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New York Sun, Oct 22, 1882, p. 5 | NewspaperArchive (1)

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New York Sun (Newspaper) - October 22, 1882, New York, New YorkI i the Sun rtt Toay october 22 1882 5 Miat is a Wixo of m society Tho opening of Tho Academy of music utter till interregnum of Tho summer Benson is generally in occasion for social nicotine and greetings and Ninny a Bockhol ors and sub Earl Lions Whoso Elmo in not yet up at their country hom*os Como to town for the Opportunity of seeing for themselves How scats and boo Al have been distributed and what no Trio Pio spoils for the Winter from n Nodal is Welt is n musical Point of Luw on wednesday night now subscribers is Wol As old Habi tues must Hugo Boon in satisfied with Tho Prombo of Rood things to Como which was hold out by both nud Lonco anti artists Tho House was exceptionally full and Brilliant Tho proscenium boxes Bong nearly All occupied by Trio owners or their fam Hies conspicuous in or n m Bock Weths Box was president Arthur with or and miss Fleck with Tho Marquis and Marquise do mores with n Largo party of gentlemen and ladles Woro with or l von Hoffman and Trio Astor cutting dons Intro and la Orlov boxes Woro nil Well tilled and pro Santud Ali or usual a sport of Elgon no and cheerfulness in the artists Row Ninny familiar faces Woro to j b seen but the Horseshoe although every Box was filled indicated the presence of Tim str scors and bout Hornora who throng our City it this autumn season Tho now Tenor scored n marked Success and sentimental or Friendly adherents of the absent campy Nln who Hail predicted with Cor thirty that his place would a Over to worthily filled took heart of Grace and at the end of the second act Woro applaud Long his successor with very nearly As much warmth and earnestness is they had formerly bestowed on him Signor Oills i received a Welcome genuine is twas Well deserved and As Tho other parts in Tho opera Woro acceptably presented Tho cur Tain foil upon an audience Well Content with this specimen of what Tho attractions of Tho season Aro to to the marriage of Missi Tauguma Lawrence and or Thomas linger Pratt was Tho occasion of another very striking and picturesque country wedding on wednesday the old Lawrence Homestead at Day Side l i was so Carlando and wreathed with Flowers and autumn loaves is to present Tho appearance of Bower of Richond vivid colouring and this with Tho curious old carvings of fair Alturo and Chimney pieces and the aspect of solid substantial Comfort which Tho hom*o place of so Many generations suggested gave a picturesque quaintness to the ceremony and entertainment unite unlike Tho conventional sameness of modern wed dings Tho Frost mess and Outh Mulno s of Tho Boldo and her attendants was inc cased a Hun dred fold by Tho subdued and venerable aspect of her surroundings and taken Foi nil in All Tho wedding Wos Lono of the most interesting of the autumn there was a very Gay and numerous Cather Ine at Stthomas Church on the evening of Tho same Day witness the marriage of miss Elma Bytho Preston to or Arthur Van Voorhus Flowers lights jewels Rich and costly raiment fair women and elegant men nil combined to lend Beauty and brilliancy to Tho scene the Only now departure in Tho mat Tor of toilet or arrangement was to be found in the costumes of Tho eight bridesmaids who made an extremely pretty group in Short dresses of Palo Gray Satin with Ostrich tips of the most delicate Shade of Pink in the hair and at Tho bosom Tho effect was in Tho of ghost decree test Otic and would have rejoiced the eyes and heart of Oscar we doth last of the series germans which have been Given in connection with the Rockaway runt took place at the kennels on thursday croning last on this occasion however in Stead of a subscription Ball it was a private entertainment Given by or Edward Dick Orson and or Harry item son t the members of the Hunt and their friends Tho Cotillon was a pretty one and a danced by the summer residents of far i Rockaway and its Vicinity with the addition of a few men and ladles from other places among the latter were mrs prank White Mia Lawrence mrs and miss hours from new Orleans miss Thoron Tho Orhan granddaughter of or Samuel War miss to Orlana Heckscher and miss Daisy Stevens Tho Cotillon was led Byer Story and miss Emily Stevens and Tho bouquets of roses and violets which formed its Only favors wore wonderfully Beautiful for this Worlo s season the engagement is announced of miss Flor ence ill Szoll daughter of or Bussell of Orange to or Oliver tool Tho marriage is eve Peccito take Pino november and Tho Young couple will go immediately or tolls ranch near Choyn no where h Colony of now yorkers is already established Largo enough to have formed themselves into 1 respectable club which is known As a Branch of the Union club of now York numbering its membersi10nimr Charles and or or Man Oelrichs the for Mer of whom married miss do Lucy the Sutti Linlaw of or hav Mojer the austrian Consul Tho marring of miss Mary we chem and or William Livingston is also announced for no vember and that of or Henry Egleston red miss Isabel ills sell for Tho end of december the engagement of miss Mary Khz Leolando Stewart Only daughter of Tho lain los Conan Lowart to an englishman or Weatherby Isi also reported to have Takon place invitations have been issued by mrs Hamiton fish or for n Garden and Tennis Tybo Given at her place at garrisons on the Hud Lon on tuesday not unites Tho Carriage Acci Dent which lately befell mrs Hamilton fish the elder and from the effects of which she is still Lull no should cause it to postpone among this into arrivals from Europe to no Leo Tho names of Tho count and countess von who have come Over in company with Tho countess Cousin or Elchard Mortimer Madam von orbits is the Only daughter of the into 0010 Christ who married the Beautiful miss Mortimer of about thirty years ago Hho 1is therefore tin and one of Tho hair of Tho Lato or Mortimer who died Leav ing a Largo Fortune sonic Little time since Tho coming Winter is expected to be n very Gay Ono in hom*o and american Beauty promises to to Well Nepi Esentad there miss Louise Imo a granddaughter of Tho late or Elln Tracy who is abroad with her Mother will make her debut it the court of Queen ii Oral and the Beautiful Bra door Spencer who sailed yesterday with her husband in the Baltic will probably Pond the greater part of time Winter in hom*o when to those is added the charms of person and manner which distinguish time now Ambas sadness it May safely by predicted that Tim Birthright of Beauty and attractiveness which the daughters of America claim As their own is not Likely to to disputed in Tho eternal City this Winter army promotion my tit Cincinnati Gal Tho Wathington Iarj musican speaking of to army Iroini Putli which with follow the retirement of major Din Mcdowell Sai it in Irenr Rully Mdini nod that on the retirement of major pm i Rafn it Linnelli i to sunday oct i15 urn John pan ithe senior Lyrl Vuillet Fulcran in the tinny Wilt he Primi cited in Jmajor general ithe Trusik id principally a Rill cars cells if in Hill of of tile it Lien ii Terry or nol Leo Rte Rowit it in Al i san really he Leved that major Len genre to Hetty colonel Ali in a he Proi notel to ilk lick Liu Firul allhoniih11111i acid o c that lir Ali run Artel or cd Ilyf of Wui army it Hie Potomac hem Henry j Hunt Tol ouch fifth artillery Mill in the Lollier selected urn Hunti military or tic South with Licud Iii Arter at Newport icky woe Iurii in a Nim Ipiniu ami1 ill there Turc or turf Imi Liioi Ilhan Core Hen jetty ant thin butt in Tirc Eili y Hli he a reason for lilt ii Ioni Ottoni an Oen licit com then be also Noil Otcel to Jarl Miller be fore hits own retirement is fair Chance a hitch lice retire in list gives to inert Toulnin Oleo to reach Lont deferred to Toiuo Lon the Rule of him Lorty ought not to be taken Trout them due for exceptional re Arioni All i open com Liz into the major Gener Alihla mole cant by Mcdowells retirement there ii Mel Neil fit yes for Lucli Lincci Ikenn for the rapid Unbro Okroi still tote calve or Eliot Why tics i Noin ithe Ecim Hull run a Qirici Uria de unil Linzi in the history wan Oiher Joll Chin Paltin it May Safell sell that each a of Horol still that the hair omitted no Blunder which military Kinni com Lmont i to Waite an oppor Lunt arid Hulcher their old Kri Loo Lye in their military lives they Ere alike United in draw 101lh 1011 Bow Toto it us her work and chaise lion her Scarlet Wool undershirts Best Valu in City her int Merino vol t Rill Iran is Keis Blu Lia Ului Jii Juhu Stuie us Eilund it Bulsei u7vutli Jup 1i 1 the i Luikku Vilii Llara Lent Irr a set of Teeth Tot those i Hank urns Llella Liisia gestaut it n y Wilc 1rerldent Arthur in is Lii Angostura lilt lire they lire Ith Lusti known preventive for All diseases Orul Nuton Al 01 this o or inns Kiln Only set inv ilroadvvny1 rarer stament for phones ii manufactory 1113 1rince stand Van f 4h e n veal ski Sci inc and Exon Ilene is pains still till asthmatic and bronchial alter Lions or tenon re i Cit by that certain Renud Forconi than ethic or in nuts 1eeloiillo i irlies of Sealskin Samieh Best Quality Iii inches limit fl7 0i Iofik i i l Ioni of Jujj Hubli him io1rlucei n4ur Ilar Vilna lit 11 orc Era mul pounds lure Lea Black Treen mixed Fli pounds pure Pepper Mustard or Klunker Mie inn Isle Tea co 1mj ii Earl it Alit 41i Kuttim to Tali ii ii 11 nit Ike foil trikes Kali Rich Vhill till Hru an r Cullity Huron v in me Mir Aii Iri insure Eif in Lori tires roast Lonrlon in Diu he Usu impurities of Ilice Hole us bold to nil Drutar Ilmi Itu a Curnyr on the ten o or inns Corn Sill la Union Zemuly controls the Markel elite the or fact toil Are tries Shii inv in Tarry of cd Willii elders to Rinir irritation sit kidney and url nary Lom Planta c trill by of till the test Sealskin Seneque or Dolman for the to Nev cube Piir Chniel of c u by Mjune he Illnie-1t adv Elf Joel cd i Lulu lire now tie Public Ark Imposino Uron an English paper results obtained by the Amin flu tit Lithe went one hair re Iturry or of which s Eta found to be practically identical ill her nature they contained Luthur in u pen Lenni i in crying brutal Tab in count crame Riu Antty three of these preparations lout american Label this test hot Allih Alt of them contained Load Butl cl*t to cause ii rape of the brain lunacy a while Tome of ith1 Conlis Udell in neral 1010110 Yeti try life Trie on the Rapat Ain rican hair restorer Oak Buunk a deodorized extract of per Ocul at now improved ant perfected h would 110 report shout Sulphur Lead and like poisonous Ulm Tancif lie i find of me to atm Vethe proper Letof Wom Kerful product of nature a Ziair Dye Slid a heir Hll Graor that in not Only free Toi deleterious Poi evened of Healing jul beyond any article e it etched to the human Scalp would haul in his report of Mialy Sli with this folo i a suit Cak Roune is prepared from the nil a it flute from natures treat chemical Laboratory the Earth ant in now presented to tics Public without fear of c*ntin diction an the beet restorative and Beitl Iler of the hair the world a Eor pm Lucid it performs Liat Otho tinny claim for their preparation it lean elegant Prev intr removes dts Edrutt clean the ocal Pyrce enl the hair Rol rally out Reitor the hair on Boll heals Orn Flural color Nia Kru Itira rapidly dire All this Kin and Scalp not sail thu clot hot contains not a particle of Lead liter Sulphur or other deleterious drugs it u a natural product of ithe Earth containing ithe elements required inv the hair to Ell a few applications Vav ill Sho thei restorative nun Losi lines nut require months of continued use before Vou perceive shy result it is coot Iii cleanly suit ton much Praise cannot be bestowed upon ii bold by All drink lists 181u the old 18c states 1iniasn pvt Iii if Piilani it near i Rush ii by t70 near 18th St i sir Polilli a near Mali t f Ort a Milrud St Neo it levs j his ller remont to near in Ulton Brooklyn hints employ Onyun n crib of used annually clue Tutu of Coal used annually Lendini do ers nut scorer of Tim United plates ladles and goods Jed old dinner Superior to Lucy concern in this country Turk t to Forel Acker mar Roll t tour land Alt other first class grocers in new York Llroy okla n and Vlco nil i nndh8 Iii ammonia invaluable for toilet Iaus Orv old haul made Only ii Raul Miami Mimi Tel works i hat it St 1iuoijmv Sicu Pine i ind Lully nret0r m to Ruhr treat Nunt Tim Cetih i Melile cure Lii e he Neon hid a tuck ii in in at rout a flus Lierly Lintt Tyllo flair Terji to Worth 0 it far tory is new Church at no pc Tull f a Rushton Nulf list t2ldi Worth f i at factory4ti Ann to Uit to Tiro Trade Runi Lud w per Fortl or Robert chriitjcon1 baronet it d d 0 l Ltd r n physician to he majesty the Queen Freili legit Toyal Brt Slih Ano Olatson professor at the Unur Brilty of Edna re a to tit the proper Lei of thai wonderful Plant the coca Are the Molt remarkable of May Hon to the medical world from repeated personal trials i am Conr laced that Iii ui1highly beneficial and Bate pro Duncan Carldell i d la d 1h president Horral College of Thys Clani and surgeons member general Council University of Edinburgh to o Layit Loeb la coi coca deet Onlo Hun More than realized my expectations prop John it carnoci1av m d surgeon chief n y state us petals professor surgery n y med ical College eau tall officer port of new York to Tayi my patients derive marked and decided Benefit from the la Elf cos coca beef tonic pro f w Hunt m d old honorary member Imperial medical society of St Petersburg bust Lai pro Gesior of practice of Medicine Acac Wyit Loeb la Coe coca beef tonic Ila la Superior to the fashionable end Lulu ire preparations of beef wine and Iron Knop n Poullon Milld physician to the grand Duke of Saxony Knight of the Iron Cross Acao Sassi Ilire More tone than any thing i Hare Ever prescribed it i s invaluable in dyspepsia bilious Ness and liver affections prof 0 a Bryce h d la d editor Southern clinic says t really a wonderful reconstructive i building up the system and supplying lost nervous Energy for broken Down constitutions it be the agent prof i r Bennett of Fitchburg president Massachusetts surgical society yet the Best tonic to build up a broken Down Constitution from Long standing womb disease la Loeb la Coe coca beef tonic i invaluable ii 1 form of debility nervous affections nervous Al sick headaches piles neuralgia and Catarrh As a count Reactant to debilitating influences Inch As malaria bilious Ness languor impaired digestion a the Loeb la Coe coca beef tunic is unequalled say prof f w Hunt my for endorsem*nts and opinions of prof c p Hart surgeon la chief general Hospital Loul Stelle Kyi or James Knight burgeoning chief Hospital for ruptured and crippled n y City James m Gully m d Olcen late Royal College of surgeons of Edinburgh fellow of the Royal medical and Chirurg local society a riot William Henderaon 1 d protestor general pathology University of Edinburgh physician to the Royal infirm Ary a William Mcdonald m d Fri Fly feb f r s b professor of comparative Anatomy a i and hundreds of the most distinguished pm Sudan irrespective of school see our circulars Loeb Lei cos coca beef Tonto Ile also valuable in is Lana fever and ague chronic coughs kidney affect Iona asthma female irregularity and sufferings palpitations and weakness of the heart Sallow skin so Romulous eruptions infirmities of old age a or Mcbean British medical journal found it of great value in the consumptive tendency Baron von hum Boldt Cosmos says he a never known a Case of con jump ton or asthma among those accustomed to his use and that they live t a great age retaining their mental and physical faculties to the Lutyhe american observer says Loeb la cos coca Dee tonic certainly merits All the Praise i tis receiving the Stlouis clinical review says to desire to Call tics attention of the profession to the reliability of the preparations manufactured by the Loeb la company Slid to this High character of the endorsem*nts accorded to this celebrated oem by leading Phy Allane and medical journals of All schools the Loeb la company respectfully cautions the Public against spurious and artfully named imitations be sure to ask for Loeb la cos coca beef tonic and re member that the Lle Bluj company offer no cheap goods they offer nothing below the Price at which an honest reliable article can be manufactured their preparations r endorsed and prescribed by medical men and medical journals of All schools both in Europe and America it is unequalled in female sufferings epilepsy rheumatism and disfiguring eruptions it embodies the nutritive elements the muscular Fibre blood Bone and train of carefully selected healthy buttocks dissolved in a guaranteed Quality of Sherry and combined with the coca which is recognized As the most powerful tonic now known and other Val Mablei invigorating ingredients it will reconstruct the most shattered Aud enfeebled relm Igor ate the aged and infirm hid infuse new vitality into Lickly children and infants the journal of the Ito jul society of Vienna says is remarkable that Tho South american Indusi never suffer from Contu Ortlon and that the cause of it ii the use of coca they also be o Turfler a Seth so Romulous skin diseases or caries of the to Tali they reach a very old age and frequently pass their full Century the use of coca i habitual about ten minions of 1unionbeing Potof Wimam c Ric Lunn of m d Clui Ost Iouin to utile of Milci Fery and i Esaies of women soil children Eatol children with Maras Taos i have Gleit it Ullh ill Clydl Liri flt 11l a remedy of great Utility in Dir ii Luis Aico a most powerful and agreeable St umlaut to the brain and nervous sys tem anti it is especially useful to counteract fatigue of mind and body or i f etim Soh in the therapeutic Gazette says to say that am surprised and Aston hed at Tim Eon Kerful effects of the coca an a Nerous St umlaut would not adequately cd prexy opinion of id Tuthill Lashly 10 l r c m b r1 iof Manchester knt Rund says the effect la Poine thing wonderful from being Ned and cry Low spirited Bailly tired i can now walk ally length of time without feeling Rutlt fisc la fort taking the coca beef tunic my to Unm rung that Whin i renin pathetic tale i could not refrain from becoming Viry much affected Eltho sikh i tried hard to overcome the absurd feeling sow i am m Elf again to till lii1 company Padham Mayour agent kit me a Low of your coca led tonic for me to i by i took itt tolf us i Tat it ii sick for a number of months Vitha lung not Ceylon slu*t s a hut Arlen Pra Colne it helped me very Nii Irh Kosmuch of 111 i now Konut an Well us Iii Al Ila Lime Ghi Al to number of patient audit Dan in dented e cry note i Nin indeed Mol thankful that it came to in hand i had Trlida different Iri i Arutiun a coca before hut had no Eliziu frill them ii is in Init Vit 1 Mok c i Wilkinson editor my icel and sni time too vhf ionic of ithe it Biff lol pan combined an it is with Tocu 1111101 ii cud Iron form i most d Alu Ablel adjunct to tin Nii Linine from tile experience we Hue lint with it to Ireon rid to elect in it favor and to rcullle111 Usell if Iron limit Neil Nam Lannot in in ii other three imm Dunin in or out of it i i t Natii n for a inf filiput 101011 when Al re tidies can be Iorio Solhi i Roll to reliable i Houseman in clix it l tuft Lon to Putro lit the Huzio to this Ullin re Tilrum an a Tecl on the inon inv w r Scarle a m m i of Hook cml Tel love of Mizuo hoc it Foiw York ai1 i1 Ami Prycl Semi in South Ameri Caru ear mid Vii chum a font Ullh thu Ilice or Coli Iii Vit Toni limit lie ii Iota h Ith Lutov Ftp it Sor Ltd to Hlili ref la Lii Airi Tuma of in Trio Rutlt Mirin out Enli if Tiu 0 0 Stein Uluth time Mombach and ails Illi Ritkin 0 0 Rito Minnil it fur Wink line lion and tuts of Illo he Milf to to it fur two it ads Alibi in Ouirl Furi nerl Unn adv to to without Hrin Lacolle unit ind Nurmi la arc i Vine Toni did not occur when Ibe u us hit Oniu it for acidic smut Ilat silence i it it hmm ionic in Mien Lime Iclal Hurt Tala Ion ii Iii ii i ii Nii in Mintel Enevik it inti Init i a Ervom Forto it u in Tenor Tolt known at fent i hum adv Huil Iti i u to lurid Nuin Bir and Varl thy of Erso Mio Ink ithe i ear for various ionic Atlin and i Toul no Joritz Havo found trim lit from it Emion tent to a sufferer from Hen Iuie Ilski a icily Bevin Tathree 3 i an of lice who lint i Iii mime red Midi i Lii s Hoof Llight la conked Oral ant Brind and who for Ither 3 run bad not Tutu a movement or the Tov Veu Volt bunt the Aidi of ene Inai i i fit Liml within tune Dav s clue w As a Lii Tori turn to tilt and 1hoinii u Radhi tin r1 i Illus to Timve a Riff Lar nil Normal evacuation Ditlev lady who Luau for Tare suf Trul from Nir void amt Nina and who Hud Brennom pelted ii to up i to Torii a Lovely and with Fri Juelet i a found Reitt Nellif from us very i Lect lice Abro Kir who had Hien hlcl111 face Vivo or void i Lenin and by in in Isicc lit to corpor Tat Williwa he join Lotf Verv weak and emar Laneil he Hail Heel Tiik Iii Luln Liandi i Iron without Amy Helm stand Irreg to Fiandro w Mouldi if Oil big i to Roll Miami ii ii fur n period of entire rut All Imie Nevin atoms Werr cured to urn and it ii i lit on with Sicily Nind o Iwuh Din Butts Mitnit ital or Icom Wither Frau she use improved Lynn Lin ont entirely Rel livid of her a lilo i sinking mulls thl Ritt and Conn Pailun laity Elfend for thirteen 3 curs with 5 Revere the at first re Mirnd i pm try i turn Weikuo Siml anal lever Vivod Vii so Dorr Hen ii Hal a violent that she would Unkn after the rlhrdli1iioi have had hut one flu lit 1kt and i am in much Boron ii and held Rethati feel Hal be Rii Rul 01laii hush mimics Ofner void had urge and Nezir Ulilla have been reported to magic Ned Tii ithe Ceca w Hen nil thu ulna ton Len and anode huh have failed Ito a lord Relief Ier Hnis vie of the Moat valuable Lav Well an Wonsil Reful i Iron role of town is Tho fall Ltd with which it meets and tics Craven Roro Innia tics victims of that fearful Hlll nor cd i in can 5 i Ald simply u it chants of mailers since tie uniform iof even those who have used coca for longtime and continuously is that abstention from its employment is perfectly easy and i s not accompanied by any feelings of distress or uneasiness whatever As a phyola1uoo would not is without i under any consuli133 Henry it Brooklyn to tile iieb10 company your preparation of coca u he Best t Hare Ever seen w Seattle what ii co Ali 1 the first reply is that it in nut Cocoa United slates of the Amazon a St coca has minuet thee to marvellous that it Titi indians without any other nourishment the to perform forced marches of five or six Days i bracing stimulant and Tonto that by the use of alone they w 111 perform tourneys of duo Miles without appearing in the lr1tltop1 Orazella of the Royal University of Seville Iasi coca seems to prolong life lome Ovelty among its Len i s the Rule end not As with us Tho exception Are also Freer from j j Van rim uni travels in Rem says0 Retting aside All extravagant Aid a visionary notices i Tam clearly of the opinion that ice of coca is conducive to health and longevity in support of a conclusion i May refer to the numerous longevity among indians who from in Hoodin the Fia lilt of Mast Cating coca three limes a Day cases Are that nor Rollor indians attaining time great of hit years met at the Ordinary rate of must in time course of their lives less than 2700 pounds of time Leaf Andre talk Tai the Tibet perfect health and vigor i tried Meklir cos Cora beef tonic in a number of eases of Ohr Onro dyspepsia where time assimilation or fowl to cry defective Alt timers was steady loss of weight the results of in two Weeka were in j deed flattering one a Ialenti gained live pounds other three pounds end is on o in i1a11uv m Savannah 4 president the decal society of Georgia 4ca i prepared onit or tile i like if Lazio Kathy ant ii Micati works Coy manufacturing ciikm1sth new York Paris and London min Youk depot of mui1hay St auction male tiles e Kirby a co auctioneers now on free pay and evening at our Art Waii Kikm 845 and 847 Broadway Between nth suit 14th Sis this entire i of his american Art Gam Kriis am Art room aggregating in value upward Roand comp mar nearly Point tiioiihan1 lots or Iii a qua try ur1lntai Art objects also nearly two no Nihiko Fine american Iai Stimis Superb Champl he tics Best artists j also books Eno Raviner it Kavai steer plate of the engr Avenir tilt let Lav it by elegant Ca Inetie and other furniture a i 1lime whole to he sold ahm Hurley Mai slu*t re Borve to toe tie exr Lenir it Wenbin it in Munith 1 or James f Sutton special commencing Kiin ohday nov i and continuing on the follow 11mg fourteen and Hyk Mimisi As holed on afuns001 tie Hiudt Iminta Ham or in class everii1lu in this count Iii cask i a great discovery a sure cure for Brights disease and 1kidney complaints there never before has been on hour known equal to it for time euro of 1 disease Sot time kidneys and All Kindred complaints or Miller i s i regular graduate of Bellevue College he licensed this remedy Only known to himself fur a Long tune in his private practice with the most Gratifying Success and has yet to find the ease that he cannot cure if any doubt this let Theta bring to him a Case no matter How Badi or How Long standing and How Provo it to the satisfaction of every one Hoil cures dyspepsia liver complaint rheumatism neuralgia sail All female weaknesses consultations free to 1 hours 10amtoo pm t d Clermont Miller d127 wish Tail rim into magic cough us Troy is composed Lirely from in Evergreen Shrub which grows in Asia the curative properties of which Are enter air to any other Medicine known for coughs suit in e guarantee it to after physicians cur and other remedies fall ask i Forte mid take Mother 1rlcrfl for aleut 115 dels went Mth St new Orl partner w anti Dot Turner a co ii Iio t Ith Fuit i the Best pain Nikci Iii plaster 2o cents at Hing Chotei jut Ouer in 9s Akk Maivri eradicated 111 1 to3 weeks without Knafo ligature or caustic Send for Cir Cular containing references or 1iuyt 3west u7lh stif n Squire o7 Pustow it x the Bei Nieolo icily Hills diamonds artistic jewelry reliable watches diamonds a no Kikino Natin iut glans bottles useful in headache colds Usu Ell Maso Luv a co 11 in Broadway Iro join l vchavamn0 Wahe Oldell patients can consult Heimall hours flame in ice esteem 7ho Fth a Bectol o richly Holiday Oaks children of All Nui Selfin land by Josephine Pollard color designs by Walter Eatter Leo time Little children who Are fortunate ennui re to receive this unusually Beautiful and attractive Book for a present will have to id reason to be delih1tdl for it is n most magnificent affair Philadelphia Price f2io rhymes Ash new years Humes he Sari in Lirlin a Generou Andrich Tinl Book Roll of pretty Storle and sin numb Lime Huml Fri every lit Hole of and a Whir Erat Lon it is charmingly jinn1 to iikllhl1rlie in cloth t2i j in bninlnfl71i your books Cal be Impi of Mill lending booksellers in Iii Iii co Ruhl Luhers 41 a Kismet n us o Iii iat Avo icus he l4 Eire it French to Velum omit 111ihc111 Tim Brooks old Library printed in not 111110 top no i j l1 Lurillo Zulu 1lc2cso 17li Satin by Al ilk Holuj Price 30 no Ilu put Ihm Oleir kindle Xolon Irke 20cno 2fj i Iby Emylu Zulu Idle Lo-enosl7 the million Iby Jules claim tic prlcr2f c Noil love Triumph by fut Tuuu do Llois Gobey Price Ioc time above works Are 111101 in Tho Brooks old for Why Al new dealers or will resent to omit address t Oahu i i dim Ilene let of tics Price Adymt Rivank 1iiimy iillbllhherj4 and i North Mevric it new York i i Itti it i ii Itkor ruin thai Zimra i and Ruthei iter by a survivor Hue in Iceni 10encravjiiks 11tllol Hook Veo Icv 47 Murray to cd it Cui in Emit to i Mill i7nirfhillik contains streets Ela shelled ibookseller1 to ill Cal Pill Liisia Cooper Nilve apartments ill e suit Lullo Bull Lins in Citron ii ill Chic it 211tst Cli 7th and ply us s 1 lie Iii n a lip of Nair Tinnik it from Elmo to Nino rooms with hath rooms Ipri Vatet Hall Arandi of sullen Niu Dliah i Inird it a investment of from Ali kill f7isi fre from All fill Bretn or exp wifi Luil thu flu Iri iof Ithoc it in hirer elevators in the Tom n Rynn rent nil Llma r clue 1 Hue o mid ii if la clulic1 unit due Tion blvd his unfit 1and lest i Numi inv Illi Umit evil on redi he the Huberti Shomei club apply at thu Ullilee of Thearel Teiml he Hertl i Roll sox i co j 9 East u 2 � 11 St Goh City and country note Oil Pine h run in j j arc m 4 Miklav Tekip Ornnice Talon Coop r a i m and Linss he Fri w ii of Mali Chester int Lind Mph fit jul Nina of movement Iti Ilmi which mrs ii Iii Imi mull will ring sever in solos a in Tedin t Vir n irs u e Cav Oltof hot Lon Thyce i m hic i loll or in h o 10101 1rof a Iki it violin i ill Lel Lindl Juk Mill irese Iii Kyj Jal ii Ici Oliese sit hit flu an air hot Ittie Ler a Insul Ephord i Nathis it Illi ii gusset sort Lech i Mali div life Iii Kiili Milij Fet lot ithe ovum Iii and the i Fiorni i or int thotus choir Iii seats flex pm a oils uni Tiuliu ii Topali Chireh Mherl of Ihn 11v Iii Lar Anslmn ii h 4ti sti1iiih a i111 Iki i11 Lehi r Nimi min Wilt air Delhi i Iii int it Imus i and Ilir rat Holly mom in fit Tendi give i Eddie is at even in i Ruhr Liti i Iii Knis Lioti in cd v Ili Odb Uii dirt Vav my or in h t tiny Rop Liei in the brim m Rullier lid St and Oil Avul m Impi Milf of incl to be path Credo violin Lien l l ntt7i in str loll la Irle Ett ii Lilii nth in ii Aupi Turnr Allih aim i floor Jilin of the Linn Laii ripllrt1101 Wilri Adi Nulon f n e Irolli Inland la i111111 a Lillie on Liei treat Calid la of and Iii in in p Lull Lin Ivr vat ii js1tjl Nelllie 11ii is Illel ill Liv i Al Illus a ill ii i Tiv latent o Connor i n Lor punch son Linn 1atln r ii Fui Innon i rpm site Challinor to u ill Lac Ilet Tili hindi ill a Ron Iii no Kuisun Cut Holly last a Lulaj even in Adl Lii ii Lii Yate ii its Iii Rui Itcik she Infita Iii Kunii Luctta Lithul Hil Veill Illk ail be legion avs the t Sigurd i tar 5ri Lien mind Voct at Ufa i tin in Imor i Cal ilk i 2i of Hie 1iruhleir lice mint Llovy Man Vigler mini Ler n o la lords Hirk i1iiiollhii my Kiln Sli ool at Iii null diet Luul lulls ilium by Tim Pator to Vav Holcli till mire invited i i in Tifei r 1h Hal Pullini Irit Fili Adler id Hlll Lul Lvir Liu to tit 1etiire 11 for this pm let Huller Uirich a and l1lhl on min Divorl ii doors opel lid lit Iii i Ilomin ii hublrlt1iihelrue slu*t Hodio Lyrll Loim it Furin s 4 Iasi us Luc est t 1itch Hon Viant so Inre i Limo itt i in sikh Vang Iii minister in i Iii ski Viorna i no Nelu Prater and face noun Iii of level even unit Prajer i u1 Alt tit Rutilo fit Iii Pika i aint sinililtn7ft 111ijein Lum Udud list no in inn Rev to nil a null ii Slih roof i Nini to Lardo Burg of Garden City with August Delmont or driving the grand stand was occupied almost exclusively by ladles Tho toilets were Rich and unique the occasion affording Opportunity for tile display of gorgeous Hunting costumes Tho inhabitants of the surrounding country Side wore present in Force swelling the throng within the enclosure Back of the judges stand to several thousand the first race was a half mile sweepstakes with 20 added open to work horses it was won by b f Horton by g Farmer boy rid Den by t Burns Charles ply Era by g hemp Stead boy was second Wynns b m at third and w Smiths b g Taylor fourth Taylor was the favorite by 2 to 1 against Tho Field the second race was an open sweepstakes to to Alfred qualified Hunters a halt mile in trance 120 with Silver plate added to the win Ner weight Ico lbs there wore five entries is follows by Georges chg Devotion colors yellow red hoops and Cap j f d inn Lars chg Melton colors Corn Cherry sleeves and nip e c in month guns b m Fleurette Black Rod sleeves and Cap 0 Polzo Rora b g Milord Blue White sleeves and Blue Cap owners b g Jiddle Gray Pink sleeves and Caps n g Lori i lard sir g sinbad Cherr Black Cap All the horses Woro Ridden by their owners sinbad won the favorite in the bet Ting no time was kept by bad won by three lengths Fleurette second two lengths ahead of Devotion third the third race was a halt mile open to Bona Flo Farmers horses catch weights 30 to win Ner 20 to second 10 to third barring win ners of 81 and 82 there wore five entries Nav Nagher George Ridden by Davis won by three lengths b 1 Horton by g Farmer boy second tour lengths ahead of Myron Tracy c g Fannie third l cars Snow bal fourth half a neck ahead of j Hanamann o m Katey the fourth race was Over the full Steeple Chase course about three Miles open to half bred qualified Hunters sweepstakes 20 each with Sliver plate added minimum weight 170pounds ii Story Rode his b g con colors White yellow sleeves and Sash and Cap w Beresford Rode e ii Harriman a b g jumping Jack Gray Blue sleeves and Cap l la Montagno route it la month Knob blk Comet Blu yellow stripes and Blue Emil e Francis Rode his Toni Tucker Blue White sleeves Sash and Cap m1 it to forgo Rode his r g Trojan Yel Low Rod sleeves and Cap time horses got Oft poorly Trojan being much in time Lead thou wore All restless an Frisky and refused to get Down to their work upon reappearing around a Loop at the right of time grand Eta nil Trojan Laid dropped to a poor Racond to Comet tile others close up Lioy wont Down time Hill to t Imo Tui nil under time whip i but All refused to but ice it to Tho tile tile nearly took headers at Trio Thyrel attempt or 1rnnels got Tom Tucker Over jumping Jack tried to follow but fell Fouli of the hurdle with Lila Hind legs throw in or lures lord hoax ill the Catuir with picked tin and carried off by his friends and ten Billy taken to Tutu depot in a Cam rim go again and again Comet Watt put to time Fronen but toe often to refused it to finally throw Luis ruler or e la Mot Ilauno hurting him to that to could not remount it la Montagno ills Breither to United in his Stead and lomb Over the course in Tho mean Elmo Tom Tucker took nil time Hurelle and jumps without mis Hup winning Trio Raco Tho others saving Comet did not get Over lieu limit hurdle or la Mun Nuno claimed second Plano but it wits re fused him by Tim judges on the ground that to did not neigh in Tho Illch Taw was for the i Rockaway Hun cup with Silver plate added and sweepstakes open to Hal tired qualified Hunters minimum weight 155 pounds or Duncan Rodo l Law Rouseh b in Ultima Blue and cup or Holmes Rode u l la montages b in Llosa Lind Black red sleeves and Cap h Mortimer Rode ills by g Llo sons Choice Wilto red anti Black hoops and Cap j d Cheever Rode humic Elm or Iloe away lob sons Choice took the Lead but As time horses re appeared around n clump of Trees Hunt con be plod the Loop was soon to be ahead going it a Iti amondous rate he Lei Down Tim Hill to Thom first Hurd Loat so lint a Pineo that to could not keep ii he foot on Landing on time Littler mimic ii Whit our Oil his Laud throwing or Clico Vor far in Advance of him lie was int Nutly loin United and started off at a lout Paco going up tint Hill and Over thin Sunno Wal close to Tho third Boito Ultima wont Over first at Tho third jump Tho houses worn Kumhi Well together hut at lie in Atli Kos Allm look Tho Load keeping it not hound hard pressed Liy Llo Kunny at Tho water jump i Rockaway went Over first Ami took time till i jump in front of the grand Stoml four lengths in Limo Lead Sultana second lure Itson Lumli i throw her rider or i Holmes Flo Cookii it complot of homers ill striking i upon huh head but Smih i immediately upon Bis feet and to mounting started in Lull i 51i it of Tho others at the Strond turn of the Loop i Rockaway was Chili ahead with lit Gnu St Ennd ii Ahsona pm Oleo won by half n length ahead of la Tim Loek away third the Eldorn of Hob Souh Choice anti in Dothoro by lout time Liliuo for Zucco idling to tile Rule time rider cannot a amount until Given by thu a duos Kock Wuy was Doo Linioel tile Winner with Rosalind second Tim others Bolij disqualified on lug to Tho unfortunate termination of time in Atli Raco time Mist Raco wits reopened Laid Allan uses Lun Lilliel acre permitted to enter or Hoover thin Winner Othlie cup in the in nylons race offered it to Trio Winner it rile a Handicap sweepstakes onco Over time Short steeplechase Courso Onn inello and a half weights 140 to 175 pounds or Law Ronco Rodo his b in Sultana mule with White hoops or Donlun Rodo j d Cho Ovorn cd g Ito Kowny Black with Blue hoops or it in Vigo Rodo it la month Gnu blk g Loi Iuit Blu with yellow a tropes e w Hap Catas undo j 1 Clu Titi vets by in a Ertrude Black will follow ibis e Ila Manti Iginio Rodo Elsb m Klou rotto Black with Rod tule Onea it Maul limit or Mortimer Rod Hla by g to Hoith Choice Wilto red and Black hoops he i Rinish undo his a lobby Bluet with will in sleeves and Sash at the Start it hut Hilt and Willob Sonbi cil Oleo took thu Load i Rockaway close up Slid in thu aide they took Blue Lornt hurdle in splendid Stylo lie u ret to took lie Fonceil Well but Humble of Oil Limo outer Aldo Tunod a completo pm bin Back apparently across Lily Lider but not seriously lobby for Trudy and unmet in fund thu Hiu Dlo they wore Istl a Binu i put at it lion tin Wynn dirt Camo line Hobs Iii a Liolu Eaino in it i easy Gallop Tuneo Lon thu ahead of Llonna amusem*nts opening of tie never Casino those who saw the Interior of now Casino at noon of yesterday reported it n scone of direst confusion stairways without Salustros boxes without column or backs stucco without paint or gilding draperies drag Ging under foot part Tlona of Cotton car Lon tors benches tools lumber find shavings uttering the auditorium and in fact everything it Sixes and Bovona hut be fore 8 Oclock some semblance of order had come out of this maelstrom of disorder Tim auditorium and stage were cleared of Dubols and draperies Hung to cover up it Cha of unfinished Woodwork shill not Huith Thoro were evidences on Over Side that Trio building is As yet unfinished Ana really in no lit state for occupancy still Tho Nannie finont rather than disappoint the rub lie Liy n further postponement had Lono their wit to got things into some sort of order it in very questionable whether it was Wise to Force things in this manner for the plaster is Hlll fresh and Damp and Frau hts of air poured in from every Side making tile Interior of the theatre very uncomfortable if not Actu ally detrimental to the House will to an exceed wkly attractive one the architecture an decoration of this handsome building which owes its existence to the indomitable Energy amid perseverance of Lar Rudolph Aronson Are strictly Oriental in arabesque work and gliding of the Interior though exceedingly Rich Ann minute Are harmonious Inton stud very striking in effect the Uon Oral color la dead Gold and the seats Are upholstered in dark Blue these latter Are novel in construction in groups of three which open like a Mendli Uvrl triptych Colteil fixed or Contra seat having two wings which develop on either Side like shutters when time audience rises these Wlna fold up against thin Central chair and leave lir Oad free aisles for Tho exit of the spectators Tho intent Sii praiseworthy Good though the imme Diate effect is to make the chairs loss Comfort utile than in Ordinary theatres Tho auditorium gains n Good Deal of Beauty trom kilo tinny sir ending Alloa Fluke capitals running off into hut moorish Arches which Crown the columns and from Tho dense Row of Gas lights edging tile floor line of time upper gallery a Largo chandelier also moorish i decoration hangs below the Contra opening of the roof and promotes ventilation which is Stilt further aided by the wide open corridors surrounding and opel no on tile auditorium Tho piece chosen for the opening last night is the last outcome of Tim Vienna operetta the Queens lace handkerchief the condition of tile House Init Likht May fairly entitle Tho work to some indulgence but tile kindest interpretation will Hind it he Tirol to motto anything of it the plot denting with a tangle of Lovo adventures of Cervantes time King and Queen of 1ortugnl and sundry members of their court is one of these incoherent and dreary passages of dramatic Patchwork which defy alike analysis and report Tho music it worthy of the Book a very thin dilution of Odds mid onus from he rusts commonplace Book probably vapid and mean ingless As anything yet Inlall Ceil on in operetta Loving Public to Ltd interpretation misses Lily Post Louise Lii Ihlen and Rurik genl Gaston and others earnestly applied themselves with a re sult scarcely commensurate with their Good will no one of time troupe except perhaps big Peru genl can fairly to called a Singer and thus acting was of tile most rudimentary description Tho efforts of Thoc Omle members of the troupe were especially futile if lie Queens handkerchief is to have any fair measure of Success it must flow from tile dazzling splendor of tile dressing and soiling which certainly Are on a scale of except tonal splendor or from some exceptional Good humor on the part of the Public which it would certainly to unsafe to expect or to rely onit u a noteworthy fact that it is As a Rule very follow time dialogue and plot of translated works and tile present opera is no exception it was impossible for any one oven Liy Blue closest attention to follow the Drift of thin play this of itself to deprive the opera of interest and could Only to atone fut by exceedingly attractive music and that condition 1s not fulfilled the iut ult is ulness Tim work is said to have Boon performed for Over two Hundred nights at the Friedrich Villielm Stindt theatre at Berlin it is not easy to boo whor* lie secret of this Success line anti Avo doubt very much whether any such goo Fortune will attend it hero notes of Tiik stage mrs Langtry is due to Day in the Arizona the Squire in Dalys theatre competes Well wit hits rivals big crowds and big indians in the big wigwam make a sight of a lifetime Young mrs win temp is destined to have a Long run n the Madison Square theatre a fill Mother arid two children have been added to the curiosities of the Globe museum Olav Catt is to be the attraction in the Alcazar wit Catherine Lewis in thee title role one Zeltt Lnger will appear in parisian life in the germanic theatre during the week thin Panorama is one of the cites attractions that str augers ran see in the a time Only or Alexander Lambert the pianist will give his first concert this season la Hul War Hall on sov23 Tony pastors theatre is to be opened for the regular so Sou tomorrow evening by a specially company i the sorcerer one of the lest comic operas produced in the Bijou opera House Wilt remain timer longer Tim Hainan be in Ilo Otha theatre is in time Sec Ond month of its run and continues to till this House flue Wlliams w 111 Don a policeman uniform in one of time finest in Milos ear Dan Slid create lots of fun Choice products Slid chickens hatched by machinery Are among attractions of the american institutes pair John t Len Moziel As col Sellers will eat turnips at the Lark to Bentru during the Vic to and then seek other Lle lds flue Parven will not bold the staur of Wallack theatre Many weeks but it is Worth seeing Wyllo it or Mats Murphy time Irish giant and mine Gnu thwack the Skeleton woman Aru among the curiosities at the scum York museum this world lifts revolved considerably since it left a lacks tic atre aunt it will Slop for a week at time Windsor theatre or Aud mrs Tom thumb is Slitor by several specialists will give a week entertainment in Limo Academy ots usie Jersey City Mankind with time urls Lynnl cast and scenery Willie put on the since of time Park theatre la Rook u to mor Row ening for a ume Euc mangle Mitchell will appear in time Penn of a Avn Little Hare foot timid Fanchon in time Ovelty the atre la Rook n during the w Eek thus expenses of the fian Francisco minstrels most be enormous they Sny that a new roof of Lime opera House is needed after each performance the Irish american a new play by it o Morris the author of your Hilp mates will be brought out in time mount Norris theatre to Morrow evening or Miguel Castellanos pianist will give a co Mcnert in Ste Nwa Hall on nov 14 assisted ran Morawsky Bass and Carlos k Flats Elbrink violinist Missal ones Lac radon in Only a panniers daughter in theatre is one of Lam latest slurs and Sime his said to be More Beautiful than Alt famous beauties mine then w 111 sing in la Tom Hole Dargent in the fifth Avenue tin Nore to mor Reivo evening on tuesday be voyage Chine n new opera will be produced Charles wind Hnton with his com panel is expected in thu Arizona loud the will Oten he Ngn Koment in the Union Marv Fentre on ithe 31st in p fourteen la s mini Schiller will tiny at the first concert of time Newyork philharmonic club inn und of Ilion blur Williis or a ill Leeiii who Sang at ithe Newport concern Wilt also appear an non Jdant snap Lynn curiosities and an extensive in Antty of oddities with a number of specialists in stage performances serve to till Lunnell Miu Eum with pleated i patrons time snot Urcla concert in time Casino is to be Given this evening b mine time motor Ianul and time principal members of Vir Indium to Punj und Aronious or Henira of slim ii musicians n Chance is Good sometimes i Hurt will give tie Tillack blvd Freedom Fler Ernesda evening on churn lev evening time non play Morde Eali Ivons is to be brought out their family was Plavil in the Thalia theatre test evening i y fran in Alldever and ill err Lei Eli ii fire aum Audlene that tilled every part of time Holme it in billed fur to Morrow and vocals evenings Hall no will appear As it Tull in time fifth Avenue theatre pm thursday evening time Sale of sent is to he begun him imm mrnous Ilie will be supported b Adelo Lliel Garde Lew in Morruon ant Marie prese it the directors of Stiitt v have conclude into reproduce Ihu season la dam nation de inst with the a 8l Lunce of the oratorio Midi by and 01 Lee a Liuio Hauk hug nor live ill fluid or rain Liem Luimit rid or Alit mrs w 1 Florence have l in engaged for four Muci his in la Irand pure Home file Lekel Oleave Man in to i Pla de tomorrow evening in time pc end Wei k in lure into be pm nerd and in time other week Hulleen Oge lnsicalp1 matinees Are to the Intro Icid in ithe cram opera House on by arrangements with to Mcfaull of time it Jon opera Iho Usei patience is to tithe la ext comic Larul with ill Lynn i Lunell Laura Joie Cjohn How son and sillier in the Rast or Jefferson Willi those a successful engagement in the to Felon Hiu Ini la untrue on mat air Ilse evening in Heitov no hav ii Heen Thoron ulv Oppre Cloteil on to links Clay Noti noon i w til did e n perform univ to members of thu Profe mrion in Veath Are to be told Ollir Niello with la Nelll la lass mile Naurl landmine uni turn in ithe ram is to in Produn in the acad Emhof Munsie to mar Rove evening on Edn Silav even tug tug Elmo till is to he presented Slid Onfry Lenv evil no i1afrlealne when minor Clodo und mile in Salni will Appiar time re of mint can no Lex is to to ended in time Standard theatre on Oldiv even let tip Van v inkle1 u to be presen Lul on Iii minkins evening he Nelv by curled Nairn roman mine ill no v 1 curl Eton h Ivlev Iii Kinrd Mansfield w Iii lie us Milur and arthurm Kynion will be in ithe i us All Oei Jesss escapade How m in a car 1d Lee of oot Teeter West to ree the world for Ilen Elf Chicago oct 21miss Busolo Pollard of Cleveland Ohio now in this City awaiting the arrival other father who is expected to reach Chicago tomorrow morning has baffled the shrewdest detectives in the country for two weeks she it Only 18 years old and is the laughter of a wealthy merchant of Cleveland being an Only child Shoha Boon allowed treat Liberty since her tenth birthday i Rou Ioly precocious for hot ago she attracted much attention by her evidences of Talent and her literary efforts notwithstanding their crud to Ware surprising on saturday oct 7 she disappeared from hom*o her father and friends searched for her in vain Thoro was absolutely no clue to her whereabouts As she was unusually attractive in pore onland As she was known to have a considerable sum of Money in her Possession it was feared that she my been decoded away by some designing Vil lain or bad Boon forcibly abducted acting upon Tim theory that his child had Boon kid napped sir Pollard conferred with Tho leading detective Agency and advertised extensively in Blue newspapers throughout Tho Northwest offering a Reward of 12000 for information As to her whereabouts this girls appearance was minutely described an detailed accounts of liar dresses were give but Tim Days slipped by anti there was no news of the missing heiress on thursday last til girl was discovered by a Happy Accident in this City a chambermaid at the Palmer House picked up Ono of the City newspapers and the first thins that struck her Eye was a desc lion of the missing girl it tallied exactly with Tho appearance of miss Gordon who occupied room no 4c1 in the hotel miss Gordon had registered at the palme Rilous on tuesday oct 0 giving her address As now York she was assigned an apart ment but Tho fact that Eho was extreme Yyoung and wits accompanied by no guardian Maclo the authorities suspicious and induced hum to watch her closely lint although per sons were stationed to watch her room they saw no one enter save miss Gordon herself and they concluded that however mysterious her Mission might to her conduct was certainly a reproach nolo some of tile lady boarders too quite a fancy to the lonely girl attracted by Lien youth anti innocence and Sho readily made Felon in with them during her stay of two weeks however she allowed no Ono to pen Estrate Tho mystery that surrounded her nil prying questions and showed list she was perfectly Able to take care of her self and keep her own secrets on thursday when the hotel authorities confronted her with the published description tile missing Cleveland girl she looked the picture of innocence Whiten they addressed her As miss Susie pol lard she said Why my hair is not Brown and i have no Blue eyes and look at my dross it is not the kind that is mentioned is it tile hotel people beat a Retreat and Tele graphed at onco to Cleveland in Tho moan time miss Gordon gathered up her effects and prepared to depart Tjho Cave it out that she intended to go West and had engaged to join some friends in in adjacent town who were to accompany her when she applied for a ticket however she found that the hotel people Hail anticipated her action and instructed Tim ticket agent not to sell her Ono at this Point another character appeared on Tim scone George w Mann a detective fro Jackson Mich arrived at thin hotel and fixed upon miss Gordon As the girl for whom he was looking it seems that to had traced her fro Cleveland to Toledo there to had lost All Trace of tier but supposed that she had gone to Detroit thence to Jackson and from time latter Point to Chicago As n matter of fact she came from Toledo directly to this City and hits been stopping at tile Palmer Alouso an living in style while the officers were scouring the country in search of her hiding place on the arrival of detective Mann it was decided that miss Pollard alias miss Flordon be Banda Over to the care of or Richard Foster at 10warren Avenue or Foster had patients it the Palmer House and it was on their recommendation that this action was taken the girl is now under the physicians hospitable roof pending Tho arrival of her father just what incited miss Pollard to her queer escapade is unknown but it is believed that she was actuated simply by a desire to see tile world for herself her intention As she laughingly said was to make observations of life in an untrammelled manner and then write Book detailing her experience she is a Niece of nov Foster of Ohio wait hts this Day sunrises e 201 Sun lets5 101 Moon sets 129 Amos Vina Tats Day Candy Nook 3 101i nov Island 8 481i los he oat 6 8 7arrlercd sir Cadir oct 21 is bulgarian Terry Liverpool oct 8 Hsc Prenes Brogli Itlo Janeiro sept 22 8s Athos of adorn Jamel oct a Pomona Cook 8t Anns Hay is Eeland a Loschmann Antwerp Halleson Morece it Ristol a in Luau Ken go Lar Emu oct 8and Southampton Toth a Franconia Mangum Portland so 8t Albans Echo Flechl new port eng ship Dunkirk ship Shakespeare Luelmer Bremen hark ortolan von Stremen Hamburg hark Al Lei Laarss Hollis ller Muda hark Llo Lintn Lewis Cork bark Rha Rha Forbes a Chanan port Spain bark Telo lag Ulto Havana Imit id oct ass Othla from now in rat Qiuhe Enston a Ite Public from sew York off fatty Etc a Ikid Leo to Helgi to arses Frosla from Limo re for new York is Messia from Olio tile for new York is France from Lien re for new York Xiii Nikii of thin residence of hebrides father at Lute Mew Chicago ill let lit by the item evil Hinic Imit it i Susanna Iees Daugh Ter of James ii Waller feel to Heiing ii Marshall of Eit iut l i i a i its to tool ii Nivy York oct 21 Why time Rev air in in or e Alvirt Schufer to mice Lannu but ton both of new or Keit Man arc i i let oui oct 21 Lmh Mhyrl it artimer son offal Lii Hinl aim a Bury arc Crof Ion Kirs Nicod i ends funeral it tile Lute residence Ila Hudson St on Sun Dav evil no it 8 Oclock Ite Hill pcs slu*t friends lire it invited in Nylind Hahl Cliris Iii let i William in Sec Ond son it William f mud Magg Lul Hartell used is cure and h months in enl on monday him 231 at i Oclock i m ii Wity on Sut urdu tint 2i Mortimer tires by aged 17 j ears Ite Latles and fit Euls of the family Are invited to it lend ills Fli Arrul on Mogul no lit so at i be Loe k 1 from his late residence tu1 Frei lie a a Sahk Ollun inlay it i John Masker aged to years Ali mutes and Friend Are Miniie fled to attend the funeral it his late Ris Dinco Minim huh iolent no Vici mlle Meikiu n j on Buin Lav omit ii at i of Uuk;

New York Sun, Oct 22, 1882, p. 5 | NewspaperArchive (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.