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  • Interior Composition, Structure and Dynamics of the· 13 Interior Composition, Structure and Dynamics of


13 Interior Composition, Structure and Dynamics of the Galilean Satellites G. Schubert University of California, Los Angeles J. D. Anderson Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena T. Spohn Westf¨ alische Wilhelms-Universit¨ at M¨ unster W. B. McKinnon Washington University, St. Louis 13.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter we discuss the structure, composition, and dynamical states of the interiors of Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Interior structure and composition models of the Galilean satellites are constrained by gravity and mag- netic field data and information from imaging and infrared observations. Because gravity data provide the principal constraints, we begin with a detailed discussion of them. Other relevant data are referred to in the discussions that follow of each of the satellites. The reader can find additional information about the magnetic, imaging, and infrared ob- servations in other chapters of this book. The interior models developed in this chapter are sketched in Figure 13.1. Metal, rock, and water are the main constituents of the interiors, though Io has no water. Rock and metal have separated inside Io to form a metallic core and silicate mantle. A similar differentiation has occurred in Europa and Ganymede, which also have water ice-liquid shells surrounding their rocky mantles. Interestingly, if the water shells could be removed from Europa and Ganymede, all three inner Galilean satellites would be very much alike in terms of overall size and internal structure. Only Callisto stands apart; it has no metallic core and rock (plus metal) and ice are still intimately mixed throughout much if not all of the deep interior. We now proceed to elaborate on the basis for these models and what they imply for the origin and evolution of the satellites. 13.2 GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS OF THE SATELLITES Detection of the subtle deflection of a spacecraft’s trajec- tory as it passes close to a planetary body is a valuable tool for measuring the object’s gravitational field. Doppler data generated by stations of the Deep Space Network (DSN), using the Galileo spacecraft’s radio communication system at S band (2.3 GHz), have been used to determine the mass and gravitational quadrupole moments of the four Galilean satellites. The resulting tri-axial fields are consistent with the assumption that the satellites are in tidal and rotational equilibrium. Accordingly, interior models can be constructed which are consistent with two reduced data, the mean den- sity determined from the satellite’s mass and radius, and the axial moment of inertia determined from the quadrupole mo- ments. With such limited data it is useful to examine simple three-layer models of the satellites. In such models, which can be easily reduced to two zones, the mean density ¯ ρ is given in terms of a core density ρc, a mantle density ρm and a shell density ρs by ¯ ρ = ρs +(ρc - ρm) rc R 3 +(ρm - ρs) rm R 3 (13.2.1) where rc is the core radius, rm is the mantle radius, and R is the mean surface radius. This density constraint can be obtained from flybys that are not necessarily close. For example, the Pioneer and Voy- ager spacecraft provided GM values (G is the gravitational constant and M is the total satellite mass) for all four satel- lites (Campbell and Synnott 1985). However, even in two- layer models where ρm = ρs, there is only one equation in three unknowns (ρc, ρs, rc). More data are needed, and they are provided by the Galileo spacecraft’s close flybys. From a sufficiently far distance, the gravitational field of any body can be represented by a point mass. When the body is approached at a closer distance, and with the origin of coordinates taken at the center of mass, the quadrupole moments are the first higher-degree moments that can be detected. In fact, for any arbitrary mass distribution, Mac- Cullagh’s formula (Danby 1988), which includes GM and the quadrupole moments, can be used to approximate the gravi-

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Interior Composition, Structure and Dynamics

of the Galilean Satellites

G. SchubertUniversity of California, Los Angeles

J. D. AndersonJet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

T. SpohnWestfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster

W. B. McKinnonWashington University, St. Louis


In this chapter we discuss the structure, composition, anddynamical states of the interiors of Io, Europa, Ganymede,and Callisto. Interior structure and composition models ofthe Galilean satellites are constrained by gravity and mag-netic field data and information from imaging and infraredobservations. Because gravity data provide the principalconstraints, we begin with a detailed discussion of them.Other relevant data are referred to in the discussions thatfollow of each of the satellites. The reader can find additionalinformation about the magnetic, imaging, and infrared ob-servations in other chapters of this book.

The interior models developed in this chapter aresketched in Figure 13.1. Metal, rock, and water are the mainconstituents of the interiors, though Io has no water. Rockand metal have separated inside Io to form a metallic coreand silicate mantle. A similar differentiation has occurredin Europa and Ganymede, which also have water ice-liquidshells surrounding their rocky mantles. Interestingly, if thewater shells could be removed from Europa and Ganymede,all three inner Galilean satellites would be very much alikein terms of overall size and internal structure. Only Callistostands apart; it has no metallic core and rock (plus metal)and ice are still intimately mixed throughout much if notall of the deep interior. We now proceed to elaborate on thebasis for these models and what they imply for the originand evolution of the satellites.



Detection of the subtle deflection of a spacecraft’s trajec-tory as it passes close to a planetary body is a valuable toolfor measuring the object’s gravitational field. Doppler data

generated by stations of the Deep Space Network (DSN),using the Galileo spacecraft’s radio communication systemat S band (2.3 GHz), have been used to determine the massand gravitational quadrupole moments of the four Galileansatellites. The resulting tri-axial fields are consistent withthe assumption that the satellites are in tidal and rotationalequilibrium. Accordingly, interior models can be constructedwhich are consistent with two reduced data, the mean den-sity determined from the satellite’s mass and radius, and theaxial moment of inertia determined from the quadrupole mo-ments. With such limited data it is useful to examine simplethree-layer models of the satellites. In such models, whichcan be easily reduced to two zones, the mean density ρ isgiven in terms of a core density ρc, a mantle density ρm anda shell density ρs by

ρ = ρs + (ρc − ρm)(




+ (ρm − ρs)(





where rc is the core radius, rm is the mantle radius, and Ris the mean surface radius.

This density constraint can be obtained from flybys thatare not necessarily close. For example, the Pioneer and Voy-

ager spacecraft provided GM values (G is the gravitationalconstant and M is the total satellite mass) for all four satel-lites (Campbell and Synnott 1985). However, even in two-layer models where ρm = ρs, there is only one equationin three unknowns (ρc, ρs, rc). More data are needed, andthey are provided by the Galileo spacecraft’s close flybys.From a sufficiently far distance, the gravitational field ofany body can be represented by a point mass. When thebody is approached at a closer distance, and with the originof coordinates taken at the center of mass, the quadrupolemoments are the first higher-degree moments that can bedetected. In fact, for any arbitrary mass distribution, Mac-Cullagh’s formula (Danby 1988), which includes GM and thequadrupole moments, can be used to approximate the gravi-

2 Schubert et al.

Figure 13.1. Model interiors of the Galilean satellites. Io is atthe top left, Europa is at the top right, Ganymede is at the bot-tom left, and Callisto is at the bottom right. The surfaces of thesatellites are mosaics of images obtained from NASA’s Voyagerand Galileo spacecrafts, and the interior characteristics are in-ferred from gravity field and magnetic field measurements by theGalileo spacecraft. The satellites are shown according to their ac-tual relative sizes. Io, Europa, and Ganymede have metallic (iron,nickel) cores (shown in gray) of unknown composition and radiussurrounded by rocky mantles. Europa and Ganymede have wa-ter shells that are mostly ice but which partially contain liquidwater oceans of unknown thickness at uncertain depth. Callisto’sdeep interior is a mixture of rock (and metal) and ice surroundedby a shell of relatively clean ice that probably has an internalliquid water ocean. Callisto could also have a relatively thin iceskin that contains a substantial rock component as well as a smallrock core. This revised figure, based on the JPL release PIA01082,was prepared with the help of Zareh Gorjian and Eric M. DeJong(JPL), Pam Engebretson, and Robert Pappalardo (University ofColorado).

tational potential. Alternatively, we use a truncated form ofthe standard Legendre expansion of the potential functionV in spherical harmonics (Kaula 1966),

V (r, φ, λ) =GM

r[1 +









(Cnm cos mλ

+Snm sin mλ)Pnm(sin φ)] (13.2.2)

The spherical coordinates (r, φ, λ) are referred to the centerof mass, with r the radial distance, φ the latitude, and λ thelongitude on the equator. Pnm is the associated Legendrepolynomial of degree n and order m, and Cnm and Snm arethe corresponding harmonic coefficients.

The Galilean satellites are synchronously rotating withtheir orbital periods.? Hence, for purposes of the Galileo

flybys, they are in static equilibrium with relatively largedeformations caused by rotational and tidal forcing, so werestrict analysis to interior models consistent with equilib-rium theory (Kaula 1968, Hubbard and Anderson 1978, Rap-paport et al. 1997). The smaller dynamical tidal perturba-

? Nonsynchronous rotation of their figures with respect to thetidal axis on a geological time scale, as may be occurring forEuropa (Chapter 15), does not affect our arguments.

tions caused by the orbital eccentricity e are unobservablewith the Galileo spacecraft, even for Europa, which has thelargest forced eccentricity (e = 0.0101) of the four satel-lites (Greenberg 1982). The only non-zero gravity parame-ters of importance are therefore the monopole GM, and thetwo quadrupole coefficients J2 (-C20) (the dynamical polarflattening) and C22 (the dynamical equatorial flattening).These coefficients, along with other parameters in the fit-ting model, are determined from the Galileo radio Dopplerdata by weighted least squares (Tapley 1973, Anderson 1974,Lawson and Hanson 1974, Moyer 2000).

In principle, given enough flybys, or an orbiter, the grav-ity coefficients J2 and C22 can be inferred from the Dopplerdata as two separate independent parameters. However, inpractice, for only two or at most a few close flybys, J2 andC22 are not independent. The measure of independence isgiven by the statistical correlation coefficient µ, which iszero for complete independence and unity for complete de-pendence. When the correlation is nearly unity, as in thecase of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto (see Table 13.2),one could impose the exact constraint that J2 is 10/3 of C22

and solve for only C22 from the data, not both J2 and C22.This approach motivates the discussion below although itis not the approach we used in determining the values ofJ2 and C22 used in Table 13.2. We actually imposed the10/3 relationship as an a priori constraint, and let the datadetermine both J2 and C22, along with their correlation µ.

The correlation between J2 and C22 can be interpretedin terms of a satellite’s rotational and tidal response. Thetwo parameters for the rotation and tide are defined by thesingle Love number kf multiplied by the two small param-eters qr for the rotation and qt for the tide. For the first-order theory of figures, the relationship between these tworesponse parameters and the gravity coefficients is linear,and it is given by (see Eq. 13.2.10),

kfqr = −3 (2C22 − J2)

kfqt = −12C22 (13.2.3)

A linear covariance analysis for the system of Eq. (13.2.3)yields an expression for the correlation µf between kfqr andkfqt. It is a function of the correlation coefficient µ betweenJ2 and C22, and the standard errors σJ for J2 and σC forC22. It can be written as,

µf =µσJ − 2σC


J − 4µσJσC + 4σ2



From the gravity coefficients and their correlation in Ta-ble 13.2, the value of µf is 1.0 for Ganymede, 0.95 for Eu-ropa and Callisto, and −0.14 for Io. For the Galileo mission,the determination of the tidal and rotational coefficients isindependent only for Io. As a result, Io’s derived normalizedaxial moment of inertia, C/MR2 is at least a factor of 10more accurate than for the other three Galilean satellites.

The magnitude of the static distortion for a body de-formed by rotation and tides is determined by the ratio ofthe equatorial centrifugal force to the gravitational force atthe satellite’s surface, or by the small parameter qr given by

qr =ω2R3


where ω is the angular frequency for both the mean or-bital period and the corresponding synchronous rotation.

13 Satellite Interiors 3

The satellite takes the shape of a tri-axial ellipsoid with di-mensions a, b, and c (a > b > c). The long axis of theellipsoid is along the planet-satellite line and the short axisis parallel to the rotation axis. The distortion of the satel-lite depends on the magnitude of the rotational and tidalforcing and the distribution of mass with radius inside thebody. The distortion of the satellite and its internal massdistribution determine the satellite’s gravitational field.

The principal quadrupole gravitational coefficient C22 isrelated to the difference in the equatorial moments of inertiaby (Kaula 1968),

C22 =B − A


where the ellipsoidal satellite’s principal moments of inertiaare A, B, and C (C > B > A). For a body in rotationaland tidal equilibrium, the gravity coefficient C22 is relatedto the rotational response parameter qr by

C22 =1

4kfqr (13.2.7)

where the fluid Love number kf depends on the distributionof mass within the satellite (kf = 3/2 for constant density).Given C22 (or equivalently J2) and qr, kf can be determinedfrom Eq. (13.2.7), and the satellite’s axial moment of inertiaC follows from the Radau relationship (Kaula 1968),






1 −2



4 − kf

1 + kf



The inferred axial moment of inertia provides a direct con-straint on the internal mass distribution. This second con-straint equation is








ρs+(ρc − ρm)(





+(ρm − ρs)(






For the three-layer model, there are two equations(Eq. 13.2.1 and Eq. 13.2.9) in five unknowns (rc, rm, ρc,ρm, ρs), but the situation is improved substantially by themeasured moment of inertia. For example, if densities areassumed for the three layers, both the core radius and man-tle radius become knowns. For the two-layer model, an as-sumption on shell density, for example ice or rock, yieldsboth the core density and core radius from the two con-straints. Alternatively, a forward modeling approach can beused to produce a suite of possible two- and three-layer in-terior models that satisfy the given constraints for radius,density, and moment of inertia.

The equilibrium parameters for the four Galilean satel-lites are given in Table 13.1. The rotation parameter qr inTable 13.1 is computed from Eq. (13.2.5), and kf is com-puted from Eq. (13.2.7) for synchronous rotation (the de-termination of C22 is discussed below). The mean densityuses a mass inferred from the measured GM divided by thegravitational constant G (6.67259 × 10−20 km3 s−2 kg−1)(Cohen and Taylor 1999).

It is useful to check the equilibrium theory with knownvalues of C/MR2 for the rapidly rotating planets Earth andMars. From the first-order theory of figures, the gravity co-efficients J2 and C22 are given in general by Hubbard and

Anderson (1978),

C22 = −1


J2 =1



qr −1




where Hubbard and Anderson’s (1978) dimensionless re-sponse coefficient α has been replaced by the fluid Lovenumber kf = 3α, and qt is the tidal coefficient

qt = −3(



)3 MJ


with aJ the distance to the tide-raising body and MJ itsmass. For a body in synchronous rotation, qt = −3qr

(O’Leary and van Flandern 1972), and Eq. 13.2.7 is recov-ered. Similarly,

J2 =5

6kfqr (13.2.12)

which proves that J2 is exactly 10/3 of C22 for synchronousrotation.

When the figure is distorted by rotation only, as in thecase of Earth and Mars, both qt and C22 are zero. It followsfrom Eq. 13.2.10 that

kf =3J2


With qr equal to 0.0034498 for the Earth and J2 equal to0.0010826 (Schubert and Walterscheid 2000), equilibriumtheory yields a value for kf equal to 0.9415 and C/MR2

from Eq. (13.2.8) is 0.3320. The value of kf for the Earth’sactual density profile is 0.937 (Stacey 1992), in quite goodagreement with the equilibrium value. For Mars with qr

equal to 0.0045702 and J2 equal to 0.001964 (Tholen et al.

2000), the equilibrium value of kf is 1.2869 and C/MR2

is equal to 0.3762. The moment of inertia for Mars can beobtained independently from polar precession. A Viking lan-der result yields a value of C/MR2 equal to 0.355 ± 0.015(Yoder and Standish 1997), while a more recent combinedViking lander and Pathfinder lander result yields C/MR2 =0.3662 ± 0.0017 (Folkner et al. 1997). The agreement withthe equilibrium value is not as good as for Earth becauseof the uncompensated portion of the Tharsis uplift, but thegood agreement with the independently determined valueof C/MR2 for the Earth, but less so for Mars, serves as auseful illustration and check on the equilibrium method.

13.2.1 Flyby Determination of C22

The general gravitational potential of Eq. (13.2.2) can besimplified for an equilibrium body by first recognizing thatfor purposes of modeling the Galileo Doppler data, the thirddegree coefficients will be zero by symmetry and the fourthdegree coefficients will be proportional to q2

r and completelynegligible. The potential can be truncated at the second de-gree quadrupole terms. Among the five second degree coef-ficients only J2 and C22 are stimulated by the rotation andtides with J2 = (10/3) C22. Other coefficients might be in-cluded in the fitting model for purposes of trimming up theorientation of the principal axes or for studies of systematicerror or additional signal, for example from gravity anoma-lies, but the equilibrium potential obtained from Eq. (13.2.2)is simply

4 Schubert et al.

Table 13.1. Equilibrium parameters.

Body qr (10−6) kf R (km) ρ (kg m−3) C/MR2

Io 1713.7 1.3043 ± 0.0019 1821.6 ± 0.5 3527.5 ± 2.9 0.37824 ± 0.00022Europa 501.9 1.048 ± 0.020 1565.0 ± 8.0 2989 ± 46 0.346 ± 0.005Ganymede 190.3 0.804 ± 0.018 2631.2 ± 1.7 1942.0 ± 4.8 0.3115 ± 0.0028Callisto 37.0 1.103 ± 0.035 2410.3 ± 1.5 1834.4 ± 3.4 0.3549 ± 0.0042

Veq =GM



1 +2





7x2 − 2y2 − 5z2)


, (13.2.14)

where the cartesian x,y,z axes are aligned along the prin-cipal moments of inertia, with the x axis directed from thesatellite to Jupiter and the z axis along the positive rota-tional axis. The radius r is just the modulus of the cartesianposition vector (x, y z). Actually, the potential is rotatingwith the satellite in inertial space, giving rise to Coriolisand centrifugal forces that must be taken into account forthe real data analysis. However, for purposes of discussion,we ignore the rotational terms in the flyby trajectories andcompute the acceleration components from the gradient ofEq. (13.2.14). The quadrupole part of the acceleration is (invector components)

a2 = −GMC22R




x(7x2 − 8y2 − 13z2),

y (13x2 − 2y2 − 7z2), 5z(3x2 − z2)]

. (13.2.15)

It follows that to the first order in C22, the magnitude ofthe total acceleration is

|a| =GM



1 + 2C22






x − 2r2

y − 5r2




. (13.2.16)

where rx, ry, rz are the direction cosines for the spacecraftposition. In terms of latitude φ and longitude λ, the accel-eration is

|a| =GM



1 + C22






3 cos2 φ − 2)

+9 cos2 φ cos 2λ]


. (13.2.17)

The term in brackets containing the latitude and longitudescales as a simple r−4 power law for the quadrupole acceler-ation. It has a minimum of −10 at the pole and a maximumof 14 on the equator along the satellite-Jupiter line (λ = 0or 180◦). The zero crossings, where there are no accelerationsignals, occur at latitudes below ±49.8◦ along a surface linegiven by

cos 2λ =5(

2 − 3 cos2 φ)

9 cos2 φ. (13.2.18)

For polar flybys, with closest approach near the pole, anonzero acceleration is guaranteed, although it must be pro-jected along the Jupiter-Earth line of sight. These considera-tions can be used to optimize flybys for a C22 determination,but in fact, the only real control over the Galileo flybys wasto minimize the flyby distance and to make sure the space-craft could be tracked in a coherent Doppler mode duringthe closest approach. However, for Ganymede, the missionplan included both an equatorial and a polar close flyby onthe first and second orbits, an optimum plan for indepen-dently determining the rotational and tidal response of thesatellite. After the end of the regular mission, Io flybys were

planned, with a polar pass on orbit 25. For Europa and Cal-listo, all flybys were nearly equatorial, with the result thatonly a single gravity coefficient (C22) could be determined,along the lines of Eq. (13.2.17).

For Doppler tracking, the measure of noise is the Al-lan deviation σy (Iess et al. 1999), which is proportionalto the standard error σa in acceleration. The relationshipis σa = c σy/τ , where τ is the time interval over whichthe Doppler cycle counts are accumulated. For Galileo, σy

is about 7 × 10−12, including both random and systematicerror, at solar elongation angles greater than 90◦ and forτ equal to 1000 s. Therefore, the expected error in a C22

acceleration measurement is about σa = 2 × 10−6 m s−2.From Eq. (13.2.16) or Eq. (13.2.17), the quadrupole acceler-ation on a close flyby will fall between the approximate lim-its of 1 to 10 times GMC22R

−2. The acceleration of gravityGMR−2 varies between the limits of 1.236 m s−2 for Callistoand 1.796 m s−2 for Io. Consequently, with considerationof the factor of 10, and also the much smaller variation inGMR−2, the expected error on C22 in units of 10−6 variesbetween the limits of about 0.11 to 1.6. The results fromGalileo do indeed fall within these limits, except for Europawith a standard error of 2.5 × 10−6.

13.2.2 Gravity Results


The best published Io results (Anderson et al. 2001b) arebased on four close flybys. There is also a more recent closeflyby on 17 January 2002, which can be analyzed for im-proved results. Unfortunately, on that last Io flyby of theGalileo mission, the Galileo spacecraft automatically shutdown the science sequence in response to the detection of apossible fault. However, Doppler tracking with the S-bandradio carrier wave proceeded as scheduled. As a result, atotal of four close Io flybys are available for gravity analy-sis with coherent Doppler data, orbit numbers I24 (11 Oct1999), I25 (26 Nov 1999), I27 (22 February 2000), and I33(17 Jan 2002). The first close flyby before Jupiter OrbitalInsertion (JOI) in December 1995 is also available, but thespacecraft was tracked in a one-way mode with the Dopplermeasurements referenced to the spacecraft oscillator, not theDSN atomic frequency standards used for coherent Doppler.Although this first flyby was the basis for the detection ofa large metallic core in Io (Anderson et al. 1996b), and al-though it has been retained in the Io data set, it adds lit-tle C22 information to the four later flybys. The closest ofthe five flybys in the data set is the last on the 33rd orbitat 102 km altitude, followed by a flyby on the 27th orbitat 198 km altitude and a polar flyby on the 25th orbit at300 km altitude. A combination of data from this polar passwith the other four equatorial passes can be used to ob-

13 Satellite Interiors 5

Table 13.2. Gravity results from the Galileo mission.∗

Body GM (km3 s−2) J2 (10−6) C22 (10−6) µ

Io 5959.91 ± 0.02 1859.5 ± 2.7 558.8 ± 0.8 0.472Europa 3202.72 ± 0.02 435.5 ± 8.2 131.5 ± 2.5 0.993Ganymede 9887.83 ± 0.03 127.53 ± 2.9 38.26 ± 0.87 1.000Callisto 7179.29 ± 0.01 32.7 ± 0.8 10.2 ± 0.3 0.997

∗See Table 13.1 for the reference radius associated with J2 and C22.The GM values are from Jacobson (2002). µ is the correlation coefficientbetween J2 and C22.

tain an independent determination of rotational and tidalterms in the gravitational potential. The addition of datafrom the last 102 km flyby reduces the error on the gravitycoefficient C22 by about 30% over what we previously re-ported from four flybys (Anderson et al. 2001b), and it alsoreduces the correlation between J2 and C22 from 0.752 to0.472. The final results of our Galileo collaboration (Ander-son et al. 2002) from a complete set of Io data are given inTables 13.1 and 13.2. These final values are reasonably con-sistent with previous results (Anderson et al. 1996b, 2001b),and they definitely satisfy the equilibrium constraint thatJ2 = (10/3)C22. The difference between the previous valueof C22, 553.7 ± 1.2, in units of 10−6, which excludes the ex-cellent data from I33, and the C22 in Table 13.2, 558.8± 0.8(in units of 10−6), which includes I33, is 4.25σ. This trans-lates into a difference in C/MR2 of 4.0σ. This is certainlynot an insignificant difference, and it indicates that furtheranalysis of the complete Io data set might yet be undertaken.The quoted errors represent realistic errors, including bothrandom and systematic error, hence a difference of 4.25σ inC22 is disturbing. The difference probably arises from an ex-traordinarily large Io ephemeris error, perhaps amplified bythe relatively large time interval between I33 and the moreclosely spaced flybys I24, I25, and I27. An improvement inthe Io ephemeris could reconcile the difference that arisesfrom adding in the closest I33 flyby. Until that analysis iscarried out, we recommend using the results in Tables 13.1and 13.2 as the final Galileo results for Io gravity.


All available Europa flybys have been analyzed and the re-sults have been published (Anderson et al. 1998b). The firstencounter occurred on the 4th orbit at an altitude of 697 km,the second on the 6th orbit at an altitude of 591 km, the thirdon the 11th orbit at an altitude of 2048 km, and the fourthon the 12th orbit at an altitude of 205 km. There was someconcern that the Europa ionosphere, detected by the Galileo

radio occultation experiment (Kliore et al. 1997), might im-ply a neutral atmosphere that could introduce drag pertur-bations into the flyby trajectory. No drag perturbations weredetected, however, which is consistent with estimates of thesurface density of 5 × 10−12 kg m−2, about six times toosmall for a drag detection with the Galileo spacecraft. Thegravity results are shown in Table 13.2. There is a smallbias of 0.5×10−6 in C22 because of difficulties with definingthe Europa-Jupiter direction (Anderson et al. 1998b), butthe bias is a factor of five smaller than the standard error,hence of little concern. The high correlation between J2 and

C22 is the result of all four flybys being nearly equatorial.It is impossible from the data to separate Europa’s tidaland rotational responses, but the relatively large forcing, asevidenced by qr in Table 13.1, suggests strongly that thequadrupole gravity field is a true reflection of an interior inhydrostatic equilibrium.


Like Europa, all Ganymede flybys are finished, but unlikeEuropa the data analysis is not complete. The publishedresults from two Ganymede flybys on the first two orbits,however, still represent the best estimate of Ganymede’sequilibrium field (see Table 13.2) (Anderson et al. 1996a).The first flyby was a near-equatorial pass at an altitudeof 835 km, while the second was a near-polar pass at analtitude of 261 km. Two additional flybys on the 7th and29th orbits provide additional gravity information by meansof reasonably close encounters with coherent Doppler data,but the problem with the data analysis is that a gravityfield complete through degree and order four is required inorder to fit the data to the noise level. Further, without theequilibrium constraint J2 = (10/3) C22, the independentlydetermined coefficients are unphysical. This makes the ex-pected independent determinations of rotational and tidalcomponents impossible. Problems with the Ganymede dataanalysis can be alleviated by assuming that the truncatedfield at the fourth degree can be interpreted in terms of apositive gravity anomaly in the vicinity of the closest ap-proach on the second orbit (φ = 79.29◦, λ = 123.68◦ west)(Anderson et al. 2001a). Independent of the gravity analysis,the analyses of images of Ganymede’s limb yield a physicalmean radius of 2631.2±1.7 km. The imaging data reveal nosignificant deviations from sphericity.

The new data analysis yields a GM for Ganymede of9887.83 ± 0.03 km3 s−2. The uncertainty in the gravita-tional constant G has increased in recent years as a re-sult of inconsistent laboratory measurements (Cohen andTaylor 1999), but because of the improved value of meanradius, Ganymede’s mean density is a factor of 4.6 moreaccurate than reported in 1996. The new mean density is1942.0±4.8 kg m−3. Work is in progress to characterize thesize and distribution of the gravity anomaly that apparentlyperturbs the equilibrium field.


Five Callisto flybys have yielded final results for that satel-lite (Anderson et al. 2001c). Although there was some initial

6 Schubert et al.

confusion early in the mission over whether the gravity co-efficients implied that Callisto was undifferentiated or par-tially differentiated, a complete separation of rock and icewas definitely ruled out. The final results (Table 13.2) ar-gue for partial separation (see Section 13.6). Also the meanradius is 2410.3 ± 1.5 km, which yields a mean density of1834.4 ± 3.4 kg m−3. All five Callisto flybys were nearlyequatorial, hence an independent determination of the tidaland rotational components of Callisto’s gravitational field isimpossible.


The gravity data of the previous section show that Io pos-sesses an iron–rich core. At least the outer part of the coreshould be molten (e.g., McEwen et al. 1989). The radiusand mass of the core and its composition remain uncer-tain, however. Io’s mean density of 3527.5 kg m−3 (Ta-ble 13.1) suggests that it consists of silicates and iron.As discussed above, Io’s normalized moment of inertia is0.37685 ± 0.00035 (Table 13.1). The independent determi-nation of the quadrupole coefficients J2 and C22 using allfour Galileo flybys is consistent with Io being in hydrostaticequilibrium, although the observed ratio of 10/3 between J2

and C22 does not sensu strictu require hydrostatic equilib-rium. If it is assumed that Io’s core consists of pure ironwith a density of around 8090 kg m−3, then the core with aradius of about 650 km (solve Eq. (13.2.1) and Eq. (13.2.9)with ρm = ρs) comprises about 10% of the satellite’s mass;if the core consists of a eutectic Fe-FeS alloy with a den-sity of 5150 kg m−3, then the core radius is about 950 kmand the mass fraction is about 20% (see also Anderson et al.

1996b, 2001b, Kuskov and Kronrod 2001b, Sohl et al. 2002).Because the core radius and mass fraction also depend onthe temperature in Io (Sohl et al. 2002) these estimates areuncertain at the 10% level.

Models of Io’s static tidal deformation (Segatz et al.

1988) have provided a similar assessment of interior struc-ture. The ratio of the (b − c) to (a − c) differences betweenthe major figure axes can be used as a measure of the close-ness to hydrostaticity, similar to the ratio between J2 andC22. The fluid tidal Love number hf can be calculated fromthe axes if hydrostatic equilibrium is assumed. The Lovenumber hf measures the interior density distribution justas C/MR2. Segatz et al. (1988), using Voyager limb mea-surements, found that Io is close to hydrostatic equilibriumand, assuming that the core is composed of a eutectic Fe-FeSalloy and a mantle whose composition and mineralogy andthus density are similar to that of the Earth’s upper man-tle, calculated a core radius of about 950 km. They find hf

of their model close to the value calculated from the figureaxes. Galileo limb measurements (Thomas et al. 1998) andphotogrammetric triangulation (Davies et al. 1998, Archinalet al. 2001) have recently confirmed Io’s hydrostatic shape.

A substantial iron-rich core is also expected from cosmo-chemical considerations (e.g., Consolmagno 1981). Althoughthe exact composition of the core is not known, it is possible,if not likely, that the core is rich in sulfur. The abundances ofelemental sulfur and SO2 on the surface of Io suggest thatthe primordial composition and oxidation state of Io wasclose to that of a volatile-depleted, metal-free CV or CM

chondrite (Consolmagno 1981, Lewis 1982). The elementalabundance of sulfur would then be about 2–3 weight % ofthe entire satellite. Consolmagno (1981) points out that thisamount of sulfur may be present either near the surface,where it would form a 20–30 km thick crust, or in the core,which could then have a closer to eutectic composition. A20–30 km-thick sulfur crust is incompatible with surface el-evations of 10 km (e.g., Carr et al. 1998b), judging from therheology of sulfur. By modeling Io as an olivine-dominatedmantle and an Fe-FeS core, Sohl et al. (2002) find the Fe/Siratio to be between 1 and 1.25 for models of Io with a solidmantle (values increasing with increasing temperature) andbetween 1.25 and 1.5 for a partially molten mantle. Thesevalues are smaller than the value of 1.7 typical of CI or CMchondrites (Lodders and Fegley 1998, pp. 314–316); the val-ues are more consistent with those of CV chondrites.

Kuskov and Kronrod (2001b) have done a more com-plete study of the possible composition of Io by using themass and moment of inertia data and matching possibledensity structures to the compositions of candidate carbona-ceous and ordinary chondritic meteorites. For the core, theseauthors assume pure Fe, eutectic Fe-FeS (22.5 weight-% S),or troilite (FeS). In addition to the Fe/Si ratio, these authorscalculate the ratio between Fe in the metal phase (includ-ing FeS), Fem, and the total Fe content, Fetot. They obtainpermissible Fe/Si ratios of 0.8–1.2 and Fem/Fetot ratios of0.36–0.55. The differences in the Fe/Si ratios from the valuesof Sohl et al. (2002) may in part be due to a more realisticmantle model and in part be due to lack of information onpartial melting. In any case, Kuskov and Kronrod (2001b)conclude that their Fem/Fetot values are inconsistent withcarbonaceous chondritic compositions but consistent withthe compositions of ordinary L and LL chondrites whichalso have Fe/Si ratios that better fit their model (L and LLchondrites have Fe/Si ratios of 1.17 and 1.05, respectively).

To supply the surface heat flow of 2.5 W m−2 (Veederet al. 1994, Spencer et al. 2000) or even larger values (Mat-son et al. 2001) by tidal dissipation in Io’s silicate mantlerequires at least a molten outer core layer; the volcanic ac-tivity, resurfacing rate and high temperature lava (1700 to2000 K) (McEwen et al. 1998a,b, 2000, Lopes-Gautier et al.

1999) suggest that Io’s mantle is partially molten. Keszthe-lyi et al. (2003) build on the low iron chondritic model ofKuskov and Kronrod (2001b) and use the evidence from theGalileo SSI and NIMS data for very high lava temperaturesand othopyroxene-rich compositions to calculate the degreesof partial melting in the lava source regions of about 50%. Amolten outer core layer is necessary if sufficient flexing of themantle is to explain the observed luminosity through tidalheating. This was first pointed out by Peale et al. (1979)and later confirmed for more realistic models of Io’s interiorstructure and rheology by Segatz et al. (1988). The mantlepartial melt could be concentrated in an asthenosphere chan-nel and/or distributed more evenly throughout the mantle.Both tidal dissipation in a low viscosity, asthenosphere chan-nel beneath the lithosphere and in a partially molten man-tle can explain the infrared luminosity (Segatz et al. 1988).The asthenosphere would have a viscosity of 108–1012 Pa s(Segatz et al., 1988, but see Spohn (1997) for correction ofan error in Segatz et al. (1988) involving a factor of 2π inthe forcing frequency) and a thickness between 10 km and100 km. While the asthenosphere dissipation model does not

13 Satellite Interiors 7

require partial melting, the low value of the inferred viscos-ity actually suggests a substantial degree of partial melting.The mantle dissipation model requires a viscosity between1012 and 1016 Pa s (Spohn 1997). These values are smallerthan a suggested value for the minimum viscosity of solidrock of around 1017 Pa s and therefore again imply partialmelting, albeit with a smaller degree of melting.

Ross et al. (1990) have tried to fit the large-scale to-pography from Voyager data (Gaskell et al. 1988) to thefigures of Io calculated from the asthenosphere dissipationmodel and the whole mantle dissipation model of Segatzet al. (1988). They found that the topography is best fit if2/3 of the dissipation occurs in an asthenosphere and 1/3in the mantle below the asthenosphere. However, the beltof topographic swells and lows along the equator observedby Gaskell et al. (1988) have not been confirmed by themore accurate Galileo data (Thomas et al. 1998). Neverthe-less, Galileo imaging data confirmed a preferential concen-tration of hot spots and volcanic vents along the equator(Lopes-Gautier et al. 1999), also consistent with astheno-sphere heating and asthenosphere heat transfer (Tackleyet al. 2001). McEwen et al. (1998a) have speculated thatLoki, Io’s most powerful hot spot by far, might be fed bya deep mantle plume while the less powerful active volcaniccenters might originate in the asthenosphere. Their spacing,and the spacing of those likely to have been active in thepast century, is a few hundred kilometers, compatible withasthenosphere heat transport (Tackley et al. 2001).

Fischer and Spohn (1990) and Spohn (1997) have ar-gued, on the basis of their integrations of the orbit evolu-tion equations of Yoder (1979) and Yoder and Peale (1981),that Io must be partially molten if locked in a stable near-equilibrium state with a sufficiently large dissipation rate. Insuch a state, surface heat flow is approximately balanced bytidal dissipation and the cooling rate is very small. At suf-ficiently large, but still subsolidus temperatures, the tidaldissipation rate E will be inversely proportional to the vis-cosity µ. The convective heat transfer rate q will be inverselyproportional to µβ , where β is about 0.3. Thus the ratio(d ln E/dT )/(d ln q/dT ) ≈ β−1 > 0 and an equilibrium willbe unstable. A slight increase in temperature will lead torunaway heating since the dissipation rate will increase morerapidly than the heat transfer rate. A slight decrease in tem-perature will lead to runaway cooling. Above the solidus,the dissipation rate decreases rapidly with increasing tem-perature because the shear modulus decreases rapidly withincreasing degree of partial melting. The heat transfer ratewill largely continue to increase with temperature. As a con-sequence, (d ln E/dT )/(d ln q/dT ) < 0 and an equilibriumstate will be stable. A positive fluctuation in temperaturewill lead to a decrease in dissipation rate and to an increasein heat transfer rate and vice versa for a negative temper-ature fluctuation. The tidal forcing period for Io is close tobut larger than the Maxwell time based on reasonable rhe-ologies and temperatures.

In Figure 13.2 we present a reasonable Iotherm fromSpohn (1997) that features an asthenosphere and a partiallymolten underlying mantle. The figure also shows the solidusof dry peridotite (a likely candidate for the mantle of Io)and a possible range of core liquidi. The solidus and the40% melting line are taken from Takahashi (1986, 1990);

Figure 13.2. Thermal structure of the interior of Io. Plotted are

a simplified mantle solidus based on the solidus of dry peridotite(Takahashi 1986, 1990), a line of constant 40% -degree of partialmelting after Wyllie (1988), a range of core liquidi between thepure iron liquidus and the liquidus of a eutectic Fe-FeS mixture(Usselman 1975b,a, Boehler 1986, 1992) and an Iotherm. TheIotherm follows the wet adiabat in the lower mantle, a constantdegree of partial melting in the asthenosphere, and the adiabatin the core (see text). The steep near-surface gradient indicatesthe lithosphere.

the core liquidi have been derived by integrating the data ofUsselman (1975b,a) and Boehler (1986, 1992).

In the core, the iotherm follows the adiabat. The coreadiabat has been calculated using the parameter values forsmall planets given by Stevenson et al. (1983). In the mantle,the Iotherm coincides with the solidus temperature at thecore-mantle boundary and follows the wet adiabat (Turcotte1982, Turcotte and Schubert 2002, ch. 19) given by,







(T is temperature, p is pressure, L is the latent heat ofmantle melting, cm is the mantle specific heat at constantpressure, and f is the degree of partial melting) until ithits the 40% degree-of-partial-melting isoline. This degreeof partial melting is consistent with the viscosity requiredfor the asthenosphere tidal heating model. It is also aboutthe maximum degree of partial melting at which the solidmatrix still dominates the properties of the partial melt.At larger degrees of partial melting, large scale melt seg-regation through vertical fluid transport is expected andwould render the asthenosphere unstable.† Moreover, theobserved topography seems to rule out the existence of anextremely low viscosity (< 100 MPa s) melt layer beneaththe lithosphere (Webb and Stevenson 1987), but collapsingmountains (Schenk et al. 2001a) argue that major rheologi-cal weakness in the asthenosphere (some level of mushiness)exists. The quantity df/dp has been estimated by linearly

† And indeed, asthenospheric stability at < 40% partial meltremains an important open issue (Stevenson 2002).

8 Schubert et al.

interpolating between the solidus and the liquidus. In theasthenosphere, the Iotherm follows the constant degree ofpartial melting line. In the lithosphere, the temperature gra-dient is steep enough to approximately balance, by heat con-duction, a heat flow of 1013 W from the underlying mantle,about 1/10 of the observed heat flow of 1014 W.

The thickness of the lithosphere is only 25 km in themodel of Figure 13.2. If the heat flow were balanced entirelyby heat conduction, the lithosphere would have to be as thinas a few kilometers. These values of lithosphere thickness areinconsistent with the ∼ 10 km heights of mountains on Io(Carr et al. 1998b, Schenk et al. 2001b). Pratt isostasy wouldrequire substantially thicker lithospheres of about 100 kmthickness. However, it is likely that this is an upper limit tolithosphere thickness since the models of Segatz et al. (1988)have shown that the dissipation rate decreases strongly forthicker lithospheres. The conclusion drawn from these con-siderations is that magma must transfer most of the heatacross the lithosphere. Magmatic heat transport permitsa less steep temperature gradient and a lithosphere thick-ness consistent with the heights of the mountains (O’Reillyand Davies 1981). Heat conduction through the entire litho-sphere cannot make a major contribution to the surface en-ergy balance. This is important because it has often beenthought that the remotely observed heat flow might severelyunderestimate Io’s total surface heat loss because of the un-known contribution of conductive heat flow (but see Steven-son and McNamara 1988). Moore (2001, 2003) and Mon-nereau and Dubuffet (2002) have modelled magma heattransport through Io’s lithosphere and concluded that evensmaller degrees of partial melting than in the model of Fig-ure 13.2 suffice to transfer all of Io’s tidally generated heat.

It is possible that Io’s lithosphere is compositionally dif-ferent from the underlying mantle, e.g., it may coincide witha crustal layer of basaltic composition (Ross et al. 1990),and its thickness may not depend simply on the tempera-ture gradient but also on the rates of basalt production and,possibly, recycling. The observed high lava temperatures of1700 to 2000 K (McEwen et al. 1998b) have been used tosuggest that the lava may be komatiitic and that the presentIonian crust may resemble the Earth’s Archean crust.

As Figure 13.2 shows, the solidus temperature of themantle at the core-mantle boundary is significantly largerthan even the liquidus temperature of pure iron. Althoughthe liquidus is steeper than the core adiabat, the tempera-ture in the center of the core is still superliquidus. This hasan important consequence for a possible dynamo in the core.If Io’s core is liquid, then the latent heat and the gravita-tional energy liberated by the redistribution of light elementsin the core upon freeze out of an inner core are not avail-able to drive an Ionian dynamo. Instead, a dynamo must bedriven by thermal power alone; a purely thermal dynamo ismuch less efficient than a dynamo driven by compositionalbuoyancy (Gubbins et al. 1979, Stevenson et al. 1983). Forthe latter, the gravitational energy can be directly madeavailable to drive the dynamo while a thermal dynamo issubject to a Carnot efficiency factor. Wienbruch and Spohn(1995) have argued that as long as Io is tidally heated ina stable, near equilibrium state, the surface heat flow willbe approximately balanced by tidal dissipation, and satelliteand core cooling will be negligible. This led them to suggestthat Io would not have a magnetic field unless equilibrium

between tidal heating and heat flow is substantially per-turbed. The Galileo spacecraft’s last flyby of Io, just 300 kmabove the north pole, failed to detect a magnetic field of in-ternal origin (Kivelson et al. 2002a). The first close flybyof Io, just before insertion of the Galileo spacecraft into or-bit around Jupiter, had detected magnetic field perturba-tions associated with either electrical currents in the plasmaaround Io or a dynamo inside the satellite (Kivelson et al.

1996b, Khurana et al. 1997a). Apparently, Io does not havea magnetic field (chapter by Kivelson et al.). Lack of ade-quate core cooling, as suggested by Wienbruch and Spohn(1995), is a plausible explanation. Additional discussion ofthe magnetic field measurements near Io can be found inChapter 21 by Kivelson et al.


Analyses of the radio Doppler data discussed earlier showEuropa to most likely be a differentiated satellite consistingof a metallic core (mostly iron), a silicate mantle, and a wa-ter ice-liquid outer shell (Anderson et al. 1997, 1998b). Thegravity data say nothing about the solidity or fluidity of themetallic core or outer water shell, and they do not uniquelydetermine the internal structure of Europa. For example,Europa’s interior could consist of a uniform mixture of densesilicate and metal beneath the water ice-liquid outer shell.The inference of interior structure from the gravity data alsorests on the assumption that Europa is in hydrostatic equi-librium. Interior models are constrained by Europa’s averagedensity of 2989 ± 46 kg m−3 (Table 13.1) and its gravita-tional coefficient C22 = 131.5±2.5×10−6 (Table 13.2). Theuncertainty in Europa’s density is mainly due to the stated8 km uncertainty in the satellite’s radius = 1565 ± 8 km(Table 13.1) although more refined values are now available(Seidelmann et al. 2002, Table V). Europa’s axial momentof inertia C, normalized by the product of its mass M andradius squared R2, is 0.346 ± 0.005 (Table 13.1). This valueof C/MR2 is substantially less than 0.4, the value of C/MR2

for a sphere of constant density, and it requires a concentra-tion of mass toward the center of Europa.

Three-layer models of Europa’s interior consistent withits average density and gravitational coefficient C22 areshown in Figure 13.3. A density of 1050 kg m−3 has beenassumed for the outer water ice-liquid shell and two possi-bilities for the metallic core are considered, an Fe core ofdensity 8000 kg m−3 (Figure 13.3A) and an Fe-FeS core ofdensity 5150 kg m−3 (Figure 13.3B). The radius of Europa’smetallic core is uncertain in part because of its unknowncomposition, i.e., the concentration of a light element suchas sulfur in the core, and in part because of the unknownthickness of the water ice-liquid shell. The core radius couldbe as large as about 45% of Europa’s radius (if the corecomposition is that of an Fe-FeS eutectic and if the waterice-liquid shell is about 100 km thick) or only as large asabout 13% of Europa’s radius (if the core is mainly Fe andif the water ice-liquid shell is 170 km thick) (Sohl et al.

2002). Since a uniform mixture of rock and metal beneathan outer water ice-liquid shell is consistent with the den-sity and moment of inertia constraints for Europa, it is notpossible to provide a rigorous lower bound on the radiusof Europa’s core. However, the density of such a mixture

13 Satellite Interiors 9

Figure 13.3. Three-layer models of Europa consisting of a waterice-liquid outer shell with density 1050 kg m−3, a rock mantle,and either an Fe core of density 8000 kg m−3 (A) or an Fe-FeScore of density 5150 kg m−3 (B). In addition to the densities ofthe core and outer water ice-liquid shell, a model is completelyspecified by its values of rock density (vertical axis) and nor-malized core radius (horizontal axis). The contours labelled 129,131.5, and 134 delineate models with the indicated values of C22

(in units of 10−6). The other contours give the thickness (in km)of the outer water ice-liquid shell. Only those models with C22

values consistent with observation are plausible models of Europa.A core-free Europa model is possible only if the rock density issignificantly greater than the density of bulk Io.

would have to exceed 3800 kg m−3, requiring some enrich-ment in dense metallic phases relative to Io which has a bulkdensity of 3529 kg m−3 and, likely, a hotter interior. Suchdegrees of enrichment in dense phases are probably unlikelyfor a smaller body forming farther out in the proto-joviannebula than Io. It is more likely that this mixture wouldseparate into a metallic core and rock mantle, because ra-diogenic heating in the silicates alone would raise Europa’sinterior temperatures high enough for differentiation to oc-cur (Anderson et al. 1998b). Thus, while we cannot specifya minimum value for the radius of a metallic core in Europa,it is most likely that such a core exists.

The minimum water ice-liquid outer shell thickness isabout 80 km for plausible mantle densities (Anderson et al.

1998b). Smaller outer shell thicknesses require mantle den-sities less than 3000 kg m−3. Such small mantle densitiesare possible only if the mantle silicates are hydrated. In ef-fect, the water in the outer shell trades off with the waterin hydrated mantle silicates. If the mantle density is suffi-ciently small there is enough density contrast between themantle and metallic core to account for the relatively small

moment of inertia of Europa. Otherwise, a thick water ice-liquid shell (less than about 170 km thick) is needed to pro-vide the requisite density contrast between the exterior anddeep interior of Europa. Hydrated silicates break down andrelease their water at temperatures between 500 and 800◦Cat the pressures in Europa’s interior, making it unlikely thata thick Europa mantle would have an average density lessthan about 3000 kg m−3. Furthermore, it is implausible thatEuropa would have differentiated a metallic core while re-taining a hydrated silicate mantle.

Sohl et al. (2002) have explored compositional modelsof Europa consistent with the mean density and moment ofinertia constraints. They assume that Europa’s core is com-posed of iron and sulfur and its mantle is made of forsteriteand fayalite. Europa models with thick water ice-liquid outershells have relatively small metallic cores that are rich in ironand mantles that have about equal amounts of forsterite andfayalite. As water ice-liquid shell thickness decreases, themantle becomes more forsterite rich. There is a tendencyfor the size of the metallic core to increase with decreas-ing thickness of the water ice-liquid shell, but for any givenshell thickness, there is a range of core radii correspondingto different core sulfur concentrations. The bulk Fe/Si ratiodecreases with decreasing water ice-liquid shell thickness butit is almost independent of core radius and chemistry. A Eu-ropa model with a water ice-liquid shell about 170 km thickhas a bulk Fe/Si ratio about equal to the CI carbonaceouschondrite value of 1.7±0.1. Models with thinner shells havesubstantially sub-chondritic bulk Fe/Si with the Fe/Si ratiodecreasing with decreasing water ice-liquid shell thickness.

While the gravity field measurements by the Galileo

spacecraft cannot tell us about the liquidity or solidity ofthe metallic core and water ice-liquid outer shell, the Galileo

magnetic field observations near Europa (Khurana et al.

1998, Kivelson et al. 1999, 2000, Zimmer et al. 2000) canaddress these questions. Europa has no detectable internalmagnetic field (Schilling et al. 2003). Accordingly, the mag-netic field observations provide no information about thephysical state of the core; while an active core dynamo re-quires at least part of the core to be molten, the absence ofdynamo action does not imply a solid core. Europa’s corecould be entirely liquid but nonconvecting, in which case adynamo would not be operative in the core. A similar ex-planation could account for the absence of internal magneticfields on Venus and Mars (Stevenson et al. 1983) and on Io,as discussed in the previous section.

The magnetic field observations are more definitive withregard to the physical state of the water ice-liquid outershell. They show that the temporal variability of the jo-vian magnetic field, as sensed by Europa during its orbitaround Jupiter, induces electric currents inside Europa. Theinduced electric currents in turn produce magnetic field fluc-tuations that were detected by the magnetometer on theGalileo spacecraft during several flybys of Europa. The mag-nitude of the induction-generated magnetic field fluctuationsprovides information on the electrical conductivity, depth,and thickness of the region in Europa where the inducedelectrical currents flow. The electrically conducting layer inEuropa must lie within about 200 km of the surface and itselectrical conductivity must be comparable to that of sea-water on Earth if its thickness is at least several kilometers(Zimmer et al. 2000). This is strong, albeit indirect evidence

10 Schubert et al.

for a subsurface liquid salt water ocean in Europa’s waterice-liquid outer shell. The constraints on the depth of theinternal ocean from the magnetometer data are consistentwith the estimate of the thickness of the water ice-liquidouter shell from the gravity data.

There is considerable indirect geologic evidence to sup-port the existence of either a global liquid water ocean orlayer of warm, soft, ductile, possibly partially melted ice be-neath the surface of Europa (Carr et al. 1998a, Geissler et al.

1998, Pappalardo et al. 1998, 1999, Spaun et al. 1998, Sul-livan et al. 1998, Hoppa et al. 1999, 2000, Greenberg et al.

2000, 1998, Tufts et al. 2000, Moore et al. 2001). The evi-dence includes the young apparent age of the surface, relax-ation of large craters, the morphology of multi-ringed im-pact basins, mobile and tilted ice blocks, smooth deposits,chaotic terrain, strike-slip faulting, ridge morphology anddistribution, and others. Global-scale tectonic patterns canbe explained by nonsynchronous rotation and tidal flexingof a thin ice shell above a liquid water ocean (Geissler et al.

1998, Hoppa et al. 1999, Greenberg et al. 2000, Tufts et al.

2000). Some geologic features suggest that the internal oceanis within a few kilometers of the surface (e.g., Greenberget al. 1998, Kattenhorn 2002). Other features suggest thatthe ocean lies beneath a few tens of kilometers of ice (e.g.,Schenk 2002, Nimmo et al. 2003).

Thermal models of Europa can assess the likelihoodof a liquid water ocean in Europa’s water ice-liquid outershell (Schubert et al. 1986, Spohn and Schubert 2003). Ac-cretional and radiogenic heat sources are large enough todehydrate Europa early in its evolution leaving the satel-lite covered with a layer of liquid water 100 km or morethick. Thermal models by Consolmagno and Lewis (1977)and Fanale et al. (1977) considered only the conductive cool-ing and freezing with time of the outer layer of water andpredicted liquid water beneath an ice shell at present. How-ever, Reynolds and Cassen (1979) and Cassen et al. (1979)showed that the outer layer of ice would become unstableto convection with sufficient thickening, thereby promotingheat transfer through the ice and the cooling and solidifica-tion of the underlying liquid water. Their models resultedin complete freezing of the outer layer of water in a smallfraction of geologic time.

Subsolidus convection in a freezing and thickening icelayer is not as efficient as assumed by Reynolds and Cassen(1979) and Cassen et al. (1979). Because of the strong de-pendence of ice viscosity on temperature, convection in theouter ice layer occurs in the so-called stagnant-lid regime(Solomatov 1995). This is a style of convection in which theoutermost layer of ice is too cold and stiff to participate inthe convection and only the lower, more ductile layers of theice convect. Heat transfer through the stagnant lid is by con-duction, and only a fraction of the total temperature dropacross the ice is available to drive convection (see McKinnon(1998) for a discussion). As a result, convection is less vig-orous and the ice layer cools and thickens more slowly thanit would if its viscosity were not strongly temperature de-pendent. This opens the possibility that the freezing of theouter water layer could occur so slowly that a liquid regionwould survive to the present. At the very least it would takelonger for the outer water layer to freeze out completely.

The effect of stagnant-lid convection on the thermalevolution of icy satellites has been studied by Deschamps

and Sotin (2001) and by Spohn and Schubert (2003). De-schamps and Sotin (2001) find that though the rate of freez-ing of the outer water layer is slowed by stagnant-lid convec-tion, the layer is nevertheless completely frozen at present ifthe layer is pure H2O and if the only source of heating thelayer is radiogenic heating from the rocks in the satellite.Spohn and Schubert (2003) have considered wide ranges ofparameter values and have included the effect of the stronggradient of the solidus on the rheology under the empir-ically justified assumption that the viscosity depends onthe hom*ologous temperature (this assumption is consistentwith the measured negative activation volume for power-lawcreep of ice, Durham and Stern 2001). According to thesecalculations thin oceans cannot be completely ruled out evenfor pure H2O ice shells because of uncertainties in the pa-rameter values relating heat flow to the vigor of convectionand because of the unknown contribution of satellite interiorcooling to the energy balance of the ice shell. Convectionis also more difficult to achieve if the ice rheology is non-Newtonian (Solomatov and Moresi 2000). This provides anadditional mechanism to delay ocean freezing (Ruiz 2001).The effect of grain size on ice rheology is yet another factorthat needs to be considered (Nimmo and Manga 2002).

There are several ways in which the freezing of Europa’sinternal ocean could be prevented. One of them is tidal heat-ing. Cassen et al. (1979) included the heat produced by tidaldissipation in Europa’s outer ice shell and found that thisheat source could offset the subsolidus convective coolingof the ice and prevent complete solidification of the waterocean. A steady state could be achieved in which tidal dis-sipative heating in an ice shell above a liquid water ocean iscarried upward by convection in the ice; the balance betweenthe dissipative heat source and the convective cooling leavesthe ice layer with a constant thickness. Cassen et al. (1980)later revised their estimate of tidal heating downward, againopening the question of whether the water layer on Europawould freeze completely over geologic time.

The competition between the tendency of tidal heatingto maintain a liquid water ocean and that of subsolidus iceconvection to freeze the ocean has been analyzed for nearlytwo decades (Squyres et al. 1983, Ross and Schubert 1987,Ojakangas and Stevenson 1989, Fanale et al. 1990, Yoderand Sjogren 1996). Hussmann et al. (2002) have coupled aMaxwell rheology model of tidal heating to a heat transportmodel including stagnant-lid convection. The thicknesses ofthe elastic and viscoelastic parts of the ice shell were cal-culated assuming equilibrium between tidal heating in thevisco-elastic shell and the heat flow through the layers. Thethickness of the ice layer should then be between 20 and50 km depending on the rheology of the ice with 30 km be-ing the most reasonable value. The surface heat flow is about20 mW m−2. Much larger tidal heating rates correspondingto heat flows up to a few 100 mW m−2 are, in principle,possible but only if the ice layer is thicker than the equi-librium thickness. The dissipation rate will then exceed theheat transfer rate which will result in thinning towards theequilibrium thickness.

A major complication in the thermal modeling of thewater ice-liquid outer layer on Europa is the rheology of ice(Durham and Stern 2001, Durham et al. 1997, 1998, 2001,Goldsby and Kohlstedt 1997, 2001, Stern et al. 1997) bothin its control of convection and dissipation. The phenomena

13 Satellite Interiors 11

of dissipative heating and convective cooling involve nonlin-ear feedback mechanisms associated with the dependence ofviscosity on temperature and the dependence of tempera-ture on the heating and cooling mechanisms. The amountof tidal heating in the ice depends on the magnitude of tidaldeformation and the rheology of the ice at tidal periods.The amount of tidal deformation in the ice shell depends onthe internal structure, in particular the existence of a liquidocean beneath the ice layer and the ice thickness.

There are additional uncertainties and effects that canbe important in controlling the thermal history of the waterice-liquid outer layer. The thermal conductivity of the iceis dependent on temperature and physical state of the ice(density and distribution of cracks, for example). A ther-mally insulating layer at the surface of Europa would pro-mote stabilization of a liquid water ocean (Ross and Schu-bert 1987, Spohn and Schubert 2003). The occurrence of mi-nor constituents in the ice and ocean such as salts (McCordet al. 1998) and ammonia (Kargel et al. 1991, Deschampsand Sotin 2001) would affect the rheology of the ice and thefreezing temperature of the ocean. By reducing the freez-ing temperature of the liquid, the presence of ammonia actsto lower the temperature of the ice thereby increasing itsviscosity and reducing the vigor of convection (Deschampsand Sotin 2001). Through its direct reduction of the freezingpoint and its indirect effect on ice viscosity, the presence ofammonia or other volatiles in the liquid ocean acts to pre-serve the ocean. Tidal heating on major faults in Europa’sice shell may be important (Stevenson 1996a) and tidal heat-ing due to forced circulations in a thin liquid water oceansandwiched between the rock interior and the overlying icemay prevent complete solidification of the ocean (Yoder andSjogren 1996). Tidal heating and the presence of ammoniaor other volatiles or salts in the ocean are thus the mostlikely ways of preserving an internal ocean beneath the icysurface of Europa. We return to these issues in greater detailin Section 13.7.

A spacecraft orbiting Europa could determine withsome confidence whether the moon has an internal liquid wa-ter ocean by measuring the gravitational or topographic am-plitude of the semidiurnal (1.8-day) tide (Moore and Schu-bert 2000, Wu et al. 2001). The semidiurnal tide is super-imposed on the much larger static tide that has been mea-sured gravitationally by the Galileo spacecraft (Andersonet al. 1998b). The static tide reflects the behavior of Europaas an entirely fluid body over the billion year time scale onwhich the mean distance from Europa to Jupiter changes.The response of Europa to the semidiurnal tide, however,reflects the viscoelastic properties of Europa’s interior on atime scale of a few days. This timescale is sufficiently shortthat competent solids like ice or rock behave differently fromfluids, and Europa’s semidiurnal tidal distortion will dependsensitively on whether Europa does or does not have an in-ternal liquid water ocean. Moore and Schubert (2000) calcu-lated the tidal response of Europa by solving the quasi-staticequilibrium equations for a body composed of several uni-form Maxwell viscoelastic layers. Models with no internalliquid water ocean were found to have a semi-diurnal tidaldistortion of only about a meter, while models with an inter-nal ocean distort by about 30 m. The 30 m tidal distortionis characteristic of any model of Europa in which a fluid-like layer (water or mushy ice) decouples an outer ice shell

from the interior. The amplitude of the semi-diurnal tidalresponse really depends on the product of the ice thicknessand the rigidity of the soft layer and there is a trade-off be-tween the two quantities. The simultaneous measurement ofthe gravitational and topographic tidal amplitudes will helpresolve this ambiguity.


Ganymede’s water-ice-rich surface, geological evidence ofpast resurfacing, and low density of 1942.0 ± 4.8 kg m−3

(Table 13.1) have long pointed to at least partial differentia-tion (rock from ice) of the satellite’s interior (McKinnon andParmentier 1986, Schubert et al. 1986). The Galileo space-craft’s orbital tour has provided information on Ganymede’sgravitational field (Table 13.2), as discussed earlier.

Interpretation of Ganymede’s second-degree gravityfield as entirely due to a hydrostatic response to rotationand jovian tides yields a normalized moment of inertiaC/MGR2

G = 0.3115 ± 0.0028 (Table 13.1, MG and RG arethe mass and radius of Ganymede, respectively), the low-est known of any of the solid planets or satellites (Andersonet al. 1996a). Comparison of J2 = 127.53 ± 2.9 × 10−6 (Ta-ble 13.2, calculated from the measured C22 assuming hydro-staticity) with, e.g., the calculations based on three-layerstructural models (ice over mixed ice + rock over a rockcore, where rock means a solar mixture of rock + metal) inMueller and McKinnon (1988, their Figure 4) immediatelyindicates that the separation of rock from ice in Ganymedeis essentially complete. Moreover, the detection of a mag-netosphere and magnetic field at Ganymede (Gurnett et al.

1996, Kivelson et al. 1996a, 1998) strongly implies that dif-ferentiation has proceeded farther, to formation of a three-layer structure, i.e., a water-ice shell, a rock mantle, and ametallic core (Schubert et al. 1996).

Analysis of Galileo magnetometer data from six flybysof Ganymede (Kivelson et al. 1996a, 2002b, and chapter inthis book) has sharpened the view of Ganymede’s magneticfield. It is dominated by a dipole moment of ≈ 715 nT R3

G,substantially larger than that of Mercury, and tilted byabout 176◦ with respect to Ganymede’s spin axis. Kivel-son et al. (2002b) present two fits to the complete field,one an internal dipole and quadrupole field (eight compo-nents) and the other an internal dipole plus an inducedcomponent (four components). They prefer the latter be-cause the fit is slightly better with only half the terms, plusEuropa and Callisto have been clearly shown to have aninduced response, most likely due to internal, salty (electri-cally conductive) water oceans (e.g., Zimmer et al. 2000).The strength of Ganymede’s induced response requires agood conductor relatively close to the surface (i.e., it cannotbe a metallic core), and a salty water layer (ocean) withinGanymede is thus also inferred (Kivelson et al. 2002b).

A remarkable aspect of Ganymede’s magnetic field isthe relatively low power in the quadrupole components.Whether using the dipole plus quadrupole fit or the dipoleplus induced term fit (whose unfitted quadrupole termswould be even smaller), the ratio of quadrupole to dipolepower is much lower than would be anticipated by scalingfor a metallic core of the expected size (described below)

12 Schubert et al.

(Kivelson et al. 2002b). This is probably an important clueto the origin of Ganymede’s magnetic field.

Ganymede’s magnetic field could be due to eitherdynamo action, remanent magnetization, or magneto-convection (Schubert et al. 1996). Magneto-convection is aprocess by which an external field, imposed on a convect-ing, electrically conducting fluid, is modified and amplifiedto produce a new “perturbation field”. The strength of thenew field is generally of the same order as the external field,however, which for the jovian field at Ganymede is only∼ 100 nT, and so is unlikely to be the cause of the presentdipole field (Kivelson et al. 1996a, Schubert et al. 1996).

Remanent magnetism in a ferromagnetic rock core hasbeen examined in detail by Crary and Bagenal (1998). Evenfor model rock cores that have a high magnetic susceptibilitybecause they are rich in magnetite (a possible jovian subneb-ula condensate, Prinn and Fegley 1981) an external jovianfield cannot sufficiently magnetize a cooling rock core to ac-count for the present dipole field. As the outer layer of therock core cools below the Curie point for permanent mag-netization in the presence of an internal field, and thickens,it imposes limits on the field strength interior to itself andthus to further increases in the remanent dipole moment.The total dipole moment saturates, and lies well below theobserved value even if Ganymede is allowed to tidally evolvefrom an orbital position much closer to Jupiter (where thejovian magnetic field is much more intense). Thus Crary andBagenal (1998) reject Jupiter as the source of a remanentfield for Ganymede. They point out, however, that a dy-namo field generated in a metallic core in the geologic pastcould have imposed the requisite remanent magnetizationon a cooling external (and sufficiently magnetically suscep-tible) rock mantle, as long as the paleofield strength was atleast 15 times the present value. The requirements on mag-netic susceptibility and paleofield strength are more severeif reversals are allowed for (Crary and Bagenal 1998). Foressentially similar reasons, Schubert et al. (1986) concludedearlier that Ganymede’s magnetic field is generated by dy-namo action in a liquid or partially liquid metallic core. Froma structural point-of-view, though, the important conclusionis that whether the present field has a dynamo or remanentorigin, a metallic core is required.

The internal structure of Ganymede is constrained bythe satellite’s density and moment of inertia, but these databy themselves cannot be inverted to a unique configura-tion. With inferences from the magnetometer measurementsand cosmochemistry, however, the range of possible interiorstructures can be bounded. For example, we can assumethat Ganymede is fully differentiated into an ice shell, arock mantle, and a metallic core. Figure 13.4 from Ander-son et al. (1996a) shows contours of rock mantle radius (infractions of RG) as a function of core mass (as a fractionof MG) or core radius (as a fraction of RG) and ice shelldensity, for two plausible metallic core densities and a rockmantle density similar to that of the Earth’s upper mantle(all layers are uniform). Contours of the allowable C22 andmoment-of-inertia range are over-plotted. Formally, thesemodels indicate a broad range in possible core size between≈ 0.15-0.2RG and 0.4-0.5RG . In practice, the range is nar-rower: the upper bounds correspond to little silicate mantle(cosmochemically implausible), while the lower bounds cor-respond to implausible ice shell densities (given that higher

Figure 13.4. Representative Ganymede three-layer models hav-ing a rock mantle density of 3300 kg m−3 are shown for a) a pureFe core (density 8000 kg m−3) and b) an Fe-FeS core (density5150 kg m−3). Rock mantle radii are contoured as a function ofmetallic core size and ice shell density, but only those modelsthat fall near the solid curve labeled 38.18 ± 0.87(×10−6) havethe proper C22 and moment of inertia. Adapted from Andersonet al. (1996a).

density polymorphs dominate). The smallest cores are alsoso small that they call the energetics of the dynamo intoquestion (dipole fields fall off as 1/r3).

More sophisticated structural models have been calcu-lated by Kuskov and Kronrod (2001a), Sohl et al. (2002),and McKinnon and Desai (2003). Figure 13.5 illustrates asuite of models from Sohl et al. (2002). The models take intoaccount the temperature and pressure effects on a water-iceshell overlying an olivine mantle surrounding metallic coresof varying compositions between Fe and FeS. The modelsassume a solid state equation-of-state for the Fe-FeS core, acommon approach though Ganymede’s core must at least bepartially molten to account for the dynamo. A pure olivinemantle is also an approximation to a more complex rockmineralogy, but it is a legitimate one (e.g., olivine is thedominant mineral in the Earth’s upper mantle). Figure 13.5therefore gives a reasonable indication of the bounds onGanymede’s gross internal structure. Core sizes are expectedto lie between 650 and 900 km radius and the ice shell shouldbe about 900 km thick.

13 Satellite Interiors 13

Figure 13.5. Radial distribution of Ganymede’s density for threehypothetical core compositions of Ganymede. The models sat-isfy the mean density and moment-of-inertia constraints. Adaptedfrom Sohl et al. (2002).

Kuskov and Kronrod (2001a) based 3-layer mantle min-eralogies on a variety of ordinary and carbonaceous chon-drites, and used a realistic ice equation of state for theouter shell and constant densities for the cores (the sametwo densities as in Anderson et al., 1996a). Geophysicallyadmissible models (in the sense of satisfying the density andmoment-of-inertia constraints) were evaluated in terms ofbulk Fe/Si and mass fraction of iron in the core (Fe metaland FeS versus total Fe). If these ratios were deemed tobe self-consistent, in that they were similar to the chosenmeteoritic model, then that meteorite was accepted as apossible model for Ganymede’s bulk composition. For themost reasonable of their two ice shell models (the one thatis not partially molten to its base), the best match is givenby L chondrites (possibly LL chondrites), and the core isFe-rich. While there is no logical genetic link between a re-duced, volatile-depleted, iron-metal-bearing meteorite classfrom the inner asteroid belt and a very volatile-rich majorbody formed around Jupiter, the inference from these mod-els is that “Ganymede-rock”, like the L and LL chondrites,may be depleted in iron with respect to solar values.

Sohl et al. (2002) calculated suites of geophysicallyadmissible 3-layer Ganymede models (ice shell/rock man-tle/metallic core) with constant densities for each layer(these are simpler models than those in Figure 13.5). Inter-preting the range in mantle densities as a variation in ironcontent of the single mineral, olivine, they find a broad rangeof total (mantle + core) Fe/Si ratios above solar. While itis clear that supersolar Fe/Si ratios, if they had been found,would have been rejected by Kuskov and Kronrod (2001a)as not resembling any known chondrite, it is not obvious

why some geophysically admissible subsolar Fe/Si modelswere not uncovered by Sohl et al. (2002). One possibility isthe mantle stoichiometry assumed by Sohl et al. (2002). Hadthey used a mix of olivine + pyroxene + garnet their rangeof Fe/Si values might have been different.

McKinnon and Desai (2003) elaborate on theGanymede modeling in Mueller and McKinnon (1988) by in-corporating liquid Fe-S-O cores. Their approach bases man-tle and core compositions on solar proportions of Fe, Mg,Ca, Al, and S to Si, with realistic equations-of-state andtemperature profiles for all layers. The closest meteoriticanalogue for the rock + metal in these models is a de-hydrated carbonaceous chondrite (ordinary chondrites aretoo sulfur depleted). McKinnon and Desai (2003) find thatfully differentiated models of Ganymede with solar compo-sition mantles and cores do not simultaneously satisfy thedensity and moment-of-inertia constraints. If the density ismatched, then the moment of inertia falls short (≈ 0.300-0.306 vs. 0.3115, depending on the oxidation state of themantle and core). One explanation is that Ganymede’s Fe/Siratio is indeed subsolar, which implies a larger mantle + coreand total moment of inertia, and thus supports the conclu-sions of Kuskov and Kronrod (2001a). This explanation isnon-unique, however. Alternatively, there may be a smallnon-hydrostatic contribution from the rock mantle to thesecond-degree gravity field. This would cause the Radau-Darwin relationship to overestimate the moment of iner-tia. Such contributions are measurable for all the terrestrialplanets, and McKinnon and Desai (2003) show that if onlya fraction (∼ 20%) of the smallest observed non-hydrostaticcomponent is scaled to Ganymede conditions, then a solar-composition mantle + core could yield a C22 and J2 thatagree, within the 1-σ error, with Anderson et al. (1996a).

In summary, the gross features of Ganymede’s structureappear set, but refinement of the structure and the choice ofcompositional alternatives will require more data. Barringdirect structural information, such as from seismology, themost telling would be the measurement and analysis of amore complete gravity field (e.g., Anderson et al. 2001a, andour earlier discussion).

13.5.1 Thermal Evolution and Core Formation

Three major issues present themselves with respect toGanymede’s thermal history: 1) separation of rock + metalfrom ice; 2) separation of metal from rock; and 3) origin ofthe magnetic field. We discuss each in turn.

Regarding the primary differentiation of Ganymede—the separation of its denser rock and metal phases fromits ices—it was recognized early on that there was morethan enough accretional energy to melt its ice fraction, andsubstantially so (e.g., Schubert et al. 1981). In order for aGanymede-like satellite to be minimally or only modestlydifferentiated, as Callisto appears to be (Anderson et al.

1998a, 2001c, and below), the accreting objects should notbe so large as to deeply bury their heat and the accretiontime should be long enough that accretional energy can beefficiently radiated to space from the surface (McKinnonand Parmentier 1986). The latter requirement has alwaysbeen difficult to understand in traditional models of satel-lite formation in a sub-jovian nebula, given the very short

14 Schubert et al.

dynamical time scales involved (Stevenson et al. 1986, seeSection 13.8 for a fuller discussion).

The gas-starved-disk model of Canup and Ward (2002)solves the time scale problem for Callisto, in that satel-lite accretion persists as long as the solar nebula exists af-ter Jupiter formation. It may solve the problem too well,however, because it is not obvious that a deeply differenti-ated Ganymede is also predicted. The alternative model ofMosqueira and Estrada (2003a,b) argues that Io, Europa,and Ganymede form in what resembles a traditional jo-vian subnebula (i.e., rapidly), whereas more distant Callistoforms in a different, and slower dynamical regime (see Sec-tion 13.8). A deeply melted Ganymede is predicted in sucha scenario (Lunine and Stevenson 1982, Kirk and Stevenson1987), but its orbital stability in the subnebula remains aquestion (Stevenson et al. 1986, Canup and Ward 2002).

A modestly differentiated Ganymede may neverthelesshave evolved to be deeply differentiated. If the Laplaceresonance formed by means of differential orbital expan-sion, Io, Europa, and Ganymede may have been tem-porarily captured into other Laplace-like resonances beforereaching their final resonant configuration (Malhotra 1991).Ganymede’s orbital eccentricity would have been excitedwhile in temporary resonance, and the satellite could havebeen substantially tidally heated (Malhotra 1991, Showmanand Malhotra 1997, Showman et al. 1997). The magnitudeof this heating could have driven separation of ice fromrock+metal deep in Ganymede, via ice melting, especiallysince the differentiation may have been self-sustaining dueto the release of gravitational potential energy as differenti-ation proceeded (Friedson and Stevenson 1983, Mueller andMcKinnon 1988). For tidal heating to be effective, the rheol-ogy of the rock-ice layer must be sufficiently weak. This maybe a problem if the rock dominates the rheology and thetemperature is below the ice melting temperature. The exis-tence of this tidal heating episode is uncertain; in the modelof Peale and Lee (2002), the Laplace resonance is primordial.In this case the deep differentiation of Ganymede, startingfrom a state of modest differentiation, and not of Callisto,requires that the modest advantages Ganymede has overCallisto in this regard (slightly greater rock fraction, slightlygreater radiogenic heating and ice-rock viscosity due to thegreater rock fraction, and greater specific gravitational po-tential energy) combine tellingly (Friedson and Stevenson1983, McKinnon and Parmentier 1986, Mueller and McK-innon 1988). The Peale and Lee (2002) scenario does notexplain the roughly 50% resurfacing of Ganymede that oc-curred some time after the satellite formed. The relativelylightly cratered areas may be only about 2 Gyr old, thoughthere is a large uncertainty in the absolute ages (Zahnle et al.

2003). The late transient capture into a Laplace resonanceprovides an explanation for this late deformation event. Thisis clearly an area in which new modeling is needed.

Once a rock+metal interior body, or ‘primordial core’forms, and we stress that the geophysical evidence that mostor all of Ganymede’s rock+metal lies in a core is secure, thequestion turns to the existence and dynamics of further dif-ferentiation into a metallic core and overlying rock mantle.McKinnon (1996) showed that radiogenic heating alone wassufficient to bring the interior of a mixed rock+metal pri-mordial core to the melting temperature of a sulfur-bearingmetallic phase (cf. Kirk and Stevenson 1987). A chondritic

Figure 13.6. Temperature as a function of depth and time duringwarming of the interior of Ganymede by the decay of radioactiveelements with an initial heat production rate of 30 pW kg−1.Also shown is the solidus (eutectic) of Fe-FeS (Boehler 1996).The solidus is reached after 3.6 Gyr in this model. The timingis controlled by both the initial (accretional) temperature profileand the heat production rate. Adapted from Spohn and Breuer(1998).

mixture of non-ice elements contains sufficient U, Th, and40K to cause a temperature rise of ∼ 100 K per 100 Myrif there is no heat loss. The interior of a body the size ofGanymede’s primordial core is conductively isolated fromthe exterior ice for very long times, so the internal tempera-tures should rise essentially unchecked to levels appropriateto solid state convection (see Figure 20 in the chapter byGreeley et al. for a similar calculation for Europa). Beforethat occurs, however, the Fe-FeS eutectic (lowest meltingpoint) temperature (or that in the FeO–FeS system if theinterior is sufficiently oxidized, Naldrett 1969) is reached.The Fe-FeS eutectic temperature is ∼ 1265 K at low pres-sure, and falls to ∼ 1190 K at 10 GPa (Fei et al. 1997),the approximate central pressure in Ganymede today. Oncea sufficient melt fraction accumulates, the excess can draindownwards under the action of gravity to form a core (e.g.,Yoshino et al. 2003). It can further be shown for Ganymedethat the energy consumed by the latent heat of melting ofthe metal is more or less balanced by the gravitational po-tential energy released by core formation. This process wasalso modeled by Spohn and Breuer (1998). Figure 13.6 showshow the rock+iron core in the model of Spohn and Breuer(1998) heats up due to radioactive decay to reach the Fe-FeSsolidus (eutectic).

The composition and size of the core depends on thecomposition of the Fe-bearing phases that melt to form itand the completeness of that melting. A CI chondritic Fe-FeS composition is 23 wt% S (Lodders and Fegley 1998),and while on the Fe side of the eutectic at low pressures, itends up on the FeS side at pressures deep within Ganymede(i.e., the eutectic composition is pressure sensitive, Fei et al.

1997). Moreover, if the interior of Ganymede is sufficientlyoxidized, the composition may approach that of FeS (e.g.,Scott et al. 2002), while still greater degrees of oxidation sta-bilize magnetite as a potential core phase (unfortunately, themelting relations in the Fe3O4-FeS system are very poorlyknown at high pressure). Oxidation at an earlier stage in

13 Satellite Interiors 15

Ganymede’s evolution may also have released S and SO2

(as argued for Io by Lewis 1982) to the ice layer, and so of-fers a route to reduce the amount of sulfur in the core. Thus,a range of processes exist that may modify even an initiallychondritic composition, but the core that forms should cer-tainly be FeS-rich. Specifically, though, a chondritic, metallicFe-FeS mixture is likely to be completely melted (or nearlyso) at interior temperatures controlled by silicate convectionearly in Ganymede’s history, and a thermal excursion due totidal heating (Showman and Malhotra 1997, Showman et al.

1997) makes this conclusion more secure.

Once formed, the evolution of the core is determined bythe heat released within and transferred through the over-lying rock mantle. By the present era, and without tidalheating, Ganymede’s mantle might be conductive through-out and cooling, but core temperatures are very unlikely tohave dropped below the Fe-FeS eutectic temperature (McK-innon 1996). Thus the core of Ganymede today should be atleast partially molten, which satisfies one prerequisite for amagnetic dynamo (Schubert et al. 1996). A more stringentprerequisite for a dynamo, however, is that the mantle ispresently cooling the core at a rate sufficient to maintainconvective motions in the core. At a minimum, the mantlemust be able to accommodate the heat flow conducted downthe core adiabat. Estimates of the magnitude of this heatflow are uncertain, but this constraint on dynamo action inGanymede’s core may require the mantle to be convectiveat present.

The core convective motions maintaining Ganymede’smagnetic dynamo are powered by either thermal or compo-sitional buoyancy, or both. In the case of the Earth, composi-tional buoyancy is provided by the freezing of an Fe-Ni innercore that concentrates the light element into the outer core(e.g., Stevenson et al. 1983). The Earth’s dynamo is drivenby a combination of core cooling, the latent heat releasedby inner core solidification, and the gravitational energy re-leased by the differentiation accompanying inner core solidi-fication (Stevenson et al. 1983, Buffett et al. 1996). It is evenpossible that radioactivity in the Earth’s core drives outercore convection and the dynamo (Gessmann and Wood 2002,Rama Murthy et al. 2003). Kuang and Stevenson (1996) ar-gue that cooling and freezing of Ganymede’s core (withouttidal heating input) will not provide sufficient thermal en-ergy for convection and dynamo action in the liquid portionof Ganymede’s core, and so favor compositional convectionas the driving mechanism. If the core sulfur content is under∼ 21 wt%, an iron inner core should form, as on the Earth(and equivalently, an Fe3O4 inner core should form if thecore is sufficiently oxygen-rich). Compositional buoyancy isproblematic for cores that are close to FeS in composition,however. While an inner core of solid FeS should readilyform due to freezing under pressure (Boehler 2000), it wouldrelease a denser, more Fe-rich liquid, suppressing convec-tion. More exotic possibilities also exist such as the “rainingup” of FeS crystals for appropriate compositions (McKin-non 1996), and tidal heating during formation of the Laplaceresonance may have enhanced or restarted core convectionas well (Stevenson 1996b, Schubert et al. 1996). These areintriguing ideas, but no quantitative model of Ganymede’sdynamo has been published (but see Sarson et al. 1997).Satellite dynamos remain a fascinating, unsolved problemin planetary geophysics.


Callisto is similar in size and density to Ganymede, but itsrelatively dark, heavily cratered surface early on suggestedthat it was undifferentiated (Schubert et al. 1981, 1986).McKinnon and Parmentier (1986) argued that Callisto’s ap-pearance was deceiving, its subsurface might be ice rich, andthat it might have undergone an earlier evolution similar tothat of Ganymede. Galileo imagery has been decisive in thatno traces of such ancient geologic activity are seen (chapterby Moore et al.), but notably, Callisto appears to be partiallydifferentiated after all (Anderson et al. 1998a, 2001c). Evenmore remarkably, it appears to possess an internal ocean(e.g., Zimmer et al. 2000, chapter by Kivelson et al.). Cal-listo does not have an internal magnetic field (Khurana et al.

1997b, chapter by Kivelson et al.), consistent with its par-tially differentiated state and its lack of a metallic core.

Callisto’s mean density is 1834.4±3.4 kg m−3, its meanradius is 2410.3 ± 1.5 km (Table 13.1) and its gravitationalcoefficient C22 is 10.2 ± 0.3 × 10−6 (Table 13.2). All of theGalileo flybys of Callisto were equatorial, so there is no inde-pendent constraint on J2 or whether slowly rotating Callistois in a hydrostatic state; the fit to S22 = −1.1±0.3×10−6 isnon-zero to 3σ (Anderson et al. 2001c), suggesting that ourunderstanding of Callisto’s gravity field is incomplete (i.e.,S22 should be zero in hydrostatic equilibrium in the tidalaxis coordinate system). Nevertheless, a hydrostatic Callistois reasonable, and can be justified a posteriori in that muchor all of Callisto’s internal structure may be controlled bythe creep and yield strength of (relatively weak) water ice(Anderson et al. 2001c, and above).

Assuming that Callisto is hydrostatic, the valueof C22 above yields a normalized moment of inertiaC/MR2 = 0.3549 ± 0.0042 (Table 13.1). This moment-of-inertia value, while clearly larger than that of Ganymede, issignificantly lower than that of a completely undifferentiatedCallisto (McKinnon 1997, C/MR2 ≈ 0.38). The rock+metalfraction in Callisto must increase with depth, but gravitydata alone are unable to constrain the exact nature of thisincrease (i.e., whether it is continuous or step-wise). A con-tinuous increase is ruled out, because it would suppress in-ternal convection by solid state creep of the ice fraction, andthe resulting conductive temperature gradient would inter-sect the melting curve and promote further differentiation.Callisto, then, must be layered in terms of its ice/rock ratio(except perhaps for small, restricted regions).

The simplest layered model for Callisto consists ofa denser (more rock and dense-ice-phase rich) interiorsurrounded by a less rock-rich and more low-density-ice-polymorph-rich shell. Figure 13.7 contours the thickness ofsuch an outer shell in terms of the densities of the twolayers. Contours delineating models consistent with the in-ferred moment of inertia (C22 values) are included in thefigure. A broad range of shell thicknesses is shown. Theinterior density is, however, almost certainly limited tothat of a cool, undifferentiated and dehydrated rock+metalsphere (≤ 3850 kg m−3), so the upper limit on shell size is∼ 1250 km. The lower limit on the thickness of a clean iceouter shell, with or without an ocean, is ∼ 300 km.

The rationale for two-layer models is that rock(+metal)can separate from ice if the ice melts or if the rock is in mas-sive enough fragments (or concentrations) that they sink

16 Schubert et al.

Figure 13.7. Callisto two-layer model. Ice-rich outer shell size iscontoured as a function of outer shell density and ice-poor interiordensity. Only those models that fall near the solid curve labeled10.2(±0.3) × 10−6 have the proper C22 and moment of inertia.From Anderson et al. (2001c).

slowly through the ice. The downward Stokes velocity ofthe rock fragments must exceed interior convective veloci-ties for the latter separation to be effective (Schubert et al.

1981), but not be so great that the rock escapes remixingwith deeper ice-rock, if the two-layered structure is to bemaintained. Rock released by melting need not sink withrespect to the ice, as long as water can escape to higher lev-els, but the rock must also remix with deeper ice-rock if thetwo-layered structure is to be maintained.

Whether descending rock fragments (or concentrations)remix with deeper ice-rock depends on the fragment or con-centration size and ice viscosity, which are unknown. If, how-ever, the rock descends to the center of Callisto, then a rockcore should form, surrounded by a mixed ice-rock layer andan exterior ice shell. Such 3-layer models were explored indetail in Mueller and McKinnon (1988). Their calculations,in which the mixed layer has the same ice/rock ratio as thebulk satellite, indicate that Callisto could be a body with18 ± 4% of its total rock in a central core ∼ 900 km inradius. New models indicate that under such conditions theboundary between the clean ice and mixed ice-rock layer isvery close to the depth of ice I-ice III transition pressure(207 MPa) (McKinnon and Desai 2003). This depth is alsothe natural level for an ocean (Zimmer et al. 2000, and seediscussion below), so it is tempting to imagine that thermalconditions that led to melting within Callisto operated at theice minimum-melting temperature, and that the separatedrock+metal was able to descend to form a core. However,unless our hydrostatic interpretation of the second-degreegravity field is in error, Callisto is not deeply differentiated.The runaway ice melting and differentiation of Friedson andStevenson (1983), if it began, stalled; similarly, the bound-ary layer melting possible in the hotter convecting, mixedice-rock shell (Mueller and McKinnon 1988), if it occurred,did not lead to deep differentiation either. Runaway differ-entiation is favored energetically, but its dynamics must ini-tially be slow enough that Callisto remained cool and largelyunmelted if this structural interpretation is to make sense.

If, on the other hand, the interior rock and ice remainsmixed during differentiation, then the clean ice layer neces-

sary to account for the mass and moment of inertia of Cal-listo must be thicker (∼ 300 km, Anderson et al. 2001c). Thiscould arise if accretional melting was this deep or extensive,or if a zone of partial melting and refinement (rock from ice)(Friedson and Stevenson 1983) extended to 300 km depth(∼ 0.4 GPa). Given the amount of gravitational potentialenergy that can be released during differentiation (Friedsonand Stevenson 1983), Anderson et al. (1998a, 2001c) arguethat partial differentiation by melting would release suffi-cient heat to drive further differentiation, and that a thermalrunaway would ensue. They therefore argue that the differ-entiation process on Callisto occurred (and is occurring) byslow, solid-state separation of rock from ice. Nagel et al.

(2003) present a possible model of this process in which ice-rock separation does not involve the ocean. In fact, Nagelet al. (2003) argue that the ocean forms relatively late, afterthe near-surface ice layer has been mostly cleared of rockand the ice minimum-melting pressure has migrated to adeeper, sufficiently warm level (see next section).





As discussed in the preceding sections, subsurface liquid wa-ter oceans are likely on all three icy Galilean satellites. Theevidence is based on Galileo magnetometer observations ofelectromagnetic induction in these satellites; the signature isseen most clearly at Callisto (Khurana et al. 1998, Neubauer1998, Kivelson et al. 1999, 2000, 2002b). The magnetic fielddata allow estimates of the thickness of the ice layers cov-ering the oceans (e.g., Zimmer et al. 2000). For Europa, thestrength of the induced signal is consistent with an ocean un-derneath a thin ice shell a few tens of kilometers thick. ForGanymede and Callisto the oceans are probably at greaterdepths of 200 km or more. The existence of an ocean un-derneath tens of kilometers of ice on Europa is supportedby geological evidence (Pappalardo et al. 1999). Other ev-idence favors even thinner ice layers (e.g., Greenberg et al.

1998). Similar geologic evidence for oceans is not availablefor Ganymede and Callisto, although it has recently been ar-gued that the lack of hilly and lineated terrain antipodal tomajor impact basins on Callisto may suggest an ocean thatwould have damped the seismic waves generated by the im-pact (Williams et al. 2001). At least for Callisto, the inferredexistence of an ocean is surprising since this satellite is in-completely differentiated (Anderson et al. 2001c, Sohl et al.

2002) and devoid of endogenic activity (as witnessed by itsold surface).

Hussmann et al. (2002) have shown that tidal heatingin an Europan ice shell a few tens of kilometers thick cankeep a subsurface ocean from freezing. Moreover, Spohn andSchubert (2003) have demonstrated that a subsurface liquidwater ocean on Europa is likely even with internal heatinglimited to what is generated by radioactive decay in therocky part of the satellite. Radiogenic heating in the rocksof Ganymede and Callisto could be adequate for the mainte-nance of liquid water oceans deep in their interiors, but thecase for these satellites is not as strong as the one for Europa(Spohn and Schubert 2003), as will be discussed below.

13 Satellite Interiors 17

Figure 13.8. Water-ice phase diagram and thermal model of theouter layers of an icy Galilean satellite with a convecting ice shell.The top layer is the stagnant lid. Below the stagnant lid is thewell mixed sub-layer through which heat is transferred by convec-tion. The case for a conductive shell is equivalent to a stagnantlid extending all the way to the bottom of the shell. The temper-ature profile in the ice shell is shown with solid lines. The meltingtemperature is shown with dashed lines and the temperature pro-file in the ocean and the ice layer below the ocean is shown withdotted lines. On the top and bottom of the well-mixed layer thereare thermal boundary layers with large temperature gradients.

13.7.1 Melting Relations

Subsurface oceans on satellites are possible because of theanomalous melting behavior of ice I for which the melt-ing temperature decreases with pressure until it joins theice I/ice III transition and the ice III melting curve in atriple point at a pressure of 207 MPa and a temperature of251.15 K (Chizov 1993). A sketch of the ice melting tem-perature as a function of depth together with a simple ther-mal model of the outer shells of an icy satellite is shown inFigure 13.8. The triple point pressure translates into differ-ent depths for the three satellites because of their differingmasses and, possibly, ice shell densities. Assuming an iceshell density of 1000 kg m−3, a depth of 160 km is obtainedfor Europa, about as deep as the total thickness of the wa-ter layer, which is believed to be around 150 km (Andersonet al. 1997, 1998b, Sohl et al. 2002). The depth of the mini-mum melting temperature is about 145 km in Ganymede ifan ice shell density of 1000 kg m−3 is assumed. This densityis reasonable since Ganymede is most likely differentiated(Anderson et al. 1996a, 2001a). For Callisto, the ice shelldensity could be about 1600 kg m−3 if the satellite has amostly undifferentiated, cold and stiff outer shell (presumingsuch a shell is geologically stable). This density is calculatedfrom the density of ice I, a concentration of rock of about 50weight-percent, and a rock density of 3500 kg m−3. Withthis ice shell density, the triple point in Callisto would occurat a depth of about 100 km. If the density in the ice shell

were 1000 kg m−3, the depth to the triple point would beabout 165 km.

It is possible that the melting point is even further de-pressed if the ice in the satellites is not pure H2O but con-tains other components such as ammonia, methanol and/orsalts (e.g., Kargel 1992). The evidence for induced magneticfields from electric currents in the oceans requires an elec-trolyte such as salt. Pure water oceans can therefore serveas an extreme case only. Because the melting point depres-sion is smallest for pure water ice, water oceans are theleast likely to occur. If a water ocean is found to be pos-sible, then a salty ocean will be even more likely. The phasediagram of the water-ammonia system is reasonably wellstudied (Hogenboom et al. 1997, Sotin et al. 1998) and canserve as a model. Ammonia hydrates are predicted conden-sates in the satellites of Jupiter as long as temperaturesin the subjovian nebula are cool enough and thermochem-ical equilibrium is achieved (Prinn and Fegley 1981, 1989).This is probably most applicable to Callisto and possiblyGanymede (See Section 13.6). The concept of internal lay-ers of ammonia-water liquid is well developed in the liter-ature (Kargel 1998, Sotin et al. 1998). The water-ammonialiquidus temperature depends on pressure and on the con-centration of ammonia in the water.

The evolution of an ice lid and ocean will depend notonly on the bulk concentration of ammonia but also on theinitial conditions. If the lid grew on top of an ocean withsome initial concentration of ammonia and starting fromzero thickness, then the lid will be pure water ice. The com-position of the ocean will be determined by the mass of thewater ice removed from the ocean and the constancy of theammonia mass. The lid bottom temperature will be deter-mined by the liquidus surface, the composition of the ocean,and the pressure at the bottom of the lid. Grasset and Sotin(1996) have suggested a possible path on the liquidus sur-face starting from a low NH3 concentration and continuingto the high pressure eutectic at 29 wt-% NH3, 170 MPa and176 K. The pressure of 170 MPa is equivalent to a depthof about 130 km on Europa, 120 km on Ganymede, 80 kmon Callisto if the outer shell is an undifferentiated ice-rockmixture and 135 km if the outer shell is mostly ice.

If the satellite were initially at subsolidus temperaturesand was warmed to reach the ammonia hydrate solidus (eu-tectic), melt would form at a temperature of 176 K andmostly independent of pressure. The composition of themelt under these circ*mstances would be around 30 weight-% ammonia, decreasing slightly with pressure, because thecomposition along the eutectic/peritectic is almost constant.Since the ice is less dense then the fluid, the ice will tend tofloat on top of the forming ocean. The rate at which the icewill separate and float will depend on the rheology and theconcentration of the melt in the solid. As the temperatureincreases, water will dilute the melt, further the formationof an ocean by gravitationally separating the ice from themelt, and the composition of the ocean and the temperatureat the base of the lid will be determined by the pressure atthe base of the lid, the bulk concentration of ammonia, andthe liquidus surface.

18 Schubert et al.

13.7.2 Energy Balances and Equilibrium Models

For Europa, it is possible to attribute the existence of anocean to tidal heating. This is not possible for Ganymedeand Callisto; tidal heating is negligible at their present or-bital distances and eccentricities. On these satellites, oceansmust be due to radiogenic heating or to heat buried at depthand released through satellite cooling. It has been speculated(Malhotra 1991, Showman and Malhotra 1997, Showmanet al. 1997) that Ganymede went through a phase of intensetidal heating perhaps as little as 1 Gyr ago when it passedinto the present resonance through a 3:2 resonance. Dur-ing such a transition, the eccentricity would have increasedby as much as a factor of 10 which could have caused run-away melting of ice and the formation of an ocean if theice layer was warmer than 200 K. For colder initial tem-peratures, runaway tidal heating and melting is avoided be-cause the ice rheology is too stiff and the tidal deformationis too small. A simple assessment of the feasibility of anocean can be made if one assumes that the outer shell isconductive and that the melting curve is linear. For pureice, the surface melting temperature Tm0

is 276.1 K andthe slope of the melting dTm/dp curve from p = 0 Pa tothe triple point is −1.063 × 10−7 K Pa−1. This convertsto values of −0.138 K km−1 for Europa, −0.168 K km−1

for Ganymede, and −0.213 K km−1 for an undifferentiatedouter Callisto shell (−0.133 K km−1 for a pure ice outerCallisto). For 5 weight-% ammonia and the melting curveproposed by Grasset and Sotin (1996) introduced above,the values are Tm0

= 266.9 K and dTm/dp = −5.647 ×10−7 K Pa−1. The latter converts to: −0.734 K km−1 forEuropa, −0.892 K km−1 for Ganymede, and −1.13 K km−1

for an undifferentiated outer Callisto shell (−0.706 K km−1

for a pure ice outer Callisto shell). The thickness of the shellD that is in equilibrium with an assumed heat flow into thebase of the ocean can then be calculated to be approximately(Spohn and Schubert 2003)

D =Tm0

− Ts






where Ts is the surface temperature and q is the heat flowevaluated at the surface. The present surface temperaturesare 105 K for Europa, 120 K for Ganymede and 130 K forCallisto. The bottom heat flow can be scaled by the heatflow in equilibrium with the present chondritic radiogenicheating rate of 4.5 pW kg−1. This heating rate will result inequilibrium surface heat flows of 5.6 mW m−2 for Europa,3.9 mW m−2 for Ganymede, and 3.4 mW m−2 for Callisto.At the depth of the triple point, the equilibrium heat flowsare 7.0 mW m−2 for Europa, 4.3 mW m−2 for Ganymede,and 3.6 mW m−2 for Callisto. A representative value for thethermal conductivity of the ice is 3.3 W m−1K−1.

An ocean is likely if D is found to be smaller than thedepth to the triple point pressure or to the pressure at theeutectic. The following shell thicknesses are obtained: Forpure ice, no ammonia, we find about 91 km for Europa,116 km for Ganymede, 108 km for an undifferentiated ice-rock shell on Callisto and 125 km for a pure ice shell onthe same satellite (cf Ruiz 2001). With the exception of therock-ice shell, these are all notably smaller than the depthsto the triple point suggesting the likelihood of oceans. For5 weight-% ammonia the case for an ocean is even stronger,

as is expected. Here the lid thicknesses are 65 km for Europa,77 km for Ganymede, 83 km for an undifferentiated ice-rockshell on Callisto and 66 km for a pure ice shell on the samesatellite.

For simplicity, we have assumed that the shells arepurely conductive. It is possible that a shell could becomethick enough to be unstable to convection in which case theshell would grow to a greater thickness than calculated here.The stability is mostly a function of temperature and rheol-ogy, but it also depends on the heat flow from below and thethermal conductivity. Spohn and Schubert (2003) have ex-plored a wide range of models to investigate the possibilityof present oceans in the Galilean satellites as a consequenceof an assumed heat flow from below the ocean. Both con-ductive and convective heat transfer mechanisms in the icelithosphere were considered depending on the stability of thelayer to convective overturn. Convection, if it occurred, wasassumed to be in the stagnant lid regime (Solomatov 1995,Grasset and Parmentier 1998) and the viscosity of the icewas assumed to be given by

ν = ν0 expA(


T− 1



with Tm the depth-dependent melting temperature and rep-resentative values of A = 24 and ν0 = 1014 Pa s (a simplifiedbut commonly used rheological model, cf Durham and Stern2001). For the same parameter values, the conclusions fromthe more complete models of Spohn and Schubert (2003)differ from the estimates presented above only for the noammonia, pure ice models. In these cases, convection maybecome important, and, depending on uncertain parametervalues that relate convective vigor to heat flow, convectionmight freeze the oceans. This is more likely to happen forGanymede and Callisto than for Europa, but the oceans willin any case then be only a few kilometers thick.

13.7.3 The Probability of Oceans and their


The thickness estimates presented above and the much moreextensive results of equilibrium models presented by Spohnand Schubert (2003) are clear-cut for water+ammonia.Oceans are predicted for all three satellites and the con-clusion is robust against parameter variations. The water iceshells on top of the H2O–NH3 oceans are similar in thickness(70–90 km). The thickness of these oceans is substantial. ForEuropa, the ocean thickness is limited by the thickness ofthe water shell (about 150 km) leaving only about 80 kmfor the ocean. This limitation does not apply to Ganymedeand Callisto whose bulk densities and moments of inertiaindicate a thick ice shell (e.g., Anderson et al. 2001a,c, Sohlet al. 2002). The thickness of the H2O–NH3 oceans may wellbe 200 to 300 km. For Callisto this would allow a structureof an ice shell with or without rock in it overlying an oceanthat could extend close to the surface of a possible ice-rockcore. The ice shells would be thinner and the oceans eventhicker if the bulk concentration of ammonia were greaterthan assumed in our model. Unfortunately, we have no in-dependent evidence for or constraint on the concentrationof ammonia in the Galilean satellites.

The case for oceans in the icy satellites of Jupiter isless clear if the ice is pure or if the melting point depression

13 Satellite Interiors 19

is small. In these cases the differences among the satelliteswill matter as well as choices of uncertain parameter values.The likelihood of an ocean increases with decreasing pres-sure gradient ρg in a satellite and with increasing heat flowper unit area. This is why Europa, which has the greatestheat flow per unit area and the smallest pressure gradientof 1.3 kPa m−1 of the three satellites, is the most likely tohave an ocean under these circ*mstances. The pressure gra-dients in Ganymede and Callisto are about 1.6 kPa m−1 and2 kPa m−1, respectively. The likelihood of an ocean in Eu-ropa will be further strengthened if tidal heating is consid-ered. Hussmann et al. (2002) have calculated tidal heatingrates in Europa’s ice shell and have searched for equilibriumbetween the tidal heating and heat transfer rates, both ofwhich are functions of the ice shell thickness and the ice rhe-ology. For similar values of the rheology parameters as usedin Spohn and Schubert (2003) they find that the equilibriumvalue of the tidal heating rate, when expressed as a surfaceheat flow, is about 3 times the heat flow due to radiogenicheating and the ice shell thickness is 20–40 km.

An undifferentiated Callisto is the most likely satel-lite not to have an ocean on the basis of these consider-ations. An ocean is unlikely, mostly because the rapid in-crease in pressure caused by the assumed outer shell densityof 1600 kg m−3 moves the triple point to a shallow depth ofaround 100 km. An ice shell of this thickness will be capableof removing the heat due to present-day radiogenic decayin the deeper interior by thermal conduction. Of course, asalready discussed, it is unlikely that Callisto is undifferen-tiated because its normalized moment of inertia is 0.3549(Anderson et al. 2001c, and Table 13.1), smaller than thevalue of 0.38 for a hom*ogeneous Callisto with density in-creases through ice phase transformations (McKinnon 1997).Still, the value of the observed moment of inertia has beencalculated under the assumption that Callisto is in hydro-static equilibrium, which it might not be. In any case, it ispossible that the outer shell of Callisto carries some rockif the satellite differentiated gradually by the slow inwardmotion of the rock component. Since the outer shell is coldand rigid, the separation of rock and ice will be very slowthere, but the long-term stability of such a density inversionis an open issue. The effect on the depth to the triple pointand the presence of an ocean will be the same as in the caseof a completely undifferentiated satellite. Of course, our as-sumption of a more or less primordial concentration of rockin the outer shell may be too extreme. Any reduction in therock concentration will make an ocean more likely.

While an ocean is very well possible for Europa butquestionable for an undifferentiated Callisto, oceans are con-ceivable for Ganymede and for a partly differentiated Cal-listo. Thin oceans can be found even under the most un-favorable conditions of pure H2O and equilibrium betweenradiogenic heating and heat flow. The former condition isunfavorable because pure H2O has the highest melting tem-perature of the candidate ices. The latter condition is un-favorable because satellite cooling should contribute to theenergy balance and increase the heating rate above the val-ues derived from radiogenic heating alone. The most impor-tant factor acting against oceans is rock potentially left inthe outer ice shell during interior differentiation. Rock in-creases the pressure gradient and moves the triple point ofthe phase diagram to shallower and colder depths.

There are ways of increasing the likelihood of a moresubstantial ocean even if ammonia is not present. Othercomponents, e.g., salts such as MgSO4 and NaSO4 (Kargelet al. 1991, Kargel 1998), could reduce the melting temper-ature. Of these, the effect of MgSO4 on the melting tem-perature has been studied experimentally in the most de-tail. The effect of MgSO4 (and by extension, other sulfatesalts) on the melting temperature of ice is much smallerthan that of ammonia, resulting in a reduction of only sev-eral kelvins (Hogenboom et al. 1995), but it will act to in-crease the thickness of an ocean and reduce the thickness ofthe ice shell. Alkali halides such as NaCl have more substan-tial melting point depressions. Cosmic abundance arguments(Kargel et al. 2000, Zolotov and Shock 2001) indicate thatthe alkali halides will be dilute for thick (tens of kilometers)oceans on the satellites, but when concentrated by freezinginto a thin ocean, they may prevent complete freezing.

Other parameters that may increase the likelihood ofan ocean are the thermal conductivity and the heating rate.The nominal value of the thermal conductivity used hereand in the models of Spohn and Schubert (2003) may bean overestimate if there are substantial ice regoliths on thesatellites. The temperature increase through a regolith a fewtens of meters thick could be a few tens of kelvins (Fanaleet al. 1990). This increase will act similar to a reduction ofthe melting temperature by approximately the same value,or similar to the effect of salt on the melting temperature.The assumed chondritic heat flow from below could, on theother hand, represent an underestimate of the actual heatflow from the deep interior of the satellites. Thermal historycalculations for terrestrial planets and satellites (e.g. Schu-bert et al. 1986) have shown that cooling will contributesubstantially to the heat flow from the interior. The ratiobetween the surface heat flow and the rate of radiogenicheating (if expressed as a heat flow) could be as great as afactor of 2 as for the Earth and the Moon (Schubert et al.

2001). The value for the Moon, a body of similar size as theGalilean satellites, has been estimated from the numericalresults of Konrad and Spohn (1997) and Spohn et al. (2001).If this is applicable to the icy Galilean satellites, then thereis no problem explaining oceans on all three satellites, as thecalculations of Spohn and Schubert (2003) suggest. However,the above ratio between heat flow and heating rate appearsto decrease with increasing convective vigor, as measured bythe Rayleigh number. The Rayleigh number for Ganymedeand Callisto is large, around 1012. (see also McKinnon 1998).

Uncertainties in parameter values that work againstoceans can also be listed. For instance, if we overestimatedthe specific chondritic heating rate of 4.5 pW kg−1 and themelting point viscosity of 1014 Pa s then a correction willtend to make an ocean less likely.

Previous discussions, as, for example, reviewed by Schu-bert et al. (1986), have predicted that the ice shells of theGalilean satellites would be frozen solid because sub-solidusconvection would easily remove the heat generated by ra-dioactive decay in the interior. Progress in the parameteriza-tion of planetary heat transfer (e.g., Solomatov 1995, Gras-set and Parmentier 1998) has resulted in an improved un-derstanding of the temperature distribution in a convect-ing planet with strongly temperature-dependent viscosity.These parameterizations known as stagnant-lid convection,thought to be applicable to one plate planets and satellites

20 Schubert et al.

(but not to the plate-tectonic planet Earth), remove heatmostly by thickening a stagnant-lid or thermal lithosphereon top of the convecting deep interior. Thermal history cal-culations for the Moon using two- and three-dimensionalconvection models with the viscosity depending on the lat-erally averaged temperature profile show the same charac-teristics (Spohn et al. 2001). The previous parameterizationsremoved heat mostly from the deep interior. It is the lackof cooling the deep interior that effectively results in tem-peratures above the melting temperature even when convec-tion applies. The relevance of stagnant-lid convection to theGalilean satellites is, however, not entirely certain. Becauseof plate tectonics, stagnant-lid convection is not relevant tothe Earth. If heat transfer processes like lid delaminationor water or soft-ice magmatism occur on the Galilean satel-lites, stagnant-lid convection will not strictly apply. Suchprocesses are perhaps less likely for Ganymede and Callistobecause of their thick ice shells, but they could be relevantfor Europa and in the past for Ganymede (Schenk et al.

2001a). Europa, however, is the satellite for which an oceanis most likely on the basis of our heat balance considerations.



The Galilean satellites, an ordered set of bodies of simi-lar mass in coplanar, prograde orbits, and exhibiting anice/rock compositional gradient, have long been thought ofas a “miniature solar system”. Therefore, it is naturally as-sumed that they formed by condensation and accretion in agaseous subnebula around Jupiter, in a process grossly sim-ilar to the accretion of the planets in the solar nebula (Pol-lack and Fanale 1982, Stevenson et al. 1986, Peale 1999).It has also been recognized that the “nebular hypothesis”as applied to satellite systems has some severe drawbacks.Foremost among these are the cooling and condensationtimes of a minimum mass subnebula, which are much longer(∼ 106 yr) than both the accretion times of the condensedsolids (∼ 103 yr for large satellites) and the viscous evolu-tion time of the subnebula (103 × [10−2/α] yr) or gas dragtime scale of bodies accreted within it (∼ 103× [r/1 km] yr),where α is the Shakura-Sunyaev parameter for effectivedisk viscosity (typically 10−4–10−2) and r = satellite radius(Stevenson et al. 1986). The minimum mass subnebula refersto a theoretical construct in which satellite masses (whichfor Jupiter total 2.1 × 10−4 MJ , where MJ is the mass ofJupiter) are augmented by H-He gas to achieve solar com-position (for a total of ∼ 2 × 10−2 MJ ) (e.g., Lunine andStevenson 1982).

The mismatch of time scales is fundamentally due tothe small orbital periods of material circling Jupiter (at theposition of the Galilean satellites), which means that thesubnebula can partially condense, accrete, and lose earlygenerations of (potentially rock-rich) satellites. Even if largesatellites manage to form, satellite-disk torques may causelarge semimajor axis drifts or even loss of satellites to Jupiter(Lunine and Stevenson 1982, Ward and Hahn 2000).

However, the Galilean satellites exist, and so must haveformed in some sort of subnebula. Two major kinds of sub-nebulae are usually considered for Jupiter (and Saturn) (Pol-lack et al. 1991): an accretion disk, which forms as solar

nebula gas and particles flow through the Roche lobes tofeed the growing Jupiter during its runaway accretion phase(Pollack et al. 1996, Coradini et al. 1989), or a spin-out disk,which forms after runaway accretion terminates and the dis-tended, hot Jupiter cools and shrinks, stranding material ina disk in order to conserve angular momentum (Korycanskyet al. 1991).

More recently, it has been shown that accretion doesnot terminate so cleanly; even as Jupiter grows to approachits present mass, it opens a gap in the solar nebula aroundits orbital position, and this greatly reduces but does notnecessarily eliminate inflow of solar nebula material (Bry-den et al. 1999, Lubow et al. 1999). This gives rise to theconcept of the gas-starved disk, a thin accretion disk thatforms after Jupiter’s hydrodynamic collapse and lasts for aslong as the solar nebula exists to feed it (Stevenson 2001,Canup and Ward 2002). The lower mass and opacity of thisdisk allows for cooler temperatures, rapid condensation andaccretion of available solids, and much longer gas drag andviscous evolution time scales (Canup and Ward 2002) – timescales compatible with large satellite survival over the life-time of the subnebula. In this scenario, the satellites growover a protracted period (possibly > 106 yr), sweeping up acontinual supply of fresh disk solids as well as larger solarorbiting planetesimals that are captured into the thin diskby gas drag (cf. McKinnon and Leith 1995).

An alternative model allows Io, Europa, and Ganymedeto accrete within the traditional minimum mass, thick sub-nebula, but appeals to subnebular gas redistribution bysatellite-disk torques (gap opening) to alter the overallbalance of satellite-disk angular momentum transfer suchthat these satellites’ semimajor axis drifts are substantiallyslowed or arrested (Mosqueira and Estrada 2003a,b). In thelatter model the distant portions of the nebula, beyond thepresent position of Callisto, are much thinner and accretionproceeds more slowly, forming a large number of small satel-lites. The small satellites do not remain in position, however,but under the influence of gas drag drift inward to ultimatelycoalesce into Callisto.

The implications for the initial satellite chemistry ofthese two models are profound. In the model of Mosqueiraand Estrada (2003a,b), the pressure, density, and tempera-ture conditions inward of Callisto’s position resemble thatof traditional static proto-jovian nebula models (Prinn andFegley 1989, Lunine and Stevenson 1982). In these models,solar composition gas cools from an initially hot state to atleast the water-ice condensation threshold somewhere be-tween the radial positions of Europa and Ganymede. Con-densation calculations imply that in thermodynamic equi-librium in such a relatively warm, dense subnebula, maficsilicates, for example, should hydrate to serpentine and ironshould oxidize to magnetite, Fe3O4 (Prinn and Fegley 1981).In addition, CO and N2, which in the solar nebula are kinet-ically inhibited in the gas phase from converting to thermo-dynamically stable CH4 and NH3 (Lewis and Prinn 1980),would be able to convert over the lifetime of the jovian sub-nebula (Prinn and Fegley 1981, 1989). Moreover, organicmatter and graphite, both presolar and of solar nebular ori-gin, should also vaporize and equilibrate to CH4. Methaneis too volatile to have condensed in this traditional joviansubnebula, and NH3–H2O ice can form only in cooler re-gions farther from Jupiter (possibly affecting Callisto or even

13 Satellite Interiors 21

Ganymede, but not Europa, which is ice deprived) (Lunineand Stevenson 1982).

In contrast, the gas-starved disk of Canup and Ward(2002) is heated less, and solar nebula solids will be lessthermally processed. Even if thermodynamically favored,the hydration and oxidation reactions above are likely to bekinetically inhibited in the gas phase (although they couldproceed by means of water-rock reactions within planetesi-mals or the satellites themselves). Solar CO and N2 gas willtend to be retained in the subnebula, as will organic matterand graphite. An independent calculation of the kinetics ina model of the saturnian subnebula, based on a numericalsimulation of gas inflow at the end of runaway gas accre-tion by Saturn (Coradini et al. 1995) and which yielded arelatively thin subnebula (but not as thin as in Canup andWard 2002), came to a similar conclusion (i.e., kinetic inhi-bition) with respect to the thermochemistry of gas-phase Cand N (Mousis et al. 2002). Similarly, in the thin, cold outerdisk of the Mosqueira and Estrada (2003a,b) model, ther-mochemical equilibration/conversion of solar nebular gasesand solids should also be kinetically inhibited.

Essentially, in the gas-starved disk model for all thesatellites, and in the thin-outer-disk model for Callisto only,satellite compositions should more resemble those of solarorbiting planetesimals in the Jupiter zone. In terms of as-teroid types observed today, the most relevant classes wouldbe the dark, presumably carbonaceous asteroids: C, P, andespecially D types, as the latter dominate the Trojan clouds(e.g., Gradie et al. 1989). For Europa and Io, dehydrated orpartially dehydrated versions of these compositional classeswould best apply, because of heating of the infalling plan-etesimals. For Callisto, both models predict protracted ac-cretion, which is necessary to explain an interior that is onlypartially differentiated (Anderson et al. 2001c,b), for other-wise accretional heat cannot be efficiently radiated away andice melting followed by rock-from-ice differentiation ensues(see discussions in Schubert et al., 1981; Lunine and Steven-son, 1982; and McKinnon and Parmentier 1986). In this re-gard, the detailed model proposed by Lunine and Stevenson(1982) to carry accretional heat away from Callisto by meansof convection in a thick satellite atmosphere that connectsa minimum mass jovian subnebula encounters severe dy-namical difficulties due to the strong satellite-disk torquesimplied (i.e., there would be no tidal gap and satellite mi-gration would be rapid).

The role of accretional heating in the further evolutionof the Galilean satellites is somewhat uncertain. Accretionalheating alone could have raised the temperature in each ofthe Galilean satellites by about 1000 K or more (Schubertet al. 1986), but uncertainty in how much accretional energywas retained by each satellite has always made it difficult toassess how effective this heat source was in leading to earlydifferentiation of the moons. Apparently, accretional heatingwas insufficient to fully separate the ice and rock in Callistowhich we now know to be partially differentiated with iceseparated from rock only in its outer layers. Moreover, it isnot known if the partial separation of ice and rock in Cal-listo should be attributed to accretional heating at all sincethe amount of separation that exists today could be the re-sult of a gradual process driven by radiogenic heating in aconvecting ice-rock mixture (Spohn and Breuer 1998, Nagel2001, Nagel et al. 2003). The other Galilean moons are fully

differentiated (ice and rock and metal) so it could be that ac-cretional heating played an important role in this. However,there is still uncertainty in when the differentiation of the in-ner three Galilean satellites occurred, so radiogenic heatingover geologic time could have been essential if the differen-tiation occurred late in the evolution of each moon. Differ-entiation of Io, Europa and Ganymede could also have beentriggered by tidal heating as the satellites evolved throughorbital resonance configurations on their way to the presentLaplace resonance (Malhotra 1991, Showman and Malhotra1997, Showman et al. 1997). Differentiation itself is not alarge energy source for the inner three Galilean satellitesamounting to only about 10% of the maximum accretionalenergy or about 100–200 K (Schubert et al. 1986).


The Galileo mission has placed some stringent constraintson models of Galilean satellite evolution that were unknownprior to the mission. The internal structures of the satel-lites inferred from the gravity data are prominent among thenew constraints. The magnetic field of Ganymede, thoughtto originate in a core dynamo (Schubert et al. 1996), re-quires Ganymede’s metallic core not only to be molten (atleast in part) but to be convecting at present. The nonex-istence of an Ionian magnetic field is just as important toour understanding of dissipative heating in Io and the satel-lite’s internal structure, dynamics and evolution (Wienbruchand Spohn 1995, Spohn 1997). The magnetic field signals ofelectromagnetic induction from highly electrically conduct-ing layers in the outer parts of Europa, Callisto, and prob-ably Ganymede, require the preservation to the present ofinternal liquid water oceans in the outer ice shells of thesemoons. The close-up views of Europa’s surface add strongsupport to the existence of a subsurface liquid water oceanin the satellite. These new constraints on Galilean satelliteevolution are yet to be fully exploited.

One way to decide which view of satellite formation,traditional minimum mass nebula or gas-starved disk, ismore correct, is to test their predictions for the structureand chemistry of the Galilean satellites. Perhaps the mosttelling of these tests is whether the divergent structures andevolutions of Ganymede and Callisto can be explained in anatural and economical way.

The exploration of the Galilean moons by the Galileo

spacecraft has revealed a great deal about the internal struc-ture and interior dynamics of these bodies. These observa-tions have also placed important constraints on the originand evolution of the satellites. It is not surprising that thereare still major questions to be answered. Some of them are:

(1) How did the Galilean satellites form and how did theyevolve to their present state?

(2) What is the nature of Io’s present thermal and dy-namical state?

(3) Is Io’s core totally molten at present?(4) Does Io have a small internal magnetic field?(5) What is the extent of partial melting in Io’s mantle?(6) How thick is Io’s crust and what is its composition?

How thick is Io’s lithosphere?(7) How thick is the ice above Europa’s subsurface liquid

water ocean? How thick is the ocean?

22 Schubert et al.

(8) What fraction of Europa’s core is solid?(9) Is Ganymede’s core partially frozen?(10) How does Ganymede generate its magnetic field?(11) What is the depth dependence of ice/rock fraction

in Callisto?(12) Why is Ganymede fully differentiated (ice from rock

from metal) while Callisto’s ice and rock+metal have sepa-rated only in the outer part of the satellite?

(13) What are the oxidation states of the mantles andcores of Io, Europa, and Ganymede?

(14) Are all the Galilean satellites in hydrostatic equilib-rium?

(15) Are there truly liquid water oceans inside Ganymedeand Callisto? If yes how deep and how thick are they?

(16) Does tidal heating in Europa occur in the ice shellor rock mantle or both?

(17) What is the composition of the outer ice shells andoceans on the icy Galilean satellites? Is a significant amountof ammonia dihydrate present?

Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Fran-cis Nimmo for a helpful review. We gratefully acknowledgethe support of the Galileo Project and NASA’s PlanetaryGeology and Geophysics and Jovian System Data AnalysisPrograms through several grants. We benefited from con-versations with William Moore, who prepared Figure 13.3.We thank Eunice L. Lau and Robert A. Jacobson for help-ful discussions and for assistance with Tables 13.1 and 13.2.Judy Hohl provided invaluable assistance in the preparationof the manuscript.


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