent by someone who has a vested interest in the Chaos Emeralds. Our mission was to retrieve them, and we were told this ship held valuable information on their location. But if you're willing to negotiate, we can discuss a truce."
Rouge remained cautious, aware that trusting the animatronics too soon could lead to dire consequences. She signaled to Knuckles and the others to stay vigilant. "Talk fast," Rouge demanded, prepared to discern the truth from Circus Baby's words.
Circus Baby, in a moment of apparent vulnerability, revealed her true form by opening her faceplates, exposing the endoskeleton beneath. The cold, mechanical visage told a story of a tragic transformation.
"I was just a child when I was turned into this monster," she explained, her voice tinged with a sense of lament. "That man you're fighting, he manipulated and twisted me into what I am now. We're just pawns in his game, forced to do his bidding."

Rouge and the others exchanged uncertain glances, grappling with the revelation. The notion that the animatronics were victims themselves stirred a sense of empathy among them, but they remained cautious, knowing that deception could be part of Circus Baby's tactics.
"What does this man want with the Chaos Emeralds?" Rouge inquired, maintaining a vigilant stance. "And why are you targeting Sonic and Shadow?"
Circus Baby hesitated for a moment, as if contemplating how much information to divulge. "He believes the Chaos Emeralds hold the key to saving worlds, including ours. As for Sonic and Shadow, they stand in the way of his plan. He sees them as obstacles."

Rouge continued to scrutinize Circus Baby, weighing the authenticity of her words. The situation was delicate, and they needed to tread carefully to separate truth from manipulation.
As Tails and Cosmos approached Circus Baby with an offer of potential redemption, hoping to disable the AI and learn more about the mysterious man's weaknesses, a sudden twist occurred. With a swift and unexpected move, Circus Baby revealed the summoning key, unleashing a portal to the zombie-infested world of Banoi. Suiciders, grotesque and explosive undead creatures, began emerging from the portal, creating chaos on the ship.
Tails and Cosmos, caught off guard, scrambled to react to the unexpected threat. The once-promising moment of negotiation turned into a desperate struggle for survival as they fought off the relentless onslaught of zombies.
Meanwhile, Anne, still engaged in battle with Super Sonic and Super Shadow outside the ship, noticed the sudden appearance of the portal and the emerging undead. The situation grew even more complex, as the mysterious man's machinations continued to unfold, revealing layers of deception and danger.

Soon the suiciders exploded andIn the midst of the chaos caused by the exploding Suiciders, Circus Baby and her animatronic companions seized the opportunity to escape with Chris, rushing towards the ship for a hasty retreat. The red mist hung in the air, a haunting aftermath of the zombies' explosive demise.

Circus Baby told Nightmarionne and Nightmare Bonnie and Chica to take Chris to the ship while she nightmare Freddy and fredbear goes to the engine room to steal the master emerald.
The blue Typhoon's engine room became the focal point for another impending confrontation. Circus Baby, Nightmare Fredbear, and Nightmare Freddy stormed into the chamber, their eyes glinting with a sinister determination. The engine room housed the Master Emerald, the source of the ship's power, and it seemed the animatronics had a dark agenda involving this powerful gem.

As the battles unfolded both within and outside the ship, the tension escalated, revealing the intricate layers of the man's plan and the unexpected threats that lurked in the shadows. The fate of the Chaos Emeralds, the safety of Sonic and his allies, and the mysterious man's ultimate objective remained shrouded in uncertainty.
Tails checked on everyone to see if they were safe, luckily everyone was but he noticed Chris was gone and knew that he couldn't let those things take him off the ship.

The urgency in the air heightened as Tails received the critical information from Knuckles. The trio - Tails, Cosmos, and Knuckles - realized the imminent threat posed by Circus Baby and her animatronic companions in the engine room. Chris's safety was at stake, and they couldn't afford to let the mysterious adversaries abscond with the Master Emerald.
With a swift and determined response, Tails coordinated with Cosmos and Knuckles to devise a strategy. They knew they had to reach the engine room swiftly, confront the animatronics, and safeguard the Master Emerald to prevent any further escalation of the threat.

Meanwhile, on the ship's bridge, Cream and Amy persisted in their efforts to purge the glitchtrap virus and regain control of the ship's systems. The atmosphere was tense, and the fate of the blue Typhoon hung in the balance as the multiple battles unfolded simultaneously.
The scene in the engine room intensified as Knuckles and Tails bravely confronted the animatronic intruders. Knuckles, with a furious cry, tackled Nightmare Freddy to the ground, preventing it from reaching the precious Master Emerald. Tails, armed with a metal rod, confronted Circus Baby, determination blazing in his eyes.

Circus Baby, however, showed no signs of backing down. She smirked, her endoskeleton features revealing a sinister intention. Nightmare Fredbear, having recovered, lunged towards Knuckles with a mechanical growl, attempting to free Nightmare Freddy from his grasp.
The struggle for control over the Master Emerald unfolded, and the fate of the blue Typhoon teetered on the edge of chaos. Tails and Knuckles knew they had to hold their ground, protecting not only the powerful gem but also their friends and the entire ship from the impending threat.
With the Summoning Key in Circus Baby's possession, the situation took a darker turn. Tails and Knuckles hesitated, recognizing the potential threat that the key held. The room, filled with tension, hung on the edge of uncertainty as Baby asserted her control.

Tails, trying to maintain composure, spoke up, "We won't let you take the Master Emerald. Whatever horrors you unleash, we'll face them together." Knuckles, still grappling with Nightmare Freddy, echoed Tails' sentiment, "You won't intimidate us. We protect the emerald at all costs."
Circus Baby, her endoskeleton face expressionless, contemplated her next move. The stakes were high, and the battle for control over the Master Emerald intensified with each passing moment.

A swirling portal opened, and from it emerged two ram zombies, their groans echoing in the confined space. Tails and Knuckles, now facing this unexpected threat, were forced to divert their attention from Circus Baby and the animatronics.

As the ram zombies advanced, Tails quickly grabbed a makeshift weapon, a piece of debris from the earlier commotion. Knuckles, ever resilient, prepared for a direct confrontation with his powerful fists. The struggle to protect the Master Emerald intensified, with the eerie presence of the zombies adding a new layer of chaos to the already tense situation.
Baby made her escape while the duo dealt with the zombies and once she reached the ship she told the pilot to return to the egg carrier.
As the ship departed from the Blue Typhoon, leaving behind the chaos on Sonic's vessel, Circus Baby's twisted grin revealed a sense of triumph
Meanwhile, Tails and Knuckles continued to fend off the ram zombies, determined to protect the invaluable Master Emerald and apprehend those responsible for the intrusion. The battle for control of the ship and the fate of the Master Emerald unfolded in a tense struggle between heroes and malevolent forces.

Tails and knuckles destroyed the 2 ram zombies and returned to the bridge where the glitchtrap virus was finally purged from the system after a complete system wipe they told the rest of the crew the master emerald was safe but the animatronics escaped with Chris and told Amy to try and contact sonic that Chris was kidnapped
Amy hurriedly tried to establish communication with Sonic and the others, relaying the urgent message that Chris had been abducted by the animatronics. The tension on the Blue Typhoon intensified as they awaited a response, uncertain of Sonic and Shadow's situation in their battle against Anne and the mysterious man.
Meanwhile, on the Egg Carrier, the man observed the chaos he had set in motion with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that the animatronics were executing their part of the plan flawlessly. He prepared for the next phase, anticipating the unfolding events in Sonic's universe and the repercussions it would have on both worlds.

He radioed the marcy and Sasha to help Anne Defeat super sonic and shadow and take there emeralds Sasha pulled out her heron sword to help Anne deal with sonic while marcy used a illusion disk to make herself look like shadow long dead friend Maria robotnik
As Anne faced the super-powered Sonic and Shadow, Sasha joined the battle with her Heron sword, determined to assist Anne in dealing with the formidable hedgehogs. On the other side, Marcy utilized an illusion disk, transforming her appearance into that of Maria Robotnik, creating a momentary distraction.
The trio engaged in a fierce battle, combining their strengths and strategies to overcome the overwhelming power of Sonic and Shadow. The air crackled with energy as chaos unfolded in the midst of their clash.
Shadow, fueled by rage, avoided Marcy's attempted attack, realizing the deception involving Maria's image. The emotional manipulation only intensified his determination, as he fought with a renewed sense of purpose against the trio. The battle continued with escalating intensity as Anne, Sasha, and Marcy struggled to hold their ground against the super-powered hedgehogs.

The combined efforts of Anne and Sasha managed to disrupt Sonic and Shadow's super forms. As Sonic reverted to his normal state, Anne utilized her dual Pack-a-Punched MR6 pistols to unleash a barrage of explosive shots, temporarily incapacitating Sonic. Sasha, seizing the opportunity, engaged Shadow and successfully distracted him, causing him to lose his super-powered state as well. The tide of the battle seemed to shift momentarily in favor of the trio.

With the chaos settling around the fallen Sonic and Shadow, Anne swiftly gathered the seven emeralds and secured them in a summoned briefcase. The crew, led by Tails, approached to help fight the trio, but they were too late as the trio flew back to the Egg carrier
As the trio soared back to the Egg Carrier, Sonic and Shadow got up and Tails told them that Chris was kidnapped by a clown robot girl and their ship is flying towards the egg carrier.

Sonic and Shadow, alarmed by the news of Chris's kidnapping, exchanged a glance, realizing that a new threat was emerging. Determined, they decided to put their differences aside and join forces to rescue Chris and stop the mysterious man once and for all.
Sonic told tails and the crew to get in their respective ships except knuckles who needed to guard the master emerald.
As everyone prepared for the rescue mission, Sonic, Shadow, and Tails took charge of their respective ships, ready to confront the new threat and save Chris from the clutches of the mysterious man and his animatronics. Knuckles remained vigilant, guarding the Master Emerald on the blue typhoon.
As the gang boarded their ships and took off, the calamity trio happy with the success of the mission approached the man with excitement stating this time they felt like actual heros.
Anne handed the briefcase to him and he told her that he was proud of them and this will secure a better tomorrow
As the trio prepared to go inside proximity alarms went off they turned around to see cannons firing at 4 small spaceships that were piloted by sonic and shadow tails and cosmos and 2 smaller smaller ones piloted by Amy and cream

The trio quickly realized that Sonic and his allies were retaliating. They braced themselves for an unexpected confrontation with the iconic hedgehog and his team.
Sasha stepped forward, ready to face Sonic and his allies. She gestured for Anne and Marcy to go inside while she confronted the approaching threat.
Marcy nodded, grabbing her sniper rifle, and joined Sasha on the runway. As the spaceships approached, Sonic and his team landed confidently, ready for a confrontation.

As sonic and the crew exited their ships sonic gave a snarky comment "man I never thought we would be back aboard the egg carrier alright you 2 who are you working for and just cuz you took the emeralds doesn't mean you won yet.
Sasha stepped forward, "We're here to protect these emeralds, not steal them. And as for who we're working for, it's a complicated story."
Sonic gave a wide smile and said well here what going to happen you give us the emeralds and release our friend Chris back or you won't like what me and my friends will do
The man stepped forward, "I assure you, we didn't harm Chris. In fact, we might be able to help him. But these emeralds are crucial for a greater purpose, and we won't simply hand them over."

The group, shocked by the man's sudden appearance and shadow proclaimed that he must be their leader, the one who took down dark oak.
The man nodded, "Indeed, I am the one leading this operation. We have a shared goal - preventing catastrophic events across universes. However, I understand your concern for Chris, and we can discuss a way to ensure his safety."

Marcy and Sasha were confused asking who chris
The man explained, "Chris is a human who was kidnapped during the chaos of our recent mission. Sonic, he's a friend of yours, correct? We can arrange a meeting to discuss terms for his release."

Sonic, now visibly frustrated, told him that last time someone demanded a deal for the release of Chris it didn't end well for the kidnapper.
The man maintained his composure, "I assure you, our goals are not malevolent. We simply need the Chaos Emeralds to ensure the safety of multiple universes. Let's find a resolution that benefits everyone."
Tails chimed in calling his bluff by asking what he did to that clown girl animatronic but the man told him that he had nothing to do with her situation, he only made her body easier to use.

Amy, still skeptical, questioned, "Why should we trust you? You took down our enemy, but that doesn't mean you're our friend."
The man told them that this was a waste of his time and told the group he would send chris back to his world and told marcy and Sasha to get rid of these pests but you don't have to use lethal force if you wish.
Sasha and Marcy, now positioned on the runway, prepared to confront Sonic and the crew.

Back inside the egg carrier in one of the jails Chris sat hoping sonic would save him but suddenly a mysterious figure entered the room and walked up to his cell and stared at him with his cold dead silver metallic eyes. Chris didn't know what he was looking at, he was looking at none other than springtrap
Springtrap, with a menacing grin, stared at Chris through the rusty, deteriorating animatronic face. The dim light in the jail cell flickered, casting eerie shadows across the room as Springtrap spoke in a distorted, haunting voice. "You're in for a nightmarish surprise, little human. Your saviors won't be coming to rescue you this time."

Chris instinctively retreated, his eyes widening in a mix of fear and disbelief. He stammered, "What the hell are you?" Desperation took over as he asserted that Sonic would come to find him and rescue him. However, Springtrap dismissed his plea with a stern command to shut up, emphasizing that Chris was destined to become another victim. In a bone-chilling revelation, Springtrap detailed the grim fate awaiting Chris - his body and soul would be fused with metal to produce remnants for the animatronic's sinister projects.

Springtrap's metallic laughter echoed through the cold jail cell as Chris, now filled with fear, realized the gravity of the situation. The animatronic horror leaned in, his eyes glowing with a malevolent gleam, and whispered, "Your friends can't save you from the impending darkness. Embrace your fate, for you shall become a part of something greater."
In a moment of urgency, Chris, realizing he needed to take action, proposed a desperate deal. He revealed a shocking truth - he wasn't originally a 10-year-old but an 18-year-old who had been deaged upon entering this alternate universe. Struggling to maintain composure, he bargained for his life, offering Springtrap valuable knowledge in exchange for his own survival. The air hung heavy with tension as the unexpected negotiation unfolded in the face of impending danger.

Springtrap, intrigued by Chris's proposal, leaned back, considering the offer. The dim light of the cell flickered as he asked, "What kind of knowledge do you possess that would be worth sparing your insignificant existence?" Chris, determined, began sharing details about the technology, history, and weaknesses of the worlds he knew, hoping his insights would be enough to secure his release.

Springtrap aways one to never pass up knowledge told chris if he documents everything he knows onto a laptop I'll give you and it shows your more useful alive then I'll let you live jestering to a guard to retrieve a laptop to give to chris in his jail cell
With a laptop in hand, Chris quickly started documenting every piece of knowledge he could recall. The keys clicked under his fingers as he shared details about his world, technology, and even insights into Sonic's universe. Springtrap watched silently, assessing the value of the information being provided.

Unbeknownst to him chris was secretary writing a malware code that once inserted into the ships information library would cause all doors to open and the lights to go out once finished he handed the laptop to springtrap where he took it and went to his lab to read the files
As Springtrap delved into the files, he was unaware of the hidden malware code that Chris had cleverly embedded within. The unsuspecting animatronic continued to analyze the information, thinking he had gained a valuable source of knowledge.

But soon the virus took hold and shut off all lights and opened the jails doors
In the chaos that ensued, Chris seized the opportunity to slip out of his cell and navigate through the darkened corridors of the Egg Carrier. The malfunctioning systems provided him cover as he stealthily made his way towards the main control room, hoping to find a way to escape this nightmarish situation.

As he ran past a room he saw the armory was open and ran in arming himself with a Remington shotgun and flash grenades but wasn't planning on using it unless absolutely necessary
Chris continued his journey through the dimly lit halls, clutching the Remington shotgun tightly in his hands. The ship's alarms blared, adding to the unsettling atmosphere as he cautiously moved forward, determined to find a way to reunite with Sonic and the others.
Back on the bridge, amidst the chaotic clash of forces, Sasha and Marcy found themselves engaged in a fierce battle against Sonic and Shadow. The air crackled with energy as the nimble hedgehog and his shadowy counterpart countered their every move. Meanwhile, Sonic's allies strategically seized opportunities to attack, exploiting openings in the formidable defenses of the calamitous duo. The bridge became a battleground where each maneuver was met with swift retaliation, creating a dynamic and intense spectacle of combat.

The battle on the bridge intensified, each side pushing their limits to gain the upper hand. The room echoed with the clash of powers, and occasional flashes of chaos energy illuminated the ongoing struggle.
But the duo got too confident in their ability and were not using their full powers underestimating the 2 hedgehogs and thought they were nothing without there super forms
Sonic and Shadow, realizing that their opponents were underestimating them, decided it was time to prove otherwise. With a sudden burst of speed and power, they unleashed a relentless assault, catching Sasha and Marcy off guard. The tide of the battle quickly shifted as the hedgehogs showed the calamity duo the true extent of their abilities.

Sonic chuckled even without the emeralds we don't go down easily as shadow roundhouse kicked marcy and sent Sasha into a rage
Sasha, fueled by rage, launched a fierce counterattack, but Sonic and Shadow seamlessly coordinated their moves, evading her strikes. The hedgehogs worked in tandem, exploiting openings in the calamity duo's defense and leaving them struggling to keep up.
But Sasha still determined to win pulled out her fire bow shooting it at the group

The fire arrows created a wall of flames, momentarily separating Sonic and Shadow. Taking advantage of the distraction, Marcy quickly formulated a plan and used her illusion disk to create multiple fake images of herself and Sasha, making it challenging for the hedgehogs to discern the real targets.
Then marcy used her calamity powers to push away all of sonic friends leaving only sonic and shadow. Sasha grabbed the blue hedgehog and started wailing on him but suddenly heard a child voice scream sonic
Sasha halted her assault as Chris, now armed with a Remington shotgun, intervened. He pointed the weapon at Sasha and urged her to step away from Sonic. Chris quickly explained that he had made a deal with the man who kidnapped him, offering knowledge in exchange for sparing his life. The tense situation gripped the room as Sonic and Sasha assessed the unexpected turn of events.
Marcy not buying the story pointed her sniper at him demanding to lower the weapon but he wouldn't until Sasha let go of sonic but Sasha not wanting anymore bloodshed tried using her power to blind chris but as she unleashed her blinding light attack chris fell back from the intensity and while falling turned and fired a shot into marcy who fell over

The chaotic scene unfolded as Marcy was hit by Chris's shot. The blinding light attack had taken its toll on Chris, but he managed to land a crucial hit on Marcy. Sasha, now realizing the gravity of the situation, released Sonic and rushed to Marcy's side, urging Chris to explain his actions amidst the chaos. The room remained tense, with Sonic and his friends regaining control over the situation.

Chris dropped the gun only firing it due to the blinding light. Chris filled with fear and regret tried telling her it was a accident but Sasha got up laughing a twisted laugh saying "you just signed your death warrant kid" before turning to him and using all her rage blasted a beam of energy at him ending the soul forever to the horror of sonic and his friends

The room fell into a horrified silence as Sasha unleashed her devastating attack on Chris. Sonic and his friends could only watch in shock as the tragic events unfolded before them. The once chaotic atmosphere transformed into a somber moment, with Sasha standing amidst the aftermath, her laughter echoing through the eerie stillness of the room.

Sonic stood there with a rage he only felt 1 other time started to laugh as well "saying she is going to regret that" before a dark blue purple aura envelope him and turning him into dark super sonic to the shock of shadow and the rest of the crew

Dark Super Sonic's transformation sent ripples of shock through the room. The intense energy emanating from Sonic signaled the unleashing of a formidable power, leaving everyone in the vicinity stunned and uneasy. Shadow, sensing the impending danger, prepared for a battle unlike any they had faced before.

Shadow told Sonic that she was responsible for this and this was his moment for revenge. Sasha pulled out her pack a punched haymaker shotgun and fired it at dark super sonic but he dogged all the bullets w ease before punching Sasha off into space where he followed her
As Sasha and Dark Super Sonic clashed in the cold emptiness of space, their battle unfolded with unparalleled intensity. Sonic's dark form demonstrated speed and power that left everyone, even Shadow, momentarily taken aback. The chaotic confrontation between the two titans continued, with Sonic relentlessly pursuing Sasha through the cosmic void.
Meanwhile tails noticing this was there chance told shadow and the rest to return to the blue typhoon so shadow could use the sonic power cannon to destroy the egg carrier

With urgency in their movements, Shadow and the remaining crew members hurried back to the Blue Typhoon. Tails initiated the power cannon, aiming it at the Egg Carrier, while inside, the man observed the escalating situation with a stoic demeanor. The fate of the cosmic conflict hung in the balance.
Meanwhile the leader teleported to marcy body and gave her a mysterious blue liquid called quick revive to temporarily increase her healing process
As the man administered the mysterious blue liquid to Marcy, her body responded with a sudden surge of energy. The wounds inflicted by the gunshot started healing at an accelerated pace. The quick revive acted as a temporary boost, aiding her recovery in the midst of the chaotic confrontation.
Marcy got up asking what happened and he told her that even though they tried, blood was Spilled. The boy who shot you is no more and he told her to get to the captain seat of the egg carrier and turn around to open a portal back home as the remaining fleet did the same but she asked where Sasha?
The man assured Marcy that he would retrieve Sasha. As Marcy rushed to the captain's seat, the man teleported to the location where Sasha and Dark Super Sonic were engaged in a fierce battle. He approached them, ready to intervene and bring Sasha back before the situation escalated further.
The man, using the Thunder Gun, created a powerful burst of energy that propelled Sonic away, giving him the opportunity to grab Marcy. Together, they swiftly returned to the Egg Carrier, leaving the chaotic battle behind them. Once on board, Marcy was visibly relieved, and the man began preparing the portal back to their home universe.

The man, utilizing his mysterious powers, erected a massive barrier on the runway of the Egg Carrier, creating a formidable defense against Dark Super Sonic and the approaching Blue Typhoon. The barrier seemed impenetrable, buying them precious time for the portal to be activated.
As Tails and Shadow prepared the Sonic Power Cannon, Amy expressed concern about whether it would be powerful enough to break through the mysterious barrier. Tails admitted uncertainty but remained hopeful, determined to give it their best shot. The fate of their friends and the unfolding events hinged on the success of this desperate attempt.
Soon the cannon was fully charged and shadow blasted out of the cannon and made contact with the barrier but bounced off it landing back on the ship. The barrier was too powerful to breach.

The failed attempt to break through the barrier left the crew disheartened. Sonic, still in his Dark Super Sonic form, landed back on the ship, releasing the intense anger that had fueled his transformation. The crew, now faced with an uncertain situation, needed to regroup and come up with a new plan.
Cosmos tried to comfort the crew by saying even though we lost the emeralds and Chris. But the metarex were gone and at least our world was saved. So we should go back to your world, repair the ship and use the time to refuel rearm and use the master emeralds connection to the 7 chaos emeralds to track them down.

The crew found solace in Cosmos's words, realizing that even though they had lost the Chaos Emeralds and Chris, they had successfully thwarted the Metarex and saved their world. With renewed determination, they decided to return to their world, repair the ship, and use the time to regroup, refuel, and rearm. The prospect of using the Master Emerald's connection to the 7 Chaos Emeralds to track them down offered a glimmer of hope, and the crew agreed that it was a great plan. They were grateful for the opportunity to help Cosmos in stopping the Metarex and safeguarding their home.

Sonic, despite his grief, refused to give up and was determined to ensure that Chris's sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. He vowed to stop the man behind all the chaos and destruction. Shadow, acknowledging Chris's goodness and the role he played in helping him rediscover his true self, also committed to assisting Sonic in this mission. The two hedgehogs shared a moment of unity as they prepared to face the challenges ahead.
Back aboard the Egg Carrier, Marcy and Sasha were finally reunited. Sasha, overwhelmed with relief, embraced Marcy in a tight hug, shedding tears at the thought of losing her. Marcy reassured her, explaining that their healing abilities saved her from the brink of death. She grinned goofily and added, "It hurts like hell, but you know me - not easy to take down." Sasha regained her composure and, with a heavy sigh, confessed to Marcy that she had done something awful. "After you were shot," she paused for a moment, "I launched an energy blast at that kid and it killed him." Marcy, showing sympathy, responded, "It's okay.

We tried our best to avoid spilling any more blood, but he made his decision, and you made yours. We all have blood on our hands, but it doesn't make us bad people."

As they were engrossed in their conversation, Anne entered the room and observed the two standing together. She remarked, "I see that the mission was a success." However, upon noticing Sasha's tears, Anne hurriedly approached the duo, asking with concern, "What's wrong?"
Sasha recounted to Anne the events involving Marcy and Chris, admitting, "I know we swore not to spill any more blood, but I lost it and saw red."
Anne comforted Sasha, holding her close and reassuring her that it wasn't her fault. She expressed understanding and emphasized that she didn't think any less of her. Anne suggested they go relax since the mission was over and they were safe.

Sasha and Marcy agreed to leave the room, but Marcy couldn't shake off her questions. She wondered why he was brought here, how he escaped the holding cell, and what he meant by making a deal with a man to escape. However, Marcy decided to put those questions on hold, knowing that she would get her answers later.


Chapter 6: Chapter 6 The mole


Someone has been sabotaging the mans plans and he wont stop until this intruder is found.

Chapter Text

The man approached Afton in the laboratory, inquiring about how Chris managed to escape from the holding cell and acquire a shotgun.
Afton turned away from his desk, frustration evident as he slammed a wrench to the floor. He exclaimed, "That worthless brat tricked me! He must have uploaded a virus using the laptop I gave him to document everything he knows."
Confused, the man expressed disbelief, stating it was impossible due to the firewall. He grabbed the laptop from the desk and, upon inspection, discovered its admin status that could bypass the firewall. Puzzled rather than angered, he questioned Afton about the source, and Afton admitted a guard had given it to Chris.

Perplexed, the man had a realization, "This means we have a mole amongst us." Afton quickly clarified that the guard was fully covered in a uniform, concealing all skin, and wore a ballistic mask.
Frustration and confusion mingled in the man's expression as he explained that he intended for Sasha to eliminate Chris, advancing his plans to turn them into monsters. This unforeseen deviation from the plan suggested that the mole had attempted to ensure Chris's survival by providing him with an all-access laptop capable of uploading the virus.

Afton, with a puzzled expression, emphasized the urgency of finding and eliminating the mole to prevent any disruption to the man's plans and Afton's own rebirth.
The man instructed Afton to return to work, and he decided to gather all crew members in the hangar personally to uncover and deal with the mole.
Meanwhile, as the man called for a meeting, the calamity trio were mentally recovering from the battle when a message over the loudspeaker instructed all personnel to report to the hangar.
Frustrated by the interruption, the trio made their way to the hangar, with Marcy trailing behind, absorbed in her journal. Suddenly, she was grabbed and pulled into another room by a mysterious guard.
Startled by the sudden grab, Marcy instinctively tried to defend herself, but the guard quickly reassured her that he was a friend.

Marcy, still on edge, demanded to know who he was and what he wanted. The guard removed his mask, revealing a face marred by decay and a sickly purple hue. He introduced himself as Michael Afton and pleaded with Marcy for help to bring an end to the madness.

Marcy, not one to be fooled, kicked him back and tried to run out the room but was stopped by a big black animatronic bear with one eye and something held within that looked like a marionette. She was looking at lefty who told her with a whispering female child voice "your working for a bad man and he saved afton who until he dies I won't rest"
Lefty's eerie revelation left Marcy startled. The animatronic bear warned her about the man she was working for and declared a personal vendetta against Afton, vowing not to rest until his demise.
Marcy cautiously played along with Michel's request, expressing a willingness to help, but deep down, she was already planning her escape to warn the others about the potential threat.
Taking advantage of a momentary distraction, Marcy seized the opportunity and sprinted towards an alarm, triggering its blaring sound and alerting both Afton and the man to her location.
Michael sprinted out of the room, accusing Marcy of being no better than his father, and aimed a pistol at her, attempting to take a shot.
Marcy, refusing to be shot again, swiftly drew her void bow and unleashed a shot at Michael and Lefty.

Lefty stepped in front of Michael, taking the hit from the arrow and shattering the bear. Unbeknownst to Marcy, this action had just freed the marionette from its prison.
Shocked, Marcy watched as the marionette climbed out of the shattered bear and started running toward her. She fired shots, but it skillfully dodged them. Michael provided covering fire as the marionette advanced towards marcy.
As it approached Marcy, preparing for a physical confrontation, Nightmare Foxy intervened, throwing the puppet into a wall. When Marcy turned around, she found Springtrap, Anne, Sasha, and the man ready to confront whoever dared to attack her.
Springtrap glanced at the puppet and quipped, "Well, look who's here to take me to hell. And surprise, surprise, my disappointing son is back to ruin the family, just like the good old days when you shoved your brother's head into Fredbear."
The trio looked at each other with horrifying looks and turned to afton. They told him to explain what the hell was going on here and who these intruders were.
Afton went on to explain to the trio about the Bite of '83, detailing the unfortunate incident involving a sibling's head being shoved into Fredbear's mouth.
Michael retorted telling the trio that while yes it's the truth afton is pure evil and must be stopped.

Marcy, horrified by the revelation, cut Michael off, declaring that it was their only chance to leave or face consequences.
In a fit of frustration, the man, fueled by the dire circ*mstances, issued a commanding order to the trio. He urgently instructed them to draw their bows and take aim at Michael and the puppet. In his revelation, he exposed Michael as the catalyst behind Chris's escape and subsequent demise. The man elaborated, describing Michael as an undercover infiltrator scheming to dismantle everything, casting a looming threat over the fate of Amphibia.
Despite Michael's attempt to elucidate that their boss had manipulated them, the trio remained steadfast in their resolve. Ignoring Michael's plea, they unleashed a relentless and coordinated attack, bringing a decisive end to both Michael and the puppet's existence.

As the smoke cleared, nothing remained of the two but ash. Springtrap, relieved to be rid of them, commended the trio. However, Marcy snapped back at him, approaching with determination. "Listen here, I know you're a cold-blooded child murderer, and you belong in hell. I only did that to protect my friends, and you're not one of them. We will save Amphibia, and you will continue to be useful to him. But once Amphibia is saved, I never want to see you AGAIN," she declared, grabbing Sasha and Anne's arms and walking away.

The trio walked away into another room. Springtrap gave a sinister laugh, telling the man that he was right - they are fools, and soon they will be as irredeemable as he is.
The man nodded and agreed, saying it's been a long day. He instructed everyone to report back to their rooms while he flew the Egg Carrier back to the Ark.
The Egg Carrier arrived in the Ark. The Calamity Trio went to their living quarters, while Afton and Baby headed to their main laboratory. The man took the 7 emeralds to the Cannon Core.
The man carefully inserted all seven emeralds into their respective slots, witnessing the Ark's power restoring to 100 percent.
His sinister laughter echoed, confident that with the seven emeralds now powering the Ark, the corruption of the calamity trio was inevitable.


Chapter 7: Chapter 7 The sins that lie in the Alice Aduraice mansion.


Springtrap needs more remnant for his work and the only place to quickly gather large amounts of remnant is by harvesting the souls from the Alice Aduraice mansion.

Chapter Text

Two weeks had passed, and the trio continued to train and grow stronger under the man's watchful eye. However, a new issue surfaced. Springtrap informed the man that he was running low on remnant and needed a substantial stockpile of souls to fuse with metal, creating more remnant for building new animatronic horrors.

The man, reluctant to waste time hunting down individuals for their souls, delved into research to identify worlds where he could swiftly gather the souls he needed. His search led him to the perfect place-the Alice Aduraice mansion.
The man was well-acquainted with the tragic tale of the cursed Alice Aduraice mansion. The story unfolded with Alice and her husband, Riba, massacring everyone within the mansion as part of a ritual to achieve immortality. Alice's deteriorating health had prompted this desperate act. However, the ritual went awry, leading to a tragic end. Riba, in a twisted turn of events, betrayed Alice and killed her after killing her adopted daughter Anna after she killed her sister who she grew jealous over for getting all the love from Alice. Riba, who was Anna's biological father, grew enraged and killed Alice knowing that the ritual couldn't be completed.
The consequences of the failed ritual were severe. Alice, in her lingering spiritual form, gained the power to curse not only the mansion but also the entire world. Just as she was about to unleash this darkness upon the world, her stepdaughter's spirit, Anna, intervened. The stepdaughter sealed Alice's spirit within a music box, trapping her and the souls of the entire family and servants in perpetual agony and grief. It was a perfect location for harvesting the souls the man sought.
He shared the captivating story with Afton, who found it intriguing and agreed that the souls from the mansion would be incredibly useful, especially those of the children present. As they prepared for the mission, Afton questioned the logistics of collecting the souls since he could only harvest them immediately upon departure from the bodies. The man reassured him, revealing a metal tablet adorned with mysterious carvings.
Explaining its purpose, he referred to it as a soul tablet. The souls would manifest temporary bodies to confront intruders. Once these temporary bodies were destroyed, the tablet would trap the souls within it. It was a strategic method to efficiently harvest the souls they sought.

Afton acknowledged the plan and expressed his intention to incorporate the soul tablets into the Nightmare animatronics for the mission. However, the man emphasized that he wouldn't be sending Afton alone. The Calamity Trio would accompany them, as the mansion posed a grave threat. Additionally, it was overseen by two god-like beings, the twin gods Len and Layla. Though the man admitted lacking extensive knowledge about them, he warned that they could be a significant challenge. Assuring Afton that the Calamity Trio would handle them if necessary, they prepared for the mission to the Alice Aduraice mansion.
Understanding that this upcoming mission would be their most mentally challenging yet, the man felt the need to personally inform the Calamity Trio. He made his way to their living quarters to convey the details of the impending mission.
After reaching the trio's living quarters, the man knocked on the door and patiently awaited a response, anticipating that one of them would soon open the door.
Anne opened the door, surprised to find the man standing there. She inquired about his purpose, and the man asked if the others were present. Confirming their presence, she agreed reluctantly, and Sasha, coming out of the kitchen with a beer in hand, froze in shock. She immediately alerted Marcy to get up, realizing that the man they were aiding had arrived. Marcy, displaying a less-than-enthusiastic demeanor, joined Sasha as they stood next to each other. The man gestured for them all to sit on the couch while he settled into an armchair on the opposite side.

He assured them that they were making great strides and subtly manipulated their emotions, suggesting that despite any feelings of being monsters, their actions were driven by sacrifice, not malice. However, he disclosed a new mission, cautioning them that this one would be their darkest and most mentally challenging endeavor yet.
The trio wore expressions of despair and concern, their voices reflecting a sense of dread as they inquired about the details of the upcoming mission. The man explained that they were tasked with freeing souls trapped in a mansion, emphasizing that the task was neither simple nor morally clear-cut. He painted a picture of these souls being filled with anger, warning that if they didn't capture and use them for a higher purpose, the unrestrained rage could lead to more death and destruction. He then mentioned that he only needed two of them to assist Afton while he relocated these souls to a device called a soul tablet, where he would cleanse their anger and set them free.
Little did the trio know that this was a fabrication. Marcy expressed a desire to sit this one out, citing the need for more time to recover mentally from previous missions. Anne and Sasha offered warm reassurances, telling her that she could take the time she needed to heal. The man agreed, recognizing that Marcy needed the time to close her emotional wounds, as allowing her to carry unresolved anger could make her harder to manipulate.
He instructed the duo to join him in the meeting room for a thorough briefing on the mission. Before leaving, the man handed Marcy a pill, explaining that it would temporarily numb her feelings of regret and could provide mental support if she found it necessary.

With a playful smile, Anne and Sasha assured Marcy they would return, and Anne lightened the mood, saying, "Hey, we've faced some formidable foes - it would make a fantastic comic. I know you can capture our looks and skills perfectly." Marcy chuckled and replied, "Yeah, I'll make us look even cooler, taking down those Metarex guys in it too," before waving them off.
Leading the duo into the planning room, the man joined Afton and Baby. As Anne and Sasha settled in, the man inserted a USB stick into the computer, projecting the target onto the screen. "This is the Alice Aduraice mansion," he explained, detailing the horrific events of a twisted couple killing their family, servants, and children for immortality. He emphasized the danger of entering the mansion, with spirits killing anyone who ventured inside. "I need you both to use these soul tablets to capture their souls for cleansing and retrieve a music box that, if not destroyed, will unleash a curse capable of destroying the world."
Anne and Sasha were horrified by the tragedy that befell those people.
Dividing the mission into two teams, the man outlined the plan. "Team 1, the Aftons, will consist of Afton, Baby, and the Nightmare animatronics. Your task is to collect all the souls and eliminate any entities or monsters that stand in your way. Team 2, comprising me, Sasha, and Anne, will focus on finding the music box and confronting the twin witch gods Len and Layla, who perpetuate a cycle of bloodshed for their own amusem*nt. These are malevolent deities that must be stopped."
Anne and Sasha, fueled by anger at the mistreatment of humans by these so-called gods, expressed their determination to take them down. The man cautioned that Len was the more sinister of the two, while Layla had occasionally aided people in avoiding death. The truth of Layla's actions, however, would unfold during the mission.
He emphasized the treacherous nature of the mansion, warning them that it would employ illusions and horrifying imagery to impede their progress. The mansion, he stressed, would go to great lengths to slow them down both physically and mentally, including crafting traps and illusions depicting harm to loved ones. His final directive: "Don't fall for it at any cost."
The group boarded a waiting ship and made their way to the world where the mansion stood. The rain poured down as the helicopter approached and landed. The two groups disembarked, and the man deployed a cover to shield them from the rain. Instructing them to wait, he walked away from the mansion down a dark path to the outer gate.
There, he encountered a man in red attempting to open the gate. The man in red inquired if he could help, but the man warned him of the evil within, insisting that entering would result in death by angry spirits.. Drawing a sword, he urged the man in red to go home, referencing his brother's advice. Recognizing the seriousness, the man in red conceded and left, thanking the mysterious man for changing his mind but questioning how he knew of his brother's warning but remembering the quote "curiosity killed the cat" he decided not to think about it. .

The man returned, apologizing to the group, mentioning that he had to prevent a foolish man from entering, potentially facing death. Anne and Sasha nodded in appreciation. The man walked up to the front door of the mansion and then pulled out a C4 charge, signaling the need to breach the mansion. The group took cover as the explosive was detonated, successfully opening the door.
The mansion was enveloped in darkness, visibility reduced, revealing holes in the floors and scattered debris. The air was cold and laden with dust, worn walls adorned with smeared blood. Afton and Baby swiftly set up floodlights and a computer station to create a temporary safe zone. Anne and Sasha, though visibly unsettled, were prepared to rescue the tormented souls. Anne, curious to explore, went up to the closet door she could find. As Anne opened the door, an eerie chill ran down her spine. The man cautioned them, reminding Anne to cautiously open doors while Sasha kept her Haymaker and her sword ready to thwart any potential threats.
As Anne swung open the door, a gruesome kitchen greeted her, blood smeared in every corner, and unsettling arrows pointing towards a freezer. Sasha told Anne to check out the door while she searched the rest of the kitchen. Intrigued, she approached the freezer door, only to be unexpectedly pushed in by an unseen force, the door slamming shut behind her. Sasha hurried to open it, but it resisted her efforts, tightly sealed. Inside the freezer, Anne felt an intense cold seeping into her bones as she attempted to kick the unyielding door. In the chilling confinement, a spectral figure materialized-the spirit of a girl foretelling Anne's fate, declaring that, like those who had come before her, she too would meet her demise.
Anne, determined and resourceful, retrieved a metal soul tablet and activated it, pressing the button on the side. The spectral girl, unaware of the device's purpose, was forcibly drawn into it, screaming until she vanished. Sasha, utilizing her calamity powers, tore the door off, liberating Anne. Grateful, Anne thanked Sasha, showcasing the soul tablet she used and triumphantly declared, "It works! I captured one!"
The man entered, acknowledging Anne's success, but warned, "Please be careful. This place is very dangerous." He reassured them that each soul tablet could hold 30 souls, more than sufficient for this eerie mansion. With this knowledge, the trio left the kitchen, returning to the main area, ready to face the haunting challenges ahead.
As the trio returns to the main room, the monitoring setup alerts Afton to movement in the bathroom. Instructed by the man, Afton, accompanied by Nightmare Fredbear, went to investigate.
Upon breaching the bathroom, they discover a red spirit, resembling a male butler, staring at the mirror. Springtrap instructs the figure to turn around, receiving no response. The man, recognizing the spirit from files, greets him saying "Hello there, Alfred. Turn around, or we'll have to do this the hard way."
The spirit demands they leave or face death.

In response to the spirit's threat, Springtrap and Nightmare Fredbear prepared for a confrontation. The man, seemingly unfazed, casually remarked, "Threatening to kill me? That's all you know how to do, just like when you threatened that made you liked-what was her name? Ah, right, Rosa." The spirit, angered by the mention of Rosa, manifested a physical form, declaring his intent to kill. The man, maintaining his composure, prepared for whatever might unfold.
The enraged spirit lunged at the man, only to be intercepted and firmly grasped by Nightmare Fredbear. Confused, the spirit questioned the nature of these entities. Before the spirit could comprehend the situation, Nightmare Fredbear swiftly bit off the spirit's physical head, simultaneously activating the metal soul tablet to imprison the tormented soul within.
Afton chuckled, remarking, "I wish I had something like that when spirits attacked me all those years ago."
The man also laughed saying "that 2 more souls for your experiments afton."
The man ordered Afton and Nightmare Fredbear to exit the bathroom back to the main area.
As they regrouped, the man pulled out a list, checking off two names and said, "Alright, everyone, let's keep going. Afton, you take the Nightmare and Circus baby and go upstairs. Meanwhile, Sasha, Anne, and I will locate the music box. If anything goes wrong, contact me immediately."

they all agreed to their assigned tasks. The man Sasha and Anne went down the left they were walking down the halls, Sasha glanced into a mirror and noticed something off about her reflection-her eyes lacked a soulful presence. Ignoring it, she continued. Anne, surrounded by fake plants leading them to a specific room, felt an unsettling chill and a sense of foreboding as they entered.
Upon entering the room filled with plants and a giant crate, the trio explored their surroundings. Suddenly, a horrifying, ghoulish laughter echoed through the space, sending shivers down their spines.
The man, who seemed to recognize the voice, warned the duo that another spirit was approaching and advised them to prepare for its arrival through the door.
The door swung open, revealing a woman in a dark dress who entered with a chilling, distorted laughter. She claimed it must be her lucky day, expressing delight at the sight of all the fresh meat. Horrified, Sasha drew her heroine sword, declaring that the woman wouldn't be consuming them, calling her a freaky cannibal.
As the woman advanced toward them, Sasha prepared herself. Swiftly dodging the spectral assailant's attempt to grab her, Sasha retaliated by stabbing the evil spirit in the back. She then instructed Anne to utilize the soul tablet.
After Anne activated the soul tablet, it efficiently captured the spirit's essence with a haunting screech. Anne securely placed the tablet back in her backpack, commending Sasha on a job well done. The trio steeled themselves for the challenges that awaited them in the next room.
The man swung open the door, revealing a balcony with a view overlooking a pit. On the other side lay a path leading to the mansion's garden. Advising them that there was nothing significant on that side, he instructed them to return.
As the trio continued their exploration of the mansion's first floor, Springtrap and Baby, accompanied by the Nightmare animatronics, ascended the stairs to reach the second floor. Afton found himself faced with two doors, one leading to the library and the other to the master bedroom. After a brief contemplation, he decided to enter the library, instructing Nightmare Bonnie and Chica to secure the room first.
While the animatronics carried out their orders, Baby brought up a question, "These spirits can somehow attack us without possessing a body, why couldn't your victims do that, Father?" Afton, considering the query, responded, "These spirits are entirely different from anything I've faced before. I'd like to study them more closely to see if it can provide insights for our goals."
After the reassuring return of Nightmare Chica and Bonnie, indicating that the library was secure, Afton and Baby stepped into the room. The library was filled with the musty scent of old books, and Afton couldn't help but be drawn to a few volumes that caught his interest.
He pulled them off the shelf, discovering literature on spirits and demons, aligning with what the man had explained about their ability to summon temporary physical forms in this universe. Additionally, there were newsprints discussing the mysterious disappearances of people.

While Afton delved into the books, Baby explored another bookcase, uncovering volumes related to death curses and Evangeline. The duo found themselves immersed in a trove of occult knowledge within the library's dimly lit confines.
After concluding their reading, Afton and Baby were startled by a sudden noise, and to their surprise, books with teeth materialized, chastising them for their presence. Afton swiftly alerted the rest of the Nightmare animatronics, and they burst into the room, forming a protective circle around Afton and Baby. The animated books attempted to attack, but the Nightmares efficiently demolished any that came too close. With the room cleared of the hostile entities, Afton sealed the door and directed Nightmare Foxy and Freddy to accompany him and Baby to the master bedroom, while the others maintained vigilant guard duty outside. Unimpressed by the mansion's supernatural tricks, Baby asserted defiantly, making it clear that they wouldn't succumb easily to any spirits lurking in the eerie abode.
They found nothing of value in the master bedroom, so they ventured into the right hallway and entered another room. This one contained a guest bedroom, a bathroom, and a storage room. Baby, curious about the potential presence of spirits in the bathroom, instructed Nightmare Chica to assist her. Nightmare Chica, equipped with a spirit tablet, was tasked with securing any spirits that might be lurking there.
Upon entering the bathroom, they were greeted by more blood stains and an empty bathtub. As Baby inspected her reflection in the mirror, a sudden crash and shattering of glass caught their attention.
A spirit emerged through the broken window, wearing a disturbingly wide smile, and uttered, "Come play with me." Undeterred, Baby snapped her fingers, prompting Nightmare Chica to swiftly seize the physical form of the spirit. With razor-sharp claws, Nightmare Chica sliced the spirit in two before the soul tablet activated, drawing the spirit inside. In its final moments, the spirit pleaded for its father before being contained within the tablet. Satisfied, Circus Baby left the bathroom, with Nightmare Chica following closely behind.
Afton, satisfied with the successful containment of the previous spirit, inquired if Baby had found another. She confirmed her success and explained that the spirit was now within the soul tablet. Moving into the guest bedroom, they were confronted by the haunting sight of a noose hanging from the ceiling. Their investigation revealed a spirit in the corner-a female maid who had taken her own life.
Afton, attempting to assert control, approached the spirit and taunted, "Alright, woman, we've already captured many spirits here. You won't get away. Give up, just like how I see you gave up your pathetic life." The maid, fueled by anger, turned around and slapped Afton. To her surprise, the springlock armor held firm, and Afton calmly remarked, "You can't hurt me." Shocked by the lack of impact, the spirit focused on him and inquired about his nature, questioning if he had died there.
Afton chuckled, revealing that he had escaped from his demise due to a mistake-a mistake that he now considered a gift.
Realizing she was not safe, the spirit attempted to vanish, but Afton seized her and pulled her in, declaring her his prisoner. The soul tablet activated, initiating the process of drawing her in. However, as she was being absorbed, she let out a chilling laugh, warning that if Alice was freed, Afton would face destruction.

As Afton and Baby continued their soul-collecting mission on the second floor of the mansion, their confidence grew. Baby even found a twisted sense of enjoyment in the task, commenting that those poor souls must be terrified. However, as she strolled down a dimly lit hallway, she realized somehow she had been separated from her father and was alone. Elizabeth called out for her father but got no response.
"I don't need my father to protect me, I can manage just fine," she taunted any spirit that might be listening".
But as she continued to walk down the hall she encountered something she never thought she would see again-a vision of her mother, passed out on the floor.
Elizabeth cautiously approached her mother, extending a hand in disbelief. However, it turned out to be a trap. A twisted grin appeared on the figure's face, and with an unnatural force, it pulled Elizabeth down and brandished a knife, attempting to stab her. But Elizabeth, now transformed into Circus Baby with a body of metal instead of flesh, easily resisted the attack. Overwhelmed by rage, she kicked the figure off her and charged at it, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks until the illusion vanished. Though Baby had been momentarily deceived, she harbored a burning determination to make the mansion pay by claiming every soul within its walls.
As Baby navigated her way back to the mansion's entrance, intent on reuniting with William, she noticed peculiar faceless apparitions patrolling the area. Recognizing them as potential threats searching for her, she realized the danger of facing them alone. Deciding to seek a vantage point, she ascended the staircase to the third floor, contemplating a descent from the roof.
Upon entering the third-floor hallway, her attention was drawn to a mysterious man with blonde hair clad in a tan suit. Approaching stealthily, Baby aimed to ambush him, but to her surprise, he sensed her presence and skillfully evaded her initial assault.
The man's face bore the vitality of the living, standing in stark contrast to the spirits and illusions she had encountered thus far. Clearly horrified, the stranger attempted to flee, but Baby intercepted his escape, delivering a forceful punch that sent him sprawling to the floor.
Circus Baby addressed the perplexed stranger, "I don't recognize you. Are you another spirit that I shall capture?" The man, still bewildered, questioned, "What are you? You're nothing like the spirits or monsters that haunt this godforsaken mansion. Why are you made of metal?" Baby chuckled, her faceplates sliding and shifting, and explained, "That's because I'm not from this place, dummy." Trying to devise an escape plan, the man inquired about her intentions. She replied, "To go back to the entrance where my father will be." The man, shocked to hear there were more living people in the mansion, offered to escort her but cautioned her not to touch a music box. Baby assured him that she hadn't.
The man, now identified as Riba, stood up and introduced himself as a journalist trapped in the mansion. He inquired about her name, and Elizabeth replied, "You may call me Baby, Circus Baby." Riba, slightly perplexed, gave a confused agreement and escorted her to the first floor, carefully avoiding the faceless entities roaming the mansion.
He inquired why she was in the mansion and what she meant by capturing spirits. She explained that she and her father were here to harvest the souls using soul tablets, showing him one as an example. Riba, shocked and struggling to comprehend the situation, couldn't fathom the why or how, but a smile crossed his face as he realized that this could be the key to finally ridding the mansion of its haunting spirits.
They reached the 1st floor and returned to the entrance. Riba was astonished to see the setup of computers and floodlights, realizing it was their base of operations. Before he could ask further questions, Springtrap and the nightmare animatronics returned from another room. Afton demanded to know where Baby had been, and she explained she was ambushed by faceless entities. Afton, not overly concerned, acknowledged her words but noticed Riba. He inquired about the man, who was now horrified at the sight of a decaying metal green bunny suit with a corpse inside, accompanied by giant robotic animals with sharp teeth and claws. Attempting to flee, Riba ran towards the front door, only to find it sealed with a mysterious black liquid.
Springtrap rushed to the door, examining the mysterious black liquid. He grabbed a metal rod, attempting to push it into the liquid, but the rod began to melt. Enraged, he grabbed Riba, demanding an explanation. "What the hell did you do, you worthless piece of sh*t?" Threatening him, Springtrap demanded a fix or else. Riba, trying to defend himself, claimed it wasn't his fault, pointing out that it must be the spirit of his dead daughter causing this. Springtrap released him and demanded an explanation, prompting Riba to reveal that his deceased daughter wouldn't let anyone escape if the music box was found, and it seemed like it was.
Springtrap declared that everyone would remain there until their return. Confused, Riba inquired about who they were talking about, but Springtrap sharply ordered him to shut up, threatening to introduce him personally to their nightmare companions if he dared to move.

Meanwhile, the man, Sasha, and Anne finally found it. Upon breaching another door, they discovered it lying on the floor - a crimson music box adorned with a dark red gem on the front. The man cautioned them not to touch it, explaining that touching it would bind Alice to the soul of the one who touched it.
"Sasha groaned, asking why it's always a f*cking music box," Anne reassured her, "Don't worry, at least this one won't warp us to a new world. But what this can do isn't much better." The duo cautiously approached the music box while the man took off his backpack to assemble a containment device for it. Their task was abruptly interrupted by the sudden appearance of a spirit - a small girl with red hair and a light red dress. Introducing herself as Anna, she declared that she wouldn't allow them to take the box.
Anne sternly warned the spirit that they were not afraid and gave her a choice - either come with them peacefully to be cleansed or be forcefully captured. The spirit definitely declared that she would never leave or rest until Alice and the curse binding her were destroyed forever.
Sasha explained to the spirit that they were here to break the curse, assuring her that by taking the music box, they could free Alice and allow her to move on to another life. However, the spirit, skeptical of their intentions, summoned black creatures to attack the trio. In the midst of the chaos, Anne was pushed back and inadvertently landed on the music box. The melody abruptly stopped, and as Anne got back up to continue the fight, the spirit, noticing the contact with the box, summoned faceless imposters of the man and Sasha, ordering them to kill Anne to prevent Alice from taking over.
As the spirit was distracted by the chaos, the man attempted to use a spirit tablet to capture her, but she skillfully avoided it. Seeing her minions and imposters falling one by one, she warned them that as long as she existed, they would never escape, then vanished. Annoyed by her escape, the man refocused on the music box but noticed it had stopped playing the music, realizing Alice had latched onto Anne. He explained the situation to Anne and instructed her to grab the box, assuring her that once they returned to the ark, he could perform an extraction ritual to remove it from her, ensuring her safety.
As Anne grabbed the music box, the trio swiftly left the room. Sasha inquired about Anne's well-being, and Anne initially claimed to feel fine. However, as they continued walking, Anne's eyes started turning green, indicating Alice's presence. Anne, unaware of the situation, instinctively reached for her pistol, but upon realizing, she attempted to lower her weapon and return it to its holster. Unfortunately, she was overcome by an excruciating headache, causing her to fall to her knees, alerting the other two to the unfolding struggle within Anne's mind.

Sasha attempted to rush towards Anne to ascertain what was wrong, but the man swiftly grabbed her, asserting, "Don't approach her; stay back." Sasha shot him a look of both disgust and confusion, questioning why she couldn't help her friend in pain. The man, with a stern tone, explained that Alice was attempting to possess Anne, and if Sasha ran up to her, Alice would likely try to attack. He insisted on handling the situation, citing familiarity with Alice's tricks.
Sasha, looking away, told the man, "You better know what you're doing because I'm not going to fight Anne, and I won't let this spirit hurt Marcy '' The man assured her that the spirit wouldn't, and he confidently walked towards Anne, who was still on her knees. Sasha continued, The man, showing confidence, greeted Anne, asking if she was feeling alright. Anne replied, "I'm fine, just fine," looking up at him with green eyes.
He offered his hand, and she took it, attributing her condition to the dust. He reassured her, saying they would be out soon. As he turned around, Anne pulled out her gun, firing a shot into the back of the man's head, laughing with a twisted grin on her face. The man stood there, unaffected, as smoke cleared. He turned around, saying, "Oh, Alice, you have to try harder than that." Both Alice and Sasha were left in shock.
Alice, now possessing Anne, questioned the man, "Who are you, and why isn't your brain splattered all over the floor?" The man casually responded, "Oh, you thought I'd just let myself be open to that," revealing an invisible barrier that he had formed when he turned around. He removed the barrier and continued, "Alright, Alice, I know you want to escape, but I don't want that pesky curse to infect my beautiful space colony ark. So, release Anne and go back into the box, or I'll have to end you, just like how your husband Riba ended you all those years ago with the crowbar."
Alice, now enraged, declared, "You're a fool! I know how powerful this body can be. Even if I can't access Anne's powers, I can still kill you both with just this." She pulled out a long kitchen knife, its origins unclear, and charged at the man with psychotic laughter.
The man did nothing as she charged him, repeatedly plunging the blade into his chest and stomach. Sasha was horrified, screaming, "What are you doing? She's shredding you!" The man just stood there, not changing his expression. As Alice tired out, the man looked at her and said, "You done yet?" As she looked down, all his wounds healed up as they were being opened. She dropped the knife and said, "What the hell are you?"
The man simply said, "I'm the one to end this nightmare," and punched the still-possessed Anne in the face, knocking her back into a wall. Her eyes turned brown. He told Sasha that she was fine for now as Sasha ran up to Anne and asked her if she was okay.
Anne, regaining consciousness, looked around in panic, asking, "What's going on? Why does my face hurt?" Looking down at her blood-covered clothes, she exclaimed, "WHY AM I COVERED IN BLOOD?" Sasha explained what happened, and Anne was horrified, asking how to get this "psychotic bitch" out of her body. The man explained they needed to go back to the entrance and make contact with the ship. He assured Anne they would send the soul extraction equipment, specifically designed for possessed individuals. Anne, understanding the plan, got up, mentioning to Marcy that this must have been similar to what Marcy went through with the core back in Amphibia. Sasha reassured her, saying they could get through this, and the trio made their way back to the mansion entrance.

Back at the mansion entrance, Afton used the computer to calculate the remaining souls, stating that only six were left in the area. He continued planning their route while Riba, still sitting against a wall, waited for an escape. He was greeted by a familiar voice saying, "You've really got yourself in quite a pickle this time." Riba replied, "Are you going to help me or continue to annoy me?" The voice responded, "That's not very nice, but these things are definitely evil. I wonder if they are worse than you are." Riba snarled, saying, "These things will meet their end if they keep exploring this place." Suddenly, a cat appeared and spoke, "You're right. If they want more souls, then I've got a perfect place in mind-if they survive and collect the souls," before vanishing.
As the trio returned, the man instructed Afton to contact the ship due to Anne's possession, but the signal was blocked. Frustrated, the man approached the entrance door covered in black goop. With a powerful energy blast, he destroyed the doorframe and goop, revealing an empty black void beyond. Riba, witnessing the entire event, was utterly shocked. Anne and Sasha, noticing the mysterious person, asked about the man's identity.
The man turned, asking Anne and Sasha who they were talking about. and upon seeing Riba standing against the wall, the man smiled widely. He remarked, "Well, well, well, if it isn't Riba." Continuing, he expressed surprise that Riba hadn't avoided them and inquired if Afton had brought him here.
Afton explained that Baby found Riba and brought him here, intending to extract useful knowledge. The man agreed, wanting Riba alive for questioning once they escaped. Riba, understanding the situation, promised to reveal everything if they got him out. While Riba spoke, Anne's eyes shifted back to green, and she drew her storm bow, laughing maniacally. Witnessing this, Riba knew that Alice had possessed her and realized his fate was sealed.
Afton turned around and saw Anne pointing the bow at the group.
Afton, alarmed by Anne's changed demeanor, demanded an explanation. Alice, speaking through Anne, declared that everyone would die in the mansion, but she would finally be free once she completed the ritual to fully take over Anne's body. The group now faced a new threat within their own ranks.
The man instructed Afton and Baby to step back, emphasizing that Alice had possessed Anne and a battle for control was underway. He positioned himself, ready to confront the internal struggle within Anne once more.
he told Anne to fight it and don't let her overpower yo- but as he was talking Alice fired the charge storm bow at him unleashing a small electric tornado that barreled toward him.
Despite the electric tornado unleashed by Alice, the man summoned a barrier to shield himself. Seeing Alice's struggle, he quickly instructed Sasha to approach from behind and remind Anne that she wasn't alone, aiming to support her in the internal struggle for control.
Sasha firmly seized the still-possessed Anne, encouraging her to resist and emphasizing their unwavering support. As Alice's grip weakened, Anne reclaimed control, expressing remorse and acknowledging the unexpected difficulty in battling this version of Alice. The man, eager to move forward, suggested they exit through the rear and attempt to communicate with the ship, deciding not to linger any longer.
As they made it outside, they encountered a river blocking their path. The man, resourceful as ever, deployed a device that expanded into a bridge, allowing them to safely cross the water. Entering the garden, he set up another portable shield to protect them from the rain. Frustrated by the continued signal blockage, he decided to take matters into his own hands.
With determination, he declared that if the place wouldn't let them leave, they would take all the souls and nothing would stand in their way. Instructing Anne and Sasha to follow him, Afton and his crew stayed behind to watch over Riba, who stood silently, his gaze fixed on Anne
.Soon they found there way to a mine shaft

In the eerie mine shaft, they discovered the skeletal remains of a young child. Sasha, now desensitized to such sights, wondered if the spirit lingered. Indeed, the spirit emerged-a small blonde-haired girl. Curious, she asked about their presence. Sasha explained their mission to free trapped souls, offering the option of transferring her into a soul tablet. The girl agreed, allowing herself to be taken peacefully.
With one soul caught, the man informed them that only one remained. However, their triumph was interrupted as Anna, enraged by the perceived deception regarding her stepsister, attacked the trio. Anne, determined to return home, used her storm bow to ensnare the spirit in an electric tornado. Seizing the opportunity, the man activated the soul tablet, capturing the struggling spirit within.
Satisfied with the capture of the last spirit, the trio rejoined the Aftons in the garden, confident that nothing could impede their departure. However, their triumph was short-lived as a black cat with striking yellow and blue eyes appeared. The man, puzzled by the feline's presence, suddenly realized its significance and urged Anne and Sasha to prepare themselves, as SHE had decided to reveal herself. The cat transformed into a girl with white hair and a brown jacket. The man issued a warning to her, addressing her as Len, acknowledging her status as a god in this world but asserting their newfound power, demanding that she step aside or face their lethal resolve.
Wearing a bored expression, Len claimed not to recognize the group, dismissing them as pathetic ants she would gladly observe trapped forever. The man, seething with anger, expressed a long-held desire to prove her fallibility and challenged her invincibility.

Len responded with a sad*stic grin, promising an extra painful demise. She transported them to a white room, declaring it an inescapable hell. The man unsheathed the Blades of Chaos, instructing Sasha and Anne to stand guard and face this twisted god.
The God Len summoned giant stones in an attempt to crush them, but Anne and Sasha unleashed their full calamity forms, effortlessly destroying the projectiles. Len, genuinely surprised by their power, remarked, "This might be fun," before bursting into laughter.
The man charged at her with the Blades of Chaos, attempting an attack, but Len deftly dodged and blocked his strikes. Anne drew her dual MRG pistols, unleashing a storm of bullets, though it did little damage. Meanwhile, Sasha engaged Len with her heron swords, and the God retaliated with a long sword of her own. Recognizing the need for more firepower, the man summoned his pack-a-punched, fully customizable Dingo LMG, unleashing a barrage of bullets at Len while she was distracted by Sasha.

Len summoned giant black hands in an attempt to grab the duo while dealing with Sasha, but the man swiftly destroyed them, preventing the god's counterattack.
As the trio continued to battle Len, they began to gain the upper hand. Len's face changed to that of worry as the man confidently told her, "You're a big fish in a small pond, and you will die here, while we leave." Len was kicked by Anne and fell to the ground. As the trio approached, declaring it was over, she summoned black spikes and struck Anne and the man in the chest but not deep enough to hit the organs, only the muscle. Sasha, reacting swiftly, dodged in time. As Len got up with a bored expression, she said, "Pointless as always, but it's OK; you can try ag-" Before she finished her sentence, Sasha unleashed all her power, shooting a gigantic energy blast at the god.
Len, underestimating the power of the blast, failed to properly shield herself and was seriously damaged. The spikes disappeared as Anne and the man fell to the floor. Sasha rushed to Anne, helping her up while the healing process began. The man, recovering, stated, "Okay, that hurt a little, but now it's time to finish this madness." Walking up to the now beaten Len, he declared, "You're so pathetic, treating mortals like rats in your maze. Let this be a lesson you won't forget," pulling out a pistol and aiming it at her head. However, he was pushed back by another person - Layla, Len's sister, who expressed her anger at the attack on her sister. But before Layla could finish her threat, the man teleported in front of her, using the blades of chaos to stab and set her alight, then retracting the blades and blasting them away with an energy blast.
Anne and Sasha were amazed yet horrified as the smoke cleared, leaving nothing of the two gods. The room started to collapse, and the trio found themselves back at the garden. Afton demanded an explanation, and Anne revealed that the two gods were destroyed forever. Baby chuckled, finding it entertaining. As the trio composed themselves, Anne's eyes turned green, and Alice spoke, expressing her intention to use this body for revenge, especially with the witches now gone. However, Riba intervened, expressing frustration and threatening to kill Alice if needed. Springtrap stepped in, breaking Riba's knife and warning against such actions.
Sasha, holding onto Alice-possessed Anne, refused to let go until Alice gave up control. Alice resisted, screaming and struggling, but a drop pod crashed, signaling the cleared signal. Afton explained it housed the soul extraction device. Knowing she would lose her hold on the body, Alice begged to keep it, but Sasha, disgusted, affirmed that Anne's body was not hers. The man activated the machine, forcing Alice into it and strapping her down. Despite Alice's pleas, Sasha and the man remained firm, determined to extract her from Anne's body.

Alice gave a psychotic laugh, warning that extracting her would unleash the curse and doom the planet. The man calmly countered, explaining that the device was built to contain the curse. He assured that Alice would be separated from the curse, and the curse itself would be temporarily sealed inside the music box. The man added that he would send the box to a pocket dimension where it could no longer harm anything. As he activated the machine, Alice screamed in pain as her soul was removed from Anne's body, purging it from the curse.
Once the process was complete, Anne was released.
Sasha, with tears in her eyes, grabbed Anne, asking if she was alright. Anne reassured her, and Sasha helped her to her feet. The man took the music box, now containing the curse, and tossed it into a pocket dimension that he promptly closed and destroyed, eliminating the curse forever.
The man instructed everyone to pack up and leave, but something unexpected occurred-a small child, no older than 5, appeared. Assuming it was a spirit, the man attempted to use a soul tablet, only to find it didn't respond. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was a reborn Alice. Uncertain of what to do, Afton suggested taking her, but the man refused. Anne insisted they couldn't leave her there to die or starve.
Facing this unforeseen situation, the man adjusted his plan, assuring them that he would take her somewhere she could have a family. Instructing Sasha to pick her up, he directed everyone to return to the entrance of the mansion.
They exited the mansion and made their way to the still chopper, boarding it. However, the man and the reborn Alice stayed behind, with him stating that he would take her to her new home first. The chopper departed, and the man held the girl's hand, waiting for another chopper to arrive. Once it did, he directed the pilot to a specific location.
The pilot flew them to a house where the man in red lived. Knocking on the door, the man handed the girl a letter before getting back in the chopper and leaving. The door opened, and the man in red, along with his brother, answered, finding a small girl holding a note that read, "Give this girl a good home and family," with no signature. The man took the girl in, closing the door behind them.
The man returned to the ship, leaving the mysterious world behind forever, carrying the memories of the unusual and haunting experiences he and his companions had faced.
The man reassured Sasha that the child now had a chance for a new life, having been freed from the darkness. He acknowledged the importance of starting anew and providing the child with a loving home. Sasha thanked him for sparing the child and expressed her understanding of the situation.

When asked about Afton and Riba, Sasha confirmed that Afton had brought Riba to the holding cell. The man nodded in acknowledgment, understanding that there were still matters to attend to.
The man, wearing a twisted smile, approached Riba in the cell, finding him patiently waiting. He addressed Riba, expressing a cruel understanding of his situation. The man made it clear that Riba wouldn't leave the place as a free man. Opening the door, he signaled two guards to escort Riba out, feeling the egg carrier dock inside the ark. Instructing the guards to take Riba to Afton's lab, he prepared for the next steps in their plans.
As Riba was escorted to the lab, he angrily yelled at the man, reminding him of their deal. The man chuckled, replying, "A deal with someone like you? I already know everything there is to know." He emphasized that Riba, in his eyes, was a monster and needed to be broken. The atmosphere grew tense as they approached Afton's lab.
As they entered the lab, Afton was in the final stages of setting up the soul extractor machine, a device designed to extract souls and fuse them with metal, creating remnant and agony for future use. Riba, still puzzled, questioned why he was brought there, but the man instructed Afton to load Anna's soul next.

Seeing Anna's name on the monitor, Riba was shocked, and Anna's spirit appeared, asking where she was and if the man was her father. As Riba responded with horror, Anna's spirit began to melt, and he could only watch in anguish as his daughter's essence fused with metal, turning into a silvery liquid stored in a glass tube. Filled with grief, Riba rushed towards the man, attempting to choke him in a fit of rage. However, the man just stood there, laughing at Riba's futile attempts.
Riba, consumed by grief and rage, let go of the man and unleashed a torrent of punches and scratches, even resorting to grabbing a nearby screwdriver to make an attempt on the man's life. However, the man skillfully dodged the makeshift weapon before retaliating. Seizing Riba by the throat, he declared his boredom with Riba's suffering, proclaiming that he had a more fitting fate for a demon like him.
Reaching for the summoning key, the man opened a portal leading to the undead city and callously tossed Riba through it, uttering, "Enjoy being zombie food." The portal closed behind him, leaving Riba to face the grim reality of the undead-infested realm.

As the man closed the portal, he muttered a dismissive remark about Riba and instructed Afton to ensure the harvested souls for Project Reaper lacked the sentience to pose a threat. He then announced his plan to return to his office, emphasizing that he could be reached there if needed. Leaving the room, he made his way back to his office.
Meanwhile, Anne sat alone on the runway of the egg carrier, docked in the Ark's hangar. A somber and reflective expression adorned her face, revealing the toll the missions had taken on her mental well-being. Witnessing horrifying scenes and partaking in morally challenging actions to protect the world she had sworn to safeguard weighed heavily on her mind. Despite the emotional burden, she felt compelled to maintain a facade of strength for the sake of Marcy and Sasha, recognizing her role as the trio's leader.

Unbeknownst to Anne, Sasha had been silently standing behind her, observing the internal struggle. Anne, caught off guard, turned to face Sasha, attempting to mask her vulnerability with a brave demeanor. Sasha, however, saw through the facade and cut straight to the point. Revealing her background as a psychologist, Sasha acknowledged that she understood Anne was not doing well and reassured her that she could talk about it. Seated beside Anne, she offered a listening ear, just as she had done in the past.
As Anne sighed, a flood of emotions poured out. She recounted the horrors of the mansion, expressing the deep sorrow over the senseless deaths and the children's slaughter in the failed ritual. Anne acknowledged the weight of Marcy's experiences and the torment she faced while possessed by the core. Apologizing for the attempt to harm Sasha under the influence of Alice, Anne described the struggle as akin to being pulled down by intense gravity.
Tears welled up in Anne's eyes as she reflected on Alice's rebirth and the chance for a happy life, yet lamented her inability to return home and be with her family. The mansion served as a harsh reminder of life's brevity, and Anne grappled with the idea of eventually being alone as both Marcy and Sasha would face mortality. In a moment of frustration, Anne broke down, struggling to articulate the complexity of her emotions.
Sasha, understanding the depth of Anne's turmoil, placed a comforting hand on her face, assuring her that she would never be alone. Sasha vowed to be there for Anne, promising to ensure she never felt the isolation that haunted her thoughts. The connection between the two friends strengthened as Sasha provided the support Anne needed during this tumultuous moment.
In the midst of overwhelming emotions, Anne, grappling with the complexity of her feelings, leaned in and shared a quiet, poignant kiss with Sasha. The air hung heavy with the weight of the moment. Suddenly realizing the significance of her actions, Anne, overcome with embarrassment and uncertainty, attempted to distance herself, unsure of the implications.

Sasha, however, swiftly reached out and grabbed Anne's arm, urging her to sit back down. Anne, feeling a pit in her stomach, feared that she might have irreparably damaged their friendship. Attempting to dismiss the kiss as a mistake, Anne found herself under Sasha's unwavering gaze. With a determined expression, Sasha, her own cheeks tinged with a blush, asked Anne directly, "Is that how you really feel about me?" The question hung in the air, inviting honesty and vulnerability.
Anne blushed, averting her gaze, and admitted that she wasn't entirely sure about her feelings. However, she expressed how safe and cared for Sasha made her feel, acknowledging the deep connection they shared. Anne hesitated, confessing that she didn't want to complicate their journey further but hinted at a desire to explore the emotions brewing within her.

Sasha, beaming with poorly concealed happiness, asked directly if Anne had feelings for her. Picking up on Sasha's joy, Anne nervously inquired if Sasha reciprocated those feelings. Sasha, unable to contain her emotions, openly admitted, "No sh*t, I do. I have since we left Amphibia after beating Andreas. I was just too afraid to try anything, and I thought we'd drift apart as we grew up. I didn't want to risk ruining our friendship again." The revelation hung in the air, marking a new chapter in their relationship.

Anne, unsure of how to respond, looked away. Sasha, understanding her hesitation, assured her that they could drop the topic if she wasn't comfortable. Tired of lingering sadness and ready to embrace change, Anne firmly told Sasha that they were going to explore their feelings. In a bold move, she asked Sasha out, surprising her companion. Sasha, delighted by Anne's newfound assertiveness, gladly accepted and hugged her, expressing happiness that they could make each other happy.
Anne, smiling, reciprocated with another kiss, this time filled with confidence and a shared sense of warmth and joy. Sasha, still taken aback by the turn of events, suggested they go meet up with Marcy, realizing she might be worried about them. Anne agreed, and as they left the Egg Carrier, they held hands, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on their next mission.


Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Victims of the calamity trio


The number of enemies the trio makes grows....

Chapter Text

Back on Earth, it had been months since Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow, and Gus were thrown through a portal back to Earth from the ark. They were now living with Luz's mother, Camila, and Luz's adopted sister, Vee. Physically, everyone had recovered, but mentally they were still filled with rage, sadness, and a determination to bring justice to all those lost in the Boiling Isles. Luz, in particular, struggled with haunting nightmares about that day and carried the weight of guilt for failing to save her friends, including her own child, from the monstrous threats they faced. Unable to use her Titan form due to the severed connection with King, Luz found solace in Amity's attempts to comfort her, assuring her that they would find their friends and put an end to the villains' plans.
One day, as Luz sat alone in her room, Camila entered and sensed her daughter's inner turmoil. Seeking a breakthrough, she asked for an accurate description of the girl Luz had fought. Luz, never forgetting that face, vividly described her, "Well, she had brown hair in a bun, tied up. She had a blue aura, and her hair turned blue when we fought. She looked like she was Thai, and there were mentions of a world called Amphibia." Camila, intrigued, grabbed her phone and pulled up an article. "Mi hija, when you came back home all those years ago after fighting Belos, I read an article about a girl lost in a frog world. I thought it was a hoax, but if you're saying what I'm thinking, this might be a younger version of her." Luz, confirming her mother's suspicion, took the phone and exclaimed, "Yes, this is her. She's the one I fought. I guess she lives on Earth too."
Camila gathered the others, and they crowded around a corkboard as Amity emphasized the importance of finding more information on the mysterious girl Luz had described. Gus, diligently on a computer, discovered old articles detailing a California invasion by robots and a giant blue lizard who called himself King Andreas. To their surprise, the girl with the same blue hair fought against King Andreas during the invasion. Hunter raised the question of why someone who fought for good back then would turn to evil now.

It became evident to the group that they needed a portal to reach wherever Anne and the mysterious man were. With no access to the Isles or strong enough magic, their hopes were low. Luz, defeated once again, retreated to her room to sleep, and a depressing aura filled the space. In her dreams, she found herself in the in-between dimension, a bridge between worlds, though she knew it couldn't offer a solution. As she sat, tears streaming down her face, a familiar voice echoed - King Clawthorn, the last living titan. Luz, astonished, saw him running towards her, and a smile broke across her face as she hugged him, relieved to learn he survived.
King explained that he managed to save Eda and Lilith by bringing them into the in-between dimension before the cannon destroyed the Isles, but he couldn't save anyone else. Luz, understanding the difficulty of the situation, reassured King and expressed gratitude for his efforts. Curious why he was in this dimension and not on Earth, Luz questioned his choice. King revealed that he didn't have enough time to create a proper portal door, resulting in their current situation.
Luz, determined to bring them back to Earth, inquired about a solution. King shared that he left a vial of his blood in the house as an emergency option. It was hidden inside a box in the basem*nt. Luz, understanding the plan, assured King that she would act promptly. King aided her return to consciousness by unleashing a powerful scream.
Luz awoke with a start, a newfound determination guiding her. She rushed to the basem*nt, calling the others to join her in excitement and urgency.
The group, bewildered, inquired about the commotion. Luz revealed the vial of titan blood that King had left as an emergency option. Shocked, the group questioned its origin. Luz explained that King, Eda, and Lilith were alive but trapped in the in-between worlds.
The group, now filled with a mix of shock and elation, rallied together to construct a portal to rescue their friends. While the portal took shape, Amity couldn't help but ask if anyone else had managed to escape. Luz met her gaze, expressing regret, but assured her that King, Eda, and Lilith were safe. Amity's initial joy waned, but Luz, recognizing her wifes turmoil, grabbed her and offered comfort.
As the portal neared completion, Willow summoned plant vines to serve as makeshift ropes. With the preparations complete, Eda, Lilith, and King emerged from the portal, greeted by the relieved and joyful faces of Luz and her companions.
Luz, embraced by Eda and Lilith, shared the tale of their escape with the others. Eda, visibly relieved, exclaimed, "Luz, I'm so glad to see you! I thought you and the others were trapped on the Isles. What happened?" As Luz recounted her experiences, Eda chimed in, describing a mysterious event in space that blocked all light, followed by a blinding beam of energy and a hasty escape through a portal crafted by King. Eda managed to grab Lilith, but the fate of others remained unknown.
Luz, her eyes filled with sadness, gazed at Eda. "Eda, I'm so sorry, but I wasn't strong enough," she confessed. Eda, puzzled and concerned, asked what Luz was talking about and inquired about her child. Luz sat Eda and Lilith down, recounting the harrowing events that unfolded-the malevolent machines at the stadium, the onslaught of zombies, the menacing animatronics, and the enigmatic clown robot girl, along with the grotesque bunny suit housing a lifeless body. She elaborated on her confrontation with Anne, the formidable girl with mysterious blue powers, who not only defeated her in her titan form but also abducted Azura and the Collector.
Luz continued the heartbreaking narrative, detailing their pursuit of their boss to Belos Castle, where the tragic loss of Amity's sister, Emera, occurred. They followed the antagonist to a colossal ship, discovering Azura held at gunpoint and the lifeless body of the Collector with his blood drained. The ship ascended to space, and Ayzee was trapped in a pod, launched back to the Isles just before a colossal cannon from a space station obliterated their beloved home, claiming the lives of everyone left behind.
Completely horrified and on the verge of panic, Eda broke down, her emotions flooding over her. "So, the Isles are gone-my mother, father, friends... Hooty..." In a sudden realization, she uttered, "Raine. They killed Raine..." Lilith, also grappling with the devastating news, screamed in a horrifying rage before succumbing to her own despair.
Fighting back tears, Eda managed to utter, "Wait, don't tell me Belos somehow returned. It has to be him. He wanted the Isles destroyed." Lilith, too, was consumed by the grim thought of their friends and families back home being lost. Luz, attempting to clarify the situation, dismissed the theory, stating that this man wasn't Belos. Moreover, she expressed uncertainty about whether he shared Belos's beliefs, noting that after the cannon fired, he, too, broke down, claiming he never wanted to destroy the Isles. Luz admitted her skepticism, but it seemed genuine.

Despite the overwhelming grief, Luz declared, "But that doesn't matter now. We are going to find him and make him pay for what he's done to the Isles and Ayzee." Eda, calming down and suppressing her overwhelming curse, nodded, determined. "Alright, what's done is done, and we won't let their deaths be in vain." Lilith and Eda, offering their deepest condolences, assured the group that they could get through this together and wouldn't succumb to grief.
As the now fully reunited group entered the house, a single goal resonated among them-to gather more information about the mysterious girl and track her down. Luz harbored the hope of discovering where the girl lived, potentially leading them to her enigmatic boss. However, their path was paved with challenges, as they only had one article about the amphibian invasion as a lead. Extensive research into the calamity trio's mission and the amphibian invasion would be essential for uncovering more clues and answers. Unbeknownst to them, they weren't the sole survivors of the enigmatic man and the Calamity Trio's mysterious mission to save Amphibia from destruction.
In another universe, Sonic and his crew soared through space on the Blue Typhoon, still grappling with the loss of their friend Chris and the chaos emeralds. Sonic, usually exuding confidence, stood on the runway, his demeanor subdued as he gazed into the distance. Shadow, understanding Sonic's pain, approached him to offer solace. Sonic expressed regret, wishing he could have been faster to save Chris. Shadow countered, stating Sonic did his best, and Chris would want him to continue fighting to save not just their world but others that might be under threat. Sonic, now determined and grateful for Shadow's words, tightened his fist, ready to confront this new menace for Chris and all the worlds at stake.
Tails, intrigued by a blip on his radar, led the crew to investigate. To their astonishment, they found Dr. Eggman and his robotic minions inside their ship, floating through space. Using a mechanical arm, Tails brought Eggman's ship to land on the Blue Typhoon. As they rushed to the runway to check on him, Eggman, accompanied by his robot servants Decoe and Bocoe, emerged from the ship, expressing relief at receiving assistance. Sonic and the others questioned Eggman about his presence. He explained that he was transported here during the confrontation with the Metarex. Tails, recalling the events, inquired about their victory against the Metarex. Eggman, unaware, admitted he didn't know and sought updates from Sonic's group.
Eggman, taken aback by the revelation of the Metarex's defeat, questioned how Sonic and the team managed to achieve it. The group exchanged glances, hesitating to respond, but before Tails could answer, Shadow intervened. "We didn't destroy them; someone else did," he stated cryptically. Eggman, puzzled by this unexpected turn of events, inquired about the identity of the powerful entity responsible. Meanwhile, Decoe and Bocoe, noticing Chris's absence, asked about his whereabouts with concern.
The atmosphere grew somber as Knuckles revealed the tragic fate of Chris, stating that he was killed in battle. Eggman and his robotic companions were shocked, questioning how the Metarex could have taken Chris's life. Sonic informed Eggman that it wasn't the Metarex but a red-haired girl with powerful energy blasts. Eggman, perplexed, inquired about the identity of this mysterious girl. Tails proceeded to explain the events that unfolded after Eggman's disappearance, detailing the arrival of the fleet led by the enigmatic man, the three girls with extraordinary powers, the confrontation between Super Sonic, Shadow, and the powerful adversaries, the computer virus that infiltrated the Blue Typhoon, the unsettling robotic creations controlled by a clown-like figure who abducted Chris, and the tragic outcome of the battle that resulted in Chris's death and the escape of the man and his forces with all seven Chaos Emeralds.
Eggman, shocked by the revelation of someone else defeating Sonic and taking the Chaos Emeralds, was visibly upset as he paced around, questioning why he was sidelined from the battle. Tails offered a theory, suggesting that the ship used by the mysterious man as a mothership was, in fact, the Egg Carrier. Eggman, still in disbelief, argued that the Egg Carrier wasn't designed for space travel. However, Rouge pulled up a screen displaying the modified Egg Carrier used by the adversary. Eggman's anger flared, and he began to yell, expressing his frustration at the audacity of someone stealing his ship and replacing his iconic face with a golden planet symbol. Determined to reclaim what was rightfully his, Eggman vowed to find this mysterious man and demonstrate what true evil looked like.
Sonic, recognizing the need to prioritize their return home and fix the Blue Typhoon, suggested to Eggman that they focus on those tasks first. Eggman, acknowledging the common goal of defeating the mysterious man who took his technology and the Chaos Emeralds, agreed to assist them in navigating back to Earth. After another week in space, they successfully landed in a dirt field next to Tails' workshop. Eggman, now determined to plan his revenge, returned to his ship with his robot minions, expressing condolences for Chris's untimely demise. Sonic thanked Eggman before joining Tails and the others in the process of unpacking and addressing their next steps.
Sonic lent a hand in helping Amy and Cream settle back into their respective homes. Meanwhile, Knuckles, accompanied by Rouge, returned the Master Emerald to its shrine on Angel Island, deciding it was safest there until needed again. Tails and Cosmos headed to Tails' workshop to gather tools for the repair work on the Blue Typhoon. Shadow, driven by determination, left to intensify his training for the battles that lay ahead.
Eggman, on the other hand, returned to his base with a copy of the data from the Blue Typhoon. Intrigued by the modified Egg Carrier flying in space, he meticulously analyzed the footage from the ship's cameras. He focused on the three human-like girls who took down Dark Oak's commanders, Sonic, and Shadow. Zooming in, Eggman observed glowing gems on their upper chests, transformations into super forms, and the use of otherworldly bows. He took detailed notes on their weaponry.
Fast-forwarding through the footage of the nightmarish robots led by the clown girl, Eggman was both disturbed and fascinated by their design. He saw her upload a virus to the ship, yet he couldn't get a copy for further study. Intrigued by her ability to open portals with a spherical object, he found himself puzzled by the nature of these technological marvels. Continuing to watch, he witnessed the kidnapping of Chris and the final tragic fight where one of the girls atomized him with a devastating power. Eggman, horrified by the immense power these girls possessed, shut off the footage and immersed himself in planning how to counter this new threat to his empire.
Back on earth , Luz and the gang discovered that the girl's name was Anne Boonchoy. She resided in LA, California, and along with her two friends, Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu, they had disappeared one night. Initially assumed to be kidnapped or dead, Anne was later spotted back in LA, combating a robotic frog invasion led by someone named "King Andres." She successfully repelled him through a portal and returned to LA with her friends, who chose to keep quiet about the events when questioned by the news. Realizing they needed more information, Gus suggested going to LA to find one of the girls and interrogate her. Luz agreed, acknowledging it as their best course
of action.

Hunter addressed the group, suggesting that they might have to resort to kidnapping and interrogation if Anne didn't cooperate. Eda added a stern reminder that if it came down to it, they shouldn't hesitate to use force. Luz, displaying a newfound coldness, agreed, fueled by the anger of everything Anne had taken from them. The rest of the group exchanged worried glances, understanding the gravity of their mission. While they shared a disdain for Anne, they hoped to extract information without resorting to torture.
Eda and Lilith volunteered to stay behind, guarding the house. King, always eager to assist, perched on Luz's shoulder, declaring his readiness to join the mission. Camila, booking flights on her phone, wished them luck and apologized for the potential necessity of harsh methods. Luz embraced her mother, Vee waved them goodbye, and the group headed to the airport, ready to embark on their mission.
As they drove to the airport, Amity noticed Luz staring out the window with a cold expression in her eyes. Sensing that something was amiss, Amity placed her hand on Luz's, asking what was wrong. Luz explained that she was closing her heart to whatever they might have to do to Anne, emphasizing the pain caused by the destruction of their home and the kidnapping of their child. "I will make her, her friends, and that man pay for what they did," Luz declared with determination. Amity, sharing the same sentiments but cautious about being blindly driven by revenge, reminded Luz that Anne might be a pawn and a victim too. Luz sighed, expressing her desire to put a stop to the man's plans above all else.
After landing in LA, the group got in a taxi and soon found themselves away from the airport. Hunter pulled out a map, discussing their strategy to locate Anne. Willow suggested asking locals, but Luz dismissed the idea, stating that the story was covered up, making casual inquiries ineffective. Gus proposed checking city hall to find Anne's address, but Hunter rejected the notion to avoid attracting attention. Amity added a crucial piece of information, recalling Anne and the man talking about saving Amphibia on the ark. She suggested looking into places where amphibious creatures might be kept. Luz agreed, deciding to explore pet stores and aquariums to inquire about anyone matching Anne's description. The group set off on their mission, with Gus using an illusion spell to disguise them and avoid raising suspicion.

Despite spending the day searching every pet store in the area, the group found no trace of Anne. As night fell and rain started pouring, Amity used her abomination magic to create rain jackets for everyone, keeping them dry. Luz grew more frustrated, fearing that Anne might not have returned from space. Amity tried to comfort Luz, suggesting that even if they couldn't find Anne, they could locate where she lived and search her house. Feeling defeated, Luz was ready to call it a night. However, Willow spotted an aquarium with someone locking up for the night. The group ran for cover, peering over to see a tall Thai girl with her hair in a bun, wearing a green work uniform with the name tag "Anne Boonchoy." Hunter confirmed her identity and urged the group to follow her. Anne got into her car and drove away, with the group using their respective palismans to ride in the sky, trailing Anne's car.
As Anne arrived home, she put her keys away and headed to her room to change clothes. Seizing the opportunity, Luz and the gang quietly approached her front door. Hunter skillfully lockpicks the door, allowing them to enter the house without alerting Anne. Inside, Luz instructed King to keep an eye on the front door, ready to warn them of any potential interference.
The group strategically positioned themselves, hiding around the living room, waiting for the right moment to ambush Anne. After changing out of her work clothes and into regular attire, Anne emerged from her bedroom with the intention of grabbing a soda from the fridge. However, as she walked out, she was suddenly jumped by Luz and the gang.
Luz rushed forward, confronting the scared and bewildered Anne. In an unexpected turn, Anne instinctively punched Luz in the face, luz stumbled before countering with her own punch and prompted Luz to shout, "Remember me, you monster!" Willow, utilizing her plant magic, ensnared Anne, while Hunter efficiently tied her up. Gus fetched a chair and secured Anne in it.
Anne, still disoriented and unaware of the intruders' motives, attempted to scream for help, but Amity swiftly intervened, brandishing an abomination-made dagger at her throat, warning that any screams would result in dire consequences. Anne pleaded with the intruders to take whatever they wanted but begged them not to harm her. Luz, repulsed by her pleas, slapped her and sternly conveyed that their mission was not about taking possessions but seeking justice for their lost friends, family, and home. Anne, puzzled, inquired about the events they were referring to.

Hunter instructed Luz to step back, assuring her that he would handle the interrogation. He confronted Anne, questioning whether she was feigning ignorance or if her master had manipulated her memories. Anne, genuinely perplexed, insisted she didn't know the group and questioned, "What the hell are you talking about? I don't know you people." Hunter, unconvinced, told her that playing dumb wouldn't work and demanded information about her boss.
Anne, still confused, asked if he meant her manager at the aquarium. In response, Hunter delivered a punch to Anne's face, emphasizing, "Stop playing dumb with us. The man who sent you to help kidnap Luz's daughter, the Collector, and who sent zombies to kill innocent people as a distraction." Frightened, Anne claimed she had no knowledge of what he was talking about.
Gus intervened, using illusions to vividly show Anne her friends and family being killed, questioning, "I bet that doesn't feel good, does it well that what we are feeling?" Overwhelmed, Anne began to cry and pleaded for them to let her go. Luz, growing increasingly frustrated, seized a painting and repeatedly struck Anne with it until it broke, vehemently expressing that she didn't get to beg for mercy after the atrocities committed against them and the inhabitants of the isles. Amity intervened, pulling Luz back and urging her to calm down.

Willow, unmoved by Anne's plea, warned her that if she didn't reveal her boss's whereabouts, they would inflict even worse on her friends. Anne, battered and bleeding, shouted defiantly, "If you touch Marcy or Sasha, I'll f*cking kill you!" Willow, detecting a nerve strike, grinned and retorted, "If you don't want us to hurt them, then tell us who your boss is." Anne persisted in claiming she had no idea who they were talking about. Unbeknownst to the group, the Anne they were interrogating was merely a clone, carefully placed there to maintain Anne's normal life while the real Anne was on the ark.
As the clone endured the torture, a distress signal was transmitted to the ark and, more importantly, to the man's office. The man received an alert indicating that the Anne clone was under extreme stress. Swiftly, he accessed a program on his computer, connecting to the clone Anne whose eyeballs contained cameras. Witnessing Luz and the gang torturing the clone, he realized they could pose a threat. Frustrated, he slammed his fist, recognizing what he had to do but wishing they would accept the loss and move on. He contacted Afton in the labs, briefing him on the situation. Afton informed the man that Project Reaper was complete. With a heavy sigh, the man ordered the deployment of the Reaper animatronics to eliminate Luz and the gang for good. Afton agreed and readied them to be loaded onto drop pods for deployment from a small ship bound for their world. The man, resigned to the grim task ahead, grabbed another bottle of whiskey and began drinking, knowing that the gang were essentially walking dead.

Frustration mounting, Luz kicked the still-tied Anne over, declaring, "Let's find the other two; maybe they will be more cooperative." Anne, bound and desperate, insisted they wouldn't know anything and labeled the group as crazy. Suddenly, a phone rang, and Amity picked up, surprised to hear the voice of the man on the other end. Putting him on speaker, the man taunted them as utter fools and revealed the truth: the Anne they tortured was merely a clone he created to maintain her normal life while the real Anne was in space with him. Luz questioned his credibility, but the man pointed out that the real Anne could easily break free and wreak havoc. Accusing the group of blindness fueled by revenge, he regretfully informed them that his newest creations would soon deal with them. Expressing remorse, he concluded, "I'm sorry, but you forced my hand. Goodbye." With that, he hung up the phone, leaving Luz and the gang to face the ominous threat of the man's newest creations.
The room descended into an oppressive silence as Amity dropped the phone. Luz, staring at her bloodied hands, sank to her knees, grappling with the realization of what they had done. In contrast, Hunter hoisted up the battered Anne, still tied to the chair. Amity swiftly cut the vines, freeing Anne, who remained silent, staring at the floor with a horrified expression.
Willow attempted an apology, explaining they believed she was the same Anne involved in the destruction of their planet. Anne, looking up and muttering, revealed her true nature, stating, "I'm a clone, my existence is a lie." She screamed at them to get out of her house, a mixture of anger and despair in her voice. As they left, completely unaware of the imminent danger, drop pods sent by the man landed ominously in the street outside.
Luz and the gang watched in horror as the drop pods opened, revealing four tall, menacing animatronics. The first one, Reaper Chica, stood with a reverse metal blade rib cage and a gas tank on her back. A small flame flickered inside her mouth, suggesting the ability to spew fire.

Next was Reaper Foxy, equipped with two sickle hands and blades extending from his elbows, ready for a deadly assault. Reaper Bonnie emerged with giant hands reminiscent of the nightmares, and a massive speaker capable of deafening his foes.
Last but not least was Reaper Freddy, sporting the same giant hands as Bonnie, along with additional upgrades. He had an illusion disk built into his structure and a chainsaw hand, ready to wreak havoc on anyone in their path. The gang braced themselves for an impending battle against these formidable adversaries.

Luz and the gang prepared for the upcoming battle, but King warned that without the isles, Amity and the others wouldn't be at full magical capacity. Their magic organs, connected to their hearts, struggled to produce sufficient magical essence for combat. Amity acknowledged King's observation, admitting the challenge they faced.
As they braced for the fight, one of the reapers' pods projected a hologram of the man. His stern voice echoed a choice: surrender the clone and seal her in the pod for memory wiping by his retrieval team, or resist and face certain death in battle. The group faced a difficult decision, caught between survival and their quest for revenge.

The man, still hoping to avoid bloodshed, awaited their response with a hint of impatience.
Luz pondered for a moment, realizing that if they refused and managed to defeat the reapers, they could use the opportunity to wait for reinforcements. Once the reapers were dealt with, they could follow them back to the ship, sneak aboard, and trace their way to the man.
With determination, Luz instructed Amity and the gang to trust her as she conveyed a firm "no" to the man's demand, refusing to hand over the clone. The die was cast, and the impending clash between the group and the reapers seemed inevitable.
The man, realizing Luz's refusal, sighed with disappointment. "I gave you a chance to walk away and accept your reality, but now you will die, and for what? It doesn't matter now," he declared. Turning his attention to the reapers, he commanded, "Fetch me their souls."
The atmosphere grew tense as the reapers, ominous figures of metal and malice, advanced towards Luz and the gang, ready to fulfill their creator's grim order.
Luz instructed King to stay back and prevent the reapers from entering the house. The reapers, surprisingly swift, closed in, and Amity took the lead. She conjured abomination spiked gloves, engaging Reaper Chica. Meanwhile, Hunter and Willow confronted Reaper Foxy, leaving Luz and Gus to face off against Reaper Freddy and Bonnie. The clash unfolded in a chaotic symphony of magic, metal, and determination.
Reaper Bonnie unleashed ear-piercing screams, resonating like tortured souls, affecting Luz and Gus. Meanwhile, Reaper Freddy attempted a surprise attack on Luz with his chainsaw-bladed hand. However, Luz quickly summoned her palisman, String Bean, transforming it into a shield to defend against the assault and push Reaper Freddy back. The battle intensified with a cacophony of supernatural clashes.
Hunter inquired about the plan, and Luz explained they had two options: defeat the reapers or deceive them. Reaper Chica, however, disrupted their discussion by unleashing a wave of flames. In response, Willow employed her plant magic to create protective vines, shielding the group from the fiery assault. Amity raised the concern about the clone, and Luz clarified that they would let the clone be taken to follow the recovery crew back to their ship. The urgency of the situation forced them to decide between overcoming the reapers or cleverly convincing them of their demise.

Luz swiftly utilized an invisibility glyph to reach Willow, strategizing with her on the plan to deceive the reapers. They decided to create replicas of themselves using Willow's plant vines and Gus's illusion magic, making the fakes indistinguishable from the real group. The goal was to lure Reaper Chica into using her flame breath on the replicas, allowing the actual group to escape amid the cover of smoke produced by the fire. The coordinated effort commenced as Willow and Gus executed the plan, successfully diverting the reapers' attention and providing an opportunity for the crew to retreat to the side of one of the nearby houses.
As the fire and smoke cleared, the reapers were left with only charred ash, believing the group had been burned to death. Reaper Freddy's deep, hellish voice declared, "Targets eliminated," and Reaper Bonnie approached the drop pod, activating the retrieval signal. Simultaneously, Reaper Freddy and Chica forcefully entered the clone Anne's house, causing screams to echo. The battered clone rushed outside, stumbling, and Reaper Foxy blocked her escape while Freddy pointed to the drop pod, instructing her to go. With a sense of guilt, Luz and the group recognized the innocence of the clone, realizing she didn't deserve the torment she endured. However, they consoled themselves, reasoning that if the Man was truthful, the clone would be fine; if not, it would still serve the greater good.

Another hologram of the man appeared, observing the charred ashes left behind. He questioned Reaper Freddy if that was the group, to which Freddy mechanically responded with a "yes." The man, annoyed at the hastiness of their demise, quietly ordered, "Stay there, retrieval team inbound." Approaching the burned remains, the man's hologram kneeled down, addressing Luz directly, "Don't worry, Luz. Those three will suffer for what happened here. It's my fault too; I started this. But they must pay for their pathetic actions that somehow saved Amphibia when they were children, even though they didn't do it as well as you guys did." The hologram then shut off, leaving Luz and the gang puzzled about the man's cryptic words.
Amity asked Luz about the man's cryptic words, questioning, "But they must pay for their pathetic actions that somehow saved Amphibia when they were children, even though they didn't do it as well as you guys did." Luz, looking puzzled, admitted, "I have no idea." Hunter joined the conversation, suggesting, "Wait, does this mean this man was watching us save the Isles and watched those three save their world?" Gus added, "That sounds like it." Willow, expressing her disgust, said, "Wait, so he's doing all this because he didn't like how their journey went compared to ours?!?" Luz agreed, clenching her fist, and remarked, "How pathetic and petty is this man to do all this to punish those three just because he thought they saved their world incorrectly." Amity advised her to calm down, emphasizing the need to stay quiet, as they waited for the retrieval team to arrive.

The group witnessed black helicopters arriving, accompanied by a black Cargobob. A spec ops team emerged, armed with guns, securing the area. The reapers were led into the Cargobob, which then took off back to the ship. Simultaneously, the spec ops team opened the drop pod and brought out the Anne clone. A medic injected her with a mysterious liquid, causing her to pass out. She was taken into the house, where another crew changed her clothes and administered another healing substance. The clone was placed in bed, and the door was closed, with the spec ops team leaving and securing the door. They reentered the helicopter and started flying away. Luz instructed everyone to mount their palismans and follow the helicopters.
Luz, relieved that the clone wasn't killed, maintained a safe distance from the helicopter along with the others. As they observed, a ship hovered in the desert outside the city, and the helicopters landed inside. Utilizing invisibility glyphs, Luz and the gang flew in undetected, hiding inside a small room as the ship left orbit and used a portal to return to the ark. Luz made a solemn vow that this time, they wouldn't fail in their mission.
As the ship landed in the ark, the trio waited for an opening and swiftly raced out of the hangar, blending into the main ark. Hunter inquired about the plan, to which Luz explained they would locate the core and destroy it, putting an end to the threat. Amity raised a concern about accessing the core without clearance codes. Luz suggested they blend in by wearing uniforms and staying discreet. King, eager to help, was assigned the task of creating a portal door to Earth in an unused room. Hunter provided him with a blueprint for the portal, and Luz assured them they would find a way to stay in contact, perhaps using earpieces for radios. The group set out to search for a uniform closet.
In the uniform closet, everyone equipped themselves with earpieces and radios. King was lifted into the vents to locate an empty room for constructing the portal. Meanwhile, Luz and Amity set out to explore the trio's sleeping quarters, hoping to uncover clues on how to defeat their adversaries. Hunter, Willow, and Gus embarked on a search for a map detailing the layout of the ark's core. The group split up, each member focused on their assigned tasks to gather vital information for the mission.
As Luz and Amity roamed the ark's halls in their disguises, they unintentionally stumbled upon Afton's laboratory instead of the calamity trio's living quarters. Intrigued and cautious, they decided to explore the lab to gather any valuable information that could aid in their mission.

In the oppressive laboratory, filled with an eerie atmosphere, Luz and Amity hid behind machines as they observed the entrance of Springtrap, Baby, and the newly crafted Reaper animatronics. The metallic footsteps echoed, sending shivers down their spines, as they strained to listen to any information that might unravel the mysteries of the ark.

As Baby led the Reapers back to their holding cells, Afton settled into his chair, turning on his computer. A meeting call blinked on the screen, and he answered to find the mysterious man, Roman, on the other end. Luz and Amity listened intently. Afton greeted Roman, acknowledging him by name. Roman expressed satisfaction with the Reapers' performance, praising Springtrap's skill in crafting lethal machines. Afton chuckled, mentioning the abundant remnant and agony harvested at the mansion.
Roman then revealed that the final step in the Calamity Trio's road to corruption was approaching, emphasizing that once they crossed this last line, there would be no turning back. Springtrap inquired about the reward, hoping for a new android body to live an immortal life with his family. Roman assured him that, if successful, he would transfer their souls into new android bodies, even bringing back Evan and Springtrap's wife. However, Michael would not be included as he was working against them. Roman promised Afton his own animatronic-themed restaurant, surpassing even Henry's. Afton laughed, pledging to assist Roman in continuing his work, and the man concluded the video meeting call.
Luz and Amity, using invisibility glyphs, exited the laboratory and swiftly entered a nearby room. Amity secured the door, while Luz, still reeling from the revelation of Roman's identity, grappled with the weight of their mission. Amity reassured her that Roman would pay for what he did, but emphasized the need to thwart his plan. Luz agreed, expressing reluctance to try and convince the Calamity Trio due to their loyalty to Roman. Amity sighed, acknowledging the challenge, and proposed stalling them while they sought a way to the core for its destruction.

Luz, utilizing the earpiece, contacted Gus, Hunter, and Willow, who reported finding a map but faced challenges due to numerous guards. Deciding to wait for an opportune moment, Luz inquired about King's progress with the portal. King affirmed its readiness and disclosed his location five floors down, urging them to join him for a swift exit and regrouping at Luz's house.
Luz, Amity, and the group rendezvoused with the others and reached the portal. Utilizing the door frame constructed by Hunter in the basem*nt, they successfully returned home. Once through the portal, it sealed behind them. Eda, Lilith, Vee, and Camila awaited their arrival, eager to learn if they had located Anne.
Luz, feeling a weight on her shoulders, admitted they found Anne but with a heavy heart. Amity went on to recount the grim details: the clone, the torture, Roman's involvement, and the nightmarish animatronics unleashed upon them. They managed to escape by faking their deaths and created a portal link from the ark to the basem*nt. Now, they were biding their time for an opportunity to destroy the ark's core.
Camila reassured Luz, telling her that she couldn't have known it was a clone, emphasizing that she's a good person who made a mistake. Luz acknowledged this and expressed her determination to make Roman pay for everything he had done. Amity and the rest of the group agreed, understanding the gravity of the situation, and decided to focus on training and preparing for the daunting task ahead, knowing they only had one chance to get it right.


Chapter 9: Chapter 9 The calamity trio vs the scp foundation


Wanting to take a vacation to destress the trio head to a earth in a different universe but unbeknownst to them this earth is guarded by the scp foundation

Chapter Text

Back on the ark, in the armory gun range, Sasha and Marcy were practicing with their guns. As Marcy landed a shot on a moving target with her customized DSR50, she shared with Sasha her shock about Sasha and Anne being a couple. Sasha, firing a barrage of slugs from her customized Haymaker, blushed and expressed her happiness, mentioning that she feels worthy of being with Anne and is determined not to ruin their relationship. Marcy, hitting multiple targets with precise shots, genuinely conveyed her happiness for them.
Sasha, with a playful tone, asked Marcy if she was jealous, to which Marcy replied that she prefers being single, still working through her baggage. Firing more shots, Sasha assured Marcy that neither she nor Anne would let her feel like a third wheel or an afterthought. Sasha, reflecting on her past actions, admitted to Marcy that she killed the kid because he hurt her. Marcy, turning to Sasha, comforted her, saying it wasn't her fault, and she doesn't see Sasha as a killer; it was a normal reaction out of love.
Sasha, reloading her gun, expressed regret, and Marcy acknowledged that it would be strange if she didn't. Sasha proposed grabbing lunch with Anne, and Marcy agreed, putting away her sniper as they both headed to find Anne in the living quarters, who was watching TV.
As the duo entered, Sasha walked up to Anne, who was sitting on the couch watching TV. She gave Anne a quick kiss on the cheek and asked if anything interesting was on. Anne replied with a simple "no," while Marcy grabbed her diary and continued to scribble down her notes.
Anne, flipping through channels, stopped on a beach movie and sighed, expressing the need for a vacation after all the messed-up things they had been through. Sasha admitted she wished they could lie on the beach together, with Marcy launching energy blasts into the sky like fireworks. Marcy agreed, craving an ice cream with sprinkles or a beach pretzel.
Anne, feeling homesick, wondered how the clones were doing. Sasha, acknowledging the strangeness of having a clone living her normal life on Earth, quickly realized her mistake, remembering that Anne was a clone of the Anne who died in Amphibia. She ran over to Anne, apologizing for her slip-up. Anne, looking down at her hands, replied with a somewhat depressing "yeah." Sasha apologized, clarifying that it wasn't meant maliciously. Anne appreciated the apology, mentioning that it's even weirder having a clone of her on Earth, given that she's already a clone of Anne who died in Amphibia.
Sasha reassured Anne, saying she is the real Anne, and the only real clone is the one on Earth. She speculated that Domino rescued Anne but tried to act like he didn't. Anne disagreed, stating she doesn't think that's how it works but emphasized that she's herself, and that's all that matters. Marcy chimed in, adding a touch of humor by saying to think of it as extra lives, sporting a goofy smile. Anne and Sasha laughed, agreeing that they just have extra lives.
Marcy, too, admitted she missed being home and would like to feel the sand and waves of the ocean against her feet. Anne, tired of this feeling, abruptly got up and left the room, confusing Sasha and Marcy. They chased after her, but Anne remained silent. Sasha tried grabbing Anne's shoulder, but she shrugged it off. Confused and anxious, Sasha followed quietly alongside Marcy, realizing where Anne was heading - the man's office.
Anne opened the doors and marched up to his desk where he was sitting, a confused look on his face. The man responded, "Um, you could have knocked 1st, you know." Anne slammed her hands on the table, demanding the man to listen to her. He smiled and sat back, saying it better be important.
Anne motioned Sasha and Marcy to sit down, and she addressed the man, stating that she had three questions before she'd leave. Firstly, she wanted to know the man's name. The man slapped his hand against his head, realizing he never told them his name. He confessed, "My name is Roman, your guide to becoming universal protectors." Anne thanked him and moved to the second question.
"We want to go visit our home; we're homesick," Anne declared. The man refused, turning away. Anne slammed her fist on the table, demanding an explanation. The man revealed that the clone was attacked, showing a deep-faked version that masked intruders tortured the clone instead of Luz and the witches. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy were horrified, with Sasha grabbing Anne's hand tightly. The man explained that the attackers were working for the evil they were fighting and showed footage of the reaper animatronics attacking and eliminating them.
Anne, angered, reluctantly accepted their situation. The man, aware that the trio needed a break, agreed to their vacation request. He provided a solution for their third question - they could go on vacation to a different Earth in a different universe. Choosing a random universe, he instructed them to spend a week doing whatever they wanted and be back by the next week.
Sasha, Anne, and Marcy shrieked with excitement and thanked Roman for granting them a vacation. He nodded and waved them off, but little did he know, the world he chose for their vacation was guarded by the SCP Foundation. Once they discovered the trio's abilities, they would pursue them relentlessly.
Anne, Sasha, and Marcy returned to their room, bubbling with excitement as they packed for their vacation. They eagerly shared their plans, from dining at a nice restaurant to enjoying massages and visiting an amusem*nt park. Anne, wanting to make the most of their time, suggested doing it all. As they finished packing, a guard informed them that their ship was ready, prompting them to head to hanger 4-C and board the 4th ship. With everything in order, the trio left to embark on their adventure.
Upon arriving in the chosen universe's Earth, they landed outside LA on the side of the road, where a cargobob touched down, revealing a replica of Sasha's red convertible. Sasha excitedly ran up to it, kissing the car and expressing how much she missed it, prompting laughter from Anne and Marcy. A soldier handed each of them a credit card loaded with 10 million dollars, encouraging them to go wild, before departing on the helicopter. The trio, now armed with resources and enthusiasm, prepared to explore and indulge in their week-long vacation.
Sasha swiftly took the driver's seat, instructing Anne and Marcy to stow their suitcases in the trunk as they eagerly began their journey. With the car loaded and spirits high, they raced down the highway toward the city, reveling in the happiness that had been absent since their kidnapping half a year ago.
However, unbeknownst to them, their entry into this universe was detected by a satellite tasked with monitoring spatial anomalies for the foundation. The satellite captured a video of the ship entering the planet's orbit, dropping off three girls, and swiftly departing. A notification was dispatched to any Mobile Task Force (MTF) units to keep a vigilant eye on the trio should they be spotted. The foundation was now on alert, unknowingly observing Anne, Sasha, and Marcy as they enjoyed their vacation.
As the trio raced down the highway in Sasha's red convertible, the wind tousled their hair, and the warm sunshine enveloped them. Anne couldn't help but wonder if this world held something unique that their world lacked. Marcy nodded in agreement, suggesting that if there was something different, they could discover it and capture plenty of pictures.
As the car entered the city limits, Sasha asked, "Alright, where to go first?" Anne suggested finding a hotel to store their belongings. Marcy chimed in, emphasizing that it would be best to get settled now to avoid exhaustion later. Sasha agreed, saying, "Alright, let's find ourselves a nice hotel next to the beach." The trio eagerly anticipated the adventures awaiting them in this unfamiliar universe.
They arrived at a luxurious high-rise hotel next to the beach. Anne and Marcy got out, and a bellboy offered to carry their luggage. They agreed, while a valet stepped forward, offering to park Sasha's car. Since it was a replica and not her original, she didn't mind, handing him the keys with a casual "have fun."
As the trio walked inside, they headed to the front desk where the receptionist inquired about a reservation. Sasha confidently replied, "Nope, but we want the top floor," displaying the golden credit card. The receptionist, aware that these girls were affluent, happily agreed and rang up the penthouse floor, stating, "That'll be 462 thousand dollars." Sasha swiftly swiped the card, and it was approved. The receptionist smiled, saying, "Our bellboy will escort you. Have a wonderful day." The trio thanked her, and Marcy generously tipped her 2470.00 dollars from her card.
Following the bellboy, they reached the penthouse, where the door opened to reveal a spacious room with two beds, a full kitchen, bathroom, living room, pool table, hot tub, and a movie theater. The trio excitedly unpacked and settled into their lavish temporary home.
As the trio finished unpacking, Anne clapped her hands together and suggested, "Alright, where do you want to go first?" Marcy, feeling hungry, proposed, "Let's go grab some lunch. I'm starving." Both Anne and Sasha agreed, saying, "Alright, let's find a restaurant." The trio left the hotel, strolling down the street toward a shopping center. Sasha expressed relief at being on solid ground again, away from the stuffy space station. Anne concurred, mentioning how it would be great for their minds and bodies. Marcy chimed in, "Yeah, and no fights to the death or stressful decisions. Just us three hanging out like we did as kids."
Pointing to a Thai restaurant, Marcy said, "Anne, look, it's just like the one your parents own." Anne agreed, saying, "Let's eat there, but I bet they're not as good as my parents'." Sasha, wanting to make Anne feel less homesick, added, "This is exactly what you need, Anne." They entered the Thai restaurant, ordered their food, and opted to eat outside at one of the tables. The food was delicious and reminiscent of Anne's parents' cooking. Sasha enjoyed it too, though she was adjusting to the spiciness. Marcy pulled out a camera, took a picture, and said, "Let's not forget these good times."
As the trio finished their food and cleaned up, Marcy asked, "Where to next?" Sasha suggested, "Let's go bowling." Anne and Marcy agreed, saying, "Why not?" They headed to a bowling alley and secured their own lane. Spending a few hours bowling, laughing, and having a good time, they enjoyed the friendly competition. After finishing, Anne suggested, "Alright, let's head to the beach before it gets dark."
The trio planned to return to the hotel for beach clothes, but Marcy stopped them, saying, "Guys, we have basically unlimited money. Let's buy new swimsuits and surprise each other at the beach with them." Anne and Sasha agreed, and they visited an expensive clothing store, purchasing swimsuits, towels, and other beach supplies. They reconvened at the beach, setting up a comfortable spot with a giant umbrella, laid-out towels, and a cooler containing Corona lime beer and ice.
Heading to changing stations, the trio emerged in their respective bikinis. Marcy showcased a tasteful two-piece green bikini, followed by Sasha in a fiery red two-piece. Impressed, Marcy remarked, "Anne might faint seeing you in it." Sasha laughed it off, but then Anne emerged in a stunning two-piece sky-blue bikini, leaving Sasha speechless. Marcy teasingly took a picture, saying, "You can thank me later, Sasha." Embarrassed, Anne questioned, "Oh god, is it too much? Should I have gotten something else?" But Sasha assured her, "No, it's perfect," and they all raced into the blue water, enjoying the cool waves.
Spotting a surfboard stand, Sasha purchased one and invited Anne to surf with her. Anne, unsure of her surfing skills, agreed to hold onto Sasha while she surfed through the waves. Marcy captured the moment, filming the two friends riding massive waves. As the day came to an end, most beachgoers left, leaving the trio alone. Sitting on towels in the sand, they drank cold Corona lime beers. Anne expressed how the day was a blast and helped her forget all the horrible stuff they had been through. Sasha agreed, noting how nice it was, and Marcy shared that she had plenty of footage and pictures. Remembering Anne's daydream, Marcy activated her calamity powers, shooting green projectiles into the air, creating a beautiful display. Sasha and Anne sat together, watching the mesmerizing show.
But unbeknownst to them, an undercover MTF agent walking on a sidewalk next to the beach spotted the green projectiles in the air. Racing to see what it was, the agent hid behind cover and witnessed a girl with a bright green aura shooting energy blasts into the sky. Taking a picture, the agent messaged it to his commander, saying, "I think I just found a trio of anomalies." The commander ordered an MTF unit to be dispatched to their location. Meanwhile, the trio packed up and returned to the room.
Anne and Sasha, visibly buzzed, stumbled into the room while Marcy, the least drunk, closed the door. Sasha approached Marcy and pulled her aside, asking for a favor. Marcy agreed, and Sasha explained that she wanted "alone time" with Anne and requested Marcy to leave them alone for an hour. Marcy, understanding Sasha's intentions, smiled with a devilish grin and said, "Oh, okay, yeah, I got you. I'll go grab that pretzel I wanted; I'll be back." She waved and left Sasha and Anne alone.
As Marcy walked into an elevator, she started laughing to herself, saying, "OMG, I can't believe Sasha asked me that. I didn't think she'd be so forward with it." She sighed, "Good for her; I hope they have fun. Now, where is that pretzel shop?" She left the hotel, found a pretzel shop, and bought a fresh pretzel. While eating, she noticed someone following her, thinking, "Am I about to get mugged? Ha, he's gonna have a bad time." She walked into an empty parking lot away from the general public and pretended to stop and scroll on her phone. Suddenly, the stranger approached her, pulling out a gun and instructing her not to move.
Marcy chuckled and summoned her void bow, pointing it at him, saying, "You messed up big time, you thief." However, four heavily armed trucks raced out and surrounded her. Confused but knowing this was wrong, Marcy went full calamity mode and warned the group to leave or get hurt. A commander got out, introducing himself as Agent Lawrence of the SCP Foundation. Marcy, pointing her bow at him, told him to back off and that she hadn't done anything wrong.
Agent Lawrence informed her that she possessed anomalous abilities, and he couldn't let her or her friends go. He requested her to come quietly or they would be forced to handle it the hard way. Marcy, knowing Anne and Sasha would be completely ambushed if she didn't fight, declared, "Big mistake. No one tries to hurt my friends!" before firing an arrow at him. Agent Lawrence dodged and ordered others to fire tranquilizers. Marcy skillfully avoided the tranquilizers, retaliating by shooting energy blasts at two of the trucks. An agent fired his gun, attempting to hit Marcy, but she created a barrier to stop it. Agent Lawrence instructed others to deploy a reality anchor. Unfamiliar with it, Marcy tried to fly out of the trap but fell down. Her powers were being stunted, and a guard managed to hit her with a tranquilizer dart. Despite her attempt to escape, Marcy succumbed to the sleeping agent.
As Marcy was starting to pass out, a sudden determination surged within her, compelling her to resist giving up. Summoning every ounce of strength, she rose back to her feet and unleashed a burst of energy that sent everyone around her staggering backward. Despite her weakening state, she attempted to call Anne, but there was no response. In a last, desperate act of survival, Marcy speed-dialed Roman, using what little strength she had left to inform him that soldiers from an organization called the SCP Foundation were kidnapping her. She urgently conveyed that they were also targeting Anne and Sasha in the hotel.
Before she could provide further details, another tranquilizer shot struck her back, causing her to collapse. However, she had managed to send a voicemail to Roman just in time.
Back on the ark, Roman was in a meeting with his top generals and staff when he received a voicemail from Marcy. Annoyed, he pressed play and put it on speaker, demanding it to be important. A panicked Marcy explained the dire situation before the message abruptly cut off. Horrified and enraged, Roman slammed his fists on the table, declaring, "Those god damn Foundation bastards are trying to oppose me! Well, that's it. I've had it with them."
He informed his generals and commanders that a rescue mission was now authorized, and Project Frontiers would be deployed to aid in the rescue. When asked about Project Frontiers, Roman revealed that it involved four massive robots he had collected during one of his journeys, initially intended for the trio to pilot but now needed for this critical rescue. He ordered his commanders to mobilize the army while he attempted to contact Anne and Sasha. The meeting concluded abruptly, and everyone dispersed, including the undercover Hunter, still in full uniform with a mask.
Hunter raced to the portal and, once on the other side, informed Luz and the gang that this was their opportunity.
Back at the hotel, Anne and Sasha finished their respective showers. Anne stretched and exclaimed, "Oh man, that was amazing." Sasha chuckled and said, "Yeah, you're a beast. I never thought you would..." Before she could finish her sentence, the phone rang. Anne grabbed it from the desk, assuming it was Marcy. Sasha commented, "Yeah, I thought she'd be back by now."
Anne answered the call and heard Roman's voice urgently calling for her. She put him on speaker, asking, "Yeah, what's up?" Roman informed the duo that Marcy had been kidnapped by an organization called the SCP Foundation, and they were on their way to the hotel. Sasha rushed up to the phone, exclaiming, "Marcy's been kidnapped? How?" Roman explained that the Foundation had experience capturing beings like them, and they were not safe. Anne asked, "Where did they take her?" Roman admitted he didn't know but was pinpointing her location as they spoke. He instructed the duo to get to the car and drive outside the city to a pickup point. Anne and Sasha agreed, hanging up the phone and rushing to pack the essentials.
Anne and Sasha grabbed their luggage, racing to the lobby of the hotel. Once outside, Sasha instructed Anne to wait as she utilized her calamity powers to fly up into the sky and find the car. However, her powers started to fade in and out, causing her to fall. Anne caught her and inquired about what happened. Sasha, feeling weak, suspected that the SCP Foundation must have done something to her powers. Anne helped Sasha to the car, quickly throwing their belongings in the trunk.
As they hit the highway, armored trucks began chasing them. Anne, realizing it was the Foundation, instructed Sasha to focus on the road while she dealt with their pursuers. Standing up in the car, Anne pulled out her storm bow and fired charged shots at the convoy. The trucks dodged the attacks and accelerated, intensifying the pursuit.
Anne holstered her bow, swiftly retrieving a pair of Pack-a-Punched MR6 customized pistols. She unleashed two magazines of bullets at the convoy, successfully destroying one truck. However, the remaining trucks retaliated, aiming to shoot out their tires. Sasha skillfully maneuvered through traffic to avoid the gunfire. In a desperate move, Anne grabbed her phone and speed-dialed Roman. With a panicked tone, she informed him of their situation, being pursued, and in need of reinforcements.
Roman assured her that he was working on it but emphasized that it would take time to arrive in that universe. He promised to notify the two escorting helicopters at the pickup point to provide air support. Anne took a deep breath, focusing on reaching the designated pickup point amidst the ongoing chase.
As the duo continued to speed down the highway, Anne spotted two helicopters in the distance. Squinting her eyes, she recognized the outline of Roman's organization symbol and assured Sasha that they were friendly helicopters coming to their aid. Sasha, now more confident, agreed, anticipating that they could rescue Marcy once they escaped the immediate danger.
The helicopters closed in, flying behind Anne and Sasha, and unleashed their machine guns on the pursuing convoy. The hostile vehicles soon backed off, and the duo couldn't help but scream in triumph. Once outside the city, they drove to the designated pickup point and saw a helicopter waiting to lift them out of danger. Anne swiftly grabbed their bags and tossed them into the helicopter, while Sasha covered her.
As the helicopter took off, one of Roman's soldiers assured the duo that they were heading to the ship and would locate Marcy for a swift extraction. However, their relief was short-lived as the helicopter suddenly took a hit from an anti-aircraft cannon, causing it to go down. Anne and Sasha clung to each other as the helicopter descended, uncertainty gripping them once again.
The helicopter crashes into the California desert, and Anne and Sasha are knocked unconscious. Thirty minutes later, Anne regains consciousness, feeling a sharp pain in her side. Shrapnel from the crash is lodged there, but she grits her teeth, pulling it out, knowing her regeneration will handle the pain. Surveying the scene, she sees three dead soldiers, their blue Android blood seeping from their lifeless bodies.
Anne gets up and searches for Sasha. Spotting her against the front of the helicopter, Anne limps over to her. Sasha, fading in and out of consciousness, grunts in pain and attempts to walk but is hindered by an old back injury from her previous fight in Amphibia. Debris struck her during the crash. Anne reassures her, saying it'll be okay, but emphasizes the urgency to move before they get captured.
As Anne drags Sasha away from the wreckage, a convoy of trucks surrounds them. Emerging from the trucks is an MTF unit led by Agent Lawrence. He instructs the duo not to resist and to come peacefully. Anne lays Sasha down, expressing frustration at their interrupted vacation and firing explosive rounds from her dual MR6 pistols. The bullets create craters as the MTF unit, still attempting to capture them, retaliates with tranquilizer rounds.
Despite Anne's efforts to dodge, the lingering effects of the crash and her injuries slow her down. She is eventually hit by a tranquilizer and falls over, reaching out to Sasha, who is being handcuffed by two soldiers. Anne succumbs to unconsciousness.
Anne and Sasha, now unconscious, are loaded into a containment truck and driven back to the nearest SCP site for containment and further analysis to determine their nature. Agent Lawrence, having pulled out a cigarette, lights it, contemplating the peculiar situation. Another soldier approaches and informs Lawrence about the inside of the helicopter, prompting him to investigate.
Lawrence follows the soldier into the wreckage and discovers the lifeless android bodies. He touches the blue android blood, examining it on his fingers. Realizing the significance, he instructs the others to call in another unit to recover these bodies. The soldier asks if Lawrence has encountered this group of interest before, to which Lawrence responds negatively, speculating that this might be a new group. Recognizing the potential importance, he notes that the O5 Council should be informed about the situation.
Lawrence gets into one of the trucks, and the convoy drives back to the SCP site, where the mysterious androids and the unconscious duo will be subjected to containment and scrutiny.
Back aboard the ark, Roman attempts to contact the helicopter pilot but receives no response. Frustrated, he opens the helicopter cameras, and only one is operational. Watching the footage of Anne and Sasha being captured by the MTF unit, he slams his fist on the desk, realizing the urgency of recovering the trio. Roman calls for an immediate meeting, summoning his top generals, Springtrap, and Baby.
In the war room, Roman explains the dire situation, emphasizing the need to recover the trio at all costs. He orders a convoy of ships, led by the Egg Carrier, to travel to the universe where the SCP site is located near LA. Afton inquires if Roman knows the specific site, and Roman responds that he has narrowed it down. He outlines a two-pronged attack plan: Roman will use the Summoning Key to unleash zombie hordes, distracting the main defenses, while Springtrap and Baby, accompanied by Reaper and Nightmare animatronics, will infiltrate from the rear to locate and free the trio.
Roman instructs Baby to take the Summoning Key after the horde distraction, emphasizing its crucial role. He entrusts her with delivering it to Anne, enabling her to utilize the full power of the M.P.D. to assist in their escape. The ultimate goal is to rendezvous at a helicopter that will transport them back to the Egg Carrier. Roman concludes, "Then, we leave. Understood?"
The fleet of ships, spearheaded by the imposing Egg Carrier, was prepared for action, and a portal crackled open to the universe where the trio were unjustly imprisoned. With the fleet soaring through the portal, the ark was left with diminished defenses, vulnerable to potential threats. Hunter, maintaining his undercover position, swiftly relayed this information to the others, emphasizing that this was their golden opportunity to reach the core. He asserted that upon the trio's return, they could seize the chance to obliterate the core, securing their escape before it wreaked havoc on everything.
Luz strategically divided the group into two teams, with Team 1 comprising herself, Amity, Vee, King, and Eda. Their mission was to infiltrate the control room of the cannon and disable it. Meanwhile, Team 2, consisting of Hunter, Willow, Gus, and Lilith, was tasked with reaching the core and planting charges. The plan hinged on a reunion and detonation after placing the charges, followed by a swift return through the portal.
With unanimous agreement, the teams geared up for their respective tasks. Camila hugged Luz tightly, urging her to be careful, and Luz reciprocated the embrace, assuring her mother that she would. As determination fueled their resolve, the two groups stepped through the portal, embarking on their critical missions.
Hours later, Anne regained consciousness in a sterile white room. The healing of her wounds completed, she stood up, feeling a surge of disorientation. The room's steel door beckoned her attention, but her attempts to open it proved futile. Growing frustrated, she unleashed a calamity-powered punch, only to realize her abilities were mysteriously restrained. Examining herself, she discovered a strange device in place of the blue calamity gem, causing panic as her attempts to remove it failed.
In a fit of desperation, Anne resorted to ramming and assaulting the unyielding door until her strength waned. Defeated, she sat down, succumbing to tears as her mental state declined. Suddenly, the door opened, and guards escorted her to a room with a table and chairs. Indignant, she demanded answers, but the guards remained silent. Two researchers entered - Dr. Collingwood, a black-haired woman with glasses, and Dr. Amelia Buck, a blonde with a poker face.
Collingwood introduced themselves, prompting Anne to reveal her name. In a serious tone, Anne insisted on the immediate release of Sasha and Marcy, issuing a veiled threat to their organization's existence. Dr. Buck, responding sternly, warned Anne to cooperate or face return to her containment cell. The stage was set for a tense interrogation.
Anne, irritated by the veiled threat, reluctantly settled down as Collingwood reassured her friends' safety. Dr. Buck sternly posed the first question, inquiring about Anne's origins and affiliations. Anne disclosed her association with Roman, a man aiding them in saving a world in need. When asked about the specific world, she recounted her entire journey in Amphibia, including her death and subsequent rebirth. The researchers diligently took notes.
Dr. Buck sought clarification on Roman's role, prompting Anne to narrate her kidnapping and the subsequent enhancements they received. Acknowledging the gem and healing abilities, Dr. Buck then revealed the SCP Foundation's mission to capture anomalies, claiming Roman posed a threat that needed addressing. Anne scoffed, asserting Roman's prowess against the Foundation. Dr. Buck asserted the Foundation's technological superiority, dismissing Anne's confidence. Undeterred, Anne dismissed the notion, stating it wasn't her concern.
Dr. Collingwood redirected the conversation to the androids found at the crash site. Anne explained that these androids were individuals saved by Roman from genocide in another world, offering limited information on the matter. The tense interrogation continued, with each revelation deepening the enigma surrounding Anne, Sasha, and Marcy.
The intense interview concluded, and Anne found herself back in her cell, aware that liberation rested in Roman's hands. Patiently, she settled on her bed, contemplating the impending rescue.
Meanwhile, on the Egg Carrier, Roman, clad in armor, prepared for the impending clash with the SCP Foundation. Reflecting on the unexpected war, he mused, "I never thought I'd go to war with the Foundation, but they have forced my hand." A soldier alerted him to their arrival in the world, prompting Roman to finish arming himself and rush outside. On the runway, he observed the fleet entering Earth's atmosphere, positioning them on the outskirts of the Foundation's site where the trio was held captive.
Roman swiftly organized his troops on the ground, deploying mechs to support them. Afton approached him, confirming his unit's readiness. Roman instructed Afton to refrain from engaging anomalies, focusing solely on retrieving the trio and their weapons. A soldier handed Roman a phone, revealing contact with the Foundation's site director for negotiation.
On the call, Director Zolgamax Jones identified himself, prompting Roman to cut through formalities and demand the return of the calamity trio. The director dismissed the notion, warning Roman to leave. Unfazed, Roman declared he had no time for negotiations and pronounced the director dead before hanging up. Determined, he ordered his troops to prepare for an attack, summoning an army of zombies from various realms and deploying two Project Frontiers titans, Gigantio and Supreme, to crush the Foundation's resistance. The stage was set for a monumental clash between Roman's forces and the SCP Foundation.
As Anne sat in her cell, alarms blared, and the hurried footsteps of guards echoed through the facility. Rushing to the door, she peered through the small window, sensing Roman's presence in her very bones. Director Zolgamax Jones swiftly ordered all troops to the front gate, preparing to defend the site against the approaching zombie horde and Roman's forces.
The facility's automated weapons, mounted on the walls, unleashed a torrent of firepower, holding back the relentless onslaught. Attack helicopters lifted off from the SCP facility, engaging the zombies and mechs under Roman's command. Fighter jets soared into the sky, providing air support and creating a distraction for the enemy. Meanwhile, a stealth cargobob, bearing Springtrap, Baby, and both Nightmare and Reaper animatronics, flew in from the south, landing near the SCP site to breach the rear and infiltrate the facility.
Roman, calling upon the colossal robotic titan Giganto, entered its co*ckpit to pilot it manually. As he moved toward the front of the facility, Director Zolgamax Jones, witnessing the overwhelming enemy forces, urgently contacted the Council for assistance. Recognizing the magnitude of the threat not only to that site but the entire world, the Council authorized NU-7, also known as Hammer Down, to intervene and help crush the formidable force endangering their reality. The stage was set for an epic confrontation between Roman's alliance and the united forces of the SCP Foundation.
The battlefield erupted in chaos as the undead clashed with the SCP site's defenses. Volatiles scaled the walls, met with a barrage of bullets, some managing to breach and wreak havoc among the guards before being gunned down. Jets engaged in fierce aerial combat with Foundation helicopters, the skies painted with the fiery exchange, though some jets fell victim to the Foundation's anti-air cannons.
Piloting the Giganto Titan Mech, Roman pushed through toward the entrance but found himself under a relentless missile assault from a newly arrived SCP army, complete with tanks, trucks, helicopters, and jets. Responding with a barrage of Giganto's missiles, the clash intensified, growing deadlier by the moment. As the Foundation retaliated, they also directed their forces to attack the Egg Carrier, prompting Roman to set Giganto to automatic mode and eject, soaring back to the Egg Carrier to defend it.
Meanwhile, Springtrap and the group reached the back wall of the SCP facility. Planting C4 charges, Springtrap blew a hole in the outer wall, creating an entry point. They stormed inside, encountering guards who immediately opened fire. Taking cover, Springtrap ordered the Reapers to advance, eliminating the opposition. Instructing Baby to lead the Nightmares to locate the trio's weapons and disable the lockdown using the Glitch Trap virus, Springtrap focused on finding and liberating Anne, Sasha, and Marcy. The battle waged on, each side determined to emerge victorious in this intense confrontation.
Springtrap skillfully navigated the halls using an illusion disk to masquerade as an SCP guard. While the disguise fooled most guards, those who saw through it met a gruesome fate at Springtrap's hands. The animatronic relished in eliminating anyone who dared to impede his progress, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake.
Simultaneously, Circus Baby and the Nightmare animatronics battled their way through the facility, aiming to reach the cell control room. There, they encountered Dr. Buck and Agent Lawrence, both armed and ready. Circus Baby inquired if this was the control room, prompting Agent Lawrence to defiantly declare that she wouldn't leave the room alive. Amused, Circus Baby taunted them, promising to relish in breaking both of them.
Charging towards Agent Lawrence, Circus Baby effortlessly shrugged off bullets fired at her metal body. With a piercing scream, she delivered a powerful punch to Agent Lawrence's jaw. Dr. Buck attempted to retaliate, firing shots at Baby, but she summoned Nightmare Fredbear to counter. As Fredbear moved in to bite off Dr. Buck's head, she cleverly used a taser to disable the menacing animatronic.
Amidst the chaos, Circus Baby, distracted by the unexpected turn, hit the control board, leading to a shocking jolt of electricity. The Nightmare animatronics engaged, and a smoke grenade thrown by Dr. Collingwood provided cover, allowing her to pull out Dr. Buck and Agent Lawrence to safety. Grateful for the rescue, the duo acknowledged the compromised state of the site and decided to detonate the warheads.
As Dr. Buck attempted to contact Director Zolgamax Jones to authorize the nuclear strike, a golden bunny with a purple vest and a sinister smile appeared on all screens, disabling the warheads. With the warheads compromised, Dr. Buck urgently informed Director Zolgamax Jones of the situation, prompting the decision to evacuate all personnel. Dr. Collingwood, Dr. Buck, and Agent Lawrence hurriedly raced to a safe room, determined to protect as many lives as possible from the impending threat.
Circus Baby, undeterred by the electrical shock, grinned as she glanced behind her. In the midst of being pushed into the control board, she managed to slip her finger into a USB slot, injecting the virus before succumbing to the shock. The unexpected move allowed the trio of Foundation personnel to escape the room unharmed.
Ensuring that Nightmare Fred had completed its reboot, Circus Baby instructed the Nightmare animatronics to leave the room while she focused on the security cameras. Her objective: locate the cells where the Calamity Trio-Anne, Sasha, and Marcy-were being held. Once she pinpointed their location, Circus Baby used a radio to communicate with Springtrap, informing him of the trio's whereabouts and instructing him to proceed there. Simultaneously, she continued scanning the cameras to find the room where the trio's weapons were stored.
With the Nightmare animatronics trailing behind her, Circus Baby embarked on a mission to locate the weapons that would aid the Calamity Trio in their escape from the Foundation's clutches.
Springtrap continued his march through the labyrinthine halls, the Reaper animatronics leaving chaos in their wake. As he reached the floor where Anne, Sasha, and Marcy were confined, Springtrap approached the first door, commanding the Glitch Trap virus to open it. Marcy, sitting in a corner, looked up with a mix of bitterness and relief as she saw Springtrap.
In a somewhat mocking tone, she remarked, "Of course, he sent you to rescue us." Springtrap chuckled, playing off his sinister reputation, "Oh, don't be that way. I'm not all bad." Marcy, now on her feet, walked out and inquired about Sasha and Anne's whereabouts. Springtrap, guiding her, mentioned they were in the adjacent cells. With another command to the virus, Marcy swiftly located Sasha, lying on a bed. Waking her up, Marcy conveyed the urgency to leave.
Sasha, realizing Marcy's sacrifice, hugged her, expressing gratitude. Apologizing for the decision to make her leave, Marcy dismissed the blame, stating they deserved the moment and, besides, she was craving a pretzel. Eager to reunite the trio, Sasha asked about Anne, and Marcy pointed to the next room. Racing out, Sasha passed Springtrap and the Nightmare animatronics, pushing open Anne's door.
Anne, expectantly waiting on her bed, rushed to Sasha as they embraced in a tight hug, sealing the reunion with a tender kiss. Sasha declared their departure from the oppressive facility, but Anne, mindful of their weapons, was reassured by Springtrap, who informed them that Baby had retrieved the weapons and was en route to reunite with them.
As the trio made their way out, shielded by the Reaper animatronics and Springtrap, Marcy couldn't help but question, "These Reaper animatronics, they're new, aren't they?" Springtrap responded with a twisted laugh, confirming, "Yes, Marcy. They were created using the agony and remnants of the souls Anne and Sasha harvested at the mansion."
Marcy, showing no surprise, remarked, "Yep, I knew it. Anne told me all about the mansion and the souls that were collected. I wondered if you were going to use them to build new mechanical horrors." Anne, catching the disgust on Marcy's face while she looked at Springtrap, explained, "Marcy, those souls were killing innocent people. We had to stop them." Marcy, with a nod, replied, "Oh, no, I don't blame you two for collecting the souls. They needed to be stopped." However, turning her attention back to Afton, she continued, "But you using their pain to fuel these things is crossing a line you're used to."
Springtrap, unfazed, retorted, "Perhaps, but they helped save you three and kill those intruders who tortured Anne's clone." Marcy, lowering her gaze, muttered, "Whatever. You're still a monster and always will be." Springtrap halted, turning around to face the trio. He pulled up the suit's face, revealing his rotten, decayed visage, and declared, "Yes, I know, and I embrace it." The trio looked away in disgust as Springtrap continued his forward march.
The group arrived at a massive steel blast door, and Springtrap initiated the virus to open it, though it required some time to override the controls. To secure the area, he ordered the Reaper animatronics to guard the perimeter against potential ambushes. As they waited, Marcy, still harboring resentment towards Springtrap, couldn't help but stare at him with malice. Anne, noticing Marcy's frustration, asked if everything was alright. Marcy assured her that she was fine, expressing her disdain for working with such a terrible person and wanting to return to the ark to avoid him until necessary. Anne reminded her that neither she nor Sasha enjoyed working with him, but they had no choice, as without him, they would still be stuck in their cells. Marcy reluctantly agreed.
Growing impatient with the door unlocking process, Springtrap looked around, questioning when Circus Baby would arrive with the weapons. Marcy clenched her fists, confronting Springtrap about her name, saying, "That's not her name." Annoyed, Springtrap retorted, "What are you bitching about now?" Marcy, fueled by anger, stood up and declared, "Your daughter's name isn't Circus Baby." Springtrap, Anne, and Sasha were stunned. Anne asked for clarification, and Marcy revealed how she had gotten to know Elizabeth on the ark, acknowledging her twisted nature but emphasizing that deep down, she was just a child who had shared her real name with Marcy in a vulnerable moment. Springtrap admitted that Marcy was right, confirming that Elizabeth was her true name. Marcy sternly warned Springtrap to treat her better than his other kids, emphasizing that Elizabeth was the only one left, and Marcy wouldn't allow him to make her existence any more of a hell than it already was. Springtrap laughed it off and, as the door finally opened, said, "Let's go."
The group continued down the hallway, eventually meeting up with Circus Baby and the Nightmare animatronics. Circus Baby handed the trio their guns and bows, and Marcy expressed her gratitude with a warm hug. Elizabeth, completely shocked and bewildered, awkwardly patted Marcy on the back before she let go. When Marcy inquired if Elizabeth had found a way out, she confirmed they could reach the surface by heading in a particular direction and taking a turn towards a staircase. After thanking Elizabeth, Marcy returned to Anne and Sasha.
Springtrap, though utterly confused, realized there was no point in wasting time asking questions. He walked ahead with the Reaper animatronics and Nightmare animatronics. Circus Baby followed, casting suspicious glances back at Marcy, wondering why she was being so unexpectedly nice to her, considering Marcy's role as a monster killer, much like her father.
As Marcy regrouped with Anne and Sasha, both of them looked at her with confusion. Marcy tilted her head and asked what was wrong. Anne replied, questioning why Marcy had hugged Circus Baby, considering she wasn't exactly a good person - more of a robot thing. Marcy explained, "I know, but she's just a child trapped in a mechanical body, and having a father like Afton doesn't help. I don't know; I just want to try and help her become a better person, hoping she can leave Afton and start her own life where she can be more than a pawn in his twisted game." Sasha acknowledged Marcy's kindness but pointed out that Elizabeth enjoys killing for her father's approval. Anne expressed her belief in Elizabeth's potential for change, hoping she could become her own person. Soon, they reached the main door and opened it, revealing the massive battleground surrounding them.
As the group exits the facility, the trio witnesses a massive battle unfolding around them. Planes and helicopters soar in the air, zombies charging at SCP Foundation soldiers, tanks firing at mechs, and artillery shells peppering the battlefield. Elizabeth hands Anne the summoning key, explaining, "Roman wants you to unleash the full power of the Dark Aether with this." Unsure of the process, Anne asks for guidance. Elizabeth replies, "He said just focus your calamity power into it and unleash its power." Anne responded saying she cant as the trio have strange devices placed over there gem slots that disabled the gems power. Springtrap ordered a guard that was inside the helicopter to remove it with a hacking device. The guard attached one to each of the devices on the trio and after a few minutes they fell off and the trio regained their powers. Now that Anne could use her powers again Anne closes her eyes, concentrating on the key. When she opens her eyes, a blue light emanates from them. Raising her hand, she releases a surge of blue energy into the sky, landing across the battlefield. A loud Eldritch screech resonates, and a horde of Margwas emerges to help turn the tide of the battle in favor of Roman.
Anne and the rest of the group witnessed the unleashed horrors on their side - a mix of horror and relief washed over them as the three-headed abominations, the Margwas, joined the chaotic battlefield. A helicopter landed, and Afton, Elizabeth, and both the Nightmare and Reaper animatronics boarded it. Springtrap instructed Anne to hold the line, flying back to the Egg Carrier to assist in crushing the Foundation forces. The trio nodded and took off towards the ship, navigating through the gunfire and explosions that filled the sky.
Once the trio returned to the Egg Carrier, Roman greeted them, expressing his relief at seeing them free. He explained the gravity of the situation, emphasizing that this world must fall due to the Foundation's threat. Anne, puzzled, questioned the necessity of destroying the entire planet. She suggested that they could simply defeat the Foundation without causing further harm. Roman, with a somber tone, insisted that there was no alternative - the Foundation's relentless pursuit and potential use of anomalies made complete destruction the only viable solution.
Roman, determined to carry out his plan, called the ark transportation department to warp the ark into Earth's orbit for its impending destruction. The department estimated a two-hour arrival time, and Roman accepted the schedule. However, Sasha voiced her protest, expressing concern over the extreme measure of destroying the entire planet. Roman clarified that if they could defeat the Foundation before the space colony ark arrived, there would be no need for such drastic action. The trio reluctantly agreed, understanding the urgency to win the war before the impending deadline.
Anne, still grappling with Roman over the strategy, learned that a nuclear missile was detected heading directly towards their location. Roman, realizing the urgency, ordered all forces to retreat to the ships. Anne, with a smirk, suggested using her calamity powers to distract the SCP personnel with a zombie horde as they made their escape. Roman agreed, and Anne flew off to implement the diversion.
Meanwhile, Roman informed Marcy and Sasha that the original plan involving two gigantic mechs was disrupted by the incoming nuclear threat. He assigned them the task of defending the Egg Carrier and its fleet of ships while the ground troops return to the ships and prepare to leave for space, awaiting the arrival of the ark. The duo nodded in agreement and took off to safeguard the fleet from any potential threats.
As the duo soared through the sky, Roman noticed a menacing figure emerging from the SCP site - the dreaded SCP-682, the hard-to-destroy reptile. Aware of the potential threat it posed, Roman swiftly jumped off the front of the Egg Carrier and piloted the Giganto titan mech to confront SCP-682.
Approaching the colossal reptile, Roman aimed to distract it and buy time for his forces to retreat to the ship and escape to space. Anne, observing the situation, flew up to Giganto, questioning Roman's decision to face SCP-682 directly. Roman insisted that she complete the evacuation and head back to the ship. Anne, though reluctant, complied with his order and created a protective shield as a blob of acid was flung towards her.
As she prepared to return to the Egg Carrier, Anne saw the gigantic reptile persistently attacking. Despite her desire to engage in the fight, Roman sternly warned her against it, emphasizing the danger. Reluctantly, Anne obeyed Roman's command and left him to confront SCP-682 alone, while she headed back to the safety of the Egg Carrier.
As Anne rushed to the control room of the Egg Carrier, she coordinated the retreat of all ships into space, ensuring their escape from the impending nuclear detonation. Each ship commander confirmed their course to orbit, and Anne, seated in the Egg Carrier's co*ckpit, initiated its ascent into the sky and then into space.
Meanwhile, Roman, piloting the Giganto titan mech, valiantly battled SCP-682, noticing his forces' successful retreat to space. Aware that the nuclear strike was imminent, he attempted to prepare the mech for a jump into orbit. However, SCP-682, determined to ensnare him, extended tentacles, vowing to devour Roman and all under his command. Undeterred, Roman activated Giganto's laser blades, cutting through the tentacles and propelling SCP-682 away just as the nuclear missile struck.
With impeccable timing, Roman maneuvered Giganto into space, aiming for the ship housing the four titan mechs. As he landed, a blinding light heralded the arrival of the space colony ark, which had finally reached the scene. The ark's appearance marked a crucial moment in their desperate struggle against the SCP Foundation.
As Roman stepped out of the Giganto titan mech, a surge of excitement washed over him at the sight of the space colony ark. Quickly attempting to establish communication with the ark's station, he was met with a frantic security chief reporting a dire situation. Intruders had infiltrated the ark, with one group headed for the station core and another making their way to the cannon control room. Demanding identification, the security officer provided video feeds of the two groups: Luz, Amity, Vee, King, and Eda were en route to the cannon control room, while Hunter, Willow, Gus, and Lillith were approaching the ark's core. Stunned by the revelation that they were alive and now joined by Eda, Lillith, and King, Roman realized urgent action was needed to prevent the destruction of the ark and thwart the Foundation's potential retaliation against the fleet.
Roman swiftly contacted all ship captains, instructing them to return their ships to the space colony ark. As he flew back to the Egg carrier where Anne, Sasha, and Marcy awaited, he disclosed the alarming news that Luz and her companions had infiltrated the carrier, intending to destroy the ark's core.
Expressing the urgency of the situation, Roman directed the trio to head to an exit port on the west side of the ark, urging them to prevent the impending catastrophe. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy nodded in agreement, taking flight towards the designated exit port. However, Roman couldn't ignore the toll this ordeal was taking on them - the exhaustion and evident strain on their mental well-being were apparent.
Recognizing an opportunity to exploit their vulnerability and manipulate them further, Roman contemplated how the escalating challenges, from the Foundation's interference to Luz's threat, might push the trio to commit further acts of violence
Roman located Springtrap and Baby by the helicopter they had just disembarked from, conveying the urgency of the situation. Instructing Springtrap to secure the cannon control room upon the Egg carrier's landing in the ark's hangar, he emphasized the importance of preventing Luz's group from reaching their target. Roman also granted permission for Springtrap to employ lethal force, underscoring that mercy was no longer an option in dealing with Luz and her friends.
As the Egg carrier docked inside the ark's hangar, Roman hurriedly disembarked and sprinted down the hall toward his office, where he had a personal teleporter leading directly to the ark's core. Springtrap and Baby, on the other hand, headed towards the cannon control room, ready to guard it against any intruders. Springtrap directed Elizabeth to take the Reaper animatronics with her to the core, explaining that the Nightmare animatronics, along with himself, would be sufficient to handle the situation. He emphasized that the second group should not reach the core under any circ*mstances.
Meanwhile, Luz, Amity, Vee, King, and Eda raced through the ark's hallways, steadily advancing toward the control room. Alarms blared, signaling the urgency of their mission. As guards confronted them, Luz used an ice glyph to erect a barrier, while Amity's abomination magic created spikes to incapacitate the android guards. Eda, in her Harpy form, engaged the distracted guards and swiftly eliminated them.
Continuing their sprint, Vee armed herself with a fallen guard's gun. Luz communicated with Team B, who reported their proximity to the core but faced sealed doors. Luz urged them to press on, assuring them that they were close to the cannon control room and would notify them when the charges were set.
Finally reaching the cannon control room, the group encountered a peculiar setup with seven glowing gems behind a computer terminal. King attempted to remove one, but it proved unyielding. Eda suggested setting the charges quickly before reinforcements arrived. As Vee warned of approaching enemies, Luz and Amity agreed to split the tasks. Luz would confront Springtrap and the Nightmares while Amity prepared the charges. The group closed the door behind them, leaving Amity inside to work, and Luz, Eda, Vee, and King faced the looming threat of Springtrap and the Nightmare animatronics. Eda, fueled by anger at the destruction of her home and Ayzee's kidnapping, stepped forward, vowing to make Springtrap pay for his role in these atrocities.
Springtrap laughed, taunting Eda, Luz, Vee, and King for their foolish return, promising to claim their heads this time. He commanded the Nightmare animatronics to attack, setting the stage for another confrontation.
As Springtrap gave the order, Luz swiftly approached him, conjuring two fire glyphs to engulf him in flames. Caught off guard, Springtrap found himself ablaze, and Luz wasted no time summoning her palisman, Stringbean, to transform into a sword. With a swift motion, she sliced through the illusion, causing the top half of the fake Springtrap to crumple to the ground.
However, a sinister laughter echoed, revealing that what they had attacked was merely an endoskeleton with an illusion disk. Luz, bewildered, turned around to find the real Springtrap on the other side of the door leading into the control room where Amity was setting the charges. She screamed a warning to the others, but before they could react, the door slammed shut and locked.
Eda reassured Luz that Amity could handle Springtrap and urged the group to focus on dealing with the Nightmare animatronics first.
Amity, undeterred by the locked door, faced Springtrap, conjuring spiked gloves with her abomination magic. She declared her determination to destroy him, but Springtrap, reveling in cruelty, taunted her about her daughter before they clashed. The metallic face of Springtrap met Amity's spiked gloves, exchanging blows as they both aimed to prevail. Amity managed to punch Springtrap in the chest with all her strength, creating a brief opportunity.
Seizing the moment, she employed her palisman staff to unleash a blast of fire, only to be thwarted by Springtrap's illusion disk, conjuring a phantom Foxy that startled Amity and disrupted her attack. Springtrap, exploiting the opening, charged at her. The confrontation intensified as Springtrap pushed Amity against a monitor, bashing her head repeatedly. Despite her attempts to counter with an abomination goo sphere, Springtrap continued his assault, eventually throwing her over the side of the path.
Amity plummeted toward the abyss below but, determined to survive, managed to cast a levitation glyph at the last moment. The glyph activated, preventing her from hitting the ground. Wounded but alive, she crawled toward a nearby doorway leading to the core, taking a moment to recover and tend to her injuries.
Meanwhile, Springtrap disarmed the bombs, piling them next to the computer. Observing Luz and her friends successfully battling the nightmares, he opened the door, taunting Luz that Amity was dead, and the bombs were no more
Fueled by fury upon Springtrap's revelation of Amity's demise, Luz, in her titan form, unleashed a primal rage and charged at Springtrap. Unperturbed, Springtrap swiftly activated a heavy steel door, sealing himself safely inside the cannon control room, shielding him from Luz's onslaught. In desperation, Luz relentlessly pounded the door, delivering powerful blows and magical blasts, but the door remained unyielding.
Through a microphone, Springtrap taunted Luz, mocking her futile attempts, "Quit your efforts; this door was built to withstand your pathetic attacks." Luz, undeterred, defiantly proclaimed her determination to find the core and avenge those who had fallen victim to Springtrap and his malevolent boss.
Turning away from the impenetrable door, Luz joined forces with her friends, combining their efforts to dismantle the nightmare animatronics that stood in between them and the way to the cannon control room.
In the aftermath of the battle with the nightmare animatronics, Luz, consumed by anger and grief, seized one of the lifeless animatronics and tossed it at the locked door. Eda and King, witnessing Luz's shattered state, offered their comfort through hugs, assuring her that she could find solace and exact revenge for the atrocities committed against them.
With determination burning in her eyes, Luz, embracing Eda and King's support, declared, "I won't give up until this place is destroyed and that man is dead."
Drawing a radio from her pocket, Luz inquired about the progress of the B Team. Hunter's voice crackled over the radio, conveying their need for assistance as they reached the core but found themselves pinned down.
Luz, resolute in her mission, assured Hunter that help was on the way and urged them to hold on. The group rallied and advanced through the halls of the ark, confronting Roman's security forces in their relentless pursuit of justice.
Inside the cannon control room, Springtrap reported to Roman, assuring him that the room was secure. Roman inquired about the fate of the intruders, and Springtrap revealed that the purple-haired girl had been thrown off the side, but the others had destroyed the nightmare animatronics and were heading to the core. Roman acknowledged the update and instructed Springtrap to await further orders, emphasizing the need to deal with the intruders definitively.
Roman hurried down the corridor toward the ark's core, encountering the Calamity Trio waiting in the room. Instructing them to prepare for a confrontation, he urged them not to show mercy. Anne, however, clung to her humanity, expressing a reluctance to kill unless absolutely necessary. Sasha and Marcy echoed similar sentiments, acknowledging the mistakes they had made but hoping for a resolution without further bloodshed.
Observing the fractures in their resolve, Roman recognized the need to push them toward a darker path. While accepting their stance for now, he harbored a plan to reveal Luz and her friends' involvement in the torture of Anne's clone when the opportune moment arose.
As their conversation concluded, the door behind them exploded, revealing Luz, King, Vee, Eda, Lilith, Hunter, Gus, and Willow entering the room. Roman ascended to the platform, turning to face the intruders, taunting them for sacrificing their chance to return home and rebuild in a futile attempt to thwart their mission of saving all worlds.
Luz, fueled by anger and determination, confronted Roman, vowing that he would pay for all the harm he had caused to her, her friends, and their families. Confused by Luz addressing him by name, Roman dismissed it, asserting that despite not enjoying the upcoming confrontation, he would not allow them to hinder the Calamity Trio's mission of saving worlds.
Eda countered, calling out Roman's deceit and revealing his true intentions to corrupt the Calamity Trio. The revelation shocked the trio, and Anne, visibly disturbed, questioned the man about the validity of the claim. Seizing the opportunity, Roman manipulated the situation, admitting to lying about one thing - that Luz had attacked Anne's clone.
He handed USB sticks to the trio, instructing them to plug them into ports on the sides of their heads. The footage revealed Luz and her friends' actions, threatening to harm Sasha and marcy clones, under the impression they were dealing with the real Anne. Anne, repulsed, looked down at Luz and her friends with disgust.
Expressing regret for being forced to destroy their world, Anne acknowledged the horrors of their actions but declared that Luz and her friends were equally monstrous and undeserving of mercy. In agreement, Luz asserted that the trio needed to be stopped.
Sasha and Anne descended, ready to confront Luz and her friends. Eda condemned Roman as a monster, to which he defended his actions, claiming they were for the greater good. The stage was set for a final clash between the two groups.
In the intense confrontation, Anne summoned three powerful Margwas, each imbued with elemental abilities - one with electricity, another with fire, and the third with the powers of the void. As they manifested, crackling with energy, Anne used the Summoning Key and her calamity power to bring them forth.
Anne, acknowledging the consequences of their actions, expressed genuine remorse to Luz for the loss of her child and world. She explained that the destruction was a necessary choice, preventing Luz from rallying her world against them, a sentiment Luz begrudgingly accepted. Determined to avenge her fallen world, Luz vowed to take down Roman and his allies.
Tensions escalated as Anne unleashed her fully powered calamity form, engaging in a fierce aerial clash with Luz. Meanwhile, the rest of the group faced the combined challenges of Sasha and the elemental Margwas.
As the battle unfolded, Roman instructed Marcy to stand guard, anticipating any attempts to rush the core. The stakes were high as the clash between the two groups reached its zenith, each side fiercely determined to achieve their respective goals.
As the three Margwas approached, Eda and Lilith stepped forward, instructing Hunter, Willow, Gus, and Vee to focus on taking down Sasha. King, eager to contribute, joined them, ready to use his titan screech when an opportunity arose.
Eda, Lilith, and King engaged in a formidable battle against the elemental Margwas. Meanwhile, Hunter, Willow, Gus, and Vee charged at Sasha, who unleashed her full calamity power in an attempt to obliterate them. Sasha believed she had instantly vaporized the group, but it was a clever ruse. The real Hunter and Willow swiftly approached from both sides. Willow summoned a giant thorny plant spike to impale Sasha, while Hunter, armed with a bow and arrow tipped with fire glyphs, took aim.
Sasha, caught off guard, dodged the arrows but was struck by the thorny spike, slamming into the wall. Reacting quickly, Sasha retaliated with a charged shot from her fire bow, trapping Gus, Vee, and Willow in mini volcanoes ready to unleash flesh-melting fire. However, Hunter, using teleportation magic, pulled the trio to safety just before the volcanoes erupted.
Gus urged everyone to take to the air, recognizing the risks of fighting Sasha on the ground. Willow deployed a flurry of plant vines to ensnare Sasha, creating an opening for the others to attack. However, Sasha, wielding her Heron Sword, skillfully cut through the vines, determined to maintain focus and overcome her adversaries. The battle unfolded with each side showcasing their unique strengths and strategies.
As Eda, King, and Lilith continued to battle the formidable Margwas, they discovered that conventional attacks had little effect on the creatures' bodies. A fiery assault from one of the Margwas hit Eda and Lilith, sending them flying backward. The creature then grabbed King with its tentacle, attempting to consume him, but King resisted and unleashed a titan scream that destroyed one of the Margwas' heads. The Margwa, stunned, released King and stumbled backward.
Eda, recognizing the weakness, shouted to Lilith, "That's it! Aim for their heads when they open up!"
Eda, Lilith, and King coordinated their attacks, focusing on exploiting the vulnerable moments when the Margwas exposed their heads.
Below, Roman, frustrated, decided to deploy the Panzersoldats. He activated a remote, and two imposing Panzersoldats landed on the battlefield, prompting Eda, King, and Lilith to face these new threats.
Meanwhile, Anne and Luz continued their intense battle in the air. Anne, asserting her godly status, declared, "I am the God of Amphibia and all worlds, and I won't let you stop me from protecting the ones I love." Luz, retaliating with powerful magic, countered, "I'm the Good Witch Luz, and I will avenge my home and everything lost on it."
Anne, recovering from Luz's attacks, launched herself at Luz, landing a heavy punch to the jaw. She urged Luz to reconsider, warning that seeking revenge would lead to the extinction of her witch friends. Luz, fueled by anger, retaliated, repeatedly kneeing Anne before revealing a mysterious glyph that she slapped onto Anne. Luz then kicked Anne away as the glyph began to petrify her chest.
In a swift response, Roman intervened, blasting towards Anne and punching Luz with immense force, embedding her into the wall. Roman quickly administered an antidote to reverse the petrification, saving Anne from Luz's deadly attack. Anne, now aware of the threat posed by Luz and her friends, stood up with a renewed determination to protect her loved ones, confronting Luz for a fierce continuation of their battle.
Luz, summoning a horde of black clawed hands with all her strength, unleashed a barrage of attacks against Anne. Hunter, recognizing the dangerous techniques reminiscent of Belos, understood that Luz was prepared to bring the battle to an end. With a sense of urgency, he rallied everyone together for a coordinated effort.
Willow engaged Sasha to keep her occupied, while Hunter, Gus, and Vee joined forces with Eda, King, and Lilith to face the formidable Panzersoldats. Hunter devised a strategy, directing Vee to use her newfound gun to target the Panzersoldats' vulnerable spots. Gus contributed by creating illusions to distract the mechanical giants, allowing Eda and Lilith to disable the Panzersoldats by removing their shock grenade launcher arms. Hunter, seizing the opportunity, inserted two fire glyphs into the Panzersoldats' backs, effectively destroying them.
With the Panzersoldats neutralized, the group regrouped to confront Sasha together. Their combined efforts and strategic maneuvers overwhelmed Sasha, causing her to weaken. Recognizing Sasha's diminishing strength, Roman ordered Marcy to join the battle and assist Sasha in exterminating the perceived pests.
As Marcy entered the fray, the tides turned in their favor. The combined calamity powers of Marcy and Sasha proved formidable, leading to the defeat of Hunter, Gus, Willow, Eda, King, and Lilith. Despite their battered state, the group remained determined to fight as one. In the midst of the struggle, Anne delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to Luz, breaking her arm. Luz, writhing in extreme pain, was kicked to the ground, reverting from her titan form back to her human form. Concerned, Hunter and Willow rushed to her side, pulling her close with worry evident in their eyes.
Anne, Sasha, and Marcy landed near the battered group, preparing themselves for a final confrontation. Meanwhile, above on the platform, Roman warned Luz that she had chosen her fate, and they were about to face oblivion along with her friends.
As Roman was about to order the calamity trio to unleash their energy blast on the group, a sudden yell disrupted the scene. Amity, who had made it to the battlefield undetected, used an illusion glyph to grab one of the Panzersoldats' shock grenade arms and shoot it at the trio. The grenade hit them, delivering a surge of electricity.
Not stopping there, Amity created an abomination goo sword and charged at the trio. Despite Roman's attempts to stop her with energy blasts, Amity dodged them. As she reached Anne, Sasha, and Marcy, she aimed to stab Anne, seeking revenge for everyone they had killed. However, Sasha, sacrificing herself, pushed Anne out of the way, taking the blade deep into her back, where her old wound was.
Anne retaliated by using an energy blast to hit Amity away, but the damage was done. Sasha, wounded and in pain, lay on the ground. With Amity thrown back into Luz and the group, Roman rushed to Sasha's side. Meanwhile, Anne, fueled by blinding rage, got up and, alongside Marcy, charged up a massive energy blast. Both unleashed their attacks, targeting Luz and her friends, as the battlefield erupted in chaos.
In an instant, the energy blast from Anne and Marcy enveloped Luz and her companions. As the blinding light consumed them, they found themselves transported to a surreal space - a white room with a luxurious red carpet stretching beneath their feet. Above them, a grand golden chandelier hung, casting an ethereal glow across the unexpected surroundings
Luz blinked, trying to comprehend the sudden shift, as Amity, Gus, Hunter, Willow, Eda, King, and Lilith lay around her in bewilderment. The transition from the chaotic battlefield to this serene space left them all momentarily stunned, uncertain of what awaited them next.
Following Hunter's lead, the group cautiously followed the mysterious cat down the corridor of the enigmatic realm. The feline moved with an air of confidence, its tail swaying rhythmically as if beckoning them to follow.
As they ventured deeper into this strange space, the architecture around them began to shift. The white walls transformed into an intricate mosaic of vibrant colors, depicting scenes from different worlds and dimensions. The golden chandelier overhead now seemed to radiate a warm, comforting glow.
Amidst the surreal surroundings, the group exchanged glances, a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty etched on their faces. Despite the uncertainty of their situation, a collective determination emerged - they would confront whatever challenges lay ahead as a united front.
The mysterious cat led them through a series of interconnected rooms, each revealing different aspects of their own memories and experiences. The journey became a reflective odyssey, prompting the group to confront their fears, regrets, and hopes. It was as if the very fabric of this mysterious place sought to unravel the layers of their identities.
As they continued following the cat, a distant doorway bathed in radiant light came into view. The group approached it with a newfound sense of purpose, ready to uncover the secrets that awaited them beyond.


Chapter 10: Chapter 10 The broken witches


Layla is alive? and now seeks revenge with the help from luz and her friends.

Chapter Text

as the door opened luz and the gang found themselves in an empty church. The stained glass windows shined a light onto the floor and at the front of the room were 2 giant stained glass murals one was shattered and the other cracked.
Sitting on a single chair in the empty room was a girl with a blue left eye and yellow right eye. Hunter walked ahead and and asked the mysterious figure "who or what are you"
The girl looked up at Hunter and the rest of the group behind him and told him.
"Your new guardian angel"

Hunter not buying it asked "Yeah right you're just another one of roman people here to keep us trapped her or kill us"
She replied "no I saved you from death and brought you here, my name is Layla and I'm going to help you kill Roman and those girls who he is using to do his bidding"
Willow stepped up asking "why do you want to help us we don't know you"
Layla pointed to the shattered stained glass windows.
"He and those girls killed my sister len and almost killed me too"
Anger and sorrow was etched on Layla's face.

Eda walked up to her and asked "We need more information if were going to trust you, like where did you come from and why did Roman attack you"
Layla manifested memory shards and told everyone to take it.
As the group touched the memory shards, a vivid projection unfolded before their eyes, revealing the tragic events that transpired within the Alice Aduraice mansion. The ominous presence of the man in red, the capturing of souls, the haunting melody of the music box, and the intense battle between Len, Layla, Roman, Anne, and Sasha played out in intricate detail.
The shattered stained glass windows seemed to reflect the shattered lives and broken bonds within the narrative. The group, now privy to Layla's painful history, felt a surge of empathy and determination. The weight of a shared enemy and the injustice suffered united them in a common cause.
Luz, moved by Layla's story, spoke up, "We can't let Roman and those girls continue hurting others. We're in this together."
Layla nodded in agreement, her heterochromatic eyes revealing a mix of sorrow and newfound hope. The group, now bound by a shared purpose, prepared to confront the challenges ahead with Layla as an unexpected ally.
The church, once empty and desolate, now echoed with the resolve of those determined to defy the destiny imposed by Roman. The shattered and cracked stained glass murals stood as a testament to the trials faced and the strength found in unity. As the group readied themselves to leave the church, Layla stood, a figure of both vengeance and redemption, guiding them towards the path that would lead to Rome's downfall.
Luz asked Layla what should we do now.

Layla told them to go home and she will give them time to rest and recover but Said once the gang is ready she needs them to go rescue someone who can help them deal a blow to Roman forces.
Lilith asked who is this person you need us to rescue?
She turned to her and said "his name is Riba and he is the only one that can get the souls from the mansion now used to power the animatronic horrors to turn on Roman."
Lilith asked "where is he now?"
Layla said he was tossed into a zombie infested city and needs rescuing
Eda asked how we were supposed to get there.
Layla told her that she will transport them there and once they find him she will bring them all back.
Eda agreed saying let us go home and regroup and re-energize 1st alright.
Layla agreed, saying walk through the doors to go back to your home.
As the group found themselves back on Earth, Luz's house provided a familiar and comforting backdrop. Camila, concerned yet relieved, waited for them. Layla's mystical transportation had brought them home, and the urgency of their mission lingered in the air.
Camila, noticing the weariness in their eyes, welcomed them and asked, "What happened? Where were you all?"
Luz, taking a moment to collect her thoughts, explained the encounters with Roman, the calamity trio, and Layla's intervention. Camila, though initially startled, listened intently to the extraordinary tale of otherworldly battles and the newfound alliance with Layla.
Layla, standing nearby, addressed the group, "Rest for now. When you're ready, we'll embark on a mission to rescue Riba, the key to turning the animatronic horrors against Roman."
The group, worn but determined, dispersed to their respective rooms in Luz's house. Camila, understanding the gravity of the situation, offered support and reassurance. She knew that their journey was far from over.
In the following hours, the gang rested, regrouped, and re-energized. Layla's promise of a rescue mission lingered in their minds. The bonds forged in the face of adversity strengthened their resolve. As they gathered once more in the living room, Layla awaited their readiness to step through the mystical doors and venture into the unknown, where the fate of Riba and the battle against Roman awaited them.
With the door showing the eerie atmosphere of the zombie-infested world, Amity couldn't shake the worry etched on Luz's face as she bid her farewell. With a broken arm and concern for her safety, Amity, guided by her genuine affection, urged Luz to stay behind with Camila and Vee. Luz, stubborn but understanding, reluctantly agreed, giving Amity a goodbye kiss as a silent promise to return.
Upstairs, Camila and Vee offered Luz comfort and support, knowing the challenges awaiting the rescue team. Luz, gazing out the window, felt a mix of emotions - anxiety for Amity's safety, determination to see her friends return, and the weight of the battles they faced.

Meanwhile, Amity, alongside Eda, Lilith, Hunter, Willow, Gus, and Layla, ventured into the desolate cityscape. The once-bustling streets were now silent, with nature reclaiming what was once a vibrant urban center.
Layla, their guide in this haunting realm, led the group through empty buildings and overgrown landscapes. The quietude was occasionally disrupted by distant moans, reminding them of the undead lurking in the shadows. Layla explained that Riba was last seen atop a grocery store, four blocks away. The rescue mission had begun, with the group cautiously navigating through the eerie cityscape, ever watchful of the looming threat that awaited them.
As the group faced obstacles in the desolate city, they encountered a roadblock caused by a destroyed truck. Willow's plant magic came to the rescue, effortlessly moving everyone over the wreckage. However, Layla showcased her mysterious abilities, disappearing and reappearing on the other side of the truck.
Continuing cautiously, Hunter's keen eyes spotted a potential threat, prompting the group to take cover. A suicider zombie stumbled onto the road, presenting a danger with its explosive potential. Amity suggested taking it out, but Lillith wisely cautioned against it, highlighting the risk of attracting more undead with the resulting explosion.
Eda, resourceful as ever, created a diversion by tossing a rock into an alley, luring the suicider away and allowing the group to advance safely. They navigated the treacherous city, avoiding mutant zombies and other perils until they reached their destination - a boarded-up grocery store.
Facing the challenge of entering without drawing attention, Hunter proposed using their palismans to access the roof discreetly. The group unanimously agreed, making their way to the rooftop before breaching the door, ready to confront whatever awaited them inside the grocery store.
Eda, Lilith, and Hunter cautiously entered the dilapidated grocery store, with the others keeping watch outside for potential zombie hordes. The interior was a grim sight - dirty, with knocked-over shelves, rotting food, and boarded-up windows.
Lilith whispered, attempting to ascertain if anyone was present, but received no response. Eda, expressing skepticism, questioned Layla about the whereabouts of Riba and his survival in such conditions. Layla assured them that Riba was alive and could endure the challenging circ*mstances.

Upon spotting an office in the back, Eda signaled for Lilith to join her. They entered the room, discovering a makeshift living space with supplies. Eda started investigating, while Lilith examined a large wooden closet. To her surprise, she found herself kicked to the floor as a man rushed out of the room.
Eda, thinking it might be Riba, pursued him through the store's aisles. Lilith, recovering, exited the room ready to assist in locating this mysterious man.
Soon, they cornered him - a tall, blonde man with glasses, wearing a brown vest and holding a Machete. He warned them to stay back, threatening harm. At that moment, a cat walked between Eda and Lilith, approaching Riba.
The cat, speaking in a surprising twist, scolded Riba for threatening his rescuers. Confused, Riba questioned Eda and Lilith's identity and their purpose in rescuing him. Eda straightforwardly explained their mission to bring him along to help them take down Roman. To their surprise, Riba responded with a chilling smile, expressing his willingness to join their cause and seek revenge against Roman for the wrongs he had suffered.
Hunter caught up with Eda and Lilith, inquiring if they had found Riba. Eda affirmed, introducing Riba to Hunter. Curious about Riba's story, Hunter asked how he ended up in the zombie-infested world.
Riba recounted the events at the mansion, sharing how Roman seemingly killed the two witch gods orchestrating everything.
Then, he found himself aboard a ship, thrown into the harsh world they just left behind. Hunter, empathizing with Riba's plight, suggested they leave and head to the roof.
As they ascended to the roof, reuniting with Willow, Amity, and Gus, Willow inquired about their return home. The cat transformed back into Layla, assuring them she would handle it. With a snap of her fingers, a door appeared, transporting them back to Earth.

Returning home, Riba expressed his relief, vowing revenge against Roman for his torment. Amity and Willow exchanged concerned glances, sensing Riba's instability.
Layla informed them that their mission was complete, advising them to rest and train until the opportune moment to strike. The group nodded, heading inside the house.
Layla, standing outside, pulled out a picture of her sister, promising to make Roman pay for the suffering they endured. With determination, she vanished, leaving the group to contemplate their next moves.


Chapter 11: Chapter 11 moral decay


The trio morals are slowly withering away and darkness grows in there hearts...

Chapter Text

Back at the ark, the aftermath of the attack left nothing but a smoky crater. Anne hurried to Sasha's side, worriedly asking if she was alright. However, Sasha was unconscious from the shock.
Demanding answers, Anne questioned Roman about why Sasha's healing abilities hadn't kicked in. Roman explained that Sasha had been stabbed in the spine, and the healing abilities couldn't repair spinal nerve damage. Surgery would be necessary to fix the injury.
Concerned about the bleeding, Anne asked how to stop it. Roman handed her a bottle of juggernog, instructing her to pour it down Sasha's throat to help stem the bleeding. Carefully, Anne lifted Sasha's head and administered the drink.
Meanwhile, Marcy continued questioning their healing abilities, citing her recovery from a shotgun slug wound inflicted by Chris months earlier. Roman clarified that Sasha's vulnerability was due to being hit in the scarred tissue from her previous battle with Darcy, making it a weak point. He cautioned that, despite their healing abilities, they could still be killed or wounded by strong blades.
As Roman finished explaining, a medical team arrived to tend to Sasha. However, they weren't the only ones entering the room, as Circus Baby and the Reaper animatronics also limped in, showing signs of damage from the recent events.
Roman, observing Elizabeth and the Nightmares' damaged state, sternly questioned them about what had transpired. Elizabeth, her body showing signs of extensive damage with cracked or missing body plates and a bent faceplate, recounted the events.
She explained that Afton had sent her to the ark to thwart the intruders, but they were overpowered when Luz, Eda, Vee, and King joined the battle. The combined strength of the newcomers proved too formidable for Elizabeth and the Reapers to handle. Filled with anger and pain, she revealed that they had feigned defeat, pretending to be destroyed, to survive and fight another day.
In response, Roman assured Elizabeth that engineers would be dispatched to bring her and the Reapers to Afton's lab for repairs. Promptly using his phone, he requested the engineers to attend to Elizabeth and the Reapers, but received an update that they were currently occupied bringing the Nightmares back to the lab for reconstruction.
Curious about the Nightmares' fate, Roman inquired further. The engineers informed him that the Nightmares had been destroyed and needed to be rebuilt. Roman directed them to leave the damaged bodies in the lab and prioritize bringing Elizabeth and the Reapers to Afton for reconstruction.
Roman shifted his attention back to the medical team as they transported Sasha on a stretcher to the medical facility for surgery. Anne, still in shock, sat silently next to the blood-stained spot where Sasha had lain. Marcy attempted to offer comfort, but Anne remained unresponsive.

Recognizing an opportunity to further manipulate them, Roman approached Anne, crouching down and stating, "I understand you've been through a lot, but we need to finish what we started here." Anne, annoyed, questioned his intentions, to which Roman handed her the same switch she had used before to authorize the destruction of the Isles.
Looking at the switch, Anne coldly asked, "You want me to destroy another planet?" Roman explained the necessity of complete destruction this time, emphasizing the threat posed by the Foundation. Anne, frustrated, pointed at Roman, yelling about why she had to be the one to do it and questioning why he couldn't.
Roman calmly replied, "You're the God here; I'm your guide. I can't destroy planets on your behalf. You decide who lives and dies, not me." Anne, grabbing the remote, pressed the button, stating, "I don't care anymore. Forget that work. I didn't deserve to be kidnapped and interrogated for trying to have a vacation with my best friend and new girlfriend."
As Anne handed back the remote and stormed out, Marcy, witnessing Anne's decision, expressed agreement, asserting, "She's right. We didn't do anything wrong. We're still good people," before leaving the room. Satisfied with the outcome, Roman left the room and headed to his office. Upon entering, he witnessed the Eclipse Cannon beam hitting the planet and exploding, a wide grin spreading across his face.
Springtrap returned to his dimly lit laboratory, ready to undertake the meticulous task of reconstructing the nightmare animatronics. As he prepared for his work, the heavy doors leading to his lab swung open, revealing a team of engineers wheeling in the damaged Reaper animatronics, each one deactivated. Among them, he noticed Elizabeth, limping and bearing the scars of battle.
Instructing the engineers to leave the Reapers in the repair bay of his lab, Afton turned his attention to Elizabeth, gesturing for her to lay on the examination table. She complied, her damaged body showing the toll of the recent confrontation.
Armed with his tools, Afton approached Elizabeth and inquired about the events that transpired. She recounted her struggles against the intruders, expressing her inability to halt their advances.
Afton reassured her, stating that Roman would handle the intruders. Elizabeth, silent and seemingly resigned, laid still on the table as Afton commenced the delicate process of repairing and restoring her damaged animatronic form.
As Anne made her way back to the main area of the ark, she approached her room with a sense of weariness. A soldier exited her room, informing her about the discovery of the trio's luggage inside the crashed helicopter and its placement by their beds. Grateful for the information, Anne entered her room and sat down, the weight of recent events heavy on her shoulders.
Opening her suitcase, she found some miraculously intact bottles of Corona Light, remnants from a world that now only existed in memories. Her beach clothes and a photograph taken by Marcy captured a moment of joy at a restaurant with Sasha. Anne's gaze shifted to the window, contemplating the loss of yet another world.

Choosing a bottle of Corona, she popped off the cap and took a sip, hoping that the familiar taste would provide a momentary escape from the sorrows that surrounded her.
As Anne grappled with the weight of her emotions, she found herself quickly downing one bottle of Corona after another. The echoes of shattering glass filled her room as she tossed empty bottles aside, each crash mirroring the turmoil within her. The numbness she sought eluded her, pushing her to reach for the next bottle until only one remained.
Visibly drunk and swaying on unsteady feet, Anne stumbled out of her room, weaving through the hallway in search of more alcohol to drown her sorrows. Guards glanced at her with uncertainty, wisely choosing to avoid confrontation.
Her erratic journey led her to a bathroom where, in a haze, Anne confronted her disheveled reflection in the mirror. Anguish and frustration boiled within her as she struck the mirror, watching it shatter under the weight of her turmoil. Regret gripped her as she vomited into the sink, collapsing against the bathroom wall in a slump.
Unfazed by her surroundings, Anne drained the last of the Corona, allowing the bottle to roll away from her grasp. The door creaked open as someone entered the bathroom, discovering the aftermath of Anne's emotional descent.
Kara, with a genuine concern in her artificial eyes, faced Anne amidst the aftermath of emotional turmoil. Anne, expecting someone else, met the gaze of the android girl, Kara, whom she had encountered nearly a year ago along with Sasha and Marcy.
Observing the shattered mirror, the vomit-stained sink, and Anne's visibly intoxicated state, Kara asked if she needed medical attention. Anne, still under the influence, dismissed her with a sharp retort, grabbing an empty bottle and attempting to throw it at Kara. The bottle missed its mark, hitting the wall several feet away.
Undeterred, Kara expressed concern for Anne's well-being, noting that she didn't expect her to be the drinking type. Anne, slurring her words, insisted that Kara knew nothing about her and demanded to be left alone to pass out where she belonged.
Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Kara approached Anne and suggested taking her back to her room to sleep off the effects of alcohol. Anne, burdened by a sense of guilt and self-loathing, questioned why she should sleep in a bed when all she seemed to leave in her wake was death and destruction. She grappled with the realization that she might be a pawn in Roman's destructive plans, echoing Luz's doubts about their true purpose.
Kara approached Anne with a calm demeanor, assuring her that she had indeed accomplished significant feats. She acknowledged Anne's role in purging a mansion filled with trapped souls and taking down two gods overseeing it, as well as helping save a universe from the threat of the metarex. Despite these achievements, Anne remained in a state of self-doubt.
Anne, acknowledging the past successes, brushed them off, emphasizing that their actions were driven by Roman's needs, particularly for the emeralds and the agony from the souls in the mansion. She expressed frustration, feeling that the organization's supposed mission of bringing peace was overshadowed by the pain they inadvertently caused.
Sitting down beside Anne, Kara began to share her own history, asking if Roman had ever told Anne about how he rescued her and her kind from a genocide. The revelation hinted at a deeper layer of Roman's motives, leaving Anne to contemplate the complex web of events that brought them together under Roman's guidance.
As Anne succumbed to sleep, Kara left a note by her bedside, promising to share the full story with her the next day. The exhausted Marcy, returning to their living quarters, discovered the aftermath of Anne's night of drinking. She felt a pang of guilt, blaming herself for the turmoil that had unfolded since she persuaded Anne to steal the music box.
Opening her suitcase, Marcy found her beach clothes and her camera. As she scrolled through the images, tears welled up in her eyes, burdened by the weight of responsibility. Suddenly, a hauntingly familiar voice, resembling Darcy, echoed in her mind. Whether it was a hallucination triggered by stress or a remnant of the hivemind, Marcy chose to ignore it.
Darcy continued to mock Marcy, taunting her perceived weaknesses and past mistakes. Marcy, however, defended herself, acknowledging her current state but expressing determination to overcome it. She affirmed her commitment to becoming stronger and making amends for the errors she believed she had committed.

With that resolve, Marcy settled into bed, determined to face the challenges ahead and work towards redemption for her perceived shortcomings.
The next morning, Anne woke up with a pounding hangover, stumbling towards the bathroom. Meanwhile, Marcy sat against her bed, both grappling with the aftermath of the previous day. Anne, after a shower and a change of clothes, checked on Marcy, who questioned their role in destroying more than they protected.
Anne acknowledged the uncertainty, expressing concerns about their effectiveness as protectors. Marcy, looking out the window, admitted to feeling weak mentally, haunted by Darcy's words. Anne, filled with fear and uncertainty, asked what they should do.
Marcy insisted on becoming perfect, unyielding, and stronger to safeguard Amphibia and other worlds. Anne, sensing something more beneath Marcy's determination, questioned her true motives. Marcy tried to maintain a facade, emphasizing the need to crush those who opposed them.
Seeing through Marcy's act, Anne approached her, recognizing the stress and fear in her eyes. Anne questioned whether Marcy's intensity stemmed from a deeper guilt and self-blame, particularly related to their childhood incident with the music box. Marcy finally broke down, screaming about the burden of that guilt and the impact it had on their journey.
Anne, understanding Marcy's turmoil, offered comfort, assuring her that their journey was destiny. She reminded Marcy of the positive impact they had on Amphibia and the good they could achieve in their current situation. The two friends embraced, acknowledging the weight of their past and the challenges ahead.
As Marcy apologized for getting kidnapped by the Foundation, Anne reassured her, explaining that it wasn't her fault and they had no knowledge of an organization like the Foundation that could overpower them. Marcy then suggested visiting Sasha in the medical bay, but Anne felt it was best to wait until she woke up.
While Anne retrieved a bottle of water from her nightstand, she found the note left by Kara. Remembering Kara's words, Anne shared the story with Marcy and showed her the invitation to meet in the cafeteria when ready.
Intrigued, Marcy asked if she could join, and Anne agreed, recognizing the importance of understanding Roman's actions. The two friends headed to the cafeteria together, prepared to confront the uncertainties
that lay ahead.
As Anne and Marcy made their way to the cafeteria, Marcy took out a copy of the picture from her camera and handed it to Anne, emphasizing the importance of holding onto the good memories. Anne took the picture, expressing her gratitude, and mentioned her hope for a future vacation on another Earth where they could truly enjoy themselves without interference.
Arriving at the cafeteria, they spotted Kara sitting in a booth, calmly sipping tea. With a welcoming smile, Kara invited them to join her at the booth. Anne and Marcy took their seats, ready to delve into the conversation that awaited them.
Kara listened attentively as Anne expressed her conflicting emotions, torn between the desire to protect by any means necessary and the reluctance to cause further harm. Marcy, understanding Anne's struggle, reminded her of the greater purpose they were serving and the lives they aimed to protect across various worlds.
Anne, still grappling with the moral weight of her actions, questioned the ultimate goal of their endeavors and how it would truly benefit Amphibia and their home world. Kara encouraged Anne to seek answers directly from Roman, suggesting that he might provide the clarity she sought.

The trio continued their conversation, navigating the complex web of decisions and consequences that intertwined with their mission to save worlds from the impending calamity.
Kara's appearance shifted to a mannequin-like android form as she revealed her origin. She explained that she belonged to an android line created by humans from another Earth, designed to serve without question. However, a change in their code granted them sentience and, ultimately, the ability to question their servitude.
She continued, recounting the struggles of her kind as they grappled with newfound consciousness. These sentient androids, including Kara, sought to break free from the chains of servitude and achieve true autonomy. Roman, recognizing their potential, offered them a deal: freedom and the chance to be part of something greater in exchange for their allegiance.
Kara's eyes reopened, and her appearance returned to the familiar android form. She emphasized that, while Roman provided them with liberation, it came at the cost of becoming a cog in his grand scheme. The androids, now known as the "Eclipsed," served as his loyal enforcers, contributing to the realization of his plans across different worlds.

Kara's revelation left Marcy contemplating the choices they had made. She expressed her frustration, feeling that the androids had merely traded one form of servitude for another.
Kara defended their decision, stating that they chose this path willingly. She elaborated on their dire situation before joining Roman's cause. Kara recounted a scenario where she, along with a rescued child, found refuge on a run-down oil tanker filled with other androids. However, their attempt to escape to Canada was thwarted by law enforcement, leaving them trapped and facing potential death or imprisonment.
Roman, with his elite unit, appeared as their unlikely savior, offering them a chance for freedom. They followed him to the Egg Carrier, escaping the chaos below where rebellious androids fought against authorities. The androids, now known as the Eclipsed, pledged to aid Roman in saving others trapped in similar situations and to protect worlds in need.

The weight of their past experiences and the choices they made lingered in the air, leaving Anne and Marcy to grapple with the complexities of their current reality.
Anne and Marcy, moved by Kara's story, apologized for the hardships she and her kind had faced. Kara reassured them, expressing that it wasn't their fault and highlighting the safety they now enjoyed.
Curious about Alice, Marcy inquired about the girl's whereabouts. Kara shared that Alice had been sent away to live a peaceful life with a new family. The mention of the name Alice stirred discomfort in Anne, given her past encounter with the spirit possessing her back in the mansion. Kara, unaware of Anne's connection, apologized for any discomfort caused. Marcy assured Anne that Alice was gone, and they continued their conversation.
Thanking Kara for the enlightening discussion, Anne invited Marcy to join her in Roman's office, eager to seek answers and clarity about their mission and the choices they were making.
As Anne and Marcy made their way to Roman's office, Kara inquired about Sasha's well-being. Anne explained that they hadn't visited the medical room yet but planned to do so in a few hours.
Arriving at Roman's office, Marcy voiced a concern, questioning whether they could stop Roman if he turned out to be different from what they believed. Anne, looking down, asserted their godly abilities, stating, "Yeah, we're gods, and we can do anything we want."
With a nod, Marcy and Anne entered Roman's office, ready to confront their doubts and seek the truth.
As the doors opened, Anne and Marcy found Roman gazing out the window. He acknowledged their visit, anticipating more questions but had one of his own.
Turning around with a stern expression, Roman addressed Anne directly, questioning why she held back in her fight against Luz. Anne, taken aback, asked for clarification, and Roman accused her of weakness for not defeating Luz and letting her hurt her friend.
Defending herself, Anne reminded Roman of the misinformation he provided, claiming her clone was attacked by mercenaries, not Luz and her allies. Roman acknowledged the lie but emphasized his role in training them, not protecting them.
Wanting clarity on their mission, Marcy attempted to ease the tension, expressing their desire to understand how their actions contribute to saving Amphibia and other worlds.
Roman, now composed, gestured for the duo to sit, preparing to provide answers to their questions.
Roman informed Anne and Marcy that he would explain everything in detail but not in his office. Instead, he directed them to the medical bay where Sasha was recovering from her surgery.
Anne and Marcy exchanged glances, silently agreeing to follow Roman's instructions. He assured them he would join shortly, needing time to download plans onto a USB to illustrate the progress made in saving Amphibia and other worlds.
Leaving Roman's office, Anne and Marcy made their way to the medical bay, anticipating the revelations to come.
As the duo entered the medical bay, they inquired about Sasha's whereabouts from a nurse who directed them to the fifth room. Upon opening the door, they found Sasha watching TV in her bed. Sasha greeted them with a smile, jokingly expressing concern that they had forgotten about her.

Anne laughed and reassured her, saying it would take much more than a stab in the back to bring Sasha down. Marcy added a touch of humor, mentioning the potential downsides of being stuck in a test tube.
Sasha's smile faded as she asked Anne about her well-being after the previous events. Anne, opting for honesty, shared the difficult decision Roman had presented her with regarding destroying the planet below to evade the Foundation. She revealed her emotional struggle and the subsequent night where she turned to leftover Corona limes from the recovered suitcases.
Sasha, looking at Anne with a sense of regret, began to apologize, but Anne continued, mentioning how she ended up in the bathroom and was found by Kara, the android who helped her back to the room.
Sasha reassured Anne that she was there to listen if she wanted to talk and expressed understanding, emphasizing that she didn't blame Anne for considering the drastic decision given the severity of the Foundation's threat.
Anne acknowledged Sasha's support and mentioned that Roman would soon arrive to explain how their missions were contributing to saving Amphibia and other worlds. Sasha eagerly agreed, expressing a desire to understand their purpose and defeat the evil calamity trio.
Marcy added her curiosity, expressing an interest in documenting Roman's abilities in her notebook and questioning the source of his immense strength. She wondered if there was a deeper connection to domino than Roman had revealed or if he hailed from their world.
As the trio contemplated their questions, Roman entered the room
Roman strolled over to the projector stationed at the front of Sasha's bed, activating it and connecting his laptop. As the laptop booted up, he turned to Sasha, engaging in a casual exchange about her well-being. Sasha, adopting a skeptical yet determined tone, made it clear they were ready for answers.
With a chuckle, Roman acknowledged their impatience and assured them that he was there to provide the explanations they sought. The laptop fully booted up, and he invited Anne and Marcy to take seats in the chairs near Sasha.
Curious about the nature of their inquiries, Roman asked, "What answers do you seek from me?" Anne took the lead, expressing their lingering uncertainty about how their actions were contributing to the salvation of Amphibia and other worlds from the mysterious "evil calamity trio." Roman acknowledged the depth of her question with a smile.
Roman reassured Anne that their training was progressing well, emphasizing that their preparation was leading toward the crucial confrontation with the mysterious adversary. Marcy sought further clarification, prompting Roman to open a file named "Ritual of the Gods" on his laptop

On the projector screen, a circle adorned with ten symbols materialized.
The 1st was a blue heart that Anne recognized as the symbol linked to her calamity powers
The second was green brain that marcy recognized as the symbol linked to her powers
The 3d symbol was a red fist that Sasha recognized as the symbol linked to her power
The 4th was a face of a crying child that Roman said represented remnants
The 5th was a picture of the 7 chaos emeralds
6th was a star with blood leaking out. Roman said that was the Collector's blood.
7th was the Summoning key
The 8th was a blue vial Roman said was element 115 that we don't have yet.
The 9th was a planet Roman said its earth
However, the tenth symbol was conspicuously missing, creating an air of mystery and intrigue in the room.
Roman, presenting the symbols akin to a zodiac, clarified that these symbols were connected to a potent ritual called the "Ritual of the Gods." He explained that after Domino's demise at the hands of the evil calamity trio, Domino had utilized his last remnants of strength to transfer his power into three new calamity gems. These gems were exceptionally powerful, but their true potential remained dormant until the completion of the zodiac ritual.
Upon hearing this, the trio exchanged concerned glances. Sasha inquired about the timing of the ritual, to which Roman responded that they were not yet prepared. He outlined the requisites for the ritual, including a vial of Element 115 and additional remnants.

Anne raised the point about freeing enough souls at the mansion for remnant collection, but Roman informed them that those remnants were utilized to construct and repair the Reaper animatronics after the confrontation with Luz.
When Anne questioned whether they needed to return to Earth for the ritual, Roman negated the idea. He emphasized the dangers, stating that the evil trio could locate and eliminate them before the ritual's completion. Instead, Roman expressed the need to locate an Earth they could temporarily control to carry out the ritual safely.
Marcy, realizing the purpose behind Roman's actions, understood that kidnapping the Collector, collecting the emeralds, and acquiring remnants from the mansion were all steps to prepare for the ritual. Despite the sacrifices, she felt a sense of relief, knowing it was for the greater good.
Roman chuckled at their realization, affirming that they were the heroes, not villains. However, he acknowledged the significant cost but reassured them that they wouldn't let evil triumph.
Anne, still having questions, prompted Roman to elaborate further. Sasha inquired about the creation of the ark, ships, weapons, and artifacts. Roman laughed and disclosed that he hadn't built the space colony ark or the egg carrier; rather, he had stolen both. He explained that the space station had been abandoned long ago after a government cover-up.
Roman continued his explanation, delving into the dark history of the space colony. He revealed that it was built by humanity from another world for research purposes. However, the military organization G.U.N initiated Project Shadow, led by Dr. Gerald Robotnik, to create the ultimate life form. Shadow the Hedgehog was born, and he formed a close bond with Gerald's terminally ill daughter, Maria.
Gerald sought to use Shadow's DNA to cure Maria, but G.U.N, fearing his power, stormed the colony, resulting in chaos and tragedy. Maria sacrificed herself to launch Shadow to Earth, away from the impending danger.
The trio, horrified by this revelation, grappled with the cruelty of such actions. Marcy connected the dots, realizing that the shadow they had fought months ago was the same ultimate life form.
Anne pressed Roman for more details, questioning the origin of the ship. Roman admitted that he had stolen and modified it from the villainous Dr. Eggman, whom he had teleported away during the confrontation with Sonic and the Metarex.
Roman opened up about his origin, admitting that he was once a normal human from a technologically advanced world. Serving as a commander in the military, he led an elite squad tasked with exploring other universes and reporting their findings. However, witnessing the death and destruction of these worlds compelled him to go against orders.
Refusing to stand by and observe, Roman abandoned his world with his unit. They discovered the abandoned space colony ark and made it their own, equipping it with universal travel gear. Before leaving, they found the Egg Carrier in the ocean, repaired it, and modified it for space travel.

Roman explained how they added the ability to universe-hop to the Egg Carrier, enabling them to travel to various worlds. Initially, they raided military outposts, stealing gear, vehicles, mechs, and other equipment. Later, they encountered androids on the brink of genocide in another world, and after helping them escape, the androids pledged loyalty to Roman and his group.
Roman shared more of his adventures, revealing that he found the Summoning Key in an old castle, along with Pack-a-Punch and elemental bows that the trio now wielded. Continuing their explorations, they discovered information about Afton and his deeds. Rather than letting Afton meet his demise in the trap set by Henry, Roman rescued him and coerced him into working for their cause.
Upon learning about Anne, Marcy, and Sasha, Roman received a message from their God, Domino. Domino informed him about the impending danger from an evil calamity trio from another world and the need to empower and train the trio to save Amphibia. Despite not knowing the trio's exact role in the impending events, Roman agreed to Domino's request.
Anne questioned why they were kidnapped instead of being asked to join willingly. Roman explained that time was of the essence, as the evil trio was on their way, and kidnapping was a more expedient approach than trying to convince them in the limited time available.

Marcy, still skeptical, wanted to know 1 last thing. She knew roman was more than meets the eye and demanded to know where he got his power from since no normal human could fly through space, let a possessed anne stab him over 30 times and somehow have the wounds quickly regenerate and most important of all punch titian luz into a wall leaving a massive dent.
I became more than just a mere human. I can now withstand incredible amounts of damage, fly through space, and possess strength beyond the limits of an ordinary person. The enhancements granted me increased regenerative abilities, allowing me to recover swiftly from injuries that would otherwise be fatal."
Anne, Marcy, and Sasha listened attentively, absorbing the information about the source of Roman's extraordinary abilities. Marcy, still processing the revelation, asked, "So, you made yourself into a superhuman using these anomalous technologies?"
Roman nodded and added, "Yes, I did it to better protect all of you and fulfill the mission bestowed upon me by Domino. I needed to be prepared for any threat that could jeopardize the safety of Amphibia and other worlds."
Anne, with a newfound understanding, thanked Roman for his sacrifices and dedication. The trio now felt a stronger connection to their mentor, realizing the lengths he had gone to ensure their success in the battles to come.
Marcy, although slightly skeptical, accepted Roman's explanation, and the trio continued discussing their upcoming challenges. Roman emphasized the importance of their training, assuring them that they needed to be fully prepared to face the imminent threat.
As the conversation progressed, Sasha couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. She pressed Roman further, questioning the logistics of the evil trio's plan. "If they're so powerful and want our powers, why wait for us to come back? Why not attack now?"
Roman, realizing the need to maintain the façade, reiterated, "They're cunning strategists. They want to savor their victory, make a spectacle of your defeat. It's a psychological game, designed to break your spirit. They won't strike until the perfect moment."
Sasha, still not fully convinced, pondered the situation but chose to trust Roman's words for the time being. The trio continued their preparations, unaware that the truth was veiled behind Roman's carefully constructed narrative.
Roman outlined the tasks for the trio, each assigned a crucial role in the grand scheme of the zodiac ritual. Anne was to work closely with him on a challenging mission involving the dark aether to extract an element 115 stone. Sasha's responsibilities involved receiving specialized training to lead an army during the invasion of a chosen Earth, ensuring a peaceful surrender from the president for the ritual. Lastly, Marcy was tasked with collaborating with Afton to harvest additional remnant required for the ritual.
With mixed emotions, the trio accepted their respective tasks for the upcoming challenges. Anne, displaying trust in Roman, agreed to work closely with him on the mission involving the extraction of an element 115 stone from the dark aether. Sasha, determined to minimize bloodshed, assured Roman that she would secure a peaceful surrender during the Earth invasion. However, Marcy, harboring a deep-seated resentment towards Afton, initially objected to collaborating with him for the remnant harvest.
In a pivotal moment, Anne and Sasha urged Marcy to put aside her personal feelings for the greater good, emphasizing the lives at stake. Overwhelmed by conflicting emotions and haunted by the mocking voice of Darcy in her mind, Marcy reluctantly conceded, stating, "Fine, I'll do it."
Roman, satisfied with their responses, packed up and informed them that he would contact them when it was time to initiate their respective missions. As they left the medical bay, Anne, Marcy, and Roman decided to allow Sasha the necessary time to recover fully. Anne bid Sasha farewell with a kiss, and the trio exited the room, leaving Sasha to continue her recuperation. Little did they know that their paths were converging towards a destiny laden with challenges and secrets yet to unfold.



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Hunter666as well as1 guestleft kudos on this work!


The corruption of the calamity trio amphibia season 4 fanfiction - Sethisevilone02 (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.