Epictetus: Surmounting storms and tempests is vital | Aryan J. posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

Aryan J.

Director @ Darwin Platform Power Limited | MBA, Renewable Energy

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"The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests." - EpictetusThis powerful quote from the ancient Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus speaks to the valor and resilience of those who face adversity head-on. In life, we all inevitably encounter obstacles, hardships, and metaphorical "storms" that test our fortitude. According to Epictetus, it is in conquering these great difficulties that we find true glory.The metaphor of a skilled pilot braving fierce storms and tempests is particularly apt. A clear, sunny day with calm winds poses little challenge for even a novice sailor. It is when gale-force winds whip the seas into a frenzied tumult that a captain's mettle gets truly tested. Through the white knuckles, the creaking masts, and the churning waves that threaten to capsize the vessel, it is the most seasoned and skillful pilot who can deftly navigate these treacherous conditions. Their reputation and respect are hard-earned through such trials at sea.So too in our daily lives are we defined not by how we handle the placid, uneventful moments, but by how we weather the severest storms that inevitably arise. When crises strike, obstacles mount, and the winds of adversity howl fiercely, this is our opportunity to discover our own inner strength and resolve. By squaring our shoulders and facing down each challenge with courage and tenacity, we have a chance to forge the tempered spirit of a true warrior. In surmounting the greatest difficulties, we earn an enduring sense of pride, self-respect, and "glory" that the person who skates through life on easy street can never know.Epictetus urges us to embrace difficulties not as a curse, but as a blessing - a chance to put our character to the test and emerge bathed in glory on the other side. For as any skilled pilot will attest, it is only by staring down the fiercest of tempests that we earn our stripes and our sterling reputations.

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    HR Professional, Management Consultancy /Advisory Sevices /Former Sr.Executive Director (HR) DLF Ltd

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    The Last Saga of Titanic #tgim The story of Titanic is old but remains alive even today with lessons we learn.The magnificent luxury ship on 15th April 1912 hit an iceberg shortly before midnight. Tragedy struck and only 706 out of 2240 passengers and crew on board survived.*Pride goes before fall. The Titanic was considered to be the glory of human ingenuity, the pinnacle of technological advancement.Her builders, crew and passengers were convinced the invincible ship was the ultimate in luxury cruising.But once she hit the iceberg it turned into the biggest disaster.*Our beliefs often cloud our vision and caution gets thrown to the winds.Overconfidence borders on delusion and results in complacency.Safety drills were ignored. The evacuation were disorganised and haphazard and the limited lifeboats available departed with half capacity. * Unless we are alert,proactive and take appropriate action in good time, tragedy can strike head-on.The captain took perilous decisions to reach New York quickly.The ship's speed was increased despite forecast of choppy waters even as another neighbouring ship switched off its engine.There were several warnings of heavy packed ice,multiple icebergs but these dire warnings were ignored.* Control can be at times futile as sometimes life is beyond our influence.Those who were on the deck of Titanic that fatal night could do nothing more than to accept their fate with dignity and grace.* Life hangs precariously.Live life to full and make every minute count. Our life is not for us to give or take away.No one aboard Titanic could ever imagine what was in store for https://lnkd.in/d3XtYTby no time the passengers witnessed the horror of the ship sinking and the cries of drowning people.“Lives just swept away”* Last minutes could be our defining moments. No point to waste them on thoughtless and selfish acts. Those who cheated their way onto the life boats had only regrets later and history still judges them.* Ask for help when needed from right people ,in the right way.But for their SOS calls from the crew perhaps no one board would have survived that night.* When disaster strikes us pain and sufferings do not differentiate the rich or poor,young or old. We all sink and swim together.* Values change according to circ*mstances we are placed in. The story goes a wealthy lady abandoned her jewellery but carried with her the oranges in the open sea.The sinking of the Titanic has indeed intrigued many over the last century.The 'what if' possibilities have been debated endlessly.Looking back cannot undo but influence the choices we make now and lessons learnt.Yes,Titanic was a tragedy but we learn to cherish our life so long as we live.A great week ahead.72/365

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  • Haitham Mroue

    Head of sales and business development | EMBA

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    Discover the captivating tale of the eagle and the crow..."The only bird that dares to peck aneagleis thecrow. It sits on its back and bites theeagle'sneck.The eagle does not respond or fight with the crow. It simply opens up its wings and begins to rise higher and higher in the sky.The higher the eagle flies, the harder it is for the crow to breathe, and then, due to a lack of oxygen, the crow falls away and the eagle is free."Rise above petty conflicts and confrontations with grace and dignity. Just as the eagle does not engage in battle with the crow but instead soars higher, focus on elevating yourself through perseverance and excellence. Ultimately, by striving for greater heights and refusing to be dragged down by negativity, you'll find liberation and success while leaving trivial disputes behind.#RiseAbove #EagleMentality #PersonalGrowth #WisdomInConflict #Resilience #SuccessJourney

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  • Fizza Ishtiaq Janjua

    I am a storyteller | Book Ghostwriter | Copywriter | Book and Wikipedia Publisher | Blogger | Wikipedia Article Writer | Wikipedia and Book Consultant | Article Writer | Design Enthusiast | Illustrator

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    You are still going to make it!Fluctuations 📈📉 are not as bad as we consider them they are,Having some unrest in us allows us to have more and to gain more,It is very often known phrase that the silent😶 sea 🌊 is the most dangerous,Well it is, It is not offering unrest⚡🌪️, No fight🤼 for the stability 🌃🌉🌁,And hence what is going to come in the way is the unknown disaster,Things and situations that will not give any ease to anyone, 🔷 Not the sea 🌊, 🔷 Not the sailor 🚣, 🔷 Not the story📖📚📝The continuous movement 🏃♂️and the longevity to learn is what allows us to prosper,Otherwise either we will become the silent sea 🌊 with more dangerous⚠️ outcomes,Or the stagnant 🅾️ water, With immense contamination,If you are living with turbulence 🌪️ within you or within your circ*mstances, I would say you,Use it in your favor,Whatever you are resisting to learn,🔷 Learn,🔷 Read,🔷 Practice,🔷 Fail 🔷 Try, You will not going to regret it,Even the unlearn lessons teach big stories, Possess your chaos 😶🌫️and create something astonishing✨. #fluctuation #dangerous #astonishing #makeit

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  • Dr Batshal ..


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  • Niaz Hussain

    Business owner// Affiliated marketer// Business expert// Boost your sale with Effective Affiliate Marketing Strategies

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    Title: When an Eagle Comes Among Hens: Understanding Fear and CourageIn the tranquil countryside, where the morning breeze carries the scent of fresh grass and the gentle clucking of hens fills the air, there exists a delicate balance of harmony and vulnerability. It's a place where predators lurk, and prey learn to navigate the fine line between safety and danger.Imagine this scene: a group of hens, pecking at the ground, oblivious to the world beyond their coop. Suddenly, a shadow sweeps across the yard, and a majestic eagle descends from the sky, its talons poised for a strike. In an instant, the hens sense the imminent threat, and fear grips their tiny hearts.What happens next is a testament to the primal instincts ingrained in all living creatures. The hens scatter, their squawks piercing the stillness of the morning, as they flee in a flurry of feathers and panic. The eagle, undeterred by the chaos it has caused, swoops down and seizes its prey, a grim reminder of the circle of life and the harsh realities of survival.But amidst the chaos and fear, there is also a lesson to be learned. The hens, despite their instinctual response to flee, exhibit a remarkable display of courage in the face of danger. They may be small and vulnerable, but their collective strength lies in their unity and resilience.In the grand scheme of things, we too encounter eagles in our lives—challenges and obstacles that threaten to overwhelm us and shake us to our core. Like the hens, we may feel fear creeping in, urging us to retreat and seek safety in familiar territory.Yet, it is precisely in these moments of adversity that our true courage is revealed. It is when we stand firm, facing our fears head-on, that we discover the depths of our strength and resilience. Just as the hens rally together to protect one another, we too can find solace and support in the company of loved ones and allies.Moreover, the presence of the eagle serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance of the natural world. In our pursuit of progress and prosperity, we must not forget our interconnectedness with all living beings and the importance of preserving the ecosystems that sustain us.So, the next time you find yourself facing an eagle in your life—whether it be a daunting challenge or a moment of uncertainty—remember the hens and their unwavering courage. Embrace the fear, but let it fuel your determination to rise above adversity and soar to new heights. For it is in overcoming our fears that we truly discover the strength of our wings.


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  • Radha Nagar

    CA Finalist| Article Assistant| B. Com.|WICASA Sangli Committee Member

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    Imagine your plane has crashed into the ice & snow mound. There's no sign of life around you, the temperature is -30⁰C, several avalanches are hitting, there's no food left on the plane and worst of all - everyone assumes that you are dead because it is nearly impossible to survive in such extreme & horrific conditions. Well this is " Miracle of Andes". The incredible true story of a plane crash in Andes mountain & 72 days of struggle for survival that followed. Recently a film - "Society of the snow" was made on this incident which is streaming on Netflix In 1972, a Uruguayan rugby team embarked on a journey that would become a testament to human resilience. Their flight ended tragically in the remote Andes, where they faced extreme conditions and limited resources. Determined to survive, they turned to teamwork, resourcefulness, and a profound will to live. Stranded at high altitudes, the survivors endured freezing temperatures and scarce food supplies. In a remarkable display of courage, they resorted to drastic measures, including cannibalism, to sustain themselves. The ordeal stretched their physical and emotional limits, showcasing the strength of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable challenges. Ultimately, after 72 days of isolation and against all odds, a small group of survivors made a harrowing trek through the mountains to find help. The Miracle of Andes serves as a powerful reminder of the indomitable human spirit, illustrating that even in the darkest moments, resilience, unity, and a relentless will to survive can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.#MiracleofAndes #Societyofthesnow #hope #resilience #survival #unity #strength #spirit

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  • Sanmi Adekola

    Team Lead, Driveria, | Executive Director, Sanmi Adekola Foundation| Secretary to the Board/Project Manager, Honour Olowaloni Helping Hands Foundation|

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    CURIOSITY IS BOTH A VIRTUE AND ALIBICuriosity, they say, killed the cats. There are two great virtues that distinguished humans from beast: risk taking and self-initiative. Otherwise, we would have lived our lives mostly based on instincts. These two virtues have helped up to reshape the world for good and for bad. Yesterday, the entire global conscious world were in frenzied because of five individuals, out of which at least two of them are billionaire to take a dive into the depth of ocean and have a glimpsed of the submerged Titanic ship. By 5pm Nigerian time of yesterday, everyone knows their survival were slim and can only be through miracle as the oxygen in the tube they travelled with would have been exhausted. Thus, the only way out was Miracle, but miracle refused to happen and so the five of them died in pursuit of knowledge despite the rescue team who went in search of them.Opinions are divided on this expedition journey. A lot believe it was a needless journey, some believe, it is a worthwhile venture capable of helping humanity forward. Whatever side you pitch your tent with, I don't have issues with it, and don't even ask me about mine, for I've a mixed feelings about the whole stuff. Be that as it may, I will like to say risk taking and self-initiative are desirable virtues that must be undertaken with caution and grit. A calculated risk is what is what we need to move our lives and the world forward. After all, Jesus Christ, the world knowledge personified said: 'which of you that want to build a house without first counting the cost'? Always count the cost, then pursue your goals as if you can never fail. Good morning, have a refreshing weekend. #team #tube #titanic

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  • Dr. Dan Amzallag, PhD, C.B.T, M.B.A, C.L.C, NLP

    Cognitive Behavior Psychotherapist and Life/Business/Retirement Coaching expert

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    MOTIVATION MONDAY: IT HAPPENED 22 YEARS AGOIn the aftermath of the tragic terrorist attack on that historic day, never forget that your spirit remains an unwavering melody, a song of resilience and unwavering determination that resonates through every test and adversity. No matter the tumultuous circ*mstances that may surround you, permit your spirit to rise to loftier heights, for it acknowledges no limits or hindrances.Your pursuit of freedom and happiness is a noble adventure, a voyage worth each step taken, every stumble encountered, and each stride forward. Embrace difficulties as opportunities and proudly wear your scars as symbols of your strength, evidence that you have confronted adversity and emerged even stronger.Freedom isn't merely the absence of constraints; it's the power to live life on your own terms, to chase your aspirations, and to authentically be yourself. Happiness isn't a destination; it's a state of mind you can nurture within, regardless of external circ*mstances.So, stand resolute in the face of adversity, for you are a warrior of the soul. Continue your journey with unyielding determination, and remember that your pursuit of dreams is a testament to the unwavering spirit residing within you.Never forget that you hold the authority to shape your destiny, to forge your unique path, and to discover joy in the expedition. Your spirit serves as your guiding beacon, leading you toward the freedom and happiness you seek.With unshakeable belief in your capabilities and an indomitable spirit, no obstacle can thwart your progress.Keep radiating brightly along your route to freedom and happiness#september11th, #alwaysremember, #terrorism, #strongspirit, #determination, #destiny, #trials, #challenges, #drdantherapy, #drdancoaching, #drdancbt, #drdanlifecoach

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  • Shivam Sharma

    Corporate Outreach | Business and Growth | HR Professional

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    🏛️ A Tale of Greek Ingenuity: The Trojan Horse's Enduring Legacy 🐴Picture this: a city, besieged for a decade, its mighty walls standing impervious to every attack. The Greeks, determined to breach those seemingly impenetrable defenses, turned to their sharpest minds for a solution.Enter Odysseus, the brilliant strategist. He conceived a plan that would go down in history as a testament to cunning and resourcefulness.The Deception Unveiled: The Greeks, feigning retreat, constructed an enormous wooden horse, a symbol of surrender. But within its hollow belly lay a cadre of elite warriors, their breaths bated as they waited for the right moment to emerge.The Art of Disguise: Odysseus knew that true genius lay in the art of deception. With a crafty story spun by Sinon, a lone Greek left behind, the Trojans were led to believe that the horse was an offering to the gods, a plea for forgiveness. The Trojans, their guard down, embraced the horse with open arms.The Silent Infiltration: That fateful night, as Troy reveled in its perceived triumph, the Greek warriors, hidden within the belly of the beast, emerged and quietly undid the city's defenses. The rest, as they say, is history.The Trojan Horse, born of strategic brilliance, achieved what seemed impossible—an end to a decade-long war and the downfall of an impregnable city.Fast forward to the present, and we find ourselves in a world equally filled with challenges, where the need for innovative solutions is paramount. The Trojan Horse narrative reminds us that:🌟 Imagination knows no bounds.🌟 Innovation can shatter the most daunting obstacles.🌟 Sometimes, the greatest victories stem from unconventional thinking.In the spirit of ancient wisdom and timeless innovation, let us script our own stories of triumph.#TrojanHorse #Innovation #Strategy #CleverThinking #AncientWisdom #GreekMythology #LinkedInStorytelling #Ingenuity

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Epictetus: Surmounting storms and tempests is vital | Aryan J. posted on the topic | LinkedIn (33)

Epictetus: Surmounting storms and tempests is vital | Aryan J. posted on the topic | LinkedIn (34)


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Epictetus: Surmounting storms and tempests is vital | Aryan J. posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)


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