Christmas tree collection points 2023: Locations by district - Vienna District Gazette (2024)

Even the most beautiful Christmas tree loses its needles at some point. The trees can then be disposed of again this year at one of the 576 Christmas tree collection points in Vienna. This is possible from December 27, 2022 to January 15, 2023 inclusive. The old trees can also be disposed of at all waste disposal sites in Vienna all year round.

Last year alone, around 175.000 Christmas trees were brought to the collection points. This corresponds to a total weight of approximately 772 tons. In their “second life”, the collected Christmas trees once again provide light and warmth for the people of Vienna. The trees are used for energy in the Pfaffenau waste incineration plant in Simmering. They supply thousands of households with electricity and district heating. The energy produced is enough to supply around 1.300 households with electricity and around 2.500 households with district heating for a month. Some trees even serve as delicious food for the Pinzgau goats at the Rautenweg landfill.

Christmas tree decorations therefore have no place at the Christmas tree collection point. Be sure to remove all jewelry such as hooks or glass balls.

1st district / inner city

On the shore, on the square
At the courtyard, on the site of the elevated traffic area
Börseplatz 2, on the sidewalk in front of the house (stock exchange)
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Platz/ Dominican Bastion
Graben 26, in the pedestrian zone in front of the houses
Herbert-von-Karajan-Platz, in front of the opera

2nd district / Leopoldstadt

Alexander Poch Square 2
At the cabbage slides 6
Augarten Bridge/Obere Donaustraße 45b
Exhibition Street 11
Engerthstraße opposite 150/Holubstraße
Engerthstrasse 197 opposite Hillergasse
Engerthstrasse 230a
Handelskai/Kafkasteg 15
Heinestrasse 4
Heinestrasse 40
Carmelite Square
Krakauerstraße opposite 27
Ludwig-Hirsch-Platz 6
Mexico place compared to 19th
Obere Donaustraße opposite 81
Praterstrasse 8
Praterstrasse 21
Praterstrasse 29
Praterstraße/Rotensterngasse in front of the subway exit and St. Nepomuk Church
Schüttelstrasse opposite 45
Untere Augartenstraße/Krafftgasse 2, behind the waste collection island
Volkertmarkt, at market stalls no. 36, 37, 38 and 39
Front garden market, on the square of the farmers' market

3rd district / country road

At Stadtpark 4
Erdbergstrasse, left in front of the Apostle Church
Esteplatz versus 7-8
Ghegastraße opposite 3
Helmut-Qualtinger-Gasse, in Robert-Hochner-Park
Yay alley
Cardinal Nagl Square
Landstraßer Hauptstraße 28
Landstraßer Hauptstraße 33
Lotte Lang Square
Ludwig-Kößler-Platz 4
Neuergasse/Linke Bahngasse on the green area
Place of the Victims of the Deportation/Adolf-Blamauer-Gasse
Rabengasse 12/Baumgasse 31
Ziererplatz opposite 10

4th district / Wieden

Alois Drasche Park
Karlsplatz, Resselpark in front of the coffee house
Karlsplatz, Resselpark in front of the TU
Rubens Park
Schaumburggasse/Wiedner Hauptstraße, near the Engelsbrunnen
St. Elisabethplatz
South Tyrolean place compared to 2 and 3
Wiedner Hauptstraße/Ziegelofengasse, on the forecourt of St. Thekla Church

5th district / Margareten

At the Hundsturm, in the park
Einsiedlerplatz, near Gießaufgasse
Leopold-Rister-Gasse, near Hundsturm
Margaretenplatz, near Strobachgasse
Right Wienzeile opposite 41-43, at Naschmarkt
Right Wiezeile opposite 85
Saint Johann Park
Schönbrunner Straße 76/Reinprechtsdorfer Straße 76
Wiedner Haupstraße 97
Zentaplatz versus 6-8

6th district / Mariahilf

Bürgerspitalgasse 16/Mittelgasse, Minna-Lachs-Park
Esterhazypark, opposite Schadekgasse 16
Fritz Imhoff Park
Gumpendorfer Straße/Lehargasse
Hofmühlgasse opposite 11
Kurt-Pint-Platz, near the church
Wallgasse 32

7th district / new building

Karl Farkas Park
Lerchenfelder Straße/Schottenfeldgasse, in front of the church
Urban Loritz Square

8th district / Josefstadt

Albertgasse 27
Alserstrasse 45
Jodok-Fink-Platz opposite the house at Piaristengasse 52
Pfeilgasse/Tiger Park
Schönborn Park
Uhlplatz opposite 3

9th district / Alsergrund

Arne Carlsson Park, on Spitalgasse opposite 29 in front of the bunker
Bauernfeldplatz 4/Porzellangasse
Julius-Tandler-Platz 3, left of the main entrance to Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof
Lichtenthalergasse, in the park near the waste collection island
Nordbergstrasse opposite 2
Pulverturmgasse 16
Rooseveltplatz opposite 3
mud place
Servitengasse 9
Sobieskiplatz, in front of the fountain
Spittelauer Platz
Votive church, to the right of the church entrance
Währinger Belt versus 108
Währinger Straße/corner of Boltzmanngasse
Währinger Belt opposite 170, sidewalk in front of the Nußdorfer Straße subway station, Inner Belt

10th District / Favorites

Alaudagasse/Ada Christengasse
Antonsplatz opposite 3
Antonsplatz opposite 21
Arthaberplatz, on the playground
Collmanngasse 2/Urselbrunnengasse
Narrow gaps compared to 2
Favoritenstraße/Bahnlände, opposite Rothneusiedel bus station
Favoritenstrasse 49-53
Filmteichstrasse in the green strip, at the passage Oppenheimgasse 37, stairs 22
Fontanastrasse at 10
Franz-Mika-Weg/Bahnlände, near the waste collection island
Friedhofstrasse/Kästenbaumgasse, near the waste collection island
Grenzackerstraße 19, towards the distribution circle after the rescue
Hebbelplatz/Klausenburgerstraße, near the school
Hertha-Firnberg-Straße opposite 16
Holeyplatz opposite 1
Inzersdorferstraße, Herzpassage
Karmaschgasse 12/Waldmüllerpark
Keplerplatz, circular areas at the church entrance
Klederingerstraße 40 – at the bus turnaround point
Klederinger Straße opposite 149
Kossmatplatz opposite 1
Kundratstrasse 12-14, at the playground in the residential complex, access 1 – 6
Laxenburgerstrasse 140, behind the waste collection island
Liesingbachstrasse/Leopoldsdorfer Strasse
Malborghetgasse 34, in the children's playground
Neilreichgasse 113
Otto-Probst-Straße 3, in front of stairs 10 to 12 between the trees and the statue
Puchsbaumplatz opposite 1, by the fountain
Quellenstrasse 148, in the park
Quellenstrasse/Hofherrgasse, dead end
Reumannplatz, in the park near the tram stop
Rudolfshügelgasse, fenced children's playground
Sahulkastraße 5
Stockholmer Platz 18, next to the Musikhaus
Search Wirtplatz, at the waste collection point
Tesarekplatz, next to Schanigarten
Trambauerstrasse/Troststrasse, behind the sausage stand

11th district / Simmering

AlbinHirsch-Platz at the waste collection island
Am Hofgartl/Ernst-Heiss-Gasse 1
Braunhuber Park
Fuchsrohrenstrasse opposite 11
Holzergasse opposite 5
Kaiser-Ebersdorfer Straße 310
Leberweg 18, Leberbergsiedlung
Lorystrasse 130
New building street opposite 70
Pretschgasse/Am Kanal
Simmeringer Hauptstraße 295, Neubuilding settlement – ​​parking lot

12th district / Meidling

At the Schöpfwerk/Eibesbrunnergasse
At the pumping station opposite 31
Benyastrasse 22
Benyastraße/Wildgartenallee, in the green area
Bonygasse, dead end near Meidlinger Hauptstrasse
Füchselhofgasse, pedestrian zone between houses 1-3 and 2
Hermann Leopoldi Park/Niederhofstrasse
Hertha-Firnberg-Straße opposite 16
Hohenfelsplatz 1
Khleslplatz, area in front of the church
Kundratstrasse 12-14, at the entrance to stairs 1-6
Längenfeldgasse, on the forecourt of the western U6 station
Margaretengurt underground station, south of the station building
Migazziplatz, on the east side of the church
Migazziplatz, on the west side of the church
Muffatgasse/Altmannsdorfer Anger
Oswaldgasse opposite 3-7
Oswaldgasse opposite 24
Oswaldgasse opposite 33
Sagedergasse/An den Eisteichen
Schedifkaplatz, U6 station
Schönbrunner Allee 45/Schlöglgasse
Schönbrunner Allee/Gaßmannstrasse
Spittelbreitegasse 23
Steinbauer Park, children's playground
Theresienbadgasse, between Meidlinger Hauptstrasse and Hufelandgasse
Unter-Meidlinger Straße/Eibesbrunnergasse
Unter-Meidlinger Straße/Fliederhof
Unter-Meidlinger Straße/Köglergasse
Unter-Meidlinger Straße/Kundratstraße
Vivenotgasse 62
Wilhelmsdorferpark, in the area of ​​the pergola
Zanaschkagasse 12, at staircase 30

13th district / Hietzing

Alois Kraus Promenade
Hietzinger Hauptstrasse 4-6
Himmelhofgasse 10
Hummelgasse versus 74-76
Lainzer Strasse 172
Montecuccoliplatz/Maxingstrasse, in the bar garden of the Hotel “Bergwirt”
Pfeiffenberggasse (promenade)
Prehausergasse/Schweitzertalstraße, Franz Schmidt Park
Stangerpark, in the cul-de-sac Otto-Weininger-Gasse
Trazerberggasse 71
Veitingergasse opposite 117
Supply Home Square/Provision Home Street
Wlassakstrasse opposite 30, near the waste collection island
Wolkersbergenstrasse 2

14th district / Penzing

Anzbachgasse opposite 134, in the park
Anzengruberstrasse opposite 70
Astgasse opposite 1
Breitenseer Straße/Braillegasse
Breitenseer Straße opposite 4/Hütteldorferstraße
Drechslergasse opposite 40
Einwanggasse/Cumberlandstrasse, near the waste collection island
Goldschlagstrasse opposite 137
Gusterergasse/Ameisbachzeile near the waste collection island
Hütteldorfer Straße 126, in the green area
Hütteldorferstrasse 178-180
Hütteldorfer Straße/Heinrich-Collin-Straße
Kendlerstraße/Kuefsteingasse, in front of the church
Kendlerstraße 37/Steinbruchstraße opposite 4
Kink area at the waste collection island
Linzer Straße 232, in front of the school building
Linzer Straße opposite 350
Linzerstrasse 391
Mühlbergstrasse opposite 8
Salzwiesengasse opposite 13, near the waste collection island
Schützenplatz, Kuefsteingasse park access
Stammhausstrasse 22

15th district / Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus

Diefenbachgasse 13
Diefenbachgasse opposite 50-54
Eduard-Sueß-Gasse, between Meiselstrasse and Märzstrasse
Felberstraße 42-46, opposite the primary and secondary school
Friedrichsplatz, next to the waste collection island
Guntherstraße between 8 and 9
Hütteldorferstrasse 2a
Cardinal Rauscher Square
Mareschplatz, near the fountain
Opposite Mary of Victory. 7
Markgraf-Rüdinger-Strasse 1
Markgraf-Rüdinger-Strasse 15
Markgraf-Rüdinger-Strasse 26
Meiselmarkt, near the outlet fountain
Neusserplatz opposite 1
Reithofferplatz opposite 1
Schweglerstrasse 39
Schwendergasse 35-37 opposite, next to the Schwendermarkt

16th district / Ottakring

Adele Jelinek Park
Demuthgasse/Ameisbachzeile, Ottakringer Bad car park
Gallitzinstraße 7-13, Katherinenruhe
Gutraterplatz opposite 1 and 2/Zöchbauerstraße
Hettenkofergasse opposite 12, next to the children's playground
Hofferplatz, near the children's outdoor pool
Joachimsthalerplatz opposite 5
Karl Kantner Park
Congress Park/Sandleitengasse
Ludo Hartmann Square
Matteottiplatz, in the middle of the square
Mildeplatz, in the park
Musilplatz, in the park
Neulerchenfelder Straße opposite 83, in the park
Nietzscheplatz, at the Rondeau in the park
Ottakringer Straße 202, pedestrian zone
Paltaufgasse, at the forecourt of the U3 station
Richard-Wagner-Platz, in the park at the front of Thaliastrasse
Rosenackerstrasse opposite 61
Roterdstrasse 1A
Schuhmeierplatz, in the park at the Hasnerstrasse front
Stillfriedplatz, in the park
Stöberplatz, in the fenced children's playground
Wichtelgasse opposite 17
Yppenplatz, in the park

17th district / Hernals

Alszeile versus 93
Clemens-Hofbauer-Platz, forecourt of St. Mary's Church
Elterleinplatz 12
Hans Leinkauf Square
Hernalser Hauptstraße/Dittersdorfergasse, suburban line under the bridge at the waste collection island
Hernalser Hauptstraße 218, next to the sports field
Lorenz-Bayer-Platz 18 opposite the park entrance
Parhamerplatz opposite 7

18th district / Währing

Anton Baumann Park, in the fenced children's playground in the park
Bischof-Faber-Platz, in the park next to the church
Czartoryskigasse 1, along the property boundary
Ebner-Eschenbach-Park, Schulgasse/Klostergasse
Gersthoferstrasse 119
Herbeckstrasse 3 and 5
Hockegasse at 41
Johann-Nepomuk-Vogl-Platz, in the park
Kutschkergasse between 41 and 44
Martinstraße/Blumengasse, in the park
Molnargasse opposite 26
Naaffgasse/Dürwaringstrasse 63 opposite 23
Pötzleinsdorfer Höhe opposite the bus turnaround
Pötzleinsdorfer Straße 114-116
Schafberggasse opposite 1
Währinger Belt opposite 1, at the parking lot
Währinger Belt opposite 97, light rail bend under U6
Währinger Belt opposite 131, light rail bend under U6
Waehringer Strasse 93
Währinger Straße opposite 149/Aumannplatz in the park

19th district / Döbling

Gatterburggasse 11-17
Grinzinger Allee 6
Grinzinger Straße opposite 149
Heiligenstädter Straße 82
Hugo Wolf Park, in the middle next to the MA 42
Kaasgrabengasse opposite 7
Krottenbachstraße 60 opposite Hugo-Wolf-Park in front of the sports field entrance
Krottenbachstraße 186/Wilckensweg
Nußdorfer Markt, next to market stall number 13
Pater-Zeininger-Platz, in the Crimea
Sieveringer-Straße 116, square next to the Gansl monument
Weinberggasse 66

20th district / Brigittenau

Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse 33
Aignerstrasse opposite kindergarten
All Saints Square, in the park
Brigittaplatz opposite 21 near the church
Brigittenauer Lände compared to 38
Brigittenauer Lände compared to 42
Forsthausgasse 16-20, after the railway underpass near Kornhäuselgasse
Friedrich-Engels-Platz, behind the tram shelter towards Floridsdorf
Gaußplatz 11
Hanover market
Innstrasse 20
Leipzigerstrasse 21/Jägerstrasse
Leystrasse/through street
Maria Restituta Square opposite the temporary market
Sachsenplatz opposite 7
Wallensteinstrasse 68-70, near the waste collection island
Wasnergasse, near the church in front of Gaußplatz
Winarskystrasse 8

21st district / Floridsdorf

Anton-Anderer-Platz opposite 1
Berlagasse at Stiege 16/Mühlweg
Brünner-Straße 140
Christian-Bucher-Gasse 12-14
Edi-Finger-Straße 7
Ferdinand-Käs-Gasse 1
Freedom Square opposite 1
Gerasdorfer Straße 139-141
Gerlosplatz opposite 8
Grellgasse 15 opposite Staircase 6
Hahnemanngasse next to 8
Hanreitergasse opposite 7
Hoßplatz, in the park
Jane Tilden Alley, at the curve
Jerusalemgasse, dead end from Oswald-Redlich-Straße
Josef Melichar-Gasse/Arbeiterstrandbadstrasse
Kinzerplatz opposite tobacconist
Kummergasse/Lazarsfeldgasse at the police station
Leopoldauerstraße opposite 72
Leopoldine-Padaurek Street next to 9
Marie Schuller Park
Marco Polo Square, in front of the church
O'Brian-Gasse 47
Oswald-Redlich-Strasse 19
Pius-Parsch-Platz, near the church
Rudolf-Virchow-Straße 14A, entrance Michtnergasse
Rußbergstrasse 13/Meriangasse
Ruthnergasse 91
Schlossergasse opposite 38, near Autokaderstrasse
Schwaigergasse opposite Puffergasse at the waste collection point
Skraupstrasse 24
Strebersdorfer Platz
Tauschekgasse 13
Theumer market
Tomaschekgasse, at the turning point
Turquoise Lane/Gemstone Lane
Viehtriftgasse 12
Colony Street Forest Park
Znaimergasse, in the green area at the turnaround

22nd district / Donaustadt

Aderklaaer Straße/Wagramer Straße
Alfred-Kubin-Platz, in the inner courtyard in front of stairs 1A and 2A
At Heidjöchl/Hasibederstraße, access to the municipal residential complex
Austrlitzgasse opposite 3, opposite shopping center
Baschgasse 23/Grünbaumgasse
Boltensterngasse opposite 3
Breitenleestraße opposite 261
Breitenleerstraße/Süßenbrunnerstraße, in front of the tobacconist
Doningasse 16
Eibengasse 56-57, at the roundabout
Emichgasse opposite Kartuschgasse
Erzherzog-Karl-Straße/Vernholzgasse, bus stop next to Hornbach
Flugfeldstrasse 41
Guido-Lammer-Gasse 89, next to the waste collection island
Hagedornweg opposite 55
Hans Mayr Square
Hochmuthgasse 9
Industriestrasse/Lagerwiesenweg, opposite the parking lot
Industrial Street 127A
Jakob-Bindel-Platz, behind the bus stop
Karl Bednarikgasse 26/Eduard-Gaertner-Gasse
Langobardenstrasse 128, Staircase 13 next to the waste collection island
Leonard-Bernstein-Straße 4-6, fire station near the stairs
Mayredergasse/Pfalzgasse, near the bus loop
Osloplatz/Bergengasse/Trondheimgasse, at the monument
Pirquetgasse 1
Podhagskygasse between 4 and 8
Quadenstraße opposite 73, on Wiesenspitz/side of Gasthaus Hansi
Rennbahnweg, fairground at Stiegenplateau
Rennbahnweg/Hugo-Wiener-Weg opposite, next to the sports field
Schickgasse opposite 25, between subway and cemetery
Schiffmühlstraße 99, next to the waste collection island
Schrickgasse 25-27
Schüttauplatz, on all park-side sidewalks
Schüttaustraße 1-39, on the sidewalk of the residential complex
Seefeldergasse, park and ride facility
Siebenbürgerstrasse 50
Siebenbürgerstraße opposite 13, in the playground
Victory position compared to 16th
Sophie Scholl Alley between 4 and 8 opposite
Stadlauer Straße 13, in the parking lot
Steigenteschgasse/Polletstraße, behind the bus stop
Süßenbrunner Platz
Tamariskengasse 102
Theodor-Kramer-Gasse opposite 12
Tokiostrasse 3
Ullreichgasse opposite 12
Weingartenallee between 20 and 24
Wohlgemuthgasse, turn around at staircase 46 next to the waste collection island
Wonkaplatz/Aspernstrasse, next to subway
Ziegelhofstraße 36, next to the waste collection island
Zillbauerplatz versus 2-3

23rd district / Liesing

Akaziengasse 50
Anton-Baumgartner-Strasse 44
Anton- Krieger-Gasse/Right Water Row
Anton- Krieger-Gasse/Silvester-Früchtel-Gasse
Anton- Krieger-Gasse/Kalksburger Straße
Atzgersdorfer Patz opposite Breitenfurter Straße 242
Atzgersdorf cemetery, parking lot
Breitenfurter Straße 401-413
Breitenfurter Straße 413, near the underpass line 60
Dernjacgasse 14
Dernjacgasse, at the turning point
Dr.-Andreas-Zeiler-Gasse, at the end of the dead end
Draschestrasse 98
Forchheimergasse opposite 12-14
Franz-Schuhmeier-Gasse/Steinergasse, dead end
Friedensstrasse, opposite the entrance to the cemetery
Gatterederstraße 8, opposite the Hofer company
Mountain lane opposite 28-30
Gerbergasse 7
Gutheil-Schoder-Gasse / Brändströmgasse
Höpflergasse opposite 9
In the meadows 7B
Jochen-Rindt-Straße/Tenschertstraße, opposite the waste collection island
Josef-Österreicher-Gasse, near Reversal Square
Kaltenleutgebner Straße 14
Kaltenleutgebner Straße 24 near Staircase 5
Kaltenleutgebner Straße 24 near Staircase 20
Karl-Sarg-Gasse 2B
Karl-Tornay-Gasse opposite 36
Kaserngasse/Rielgasse, in the park
Kellerberggasse 41-43/Schellenseegasse
Kolbegasse, parking lot at the cemetery
Liesinger Platz/Dirmhirngasse
Marisa-Mell-Gasse, at the end of the dead end
Maurer Hauptplatz 9
Mosettigasse opposite 1
Othellogasse 1/11, at the end of the dead end
Perfectastrasse 15
Pölleritzergasse 8, at the turning point
Putzendoplergasse, parking lot
Romy-Schneider-Gasse, in front of the green area of ​​MA 42
Schöffelpark/Elisenstraße, at the playground
Schubert Park/Willendorfergasse
Traviatagasse 10
Tullnertalgasse, in the dead end to the green area
Walter-Jurmann-Gasse, at the end of the dead end

All Christmas tree collection points are also on the interactive city map of the city of Vienna and in the48 app recorded with route planner.

Christmas tree collection points 2023: Locations by district - Vienna District Gazette (2024)


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