HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device …HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Figure - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device …HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Figure


HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning Darío R. Quiñones Centre for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain [emailprotected] Gonçalo Lopes Kampff Lab, Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, University College London London, UK [emailprotected] Danbee Kim Kampff Lab, Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, University College London London, UK [emailprotected] Cédric Honnet Sorbonne University, UPMC, CNRS, ISIR Paris, France [emailprotected] David Moratal Centre for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain [emailprotected] Adam Kampff Kampff Lab, Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, University College London London, UK Figure 1: Hive Tracker prototype, with a US 25 cent coin for size comparison. ABSTRACT Positional tracking systems could hugely benefit a number of niches, including performance art, athletics, neuroscience, and medicine. Commercial solutions can precisely track a human inside a room with sub-millimetric precision. However, these systems can track only a few objects at a time; are too expensive to be easily accessi- ble; and their controllers or trackers are too large and inaccurate for research or clinical use. We present a light and small wireless device that piggybacks on current commercial solutions to provide affordable, scalable, and highly accurate positional tracking. This device can be used to track small and precise human movements, to easily embed custom objects inside of a VR system, or to track freely moving subjects for research purposes. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [emailprotected]. AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. © 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to Associa- tion for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5415-8/18/02. . . $15.00 CCS CONCEPTS Human-centered computing Virtual reality; Comput- ing methodologies Motion capture; Hardware Wire- less devices; Software and its engineering Open source model;• Information systems Global positioning systems; KEYWORDS Wireless-Sensor, Open Source, Virtual Reality, Motion Capture, Low cost, Indoor, Tracker, Neuroscience ACM Reference Format: Darío R. Quiñones, Gonçalo Lopes, Danbee Kim, Cédric Honnet, David Moratal, and Adam Kampff. 2018. HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scal- able device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning. In Proceedings of The 9th Augmented Human International Conference (AH2018). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages. 1 INTRODUCTION Humans and other animals use bodies as our primary interface with the outer world, and as a powerful tool for expressing our inner worlds [1, 27, 28, 32]. Movement is therefore a phenomenon of interest to many, such as neuroscientists, surgeons, engineers, makers and artists. Though we have long appreciated movement on a macro scale, it has become increasingly clear that much could be gained from studying movement in greater detail and with higher precision.

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HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device …HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Figure - [PDF Document] (3)

HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device forsub-millimetric 3D positioning

Darío R. QuiñonesCentre for Biomaterials and TissueEngineering, Universitat Politècnica

de València, [emailprotected]

Gonçalo LopesKampff Lab, Sainsbury WellcomeCentre, University College London

London, [emailprotected]

Danbee KimKampff Lab, Sainsbury WellcomeCentre, University College London

London, [emailprotected]

Cédric HonnetSorbonne University,UPMC, CNRS, ISIR

Paris, [emailprotected]

David MoratalCentre for Biomaterials and TissueEngineering, Universitat Politècnica

de València, [emailprotected]

Adam KampffKampff Lab, Sainsbury WellcomeCentre, University College London

London, [emailprotected]

Figure 1: Hive Tracker prototype, with a US 25 cent coin for size comparison.

ABSTRACTPositional tracking systems could hugely benefit a number of niches,including performance art, athletics, neuroscience, and medicine.Commercial solutions can precisely track a human inside a roomwith sub-millimetric precision. However, these systems can trackonly a few objects at a time; are too expensive to be easily accessi-ble; and their controllers or trackers are too large and inaccuratefor research or clinical use. We present a light and small wirelessdevice that piggybacks on current commercial solutions to provideaffordable, scalable, and highly accurate positional tracking. Thisdevice can be used to track small and precise human movements,to easily embed custom objects inside of a VR system, or to trackfreely moving subjects for research purposes.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than theauthor(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, orrepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permissionand/or a fee. Request permissions from [emailprotected], Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea.© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to Associa-tion for Computing Machinery.ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5415-8/18/02. . . $15.00

CCS CONCEPTS• Human-centered computing → Virtual reality; • Comput-ing methodologies → Motion capture; • Hardware → Wire-less devices; • Software and its engineering → Open sourcemodel; • Information systems→ Global positioning systems;

KEYWORDSWireless-Sensor, Open Source, Virtual Reality, Motion Capture, Lowcost, Indoor, Tracker, NeuroscienceACM Reference Format:Darío R. Quiñones, Gonçalo Lopes, Danbee Kim, Cédric Honnet, DavidMoratal, and Adam Kampff. 2018. HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scal-able device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning. In Proceedings of The 9thAugmented Human International Conference (AH2018). ACM, New York, NY,USA, 8 pages.

1 INTRODUCTIONHumans and other animals use bodies as our primary interfacewith the outer world, and as a powerful tool for expressing ourinner worlds [1, 27, 28, 32]. Movement is therefore a phenomenonof interest to many, such as neuroscientists, surgeons, engineers,makers and artists. Though we have long appreciated movement ona macro scale, it has become increasingly clear that much could begained from studying movement in greater detail and with higherprecision.

HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device …HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Figure - [PDF Document] (4)

AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Darío R. Quiñones, Gonçalo Lopes, Danbee Kim, Cédric Honnet, David Moratal, and Adam Kampff

1.1 Applications in performing arts andathletics

Two areas with long-standing interests in the precise study ofhuman movement are the performing arts and athletics. In the1920s, Rudolf Laban, a dance artist and theorist, developed with hiscolleagues a written notation system to precisely and accuratelydescribe movement in terms of body parts, actions, floor plans,temporal patterns, and a three-dimensional use of space [17]. Thishas evolved into the modern-day Labanotation, or KinetographyLaban. However, many movement artists find Labanotation toocomplex and cumbersome for easy daily use. These days it is muchmore common to use videos to record, analyse, and teach the spe-cific movements of performing artists and athletes. The increasedprevalence of cheap video recording devices, especially phone cam-eras, has increased the use of this technique. But even high quality,state-of-the-art video recording technology struggles to capture themovements of aerial artists, acrobats, and other circus performers;the finer details of object manipulations performed by jugglers andathletes (e.g. finger placement and movements for optimal archerytechnique); and the tiny, fast movements of smaller body parts oftenfound in hip hop and modern dance.

1.2 Applications in neuroscience and medicineThe fields of neuroscience and medicine are also interested in pre-cisely recording and analysing movement, both for research andfor clinical applications. A fundamental question in neuroscienceis how nervous systems generate and execute movement goals.Historically, neuroscientists have prioritized the collection of cel-lular signals when answering research questions, so experimentsare designed around the need to keep an electrode, or other datacollecting device, stuck in the animal’s head. This means that mostneuroscience experiments study animals that are either held inplace (“head-fixed”) or tethered to a wire. However, a growing bodyof evidence supports the idea that cellular activity in the brain issignificantly different when an animal is actively and freely movingin three dimensions through complex physical spaces, as opposedto when it is head-fixed or tethered to a wire. [10–14, 22]. Studies ofthe development and degeneration of nervous systems in humansalso show that nervous systems are profoundly affected by themovements and physical contexts of their bodies [2, 18, 25]. Bet-ter systems for precise positional tracking in humans and animalswould significantly impact the scientific questions that neuroscien-tists and clinical researchers could ask.

1.3 Current state-of-the-art in positionaltracking

All of these areas would benefit hugely from having greater ac-cess to precise movement tracking. Motion capture systems, ormo-cap for short, are the current state-of-the-art for recording themovements of people and objects. However, current motion capturetechnologies require multiple specialized cameras, in addition to awhole slew of accessories, which unfortunately make these systemsinaccessibly expensive and bulky. Industry standards for mo-cap,such as VICON and OptiTrack [3, 29], require a minimum invest-ment of 10-15 thousand USD in order to assemble a viable system.Another option out on the market are inertial measurement units,

or IMUs, which combine accelerometers, gyroscopes and magne-tometers to track small and fast movements [8, 9, 30, 31]. Despitetheir sensitivity and speed, such IMUs do not measure absoluteposition, only relative motion. This means that to recover absoluteposition one must integrate the measured motion over time. Evensmall measurement errors will accumulate during this integrationprocess, a phenomenon referred to as “drift”. This makes IMUsinadequate for precise, continuous tracking of natural movementsequences. Another currently available alternative (at the time ofwriting) for motion tracking is Microsoft’s Kinect, a consumer level3D motion-sensing camera device for video game consoles. Usingdepth information and machine learning, the Kinect can infer inreal-time the pose (position and orientation) of a human body lo-cated in front of the camera. However, a single Kinect cannot trackmotion in 360 degrees, as it was originally designed to track themovements of gamers facing a video game display. Some motiontracking systems combine Kinects and IMUs in an attempt to sup-plement one technology’s weaknesses with the strengths of theother [24], but IMUs will always drift, and multiple Kinects willalways be required to gain 360 degree tracking. While all thesesystems have found a niche, and are of great use to the military andentertainment industry, they are neither affordable to most artists,athletes, researchers, or clinicians, nor accurate enough for use inresearch or clinical settings [16].

1.4 Affordable, smaller, and more scalableSimpler solutions are already coming out of artistic research, wear-able applications and even implant experimentations [5, 19, 23].Building upon this line of work, we present here an affordable, com-pact, and scalable positional tracking device called “Hive Tracker”(Figure 1), which canmeasure movement with sub-millimetric preci-sion along six degrees of freedom; allows for untethered movementwithin a 5x5x5m3 space; connects easily and simply to virtual real-ity; and can scale up to as many devices as desired. This approachwould allow the niches described above to take advantage of precisepositional tracking technology, and opens the door to a plethora ofnew human augmentation applications.

2 MATERIALS AND METHODSWe present here the details of our multi-component system, com-posed of commercial products as well as custom devices and soft-ware.We first developed and benchmarked a small proof-of-conceptof the system using an off-the-shelf microcontroller board describedin Section 2.2.2. We present below some of this benchmarking data,which we used to constrain the subsequent design of the first Hivetracker prototype, described in Section 4.

Figure 2: Overall system overview

HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device …HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Figure - [PDF Document] (5)

HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea.

Figure 2 shows an overview of the complete signal processingpipeline, which we describe in the following section.

2.1 Valve tracking systemThe Hive Tracker is a data-collection device that piggybacks on acommercial virtual reality system developed by Valve (HTC VIVE).The commercial system consists of a headset, two hand controllers,and two light-emitting devices (“lighthouses” or “base stations”).Each lighthouse contains an LED matrix and two mirrors mountedon high precision rotors. In order to achieve sub-millimetric preci-sion, this system needs to be set up in a space no larger than a 5x5x5meter cube. We reverse-engineered the communication protocolbetween the lighthouses and the commercial devices in order toreplace the commercial devices with custom devices optimized tofit our needs.

The signal from the lighthouses is composed of four components[Table 1], which enable the system to synchronize the two light-houses and to track devices within the VR space (Figure 3). Whenthe system initializes, the lighthouses are automatically assigned aslighthouse A and B. To synchronize the two lighthouses, lighthouseA first emits a flash of light with known pulse length. Soon after,lighthouse B emits a similar flash of light, as described in Table 1.The length of the flash determines which lighthouse will start thelaser plane sweep, and whether that sweep will be horizontal orvertical. (Figure 4)

2.2 Signal processing2.2.1 Photodiode circuit. In both our proof-of-concept and our

first PCB prototype, we used the Chiclet, a sensor processing devel-opment board made by Triad Semiconductors. The first-generation

Pulse start, µs Pulse length µs Source station Meaning0 65 - 135 A Sync pulse400 65 - 135 B Sync pulse

1222 - 6777 ∼10 A or B Laser plane sweep8333 1556 End of cycle

Table 1: Activation Timings

Figure 3: Representation of the computed lines in the 3Dspace. Picture represents how two intersected planes repre-sent a 3D line pointing to each base station.

of the Chiclet uses the TS3633 integrated circuit (IC). The IC con-verts a weak and noisy analog signal (obtained with the photodiode)to a digital signal which is simpler to use with a microcontroller. Itprovides both high-gain noise filtering and envelope detection ofpulsed IR light that is incident on the photodiode.

2.2.2 Acquisition Hardware: Teensy. The Hive Tracker proof-of-concept was developed on a Teensy 3.2 (PJRC.COM, LLC., Sher-wood, Oregon, USA). This 35x17mm microcontroller uses an ARM1

cortex M4 processor overclocked at 120MHz to reduce interrupthandling latency. The Teensy timestamps the digital signals comingfrom the TS3633 and sends them to a computer to be convertedinto angles (Section 2.2.3).

2.2.3 Acquisition Software: BONSAI. For data collection, inte-gration, and online visualization, we used the Bonsai visual pro-gramming language [7]. Photodiode activation timestamps werecollected and serialized into User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packetsvia the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol [26]. These packetswere streamed wirelessly into the host computer using WiFi. To re-construct the position and orientation of each HiveTracker, we usedthe VR package of the Bonsai programming language to access theestimated 6 DOF (degrees of freedom) location of each lighthousein parallel with the OSC messages.

2.2.4 Triangulation algorithm. For each light signal sequence(Table 1), each lighthouse will first flash, then scan a beam of lighteither horizontally or vertically [21]. Every photodiode gets hit byboth the flash and the scans, but the light hits each photodiode atdifferent times. Each lighthouse sweeps at 120Hz. The “incidentplane” is the plane defined by the angle between a photodiode anda lighthouse (Figure 3). The cross product of the normals of thehorizontal and vertical incident planes defines a vector (“incidentline”) between the tracking device and the lighthouse. The abso-lute position and orientation of each lighthouse is given by the1Acorn RISC Machine - RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computer

Figure 4: Light signal sequences (4 are shown): wide pulsesare base station flashes and short pulses are laser planescans.

HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device …HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Figure - [PDF Document] (6)

AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Darío R. Quiñones, Gonçalo Lopes, Danbee Kim, Cédric Honnet, David Moratal, and Adam Kampff

commercial system, which allows us to project the incident linesfrom each lighthouse into the global coordinate system. The closestpair of points between these two incident lines defines the absolutelocation of a tracking device [4], which can be determined at 30 Hz(Table 1).

3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION3.1 Tracking inside an ideal roomWe first compared the Hive Tracker proof-of-concept against thehand-held controllers of the commercial Valve tracking system inan ideal room. We taped a non-regular hexagonal shape on thefloor of the testing room, then traced this shape by hand withboth devices, recording the devices’ positions using Bonsai. Theacquired trajectories were overlapped to compare the accuracy ofthe commercial controller (32 photodiodes) against that of the firstHive Tracker proof-of-concept (1 photodiode). In this comparison,we used the commercial device as our baseline “ground truth”. Sincethe tracing movements were parallel to the floor plane, we usedonly the sensors’ X and Y axes for this benchmark (Figure 5).

To quantify the comparison, we fit a polygon shape to the track-ing data from the commercial device. We then compared this trajec-tory to the average traces from the Hive Tracker by calculating theaverage distance of each point in the tracker trajectory to the fittedhexagon. The results of this comparison are shown in Figure 5. TheHive Tracker proof-of-concept, which uses only one photodiode,had an average error on the order of 10 mm more than the averageerror of a commercial tracker.

3.2 Tracking in a non ideal roomWe then tested the Hive tracker proof-of-concept in the worstpossible scenario: in a 1.2x1x1.5m3 space with a glass floor. Inthis situation the proof-of-concept was not able to achieve good

Figure 5: Accuracy comparison between a commercial con-troller and Hive Tracker proof-of-concept in an ideal room.Traces from both devices are superimposed over a photo ofa polygon taped to the floor. Blue = commercial controller,Orange = Hive Tracker, Green = tape on the floor.

Figure 6: Accuracy comparison between commercial con-troller and Hive Tracker proof-of-concept in a non-idealroom. Traces from both devices are superimposed over aphoto of a polygon taped to the floor. Blue = commercialcontroller, Orange = Hive Tracker, Green = tape on the floor.

accuracy, due to the short distances between the lighthouses andthe reflection of the laser light on the glass floor (Figure 6).

3.3 Light reflectionsLight reflections are a potential source of errors in this setup. As thelaser plane (see Table 1) sweeps across the VR space, it is possible forlight to bounce off a wall (or any shiny surface) and hit a photodiodesensor. Figure 7 shows false detections in the photodiode signal. Wehave addressed this issue in our first PCB prototype by adding extraphotodiode sensors for more redundancy in the system. One canfurther shield the photodiodes from non-direct hits by embeddingthem in a shallow depression.

Figure 7: Reflections off thewalls cause undesired pulses (as-terisk) in the photodiode signal (compare to Figure 4).

HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device …HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Figure - [PDF Document] (7)

HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea.

3.4 Tracking refresh rateAnother limitation of the proof-of-concept was the refresh rateof positional measurements. In order to find the closest pair ofpoints between the two incident lines from the lighthouses usingonly one photodiode, we needed to collect light data for at leastfour full cycles from each lighthouse. This means that the HiveTracker proof-of-concept updates positional tracking measures at30Hz (See Fig.4). This limitation can be addressed by using multiplephotodiodes placed in a known geometric configuration relativeto each other. In this way, the sequence of incident lines hittingeach of the photodiodes in a single sweep can be used to constrainestimations of the absolute position and orientation of the HiveTracker. This situation can be framed as a “Perspective-n-Point”problem, or the more general problem of estimating the positionand orientation of a calibrated camera based on the projection of 3Dpoints in the world onto that 2D camera image. Given this framing,we can consider each lighthouse as an ideal pinhole camera wherethe 2D-to-3D point correspondences are known exactly. Efficientalgorithms to solve this problem for 3 or more points have beenintroduced by the computer vision community. [6]

We can further constrain the reconstruction by using inertialmotion measurements to estimate motion over time. This makesit possible to reconstruct the position and orientation of an entireHive Tracker device from single sweeps at 120Hz. These insightsmotivated the development of the first Hive Tracker PCB prototypedescribed in the next section.

4 PCB PROTOTYPE AND NEXT STEPSOur tests with the Hive Tracker proof-of-concept confirmed ourinitial suspicions, namely that we would need to use more photodi-ode sensors. However, this also increases the computational loadon the microcontroller processing system, as multiple photodiodesensors may be hit simultaneously. To address this, our first PCBprototype includes a dedicated system for processing in parallel thephotodiode signals. The hardware, firmware and software designsare open source and available online:

4.1 HardwareIncreasing the number of photosensors increases the computationalload on the system’s processing units. The most common way todeal with this is to use FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) pro-cessors, which enable true hardware parallel processing. However,we found a simpler approach to achieving the necessary paral-lelization while maintaining an extra-compact board, such thatthe device does not hamper free movement. We chose to use thenRF52 by Nordic Semiconductors (Oslo, Norway), a "System onChip" (SoC) that replaces the functionality of the FPGA with a Pro-grammable Peripheral Interconnect (PPI). The nRF52 also includesa BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and an ARM cortex M4 core.

Figure 8 shows the design of the first custom board, with 5 Chi-clet connectors. On the top side of the board, shown on the right ofthe figure, the largest component (labeled "MCU" for Micro Con-troller Unit) is the ISP1507 by Insight SIP (Sophia Antipolis, France).This 8 x 8mm2 system-on-package (SoP) includes the nRF52, itsnecessary passives, a high accuracy crystal resonator to define the

Figure 8: PCB design (left: bottom layer, with the photodi-ode connectors - right: top layer includes MCU, BLE, IMU,battery connector, button, LEDs, etc.)

radio communication speed, and a low power oscillator, which en-ables the microcontroller to save power while in deep sleep. Therectangular chip above the MCU is the Bosch BNO055 (Reutlingen,Germany) , an IMU SoC with a 3D accelerometer, a 3D gyroscope, a3D magnetometer, and an ARM cortex M0 to perform sensor fusion.The other parts are the battery connector to connect LiPo batteries,a regulator, an RGB LED, a button, and 5 analog inputs that can be-have as any GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output - to connect otherMCU, sensors, etc). This first custom miniaturization prototype isfar from cost-optimal, as the Chiclets are quite expensive. We havekept them in our design because their reliability is proven, and thecables connecting them to our PCB give us greater flexibility whenplacing the photodiodes. The next iteration of the Hive Trackerwill not use Chiclets; instead, it will use the TS4231, a new IC byTriad Semi, and through-hole photodiodes that can accommodatecustom orientations.

4.2 FirmwareThe embedded software (firmware) configures the Triad Semi IC,processes the signal, merges it with the IMU data, and then sendsit to a computer or a smartphone over BLE. This firmware ful-fills the same function as the Teensy on the first proof-of-concept.The Teensy measures timing differences using interrupts, but thismethod can degrade the positioning accuracy. In the time it takes tohandle an interruption, other light signals may have occurred. Asmentioned earlier, an FPGA would solve this problem, but wouldmake the Hive Tracker bulkier. While trying to keep the PCB small,we were able to validate that a rare feature of the MCU, the Pro-grammable Peripheral Interconnect (PPI), could connect the edgedetector and the capture register. This connection would normallyneed to happen via a CPU or FPGA, but using a PPI allows periph-erals such as GPIOs and timers to interact autonomously with eachother using tasks and events. The lack of interruptions makes itpossible to simultaneously process up to 5 signals, which wouldimprove robustness to potential occlusion. For a trackable object todetect IR signals in any 3D orientation, the geometric placement

HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device …HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Figure - [PDF Document] (8)

AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Darío R. Quiñones, Gonçalo Lopes, Danbee Kim, Cédric Honnet, David Moratal, and Adam Kampff

Figure 9: Programmable peripheral interconnect (PPI),©Nordic Semiconductors [20]

of at least 4 photodiodes must be on the vertices of a tetrahedra.Figure 9 shows how these peripherals are connected.

This embedded software is developed using the SDK provided byNordic Semiconductors, the MCU manufacturer, to allow optimalperformances. It is also Arduino compatible, to allow the researchcommunity, makers, or artists to experiment openly and freely.

4.3 Size/accuracy trade-offOur customPCB prototype can fit into a bounding box volume about100 times smaller than the one necessary to enclose a commercialtracking device, and our device weighs about 10 times less than thecommercial tracker (Figure 10). These improvements in size andweight did cost some tracking precision (see section 3), but sinceour error calculations were made with the proof-of-concept, whichused only one photodiode, we can treat those error measurementsas a “worst-case scenario”. The increased number of photodiodesin our PCB prototype can only improve the precision of the proof-of-concept.

These reductions in size and weight make the Hive Tracker muchmore convenient to use in a wider variety of human applications.Because it is not only small but also quite flat, the Hive Trackercan be integrated into clothing, gloves, or shoes worn by circusperformers, theater artists, and dancers to capture their movementsin real-time without hindering them. The Hive Tracker can also beeasily integrated into objects manipulated by jugglers and athletes,in order to track and capture the movements of their props inaddition to their bodies.

For medical and neuroscience research, which primarily use ro-dent subjects, the size and weight reductions are crucial. In neuro-science research, ethical review boards generally find it acceptableto use implants that do not exceed 10% of the body weight of theanimal to be implanted. The average adult laboratory rat weighsbetween 250 to 500 grams [15], and the average adult rat headmeasures about 5 cm in length [15]. Given that the Hive Trackermeasures 2.4 cm x 1.4 cm and weighs 8 grams, the Hive Tracker isalready both small and light enough to be approved for use with

rats, who are often implanted with devices that weigh 15 to 25grams.

The accuracy of positional tracking that the Hive Tracker needsto achieve in order to be useful tomedical and neuroscience researchvaries depending on the research question. Most research questionsrequire a system that can precisely track the 3-dimensional move-ments of the whole body and the direction and orientation of thehead. Current setups in neuroscience and medical research usu-ally use video cameras to create a record of animal behavior, fromwhich body trajectory and head movements are later extractedoffline. This is both computationally and financially costly, and somany researchers simplify or ignore completely the behavioral val-idations required to thoroughly investigate their hypotheses. Evenwith the proof-of-concept’s “worst-case scenario” precision, theHive Tracker would already greatly increase researchers’ ability toperform behavioral validations with a similar level of rigor as othercontrols currently used in neuroscience and medical research.

4.4 CostTo produce the first 10 prototypes, the cost of the current versionwas about 75 USD, as opposed to 99 USD for the commercial tracker.This cost will be improved in our next version as the Chiclets won’tbe necessary anymore, so we can easily anticipate the cost of eachHive Tracker to be under 60 USD, especially if we produce them inlarger quantities.

4.5 AutonomyVarious batteries can be used, but the one shown in figure 10 hasa capacity of about 100mA. Given that our maximum power con-sumption is estimated to be about 40mA, this version of the HiveTracker can run autonomously for at least 2 hours, depending onthe usage. Embedded devices are in sleep mode most of the time,so the autonomy would greatly depend on the desired refresh rate.In addition, we do not need to process nor transmit data duringperiods of inactivity. For the applications mentioned in this paper,the inactivity rate might range from 10% to 90%, so the Hive Trackercould potentially run autonomously for 20 hours.

5 CONCLUSIONThis paper showed an affordable and scalable custom positionaltracking device that can integrate easilywith a commercial consumer-level VR system. The Hive tracker is totally wireless and batterypowered, which allows us to attach this small tracker to humans, an-imals, or even objects without interfering with natural movementsand complex interactions. Furthermore, there is no limit to thenumber of trackers that can be used simultaneously. Based on theproof-of-concept presented here, we plan to use the Hive Trackerin a variety of applications, including neuroscience experimentsof natural behavior; tracking and capturing object manipulations;3D haptics in VR; and detailed and precise documentation of move-ments in artistic and clinical settings. These applications of theHive Tracker can directly enhance our understanding of interac-tive movement and behaviour in humans and other animals. Thus,devices like the Hive Tracker are crucial to the kinds of research nec-essary for developing the next generation of human augmentationtools.

HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device …HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea. Figure - [PDF Document] (9)

HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning AH2018, Feb. 7-9 2018, Seoul, Korea.

Figure 10: Size/weight comparison. Commercial tracker: 10 x 10 x 4.2 = 420cm3; 85g. Hive Tracker: 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.1 = 4.13cm3; 8g.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors would like to thank Yvonne Jansen and Alexis Polti fortheir support and expertise in the making of the latest Hive Trackerprototype. The authors would also like to thank NeuroGEARS Ltdfor the financial support and all the help that they provide. DaríoR. Quiñones is supported by grant “Ayudas para la formación depersonal investigador (FPI)” from Universitat Politècnica de Valèn-cia. Darío also acknowledges financial support from the UniversitatPolitècnica de València, through the “Ayudas para movilidad den-tro del Programa para la Formación de Personal investigador (FPI)de la UPV". David Moratal acknowledges financial support by theSpanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) andFEDER funds under grant BFU2015-64380-C2-2-R. This work wasalso partially performed within the Labex SMART (ANR-11-LABX-65), supported by French state funds managed by the ANR underreference ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02.

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HIVE Tracker: a tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning.

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A Hive thermostat is an excellent investment for anyone looking to upgrade their home to a smart home. A hive thermostat can help you create a comfortable and convenient living environment while also saving you money on your energy bills.


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.