A Light Amidst the Darkness: A Danmachi Dark World Tale - ZFanficts - ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか | DanMachi (2024)

Chapter 1: Notes about My Story


Also just to cover the basis. I do not Own Danmachi or any rights to any of the other series mentioned. This is merely fan art published under the transformative works license.

In the depths of Orario's unforgiving labyrinthine expanse, where monsters and darkness reign unchallenged, a begins saga unfurls. The choices of two champions, Zard and Alfia, to stand watch over their niece and nephew (Alice and Bell), send ripples across the globe, reshaping the very fabric of their world. Majority of canon characters in MS, AR and SO will appear in some manner.

Chapter Text

A Light Amidst the Darkness: A Danmachi Dark World Tale Story Description

In the depths of Orario's unforgiving labyrinthine expanse, where monsters and darkness reign unchallenged, a compelling saga unfurls. The choices of two champions, Zard and Alfia, to stand watch over their niece and nephew (Alice and Bell), send ripples across the globe, reshaping the very fabric of their world.

Prepare to journey through a realm enshrouded in despair, where peril slinks around every corner and the fragile alliances of old are akin to delicate glass. Within the pages of "A Light Amidst the Darkness," a narrative beckon—one of turmoil, where the tapestry of fate intertwines with tragedy, pushing characters beyond their breaking points.

Within the tapestry of shadows and sorrow, a single glimmer of hope takes root. A beacon of light emerges against the backdrop of unyielding despair, casting its radiant glow upon characters who steadfastly reject surrender to encroaching darkness. Amid their struggles, they forge bonds that defy breaking, ascending from the abyss in search of redemption and renewal.

As you immerse yourself in the chapters of this enthralling grim-dark odyssey, you'll encounter complex characters, their journeys etched with pain, resilience, and unforeseen bonds of camaraderie. This world they inhabit is a landscape of turmoil and deceit, yet it also harbors concealed strength and unwavering resolve.

"A Light Amidst the Darkness" stands as a testament to the unwavering human spirit's pursuit of survival, of kindling hope amid all-encompassing loss, and of unearthing light even from the darkest recesses. Brace yourself for a tale both unrelenting and unforgettable—a narrative where the pursuit of hope stands as a guiding beacon through the abyss of despair, guiding each step, decision, and defiant heart.

As you delve into the depths of this tale, you may find yourself pondering: will the light ultimately outshine the encroaching darkness? Or will the very essence of the abyss consume the light? Only by venturing forth can these answers be unveiled, for within this tale, while darkness may wield its dominion, a guiding light shall forever illuminate the way

Alright so now for the disclaimers, warnings, and explanations.

First off. I intend for this to me for Mature Audiences. This story is going to be set in a dark world version of Danmachi cannon. The consequence of Alfia and Zard looking after Bell and Alice will be to prolong the war between the Guild and Evilus. Also this is my first fanfiction so please let me know what you all think.

So I will note several significant changes from the canonical timeline.

1) Alfia and Meteria will be 3 Years older than they are in cannon.

2) Meteria was 16/17 when she had Bell in cannon so aging both her and Alfia are necessary.

3) She will be the same age as in cannon as when she has Bell and Alice.

4) Bell will have a twin sister named Alice.

5) They will both be 3 when Zeus and Hera Familias go to fight OEBD.

6) The fall of Zeus and Hera Familias will follow a similar route in cannon.

7) Bell and Alice will be raised by Zeus and Hera in a moderately sized village away from Orario.

8) Hera will believe that Zeus will raise Bell to be a pervert if left to his own devices. She will not allow her favorite grandson to be corrupted.

9) Also, with regards to leveling and ranking up outside Orario. It will be easier in this world for the simple fact that there is more conflict and violence than cannon.

10) Now that all being said most places will consider themselves lucky if they have a level 4 adventurer.

11) The exceptions to this will be the:

  • North: Odin/Frigg Familia's. They guard the Dragon Valley and see much more fighting than other places. They will have some level 6s and 5s.
  • Far East: Amaterasu. In Canon there were civil wars that plagued the region. In this case we are going to have Evilus continue to destabilize the region and exploit the conflict for gain.
  • Telskuya: Kali, you all know why.

12) The neighboring countries will see that Orario is losing strength and is likely to fall. As such they will focus on strengthening their defense and preparing their armies to defend the mortal realm.

I think those are the biggest differences that I can think of right let me know if you all have any questions or comments.

Chapter 2: Chapter 0: Prologue


In the depths of Orario's unforgiving labyrinthine expanse, where monsters and darkness reign unchallenged, a begins saga unfurls. The choices of two champions, Zard and Alfia, to stand watch over their niece and nephew (Alice and Bell), send ripples across the globe, reshaping the very fabric of their world. Majority of canon characters in MS, AR and SO will appear in some manner.

Chapter Text







smoking ruin






That was all that was left of the legacy of Zeus and Hera Familias. The greatest adventurers the world had ever known undertook the Three Great Quest to free the surface of the menace of these ancient monsters.

First the footsteps of the Behemoth were stilled

Next the crashing waves of Leviathan were calmed

Lastly the Wings beats of the Dragon fell silent…





At least that was what the mortals thought would happen but










And so fell the Familia’s of Zeus and Hera


The Legacy of a thousand years


Was naught but ash in the wind now


When one is the greatest there is nothing more dangerous than a moment of weakness.


And so, they pounced.


Jealous gods


Vengeful gods


Opportunistic Gods




All sought their own entertainment, advantage, power, or lust.


Forgetting the 1000 years devotion of Zeus and Hera


All of that was tossed aside…


The might that protected Orario for 1000 years was gone.


And so Evil ROSE and REARED its head.












War between the Guild and Evilus


And so Orario now stands as it is today, a city on the brink of chaos at every moment.


The Guld:


Adventurers who protect Orario and defend the mortal realm


Mortals who strive to be greater than themselves


The Evilus:


Adventurers who seek to destroy Orario


Mortals who worship evil gods


And wish to sate their blood lust with the lives of innocents.


A fragile balance,


a precarious peace hangs over all of us,


The slightest push can throw it all into chaos again.


It is an eternal battle,


a perpetual war


of wills,




and the strength to survive


neither side could deliver a decisive blow.


a constant seesawing


between good and evil


and so it has been for the past 10 years.


until now...


A new God of Darkness has emerged,


So the tide begins to turn against the Guild...


The War has begun anew.


For the first time since the start of this conflict,


Evil is winning.


This is the story of those who stood in their way.


Those who sought to stand against the rising darkness.


And the Heroes who would bring Orario back from the brink of chaos once more.


A New Legend has begun


The Twins that would change Orario forever.


And their journey to burn away the darkness.


This is their Familia Myth


And it begins now...

Chapter 3: Chapter 1 : Depature and Exile


Update and revisions only

Chapter Text

The arrival of the last of the Three Great Quests heralded a momentous occasion, casting a palpable air of both anticipation and trepidation across the vast expanse of the land. This was the ultimate endeavor—the subjugation of the King of Monsters, the living embodiment of apocalypse and the very essence of nightmares. The realm teetered on the precipice of destiny, with hearts intertwining with hope and fear alike, as the valiant heroes of Zues and Hera Familias prepared to confront the unimaginable.

This quest transcended the ordinary; it was a clash of legends, an embodiment of courage pitted against the essence of terror itself. The horizon quivered under the weight of the impending confrontation, and the world held its collective breath in the face of an adversary that defied mortal comprehension.

On the eve of the Familias' departure, a poignant sense of bittersweet anticipation permeated the air. Meteria and her beloved, their hearts burdened by the impending separation, sought solace in each other's arms. Moonlight spilled through the window, casting a tender glow upon their intertwined fingers and the whispered promises exchanged. With every touch and shared gaze, they silently pledged to endure the distance and return to each other's embrace.

As the night unfolded, Meteria's fingers traced the contours of her lover's face, committing every detail to memory. She marveled at the rubellite eyes that held a fusion of determination and vulnerability, his lips articulating commitments that wove the sweetest melody her ears could ask for.

"You and the children are my anchor," he declared, his voice a tender caress. "I'll brave the storm and conquer whatever challenges lie ahead, so that when I return, we can build a life of happiness."

Their hearts swelled with the weight of unspoken emotions, and in that fleeting moment, Meteria could almost believe that time could stand still. Laughter echoed in the room, accompanied by the innocent patter of tiny feet as Bell and Alice rushed in, their faces mirroring a myriad of emotions. The children's arms enveloped their father, their hugs serving as a testament to the love that bound their family.

"Promise you'll come back," Meteria whispered, her voice a fragile plea.

"I promise," he replied, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

And so, as the day of departure dawned, amidst tearful farewells, the heroes embarked on a quest that would etch their names into the annals of legend. The destiny of the realm hung in the balance, and Meteria clung to the promise of reunion, a flicker of hope against the encroaching shadows of uncertainty.

The day of parting came, with tearful goodbyes and lingering embraces. Meteria clung to her love, feeling his heartbeat against her chest. Their lips met in a promise—a farewell sealed with love. Little did she know, fate had no plans of turning back.

Days slid into weeks, and weeks into months, each moment a reminder of his absence. Sunsets painted the sky, mirroring the warmth she missed. Meteria clung to memories, tracing her own face in the mirror, trying to recreate the touch she yearned for.

Then, news struck Orario and Meteria's heart shattered—her love, father of her children, fallen against the One-Eyed Black Dragon. The Familias, presumed lost, drowned her in waves of grief and unspoken words.

Tragedy's shadow fell mercilessly tearing through those that had remained behind of the Zeus and Hera Familia. Once proud, the familias now lay shattered and grief-stricken. The two greatest Familias had fallen while the King of Monsters still held what appeared to be an unassailable dominion over the world.

Devastation echoed, casting a dark pall over mighty Familias. In a world that once revered their names, cracks appeared, and pillars crumbled. As the dust settled, a hush weighted with grief over lives and hope lost. Amidst the ruins, emotions churned in hearts that once admired the fallen Familias. Disbelief mixed with heartache as the once vibrant tapestry of heroes now lay shattered as the threads of tragedy replaced valor and triumph.

Amidst the wreckage, a different breed emerged—avaricious and opportunistic breed emerged. Like vultures that circled the fallen. Uncontrolled ambition's mingled with opportunism caused eyes to gleam with hunger for recognition, stepping over rivals' remnants.

The scene of shattered dreams was desecrated; the atmosphere witnessed relentless ambition. Opportunistic figures emerged, shadows giving way. Citizens reacted with distaste and resignation. Expressions mirrored collective disdain for those turning tragedy into personal gain. Once-admirable ideals tarnished by opportunists' ambitions.

The atmosphere bore witness to a changed world. Once-brilliant skies turned somber, mirroring grief in hearts that gazed upon them. The heavens, once dreams' canvas, now reflected the bleak reality below.

A sense of powerlessness lingered, woven with collective sorrow in the air. The skies wore a shroud of gray, as if mourning alongside those below. The Heavens seemed to bow in solidarity with mourners, tears mingling with those shed on earth.

In this abyss stood Meteria, her soul crushed with anguish. Her lover, partner in dreams, and her beloved sister—all cruelly snatched away, leaving an emptiness beyond words. Grief's tendrils clutched at her, a vice determined to crush every fragment of hope.

In a sorrow-steeped world, no remnants of Familia's vibrant existence remained. Laughter and camaraderie dissolved into a void, a symphony of memories silenced. The void, an unending abyss, threatened to swallow her whole.

Tears cascaded down her cheeks, each droplet bearing the weight of unspoken conversations and stolen moments. Her heart wept for a love unfulfilled, a sister's embrace never to come again, and laughter now a distant echo. Harsh reality gnawed at her, tearing apart the fabric of her being.

Agonized words erupted from Meteria's lips in a fervent plea, syllables laden with desperation. Her voice quivered with disbelief and hope, torn between dread and denial.

"No. no.no. Please don't let it be true." Meteria's cries echoed within the hollow chamber of her church, a lament piercing the veil between worlds.

The door creaked open—a harbinger of the unexpected. Amidst grief, the entrance drew her attention like a flicker of hope. A convergence of worlds, where sorrow met curiosity, and the unknown collided with the familiar.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Innocent voices chorused with concern, cutting through the air. Words carried a weight beyond their tender years, a testament to the bond between parent and child. Their presence reminded that even in the darkest storms, family's light endures.

Meteria's gaze lifted, revealing Bell and Alice—the living embodiment of the love she had lost. Their faces etched with confusion and empathy, their existence both miraculous and bittersweet. As two pairs of eyes stared back at her a bittersweet smile tugged at Meteria's lips as she brushed away tears. One pair of rubellite eyes so like his father. While another was a pair of heterochronic eyes, one rubellite red and one emerald green, each one representing a loved one she had lost. Her voice held warmth, seeking to shield them from the pain woven into her heart.

"It's nothing," she reassured them, masking anguish, an act of love to safeguard innocence.

Bell's voice, tinged with concern, cut through the air like a gentle breeze carrying whispers of worry. "You don't look okay, Mom," he said, brows furrowed.

Alice chimed in, her voice a soft echo of Bell's concern. "Yeah, you look like something is bothering you."

Meteria's lips formed a trembling smile, a mask to shield her children from her tempest of emotions.

"You don't have to worry about me," she assured them, her voice a fragile melody laced with reassurance.

"But we do!" Bell's voice quivered, breaking like a wave against the shore of his concern. "You're the only momma we have!"

Alice added her voice to the chorus. "We care about you, Mom!"

A muffled sob caught in Meteria's throat, her heart aching at the purity of their love. Tears silently testified to emotions she struggled to contain. Amidst turmoil, her children's tenderness offered a lifeline—a beacon of hope in her sea of despair.

"I know, I know," she whispered, her voice a gentle touch as she wiped away her tears with trembling fingers. Her children's presence, unwavering devotion, soothed her wounded soul.

"But enough about me. How did you two get here?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and surprise.

A familiar and unexpected voice cut through the air. "I brought them here." The words carried divine authority. Meteria turned, her gaze falling upon Zeus, Hera, and Hermes. Their expressions held the gravity of shared grief, a somber solidarity echoing her pain.

Bell and Alice, embodiments of innocence, climbed onto the bed, a comfort both bittersweet and soothing. As sleep claimed them, the world faded, leaving a cocoon of familial warmth.

Zeus, taking a seat, cast a fond smile upon the scene—a mother cradling her children, a testament to love's enduring strength.

Yet, Meteria's heartache persisted, undiminished by the spectral guardians. Her gaze, heavy with unshed tears, met Zeus's somber eyes, her voice a fragile tremor encapsulating a universe of grief.

"Is it true? Is he really gone? Everyone's… gone?" Her voice trembled, unspoken words hanging heavy in the air, connecting hearts in shared sorrow.

Amidst gods, the world's upheaval hung heavy. Zeus's solemn expression cast a shadow, grief and determination etched on his features.

"No," his voice echoed sorrow. "While your lover and most of mine and Hera's children are gone. Zald, Alfia, and a few others are still alive."

The words were a lifeline, a glimmer of hope in the abyss. Meteria's response wavered between relief and raw pain.

"Oh. Oh... thank goodness." Tinged with emotion, the words released pent-up emotions. Tears streamed down her cheeks, sobs a testament to the weight on her heart. A momentary pause; the silence heavy with gravity.

"W-where are they?" Meteria's voice, choked by tears. Her desire to be close to those who remained guided her through the storm.

"Resting at an elven village in Dedine," Zeus replied. "They have an herb for Zald's illness, and the elves gave a branch of the Holy Elven Tree to help Alfia. But they won't be moving for a while."

Meteria's gaze sought answers in Zeus's eyes, a blend of relief and curiosity. Her voice, fragile from tears, harbored concern. "Why did you come here? Why are you telling me this?"

Zeus's reply, laden with regret and acceptance, was a solemn acknowledgment of the world's unyielding reality. "Because sadly, things couldn't get any worse for us." The weight of his words acknowledged their collective downfall. "The news about our total defeat just got leaked, and all of Orario is calling for our banishment."

Meteria's eyes widened in disbelief. "No! Why? How could they?"

Laced with incredulity, her voice pierced the air. Once a soothing melody, it now crackled with anger and heartache that defied understanding. "After everything you and Goddess Hera did for the city?"

Zeus, deity whose Familia symbolized power, shook his head—regal demeanor overshadowed by resignation. His eyes held the weight of untold history, woven with threads of ambition, rivalry, and the complexity of politics. "Don't be so surprised," he replied, his voice carrying the burden of ages past. "A lot of the gods are just looking for the next thrill, and we've made a lot of enemies over the years. There would be nothing more entraining to them than to bring us low."

"Some of them will take advantage of the chaos and use it as an excuse to try to get rid of us," Zeus continued, his words both tinged with both bitterness and resignation "And some of the more... opportunistic ones will see it as a sign that we're losing our strength, and they're going to use it as an excuse to get rid of us to try and take our place." The atmosphere thickened with the weight of divine machinations—the intricacies of power struggles beyond human comprehension.

"Everyone wants entertainment," his words carried a bitter edge, revealing the self-serving nature even gods were not immune to. "They see this as their chance to get rid of the competition. And if the other gods side with them, there won't be anything we can do to stop it."

Meteria's desperation, her need to salvage what remained, broke like a wave against the tide of fate. "There has to be something you can do!"

Zeus's response, his voice a mix of weariness and finality, cast a shadow. "I don't think so." His words murmured acceptance—a recognition that the die had been cast. "You should've seen the looks on everyone's faces when they heard the news."

The unspoken dimensions of the divine council's reaction resonated in his voice. "There were a few who seemed sympathetic, but most of them were either indifferent or downright hostile. Hephaestus, Astraea, Miach, and Ganesha all wanted to say something, but Loki and Freya wouldn’t listen. They want us gone so they can take our place. If they had the strength, I would feel better about it. The problem is their Familias are too weak. I didn't even need to tell anyone else why we had to leave. The look in their eyes told me everything I needed to know."

Zeus's head shook, a somber rhythm underscoring the weight of his words. "I'm sorry, but there really is no choice here." His voice carried a melancholic note of inevitability.

"So this is why I came to you. What do you want to do, Meteria? You can come with us, but..." His question, an inquiry woven with threads of empathy.

"I won't survive for long outside of Orario," Meteria's voice, a whisper caught in the wind, completed the thought—a declaration of her awareness of the cruel reality. Though tinged with resignation, her words carried an undercurrent of determination that seemed to defy fate's cruel decree.

"Yes... unfortunately." Zeus's response held an undertone of regret—a shared acknowledgment of the harsh truth that bound their choices.

As Meteria took a deep breath, the air seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of her next words. "But I still want to help you, Goddess Hera, and the others. If it means staying with my children for even a little while longer... then I'll do it."

Zeus's inquiry, tinged with a sense of duty, contrasted with Meteria's determination.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Zeus's question hung in the air, a contemplative note mirroring the complexities of her decision. His gesture toward Bell and Alice, a subtle reminder of the choices at hand.

Meteria's gaze, softened by a bittersweet smile, turned toward her children—a glance laden with love and sorrow. "Once Lady Hera is gone, I will lose my falna if I stay and won't last nearly as long if I have it."

As her gaze lifted to meet Zeus's eyes, the air seemed to hum with a poignant blend of resolve and acceptance. "I want to be with my children as long as possible." Her voice, carrying the weight of a mother's devotion, was a declaration echoing with the rhythms of her heart.

Zeus's nod held a silent understanding. "I understand," he said as he gently placed his hand upon her head.

"You're a good mother," he affirmed, his words a gentle caress echoing with sincerity. "And I'll make sure you can stay with them for as long as possible." His vow was both a promise and a plea—a testament to the intricacies of his role.

"We're leaving now," Zeus's voice bore a note of urgency, the weight of their decisions palpable. "I already made arrangements with Hermes here. We will not have a lot of time."

Hermes stepped forward; his energy vibrant as he assumed his role as the messenger of the gods. "We will sneak you out using an emergency tunnel that only a few know of. From there, I have arranged passage with some merchants in one of the towns outside Orario," he relayed. "They'll take you to the northernmost part of the Kingdom of Dedin, near Odin and Firgg’s domain. Once there, you'll have to figure something out for yourself."

"That is fine," Zeus spoke. "I know of a few places to lie low around there."

The varied dialogue tags danced between voices—a chorus of divine and mortal perspectives. Zeus's gaze, laden with significance, met Meteria's. "Are you ready?"

Meteria's nod held the weight of her decision, her response an unspoken affirmation. "Yes."

But it was Hera who stepped forward with a gesture of compassion. "Meteria, give me the children. I will carry them for you."

"Thank you, Lady Hera." Meteria said as she gently passed Bell and Alice to Hera, who gazed fondly at her most beloved child and grandchildren.

With Zeus and Hermes lending their support, Meteria found herself on her feet—her vulnerability met with kind assistance. Their steps toward the door were slow but resolute.

Meteria's gaze lingered on her sleeping children. A sad smile danced upon her lips as she whispered, "I love you." It was a secret shared in the quiet of the moment, a promise that transcended words.

As they moved to depart, a hush of serenity blanketed the room—a quietude disturbed only by the soft stirrings of Alice in her slumber. Her mumbled words, like fragments of a dream, floated through the air—pieces of a puzzle waiting to be unraveled. And then, with eyes parting the veil between dreams and reality, she found herself cradled in the arms of Lady Hera—a vision both unexpected and surreal.

"Mom, what's going on?" Her voice, a blend of curiosity and sleepiness, cut through the stillness.

Meteria's smile, a tapestry woven with maternal reassurance, was a tender response to her daughter's query. "Alice," her voice held the warmth of a whispered secret, "nothing sweetie."

The words, a soothing balm, sought to quell any concern that might disturb the tranquility of the moment.

"Go back to sleep, sweetie." The soft command was a promise that all would be well.

Alice's response, a testament to the bond between mother and child, echoed love in the stillness of the night. "Okay, Mamma. Love you lots. You too Lady Hera." The words, spoken with the simplicity of innocence. Nestling closer to Bell, their connection cocooned them in warmth.

Meteria's gaze, as tender as a lullaby, lingered on her slumbering children. Her smile, tinged with a touch of sadness, held an unspoken promise as she whispered, "I love you too." The words, carried on the wings of a sigh, were a final declaration—a reminder that even in the face of uncertainty, love remained an unbreakable thread.

In the shroud of night, when the sky held a tapestry of stars and the city's heartbeat slowed to a mere whisper, Orario's towering walls bore witness to a departure that would echo through the ages. Then a small group of figures, silent sentinels of an era past, stepped away from the city they had shielded for countless generations. The air itself seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the gravity of the moment—the departure of Orario's greatest and longest-serving protectors.

Not even their closest friends, those who had shared battles and laughter, could fathom the path they had chosen. The unspoken puzzle left behind was a testament to the magnitude of their sacrifice—a void in the tapestry of camaraderie that spoke volumes in its silence.

The mighty guardians, who had stood as unwavering pillars for a millennium, had vanished without a trace. The legacy they left behind was a city transformed, a canvas painted with the indelible brushstrokes of their influence. As the city slumbered, blissfully unaware of the momentous change, the torch of protection was passed to the unknown—a future that held both promise and uncertainty.

In Orario (several week later):

A clouded moon cast feeble light upon the city, its glow accentuating the shadows that seemed to writhed through the heart of Orario. Whispers of uncertainty lingered in the air, carried on the chill of a foreboding breeze—a wind that whispered secrets of a future yet untold. Unseen by most, the city's fate was a tapestry of tangled and woven threads—threads that would soon begin to unravel.

Amidst the gloom, figures moved like ghosts—those who had long lingered in the shadows—began to move in the open. Those who assumed the mantle of guardianship were ill-equipped for the tides of darkness that approached. The weight of their responsibility bore down upon them, a burden too heavy for their shoulders.

Whispers, wound their way through the city, rumors danced on the lips of those who dared to speak, tales that seemed to seep from the very cracks in the cobblestone streets. Amidst the veil of night, a sinister prophecy was inscribed upon the city's fate. Whispers echoed in the alleys and taverns; tales told in hushed tones of those who sought entertainment at the expense of the city's safety.

Amidst the tavern's flickering candlelight, citizens huddled in hushed conversation. Their talks bearing the weight of anxiety, their words a reflection of a world on the precipice. Varied voices spoke of the unthinkable—the rise of Evil Gods. Fear pooled into their eyes; a reflection of the horrors they dared not utter aloud. Within the tapestry of their conversations, inner thoughts intertwined—a chorus of dread and uncertainty.

In the shadows of passing nights, a foreboding reality took shape—a reflection of the uncharted path ahead. Those who had once reveled in the spectacle of their role as protectors now faced a stark reckoning. The stage of entertainment had morphed into a battlefield with rising tide of darkness. Amid the shifting tides, a tide of unpreparedness began to rise—an undercurrent that threatened to pull the city into the depths of strife. Those who had once been spectators to greatness, now found themselves thrust into a role for which they were ill-equipped.

As the rhythm of time marched on, a sense of inevitability settled—a darkness that no longer hid in the corners but rather loomed on the horizon, casting long shadows over the once vibrant city.

In the weeks, months, and years that lay ahead, the path would become treacherous, the battles more harrowing. Amid the flicker of candlelight, the setting held an aura of foreboding—an atmosphere thick with tension. As the curtain rose on this sinister prelude, it painted a portrait of struggle—a city on the precipice, a future teetering between salvation and ruin. An overture to an era fraught with darkness and despair.

Evilus, once a mere shadowy specter, rose from the depths, its presence shrouded in malevolence. Like ink spilling across parchment, it seeped into the world's very soul, staining the fabric of reality.

The air was heavy with the scent of foreboding, an atmosphere laced with the tension of impending doom. Whispers of its ascent curled like tendrils of smoke, intertwining with the minds of those who dared to acknowledge its existence.

Emotions ran deep, a symphony of fear and trepidation that echoed in every heartbeat. Citizens murmuring with hushed urgency, their voices tinged with disbelief and horror.

Inner thoughts were whispered like secrets shared with the abyss—an unspoken realization that the world was changing, and not for the better. The future is now obscured by shadows. Citizens reacted with a blend of anguish and determination, their faces etched with lines of worry and at was to come.

Until one day Evilus unfurled its wings like a ravenous beast, started sowing seeds of discord and panic. Chaos walked hand in hand with destruction and ruin who were followed by their grim companion, Death. And amid this tumult, the war drums echoed—a symphony of conflict between the forces of good and the rising malevolent tide.

Chapter 4: The Twin's New World


Updated and revised. The Twins and the rest settle into their new home far away from Orario.

Chapter Text

The village nestled in nature's embrace, surrounded by hills and embraced by serene landscapes, exuded an aura of peace. Silence, unhurried, was its only companion, accompanied by the soft murmur of the wind through ancient trees.

Humble houses, weathered and rustic, dotted the landscape like a jigsaw puzzle. Amid lush greenery, they felt like natural extensions of the earth. Villagers moved with quiet determination, their steps carrying the weight of purpose. Familiar faces, etched with neighborly bonds, exuded warmth from years lived side by side.

Cordial and cautious, the villagers regarded newcomers with curiosity. In this close-knit tapestry, trust was currency. The shared existence was rooted in simplicity and hard work, enduring bonds woven over time.

The village, bordering on a small town, counted its residents in hundreds. Human faces reflected settlement hom*ogeneity, with a subtle reminder of the broader world beyond its borders.

On the outskirts, a picturesque house stood surrounded by nature. Made of stone and wood, it radiated solid endurance. The living room cradled a fireplace, a source of warmth. Upstairs, a cozy bedroom waited like a cocoon, while downstairs, a small room with a morning sunlit window held hidden treasures.

Bell and Alice explored, eyes sparkling with wonder. The house promised countless adventures yet to be lived. They raced to Zeus, eager to share their excitement.

"Grandpa, can we make this room a library?" they asked.

Zeus smiled, mischief in his eyes. "A library? What books?"

"Hero stories!" they declared.

Laughter erupted, thundering through the walls. "Hero stories it is," Zeus chuckled. "I know quite a few."

"Papa can read them to us when he comes back," Alice anticipated innocently.

Zeus, Hera, and Meteria exchanged glances, emotions swirling. The painful truth about their father's demise loomed, but for now, they let the children keep their dreams.

The house seemed to exhale contentedly, welcoming its new occupants. Hera aided Meteria in settling, the transition to a new chapter underway. Different from their grand mansion, this village embraced sharing as the norm.

Around a modest table, they broke bread, finding rest in a shared room. Every moment was communal, a promise to protect their newfound family. Zeus and Hera's divine duties in Orario gave way to a life of quiet obscurity, devoted to raising Bell, Alice, and caring for Meteria.

In this secluded haven, they hoped to escape Orario's expectations. The children adapted well, relishing the closeness. The lush woods invited exploration, and the river offered youthful play.

"This is our new home," Zeus declared with pride. Kneeling, he met their eager gazes. "I hope you'll like it here." A smile adorned his godly features, turning to Hera, inquiring, "So, what do you think?"

Hera assessed their surroundings, her keen eyes tracing the lines of the house and the countryside. A satisfied nod was her response. "It looks perfect."

With approval, the divine pair ventured outside to work on the house, leaving Alice and Bell to watch with wide, curious eyes. The yard, previously overgrown, bore signs of Zeus’s divine intervention as he worked diligently to restore its beauty. While Zeus worked, Hera prepared a meal for the family. As the sun rose, her voice called them inside.

"Bell, Alice, it's time to eat," she announced, her voice gentle yet commanding, promising a lovingly prepared meal.

"Coming, Grandma," Bell and Alice chimed, voices filled with enthusiasm.

Shortly after, Zeus entered, bearing tools and supplies. Settling at the table, he positioned himself next to Alice. His eyes, filled with paternal warmth, rested upon her, and a soft smile graced his features. With a gentle hand, he reached out and tenderly stroked her hair, a nostalgic memory surfacing.

"You look just like your mother did when she was young," he remarked, his voice a wellspring of affection.

Alice returned his smile but shyly turned away, her cheeks faintly tinged with a blush. Zeus chuckled heartily and playfully ruffled her hair before shifting his attention to Bell, who remained quietly seated.

"How about you, little man?" Zeus inquired; his voice warm with anticipation. "You must be excited to be moving in here."

Bell offered a slow nod, though words seemed to elude him now. His gaze remained fixed upon his plate, thoughts veiled in contemplation. This unexpected silence prompted a slight furrowing of Zeus's brow, and he leaned forward, peering intently into Bell's face, a glimmer of concern in his eyes.

Zeus regarded Bell with a concerned expression, his eyes locked onto the young boy. "You, okay?" he asked gently, a trace of worry lacing his voice.

Bell offered another hesitant nod, his anxiety simmering beneath the surface.

"You sure? You don't look so happy about moving to this place," Zeus probed further, his concern deepening.

"I'm just a little scared," Bell admitted, his voice a timid whisper. "What if I can't fit in here?"

A small frown etched its way onto Zeus's face as he reached out, his weathered hands cradling Bell's chin. He gazed into the boy's eyes, a warm smile replacing his previous concern.

"You'll be okay," he assured Bell, his tone brimming with confidence. "I know you'll find a way. You're very clever, after all."

Turning to Alice, Zeus posed a similar question. "And what about you?" he inquired. "Are you afraid?"

Alice responded with a vigorous shake of her head. "No. It's an adventure!" she chirped, her youthful exuberance evident in her voice and excited posture.

"That's right. It's an adventure," Zeus affirmed, a wistful smile playing upon his lips. He affectionately ruffled Alice's hair, eliciting a delighted giggle from her. "But don't worry; this place is perfect for the two of you. Just wait, you'll find a way to fit right in." His words carried a reassuring promise, setting a hopeful tone for their new life in this secluded haven.

Bell's nod held a glimmer of reassurance, and Zeus rewarded him with a warm smile before turning his attention to Bell's still-downtrodden demeanor. The young boy remained fixated on his plate, as though it held the answers to his unspoken concerns.

"I just hope you feel the same way. You'll be living here for a long time, after all," Zeus voiced his wish, his deep voice carrying a grandfatherly concern.

Zeus leaned forward, his rugged face approaching Bell's. He peered into the boy's eyes, searching for any signs of lingering unease.

"You okay?" he inquired again, his voice soft with understanding.

Bell nodded, his lips parting slightly as he found the strength to respond.

"You're sure?" Zeus probed further, his brows furrowing as he studied Bell's face for any hidden doubts. He was determined to ensure Bell's comfort in their new home.

Bell nodded once more, this time with more conviction, and raised his gaze to meet Zeus's. In that moment, a sense of trust seemed to pass between them, silently acknowledging that they could face this new chapter together.

A hearty laugh erupted from Zeus, and he leaned over to playfully ruffle Bell's hair, as if trying to dispel any lingering tension. Bell responded with a genuine, albeit fleeting, chuckle, appreciating the gesture that bridged the gap between them.

With a sense of renewed camaraderie, the three of them headed outside, venturing into the woods together. The quiet ambience of the natural surroundings enveloped them, creating an unspoken connection that went beyond words. They walked in peaceful harmony, their shared journey into the heart of the forest imbued with a sense of contentment, as if this moment of togetherness had washed away any lingering doubts about their new life.

Under the emerald canopy of the ancient woods, a sense of quiet enveloped the trio as they ventured forth. Bell's small hand was clasped in Zeus's weathered grip, while Alice walked close by her brother's side. The sunlight filtered through the thick foliage, casting warm patches of light upon the forest floor.

Their footsteps were soft, as they tread upon the bed of fallen leaves. The air was alive with the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of a trickling stream. It was as if the woods itself recognized the significance of their presence and held its breath in respect.

Zeus, his towering form contrasting with the delicate beauty of the woods, cast an occasional glance at his young charges. His eyes softened as they rested upon the two children. His lips curved into a faint smile, a rare expression that spoke of the bond between grandfather and grandchildren.

Alice's eyes, wide with wonder, darted around the forest as if trying to absorb every detail. The hushed ambience seemed to whisper secrets to her, and a small smile occasionally tugged at the corners of her mouth. Beside her, Bell's gaze was fixed on the path ahead, his protective instincts never far from the surface.

As they walked, the silence between them was not uncomfortable, but rather a shared understanding. The bond they shared transcended words, and the quietude was a testament to their familiarity and trust. Every step they took felt purposeful, a rhythm of unity in the midst of nature's serenity.

The rustling of leaves and the distant call of a bird added a gentle rhythm to their journey. It was a symphony of nature, a harmonious backdrop to their footsteps. The woods seemed to unfold its secrets before them, revealing patches of wildflowers and hidden glades.

Zeus, ever watchful, occasionally shared snippets of knowledge about the flora and fauna around them. His deep voice was soothing, an unexpected gentleness that resonated with the peaceful surroundings. Bell and Alice listened intently, absorbing his words with the same enthusiasm they held for their daily adventures.

As the trio continued through the woods, the air grew cooler, shadows lengthening as the sun began its descent. Yet, there was a sense of contentment wrapped around them like a protective cloak. They were united in this shared experience, the simplicity of their journey a reprieve from the complexities of the world beyond.

"Ah. I guess we should head back now. Don't want to go too far," Zeus said quietly.

"Okay. Bell, I will race you home. Bet you can't catch me slowpoke," Alice chirped excitedly, bouncing off towards their new home. Zeus laughed merrily.

"Well, are you going to take that? Get after her already," Zeus said.

Bell took off running after his sister.

"Alice! Alice!" Bell cried out, trying to get her attention. "Wait up!"

As the memories of joy and laughter danced in the wind, Alice couldn't help but giggle. Her long, silvery-white hair fluttered like a banner of innocence in the breeze. With each strand caught by the wind, it was as if she were waving goodbye to the somber reality that had taken hold of her life. Her heterotic eyes, right a vivid shade of sapphire and the other a deep emerald, shining like jewels, sparkled with mirth as she turned to look at Bell.

Bell, in his usual clumsy charm, stumbled across the grass behind her. His determined pursuit of Alice was evident in his furrowed brow and the bright flush on his cheeks matching his rubellite eyes. He stumbled and fell with a resounding thump, but he was undeterred. Determination fueled his swift rise to his feet, and he resumed the chase.

Laughter filled the air, a symphony of joy that seemed to defy the world's harshness. It was the laughter of two children who knew nothing but the purity of their bond.

“Catch me if you can, slowpoke!” Alice cried out and never one to be caught easily, couldn't resist the thrill of the chase. She turned on her heels and dashed back toward the house, her laughter trailing behind her like a trail of stardust. Her heart raced not from the exertion but from the sheer delight of the moment.


The idyllic scene shattered like fragile glass, replaced by the harsh reality that haunted Alice's every breath. A severe coughing fit gripped her, and her delicate frame trembled with the violence of it. Each convulsion was like a cruel reminder of the fragility of her existence, the world around her seemed to warp and blur as her eyes welled up with unshed tears, the laughter fading into a distant memory.

Her disease, a relentless tormentor, showed no mercy. It forced her body into painful contortions, wracking her with convulsions that left her gasping for air. Blood, the cruel evidence of her affliction, tainted her coughs, marking her struggle for every breath and splattering the ground around her.

In the midst of this turmoil, Alice battled not only her ailment but also the emotions it stirred within her. Amidst this turbulent storm of emotions and physical agony, Alice fought an unwavering battle. The ailment that had gripped her frail form was like a relentless adversary, unyielding in its assault on her body. Yet, it was not just the physical torment she faced; there was a far deeper struggle taking place within her.

Each labored breath she took was a testament to her resilience, a defiant stand against the relentless tide of suffering that threatened to consume her. Beads of perspiration clung to her pallid skin, glistening like tiny, fragile crystals under the soft glow of the room's dim light.

In her eyes, hidden beneath the veil of pain, a fierce determination burned. She refused to succumb to despair, even as the darkness of her condition threatened to engulf her. The turmoil within her was not just a battle against her ailment; it was a battle against the fear, the uncertainty, and the profound sadness that clawed at her heart.

Bell and Zeus, concern etched on their faces, were by her side in an instant. Bell's arms cradled her gently, a shield against the storm raging within her frail form as if he was trying to take her suffering as his own. His eyes reflected the pain he felt watching her suffering, a pain he would gladly bear for her if he could.

Zeus hovered nearby, his attempts at assistance met with the helplessness that often accompanies the agony of a loved one. In that moment, their roles were reversed, and Zeus, typically the boisterous one, was the one filled with quiet worry.

The two seemed to hold their breath as Alice's coughs filled the air. Shadows played on the grass, a stark contrast to the sunny meadow of their memories. It was a reminder that, no matter how bright the past had been, the present was unyielding in its cruelty.

As Bell cradled Alice in his arms during one of her relentless fits, he felt the weight of her suffering press upon him like a heavy burden. Her frail form convulsed, and the violence of her coughing fit shook her to the core. Crimson droplets started to stain his clothes, a stark reminder of the cruel toll her illness exacted. Each cough seemed to sap her strength further, leaving her voice weak and fragile as she struggled to speak.

In the midst of Alice's tormenting fit, a violent cough erupted from her frail form. It was as if her delicate frame was rebelling against her, shaking her to the core. A spray of crimson droplets escaped her lips, splattering across Bell's face in a grim tableau of her suffering.

"Sorry, bro...ther," Alice managed to gasp between raspy breaths, her voice weak and trembling. Her words were punctuated by another convulsion gripped her body, making her seem even more fragile and helpless.

Bell, his heart heavy with concern and love, gently wiped the blood from his face, his expression a mix of worry and determination. The helplessness he felt was like a knife twisting in his heart, a stark contrast to the serene village around them.

"Shh, don't worry, Sis," he whispered soothingly, cradling her in his arms as her trembling continued. "I've got you."

Bell held her gently through the fit, his heart aching with each convulsion, each painful cough that wracked her fragile frame. He wished he could bear her pain, but all he could do was hold on and be the unwavering support she needed.

As the fit finally subsided, Alice's gasps for air were a testament to the harsh reality of her existence. Her gaze met Bell's with gratitude and exhaustion, her eyes mirroring the profound bond they shared. In her suffering, she found solace in his unwavering presence.

"Are you alright?" Bell whispered, his voice a soft caress in the silence.

Alice managed to put a weak smile, her eyes locked onto his with profound appreciation. Her whispered reply carried a world of emotion, a testament to their unbreakable connection.

"I'm okay," Alice murmured, her voice like a fragile promise amid the relentless torment of her illness. It was a vow, unspoken yet deeply understood, that together they would face whatever trials awaited them.

As she gently disentangled herself from Bell's protective embrace, Alice took her first steps back toward the house. Soon, her movements transformed into a skip, a testament to her indomitable spirit that refused to be weighed down by the chains of her condition. With each hop, her long, silvery-white hair seemed to dance in harmony with her heart's rhythm, a fragile waltz in the face of adversity.

Bell, watching Alice's graceful yet determined skip, heaved a sigh of relief. It was a sigh that carried the weight of a thousand fears, now temporarily lifted.

Yet, a sudden unease washed over him like a shadow veiling the sun. In an attempt to regain his composure, Bell shook his head, but it only served to exacerbate his unease. Taking a hesitant step forward, he stumbled and fell flat on his face with a resounding thud. It was a clumsy display that could have easily shattered the mood, but instead, it elicited laughter.

Alice, with the infectious laughter of youth, rushed to his side, a cascade of mirth bubbling from her lips.

"You're so clumsy," she teased, her eyes dancing with playful amusem*nt.

Bell couldn't help but join in the laughter, his earlier unease dissipating like morning mist. "I know, I know," he conceded, his lips curling into a playful pout. "Come on, let's go inside. I'm hungry."

Together, they ventured indoors, leaving behind the fading daylight. The aroma of a hearty dinner welcomed them, and they settled at the table for a shared meal. Each bite was an affirmation of their unbreakable bond, a bond that grew stronger in the face of life's adversities.

After dinner, Alice's youthful energy propelled her upstairs to her room, while Bell sought solace in the library. He selected one of the few books they had brought from Orario, its pages filled with stories of worlds beyond their own. Seated in a comfortable chair by the open window, he found himself immersed in the narrative. A gentle breeze drifted through the window, turning the pages with a soft, rhythmic rustle, as if whispering secrets of far-off places and untold adventures.

Bell's fascination with the stories in the books knew no bounds. Lost in the world of heroes and adventures, he was oblivious to the passage of time. The warmth of the sun filtering through the window gradually gave way to the gentle embrace of the evening's cool breeze.

Unbeknownst to him, the weight of exhaustion finally overcame his young body. His eyelids grew heavy, and the book in his hands slipped from his grasp as he succumbed to slumber. The image of Bell, peacefully asleep in the chair, tugged at Zeus's paternal heartstrings.

With a fond smile, Zeus approached his sleeping grandson, his steps silent as he moved like a guardian spirit. Gently and with practiced care, he scooped the sleeping boy into his strong arms, cradling him like a precious treasure.

As Zeus carried Bell to his shared bedroom with Alice, he couldn't help but marvel at the bond between the twins. It was as if an unspoken connection bound them together, even in their dreams. Bell's slumbering form found its place beside Alice, and Zeus tenderly tucked him in, ensuring his grandson's comfort.

As if sensing Bell's proximity, Alice, still lost in her own dreams, reached out instinctively. Her small hand found Bell's, their fingers entwining as if seeking reassurance from one another, even in the realm of dreams. The sight of their hands joined together, a testament to their unbreakable bond, brought a soft smile to Zeus's lips.

In that quiet moment, Zeus stood as a witness to the profound connection between the twins, a connection that transcended words and actions. It was a bond of family, love, and unwavering support, and it filled him with a sense of warmth and contentment.

After tucking Bell in, Zeus heads down to the living room, where Hera and Meteria are waiting. The weight of their impending conversation hangs heavy in the air, and Zeus clears his throat.

"Meteria, we need to consider telling the twins about their father's passing," Zeus says quietly, his gaze fixed on the floor.

Meteria's face pales slightly at the thought, and her fingers nervously twist together in her lap. She knows this conversation won't be easy. "I'm not sure what to say to them. What if they don't understand?" she says with genuine concern in her voice.

Zeus sighs, his expression somber but resolute. "Even so, we can't give them false hope. They deserve to know the truth."

Hera, always the gentle voice of reason, chimes in, "I agree with Zeus. We should be honest with them about the situation."

Meteria nods, her anxiety apparent as she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I know you're right. It's just... I worry about how they'll take it."

In their cozy living room, the atmosphere hung heavy with the weight of the impending conversation. Zeus turned his gaze towards Meteria, giving her a reassuring look filled with empathy and understanding. "They will have a hard time accepting it, but they are both smart. The sooner they know, the better."

His voice carried the wisdom of a god who had seen countless similar conversations unfold over the years. He paused, his eyes drifting into the past, remembering the many times he had to deliver difficult news. "We have to be honest with them. They need to know that their father isn't coming home. And they need to know why we left Orario."

Materia's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, mirroring the emotions that churned within her. Her voice quivered with a mix of sorrow and concern. "I know. I just... I don't want to hurt them. They've lost so much already and are so young. They shouldn't have to bear this burden."

Hera, ever the voice of reason, placed a comforting hand on Meteria's arm. Her touch was gentle yet carried an unspoken strength. "Unfortunately, the world does not care about the age of children who experience tragedy. They will never forget what they have lost. But they are still young. They will need your strength to help them through this."

Meteria drew in a steadying breath, feeling the gravity of their decision settle upon her shoulders. Her resolve solidified, and her voice became resolute. "And they will have it," she declared.

Zeus and Hera shared a knowing glance, their expressions brimming with pride and solidarity. In this solemn moment, their unity was a balm for Meteria's heavy heart, and she knew they would navigate this painful path together.

The conversation continued, a thoughtful exchange between the three of them, as they discussed the best approach to tell Bell and Alice about their father's death. It was unanimous - honesty was the only way. They knew the twins would better process the information and come to terms with their loss if they knew the unvarnished truth.

The scene concluded with a shared resolution. They would tell the twins as soon as possible, providing the emotional support that Bell and Alice would surely need during this challenging time. The commitment to be there for them in their grief was unwavering, a testament to the love that bound this makeshift family together.

Next Morning After Breakfast

The morning sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the quaint living room. The scent of breakfast hung in the air, a comforting aroma that filled the room. Meteria sat on the couch, her expression a mix of love and apprehension, as she prepared herself for the difficult conversation ahead.

"Sweeties, come to mamma," she called gently, her voice carrying a soft warmth that wrapped around the room. Her heart ached at the thought of what she was about to share. "I need to talk to you about something important."

Bell and Alice, their innocent faces filled with curiosity, wasted no time. They exchanged quick glances before rushing over, their footsteps pattering across the wooden floor. Climbing onto Meteria's lap, they settled in, seeking comfort and reassurance in her embrace.

"Okay, Mamma," they chimed in unison, their voices harmonizing like a melody. They looked up at her with wide, trusting eyes, ready to listen to whatever she had to say.

The twin's trusting response tugged Meteria's heartstrings, as she prepared to break the difficult news to her beloved children. Meteria's heart ached at how the setting's warmth and the children's innocence contrasted with the weight of the impending conversation.

The room seemed to hold its breath; the air heavy with the unspoken truth that hung in the air. Meteria's voice was gentle, but it carried a weight that seemed to press down on the twins' small shoulders.

"Bell, Alice... I'm very sorry, but your father isn't coming back. He died a few weeks ago, during the mission to complete the last Great Quest," Meteria's words fell like a heavy hammer, shattering the fragile illusion of their father's return. Her eyes glistened with tears, mirroring the sorrow etched into her heart.

A stunned silence descended upon the twins, wrapping them in a cocoon of disbelief and grief. Bell, his young heart heavy with the realization of loss, felt his eyes beginning to well up with tears. Emotions swirled within him, a turbulent sea of confusion and sorrow, making it difficult to comprehend the enormity of the news. Questions jumbled in his mind, but the words seemed to get stuck in his throat, rendering him mute.

Standing beside her brother, Alice's face mirrored his confusion. She reached out and took his hand in hers, squeezing it tightly, their small fingers intertwined as if seeking solace and strength from one another.

The rest of the family remained silent; their expressions somber. There were no words that could mend the just shattered pieces of the twins' world. The painful truth had been revealed, and they all knew there was nothing they could say that would make any difference. The twins had to know the truth, no matter how excruciatingly painful it was.

"But...but... but... papa… promised... that...he...would...come...home...." Alice's voice trembled, her words quivering like glass on the verge of shattering. Tears welled up in her eyes, glistening like dewdrops on fragile petals. Her voice was a plaintive melody, filled with the innocence of a child who couldn't yet fathom the cruel symphony of life.

Bell, her twin, sat beside her, his own eyes mirroring her grief. He clenched his small fists, knuckles turning white as he struggled to contain the storm of emotions surging within him. His lower lip quivered, and his breath hitched as he tried to process the crushing reality of their father's absence.

Meteria watched them with a heart heavy with sorrow. She longed to hold them close, to shield them from the pain, but she knew that they had to confront this harsh truth. She reached out and gently placed a hand on Alice's trembling shoulder, offering a silent reassurance that no matter how painful it was, they would face this together.

Bell's chest tightened, a lump forming in his throat as the tears threatened to overflow. He refused to let them fall, trying to be strong in the face of this devastating revelation. His voice trembled with a mixture of confusion and sorrow as he found the courage to speak. "Is that why we had to leave? Because he's gone?"

Zeus, typically the jovial and light-hearted member of their family, now spoke with a heaviness that hung in the air like a shroud of grief. His words were a somber echo of the painful truth. "Him, along with the majority of our familia, were lost during the mission to complete the last Great Quest."

The room seemed to grow colder; the once-warm atmosphere now replaced by a heavy, suffocating sadness. The weight of their words pressed upon them all, especially Bell and Alice, who were struggling to comprehend the magnitude of their loss. It was a moment where no amount of comforting words could alleviate the pain, and the somber rhythm of the conversation mirrored the melancholy in their hearts.

"I am sorry, my child," Hera said softly, her voice a gentle breeze of sorrow. The room seemed to hush in reverence to the heavy truth she carried. "But we had no choice but to leave. It was the only way to keep you both safe."

Bell's voice emerged as a fragile whisper, carrying the weight of his grief. "I miss him," he admitted, the words a vulnerable admission of the void that had consumed his young heart. Alice, his anchor in this storm of emotions, clung to him, her small hand clutching at his sleeve. Her eyes, wide and brimming with tears, mirrored the sadness that enveloped them all.

Zeus, who had always been the embodiment of cheerfulness, rested a gentle hand on Bell's shoulder. His voice, now tinged with an unfamiliar solemnity, resonated through the room. "We all miss him, son. But he did what he had to do. He loved you more than anything in this world, and he would have done anything to keep you safe."

Meteria, the family's pillar of strength, wrapped her arms around Bell and Alice, drawing them into her warm embrace. Her voice, firm yet tender, carried a message of resilience. "Your father was a hero in the end, and he will always be a part of us, even though he's not here physically anymore. We will honor his memory and continue his legacy. He believed in us, and we need to believe in ourselves too."

In this intimate moment of shared grief, the room became a sanctuary for their emotions. The atmosphere was heavy with sorrow, but it was also a place where love and support enveloped them like a protective cocoon. Each word and gesture were a testament to the strength of their family bond, and the rhythm of their conversation flowed with the ebb and flow of their emotions.

Bell's nod was a silent acknowledgment, his throat constricting with the weight of unspoken emotions. Questions swirled within him like a tempest, but he sensed the fragility of this moment and chose to keep them at bay, at least for now.

Alice, always curious and empathetic, broke the silence with a hushed query, her voice trembling with concern. "What about Aunti... I mean Stepmother Alfia and Uncle Zard?"

Zeus responded kindly, his voice carrying the weight of sorrow and fatigue, like a heavy shroud of grief draped over their hearts. "They are both alive, but they need rest and won't be moving for a while."

Meteria, the ever-stoic presence in their lives, affirmed Zeus's words with a solemn nod, her expression mirroring the concern etched on the twins' faces.

"Who are you keeping us safe from?" Bell's query hung in the air, filled with a child's natural curiosity and trust.

Zeus and Hera exchanged a silent glance, a brief but profound communication between them as they grappled with the weight of a decision. How much should they reveal to these young souls, still so tender and unburdened by the harsh truths of the world? Ultimately, they chose to shield their innocence a little longer, to preserve the remnants of their fleeting childhood.

"Bell," Zeus began, his voice gentle yet burdened with the knowledge of a harsh reality, "I know this won't be the answer you want to hear, but for right now, you don't need to know. If, someday when you're older, you still want to know, we will tell you then."

It was a promise, a testament to their unwavering love and protection, but also a heavy acknowledgment that the world beyond their home was not always kind or gentle.

"And what about Orario? Will we ever return there?" Bell asked, his eyes reflecting a mixture of longing and uncertainty, searching for a glimmer of hope.

"In due time, Bell," Zeus replied, his voice carrying a weight of responsibility. He looked at Bell and Alice, his eyes filled with a deep love and concern. "We need to keep you and Alice safe first. Our enemies are very powerful, and we must take precautions. But I promise you, if that is what you want, then we will see Orario again."

Bell and Alice exchanged a meaningful glance, silently acknowledging the gravity of their family's situation. The conversation continued, with questions flowing like a river, each query revealing the depth of their innocence and the magnitude of their loss.

"We know this is hard to accept," Meteria interjected gently, her voice carrying a soothing warmth, "but we all love you both, and we will be here for you every step of the way. Just know that we only left to keep you safe."

Hera nodded in agreement; her gaze filled with encouragement.

"And I promise that one day," Zeus added, his tone resolute, "we will return to Orario and reclaim what has been taken from us."

It was a promise of a brighter future, a flicker of hope amid their present darkness, a vow to their children that they would one day find their way back to the place they once called home.

Bell and Alice exchanged a silent, knowing glance. Their young hearts carried a weight far beyond their years, an understanding that their father's sacrifice had paved the path for their future. They shared an unspoken promise - they would ensure that his sacrifice was not in vain.

The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of their emotions settling like a shroud. Meteria, her eyes brimming with sorrow, broke the stillness with soft-spoken words, her voice filled with love and understanding. "I know it's hard to accept, but your father loved you both more than anything in the world, and he would have done anything to keep you safe."

Bell and Alice nodded in response; their young faces marked by the profound impact of her words. Their grief was still fresh, their hearts aching with loss, but within the depths of their sorrow, there was a glimmer of understanding and acceptance.

Zeus's warm hand gently settled on Bell's shoulder, offering both comfort and reassurance. "Your father was a great hero," he began, his voice carrying the weight of admiration. "He saved a good many of our children by distracting the dragon. They are alive because of him."

Hera, her eyes soft and loving, nodded in unison with her husband. "He was a hero in the end," she affirmed, her voice rich with pride and affection. "He loved you both very much, and he would have done anything to keep you safe."

Meteria, her tearful eyes reflecting the pain of their loss, added to her own sentiments. "Your father was a good man," she whispered, her voice quivering with emotion. "And he believed in us. We will honor his memory by believing in ourselves too."

In the midst of their grief, the family found strength and unity, their words weaving a tapestry of love and reverence for the fallen hero who had sacrificed everything for the sake of his children.

Bell and Alice nodded, their young eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Their innocent souls, burdened with the weight of grief, sought solace in the presence of their loving family.

"Mama, can we cry now?" Alice's voice quivered with the ache of loss, her vulnerability laid bare.

Meteria, taken aback by her little one's question, quickly recovered. "Of course, sweetie," she whispered, her heart aching in unison with her children's pain.

And then, as if a dam had burst, the flood of sorrow engulfed them. "PAPPPPAAAAA!" Alice's wail cut through the room, a heart-rending cry of a child missing her father.

“WAHHHH” Bell cried as tears flowed freely, mirroring the anguish that gripped his sister's heart. His shoulders trembled with each sob, his own loss echoing in the mournful chorus.

Meteria, their steadfast anchor, pulled her precious children close, enfolding them in a protective embrace. There, within the shelter of their shared love, they surrendered to the raw, cathartic release of grief.

Chapter 5: Chapter 3: Meteria

Chapter Text

Six months after they had arrived in the village.


The room echoed with the harsh notes of a relentless cough, a dissonant chord in the symphony of life. Meteria's once-melodic laughter now transformed into a harsh refrain, each gasp for breath carrying the weight of her struggle. A handkerchief, once pristine, bore the cruel stains of her ailment—splinters of crimson against the canvas of vulnerability.

"Momma, are you okay?" Bell's voice, tinged with genuine concern, cut through the room. His wide eyes met his mother's gaze, holding the weight of a secret too heavy to bear.

"Momma, do you want tea? Gramma said that would help your throat," Alice pleaded with her eyes, searching for something, anything, to ease her mom's suffering.

"I'm fine, my dear. But tea would be wonderful." The words, a gentle murmur, painted a melody of reassurance over a canvas of struggle. Meteria's lips curved into a faint smile—a mask woven with care to shield her children from the harsh truth lurking in the shadows. Her voice, once unwavering, now trembled with vulnerability.

"Okay. I'll go make it right away, mommy. Just hold on. It will make you feel better soon." Alice darted to the kitchen, determined to do something, anything, to bring relief.

"I am just a little tired. A little rest and some tea will surely help." The words were a thread of fiction, woven to shield Bell and Alice from the harsh reality that threatened to unravel. Bell's gaze held skepticism and worry—a reflection of his love for his mother and his desire to protect her.

1 Year after they had arrived in the village

As Meteria's health declined, and Hera became her constant companion and caretaker. Every act of tending to Meteria's needs was an act of love, a heartbreaking testament to Hera's devotion.

Hera's days became an unbroken vigil by Meteria's side. She fed her, bathed her, and helped with every essential task, even as Meteria's ability to manage on her own dwindled. Seeing her daughter succumb to illness weighed on Hera's heart, chipping away at it each day.

Bell and Alice, keenly observant, couldn't ignore the painful truth the adults tried to shield them from. Meteria's deteriorating health became increasingly evident, and the once vibrant world outside their home faded into a mere whisper of memory.

Meteria's fits intensified, convulsions more violent, leaving her gasping for air in a battle against an invisible foe. Her breathing became a rasping struggle, and the relentless coughing brought forth a horrifying sight—blood staining once-pristine sheets.

The walls of their home enclosed Meteria like a cocoon, a sanctuary of fragility. Outside, the world moved on, oblivious to their suffering. Bell and Alice shouldered the weight of their family's well-being, managing household chores while Zeus toiled outdoors, seeking anything to ease Meteria's suffering.

"Today, Bell, we have to tackle the laundry," Alice said, her voice soft but tinged with worry. Fear etched lines on her face that she struggled to hide.

Bell nodded, determination in his eyes. "Alright, let's get started."

As they worked, Bell stole glances at his fading mother, yearning to be a source of strength in the face of her suffering. Emotions warred within him, the desire to help conflicting with the helplessness gripping his young heart.

"I hope mama gets better," Alice whispered, her voice trembling with sadness and fear.

Bell hugged his sister close, unable to offer reassuring words but conveying their shared love and concern through their embrace.

18 Months After moving to the village

As the days passed, Bell and Alice noticed that their mother was spending less and less time outside of her bedroom. She had grown weak and could barely get out of bed. When asked why, she'd only say something along those lines: 'I'm just tired. Don't worry sweetie. I will get better soon. Momma loves you and is going to stay with you as long as she can."

One day, Alice heard voices coming from their mother's room. She crept closer and listened.

"It's time to let her go," Zeus said.

"We can't just give up on her! Hermes Said that he had a branch of the Holy Tree. I am sure that will help." Hera spoke with a sense of urgency. “Damn that wretched high elf. I can’t believe she would send a letter like that. If only….”

Alice's heart sank and she ran away before she could hear more. Her mother was going to die. She ran back to her room and cried. She didn't want to face reality. She wanted to stay in denial. But she couldn't hide from the truth forever.

As the days passed, Alice grew more and more withdrawn. She barely spoke to anyone, even her brother. She blamed herself for her mother's illness. She wished she could have done more to help. She wished she could have saved her. Even if her mind told her there was nothing she could do, her heart was begging her to do something anything to help her mom.

Several Days later:

Hermes entered the dwelling, his usual cheer dimmed by the weight of the situation. Delayed by the turmoil outside Orario, he carried a burden of utmost importance.

"I am sorry. I am so late," he confessed, regret lacing his words. "Public order outside Orario has declined more than I thought it would. But I managed to get it."

Hera's face, etched with worry, brightened at Hermes' arrival. She wasted no time, practically seizing him by the arm. "Thank goodness you're here, Hermes. Come with me immediately."

Without ado, Hera led Hermes to Meteria's room, a place now saturated with shared concern. Inside, Meteria lay, her pallor stark against the white sheets. The room held a heavy hush, the gravity of the situation pressing on them all.

Hermes extended the branch towards Meteria. "Here you go, Meteria," he said, a hint of relief in his voice. "I am glad that I made it."

Meteria's weak smile held both gratitude and sorrow as she accepted the branch. "Thank you, Lord Hermes. I appreciate your generosity. I know how difficult it is to get one of these in the best of times. But I can't take it."

Hera's heart sank, her voice trembling with emotion. "What do you mean? This could save you!" The thought of losing one of her last remaining children devastated her.

The room felt heavy with the weight of the conversation, the air itself thickening in response to Meteria's words.

"My illness has progressed too much," Meteria confessed, her voice frail and filled with resigned sorrow. "The branch will only buy me a few weeks or a month or two at most."

Tears welled up in Hera's eyes as she grasped the severity of the situation. "But...but...still... I know your illness has progressed, but this has always helped you recover."

A faint, wistful smile crossed Meteria's lips. "I know," she whispered. "But I have already made my decision. I need to focus on my family. Even if it does push it off, it will only be a few weeks or months at most. I need to think about Alice and Bell."

The sense of love and selflessness in Meteria's voice was palpable as she continued, her gaze locked onto Hera. "Lady Hera, I have a request of you. Please use this for Alice. She has the same sickness. I failed as a mother once; I couldn't give my child a healthy body... I don't want to fail again by taking away something that could save her life. I am choosing my daughter over myself."

Tears streamed down Hera's cheeks, mingling with her heartache as she struggled to find words. "You are not a failure of a mother, Meteria," she said, her voice quivering with emotion. "You have showered those children with every ounce of affection possible. Never think of yourself as a failure again. They are both wonderful children."

Hera took a breath, steadying herself before nodding, her resolve clear. "I understand. I'll make sure Alice gets this. Don't worry about her, Meteria. We will take care of her and Bell."

In the quiet room, a sense of finality hung heavy in the air, bittersweet like the fading notes of a melancholic melody. Meteria's fragile smile held a warmth that lit up the dim space. "Thank you, Lady Hera," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and acceptance. "I will assume that this is goodbye, Lord Hermes. I doubt I will live long enough to see you again. Thank you for everything."

Hermes, his godly countenance tinged with sorrow, bowed his head slightly. "I am sorry that I could not do more for Meteria," he admitted, his voice touched with genuine regret. "It was a pleasure meeting you. You truly are too kind of a soul for this world. I will pray that Hades gives you peaceful rest. If Bell or Alice ever need anything, send them to me, and I will do what I can to help."

Tears glistened in Hermes' eyes as he embraced Meteria gently, a god's farewell to a humble soul. He held her for a moment, cherishing this final connection, this fleeting moment of humanity. Meteria chuckled weakly, a trace of her former spirit shining through even in this solemn moment.

"Oh, my, to have a God pray for me. I am lucky," she whispered. "Thank you for your offer. Just don't teach Bell to be a peeper," she added, her tone playful despite the circ*mstances, as she returned Hermes' embrace, their frail forms a testament to enduring strength.

"Haha, I can't promise that, as it is a man's rrrrrrrromance after all," Hermes chuckled, his words light and playful.

But Hera's response was swift and rage-filled. Her voice rumbled like distant thunder, and her gaze turned fierce and cold as she locked onto Hermes. "Fool, if you try to corrupt my precious grandson, I will smite you myself. The depths of Tartarus will be a vacation in comparison to what I will do to you."

Hermes, feeling the weight of Hera's anger, laughed nervously, his brow damp with sweat. He quickly patted Meteria on the back and made a hasty exit. "Hahaha, it was a joke, Hera, I promise. Well, I don't want that, so I had best leave."

As the door closed behind Hermes and Hera, Meteria was left with her thoughts, a somber blanket enveloping her heart. She knew she had made the right decision, but it still hurt. Her children, her beloved sister - they would all be left behind, and she couldn't bear the thought of not being there for them.

Unfortunately for them, unbeknownst to anyone, a set of little ears, just behind the door, overheard the conversation.

Flashback to before Hermes left.

Alice, concealed from view, had witnessed the arrival of Hermes, or as he insisted, Uncle Hermes. Sprinting towards the house, she couldn't quite make it before Hera pulled him inside. Quivering with curiosity and anxiety, she stood there, a small form hidden from sight. Reaching the house, she discerned voices emanating from her mother's room. Instead of barging in, Alice opted to wait, allowing her to eavesdrop on the discussions inside.

As the words drifted through the air and into her ears, Alice's eyes widened, her petite body frozen as she listened with rapt attention. The gravity of their conversation weighed on her like an immovable boulder, and immediately, she began to blame herself. Guilt coursed through her veins, a toxic poison consuming her from the inside out.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she remained hidden, unable to budge. She felt like a helpless spectator in her own life, watching as the world she knew crumbled around her. Her young mind grappled with the situation, unable to shake the belief that somehow, her presence had caused her mother's suffering.

Alice's thoughts spiraled into an ever-darkening abyss. She clutched her chest, her heart pounding as she wrestled with guilt and fear. The room around her seemed to close in, shadows growing longer and more menacing, mirroring the turmoil in her young mind.

Her breaths grew shallow, her wide eyes filled with unshed tears. She pressed her ear closer to the door, straining to catch a glimmer of hope or reassurance in her mother's voice.

Within her young heart, a maelstrom of emotions raged. She felt the crushing weight of responsibility, a burden she couldn't possibly understand but was determined to bear. Her thoughts circled back to the times when she had inadvertently hindered her mother's treatment. She believed she had somehow contributed to her mother's worsening condition, and a sense of guilt weighed heavily on her fragile shoulders.

As the conversation persisted, Alice's inner world grew increasingly turbulent. Her small fingers clenched into fists, nails biting into her palms. She yearned to burst into the room, to express her remorse and explain that she hadn't intended to exacerbate matters. But the fear of disappointing her family further kept her rooted in place, hidden behind the door, ensnared in her self-imposed isolation.

Each word spoken by her mother fueled her inner torment. She wished she could turn back time, undo any perceived mistakes, and make her mother better. In her young mind, she had a child's understanding of cause and effect, believing her presence had somehow triggered her mother's decline. She felt responsible for her mother's suffering.

As the weight of guilt and sadness bore down on her, Alice's thoughts spiraled into darker territory. She envisioned a future where her mother's illness continued to worsen because of her, a future where her brother had to care for her, and where the entire family's happiness crumbled.

Tears welled up in Alice's eyes, blurring her view of the door. She bit down on her lower lip, fighting to keep her sobs silent. She didn't want her family to hear her crying. She didn't want to be a burden.

In her young heart, she had already determined that she needed to make amends, to somehow find a way to heal her mother, even if it meant taking matters into her own hands. The guilt that had taken root in her mind now twisted and grew like a gnarled vine, threatening to strangle her with sorrow and self-blame.

In her young mind, she began to construct a narrative where her existence was a burden, a hindrance to her family's happiness. She felt like an intruder in her own life, a source of pain for the people she loved most. She believed that if she hadn't been born, her mother wouldn't have needed to make this heartbreaking choice.

Alice's thoughts spiraled into an ever-darker abyss. She contemplated ways to rectify her supposed mistake, even if it meant leaving her family to spare them further pain. The weight of her perceived responsibility bore down on her, threatening to extinguish the innocence of her childhood.

Upon hearing Hermes announce his departure, Alice's world crumbled into a myriad of shattered pieces. With eyes brimming with unshed tears, she bolted from the scene, her tiny feet propelling her swiftly through the familiar corridors of her home. Her heart pounded in her chest like a terrified bird seeking escape from its cage.

She didn't want anyone, especially her family, to witness her in this state. She needed to hide, to bury herself in the confines of her room where the walls would shield her from the pain that had just been thrust upon her.

As she reached her room, she slammed the door shut behind her with a resonating thud. The sound reverberated in the ensuing silence. Her room, once a sanctuary of comfort and solace, now felt like a prison, confining her with the tormenting thoughts that swirled within her mind.

Alice threw herself onto her bed, her petite frame shaking with sobs. Tears soaked her pillow as she buried her face in it, muffling her cries. She felt lost, adrift in a sea of emotions too vast for her young heart to comprehend.

Guilt’s insidious voice gnawed at her, an unrelenting beast that whispered in her ear, telling her that she was to blame for her mother's suffering. She didn't want to be the reason her family was in pain. She didn't want to be a burden. If she wasn't here, then her mama would have taken the branch and been able to live a little longer. If she wasn't here, then her brother would have a mother for longer. If she wasn't here Grandma Hera would still have her beloved daughter.

In the isolation of her room, Alice's inner turmoil raged on, a tempest of conflicting emotions threatening to consume her. She silently cried herself to sleep. She didn't even notice when Bell came to check on her or that he noticed that she had been crying. Bell gently took one of the blankets from his bed and placed it over Alice. Being careful not to wake her from her, Bell pulled the blanket to cover her, so that she wouldn’t catch a cold. Alice stirs slightly: "Bro...."

"You are welcome, Sis. I am always gonna be there for you. We are family." Bell whispered tenderly, his voice carrying the weight of his devotion. He carefully tucked the blanket around Alice, making sure she felt safe and warm before turning towards his own bed. The dim room seemed to echo his unspoken thoughts, a cocoon of shared love and unwavering support.

The next morning

Bell's eyes flickered open abruptly, his heart still gripped by the remnants of a haunting dream. In that nightmarish vision, he had awakened to a world where his mother had slipped away, leaving an aching void, and Alice had vanished into the shadows of uncertainty. He couldn't discern whether it was merely a dream or an ominous premonition.

Bolting upright, Bell rushed to his sister's bedside. Alice lay there, awake but lost in contemplation, her gaze unfocused.

"Hey, Bell. Did you sleep okay?" Alice inquired, her eyes not quite meeting his.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Bell replied with a heavy sigh, his unease lingering like a shroud.

Alice nodded, a silent understanding passing between them. She sat up and swung her legs over the edge of her bed, patting the space next to her. Bell settled beside her, and Alice enveloped him in a comforting embrace.

"It's going to be okay, Bell. We're going to get through this together," she whispered softly, her words infused with sincerity.

Bell leaned into her warmth, closing his eyes as if shutting out the harsh reality that loomed ahead. Fear clawed at his heart, the uncertainty of their future a heavy burden. But he knew he had to be strong, not just for himself but for Alice.

"I'm scared," he admitted, tears trickling down his cheeks. "I don't know if I can do this without her."

Alice's hold tightened around him, her silent support offering more solace than words ever could. There were no easy answers, no magical solutions. They simply clung to each other, two siblings facing an uncertain tomorrow. The world around them seemed to have lost its luster, a precious something slipping through their fingers, though they couldn't quite grasp what it was.

Several weeks later

Materia's fragile form convulsed in the throes of a violent coughing fit, each spasm wracking her frail body. She lay in bed, one trembling hand clutching her chest, the other splayed out beside her. Gasping for air between each bout of hacking, her eyes had taken on a bloodshot hue, and her pallid face glistened with a thin sheen of sweat.

A chorus of concerned voices pierced the air, the urgent cries of her beloved children drawing them to her side. They rushed to her bedside, their young faces etched with worry, their voices a symphony of care and concern.

"Mama," they chimed in unison, their expressions a mixture of fear and love. "What do you need, Mama?" Alice's voice trembled with anxiety. "Can I get you some water?" Bell's concern mirrored his sister's.

Meteria mustered a weak smile as she struggled to catch her breath. "No, my darlings," she managed between raspy breaths. "I'm fine, truly. Just a little cough."

"But Mama, you don't look fine!" Bell protested, his brow furrowed with worry, his eyes pleading for reassurance.

Meteria met their gazes with a soft, tender expression. "I know, but appearances can be deceiving. Sometimes, a cough is just a cough."

Alice's voice quivered with doubt. "But, Mama—"

"Please, my loves," Meteria interrupted gently, her eyes filled with love for her children. "Go play with your each other outside."

The twins exchanged glances; their concern still etched on their young faces. Reluctantly, they began to step away from the bedside, casting lingering, worried glances back at their mother until they reached the door.

Once outside, away from Meteria's weakening form, Bell and Alice couldn't hold back their tears any longer. They stood there, little shoulders heaving, their arms wrapped tightly around each other. The weight of their worry bore heavily on their young hearts as they walked away, their tears flowing like a silent river of anguish.

That Same Evening

The night draped itself over Bell and Alice as they sat side by side on the porch of their home, gazing up at the vast expanse of stars that adorned the dark canvas of the sky. A soft breeze rustled through the trees, and the distant chirping of crickets created a symphony of nature around them. In the quietude of the evening, their mother's bedroom window emitted a warm, reassuring glow.

Alice reached out, her small fingers intertwining with Bell's, seeking comfort in their shared bond. She turned her gaze toward him, her eyes filled with uncertainty and worry.

"What do you think it means that our mama is sick?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. "Do you think she's going to be okay?"

Bell's response was a gentle, soothing whisper against the backdrop of the night. "I don't know," he admitted, his grip on Alice's hand offering silent reassurance. He lifted his eyes to the heavens, contemplating the stars as if they held the answers. "But I know that we have to keep praying for her and being there for her."

Alice nodded, her voice trembling as she voiced her deepest fears. "And I'm scared that she might leave us like Papa did."

Bell met his sister's gaze, the weight of shared apprehension passing between them. He nodded in understanding, his voice carrying a note of resolve. "Me too. But we can't lose hope, Alice. Mama wouldn't want us to give up."

With a heavy sigh, Alice leaned against Bell's shoulder, finding solace in his presence. Together, they continued to watch the stars twinkle overhead, their flickering lights a source of both comfort and uncertainty, their hearts heavy with the weight of powerlessness in the face of their mother's illness.

Two Years After moving to the Village (Bell and Alice are Age 5)

The early morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft, gentle glow across Bell and Alice as they stood in front of their mother's bedroom door. The air was cool and hushed, as if the world outside held its breath in anticipation. With tentative, worried expressions, the siblings exchanged glances before Bell raised his small fist and knocked.

No response came from within, only the silence that hung heavily in the air. Swallowing their trepidation, they shared another glance and then, without a word, turned the doorknob and let themselves into the room. What they found was a sight that had sadly become all too familiar in recent months.

Their mother, Meteria, lay in bed, the lines of pain etched across her face as she was gripped by another bout of harsh, wracking coughs. Gasping for breath, she clutched her chest with one frail hand, her body trembling with the effort to expel the relentless torment. It was a heart-wrenching sight, one that Bell and Alice had witnessed far too often. Each time they hoped it would be the last, but it never was.

Alice couldn't hold back her tears as she rushed to her mother's side. Her voice cracked with anguish as she spoke. "Mama..."

Bell walked over to the bed and knelt beside it. His voice trembled with the weight of his concern. "Mama, can we get you anything?" he asked, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and helplessness.

As they sat by their mother's bedside, their young minds grappled with the enormity of the situation. They had encountered death before, but it had never been so intimate, so cruelly present in their lives. Witnessing Meteria's decline left them bewildered, as if life itself were playing a cruel trick on their innocence. The woman who had always been their steadfast anchor, their source of love and comfort, was now fading away before their eyes, and with each passing day, they were drawn closer to the inevitable end of her light.

"No, just go back to what you were doing," Meteria whispered, her voice fragile as spun glass.

"But Mama, you don't look fine!" Bell's words quivered with fear, his cheeks stained by the tracks of tears.

"I know that doesn't mean I'm not okay," she replied, summoning a faint, reassuring smile that barely concealed the pain etched across her face. Her gaze shifted between her children, filled with a deep, unfaltering love.

"MAMA, what is wrong? Please tell us what we can do to help," Alice pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation as she reached out for her mother.

Meteria's frail form was wracked by another fierce bout of coughing, her body curled in on itself as she gasped for precious breath. Her handkerchief, once pristine white, now bore the cruel stains of her battle. Each hacking cough felt like a relentless assault on her weakened frame, and yet, she refused to yield.

The room bore witness to her valiant struggle. The pale, morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a feeble glow on Meteria's withered form. The air seemed to hold its breath, as if the world itself paused to acknowledge her fight.

Bell and Alice watched, their hearts heavy, as their mother clung to life with every fiber of her being. Her spirit remained unbroken, but with each passing day, they saw the cruel truth unfurl before them. The strength that had once defined her, the pillar of their family, was gradually waning. It was not Meteria’s will but her body that now betrayed her. She was ensnared in the relentless grip of her illness, trapped in a web of pain and despair.

"Please. Please don't go. Don't leave us, momma," Bell pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper. Alice nodded in agreement, tears streaming down her face. She knew that she had to be strong for her brother, but the thought of losing their mother was too much to bear.

"Is there anything we can get you? We have water, medicine, and food. Whatever you need, we will get it for you. Tell us what we can do to make you feel better," Alice pleads.

“Yeah. What can we do, mamma? We would do anything for you, mama,” Bell.

"Thank you both. If you want to go, bring Grampa and Gramma here. Maybe they can help me." Meteria smiles weakly at her children.

"Okay, we will go get them. Please stay here and rest. Don't go anywhere, ok?" Bell says his voice trembling.

Bell takes off running to get his Grampa Zeus and Gramma Hera who are outside in the yard. Alice stays with her mama, holding her hand and praying for her to get better.


Zeus and Hera strolled around the family garden, the warm sun casting dappled shadows through the leaves of the trees. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the distant hum of bees. It was a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere inside the house.

Suddenly, Bell came sprinting towards them, his eyes wide with urgency and tears streaming down his cheeks. "GRAMMA. GRAMPA! Come quickly," he cried out, his voice quivering with emotion.

Both Zeus and Hera rushed over, concern etched on their faces. Zeus knelt down to Bell's level, his voice filled with a mix of worry and anticipation. "Bell, what's wrong?"

"It's... mamma," Bell choked on his words, his shoulders trembling with sobs. "She... isn't getting better. She asked to see both of you."

Hera's hand went to her mouth in shock, and Zeus's gaze hardened as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. They had known this moment was inevitable, but the reality of it was still a heavy blow.

"Come on, Bell," Zeus said, his voice steady and resolute despite the turmoil in his heart. "Let's go see your mother."

Back inside the house:

Zeus and Hera rushed to Meteria's room, urgency echoing in their footsteps. The air felt heavy, weighed by impending farewell. Hera, voice quivering, approached Meteria's bedside. "How are you feeling, Meteria?" Tears welled in her eyes.

Meteria, frail amidst sheets, met Hera's gaze. "I'm sorry, Lady Hera," she whispered, voice a fragile breath. "I can't last anymore."

Beside her, Zeus fought to keep his voice steady. "It's okay, child. We're here for you."

Alice, tears streaming, sobbed, "Mama, you can't leave us."

Meteria's trembling hand stroked Alice's hair. "I'm sorry, Alice," she whispered, tears flowing freely. "I'm dying. I won't survive the night."

Bell cried out, "NO! Mama, you have to fight!" His voice quivered with fear and denial.

Materia's apology hung heavy, a collective display of love and anguish. "I'm sorry, my children. I'll never hold you again. I'm a failure as a mother. Forgive me!"

A transformation occurred, a shift to peace. "Mama, it's not your fault," Alice choked. "You gave us everything. You're our hero. We'll always love and remember you. But please don't go."

Zeus and Hera, faces etched with grief, stood nearby. Materia smiled at her children, a final touch of a mother's love. "I'm sorry, my adorable children," she whispered. "I wish I could stay longer, but my time has come. Promise to look out for each other and keep your hearts open to love."

Her raspy words filled with tenderness, "The world can be cruel, but it holds great beauty. Goodbye, my sweet children. I love you. Never forget how loved you are, even after I'm gone. I don't know how your life will be without me, but you are strong. Remember me always, and I'll watch over you. I pray you'll live a happy life, see your auntie before she passes. I'll always watch over you from above."

Bringing Bell and Alice close, she pressed a loving kiss to each forehead. Her eyelids closed, breathing faint. Materia clung to life with unwavering tenacity, her spirit refusing to yield. As the sun dipped, she surrendered. Silence filled the room.

"MAMMMAAAAAAA!" Bell and Alice's wails pierced the silence. Hera leaned on Zeus for support.

Bell and Alice's hearts shattered. They had lost the one who loved them. Their lives would never be the same. In their grief, they made a solemn vow to carry forward her legacy.

With that unspoken promise, Meteria passed away. Her plot, adorned with a stone slab, stood as a beacon. Each day, Bell and Alice made a pilgrimage, believing her spirit lingered, guiding them.

Days of grief followed. Bell and Alice rarely ventured out, seeking solace in familiar walls. Zeus and Hera offered comfort, yet the pain of their mother's absence remained as an unrelenting ache in their hearts.

Chapter 6: Extra: Meretia’s Lamentations

Chapter Text

Meretia’s Lamentations

The first thing I remember is being wracked by incredible pain. My whole body felt like it was burning up from the inside out, and no matter how much I tried to speak, my body would be wracked by a terrible cough. I could hear voices all around me, but they sounded distant and muffled, as if they were coming through a thick fog.

I don't remember who my parents are, or even when they abandoned us. One day, they simply disappeared, leaving me and my sister Alfia alone in a world that seemed harsh and unfeeling. Alfia is the only person who has ever loved me. After our parents left, it was only ever Alfia by my side. She did everything for me. She has taken care of me since I was a child, and I don't think I would have survived without her. Actually, I know that I wouldn’t have.

Even though we were twins, it was always Alfia taking care of me. She was the strong one, the fearless one, and she never gave up on me. I know that she's the only reason I'm still alive today. Her unwavering love and determination are the threads that have held me together through all the pain and suffering.

When I was little, I was sick a lot. I had this cough that wouldn't go away, and it made me so weak and tired. As I lay there, struggling to breathe, I could feel Alfia's presence beside me. Her voice, gentle and soothing, pierced through the haze of my pain. She was speaking to me, her words a lifeline in the darkness that threatened to consume me.

"Stay with me," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "You're going to be okay. I promise."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to her, and I wished with all my heart that I could respond, that I could tell her how much I loved her and how grateful I was for her unwavering support. But all I could manage were weak, raspy coughs. I remember that there were days when I couldn't get out of bed because it hurt too much, and Alfia would sit beside me, holding me and stroking my hair.

As Alfia's fingers brushed my forehead, I could feel her warmth radiating through her touch. She was always there, always caring for me, even when I couldn't express how much I needed her. In that moment, as I lay on the precipice of darkness, I knew that I was not alone. Alfia's love was a beacon of light in the darkest of times, and I clung to it with everything I had. She would tell me stories about the world outside our room, and I would listen to her voice and imagine the places she described. Even though she had the same illness as me, she was so much stronger.

We lived in the basem*nt of an abandoned church. It was a shelter just barely enough for two orphans like us. The walls were rough stone, and the ceiling was low, but it was our sanctuary from the harsh world outside. I could hear the rain tapping on the window above, and sometimes, when the wind howled, it felt like the whole church would collapse on us. But it was our home.

Then, when I was healthy enough to walk, my sister started to teach me how to take care of myself. She showed me how to cook, in case she was ever not there , and she taught me how to read and write. We spent hours together, practicing and learning, and it made me feel like maybe one day I could be as strong as her. I just wanted to be able to do something, to be less of a burden.

One day, when I was eight or nine years old, I think, Alfia came home with a single book. I asked her how she got it, but she wouldn't say. I'm pretty sure that she stole it for me to read. It was all about the world outside my room, and she said that if I practiced reading it, then one day I could go outside and see it for myself. It was the greatest treasure I ever had. When I started reading it, I cried tears of joy at all the wonderful things in the world.

The book was my escape, my window to a world I could only dream of. It had pictures of far-off lands, of towering mountains and endless forests, of cities with towering spires that seemed to touch the sky. And through those pages, I could imagine myself in those places, running free and healthy. It was the greatest treasure I ever had. It gave me hope, something to hold on to during the long, painful nights. When I started reading it, I cried tears of joy at all the wonderful things in the world.

Alfia sat with me as I turned the pages, her eyes filled with a mixture of pride and sadness. She knew that this book was a lifeline for me, a way for me to believe in a brighter future. And even though our lives were far from perfect, in those moments, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have a sister like her.

Every night, before I went to sleep, Alfia would come and read me a story from the book. We would huddle under the dim light of an old lamp, its flickering glow casting dancing shadows on the stone walls. The pictures in the book came to life as she turned the pages, and I marveled at the vibrant images that transported me far from our basem*nt sanctuary.

We'd gaze at those illustrations, puzzling over the details, and Alfia's imagination would take flight. She wove tales of talking animals, daring adventurers, and magical lands. Her voice, a soothing melody, painted pictures in my mind more vivid than any in the book. We'd giggle and chuckle, our laughter echoing in the confines of our basem*nt hideaway, temporarily drowning out the reality of our situation.

But sometimes, laughter turned into coughing fits, and I'd double over, gasping for air, my body wracked with pain. Alfia, quick as a shadow, would rush to my side. I remember the tenderness in her eyes, the worry etched across her face as she held me close. Her warmth enveloped me like a protective cocoon, and in her embrace, I felt safe, shielded from the world's harshness.

Gently, she'd lift me into her arms, her strength and love providing the support I needed. Carrying me as though I weighed no more than a feather, she'd lay me down on our modest bed. She'd tuck the threadbare blankets around me, making sure I was snug and comfortable. Then, with infinite tenderness, she'd run her fingers through my hair, her touch a lullaby that eased me into slumber.

Alfia did everything she could to protect me. She ensured that our meager rations stretched as far as they could, her resourcefulness keeping hunger at bay. She fetched fresh water from a nearby well, the sound of the bucket being drawn up the only music we knew. In the unforgiving heat of summer and the biting cold of winter, she managed to maintain a semblance of comfort in our underground refuge.

Every sacrifice she made, every hardship she endured, was driven by one simple, unwavering belief: my well-being. I was her world, her reason for fighting through each day, and she refused to let the cruel hand we'd been dealt steal my chance at a future. Her love, fierce and unconditional, was the unbreakable thread that bound us together in the face of adversity.

But, one day, when I was about 10 years old, everything changed. One morning, as usual, Alfia left the basem*nt, but when she returned, it wasn't with a bundle of food or a jug of water. Instead, she came back with a presence so radiant it seemed to outshine the very sun. It was the Goddess Hera, herself. Even as sick as I was I had heard of the Goddess Hera from Alfia.

Alfia's eyes gleamed with excitement and hope that I hadn't seen in a long time. She told me that she had been recruited into Goddess Hera's Familia. And the best part? I was to join the Familia as well. It was a revelation that shook the very foundations of our existence.

In that moment, I felt a whirlwind of emotions. Fear gnawed at me, its icy fingers clutching at my heart. The unknown stretched before me, and it was a vast, daunting abyss. But there was something else too, a glimmer of hope, a fragile thread of possibility. This opportunity meant access to the things we'd only dreamt of—food that didn't leave us hungry, clean water, clothes that weren't tattered, and even protection from the perils of the world beyond our basem*nt sanctuary.

Alfia and I sat down, our voices low and filled with uncertainty. We talked for what seemed like hours, weighing the pros and cons. She explained that this was a chance, a lifeline thrown to us by the goddess herself. It was a path that could lead us away from the shadows we'd known all our lives.

My heart wavered, torn between the familiarity of our struggles and the promise of something better. But as I looked at Alfia, her eyes bright with determination, I realized that this decision wasn't just about me. It was about us, about her, about the sacrifices she'd made to ensure my survival. In that moment, I knew what I had to do.

I nodded, my fear slowly giving way to resolve. I would follow Alfia into this new chapter of our lives. I would do it not just for her, but because it was the only way I could repay her unwavering love and devotion. It was the only way we could truly thrive, rather than merely survive.

Alfia, my beloved sister, helped me prepare for our journey to our new home. The anticipation weighed on my chest like a stone, the mix of fear and excitement knotting my stomach. We walked side by side, our hands clasped together, the familiarity of our touch providing a semblance of comfort in this uncertain moment.

As we ventured through the bustling streets of Orario, a sea of unfamiliar faces turned their attention to us. It was as though their gazes bore into our very souls, dissecting us with their judgmental eyes. We were not like them, not even close. Dirty, ragged, and marked by the hardships of our past, we stood in stark contrast to the pristine radiance of the goddess beside us. Their stares were like shards of ice, piercing our very being.

The hushed whispers reached our ears, carrying with them the weight of scrutiny. To them, we were anomalies, strangers in their world, or perhaps even something less than that—mere apparitions from a forgotten realm. I felt a pang of self-consciousness, an acute awareness of the dirt on my clothes, the tangled mess of my hair, and the haunting fragility of my existence.

In that moment, we were isolated, adrift in a sea of strangers. The irony was not lost on me; we had sought refuge in the realm of the divine, but we were still alone. It was a loneliness that cut deep, a reminder of the chasm between us and the world around us. We were two souls who had forged an unbreakable bond amidst the harshest of circ*mstances, and nothing else truly mattered.

The world could stare, judge, and whisper, but it couldn't touch the connection between my sister and me. We had always been alone, but together, we were a force to be reckoned with. If joining Hera's familia was the path we had to tread, then so be it. For in the end, it wasn't the judgment of strangers that defined us; it was the love and loyalty that bound us together.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally arrived at the Hera Familia's mansion. The sight that greeted us was nothing short of a marvel, a testament to the goddess's regal grace and the grandeur of her eternal realm.

The entrance stood was a magnificent gateway, framed by towering, pearlescent gates that shimmered with radiance. Upon their surface, intricate scenes unfolded, depicting the goddess's divine blessings upon the mortal world. I marveled at the craftsmanship, from the creation of constellations to the forging of unbreakable bonds, etched in a mesmerizing dance of artistry.

Beyond these celestial gates, we found ourselves in a sprawling garden—a realm where mortal and divine flora coexisted in harmonious splendor. Cobblestone pathways wound their way through this lush sanctuary, and statues of celestial beings adorned the walkways. Their expressions were frozen in a perpetual state of awe, as if they, too, were captivated by the beauty that surrounded them.

At the heart of this enchanted garden lay an arboretum, a testament to the divine. Mystical trees stretched heavenward, their branches adorned with leaves of gold, silver, and sapphire. They seemed to sway to an invisible celestial symphony, whispering secrets carried through the breeze. I couldn't help but wonder if the fruits that adorned these magnificent trees truly held the keys to eternal love and wisdom.

Stepping across the threshold of the mansion, we entered a grand hall that left me breathless. The walls were adorned with resplendent frescoes, each one telling the stories of unions between gods and goddesses. Among them, Hera radiated in divine magnificence, her presence filling the room. Crystal chandeliers hung from the vaulted ceilings, casting a gentle, golden glow that seemed to embrace all who dared to enter.

As we ventured further into the mansion, we found ourselves in a labyrinthine library—a sanctuary of knowledge and the chronicles of time. Books lined endless shelves. The air was thick with the accumulated wisdom of the ages, each volume holding secrets waiting to be unveiled.

The heart of the mansion revealed itself as we stepped into a ballroom adorned with celestial murals. A grand crystal chandelier bathed the room in a soft, celestial light, and the air itself seemed to shimmer with echoes of laughter and music. It was a testament to the eternal celebrations held in honor of love and unity, a place where joy knew no bounds.

In the private sanctum of the mansion lay Hera's chambers—a sanctuary of grace and serenity. The celestial canopy bed stood as the centerpiece, its intricate design reflecting the goddess's ethereal elegance. Through the windows, I glimpsed the celestial cityscape, a breathtaking panorama that seemed to stretch to infinity. A gentle breeze carried with it the fragrance of divine blooms, enveloping the space in an atmosphere of eternal love and tranquility.

We were led to Hera's own chambers, the place where our destinies as members of the Hera Familia would be sealed with the bestowal of a falna. Nervousness gnawed at my insides, the weight of serving such a powerful goddess heavy on my shoulders. Yet, beneath the anxiety, a flicker of excitement danced in my chest. This marked the beginning of our new lives, Alfia’s and mine.

As we stepped into that sacred space, I couldn't help but marvel at the aura of serenity that enveloped us. Hera herself stood before us, a vision of divine beauty that seemed to radiate a gentle warmth. In her presence, I felt an inexplicable calmness wash over me, as if her very being could chase away all fears.

The ceremony commenced, and though I had no prior knowledge of what to expect, my uncertainty faded as I watched Hera. Her hands, graceful and powerful, met mine with a tenderness that touched my heart. Her words of pride, spoken directly to me, resonated deeply. In that moment, her simple gesture of approval held immense significance, and it felt as if I had found my place in the world.

After the ceremony, we were ushered to a lavish banquet, a feast fit for the gods themselves. The flavors and aromas that wafted from the dishes were unlike anything I had ever tasted, a symphony of richness and decadence. It was clear that this meal had been prepared with love and care, and it filled me not only with satiation but with a profound sense of belonging. I knew then, more than ever, that I had found my true home.

From that pivotal day forward, our lives underwent a transformation beyond imagination. Our own room within the mansion became a sanctuary of comfort and security. The best food and medicine were now at our fingertips, ready to nurture our bodies and spirits. Most significantly, we had gained something priceless—a family.

No longer were we adrift in a world that had rejected us. We were enveloped by the warmth of people who genuinely cared about our well-being and yearned to witness our successes. Opportunities we could have only dreamed of were laid at our feet. Above all, we had the privilege of being a part of something much greater than ourselves.

While challenges still punctuated our journey, the rewards far outweighed them. Alfia's rapid ascent within the familia, becoming an executive at the young age of 16 and level 7, filled me with unbounded pride. It was a testament to her indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication, and I knew she would go on to achieve greatness beyond our wildest dreams.

Above all else, what truly mattered to me was the opportunity to share my life with the person I cherished above all others—my sister Alfia. She was the reason I still drew breath, the one who had been my unwavering anchor through the storms of life. When even the most esteemed medical familias of Dian Cecht and Miach declared my illness incurable, it was Alfia who refused to surrender.

Miach, with his compassionate promise to keep seeking solutions for my ailment, became our beacon of hope. He extended his kindness further by providing us with herbs, each carrying the whisper of potential healing. His words were laden with encouragement, detailing alternative treatments that might alleviate my suffering. It was a gesture of genuine benevolence, and we were grateful for his unwavering support.

Despite our unyielding efforts, the relentless grip of my illness tightened with each passing day. Like a relentless shadow, it grew, casting an ever-deepening darkness over my existence. It was an insidious adversary that eluded our every attempt to vanquish it. Though at some point Hera did get her hands on a branch of the Holy Tree from one of the elven forests. That seemed to work at least a bit. I did feel my disease abate a little.

In the realm of Orario, it's easy to harbor misconceptions about familia life. Many view it as an express route to prosperity, a ticket to a life of comfort and privilege. Yet, the reality is far more complex. Familia life demanded unceasing dedication, an unrelenting will to forge one's path. It was a commitment that exacted a toll, often in unforeseen ways, and the cost was not always clear from the outset.

Nonetheless, with Alfia by my side, I had the strength to face the unknown. She had always been the stalwart protector of our shared existence, guiding us through adversity with fierce determination. Together, we confronted life's enigmas, both known and unknown, bound by an unbreakable bond that had seen us through the darkest of times.

Surrounded by people whose kindness radiated like a protective cocoon, I couldn't help but feel like a fragile ember in a roaring blaze of goodness. My sister, Alfia, was the unwavering pillar supporting me, her strength and devotion my guiding light through the labyrinth of uncertainty. During the moments when she was away, attending to familia matters or training, I often felt adrift, lost in a sea of my own limitations.

But then, when I least expected it, he walked into my life like a beacon of hope in the darkest of nights. It was as if fate had conspired to mend the fractures in my heart with the gentlest of hands. His presence was a soothing balm, his kindness a lifeline that tethered me to a world I had once deemed inaccessible.

His patience knew no bounds, and his kindness felt like a warm embrace, enfolding me in a cocoon of safety and love. In his eyes, I found the reflection of my worth, the affirmation that I, too, deserved happiness. He was the living testament to the enduring power of love, a force capable of overcoming the most formidable challenges.

In his presence, I discovered that life still held treasures waiting to be unearthed. He became my reason to forge ahead, my motivation to savor every precious moment. His love was the resounding answer to my silent prayers, a testament to the unwavering belief that even in the bleakest of times, hope could illuminate our path.

Together, our hearts danced to a harmonious rhythm, a melody of resilience and devotion. In his tender embrace, I found the strength to confront life's trials, knowing that if he was by my side, I could surmount any obstacle. Love, he showed me, was not only worth preserving but worth fighting for, and with him, I would face every challenge with unwavering courage.

I remember when we first met. Ah, I can't help but chuckle when I think back to that day. hehehe. Zeus, a notorious peeper, had dragged him along to try and peep several members of the Hera familia in the bath. hehe. While he did try to escape from Zeus as soon as he could he ended up getting lost and he stumbled upon me and Alfia bathing together.

Oh, my Gods. I remember the look on Alfia's face vividly. I had never seen her blush before. It was as if she'd turned into a ripe tomato, her normally composed demeanor completely shattered by the unexpected intrusion. It brought me immense amusem*nt to see my sister like that. I was so happy at the sight of Alfia blushing. I swear she turned 10 different shades of red. She really is just too cute when she is embarrassed.

Oh, and then he started stammering and twitching like a scared bunny! AND THEN AND THEN in his frantic bid to escape the scene, he tripped and stumbled, quite literally falling headfirst into Alfia's bosom. The world seemed to pause for a heartbeat as they locked eyes, their faces inches apart. I could hardly believe my eyes. The two of them, frozen in a moment that felt like an eternity, before he finally managed to tear himself away and flee as if chased by the Cerberus, itself. After that Alfia tried to catch him but apparently, he really was a bunny because he was able to run away from a VERY enraged Alfia.

A few days after the rather awkward incident involving him, he surprised me by returning. He came to apologize for his role in the whole peeping debacle, explaining that Zeus had dragged him into it. But what he said next caught me off guard.

He told me that he was glad he had ended up going along with it, and I couldn't help but ask him why. Did he find my sister's nudity so captivating that he was grateful for the spectacle? It was a teasing remark, and he shivered at the thought, quickly denying it. No, he said, that wasn't the reason he was happy. He was happy because he got to see me.

I was taken aback. Me? He was happy to see me in the bath? Not my voluptuous sister, but me, the quiet one, the observer? The realization that someone could be happy just to see me left me blushing furiously. It was a sensation I had never experienced before, like the time Alfia had caught that poor guy watching us bathe, except this time, instead of being embarrassed, I found myself blushing and wanting something entirely different.

As I told him to stay, I watched his reaction shift from surprise to a nervous, twitchy demeanor. This was something new, and despite my own uncertainties, I wanted him to stay. It was the first time a man had ever said something like that to me, and for some inexplicable reason, I found myself yearning for his presence.

He was undeniably attractive, cute, and handsome in a way that drew my attention like a moth to a flame. His eyes, especially, held me captive. They were a beautiful shade of rubellite red, sparkling with kindness and compassion. His hair, like mine, was an ethereal white that seemed impossibly soft, and I couldn't help but imagine how soft it might be to the touch. Strong jawline, high cheekbones, and a tall, lean figure gave him an air of quiet strength, hidden beneath his clothes.

I often found myself lost in thoughts about what it would be like to be held in his arms, to feel that sense of security and protection. When I admitted this to him, he chuckled, but there was a bitterness in his laugh. You see, despite his handsome exterior, he had doubts about himself. As a member of the Zeus Familia, he often lamented his perceived weakness, struggling to keep up with the rest of the familia. He confessed to always being the first to flee from danger.

Yet, despite these insecurities and self-doubt, we did manage to spend time together, and it was in those moments that I felt a connection growing between us. It was in those moments that I began to understand the man behind the self-deprecating humor and the twitchy demeanor.

"Will you come back to see me?" I asked, my voice filled with hope.

He smiled, his eyes reflecting a mixture of longing and determination. "I promise I'll do my best," he replied, his words a tender reassurance. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but our love was worth the risk.

He kept coming back, visiting me whenever he could sneak away from his familia duties. With time, we got to know each other on a level deeper than mere friendship. Our connection grew stronger, each stolen moment bringing us closer and closer. Until one day, we finally admitted what had become so painfully obvious – we had fallen deeply in love.

We continued our secret rendezvous, stealing moments to be together whenever fate allowed. And then, one night, as we lay next to one another, I gathered all my courage and popped the question.

"Will you marry me?"

His reaction was nothing short of bewildering. His eyes widened, his body trembled, and he began to twitch nervously. Panic set in, I lunged forward, my fingers closing around his leg with a fierce determination that left him dangling helplessly. His face, now inverted and pale, displayed a riveting blend of emotions: fear and wonder danced in his eyes.

His voice, though trembling, carried a tinge of confusion. "But why me? Why not someone stronger, someone better suited to care for you?"

Tears welled in my eyes as I gazed at him. The raw, unfiltered emotions welled up within me, and I knew I had to make him understand. "It's not about strength, or being 'better' for me," I whispered, my voice quivering. "It's about love, about wanting to spend every moment with you, no matter what."

He remained suspended, tears streaming down his face like liquid silver. "I can't believe anyone could love me like this," he choked out, his disbelief washing over me.

As I looked at him, my heart swelled with a mixture of tenderness and frustration. "If only you could see yourself through my eyes," I mused, my inner thoughts echoing the sentiment. "If only you could see the kind, gentle, and loving man that I see every single day."

I asked him once more, the words trembling on my lips, "Will you marry me?" This time, he nodded, his eyes glistening with tears. We both broke into joyful sobs, our emotions cascading like a waterfall.

In that moment, a profound happiness washed over me, a sensation I'd never experienced before. It felt as if the whole world had suddenly burst into vibrant color, and all my dreams had come true.

I'd never dared to dream that such a love could be mine. It was an overwhelming feeling, knowing that someone cherished me in this way. And then, on that fateful night, I gave him everything that I am. It was a moment filled with passion and longing, the culmination of our shared desires and love.

Lying there, entwined in each other's arms, I realized that I had found the one person with whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life. We talked for hours, our voices soft and filled with affection, punctuated by sweet kisses. It was a night of profound happiness, one that would forever be etched into the tapestry of my memories.

Little did I know that our passionate night was just the beginning of something extraordinary. As our bodies entwined and our desires burned brighter, I felt a connection deeper than I had ever known. With each passing moment, our love intensified, igniting a fire that would change our lives forever.

We surrendered to our desires, exploring the depths of our passion until the first rays of dawn painted the sky. As the sun's gentle light crept into the room, we both realized it was time for him to leave, to return to the familia before he was missed.

We decided to waste no time and planned to marry as soon as possible, eager to embark on this incredible journey together. The next, he was able to sneak in, as we were huddled close, we discussed how to share the news with our families, a mix of reactions played out in my mind.

Zeus, I thought with a smile, would undoubtedly erupt in laughter, and throw a grand celebration worthy of the gods. Hera, on the other hand, might unleash her legendary temper and attempt to banish Zeus back to Tenkai, creating thunderstorms in the process. And Alfia... well, best not to dwell on her response. It won't be pretty.

We had been talking it over for weeks when my illness took a turn for the worse and I had to go see Dian Cecht and Miach healers. That was when I found out I was






I never thought I'd be blessed with the chance to have a baby. Given the struggles with my health, carrying a child seemed like an impossible dream. So, when Miach shared the news that I was pregnant, shock coursed through me like an electric jolt.

With cautious hope, I inquired, "Is there a way I can carry this pregnancy to term?" His gentle response filled me with a glimmer of optimism. "Let's see how the next month and a half unfolds. If all goes well, there's a good chance you can."

The day I broke the news to my husband, his elation overflowed, spilling into tears of joy. The sheer disbelief in his eyes mirrored my own astonishment. Our thoughts then converged on our families, a knot of apprehension forming in our hearts. We knew this revelation wouldn't be met with open arms, and sadly, it wasn't.

Hera's fury knew no bounds as she chased Zeus around Orario, wielding a gleaming cleaver like a vengeful deity. Her threats to send him back to Tenkai and her murderous intent painted a vivid picture of the depths of her rage.

Meanwhile, Alifia's reaction was no less intense. Her wrath was like a tempest, ready to consume everything in its path. She stormed into Zeus’s familia home until I threw myself on her as I pleaded with her, my heart aching, and poured out my love for him, emphasizing how I couldn't bear the thought of my child growing up without their father. Alfia's resolve gradually wavered, but the rage within her found another outlet—she descended into the Dungeon to vent her fury. It was said that her rampage was so intense that monsters dared not cross her path, causing a day-long halt in spawns on the same floors as her.

In the end, they both grudgingly accepted our union, though Alfia's disdain lingered in her piercing glares. Our wedding was an intimate affair, a small gathering suited to my frailty. We were granted respite in a cozy villa outside Orario, a place where happiness bloomed like wildflowers.

My heart soared with joy; the realization that I was building a family filled me with indescribable happiness. It was a dream, once distant and unattainable, now flourishing into a beautiful reality.

Three months later, I received news that left me utterly floored—I was expecting twins. The initial shock was soon eclipsed by an overwhelming excitement to share the revelation with my husband. When I did, his own astonishment mirrored mine, but beneath it, a profound happiness radiated.

As we contemplated the prospect of becoming parents to not one, but two little ones, a mixture of emotions swirled within us. Excitement was there, yes, but so was fear—the unknown loomed before us like an uncharted sea.

When we finally mustered the courage to share our news with our family, their reactions ran the gamut. The shock was the first thing we saw mirrored in their eyes, but then it transformed into genuine happiness. Hera, as always, couldn't help but worry about my well-being, her concern etched across her face. Meanwhile, Alfia's icy glares bore into my husband, a clear display of her lingering reservations.

Six months later at the end of Meteria’s pregnancy.

Carrying the twins to term was a grueling ordeal. My body, ravaged by disease, bore the heavy burden of two additional lives. Yet, Hera's intervention brought a glimmer of relief—a branch from the Holy Tree. It eased my symptoms somewhat, a lifeline in the storm.

Then, the miraculous occurred I developed a skill. The title was: A Mother's Love. This newfound ability went beyond the branch's soothing touch, further alleviating the torment of my disease. Hera explained that it was a manifestation of my unyielding determination to see my children born.

Bedridden for most of the remaining pregnancy, my love became my steadfast caretaker. His nervous visits, fraught with the fear of discovery, brought a sense of warmth and comfort amid the suffering. We spent those long hours envisioning our future as parents, discussing the joys and challenges that lay ahead.

I also vividly recall Alfia's visit and telling her about my skill. She wanted assurance that I was holding up, that the pregnancy was progressing well. Learning about my newfound skill filled her with delight, and her words were a balm to my soul. She saw it as proof that my maternal love could conquer even the fiercest illness. She said that it was proof that my love for my children was stronger than any illness.

When the twins finally made their entrance into the world, they were nothing short of breathtaking. One was a boy, Bell, his eyes the vibrant shade of rubellite, a gift from his father. He sported a tiny tuft of silvery hair, a trait he shared with both me and Alfia. Then there was Alice, our darling girl, with heterochromia just like Alfia, but her eyes bore the enchanting hues of sapphire and emerald. Her eyes, were a blend of both of us, carried a piece of my heart and a piece of Alfia's.

The love I felt for them surged in my chest, overwhelming and all-encompassing. But as I gazed at Alice, my heart plummeted into an abyss. She started coughing, and then a horrifying sight—blood. In that moment, my entire world shattered into jagged fragments. I must have screamed because suddenly, everyone was rushing to our side, the air thick with panic and fear.

Miach's scrutinizing gaze fell upon Alice, and a shadow crossed his face as he discovered the cruel truth—she suffered from the same affliction that had plagued me. A merciless disease, one that had defied all attempts at a cure.

What went wrong? I asked myself, my heart heavy with despair.



I loved my children with a ferocity that knew no bounds.



I had wished for their health and happiness, prayed for it every night.



What did I do wrong?



What did I do wrong?



Why had fate chosen to be so cruel, robbing my innocent child of a chance at a healthy life?



Hera tried to console me. Her words were a balm to my wounded soul, assuring me that there was nothing I had done to deserve this.

After Miach and Dain Chent had completed their examination of Alice, they delivered the verdict. She did indeed carry the same illness that had tormented me, but there was a flicker of hope in their words—it didn't seem as severe in her as it had been in me. And as for Bell, there were no signs of the affliction, a relief that washed over me like a soothing tide. Thank the Gods for that small blessing.

But then came the question that had been gnawing at my heart—could my daughter be cured? Their answer was shrouded in uncertainty. While it was theoretically possible, their previous attempts with Alfia and me had yielded no success. Given that Alfia and I suffered for years untreated, if Alice were to receive treatment now it might make a difference. However, a glimmer of hope remained, a slender thread to grasp. The branch from the Holy Tree had worked wonders for me; perhaps it could do the same for Alice. I had to take the chance.

So, I immediately asked Hera to try the same treatment on Alice. Her response was an immediate yes, a testament to her love for me. She agreed without hesitation, and I felt a surge of gratitude for her unwavering support.

After a few agonizing weeks, Alice finally began showing progress and its effects were nothing short of remarkable. It wasn't a cure, but it was a glimmer of hope, a beacon in the darkness. The branch had to be ground into a fine powder and mixed into her drink, and I'll never forget the way she scrunched up her nose at the taste. But that little wrinkle of distaste was a symphony of joy to my ears—it meant progress, a chance for her to reclaim at least some of her health.

Alfia continued to assist with our care, her presence a silent but comforting reassurance. Hera, too, paid us frequent visits, her support unwavering. Miach and Dian Cecht proved to be compassionate healers, tirelessly working to aid Alice's recovery. As the years passed, she grew stronger, her health improving by leaps and bounds. She eventually learned to walk and talk, blossoming into a beautiful little girl with long white hair and those mesmerizing heterochronic eyes. Her laughter filled our home, her vivacious spirit a testament to her resilience.

My heart swelled with overwhelming happiness, knowing that Alice had been granted a chance at life.

Three years after the birth of the twins. After news of the Familia defeat by OEBD.

I can't believe it.



My heart aches,



and the world around me blurs into a hazy, unfocused mess.



I feel something running down my cheeks.



My love



He is gone....



My beloved twin



my world has just crumbled



"Mamma" I hear my adorable children cry as they come running into my room.



I can't show it on my face.



I must protect them as long as possible.



Alfia is alive.



Thank the gods.







did this happen?



Why did I have to lose him?



He was kind and gentle.



He loved his children.



Why did this happen?



Now we have to flee.



Loki and Freya



Want to take over.?



Evilus will try to attack us if we stay.



I don't care anymore.



I just want my children to safe



I will leave and look after them for as long as I can.



One Year after moving to the village:

I can feel it, the relentless progression of my disease. It's a sinister shadow creeping closer, and I know I won't another year. Every day, I sense my life slipping through my fingers like grains of sand. But I can't bring myself to tell Bell and Alice. They've endured so much already, and I'm determined to shield them from any more pain.

For their sake, I'll wear a mask of unwavering strength. Inside, I'm crumbling, but I must be their pillar of courage. I need to fight for my children.

18 months after moving to the village:

A searing agony courses through me, every inch of my body engulfed in merciless flames. I lie still, unable to move, each breath a torment, harder than the last. The disease has taken a relentless grip, and I sense my body gradually shutting down. But I refuse to succumb. For my children, I must stay strong, summoning every ounce of willpower.

I'm aware that my time is running out. I can't let that deter me. My children's happiness are my unwavering resolve. A silent prayer lingers in my thoughts—I hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive me for leaving them behind. Regardless, my love for them will never waver, and I'll watch over them always.

Then, a tremulous voice breaks through the haze of pain. "Mommy." Alice's voice, laden with fear and sorrow, pierces my heart. I long to comfort her, to hold her close and promise that everything will be okay. But my feeble body betrays me, rendering me nearly immobile, struggling to breathe without revealing the depths of my torment.

"It's okay, my little one," I manage to whisper, tears stinging my eyes. "Just come lie next to me and let me hold you."

My voice is a mere whisper as I gaze down at my daughter, lying beside me, clutching the sheets as she tries to hold back her tears. Her silver hair, a cascade of moonlight, fans out on the pillow, framing her heterochronic eyes filled with a mixture of fear, concern, and boundless love. Ah, she's going to blossom into a stunning woman one day. Bell will have his hands full warding off her suitors.

My trembling hand reaches out to gently stroke her delicate face. The warmth of her skin against my palm offers a fleeting comfort. "Shhhh... it's going to be okay; I promise."

Alice looks up at me, her eyes searching for truth in my words. She wants to know if I'll truly be alright. I manage a weak smile, one laced with sorrow for the lie I'm about to tell her. "Yes, my little one. I'm going to be just fine." A lie, I know. I ache with regret, knowing she deserved a mother who could have been there to watch her grow.

Alice nods, her small form gradually relaxing. "Goodnight, mommy. I love you."

"Goodnight, Alice. I love you too."

I watch her eyelids droop and she drifts into a peaceful slumber. Gazing at my little girl, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. She's my beautiful daughter, with her silver hair and those mesmerizing heterochronic eyes. She is my entire world.

And then there's my dear son, with his eyes like rubellite gems and hair as white as the snow. He holds my heart in his tiny hands.

My gaze shifts to the ceiling, and I send up a silent prayer to the gods. I pray for the chance to reunite with my husband, to be with him in whatever afterlife awaits us. The ache of missing him cuts deep, a yearning to hold him one last time, though I know it's impossible while I still draw breath.

But my wants and desires are irrelevant now. I must focus on my children, my precious Alice and Bell. They are strong, a reflection of the resilience I've instilled in them. They've been raised to face adversity head-on, to endure whatever challenges life throws their way. Yet, I know this will be the greatest trial they've ever faced.

They've already suffered so much, first losing their father, and now, inevitably, losing me too. I don't want to leave them behind, but I can no longer deny the stark reality. My body is betraying me, my lungs faltering, and every fiber of my being weakening.

I'm aware that time is running out. I don't know how much longer I can endure. The fight against this disease has drained me, leaving me exhausted and worn. But I have to summon every ounce of strength. I must keep fighting, keep clinging to life for their sake. My children need me, and I cannot leave them alone to face the world without a mother's love and guidance. I am just tired.

Alice, too young to grasp the gravity of the situation, clings to hope. In her innocent eyes, she believes I'll recover, walk again, and hold her close while reading bedtime stories. I can't bear to shatter her belief. I must keep the promise I made to her.

Bell, on the other hand, seems more aware. Constant worry etches lines across his face, and the fear lingers in his eyes. He frets, concerned about my well-being, about the possibility of having to care for Alice alone, and the terror of losing another loved one. His voice trembles as he speaks, "Mom, it's not your fault, you did everything you could."

But deep inside, I know it wasn't enough.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Bell."

Each breath I draw is a battle, my lungs aflame with pain, but I mustn't show him. He's already endured so much, and I refuse to burden him further. I have to be strong for him, for Alice, but it feels impossible.

It's so hard to breathe...

My lungs burn with every breath...

But I can't let them see...

I can't let them see how much it hurts...

They have already been through so much...

I must be strong for them ...

I must...

But I can't...

I'm so tired...

I just want to sleep...

Just let me sleep...

It's okay...

It's okay...

Everything is going to be okay...

Mama promises to be with you as long as she can.

Exhaustion wraps around me like a heavy shroud, and the desire to sleep, to find release from this agony, becomes overwhelming. I yearn to surrender, to let go, but I can't. Not yet. I muster the last shreds of my strength, whispering to myself, "It's okay... It's okay... Everything is going to be okay."

Gazing down at my little girl, I can't help but smile. She's a vision of beauty, wrapped in her innocence. My trembling hand reaches out to gently stroke her hair, savoring the softness of it. As I do, tears threaten to spill from my eyes, for I know that this might be one of the last times I ever get to hold her so close, to feel her warmth.

Drawing a deep, quivering breath, I wage a battle against the tears welling up inside me. I must be strong, for her sake, for my son's sake. They need me now more than ever. I can't let them see me cry. My heart aches, but I bury the pain deep within, determined to shield them from my own grief.

2 Years after Arriving in the village(Alice and BEll are 5)

Ahhhh. It is finally here. It's getting harder to breathe now. My lungs are burning, and every breath feels like a struggle. But I must keep fighting. I have to stay alive for them.

I'm so tired. So weak. I feel like I could just lie here and never move again. I don't want to give up. Not yet.



But I just can't fight it anymore.



My body just won't listen.



It is all too much.



I just want to be free of pain.



But I have to live for my children.



I am sorry my little ones.



Mama can't fight anymore.



Hera and Zeus came after I sent Bell to them.



They understand what is happening. I can see the grief on their faces.



I just can't fight any more.



The darkness is closing in.



I can't breathe.



I can't see.



I can't think.



All I know is pain.



I'm drowning in it, suffocating under its weight.



It's all around me, enveloping me, pulling me deeper into its embrace.



I fight against it, struggling to break free, but it's no use.



I'm sinking further into the abyss, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.



"MAMMMAAAAAAA!" Bell and Alice's wails pierced the darkness



Mama is sorry little ones, but she just couldn't do it anymore.



But in the end, I give up.



I let go and allow myself to be swallowed up by the darkness.



Because at least then, I don't have to fight anymore.



At least then, I can finally rest.



Uh. Where am I?



I thought Death would be different.



Oh, someone is coming. I feel a divine presence like Zeus and Hera.



"Do you know who I am child of Hera?" a voice like a comforting whisper reaches my ears



"You are a god, your lordship." I reply demurely knowing that I am now in this God's hands.



"Yes, child. I am Hades. I have come to give you peace until it is time for your reincarnation," Hades speaks gently, his eyes soft and filled with compassion.



"Uh. Why do I deserve such treatment?" I find myself asking, baffled by the unexpected compassion I'm receiving. I can't fathom what I've done to warrant this.



"I have heard my brother and sister's prayers for your soul," Hades utters, his voice carrying a solemn weight. "And I have decided to answer them. You may merely consider this the whim of a God if you wish. But you have done many things that have earned you rest."



"Two years ago, when Zeus and Hera's children entered the afterlife," Hades begins, his voice a gentle murmur, "I felt all of those children's affection for you. All the warmth and comfort that you gave them. They all felt blessed to have met you. Yours truly is the gentlest and kindest soul in Genkai, and for that alone, you have earned a peaceful rest." His words hung in the air, carrying a profound weight.






"Thank you, Lord Hades," I whisper, my voice quivering with gratitude. Tears well up in my eyes, threatening to overflow.



"Think nothing of it, my child. It is merely my whim," Hades says softly, his voice carrying an otherworldly grace. Then, with a flick of his fingers, we are transported instantaneously to a grand place that towers above us. I gaze around in awe, my eyes wide as I take in the magnificent surroundings. As I continue to look around I see....






My love.



I can't believe it.



He is here.



"Your husband saved the lives of many of his and Hera's familia when he charged the dragon," Hades continues, his words brimming with solemn reverence. "He did so out of love and a desire to protect his loved ones. In the end, he was a hero, one who exhibited selflessness and boundless courage. While his soul has not yet earned the rights to the Elysian Fields, I can at least grant him some peace." Hades as he nods his head to the man in front of him.



"You will both have rest in my palace until it is time for your reincarnations. I will even allow you to watch your children grow up from here," Hades says with a kind and benevolent smile.



"I have no words for this Lord Hades. Thank you. " I say



"Think nothing of it my child. now I am sure that you two have much to discuss." Hades as he walks through the gates of the palace



"My love". I speak as I gently walk over to him

"My beloved" he said as he pulls me into an embrace that I have not felt in two years.



Ahhh. How I have missed this. I have wanted this more than anything.



Hades's Perspective.

I am glad that I was able to answer your prayers my brother and sister. She truly is the gentlest soul in Genkai and truly deserved a kinder fate. But even so, that is not why I summoned her.

So, it truly is their children.



Was this you’re doing Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos?



What fate do you have in store for them, I wonder?



I hope it is a Triumph






not a tragedy.



Back in the World of the Living (Camp of the Remnants of Zues and Hera Familia)

Amidst the remnants of Zeus and Hera's camp, a somber atmosphere hung heavy. The camp bore the scars of countless battles, a testament to the trials faced by those who once resided there. Among the ruins, a solitary woman with striking heterochronic eyes stood, her gaze fixed upon a cherished necklace in her hands.

The necklace, a symbol of the unbreakable bond between sisters, had seen better days. A broken link lay on the ground before her, its gleam dulled by the passage of time and the weight of unspoken sorrow. This chain, a constant companion through epic battles against Behemoth, Leviathan, and finally the dragon, had never once faltered. Her sister had often teased her, claiming that as long as she lived, the necklace would remain whole, embodying her boundless love for her twin.

But the link now lay shattered at her feet, a dreadful realization washed over her.

Meaning that if it broke......

Words caught in her throat, and her voice trembled as she dared to utter a name.


Tears welled up in her mismatched eyes, their hues reflecting her inner turmoil. Uncontrollable sobs wracked her body, and amidst the desolation of the camp, her grief reverberated in silence. She cried, as she always did, in silence, mourning the loss of her beloved sister.





In the bustling city of Orario.

Within the confines of a lavishly adorned room, a delicate glass ornament lay shattered on a polished wooden table. It had been a gift from a cherished friend, its intricate design once catching the light and scattering it in a cascade of colors. Now, all that remained were the fragments scattered like fallen stars.

The high-elf princess, her countenance a tapestry of emotions, regarded the broken ornament with a mix of melancholy and contemplation. Was this a mere accident, a whim of fate, or perhaps a sign of something more profound?

"I am sorry... for everything, my friend," she whispered softly, her voice tinged with regret. "If this is a sign, then I hope you have finally found peace."

"La..."A voice began to call out to her, but she swiftly silenced it, refusing to let her inner turmoil show. Her thoughts and feelings were her own to bear, locked away behind a facade of composure.

"Coming right now. Let's get going. We have a meeting to attend." Her words, though firm, carried a weight of unspoken burdens as she turned her back on the broken ornament, leaving the shattered memories behind as she ventured into the uncertain future.




In the grand tapestry of existence, the world continued its relentless spin, indifferent to the individual threads of mortal lives. Each person, with their own unique stories, wove their own fates, be it one of triumph or tragedy, heroism or villainy. Yet, amid the vastness of the cosmos, the hearts of two young souls mourned the loss of their mother. In the grand scheme of things, their grief might have seemed inconsequential, but in their world, it brought everything to a screeching halt.

The twins, left with an unfathomable void, clung to each other in their sorrow. Their bond, the last remaining connection to the mother they adored, became a lifeline as they navigated the turbulent sea of grief. Each tear shed was a testament to their love, each hug a silent promise to help bear the heavy burden of loss.

In the relentless turning of the world, they knew they couldn't remain trapped in the past. It was not what their mother would have wanted. Throughout her life, she had valiantly battled illness, and the thing she cherished most was the simple act of living life to the fullest. And so, day by day, the twins forged ahead, determined to honor their mother's memory by embracing each moment, living with a vigor that mirrored her spirit.

Chapter 7: Chapter 4: Sibling Explorations


Wanted to give people something happy to read.

Chapter Text

Six months after the passing of Meteria.

Slowly but surely, the twins had begun to emerge from the shadow of their grief. The pain of losing their mother lingered within their hearts, but signs of life returning to their youthful faces were evident, though the loss cast a melancholic hue over their lives.

One positive development was their increasing willingness to venture outdoors. The vibrant world beyond their doorstep beckoned, and they answered the call. Side by side, they roamed the forest near their home, exploring the tranquil woods that held both memories of joy and sorrow.

On one of their excursions, the twins stumbled upon a hidden gem in the forest. An opening in the trees revealed a small clearing. Here, several towering trees, their trunks weathered by time, had fallen over. Their massive limbs formed a natural, swaying curtain that beckoned the curious children to uncover the mysteries beyond.

"It looks like a cave," Alice observed, her voice filled with curiosity.

Bell nodded in agreement, taking a moment to assess their discovery. "Yes, it doesn't seem very big," he replied thoughtfully. "But we should be able to fit inside."

With their adventurous spirits leading the way, the twins decided to explore the mysterious hollow further. They moved closer to the small entrance, the anticipation of the unknown propelling them forward. As they crawled inside, darkness enveloped them, and the musty scent of the place filled their nostrils. The air felt damp and heavy, and faint, echoing drips of water could be heard somewhere in the distance.

Their eyes adjusted to the limited light, revealing the interior of the hollow—a world of shadows, of secrets yet to be uncovered. As they ventured deeper, their small forms disappeared into a narrow tunnel that beckoned them forward into the heart of the mysterious cave.

"Let's go!" Alice exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement, her eyes shining with curiosity.

Bell hesitated, his worry evident as he voiced his concern, "I'm scared."

But Alice, the bolder of the two, offered reassurance, her hand reaching out to her brother's. "Come on, it'll be fine," she said with determination. "I'll protect you."

Encouraged by his sister's courage, the twins ventured further into the cave, their footsteps echoing softly against the rocky walls. The darkness engulfed them, and Bell couldn't help but murmur, "Wow, it's so dark in here."

"I know," Alice replied, her voice just above a whisper. "Let's keep going." The thrill of discovery outweighed their apprehension, binding them together in their shared adventure.

The twins continued into the hollow, the limited light from between the branches casting flickering shadows. The air hung heavy, and the distant echoes of water droplets hitting unseen surfaces filled the silence. Bell pulled a magic stone lamp from his back.

With each step, the sound of dripping water grew louder, guiding them into the hollow. Eventually, they reached an opening in the wall, their curiosity piqued. Peering through, they discovered a dimly lit room on the other side.

"What is this place?" Alice wondered, her voice filled with wonder and uncertainty.

Bell studied the surroundings, eyes narrowing at the underground chamber. "Some kind of cave," he replied, his voice reflecting intrigue and caution. "A passageway over there."

The twins entered, finding a small tunnel. Damp air clung, faint sounds of water droplets creating a mystical ambiance within the labyrinth.

Navigating, they stumbled upon chambers, each unveiling unique wonders. In one, an underground pond stretched before them, its surface reflecting torchlight, a mesmerizing dance of glimmers.

In another, a colossal stalagmite rose like an ancient sentinel. Stalactites hung like menacing teeth, adding to the awe-inspiring beauty.

Further exploration led to a chamber bathed in an ethereal glow. Through an opening, sunlight pierced the darkness, casting a radiant spotlight upon glistening crystals on the cavern floor.

The twins marveled at the captivating beauty, a stark contrast to their grief. Every discovery infused them with renewed energy, propelling them deeper into the labyrinthine caverns, where the air grew heavier, and distant echoes of dripping water served as an underground soundtrack.

Approaching a tunnel, darkness encroached, and the twins clutched their torches, anticipation heightened.

Finally, they emerged into a moderately sized cavern, the heart of this subterranean world. Its atmosphere was mysterious and tranquil. At its center, a glistening pool mirrored the dimly lit surroundings. The liquid surface rippled occasionally, as if whispering secrets of the underground. The cavern's centerpiece was a pristine pool, its surface shimmering like liquid crystal, catching and refracting stray beams of light. The walls surrounding the pool, once hidden, were unveiled in grandeur, bathed in an ethereal radiance. Clear and frigid, the water allowed a glimpse of the rocky bottom, where intricate formations of stones formed a mosaic.

Above, a skylight emerged, a crack in the cave's ceiling pouring sunlight into the chamber, far surpassing torchlight. The twins, eyes widened, stood on the precipice of another chamber, walls adorned in multifaceted crystals sparkling in every hue. The room was bathed in a kaleidoscope of colors.

"Wow!" Alice's voice resonated, her exclamation dancing off the crystal walls. "So beautiful!"

Bell's eyes, wide with wonder, swept across the breathtaking chamber. "Amazing," he murmured, barely comprehending the spectacle.

A sense of awe enveloped Alice as she nodded. "Incredible," she whispered in reverence. "Can't believe we found it."

Bell stood beside his sister, captivated by the spectacle. Vibrant colors were nearly blinding, and the rhythmic drip of water created a hypnotic atmosphere.

"Like we've stepped into another world," Alice murmured, her voice barely audible in the enchanting surroundings.

"I know," Bell replied, his eyes wide with wonder.

With each step, the twins ventured deeper. The ground felt soft, covered in mossy soil. The air hung heavy with dampness and growth, the distant echo of water droplets adding to the tranquil ambiance.

Each step uncovered more of the hidden treasures. As they explored, the children stumbled upon a small pool, its surface shimmering under a natural skylight. Their reflections danced as they crouched to dip their feet, soft splashes echoing like joyful laughter.

The sounds resonated, mingling with the drip of water, creating a serene symphony. An overwhelming sense of peace enveloped the siblings, a feeling forever etched in their hearts. This experience, born from the depths of an underground world, was destined to become an indelible memory.

"We should head back before Grandpa and Grandma worry," Bell suggested, his tone responsible.

Alice turned to him, eyes reflecting the enchantment. "Muh. I know," she replied, voice holding reluctance. "Just so beautiful here."

With shared understanding, the siblings began their ascent, leaving behind the mystical world. The forest seemed to hold its breath, keeping their secret hidden. With the weight of their newfound secret resting between them, they made a silent pact to cherish this enchanting place they had stumbled upon, sharing it only with each other for now.

Several days later the twins have returned to the cave

When the twins returned to the cave, the air hung heavy with anticipation. The last few days were spent exploring every nook of the underground world, driven by an insatiable thirst for its secrets. Despite its relatively small size, the cave's otherworldly allure fascinated them.

In the main chamber, dim light played on crystalline walls, casting a gentle, multicolored glow. Their eyes widened in wonder, drawn to an opening in the cave wall to their right. It beckoned them further into the heart of the cave, promising hidden treasures. With curiosity piqued, they ventured forward, following the tunnel until it opened into yet another, larger chamber.

The new chamber stretched high above them, adorned with a breathtaking display of glowing crystals. Unlike the previous one, this chamber had a large hole in the ceiling, allowing sunlight to stream in. Warm rays illuminated the space, casting a cozy glow.

At the heart lay a small, pristine lake, its surface as smooth as glass, surrounded by carefully arranged stones. The water was so clear they could see to the bottom, where stones created intricate patterns. The air was crisp, and a soothing melody of dripping water echoed, adding to the tranquil atmosphere.

"We should make this a secret hideout, Bell," Alice exclaimed, eyes sparkling with excitement. "Perfect!"

Bell's gaze swept around, a smile on his face. "I like it," he replied, filled with enthusiasm. "Let's start decorating now."

The twins wasted no time, collecting materials from the cavern. They scavenged for anything to create decorations, breathing life into their hideaway. Drawings, trinkets, and mementos found their place on the walls, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences. It may not have been extravagant, but it held the essence of their time together.

Among their treasures, the twins brought an old, tattered blanket Hera had planned to discard. With a sense of nostalgia, they draped it over a rock, transforming it into a cozy corner of their hideout.

As the siblings worked, the cavern echoed with shared stories and cherished memories. Laughter and secrets filled the air, bridging the past and future. In this hidden realm, solace was found, their connection growing stronger.

"It's perfect," Alice whispered, her eyes shimmering with reflected colors on the cavern walls.

Bell nodded,"Can't believe we found this place," he murmured, eyes wide with wonder. "Like a dream."

Side by side, they settled on a soft blanket, gazing at the tranquil pool. The rhythmic sounds of dripping water serenaded them, a cocoon of peace.

"I love you, Bell," Alice whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. " You're the best brother I could ever ask for."

Bell smiled and wrapped an arm around Alice ;"Love you too, Alice," he replied, voice a soft murmur above nature's symphony.

In the cave's embrace, the twins sat in wordless communion, a moment of closeness. The tranquility enveloped them, and all that mattered was their togetherness.

Breaking the silence, Alice's voice quivered. "Bell, I miss Mama."

Alice leaned into Bell, seeking solace, her words filled with longing and loss. Bell's gaze softened, hugging her tightly, a promise of comfort.

Tears welled in Alice's eyes. "It's my fault Mama died," she sobbed, burdened with guilt.

Bell's voice was firm. "It isn't your fault," he replied, gaze steady. "Mama was sick, Alice. There was nothing anyone could do."

Alice, tear-stained, looked up, voice trembling. "But Bell, Mama refused a Holy Tree branch for me! If I wasn't here..."

"DON'T say that again," Bell shouted, fierce protectiveness in his words. A stark contrast to his usual gentleness. Alice flinched, guilt haunting her.

"Bell, I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice fragile with guilt, as if her words could shatter her.

Bell's fierce protectiveness left her flinching and vulnerable. His usual gentleness vanished, replaced by an intensity that belied his age. The stark contrast hung heavy in the air.

Alice stared at her trembling hands, guilt a relentless shadow. Her tight throat, filled with emotion, barely allowed her words.

"I... feel that way sometimes," she confessed. Bell's reprimand left a lasting impression.

Bell's protectiveness softened to earnestness. Fear of losing more family fueled his outburst.

He pulled Alice close, his arms a reassuring hug. "If you weren't here," he whispered, vulnerability in his voice, "I'd be all alone. What would happen to me without you?"

Alice sniffled, tears glistening. "I don't know," she admitted, voice a whisper, uncertainty about a world without each other.

"I'd be miserable and lonely," Bell confessed, voice quivering. "I love you, Alice. You're practically the only family I have left."

Alice tightened her embrace, their connection a lifeline. "I love you too, Bell," she whispered “Thank you.”

Locked in embrace, solace found in their bond. Time stood still, shared grief manageable by love. They parted, the connection strong, stories and laughter shared.

Finishing their sanctuary, the chamber sparkled with crystals. Alice, eyes filled with accomplishment, turned to Bell.

"We did a good job, didn't we?" she asked, pride and gratitude in her voice.

Bell nodded, a smile reflecting joy. "Yes, we did," he affirmed, gently taking Alice's hand. "Our special place. Our sanctuary." The cavern felt like a haven where love and memories dwelled.

Alice's warm smile against Bell, eyes filled with affection, spoke volumes. "I love you, Bell," she whispered, words deep with twin understanding.

Bell's reassuring voice replied, "I love you too, Alice. More than a sister, you're my best friend. I can tell you anything, and you'll always listen."

Contentment washed over Alice, nodding. "Glad we found this place. Closer to you here than anywhere else."

Bell's gaze shifted to crystals on cavern walls, appreciation in his quiet voice. "Feel the same way, Alice. Our sanctuary."

Silent closeness enveloped them. Alice rested on Bell's shoulder, the cave's tranquil ambiance cocooning them in shared serenity.

Bell broke the silence. "Glad we have this place, Alice," he said softly, eyes shimmering. "Our special hideout."

Alice nodded, agreement in her sparkling eyes. "Me too, Bell. Escape from the world. Just be ourselves without worrying Grandpa and Grandma."

Her infectious smile met Bell's gaze. "Glad we found this place. Come here anytime, relax, be together."

Bell tightened his grip on Alice's hand, silent affirmation of their unbreakable bond. "Me too, Alice. Our sanctuary, away from everything."

Alice's response carried shared resolve. "Right," she said, determination in her voice.

Bell continued, unity and belonging in his words. "Family. We take care of each other."

Alice echoed, heartfelt. "Right."

Bell summed it up. "Us against the world."

Alice's response was unwavering. "I agree."

Renewed promises and lighter hearts, the twins left the cavern. Strengthened by family bond, they faced life's challenges together.

Chapter 8: Chapter 5: Sudden Storm

Chapter Text

Bell and Alice meandered through the woods, steps cushioned by fallen leaves. The forest teemed with autumn hues—crimson, gold, and amber—as sunlight dappled through the canopy. The air held a crisp bite, signaling winter.

Their enthusiasm, high at the start of their adventure, had gradually waned as the day wore on. The morning promised intrigue, but they found only insects and darting squirrels. The woods hoarded its secrets.

Alice's face bore frustration, eyes scanning with determination and disappointment. She sought ancient artifacts or hidden paths revealing the forest's history.

Bell, on the other hand, wore an ever-optimistic smile, even as the day's yield seemed meager. He was content to be in nature, appreciating the little creatures and the whispers of the trees Glancing at Alice's furrowed brows, he said, "Maybe the forest is playing coy, saving its mysteries for another time."

Alice sighed; her breath visible in the brisk air. " I guess you're right. Patience isn't my strong suit."

Continuing, Bell noticed distant rustling. Curiosity piqued, he signaled for silence. They stood still, listening to the forest's symphony—rustling leaves, bird calls, and a soft breeze's tune.

Expressions shifted from disappointment to intrigue as they ventured toward the sound. Maybe, finally, patience would pay off.

In that quiet, anticipation built, Bell's heart danced with excitement. The forest seemed ready to reveal its secrets. Alice felt hope rekindled. Maybe the day held an undiscovered surprise.

Deciding to venture deeper, the sun painted light and shadow on the leaf-strewn ground. Bell marveled childishly at shadows' intricate s shapes cast by the branches above.

As they journeyed, footsteps stirred the forest floor, releasing the earthy scent. The anticipation grew, the possibility of discovery fueling excitement.

Amidst the quiet wilderness, they stumbled upon fresh animal tracks in the soft earth. The twins exchanged a knowing glance, eager to follow nature's trail.

They pursued the tracks deeper into the woods until trees thinned, revealing a vast clearing. Awe overcame them as they stepped into the open, greeted by unexpected beauty.

At the clearing's heart stood a majestic apple tree, branches heavy with ripe fruit. The tree stretched toward the heavens, a natural marvel. Bell's eyes widened, and he raised an arm, joy escaping in his words.

"It's beautiful," Alice murmured, voice laced with awe.

"Race ya!" Bell's shout carried excitement, and he dashed forward, laughter painting the air.

"CHEATER! CHEATER!" Alice's playful accusation rang out as she pursued, laughter blending with Bell's.

Around the massive trunk, they weaved, a whirlwind of mirth. Laughter echoed through the forest, blending with rustling leaves and wildlife calls. The world blurred in their joyful play, momentarily untouched by care.

Then, with a shared purpose, they sprinted towards the treasures that nature had generously presented. Apples in every shade—red, yellow, pink, orange, and white—hung from the branches, plump and inviting. The twins gazed up in awe, a sight that filled their hearts with gratitude.

The harvesting began, a careful picking based on lessons Zeus had imparted about the importance of respect for Nature, a lesson they embodied.

Backpacks filled with fruit, they continued play, the clearing a canvas for joy. A distant rumble disrupted laughter, hushed concern passing between them.

The sky, once blue, transformed into ominous clouds, dimming vibrant hues. The twins shared a worried glance, understanding nature's beauty and unpredictability.

"It's probably a thunderstorm," Bell said, glancing at the cloud-covered horizon. Thunder echoed, hinting at the approaching tempest.

"We'd better head back," Alice stated urgently.

Raindrops fell, sprinkling the clearing like the first notes of an impending downpour. "Alice, let's get to the cavern. We can wait out the storm there," Bell suggested, concern knitting his brow.

"Okay. Good idea, Bell," Alice replied, tension palpable as they both understood the need for shelter. The woods, once a playground of exploration and joy, now urged them to seek refuge.

They each grabbed their backpacks, envisioning the refreshing juice and delicious pie awaiting them once they reached safety. Their hands moved swiftly, a dance of preparation fueled by the shared goal of finding shelter from the impending storm.

In synchronized rhythm, they double and triple-checked their packs, ensuring everything needed was there. The routine's familiarity was comforting amidst the growing weather intensity. Their bodies moved as one, a testament to the unspoken understanding and reliance on each other.

As they raced through the forest, the wind howled, while trees swayed violently. The first raindrops splattered down, escalating into a drenching downpour, turning soil to mud and soaking their clothes. Hair clung to their faces, wet and unruly.

Above, dark clouds swallowed the sky. Thunder rumbled, a primal roar reverberating through the air, causing involuntary trembles. Fear prickled at their skin, the storm a reminder of nature's formidable power. Yet, determination to seek shelter drove them onward, hearts beating in sync with the urgency.

Movements became almost as urgent as the raging storm, fear nipping at their heels with every frantic step. Bell's concern deepened; worry etched in every line of his furrowed brow. The mere thought of Alice caught outside in this tempest sent shivers down his spine; it would be hell for her if she caught a cold.

Rain fell harder than Bell had realized. He slid down the slippery hill, clothes accumulating a layer of mud. A sharp rock met his hand, leaving a shallow gash that oozed blood. Pain was secondary, an echo amidst the urgency.

The cave lay a few dozen yards away, yet the journey felt like an eternity. Every step was a battle against the elements, a struggle to reach safety. They cried out in relief as the hill near their cave came into view; it wasn't far now. Bell turned towards his sister, his face breaking into a wide grin, only to find her looking pale and gasping for breath.

Concern surged as they pressed forward, the urgency propelling them through the unforgiving storm. "Hang in there, Alice," he encouraged, struggling to keep his voice steady despite the worry. Fear threatened to take hold, but he couldn't afford to succumb, not when they were so close to safety. The haven of the cave was within reach, promising warmth and shelter from the relentless tempest that now raged.

"ALICE!" Bell's voice rang out in panic, and he instinctively moved to help her, but her retort cut through the clamor. "Worry about yourself!" she shot back, concern for him eclipsing her own distress. "Your hands are bleeding!"

Then, a colossal boom reverberated through the sky, the sound tearing through the air. Alice's eyes widened in terror, hands instinctively clamping over her ears. The thunderous explosion of sound rattled both, leaving them trembling, the relentless rain soaking their skin and clothes.

"My goodness!" Bell exclaimed at the sky, frustration and awe entwined in his shout. He seized Alice's hand, his grip firm and reassuring, and they resumed their run. Rain cascaded down their faces, blurring the world around them, yet determination propelled their sprint.

Suddenly, the hollow emerged—a welcome sight stirring gratitude within Bell. He understood the vicious nature of thunderstorms. The cave was tantalizingly close, promising safety and reprieve from the raging elements.

At last, they reached the hollow. Mostly dry, the persistent rain had started to seep through the thick branches above. The twins hurried to the back of the hollow, seeking refuge under a large overhanging rock before venturing into the cave. Their steps led them to the largest cavern, adorned with a great hole in the ceiling.

Upon entering, a breathtaking sight unfolded—an awe-inspiring display of nature's beauty. Thousands of sparkling crystals adorned the walls, catching glimmers of light with each lightning flash. The echoes of the storm outside reverberated within the cavern, amplifying the natural symphony.

As lightning flashed, a captivating tapestry of colors danced across the cavern, casting ephemeral hues that shifted with each passing moment. It was a spectacle, a ballet of light and crystal, an artwork crafted by the forces of nature. Bell and Alice stood in awe, the sheer beauty momentarily eclipsing the chaos of the storm. The cave offered a sanctuary, a surreal respite amidst the raging storm.

Bell and Alice settled into the corner of the cave, their backs against the cool, damp wall. A stash of firewood, gathered earlier, lay within arm's reach.

"Here," Bell said, handing her a flint. Alice took it, her fingers feeling the rough surface. She struck the rocks together expertly, sending sparks flying into the pile of tinder below. Each spark was a glimmer of hope in the dark cave. She had gathered as many sticks and firewood as she could carry, rushing back to the cavern to escape the relentless storm.

The duo worked seamlessly; a practiced choreography born of countless similar instances. They stacked the wood in a neat pile, arranging it meticulously for a sustained burn. Alice retrieved the flint stones from the tattered cloth bag containing their supplies, and together they struck until sparks flew, catching the tinder. The wood smoldered, then burst into flame, its warm glow filling the cave.

"Now, we just have to wait," Alice said, her teeth chattering from both cold and anticipation.

The fire flickered and crackled, casting dancing shadows on the walls. The rhythmic crackling was a comforting soundtrack, providing a semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos outside. Alice grabbed a few more branches, feeding them to the fire to keep it alive. They huddled close, the flickering flames driving away the chill that had seeped into the cave.

Alice glanced out the opening, the deluge outside a relentless assault. Even within the safety of the cave, she felt a misty spray from the heavy rainfall. It was a reminder of the tempest beyond, a reminder of their vulnerability against the forces of nature. The fire crackled louder, its warmth and light a beacon of resilience during the storm.

She cradled her hands around the fire, flames flickering, providing solace against the cold cave. The warmth spread, a comforting embrace amidst the storm outside.

The wind howled, its lament echoing in the forest's depths. Rain poured down, a rhythmic percussion on the cave's roof. Yet, within their sanctuary, they were safe. The cave seemed a haven, a refuge from the elements.

They settled by the fire, a fairy tale book between them. The firelight added a magical touch, painting the walls with flickering shadows. Not the sunny spot they'd envisioned for reading their hero tales, but a haven nonetheless.

As they read, their shoulders touched, bodies leaning for warmth. Words wove stories of bravery, momentarily transporting them from the storm's reality. The cave cocooned them, muffling nature's relentless cacophony.

A pause fell between them, the wind escalating, its howls a symphony of nature's wrath. Raindrops beat on the cave entrance, a crescendo that intensified. Yet, amidst it, they found serenity in each other's company. In that cave, by the firelight, they felt calm, bound by fairy tales and companionship.

"So much for our sunny day," she shivered, disappointment in her voice. "The storm sounds much worse out there."

Bell tightened the blanket around Alice, trying to cocoon her in warmth. She managed a weak smile, grateful. Both fixated on the fire, its crackling embers a comforting soundtrack to the tempest outside.

Her shiver didn't escape Bell's notice. He studied her with concern, firelight painting shadows on his face. "Cold? Hungry?" he asked, brotherly protectiveness in his words.

Squeezing her hands, she reassured, "No, I'm fine." Blankets drawn up, she nestled her head down.

They settled against the damp wall, eyes caught by crystals in the walls, glistening in the flickering firelight. A kaleidoscope of colors danced, bursts of lightning occasionally illuminating the cave, creating a captivating tapestry that seemed to come alive.

Bell and Alice found wonder in the moving colors, a distraction from the storm's assault. Entranced, they allowed the dance of colors to carry them away from the harsh reality outside.

Silent, they sat, watching lights across the cavern walls. The play of colors and shadows was mesmerizing, shifting their thoughts from the raging storm.

Bell realized how long since he'd heard rolling thunder or seen rain like this. Attuned to smaller sounds—the pitter-patter of rain, soft rustling of trees.

A flash of lightning illuminated crystals, turning the hollow into a dazzling spectacle. The burst of light froze time for that fleeting moment.

Huddled under blankets in a dry corner, seeking comfort, they made small talk, sharing stories as the storm's intensity grew. Each lightning strike counted, anticipation building with the approaching tempest.

Finally, a thunderous bolt lit up the sky, startling Alice. Bell instinctively pulled her close, providing comfort. The storm howled, but the warmth of the fire and Bell's closeness offered solace to Alice, easing her fears. Safe within their makeshift shelter until

Cough. Cough.

Alice's frail form was ravaged by a severe coughing fit, a brutal reminder of her fragile state. The world blurred through teary eyes, each convulsion contorting her. The cough echoed like a deathly rattle, shaking her to the core. She clung to consciousness, battling within her weakening body.

Thunder in her lungs sent shudders through her frame, chest ablaze with searing pain. Desperation clawed at her, fighting for each breath. Gasping, wheezing, strength slipping away, mists of unconsciousness threatening to engulf her. She turned, curled into herself, clutching her knees, a futile attempt to ease relentless pressure in her chest.

Gasps for air turned into screams, raw and ragged, tearing through the damp cavern air. Trembling hands betrayed her terror, and the unknown loomed over her like a specter. "Mama, help me," she pleaded, voice weak and fading.

Violent coughs wracked her frail form, a tempest of agony and desperation tearing through her. Tears, indistinguishable from rain, bore witness to torment etched across her face. Each convulsion felt like an eternity, a relentless assault on her weakened frame. A faint, haunting whistling sound sliced through the chaos, the very sound of struggling breath seeking escape from beleaguered lungs.

Amidst the suffering caused by her disease, Bell stood by her side, a pillar of support in her tempest. His hands moved gently, pulling her into a hug to provided her with reassurance. He sought solace, even in his own helplessness. His heart clenched as he watched her endure the relentless onslaught. A tear slipped down his cheek, mirroring the rain outside, grappling with his inability to ease her pain.

In this heart-wrenching scene, guilt clawed at Bell's concern. It gnawed at him, insidious and persistent, a beast growing within him. Torn between wanting to be her savior and realizing his limits. As she drew a shuddering breath, tears slid down her face—a poignant testament to her affliction. A second fit gripped her, and Bell wrestled with empathy and the shadows of helplessness.

Her body convulsed violently, contorting with each electric shock-like spasm. A savage dance of pain, relentless and unyielding. Each convulsion tore at her frail form, a vicious reminder of her body's betrayal.

A violent fit of coughing seized her, a relentless assault on her fragile throat. Each cough sent shards of agony through her chest, tasting the copper tang of blood with each rasping breath. Her hands clutched her chest, knuckles white against clammy skin. Thick, dark blood stained her trembling fingers, a gruesome testament to her ailment.

Fear welled up, mixing with physical torment. Tears streamed down her cheeks, mingling with the rain that soaked her. Cold rain, a cruel contrast to the searing heat within her. Trapped in a tempest of suffering, a captive to her failing body.

In this brutal onslaught, a glimmer of hope flickered. A shuddering breath pushed through her airways, easing the suffocating grip of her ailment. The storm outside echoed her struggle, a symphony of chaos and torment. Each flash of lightning illuminated her pain, thunder a cruel applause to the relentless drama within her.

A battle against the elements, against her failing self. Alice caught in the eye of this monstrous storm, clinging to hope that beyond the tempest, a sliver of light waited to guide her out of the darkness.

The tempest outside roared, wind howling like a vengeful spirit, rain thrashing against the alcove's walls. Pitter-patter failed to offer comfort as coldness seeped into her bones. Lightning intermittently illuminated the darkness, followed by growling protests of thunder, painting a jagged path across the sky.

Amidst the tumult, Alice found solace in the small alcove, nestled against Bell. She leaned into his warmth, shutting her eyes, allowing a moment of respite, feeling the soothing cadence of his breathing.

Bell, aware of the storm's toll on Alice, held her close. He sensed the fragility of her body, weakened by the stresses they endured. Amidst her chaos, she exhibited resilience, each breath a testament to her strength, a battle fought within her tortured lungs for oxygen. It was a battle of wills and a testament to her spirit.

Gladness swept over her for the timely shelter from the relentless storm. The tempest roared outside, wind howling, rain thrashing against the alcove's walls. Pitter-patter failed to comfort as coldness seeped into her bones. Lightning intermittently illuminated the darkness, followed by growling protests of thunder, painting a jagged path across the sky.

Amidst the tumult, Alice sought solace in the alcove, nestled against Bell. She leaned into his warmth, shutting her eyes, allowing a moment of respite, feeling the soothing cadence of his breathing.

Bell, aware of the storm's toll on Alice, held her close. He sensed her fragility, already weakened by their stresses. Amidst her chaos, she exhibited resilience, each breath a testament to her strength, a battle within her lungs for oxygen. It was a testament to her spirit.

He hoped the fit would be brief, showing improvement. However, Bell saw fear in her eyes as the cough persisted. Hope faded when the third bout wracked Alice's body. The coughing was violent, a storm within her chest mirroring the tempest outside. It seemed to go on forever, her body a battleground for air, a symphony of suffering conducted by nature's wrath.

Each fit felt like an eternity, tearing through her like a hurricane, leaving her trembling and gasping. Bell's heart clenched in helplessness; his fear mirrored in her eyes. He whispered soothing words, desperate to offer comfort, to assure her they'd weather this storm together. Yet, deep down, a growing dread gnawed at him, a relentless storm whispering that this battle was far from won.

As the storm raged outside, an equally violent tempest seized Alice's fragile form, convulsions rippling through her like thunderclaps. Her body contorted and spasmed, each convulsion a cruel reminder of her deteriorating state. It was as if her very being was caught in a tumultuous storm, tossed in a whirlwind of agony.

The coughing fit was a merciless assault on her ravaged throat and lungs, a relentless battering of her weakened body. Each cough felt like a hammer blow, pain radiating through her chest like fiery tendrils. She gasped and choked, struggling to breathe as her body rebelled against the onslaught.

Blood, dark and ominous, spewed from her mouth, a grotesque fountain that painted the scene with horror. It mingled with the relentless rain, a macabre dance of crimson and silver. Her feeble attempts to contain the bleeding were futile, her trembling hands stained with evidence of her body's betrayal.

In the depths of her torment, the storm outside seemed a mere echo of the tempest within. The howling wind and pounding rain bore witness to her suffering, a brutal backdrop to the symphony of agony in her fragile form. Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the darkness in erratic flashes, casting grotesque shadows that danced with her pain.

Fear clawed at her, primal dread mingling with agony, threatening to consume her whole. Tears mingled with the rain on her cheeks, and she prayed for release, for the torment to end. Yet, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of determination flickered in her eyes. She would fight, for every breath, for every moment of life, she would battle the storm within, even if it meant confronting the tempest outside.

As the disease ravaged Alice, her frail body convulsed with merciless intensity. Each convulsion was a jolt of agony, a violent tremor shaking her to the core. The coughing that followed was a vicious onslaught, a relentless battering of her chest and throat. It was as if the air she sought had turned against her, refusing entry into her tortured lungs.

The coughs racked her body, each one tearing through her like a dagger. Blood, dark and foreboding, erupted from her mouth, staining her lips and clothes in a grotesque display of her body's rebellion. It was a grim reminder of her failing strength, a cruel testament to the relentless advance of her illness.

Bell watched in despair, his heart heavy with helplessness. He longed to be her pillar of strength, to chase away her suffering with a kind word or a comforting touch. But all he could do was hold her close, his arms wrapped around her fragile frame, a feeble attempt to shield her from the brutality of her ailment.

He wished he could take her pain away, absorb it into his own being and carry the burden for her. It gnawed at him, the sense of powerlessness, the gnawing frustration that he couldn't do more. The smiles he conjured were a façade, a mask to hide the storm of emotions raging within him.

Yet, he knew he had to be strong for her. He had to be the beacon of hope, the voice of reassurance that whispered, "It will be okay." It was a mantra, repeated in the depths of his soul, a desperate attempt to will a brighter tomorrow into existence.

He checked her constantly, his anxiety a relentless companion. Each rise and fall of her chest was a small victory, a reminder that she was still fighting. He wished he could trade places with her, bear the burden of her pain, but all he could do was stand by her side, praying for a respite from the torment that plagued her.

Alice' POV

"I am scared."

My body convulses, each movement sending sharp, searing pain throughout. The coughing fit is tormenting, a storm within my chest mirroring the tempest outside. It feels unending, an eternity battling for air. Every cough is a dagger in my lungs, a reminder of this illness's viciousness.

Bell's face is a mix of fear and helplessness as he watches me struggle. He's trying to comfort me, his words soft and soothing, but all I can think of is how burdensome I must be. Guilt weighs heavily on my heart. I hate that my illness is causing him such distress.

I can hardly breathe. My vision blurs, and my muscles spasm, yet I fight for every breath. It's a cruel contest, my weakening body against an invisible foe. How did things deteriorate to this point? A simple sickness turned into something monstrous, something I cannot control.

Every gasp of air feels like I'm drowning. My body is betraying me, failing despite my desperate pleas. Bell's voice tries to penetrate my pain, to comfort me, but it's distant, muffled by the cacophony of my own struggle.

I know this isn't fair to Bell. He's always been there for me, my pillar of strength. But now, I am a weight he didn't ask for, an added burden. I can't help but wish for his sake that I were stronger, that I could bear this pain in silence and spare him this agony of witnessing my suffering.

Through my agony, I find peculiar comfort in Bell's presence. He is the island in this tempest, the steady ground beneath me. I cling to his strength, his love, and his unwavering support. He holds me, and for a moment, the pain lessens, replaced by a flicker of hope. Even in the darkest times, Bell is always by my side.

Bell hoped his smile was encouraging and comforting. It's essential to have faith and positivity during these events. The only thing he could do was hold me close and try to comfort me.

"I love you, Alice," he whispers, his voice carrying the weight of his worry.

As I cling to him, I wish I could find the words to reassure him, to tell him that everything will be alright. But the pain steals my voice, leaving me silent, clutching onto his warmth as if it were a lifeline.

His heart beats steadily against my cheek, a contrast to my own erratic and shallow breaths. I can feel the tremor in his hands as they gently hold me, a mix of fear and determination. I wish I could be stronger for him, ease his worry.

Bell wishes he could be stronger, kinder, and heal his twin sister from her illness. I can sense his struggle, the helplessness that must be eating at him. I wish he wouldn't bear this burden alone. We should share it, like we've always shared everything.

As I cough, each spasm sending a fresh wave of agony, I realize I am sorry. Sorry for being ill, for being weak. I wish I could take this pain away from both of us. I wish I could make things easier, for Bell and for myself.

The storm outside rages on, echoing the tempest within me. It's as if nature itself mirrors the turmoil in my body. I feel the weight of the universe on my shoulders, the heaviness of my own limitations.

But then, Bell squeezes me gently, and I feel a flicker of warmth in the darkness. It's his way of saying we're in this together. He won't let me face this alone.

And in that, I find a strange comfort. Even as my body fights against me, even as fear and pain threaten to consume me, I know that Bell is here. He is my rock, my anchor in this ferocious storm. So long as Bell is here everything will be alright.

For now, that is enough to keep fighting, to keep hoping.

Bell's words tremble slightly as he continues, "We'll get through this, Alice. We always do. Just hold on a little longer."

His encouragement gives me a glimmer of strength, a spark that helps me keep fighting through the violent convulsions. I focus on that spark, clinging to it as if my life depends on it, because maybe, in this moment, it does.

My mind races, a jumble of thoughts and emotions. I am scared. Scared of what this disease is doing to me, scared of the pain, scared of the burden I'm placing on Bell. But amidst the fear, there's a flicker of determination. I won't give up. Not while Bell needs me. Not while there's still fight left in me.

Bell's hand moves to my forehead, brushing away the damp strands of hair. His touch is gentle, full of love and worry. In his eyes, I see the reflection of my own fear, my own desperation for this torment to end.

"I wish I could bear this pain for you," he whispers, his voice breaking with emotion. "I wish I could take it all away."

The helplessness in his eyes mirrors my own, and for a moment, we share a mutual understanding of the burden we both carry. I want to tell him it's not his fault, that he's not burdening me. But the words are lost in the storm that rages inside my chest.

Amid this struggle, I feel a wetness on my lips and taste the familiar metallic tang. Blood. It's a terrifying sight, a harsh reminder of the gravity of my illness. But even as panic tries to claw its way in, I force myself to remain calm.

Bell's grip on me tightens as he sees the blood. I want to tell him not to worry, that this is just a bad moment, one of many, but my body betrays me, and I'm caught in another fit of coughing.

In this chaos, I find solace in the warmth of Bell's arms, the rhythm of his heartbeat against my ear. It's a melody of comfort, a reminder that even in the darkest of storms, there's a constant, something I can hold on to.

Through the haze of pain and fear, I manage to say, "Thank you, Bell. For being here."

He looks at me with teary eyes and whispers, "Always, Alice. Always."

And in that moment, we share a bond stronger than any illness could ever break. We are two halves of a whole, weathering the storm together, finding strength in each other's presence.


Bell's Pov:

I hold Alice in my arms, her frail body trembling with convulsions. Helplessness gnaws at my heart, a cruel reminder that love can only do so much in the face of illness. The sound of her labored breaths pierces my soul, and I'm engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions.

"I wish I could bear this pain for you," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "I wish I could take it all away."

But my words are swallowed by the storm of her suffering. I wipe the sweat off her forehead, my hand trembling. I try to be strong for her, to offer comfort in the face of her torment, but inside, I'm crumbling. Guilt gnaws at me. Guilt that there's nothing I can do to ease her agony.

I see the fear in her eyes, a mirror of my own. Fear of losing her, fear of the unknown. It haunts me, and I try to push it away, to be her rock, but it's a battle I'm losing.

"I'm here, Alice. I'm right here," I whisper, my voice choked with emotion.

As I feel her coughing fit worsen, a fresh wave of terror washes over me. Blood stains her lips, a brutal reality of her deteriorating health. My grip on her tightens, as if I could hold her broken pieces together.

"I love you, Alice," I murmur, my heart breaking with each convulsion that racks her body.

I wish I could bear this pain for her. I wish I could protect her from the cruelty of her own body. But all I can do is hold her, whisper words of comfort, and hope that somewhere in the darkness, she finds the strength to fight.

In this moment, I realize how fragile life is, how powerless I am in the face of fate. And yet, I hold on, for her. I will always hold on, no matter how fierce the storm, no matter how heavy the burden. Because love, even in the face of helplessness, is a flame that refuses to be extinguished.

I wish I could trade places with her, bear the brunt of the pain she endures daily. My fingers brush through her hair gently, a feeble attempt to provide some solace amidst the chaos.

"I'm right here, Alice," I repeat, my voice quivering. "We'll get through this together. I won't let you face this alone."

The room feels oppressive, the air thick with the scent of antiseptic and fear. The storm outside seems to echo the tempest within my heart. Every convulsion she endures is a stab to my soul. Each cough, a reminder of my own helplessness.

She looks at me, her eyes seeking reassurance, seeking a glimmer of hope in this abyss of suffering. I smile, but it's a frail attempt, shadows of the fear that grips me.

"You're so strong, Alice," I say, my admiration and love for her pouring into those words. "Stronger than you think. You've faced this with courage and grace."

But inside, I'm screaming, railing against a universe that inflicts such pain on the innocent. I would give anything to bear this burden in her place, to see her smile without the weight of sickness.

"I'm sorry, Bell," she gasps between coughs, and the guilt in her eyes sears through me. "I'm sorry for being a burden."

The words pierce my heart like a thousand arrows. How could she think this? How could she think her fight for life is a burden?

"You're not a burden, Alice," I say firmly, my eyes locked with hers. "You're my sister, my flesh and blood. Your pain is my pain, and your fight is my fight."

She smiles weakly, and for a fleeting moment, it feels like a ray of sunshine breaking through the storm clouds.

"I love you, Bell," she whispers, her voice barely audible.

Tears well up in my eyes, blurring my vision. "I love you too, Alice. More than anything."

In this dark hour, love is the only light that guides us, the only warmth in the cold grip of fear. And though I am scared, though my heart aches with the weight of helplessness, I will stand by her, a silent guardian in her fierce battle for life.

As I hold Alice's trembling form, I can't help but think back to all the moments we've shared throughout our lives. We've faced countless challenges together, but none as relentless and cruel as this disease that now afflicts her. We had the face it with Mama too.

Alice's coughing fit subsides, leaving her gasping for breath. I offer her a sip of water from a nearby canteen, trying to soothe the rawness in her throat. Her lips are pale, and her face bears the weariness of a battle fought day in and day out.

"You're going to get through this, Alice," I whisper, more to myself than to her, as if repeating the words will make them true. I can't afford to lose hope, not now. I am still holding her up and she leans into the hug, and I wonder if she's found some respite in the silence between us. But I know the battle rages on inside her, unseen and unyielding.

Our family's history is marred by this disease, a relentless specter that has claimed the lives of those we loved most. It's a cruel twist of fate that now threatens to take Alice from me.

But I won't let it.

I lean in closer, pressing my forehead against hers. "I won't give up on you, Alice," I whisper, my voice trembling with resolve. "I promise, no matter what, I'll be here for you."

Her fingers find mine, and she gives them a weak squeeze, a silent acknowledgment of our unbreakable bond.

Time stretches on, and I continue to hold her as the storm outside rages, its fury echoing the turmoil within our hearts. In this moment, all that matters is Alice, her fight, and my unwavering love for her.

And together, we endure, clinging to hope like a lifeline in the darkness.

Normal POV

As fits wracked Alice's frail body, she worsened with each convulsion. Panic surged through Bell, constricting his gut. He clung to her wrist, fingers trembling, counting moments between breaths. The uncertainty was excruciating, not knowing if each fit would be her last.

Time crawled until, mercifully, Alice's fit began to subside. Bell sighed in relief, but bitterness tinged his thoughts. "Only a few minutes," he murmured, unable to fully embrace relief.

As Alice's condition improved, fear and anxiety slowly abated, his tense shoulders relaxing. But as seconds ticked by, desperation set in. He watched her, a sinking feeling in his gut. There was nothing he could do but be there for her, a witness to this merciless battle her body waged.

After a final exhale, the fit ceased. Alice gasped for breath. It was a slow, painful process, but her breathing steadied, tension easing.

"You're going to be okay," Bell reassured. "Just rest for now." Alice nodded weakly, drifting into fitful sleep.

As Alice trembled from exhaustion, Bell fought to stay awake, anxiety etched on his young face. Fatigue tugged at his eyelids, urging him into slumber. He resisted, unwilling to let go of the responsibility that weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Flickering firelight cast eerie shadows, adding to the grim atmosphere. Bell's hands clutched the blanket, knuckles white with tension. He glanced at Alice, her frail form now still, a reprieve from the harrowing fit. His heart ached with helplessness, the fear of losing her gnawing at him.

Fitful slumber overtook him, far from peaceful. Dreams mingled with reality, blurring lines between past and present.

Despite weariness, Bell maintained a stoic expression, not wanting to burden Alice with his fears. Their young lives marred by pain and tragedy, each trial bonding them tighter. A seemingly innocent forest journey had unleashed this illness, this relentless monster threatening Alice's every breath.

The harsh reality of Alice’s disease haunted Bell, an unshakable burden. The memory of their mother's demise, the source of this affliction, weighed on him. Alice's persistent coughs served as reminders, igniting frustration and helplessness.

In the dim cavern, he whispered promises, vowing to end this curse and free Alice. Determination flickered, fueled by love for his twin sister. Shadows danced as the struggle against their cursed legacy continued, fought in the waking world and restless dreams.

Bell dreamt of a distant land free from dragons and disease, a world where a future awaited for him and Alice. In this dream, Alice was free to grow, laugh, and love. The disease's burden vanished, as if it had never haunted their lives.

Since the dragon took their father, everything felt out of place. Alice dismissed it as an exaggeration, but in feverish dreams, Bell admitted his sorrow and anger. He missed his father's warmth, his mother's comforting hugs, and gentle presence.

The weight of their past bore heavily on Bell, tears streaming down as emotional weight pressed on him. He felt his mother's embrace, her words, and love wrapping around him. Alice, small and vulnerable, reminded him of their struggle. In this moment, he huddled closer to her, the sight of her suffering fueling a storm of emotions.

Questions tormented his thoughts:

How much longer could they endure this cycle of pain and desperation?


How long would Alice's fragile body hold on, bravely fighting against the encroaching darkness of her illness?


How long before he was left behind AGAIN?

It was a race against time, and Bell was determined to stand by Alice, protect her with all his might.

"Please," he whispered into the realm of dreams, his voice tinged with desperation and unwavering love. "Give her strength. Don't let her slip away from me," his words a plea to unseen forces shaping destiny.

In the world of dreams, Bell clung to the hope that Alice would triumph. He'd do anything to see her smile, free from the shackles of illness.

Their sanctuary witnessed struggles and triumphs, crystals shimmering with newfound glow, reflecting the hope they clung to. The outside world faded as they held hands, surrounded by the beauty they created.

A long journey ahead, but in that tranquil moment, as sunlight embraced them, Bell promised that they would face it all together, a family bound by love and an unbreakable bond and finally he was able to get a restful sleep.

Alice, waking later, noticed tear streaks on Bell's cheeks. Gently extracting herself, she explored, whispering a small thanks and a kiss on Bell's forehead, her worrywart brother.

"You such a worrywart, brother," Alice whispered, a smile on her lips as she gently kissed Bell's forehead. “But thank you.”

Cautiously, she poked her head out of the cave, inhaling the fresh air and savoring the gentle breeze. Moving helped clear her head after one of her fits.

As the fog cleared, the land spread under a pink-tinged sky. Alice peered at the tranquil scene, the skies brightening with a ray of sunlight.

With each step, gratitude surged for the peace and beauty around her. Worries retreated, overshadowed by the joy of the present.

She promised to embrace this serenity, let it fuel her determination. With Bell, they could conquer anything. In this moment, hope and strength bloomed.

The ground was wet, soaked by persistent rain. The floor was a dance of textures, crunchy and squishy, creating an earthy fragrance. Alice inhaled deeply, the scent mingling with rain.

Pushing back her cloak, she stepped onto the forest floor, feeling the cool, moist earth. Each step connected her to the world, the wet ground yielding under her weight.

Alice breathed in the rich aroma, raindrops glistening like jewels on grass. The dirt shifted, her boots squishing and splashing. She drew in another deep breath, closing her eyes as she absorbed the clean, fresh air, infused with the scent of rain. It filled her lungs and refreshed her spirit.

She drew in another deep breath, absorbing the clean, fresh air, a reminder that amidst struggles, there was beauty and renewal.

Breathing out slowly, Alice closed her eyes, the rhythmic rise and fall echoing her recovery. When she opened her eyes, nature's beauty surrounded her. The sun played peek-a-boo, casting a dappled pattern. Birds chirped in a lively chorus. A gentle breeze carried the scent of pine. Birds were in a lively chorus, each chirp adding to nature’s melody. A serene smile danced on her lips as she soaked it all in.

As Alice returned to the cavern, she sought her brother, still sleeping peacefully. This episode had reminded her of what she stood to lose — her reason to fight.

The sun hung in the early afternoon sky, painting everything with a golden hue. Alice's thoughts drifted to the evenings spent under the stars with Bell. The moment reaffirmed her determination to keep pushing forward, to savor the joys and cherish the connections that life offered.

A stirring from Bell brought Alice's attention back to her brother. She shifted carefully under the blanket and snuggled against him, seeking his familiar warmth. "I love you," she whispered, earning a murmur. His hair tickled her nose, and the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest was like a lullaby, soothing her frayed nerves. In that embrace, for a few precious moments, her struggles faded.

Alice knew she couldn't afford to give up hope. Not when Bell was here beside her, a constant reminder of their shared strength. He had promised to be with her through every trial, and she held onto that promise as a lifeline.

The forest around them came alive with the vibrant colors of the emerging afternoon. Shafts of sunlight pierced through the canopy, creating a mesmerizing dance. The gentle rustle of leaves, distant calls of birds, and the earthy aroma of the woods filled the air, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

Bell's peaceful slumber was a comfort, a testament to the quiet strength he possessed. She admired the way his brow relaxed in sleep, free from the furrows of worry. In this moment, despite the storm that had passed, she found solace and hope in the stillness of the forest and in her brother's presence.

Alice took a deep breath, allowing the pure, crisp forest air to fill her lungs. She knew she had to cherish these moments of tranquility and love, for they were the beacons that lit her path through the darkness. With Bell by her side, there was hope, and with hope, there was the strength to face whatever lay ahead.

She closed her eyes, releasing a sigh that carried the weight of exhaustion and determination. She would fight this battle alongside Bell, as she always had. He had kept his promise so far. She wasn't alone in this fight.

In that embrace of sleep, Alice felt her body finally succumbing to the much-needed rest. The exhaustion ebbed away, allowing her to sink into a deep and healing slumber.

When she awakened, the soft murmur of the forest greeted her senses, and she slowly became aware of her surroundings. Bell was sitting next to her, a watchful glimmer of relief in his eyes. His arms wrapped around her, offering comfort. His protective embrace provided her with a sense of safety, a reminder that they were bound together as family.

Alice, even in the face of her illness, smiled. They faced an uphill battle, but with Bell, she felt newfound strength, a determination to overcome the odds. Together, they'd weather this storm, emerging stronger, just as always.

Her breathing eased, the fit smoothing into a steadier rhythm. She let out a breath of relief and gratitude.

"We should get going; Grandma and Grandpa must be worried," Bell suggested, concern lacing his words.

Alice nodded, grateful for his support. Her brother's hand stayed firmly in hers as they rose, ready to continue their journey. Slowly, they made their way back onto the path, steps careful yet determined.

Sunlight streamed through breaks in the canopy, creating a dappled pattern on the worn pathways. The forest seemed to hold its breath, caught between light and shadows. Patches of sunlight danced on the ground, but when they looked up, dark clouds shrouded the area—a forest mirroring their journey.

The dense canopy filtered sunlight, bathing the forest in a muted glow. The only sounds were the soft scuffing of their boots against the forest floor, a rhythm matching their hearts' steady beat—a reminder of shared strength.

Alice squeezed Bell's hand, acknowledging their unspoken bond—the triumph of another fit overcome, resilience drawn from each other.

Heading home through the verdant forest, a breeze whispered through the leaves, carrying a sense of renewal. The forest seemed to breathe, offering solace. Each step promised healing, assuring their unbreakable unity.

Amid this quiet, a familiar voice pierced the air. "BELL! ALICE! Where are you?"

They exchanged a glance, recognizing Zeus' booming call, their grandfather likely searching for them since the storm ceased.

"GRANDPA. Over here!" they shouted, voices eager and relieved.

They hurried toward the voice, steps quickened by anticipation. Zeus, their doting grandfather, rushed to meet them, heart lighter, elated to see his safe grandchildren.

The forest witnessed the beauty of family—Alice and Bell, strong in love, and their grandfather, a symbol of strength and love spanning generations. A testament to their unity on their tumultuous journey.

"Everything all right?" Zeus called, his voice a rumbling baritone echoing through the valley.

"Yes," Bell yelled before pulling the chain with a lightning bolt—a symbol of protection. Alice and Bell hurried over, reassured.

Their eyes met Zeus's, warm and reassuring, holding the wisdom of age and love. He patiently awaited their story, concern palpable.

"We're safe, Grandpa," Alice said, her voice holding exhaustion and lingering fear.

They narrated the day, from Alice's fit to the cave shelter. Zeus listened attentively, lines reflecting worry and pride.

"We're heading back," Bell reassured.

Zeus, their stalwart grandfather, scooped them up, their tired bodies finding comfort in his warmth. Grateful and finally safe, the weight of the day's events settled, a mix of relief and lingering fear for his family. As they journeyed home, he reflected on the ordeal, protective instincts amplified.

Zeus traversed the familiar forest trail, carrying them along. The scent of pine and rustling leaves provided a soothing backdrop, a comforting reminder they were safe. Arriving at the cabin’s doors, he called out eagerly.

"Hera! I've got them, open the door."

Hera, their ever-caring grandmother, rushed to the door and flung it wide, her eyes welling up with unshed tears of worry and relief. She threw herself over her grandchildren in an embrace, her joy palpable.

"Alice! Bell! You're alright!" Her voice, a melody of love and concern, roamed over them, ensuring their safety, a smile blooming, reflecting immense relief.

Zeus shared a deep look with Hera, shared worry lifting. He passed Alice to Hera, the couple embracing, silent understanding and gratitude palpable. Zeus carried Bell into their home, the day's burdens slowly lifting.

Chapter 9: Meeting the villagers


Bell and Alice's first encounters with the villagers.

Chapter Text

Meeting The Villagers Scene 1

In the village, nestled between hills, the heartbeats of inhabitants quickened as the enigmatic twins, Bell and Alice, came into view. They were an enigma. Many were initially sympathetic to the twins having lost their mother, but some felt disconcerted by their lack of interaction with other children. Their arrival before news of rising unrest in Orario added to the unease, as if the twins were harbingers of ill fate. Amid village life, the twins navigated shadows cast by their mother's passing.

Bell, once known for laughter, now wore a stoic expression, a vigilant protector of his fragile sister. Sympathy abounded for his dutiful care. Alice, bearing a debilitating illness, moved with graceful fragility, her bright eyes dimmed by reality. She clung to Bell, summoning courage to face the unforgiving world that scorned her.

Their existence puzzled villagers, whispers and hushed conversations following them like shadows.

Amidst the gloom, Zeus and Hera saw glimmers of hope. They witnessed returning enthusiasm in the twins, each hesitant smile and fleeting laughter a shard of light piercing the shroud of sorrow. As the twins walked forward, their footsteps echoed with a hollow note, a stark contrast to the bustling life of the village.

The village buzzed with its own affairs. Curiosity mingled with mild irritation as the twins lingered on the village's periphery. An unspoken unease wafted through adults, unsure how to respond to the twins' constant presence. A dichotomy of emotion simmered beneath the surface, kept in check by the twins' withdrawn demeanor and their guardians' protective shield.

Whispers meandered through the air, cruel gossip of children not as restrained as their elders.

"They're just freaks. No wonder their mother's gone," a boy spat out with twisted amusem*nt.

"Alice, Bell, they sound like names from a cursed tale," a girl chimed in, feigning fear.

Whispers meandered through the gossip-laden air. The village held a facade of quaintness and charm but concealed a darker underbelly where prejudice and unfounded fear found fertile ground.

The twins sometimes heard barbs, piercing words leaving scars hidden from the casual observer. Alice's grip tightened on her brother's hand, seeking comfort and solidarity in shared pain.

In the dead of night, the village turned into an echo chamber of malice. The moon's pallor shrouded the hamlet in an eerie glow, revealing silhouettes that prowled like specters, fueling whispers through the shadows.

Bell sat by the window, knuckles white, staring at the moonlit world. His jaw clenched, the tension in his shoulders palpable. The words he had heard clawed at his mind, each syllable carving a deeper wound. He was desperate to shield Alice from hate, to protect her from the poison permeating the air.

Alice, curled up on her bed, her frail form covered in a blanket, had drifted into a restless sleep. She stirred, sensing her brother's distress, her brow furrowing unconsciously in concern.

Bell's heart wrenched at the sight. He wanted to eradicate the torment invading her dreams, but he knew he was powerless against the cruel reality they faced. He had made a silent promise to protect her, to shield against venomous words and glares. The village's cruel whispers were a constant reminder of the prejudice and isolation they endured.

The whispers were like a relentless storm against the fragile walls of their sanctuary. He wished to gather Alice and escape this malevolent place, but that was an elusive dream, a luxury they couldn't afford. Determination flared within Bell, fueled by love for his sister. His jaw tightened, eyes ignited with fire. He envisioned a world where they were not outcasts, where Alice could roam freely.

Alice, sensing his turmoil even in slumber, murmured unintelligibly. Bell leaned closer, face etched with concern, brushing a lock of hair from her forehead—an unspoken promise of protection. As the night wore on, whispers of malice faded, and Bell's grip on the window eased. His knuckles, once tense, gradually regained color. He breathed, feeling the night's darkness lift.

Looking at Alice, face peaceful in morning light, Bell's worry lines softened. She was his anchor, his reason to endure the storm outside. A steely determination glinted in his eyes, born from hardships endured. It spoke of battles fought and innocence lost, worn with purpose to protect and persevere.

They would endure together, rising against odds. The cruelty fueled their determination to prove the world wrong. They were fighters, survivors, and no prejudice would snuff out their resilience. Bell clenched his fists, feeling defiance surge. They would carve their path in a world that turned its back on them.

"Morning's here, Alice," he whispered, brushing a hand across her cheek. She stirred, their gaze meeting, speaking volumes of their unspoken bond. "We'll make it through," Alice whispered, echoing the determination in Bell's eyes. "Together."

With a nod and a faint smile, they rose, ready to face another day. The world might be unkind, but they had something it couldn't take—their love. Holding hands, they stepped into the new day, dawn illuminating their path.

Amid whispered cruelties, the village ambiance blended skepticism and begrudging acceptance. The twins were seen as outsiders, endearing and irksome to different factions. In morning light, Zeus and Hera prepared breakfast, faces etched with worry and love. They had witnessed the vile underbelly of human nature through the children's taunts. Their hearts ached for the twins, for the innocence lost at such a tender age.

Zeus glanced out the window, his strong jaw clenched with anger and helplessness. He wished to shield the twins from the harsh world, but facing trials would forge a strength no sheltered existence could.

This was not a world where innocence lasted long. Hera placed a comforting hand on Zeus's shoulder, her eyes reflecting his concern. She understood his struggle, torn between sheltering the twins and letting them find their way.

"They will endure this, Zeus," she said softly, her voice a balm to his frayed nerves. "Our role is to support and guide, but they will find their strength. They are our grandchildren."

Zeus nodded, comforted by her words. The twins had a fire within them, a resilience that refused to be extinguished by the world's bitterness.

Down the dirt street, villagers went about their routines, stealing glances at the twins' humble home. Expressions varied from disdain to sympathy, mirroring the complex relationship the village had with them.

Bell and Alice, unaware of eyes upon them, made their way through the morning haze. Bell held Alice's hand firmly, his jaw set in determination. Alice walked beside him, steps steady, gaze fixed ahead. Night whispers left scars, fueling their resolve to rise above.

With a shared look of determination, they stepped into the village square, ready to face another day. Trials were far from over, but they faced them hand in hand, their bond unbreakable. The village might be skeptical, but Bell and Alice were determined to carve their place, to show their love and strength could withstand any storm. In quiet defiance, the twins found a new beginning.

Meeting The Villagers Scene 2 (a few weeks later)

Some viewed them with disdain, there were those whose hearts softened at the sight of young Bell, always caring for his sister. As well as how Alice was always trying to make friends and talking to people.

"A devoted brother," murmured an elderly woman, a tender smile gracing her lips as she observed Bell's protective gestures.

"He'll make a fine husband someday," another added, eyes filled with maternal affection.

Meanwhile, Bell tirelessly worked, helping his grandfather with chores, deflecting malicious rumors of his family's supposed transgressions.

The village atmosphere was a tapestry of judgment and compassion, where whispers of prejudice mingled with admiration. Each day, as the twins ventured into the village square, they walked a tightrope between acceptance and rejection.

Bell's calloused hands testified to his hard work, resilience. He wouldn't let gossip poison his family's name or undermine Alice's spirit.

Alice, weakened by her ailment, bore a determination defying the disease. Her eyes held quiet strength, an unspoken promise to face the world with courage.

As the sun climbed higher, bathing the village, attitudes shifted. The market square came alive, stalls bustling with activity. Vendors beckoned customers with vibrant displays of fruits, crafts, and wares.

Yet, amidst the vibrancy, a murmur of prejudice lingered. Bell felt it like an unrelenting ache, a constant reminder of their place in this community. He clenched his jaw, ignoring disdainful glances.

Then he noticed a group of children, laughter echoing. They pointed at Alice, mocking her frailty. Anger surged within Bell, but he took a deep breath, remembering his promise to protect. He guided Alice away from taunts, his grip on her hand protective and comforting. He whispered encouragement, drowning out spiteful laughter with love.

And through it all, the village stood as a paradox—shadows of prejudice, yet a glint of understanding and kindness. Bell and Alice were determined to nurture that glint, illuminating hearts of all who doubted them.

Meeting The Villagers Scene 3 (a few weeks later)

Amid this dance of emotions, the village held its breath, unsure of the destiny that awaited the twins. It was a fragile equilibrium, teetering on the edge, where prejudice and acceptance warred, love and spite intertwined. Within this tapestry, the twins sought solace and hope, yearning for a future untainted by whispers.

Amidst the whispers, one undeniable truth prevailed—Bell's unwavering love for his sister. It shone through the darkness, a beacon even the cruelest gossip couldn't extinguish. He held Alice's hand, a silent vow of protection, his determination to shield her from the world's malice.

In the heart of the village, as the day unfurled, a shopkeeper approached the twins, a basket of apples in hand. His eyes held warmth, washing away the lingering chill of prejudice.

"Good morning, Bell, Alice," he greeted, offering them the basket. "Freshly picked, just for you both."

Bell's eyes softened with gratitude. These gestures, sparks of kindness, were embers rekindling hope. "Thank you," he replied, the fatigue momentarily lifting.

Alice managed a weak smile. "Thank you, sir."

Moving through the marketplace, Bell noticed the dichotomy in reactions. Some turned away, disapproval etched, while others offered warm smiles, making Bell cautiously optimistic.

At the village well, Bell sat Alice down. The world waking up, sun weaving through foliage. Alice took a delicate bite of an apple, savoring the sweetness.

Elena, a young woman from a neighboring farm, approached with a bouquet. She knelt beside Alice, offering it.

"For you," Elena said. "May these flowers bring cheer to your day."

Alice accepted with a tender smile. "Thank you, Elena. They're beautiful."

In this sea of judgment, islands of compassion emerged. Perhaps, with time, those islands would grow, overtaking waves of prejudice.

As the morning continued, the twins realized love and kindness persisted. Amidst judgment, gentle currents of understanding whispered of a better tomorrow. They clung to these moments, nourishing the hope that love would triumph, resilience overcoming adversity.In this fragmented reality, love and loyalty forged a resilient bond defying prejudice. Despite the village's reluctance, a glimmer of acceptance began to take root.

Several older village women were charmed by Alice, always bubbly and running around. Their hearts warmed by her spirit. They couldn't help but shower her with affection, gestures gentle and loving. It was a display of compassion, a subtle rebellion against prejudice. They could tell how much she cared about her big brother and what a good job he did looking after her. Every time they saw her, someone leaned over, giving her sweets, which she adored.

"See how Bell cares for Alice, the bond between them is undeniable," noted an observant mother, her eyes glistening with understanding. “Really, there is nothing wrong with those two. That idea about Alice being cursed is just nonsense from that old hag. That wench is probably just jealous at how pretty Alice is going to be when she grows up.”

"I agree. That girl is the kindest soul I have ever met. But you shouldn’t say that too loudly. That woman is known for being spiteful and vengeful. I mean, look at how Bell watches over Alice. He's a fine young man, any girl would be lucky to have him as a husband," another would add, an approving nod accentuating her words.

“Aw, if only I had a daughter around his age,” the first woman says.

“Pft. Trying to trap him already?” The second woman responds.

“Like you weren’t thinking the same thing,” the first woman quips back to her friend who merely shrugs her shoulders.

As days passed, the village faced a challenge—succumb to prejudice or rise above it. A crossroads, an opportunity to evolve beyond ignorance and extend compassion to those who needed it most. The twins, scarred by unkindness, clung to hope and each other. Their resilience was a testament to spirit, a flickering flame in adversity. In that flicker lay the promise of a future where love triumphed over hatred, acceptance prevailed over ignorance.

The stage was set for the village to decide their path—nurture compassion or allow bitterness and prejudice to taint their community. The twins, in quiet strength, stood as a reflection of this choice, a mirror beckoning the village to embrace change and sow seeds of kindness. The question remained—would they rise to the occasion and let compassion guide their hearts? The answer would shape the fate of all involved.

Even so, the overall emotions emanating from the townsfolk were a whirling mix, complicated.

The village square, once lively, now buzzed with uncertainty. Conversations carried an added weight, a sense of contemplation. Whispers drifted through the air like autumn leaves, full of doubt and curiosity.

Amongst this backdrop of hesitancy, the twins moved through the square, hand in hand, a palpable connection challenging norms.

Alice, her laughter like a melody, was the epitome of resilience. Despite her frailty, her spirit was a force to be reckoned with. She reveled in the kindness she received, a bouquet of wildflowers here, a sweet treat there, each act a small victory in a battle for acceptance.

But not all were swayed by this transformation. Some clung to biases, disapproval deeply rooted. The ebb and flow of the village's emotions were akin to a tempest, raging and unpredictable. It was a swirling dance of hope and fear, acceptance, and rejection.

The sun began its descent, painting the village in hues of gold and crimson. The atmosphere grew more introspective, a reflection of the internal struggle the community faced. Would they let compassion guide them towards unity, or would they let fear and bias prevail?

Meeting The Villagers Scene 4 (a few weeks later)

The village, embraced by the verdant arms of the surrounding forest, had a tranquil facade, belying the tension beneath. Refugees often stopped outside, on their way further North to Odin and Frigg domains.

Bell took Alice's hand, her eagerness a beacon amidst encroaching darkness. "Let's try talking to them, Bell," Alice whispered, determination in her eyes. "We could learn more about the people. Let's go!"

With Alice leading, they ventured into the heart of the village. The tavern buzzed with hushed conversations, fear and hope mingling. The market square, once lively, now held uncertainty.

Approaching a group of refugees near a makeshift market, Bell observed their varied appearances—weary demi-humans and humans. Some bore scars, others clutched loved ones.

Alice approached a middle-aged woman, her eyes kind. "Excuse me," Alice began, her voice soft. "How did you end up here?" she inquired genuinely.

The woman sighed, eyes drifting to distant mountains. "Fled from Orario. No longer safe. Heading North to Odin and Frigg’s domains.”

Bell listened, empathy coursing through him. Their story, different yet intertwined with loss and hope.

Alice, enthusiastic, approached old men. "Hello! How's the day treating you?"

The old men smiled faintly at her exuberance. Their demeanor remained stern, guarding hearts.

A stern old man observed the children with narrowed eyes, muttering commentary on youth and naive enthusiasm.

As the twins explored, an unsettling presence made itself known. A man, sinister grin playing on his lips, kicked a pebble at Alice. The sting brought tears, anger simmering in Bell.

The sun dipped towards the horizon, casting an amber glow. Alice, undeterred, conversed with two girls from Orario. Their smiles spoke of momentary relief.

"I'm Sara," one of the girls responded. "This is my sister, Maya."

"Hi, Alice," Maya chimed in, eyes brightening.

In light-hearted conversation, they found solace in youthful aspirations. The setting sun, a silent witness, cast a golden blessing—a glimmer of hope against encroaching darkness.

Meeting The Villagers Scene 5 (a few weeks later)

The sun painted the village in hues of gold and amber as the twins ambled through the village streets. Children, with their inherent curiosity, followed the adults as children often do. Among them was a young girl and a boy, kicked a rock at the twins, following the lead of a man who had passed before them.

In this small, insular world, change wasn't embraced readily. It rippled through the fabric of the community, affecting the rhythm of life. The twins, while strangers to some and a curiosity to others, found themselves navigating the unspoken rules of the village.

As the sun sank lower, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange, children and adults began to mimic those they looked up to. The adults, cautious and distant, cast wary glances at the twins. It was a subtle dance, a choreography of caution and fear.

Adults whispered to children, imparting the village's unwritten rules. "Be cautious around them," they warned. "The town is not the same. Danger lurks everywhere." The twins became unintended pariahs, faces veiled in pity and malice.

The village seemed to form an invisible wall, an unspoken agreement to exclude the twins. New families coming into the fold were subtly taught these rules, the twins pushed to the periphery despite the appearance of acceptance. Kindness was a rare gem, hidden amidst the pebbles of indifference.

While a few souls extended warmth, their numbers were scant. The majority still viewed the twins as outsiders—strangers for not being born in the village or at least nearby. The sense of exclusion, a bitter taste in their mouths, accompanied them through the village.

Meeting The Villagers Scene 6 (a few weeks later)

The village, bustling with whispers and muted conversations, painted a scene of quiet apprehension. The twins, with stark differences, stood at the center of unspoken curiosity and fear that permeated the air.

In the shadows of adults' conversations, a group of children huddled together, young minds absorbing prejudices handed down by elders. A girl's voice quivered with fear, "Grandma said the girl cursed because of her sickness. We should avoid her, so we aren't cursed either."

Her younger sister, tugging at her sleeve, looked up, confused and frightened. The oldest sibling scolded gently, "That is nonsense. Grandma blames everything on curses."

Ignorance and fear weaved through young minds. Another voice, tinged with suspicion, piped up, "Both of them are trouble. How can we be sure it isn't contagious?"

The setting sun, casting long shadows, mirrored the darkness in some hearts. Despite picturesque surroundings, prejudice and fear held the community captive. Amid whispers and brewing enmity, distant laughter from the village tavern became a cruel reminder of the world's indifference. It underscored the bitter irony, a stark contrast to village life.

A hushed conspiracy brewed among boys who disliked Bell and Alice. Their whispers, woven with malice, concocted vile schemes to isolate the ailing girl and belittle the peculiar white-haired boy. Ideas flowed like poison, fueling cruel intentions, born of insecurity and bitterness.

"We'll make her life a living hell," sneered one, eyes gleaming with malevolence.

"We'll isolate the freak," added another, laughter echoing their intentions.

"We'll make him the laughingstock," another added.

Their laughter, a sinister melody, cut through the sounds of the village. Their callous laughter hung like a curse, carried by the evening wind, mirroring the darkness in their hearts.

Across the square, girls seethed with envy towards Alice, hearts tainted with bitter jealousy that bred cruelty. Faces twisted with spite, they found validation in disdain for the girl who dared to be different.

"She thinks she's so special," spat one girl, words dripping with venom.

"We'll teach her a lesson," chimed in another, eyes alight with malice.

"We'll ensure she's left with no friends," sneered one, a malicious glint in her eyes.

The night crept in, darkness swallowing the village. As night deepened, the village held its breath, anticipating the darkness ahead. The tavern's laughter subsided, leaving an eerie silence that underscored the impending confrontation. The air was thick with foreboding.

The tapestry of Bell’s and Alice’s lives, once vibrant and innocent, had started to fray at the edges, unraveling into a chaotic and ominous pattern. Destiny set the stage for a confrontation that would alter their lives forever. The symphony of innocence had been tainted, and the discordant note was about to crescendo into a haunting melody. The stage was set for the opening act of a bitter confrontation, each player guided by twisted motivations. The symphony of innocence had been tainted, and the discordant note would soon crescendo into a haunting melody of malice and spite.

Chapter 10: Chapter 7 Reports form Orario

Chapter Text

Village Tavern Scene 1

In the cozy, dimly lit tavern, whispers and hushed conversations intertwined with clinking glasses and the aroma of ale. Frozen in time, the tavern was an oasis of light amid the encroaching night. Flickering candles cast shadows that danced on the walls, creating a play of light and dark.

Regulars, eager for gossip, gathered in usual spots, on well-worn stools. Each face told a story, a roadmap of wrinkles and scars earned through toil and laughter.

Amidst the hubbub, Bell and Alice stood, their innocence contrasting with seasoned visages. In the communal chatter, whispers from the outside world seeped in, carried by traveling merchants. The looming civil war in Orario, Guild against Evilus, was the main topic. Fear rippled through the room.

The atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation. Evilus, gaining momentum, challenged the once almighty Guild. Civilians and adventurers were caught in a perilous struggle for power.

"They say Evilus has no qualms about ambushes and traps," a merchant commented. "The Guild has already lost adventurers to their traps."

"The Guild's power may be strong, but Evilus is cunning. They've claimed victims. Factions are uniting, not fully, but organizing," added another.

The tavern absorbed the weight of the news, worry swirling amidst the chatter. The twins remained an enigma, fate intertwined with events beyond their control. The tavern hummed with anticipation and unease. Bell's grip on Alice's hand tightened imperceptibly, protective instincts roused by danger. Their world held its own peril.

Bell, though young, absorbed the gravity of war. Inner thoughts swirled. "Why does it always have to be about war?" he pondered

Alice sensed Bell's unease, squeezing his hand, a silent promise of solidarity. "We'll face whatever comes together, Bell," she whispered.

Dialogues mirrored a spectrum of emotions. Villagers discussed, debated, and argued, voices painting the air. "Whatever happens in Orario is not our concern," a grizzled man declared.

In this charged atmosphere, the tavern pulsed with anticipation. Flickering candles created a rhythmic dance of light and darkness, a symbolic hope amidst uncertainty. The village faced an uncertain future, the air crackling with tension. In the innocence of youth, Bell and Alice stood at the cusp of an adventure shaping destinies.

As the night deepened, conversation continued, an ebb and flow mirroring the uncertainty of times. The tavern remained a sanctuary. In the dim light, Bell and Alice exchanged a glance, young hearts resilient, their bond a beacon of hope amidst encroaching shadows.

Village Tavern Scene 2 (several weeks later)

In the cozy, dimly lit tavern, whispers and hushed conversations intertwined with the clinking of glasses and the aroma of ale. The tavern seemed frozen in time, an oasis of warm light amid the encroaching night. Flickering candles cast elongated shadows upon the walls, creating a play of light and dark. A crackling fire danced in the hearth, casting flickering shadows.

Bell and Alice sat at a worn, wooden table with their grandparents, their youthful faces masked by a veneer of concern.

Regulars, eager for gossip, gathered in their usual spots, eyes and ears hungry for the latest tales. They sat on well-worn stools, the wood beneath them groaning with age. Each had their story etched into their faces, a roadmap of wrinkles and scars earned through years of toil and laughter.

A new group of merchants arrived at the tavern, their weary faces carrying stories from distant lands. Their presence added intrigue, and villagers flocked to listen.

The leader of the merchants, a weathered man with a salt-and-pepper beard, spoke in a hushed yet urgent tone. "The civil war in Orario intensifies," he reported, his voice laden with the gravity of his words. "Evilus is gaining ground, their forces becoming more organized. The Guild is struggling to hold them back."

The bustling tavern was a microcosm of a world on edge. The air was thick with the tension of the merchants’ words. Amidst the vibrant stalls and hum of conversations, two figures stood at the epicenter of a heated discussion.

"Orario was apparently unprepared for the strength of Evilus and has put out a call for aid," the merchant reported, his voice carrying the weight of worry. His fingers drummed nervously against the side of his mug, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

"HA. And every other country has remained silent. Not wanting to get involved," another responded, bitterness dripping from his words like poison. He nursed a tankard of ale, frustration evident in the lines etched on his forehead.

"Betray those that protected them for nearly a thousand years. And then fail to take their place," a merchant muttered under his breath, his voice laced with simmering anger. "Unforgivable."

Another’s eyes flashed with a blend of sorrow and fury. “The Deities outside Orario have heaped condemnation and scorn not just upon Orario, or the Guild, but also Loki and Freya for their actions," the merchant added, his gaze distant, lost in the weight of recent events.

The merchant reported that the city is simmering with political unrest and violence. The Guild has organized an alliance between the mightiest familias, holding an uneasy grip. The alliance consists of the established familias of Loki, Freya, Ganesh, and a rising star familia. The rising star is the Astraea familia, which is quickly making a name for itself. Astraea is the Goddess of Justice, and her followers have all pledged to defend the people over pursuing their own glory. Their familia is rising both because of their steadily rising strength but also because they work devotedly to protect the people.

The neighboring countries are cautious in their approach, many choosing to distance themselves from the conflict between Evilus and the Guild. The reasons were multifaceted; Evilus had yet to unleash its fury on the wider world, and the current administration in Orario seemed impotent in managing the rebellion.

Merchants traversing the city sensed the looming storm, recognizing the potential need for outside assistance. Orario, it seemed, would require aid from neighboring countries, a truth that many rulers acknowledged but remained hesitant to act upon. Self-interest dominated their decisions, their first duty to protect their own people and safeguard their own interests. The echoes of past conflicts among the Great Pantheons, be it Olympian, Asgardian, or Far Eastern, resonated in their considerations.

In the darkened corridors of power, unspoken grudges and unhealed wounds fueled reluctance. Many deities within the Olympian Pantheon were resentful of Orario's expulsion of the Zeus and Hera familias, leaving a bitter taste. Discord rankled deep within the divine hierarchy. It's whispered that Poseidon was so incensed at the treatment of his brother and sister, he nearly marched on Orario with the full might of his familia, but stayed his hand at the last minute.

Even within the pantheon, opinions deteriorated, with the schism between Odin/Frigg versus Loki/Freya being the most drastic. They traded barbs for months, and some feared it could come to blows.

Gods ruling distant nations harbored disdain for the corruption in Orario, strengthening their resolve to leave Orario to its fate.

Amidst this brooding atmosphere, a glimmer of hope lingered. Fragile alliances could be forged, bridges mended, and a united front against darkness might emerge. Time would tell if the tempest in Orario would be quelled or unleash devastation, forcing reluctant nations into a bitter reality.

Hera placed a comforting hand on Bell's shoulder. "You both look troubled. Remember, you are safe here," she said, her voice soothing. "You've been through enough. There's no need to rush into battles not meant for you."

Bell and Alice exchanged glances, finding solace in each other's presence. They knew they were too young to make a difference, but they couldn't help thinking of what their mother would want them to do.

"I wish I could do something," Bell spoke, determination lacing his voice. "Mama would want us to help."

Alice nodded, fierce determination in her eyes. "Yes, we can't abandon people. That isn’t what mama would do.”

Their grandfather, a weathered man with a twinkle of pride, listened. He had seen them grow, seen courage within them bloom. He knew this was a battle they had to face, a path they had to choose.

As the night wore on and the fire crackled, the young duo felt the weight of their decision. The cozy tavern became a sanctuary of resolve, a haven where they could fortify determination for the trials ahead. The tale of Evilus and Orario was far from over, and they were ready to write their chapter in history.

Village Tavern Scene 3 (several weeks later)

The village tavern buzzed with patrons seeking refuge from the impending storm. Bell and Alice sat at a wooden table, flanked by Zeus and Hera. Amid flickering candlelight, they listened to news delivered by road-worn merchants. The atmosphere was a tapestry of shadows and hushed conversations, mirroring Orario's bleak state.

The tales of merchants painted a grim picture of deteriorating public order. The war spread like a creeping vine, the taint of Evilus seeping into every corner. Merchants' eyes bore the weight of unsettling tales.

Emotions ran deep. Anxiety rippled through Bell and Alice, their eyes meeting in silent understanding. Zeus and Hera wore expressions of resigned concern. Dialogue varied from merchants' reports to Bell and Alice's whispered exchanges. The tension was palpable.

Merchants vividly depicted Orario teetering on chaos. Evilus launched a market bombing, taking lives and spreading fear. Rumors of more attacks circulated. Nothing and no one would be spared.

Witnesses recalled the dread and despair that enveloped the streets. Evilus targeted healers in a second series of blasts, a reminder that no one was safe. Hera's trembling hand and Zeus's stoic facade betrayed their internal turmoil.

Bell clenched his fists, Alice's eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Zeus and Hera exchanged a knowing glance. The setting exuded impending doom, worn beams sagging with age. The storm outside added an eerie backdrop.

Dire news continued. The two strongest familias in Orario squabbled. A tenuous thread held them together, threatened by growing unrest. Neighboring countries hesitated to intervene in the Civil War. Internal corruption within Orario cast doubt on the city's prospects.

In this somber tableau, gods and adventurers grappled with a world turning its back on them. As patrons huddled, they wondered if this was the beginning of the end or if there was still a glimmer of hope in the surrounding darkness.

Village Tavern Scene 4

In the months that followed, Evilus continued to launch bombing campaigns against Orario. The pattern was always the same.

An initial attack.


The screams of the wounded and dying


A rush by the healers and adventurers to try and help


This was then followed


by becoming victims, themselves.


No matter the situation, there are always those that want to help.


Those that will risk themselves to try and help another.


To make even the tiniest difference.


To try to save even a single life.


And when one witnesses innocent men, women, and children








When one sees


Men and women


Crying for help


Begging for someone.


anyone to save them


Or they see children


Wailing about how much it hurts


begging for someone to make the pain go away.


One would have to be stone not to reach out a hand of compassion.


And that is when Evilus rears its head


And strikes


This campaign of terror has resulted in a stream of refugees from Orario leaving, albeit not in overwhelming numbers. The village, once untouched by the outside world's turmoil, found itself grappling with a new reality. The newcomers, marked by uncertainty and weariness, were eyed with wariness, their presence an unsettling reminder of the chaos beyond. Many stopped only in the village to rest passing through before heading further north to the city of Asgard.

The village square, once a place of communal gatherings and laughter, now wore a tense atmosphere. Locals exchanged concerned glances, their conversations hushed and laced with suspicion. Whispers of fear danced on the lips of the villagers, their minds ripe with uncertainty.

"Have you heard? More of them from Orario coming in," one villager said, his brows furrowing in distress.

"They bring trouble, mark my words. Evilus could be among them," another responded, his voice tinged with fear.

The village authorities, too, grappled with the dilemma. Should they extend their hospitality or close their doors? The delicate balance between compassion and self-preservation hung in the air, like a blade's edge.

The local lords seized upon the opportunity, fanning the flames of mistrust. They saw the refugees as potential pawns in their political games, a means to stoke tensions and rally their subjects against an unseen enemy.

"Orario's filth mustn't taint our lands," declared one lord, his voice carrying across the hall as his subjects nodded in agreement.

The refugees sought peace aware from Orario. They were a tapestry of humanity, their faces a myriad of emotions—fear, desperation, longing. The refugees, innocent in their plight, bore the burden of suspicion, their hopes dashed against the walls of fear, paranoia, and the schemes of those with vested interests.

So, within the swirling of these negative traits of humanity, the innocents were caught between the terror they had fled and the apathy of their fellows.

Chapter 11: Meeting Outsiders


My Apologies for the delay in updating here. So Bell and Alice will make their first friend from the canon timeline. I think you will be surprised by who it is.

Chapter Text

Meeting Outsiders

As the morning sun broke through the village's haze, its gentle light roused Bell and Alice from slumber. An electrifying buzz lingered, signaling the promise of the day. The traveling merchant caravan would soon grace their village, a rare delight tinged with allure and anticipation.

Throughout the village, excitement crackled, intertwining the hopes of every resident. Their souls danced with the expectation of camaraderie, a brief escape from the past year's trials. It was a day to revel in strength.

In the heart of the village, preparations for the Harvest Festival unfurled. Decorations adorned houses, casting lively hues against quaint cottages. The air carried an intoxicating medley of fragrances—freshly baked pastries, blossoming flowers, and eager anticipation.

Laughter reverberated through the streets as the community readied themselves for the festivities. The festival was a window to the outside world, an escape from everyday life. Children skipped, faces alight with glee, promising a joyous future.

With every moment, the village hummed with activity, a crescendo building towards the festival. Bright decorations adorned every corner, tokens of celebration. The atmosphere was pregnant with aromas—pastries mingling with flowers. Laughter infused the air as villagers exchanged stories.

For Bell and Alice, the festival held profound significance. It surpassed mere revelry; it was an opportunity to cast aside past burdens and immerse themselves in joy. Their steps quickened, hearts aglow with anticipation.

As the sun ascended, the village metamorphosed, emanating vivacity. The collective murmur painted the atmosphere in hues of hope. Within the festival's fervor, there was a healing balm, a promise of brighter days.

Bell and Alice's excitement bubbled to the surface, tangible and infectious. Each sight heightened their senses, cocooning them in euphoria. Bell marveled at decorations, while Alice felt belonging, dispelling doubt.

The vibrant morning sun heralded the day, casting a golden hue. Excited children's chatter mingled with pastry scents. The festival promised unity.

"Get ready, Bell and Alice," Zeus called, urgency in his voice, emphasizing the trader's impending arrival. This was a rare opportunity, cherished by all. Caravans typically stopped by every few months, if lucky, weeks.

"OKAY," chimed the twins in unison, their youthful enthusiasm palpable.

With hurried footsteps and excitement, the twins,rushed to their room—a space holding a kaleidoscope of memories, both joyful and bittersweet. Laughter, whispers, familial love echoed within.

Coats hung neatly, awaiting their eager hands. Synchronized, they fetched their coats. Bell's nimble fingers swiftly moved over buttons, Alice securing hers with kindred help—a ritual speaking of their bond.

Anticipation crackled, a buzz of excitement in the air. The room shimmered with the promise of the day. Outside, the world brimmed with energy, approaching festivities vibrant with distant laughter and joyful chatter.

With coats perfectly in place, Bell and Alice stood facing each other, anticipation gleaming in their eyes. Synchronized steps, hearts beating in harmony, the festival was a journey of togetherness, a chance to create new memories.

Leaving the room, hands found each other naturally, fingers entwined in silent solidarity. The corridor adorned with a family portrait and mementos whispered stories. Nostalgia and promise lingered.

Stepping into the festival's embrace, they were greeted by a kaleidoscope of colors, fragrances, and laughter. The air alive with anticipation and promise, Bell and Alice ventured into the vibrant world, hearts wide open to the magic ahead.

The twins were a presence unto themselves, rarely mingling with village children. Isolation, a choice forged in loss. The passing of their mother had left them emotionally battered and adrift. Childhood's innocence lost, replaced by solitude's heavy cloak.

As the caravan's arrival approached, Bell and Alice felt a flurry of emotions swirling within them. The thumping of their hearts a rhythm of excitement and apprehension. For Bell, the festival meant breaking free from isolation, a taste of craved camaraderie. Alice saw it as a bittersweet reminder of their mother's absence—a void.

Their eyes met in silent understanding, a bond beyond words. They were in this together, unwavering support. The festival was a chance to honor their mother's memory, infusing her spirit into the festivities.

The Harvest Festival celebrated abundance and their resilience—the ability to find joy amid grief. The village, their sanctuary, provided solace amid festivity chaos.

As the village prepared, heartbeats echoed, a melody of excitement and somber chords. The air charged with emotions promised healing, bridging life's etched gaps in their souls.

Amidst the spirited bustle of the approaching festival, the twins, Bell and Alice, found themselves in a realm of their own. The past two years had etched deep scars into their hearts, isolating them from the joyful play of village children. Their sanctuary became their solitude, a shield against well-meaning but often clumsy attempts of others to bridge the gap.

Zeus watched with bated breath, hoping the festival's excitement might coax the twins out of their emotional retreat. They understood that forcing a change could be counterproductive, like mending a delicate tapestry with forceful stitches.

Approaching the heart of the village, the family noticed a difference. This year, the usual traveling merchant had been replaced by an unfamiliar group—a couple accompanied by their daughter. The group consisted of a human man and two female cat people, obviously a mother and her daughter, with matching raven black hair. The village's typical merchants were solitary figures hauling goods, but this new entourage exuded familial togetherness, a change that piqued their curiosity.

Zeus's keen eyes caught the nuance, perhaps mirroring the void within his own grandchildren. The world was complex, woven from the threads of life, each with unique patterns and hues. This festival held promise, not just for the community, but for these strangers, a chance to connect and heal.

The village square loomed ahead, a kaleidoscope of colors and laughter. The aroma of freshly baked goods mingled with anticipation. The twins, still close yet somewhat apart, hesitated on the threshold of participation. It was a step, an inch closer to the celebration's heart.

With every beat of the approaching festival, hope and apprehension danced a delicate tango within the family. The festival, a carousel of joy and healing, awaited their embrace, inviting them to shed inhibitions and join life's rhythmic flow once more.

Bell felt the pull of the festivities, a longing to be part of the lively whirl that enveloped the village. Yet, the walls around his heart held him back. The memory of his mother's absence echoed in the vibrant air of the festival. Alice sensed his struggle, her own emotions mirroring his.

Alice, always perceptive, understood Bell's inner turmoil. The world outside had become unfamiliar, and she knew he yearned for guidance. She squeezed his hand, a silent reassurance.

Zeus and Hera's hearts ached for their grandchildren, knowing healing required time and patience. The couple with the traveling caravan offered hope, a connection that might mend their family's tapestry.

As they stepped into the lively square, the festivities enveloped them like a warm embrace. Vibrant colors, laughter, and delicious scents wove together, inviting them to dance to life's rhythm. The festival was an invitation to rediscover joy and unity, to mend the soul's fabric, and to write new, harmonious notes in their lives' symphony.

Amidst the festival's joyous melody, the village square buzzed with excitement. Vivid banners danced in the wind, imbuing the atmosphere with merriment. Laughter and chatter intermingled with the sweet scent of street food, creating a lively celebration.

Yet, amidst this cheerful atmosphere, a darker current ran. Whispers slithered through the crowd like venomous snakes, each word a pointed sting.

"What a monstrosity," one man's murmur cut through the festive sounds, the venom evident in his voice.

"It's disgusting. that tail and those ears are repulsive," another chimed in, their words a cruel echo.

"Hmph. Those two are just half-breeds. They aren't fully human," an ignorant whisper sneered

"Ugh... those eyes are so creepy," another voice added, each word crueler and more intolerant than the last.

Zeus felt a storm of anger brewing within, a primal urge to lash out against this prejudice. The comments were daggers, piercing the facade of celebration, plunging into the hearts of this family.

The villagers continued to gossip, weaving a cruel narrative that sought to marginalize and belittle. "Look at those freaks," disdain dripped from a hushed voice, seeking solace in the shadows.

Bell's fists clenched involuntarily. Each derogatory comment carved a notch into his anger, reminding him of the ever-present barrier between him and the world. A torrent of emotions surged within him—anger, frustration, and hurt. He glanced at Alice, her face mirroring the turmoil within him. Their bond was unbreakable, but even the deepest connection couldn't shield them from the cruelty of the world.

Alice's grip on Bell's hand tightened, her knuckles white with the effort to hold back her tears. The festival, meant to be a day of joy and unity, was tainted. She wished they could rise above it, but the prejudice cut deep. Zeus and Hera exchanged a knowing look. Their hearts ached for their children, knowing they couldn't shield them from the ugliness of humanity.

As the festival began, the lively melody of laughter and celebration was juxtaposed by the discordant undertones of bigotry that hung in the air like a noxious fog.

Zeus and Hera struggled to maintain their composure, their expressions a delicate balance between seething frustration and forced restraint. The urge to confront the locals and unleash their pent-up anger was palpable, but they knew that giving in to that impulse would only exacerbate the situation, particularly for Bell and Alice.

Zeus, a towering figure with a simmering intensity in his eyes, fought to rein in his own anger. His clenched fists trembled with the effort of suppressing the words that threatened to escape in a furious torrent. He could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on him; the last thing he should do was lose his temper and make life even more difficult for Alice and Bell.

The quaint festival square, adorned with colorful banners and twinkling lights, stood as a cruel irony against the dark undercurrents of prejudice that tainted the joyous occasion. Laughter rang out, but it was a discordant symphony, a clash of cultures and beliefs that underscored the deeply ingrained prejudices within the community.

Alice felt a knot tighten in her stomach, a mix of anger, sorrow, and frustration. How could people be so cruel, especially during what was supposed to be a time of celebration and unity? She clung to Bell's hand, seeking comfort and strength in the familiar touch, silently urging him to endure this torment.

Bell's jaw tightened, muscles tensing with effort. He wanted to speak up, to defend the visitors, but knew the consequences could be dire. He glanced at Alice, her eyes reflecting the same struggle.

Hera seethed with anger at the ignorance surrounding them but maintained a serene facade. Reacting impulsively would only feed the prejudice they fought against. She whispered a silent prayer for strength and resilience, for Bell and Alice, and for the hope that someday this festering prejudice would be replaced by understanding and acceptance.

The festival square remained a battlefield of emotions, a clash between poison and love. Each step forward was a victory, defiance against the hatred threatening to consume them. Alice and Bell held onto that spark of hope as they faced bitter realities.

"Hey, grandpa, grandma, can we play with the girl?" Bell's eyes danced with excitement as he pointed towards the cat girl. The rising sun cast a golden hue upon her raven black fur, making her appear almost magical. Alice stood entranced, imagining herself in a world of whimsy and fancy.

Their words, filled with innocent wonder, cut through the tense air, momentarily dispelling bigotry. Bell and Alice were oblivious to the disapproving glares from the locals, their minds consumed by the enchanting creature before them.

Zeus frowned. Maybe this was a good opportunity for the twins to interact with someone different.

"Alright, you may greet her, but if you want to play, you need her parent's permission," Zeus nodded, his resolve wavering.

Alice wondered what it would be like to have those ears and a tail. Bell envisioned adventures with the mysterious girl, her feline grace inspiring tales of magic.

The cat girl noticed their interest and offered a hesitant smile. Bell and Alice approached her, the first step towards friendship, towards understanding.

Bell and Alice took off towards the festival square, laughter and delightful aromas filling the air. However, disdainful glances and hushed murmurs marred the illusion of unity. Bell and Alice, oblivious to the disdain, saw only one potential friend. Their eyes held genuine kindness, untouched by bigotry.

For Zeus, their grandfather and guardian, it was a bittersweet sight. He had witnessed the ugliness of prejudice in his time and knew the scars it could leave. His heart ached for the girl, aware of the pain she might have faced before arriving in this unforgiving place. He wished that the townspeople could see beyond the superficial.

With eager energy, Bell and Alice rushed over to greet the cat girl, their youthful enthusiasm lighting up their faces. The cat girl, her feline features gracefully adorning her, greeted them with a soft smile carrying a hint of vulnerability—a vulnerability born from the ache of being an outsider. Her parents, standing beside her, exuded warmth and openness, a stark contrast to the cold reception they were receiving from the locals. It was clear they were a close-knit family, their bonds evident in the gentle embraces and genuine smiles they exchanged.

In spite of the townspeople's bigotry, this moment of connection was a glimmer of hope. The kindness and acceptance that Bell and Alice showed to Aki softened the pain she had suffered, making her feel like she was finally home.

"Good day, mister!" Bell's youthful voice rang across the bustling marketplace as they approached the merchants.

Hiroshi smiled and waved his hand to acknowledge them, then turned his attention back to his customers.

"Sir! Excuse me!" Bell and Alice quickened their pace and reached the trading post just as Hiroshi finished his transaction.

"Hi there. What can I do for you?" Hiroshi responded with a warm smile, his eyes lingering on the two children who were the first to approach them. He had caught snippets of the villagers' disparaging comments, igniting a spark of anger within him, but he knew he could only control his own actions. He had witnessed a mix of reactions from the villagers—some cruel and prejudiced, others open and understanding.

He noted the disapproving stance of the adults accompanying the children. A silent acknowledgment of the pervasive ignorance and intolerance that plagued the community. Hiroshi wrestled with conflicting emotions—frustration at the narrow-mindedness and a deep-seated desire to protect his daughter from the hurtful words that echoed through the air.

These two kids, however, emanated genuine innocent curiosity. That was the impression Hiroshi got from them. He tried to suppress the smile that wanted to surface.

Bell, always the more outspoken of the twins, beamed up at Hiroshi. "We were wondering about your wares. What do you have here?"

Alice chimed in, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Yes, we're very interested to know."

Hiroshi gestured towards the array of goods on display. "We have a variety of things—silk, spices, pottery, and much more. Is there anything specific you'd like to know about?"

Bell's eyes lit up with excitement as he pointed at the spices. "These are amazing! Do they come from far away?"

Hiroshi nodded, pleased with the interest the twins were showing. "Yes, indeed. These spices come from distant lands, carefully sourced and brought here for everyone to enjoy."

Alice marveled at the silk, her fingers delicately tracing the fabric. "And what about these? They're so beautiful."

Hiroshi explained, "Silk is a delicate and exquisite material from the Far East. These are woven with great care and precision. It's a true art."

As Hiroshi conversed with Bell and Alice, Aki watched from the side, a shy smile playing on her lips. The innocence of the twins, their genuine curiosity and acceptance, warmed her heart. It was a stark contrast to the hostility she had encountered in the village. Her tail twitched nervously, hoping she might make a new friend.

"Can we play with your daughter?" Bell's voice held a blend of curiosity and nervousness, his eyes flicking toward Hiroshi's daughter, who stood nearby. Hiroshi observed the sincerity in the child's eyes, a genuine yearning for friendship. It was a small glimmer of hope amidst the sea of intolerance that surrounded them.

It felt good, but in a bittersweet way. There were, of course, pockets of acceptance from the people across the continent. It was in those moments of compassion that Hiroshi felt the cruelty of the bigots would be met with true justice. This moment of kindness in the wake of such unpleasantness was a tiny hope.

Hiroshi's daughter, Aki, stood nearby, a picture of grace in her young demeanor, her essence mirroring her father's innate kindness. Her eyes, deep pools of innocence, held a glint of longing—a yearning for connection amidst the throng of unfamiliar faces. The morning light played on her delicate features, giving her an ethereal glow. Her tail twitched at the request of the twins. She wanted to make friends more than anything.

Nodding in response to Bell's question, Aki offered a warm smile that had the power to dissolve barriers. It was a genuine expression, untouched by the prejudices that surrounded her. The air seemed to shift, if only for a moment, as the pure intentions of these children brushed against the stifling currents of bigotry.

In the midst of this delicate moment, Hiroshi noticed Aki's hesitation to engage with the strangers, her youthful sensitivity picking up on the whispers and hushed conversations around her. He couldn't bear to see her withdraw, imprisoned by the discomfort of others' judgment. With a gentle yet firm voice, he encouraged her.

"Aki, it's all right if you want to play with these two," Hiroshi assured her, projecting his voice so she could hear him clearly over the distant chatter. But Aki stayed close to him, seeking refuge in his presence, her trust in her father acting as a shield.

He sensed the heavy weight of strange looks directed their way, a mixture of curiosity, disdain, and ignorance. The community's gaze shifted from Aki to the twins, their uniqueness garnering both fascination and repulsion.

Hiroshi took a steadying breath. The scales hung in balance, teetering between the unkindness of prejudice and the possibility of enlightenment through compassion. In that brief interlude, the market square held its breath, awaiting the choice that would define this fleeting juncture in time.

Hiroshi Autumn empathized with his daughter's struggle. It was never easy being different, standing out in a world that seemed fixated on conformity. Her feline ears and tails were unique, marking her as distinct in a society that often-viewed uniqueness with suspicion.

"Aki, don't worry about other people; we'll be leaving in a few days," he reassured her, his voice laced with understanding and tenderness. He could feel the weight of his daughter's discomfort, a burden she shouldn't have had to carry.

In this part of the world, Hiroshi knew that acceptance was a fickle creature. Some were more open, embracing diversity, while others clung to ignorance, their prejudice a shroud that clouded their perception. It was a battle they faced constantly—the struggle to belong, to be accepted for who they were.

"How about we go now, Daddy?" Aki's voice held a hint of urgency, a desire to escape the piercing judgments of the world. She had grown stronger over time, tears giving way to resilience. Yet, the scars of prejudice lingered, a reminder of a world that could be cruel.

He observed the conflict in her eyes, the worry that the twins might face negativity for interacting with her. Hiroshi's heart ached for his daughter, a mixture of protective fury and sorrow. He wished he could shield her from this, but the world was not kind enough to allow it.

They began to walk, Hiroshi leading the way, a pillar of support for Aki. The atmosphere crackled with a blend of anticipation and unease, the townsfolk casting glances their way. Hiroshi squeezed Aki's hand, offering a reassuring smile.

The journey ahead would be challenging, navigating a world that sometimes resisted change. But Hiroshi was determined to instill in his daughter the belief that they were worthy, beautiful beings, deserving of love and acceptance. As they ventured forward, he held onto hope, hoping for a world where acceptance would conquer prejudice, and his daughter could be celebrated for the unique soul she was.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but we need to stay here for a few days. There are trappers and hunters that are coming back for the Festival," Hiroshi gently responded, his eyes filled with a mix of understanding and empathy. He knew they couldn't afford to remain stagnant in one place for long, always staying on the move like so many others of their kind. But for the moment, they needed to be cautious and near the village.

"But..." Aki's voice quivered, tears welling in her eyes. Her paws rubbed her tails in frustration, a telltale sign of her distress. She cast a regretful look at her parents, her sensitive ears catching the snide comments from a few kids nearby. Some were bold enough to make rude remarks, while others chose to steer clear, not wanting to upset their companions.

"I know, dear. It's not easy, but at least there are two others here that want to play," Hiroshi offered a soothing reassurance, trying to ease the turmoil in his daughter's heart.

Aki turned her gaze toward the twins, the only people around who hadn't directed any mean comments her way. They seemed genuine, their smiles inviting, a glimmer of kindness in a world that often lacked it. With that in mind, Aki walked toward the twins.

Meanwhile, her parents were preparing goods, their ears perked and senses alert, keeping a careful eye on Aki. Their parental instincts were sharp, protective, always ready to intervene if necessary. The twins seemed sincere in their desire to befriend Aki, and it warmed Hiroshi and his wife's hearts to see their daughter finding potential friends amidst the judgments and prejudices of others.

In this moment, they prayed for kindness and acceptance to prevail, hoping that these bonds could offer Aki the solace and companionship she so desperately sought in a world that often shunned her for being different.

Apologies for the oversight. Here's the edited version of the scene:

"Uh, hi, I am Aki," Aki responded tentatively, her feline ears flicking slightly, mirroring her nerves. The twins before her seemed like a glimmer of hope, a chance to escape the isolation that often accompanied her kind.

"Hi! I'm Bell!" Bell's enthusiasm was palpable as he introduced himself, his eyes drawn to the soft cat ears peeking from Aki's head and the elegant black tail swishing gently. He noticed Aki's parents observing their interaction, concern etched on their faces.

"And I'm Alice," Alice added, her voice a touch softer, her shyness apparent. It was clear to her that Aki was feeling the weight of their scrutiny.

"Do you want to play with us?" Bell asked, eager and inviting.

"Yes, can we?" Alice chimed in, her voice carrying a note of quiet excitement. Her eyes betrayed her desire to pet Aki's furry ears and tail, but she refrained, conscious of how impolite that could be. She had learned that lesson from Hera, and she didn't want to make Aki uncomfortable. Aki's parents could see their genuine intentions, and it warmed their hearts to witness their daughter tentatively stepping into the possibility of friendship.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" Aki asked tentatively, her curiosity mingling with a hint of nervousness. She was unsure of the games or activities the other two had in mind.

"Oh, we can go explore a cave nearby. It's our secret hideout, but we'd love to share it with you. First, we need to get lunch from our grandparents," Alice proposed, her shyness beginning to dissolve, replaced by her usual enthusiasm.

"Okay. That sounds like fun," Aki replied, glancing briefly at her parents, seeking their approval, and finding reassuring smiles in return.

"Great, then let's get going, Aki," Alice said, extending her hand. Bell mirrored the gesture, both eager to include Aki in their adventures. Aki hesitated for a moment before taking their hands, her heart warming at the prospect of new friends and a day filled with exploration and friendship. It was a small step toward acceptance and companionship, and she felt a surge of hope that this encounter might bring her the camaraderie she longed for. Aki tentatively took both twin's hands, and they took off running with Aki right behind them.

Hiroshi and Yumi viewpoint.

Hiroshi and Yumi observed their daughter, Aki, standing with the twins, Bell and Alice. Their smiles held a mix of hope and concern, a silent wish for this newfound companionship to bring a sparkle back to Aki's eyes. As parents, they longed for her to find comfort and camaraderie in a world that often viewed their kind with prejudice.

Hiroshi, Aki's father, bore a calm exterior, yet deep within, he wrestled with a growing protectiveness. He knew that as Aki matured, she would need to face the harsh realities of their world. He steeled himself, knowing he had to toughen her spirit without overburdening her innocence. Yet, the incident a few weeks ago, where another person had tried to touch her ears, gnawed at him. He vowed to shield his wife from this knowledge, fearing the wrath and pain it would unleash upon her.

Yumi, Aki's mother, harbored her own quiet worries. She had witnessed the prejudices of society firsthand and knew how cruel people can be. Her heart ached at the thought of her daughter facing such hostility. She held back her fears, choosing to believe in her daughter's resilience and hoping that Aki would rise above the challenges that lay ahead.

Their journey had led them on a new village route, a path less traveled, in search of regions further north with valuable goods to trade. It was a gamble, for these regions were infamous for their intolerance toward demi-humans like them. Hiroshi was aware of the risks, but the allure of profits and the needs of their family urged him to take this chance.

The village before them had mixed reactions—some friendly, some wary. Hiroshi was cautious, always considering the safety of his family. He knew they couldn't afford to linger in unwelcoming territories for long. They had carefully chosen routes in the past, steering clear of areas where their kind might be targeted. But in the pursuit of prosperity, they ventured into new territories, ready to navigate the fine balance between risk and reward.

As Aki and the twins embarked on their adventure, Hiroshi and Yumi exchanged a knowing look. They understood the delicate dance they had to perform—protecting their daughter while allowing her to grow and find her place in this world. It was a path fraught with challenges, but they were determined to guide her with love and strength.

Aki's family had always been a close-knit unit, a bastion of support and love in a world that often showed them the ugly face of prejudice. They had learned to prioritize Aki's well-being over their travels, altering routes and canceling plans whenever needed. The locals' comments and behavior could be venomous, enough to make them change their course to avoid hostility.

The scars of their encounters with humanity's darker side were etched in their hearts, and they had become proficient in the art of defense. Despite being unblessed, both parents had honed their martial skills over the years, facing bandits on the unforgiving roads, the threat of danger constantly looming.

Yumi had faced her own set of challenges as a woman. Fending off lecherous men had become an unfortunate reality for her since they had left the city of Orario, putting their savings into becoming travel merchants to escape the growing chaos. Public order had declined, and crime had spread like wildfire, making it imperative to leave. Aki had witnessed these incidents, her young heart bearing the burden of witnessing the mistreatment her family endured.

In this intricate tapestry of judgment and discrimination, there were shining threads of acceptance. The twins, Bell and Alice, were the epitome of kindness and understanding. They saw Aki for who she truly was, beyond her appearance. They represented a beacon of hope for her young daughter, who was often an outcast.

In a world that sometimes seemed cold and unrelenting, Aki's family held on to the bonds of love, ensuring that their little kitten was protected and cherished. The scars they bore were a testament to their resilience, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there was room for love, understanding, and hope.

Their mercantile pursuits navigated a world far from welcoming. Some areas remained a constant struggle to sell their wares, haunted by the specter of the central regions—known for their abhorrent slave trade. The notion of innocent lives being shackled and sold like chattel was a grotesque reality they sought to evade.

Bandits, too, lurked in these regions, preying on vulnerable villages and unsuspecting travelers to fill their ranks of slaves. Hiroshi was aware of the dangers that lay in those parts, especially considering the delicate beauty of his wife Yumi and their daughter Aki. As such, he decided to avoid any of the slave trading regions entirely.

So, they chose the path of caution, avoiding these perilous regions, sacrificing potential trade to ensure their safety. The far eastern territories were no less formidable, torn apart by relentless civil wars that had soaked the land in blood. The tumultuous history rendered those lands inhospitable, restricting their travels.

Yet, in their careful journey, they had woven a web of contacts, a network of trust in smaller and mid-sized villages that embraced them. These places had become oases in their journey, offering great goods, fair prices, and rare finds without the taint of treachery. Hiroshi and Yumi had a knack for forming bonds and earning respect, making their chosen path less treacherous.

It was a dance—a delicate ballet of avoiding danger while reaping the benefits of their trade. Every step they took was measured; their route chosen with meticulous care.

And this was one of the new routes they were trying, a route directly north to Asgard from the Far East. They had just come from the Far East and were hoping to sell some Far East Spices in the northern capital. If they were successful, they would be able to make a significant profit from the journey.

As they heard the whispers of the villagers, they grew concerned about the reception they would receive. Yet, here were these two children that had approached with genuine sincerity in their eyes, a genuine yearning for friendship. It was a small glimmer of hope amidst the sea of intolerance that surrounded them.

It felt good, but in a bittersweet way. There were many more pockets of acceptance from the people across the continent. It was in those moments of compassion that he felt the cruelty of the bigots would be met with true justice. This moment of kindness in the wake of such unpleasantness was a tiny hope. He watched his daughter approach the children as his wife wrapped her arms around him.

"You're crying again," he whispered.

"I'm sorry," she answered just as quietly. "It just... it hurts to be looked down on when we're so much like them. I can take it, but I worry about Aki. I am worried about how it is hurting her."

"Indeed." Hiroshi responded

"But in a way," his wife continued as Aki's little human companions giggled. "I'm so glad that Aki is able to make friends. Despite..."

Hiroshi nodded. Being different, no matter in which way, often resulted in conflict. Some people found some sense of comfort in it, but those types were typically in the minority in any community.

Bell, Alice, and Aki On their way to the secret hideout.

The sun hung high, casting a warm, golden glow over the trio of newfound friends. Bell and Alice, identical twins, stood with outstretched hands, waiting for Aki to join them. As they reached out to her, the world seemed to hold its breath, anticipation of adventure tingling in the air.

Aki's heart danced with trepidation and excitement. She hesitated for a moment, her feline ears twitching in anxiety. Her vibrant black eyes met Bell's, melting away her doubts. Finding companionship and acceptance after a lifetime of solitude warmed her soul. With a tentative smile, she accepted their hands, her fingers intertwining with theirs.

The contact sent a shiver down Aki's spine. Their touch felt like a lifeline, a promise of friendship, the gentle dawn after a long, lonely night. Overwhelmed by their kindness, she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Great, then let's get going, Aki," Alice said, leading the way. Bell mirrored her gesture, offering reassurance. Together, they formed a chain of connections, their hands a testament to their bond.

Aki's heart soared. It was as if a fragile sprout of hope had taken root in her soul. She finally had friends.

"Come on, Aki!" Bell exclaimed, tugging her hand. Aki giggled, her heart leaping in response to his joy.

"I'm coming!" Aki replied, quickening her pace.

As they dashed across the meadow, the world became a blur of colors and sounds. Aki stole a glance at the twins, seeing the same sense of adventure in their eyes.

"Where are we going?" Aki asked, curious and ready for the journey ahead.

"You'll see!" they exclaimed, excitement filling their voices. They weaved through the woods, Aki close behind.

The trio slowed as they reached a clearing, revealing a scene of fallen trees. Bell and Alice exchanged glances, their enthusiasm undimmed. Aki's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

With a shared breath, they stepped through the living curtain of branches, the forest whispering its secrets.

"Is that the hideout?" Aki inquired softly.

"Not quite. Our hideout is inside the hollow there. There's a cave behind the branches," Alice replied.

Aki nodded, her tail swaying gently.

As they continued, rain intensified, casting a soothing patter of droplets. Aki noticed a gap in the branches, offering shelter. Guided by Alice, they reached the heart of the secret hideout.

The twins revealed a dark cavern, magic lamps casting an inviting glow. Aki marveled at the sanctuary they had uncovered.

Bell and Alice led the way into the cave, their shadows dancing on the uneven walls. Aki followed closely, her heart racing with excitement and gratitude. The warmth of the lamps enveloped her, and the scent of earth and adventure filled the air.

"We found it when we were exploring last year," Alice explained, her voice tinged with nostalgia and contentment. "We made it into a hideout to get away from the world and some of the meaner villagers."

Aki gazed around the cozy, dimly lit cave, touched by the twins' gesture of sharing this special place with her. In the depths of the cavern, the outside world seemed to fade away, leaving them with a sanctuary where friendship and warmth shielded them from life's storms.

Aki's black eyes sparkled with gratitude as she stepped further into the cave. The flickering light of the magic lamps cast intricate patterns on the rocky walls, creating an enchanting ambiance that resonated with a sense of belonging she had never experienced before.

"Thank you, both of you," she whispered, her voice filled with warmth. Aki's heart swelled with emotion, realizing that these two kindred spirits had chosen to share this sanctuary with her, offering refuge from the world's cruelty.

"It's where we go when the villagers say hurtful things," Bell whispered. Aki understood. She had faced exclusion and teasing from village children before because of her features.

Tears welled in Aki's eyes, her cheeks reflecting her emotions. The twins, Bell and Alice, turned to their new friend, their expressions filled with empathy as they noticed the subtle transformation in her demeanor.

Aki's cat-like ears, once alert, now lay flat against her head, a silent sign of vulnerability. Her playful tail drooped and curled between her legs, as if seeking protection. The twins shared a somber frown, giving Aki space to express the pain that had long weighed on her soul.

After wiping away her tears, Aki found the strength to speak, her voice trembling with the weight of her past.

"I-I was taunted and bullied in different villages because I am an animal person," Aki confessed, her voice carrying echoes of hurt. "I haven't been able to make many friends because we are always moving."

Alice broke the silence, her tone gentle. "Aki, it's okay. We're not like those mean village children," she reassured. "They're just... ignorant. I think your ears and tails are really cool."

Aki's eyes brimmed with tears, her vulnerability laid bare. "Really? But they called me a freak... and they said it's wrong for me to even be here. I'm not supposed to exist..."

Bell squeezed Aki's hand comfortingly. "That is dumb. I think your ears and tail are cute, Aki."

"Don't listen to them. They don't know what they're saying," Alice added.

"And if they can't accept you, then you've got us," Bell chimed in, forging a connection of unwavering friendship.

The twins looked at Aki, their faces radiant with sincerity. Aki hesitated, her emotions raw, but warmth and acceptance began to seep into her heart.

"Okay," she said, her voice wavering but filled with gratitude. "Thank you both. I... I have never been accepted like this before. Let's go play."

"Right! Time for some fun," Alice exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious, and the trio moved forward together, leaving behind shadows of the past to embrace a future filled with friendship and adventure.

Alice and Bell led Aki through the cave, their path illuminated by magical lamps they had added since discovering the hideout. The gentle light flickered across rocky walls, casting elongated shadows with each step.

Their cave exploration had revealed multiple branches, but the twins marked the path to the main cavern. Here, deep within the cave's heart, their hideout blossomed with improvements they had made. It was a testament to their ingenuity and desire to create a space where they could truly escape.

As Aki took in the cavern's scenery, wonder and delight filled her. Their journey had descended into a world of mysteries, a hidden realm promising adventure and shared experiences. Almost all branching paths were dead ends, adding to the feeling of isolation and secrecy.

Then, as they turned a corner, they reached the main cavern. Aki's breath hitched at the breathtaking beauty before her. This cavern was distinct, with a relatively large hole in the ceiling allowing sunlight to stream in. The warm rays cast a cozy glow, illuminating the chamber.

Rocky formations gleamed with hints of iridescence, revealing hidden treasures within the stone. Stalactites hung like delicate chandeliers from the ceiling, their tips glistening like precious gems. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying whispers of ancient secrets.

Aki felt the magic seep into her, and the weight of her past diminished. She turned to Alice and Bell, grateful for sharing this place.

The twins' faces mirrored Aki's wonder and contentment. Their creation was more than a physical space; it was a sanctuary where their friendship could thrive.

At the heart of the chamber lay a pristine lake, surrounded by smoothed stones. Its clear water revealed intricate patterns at the bottom. A gentle breeze rustled stalactites, adding to the tranquil atmosphere.

Aki marveled at the oasis, magical and surreal. The twins' creation was breathtaking.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Aki exclaimed, genuinely appreciative.

"Sure is," Alice responded with a wide grin.

Bell felt satisfaction watching Aki's reaction. They had created something special, a sanctuary that touched their friend's heart.

"Now we play! Let's play Hero Stories," Alice chirped excitedly.

"Hero Stories?" Aki asked, curious.

"Yep," Alice replied, "Grandpa wrote a bunch of books for us. I vote we make our own play!"

"I like that idea," Aki said, genuinely interested.

"Hero stories are always fun," Bell added, excited for their adventure.

Alice delved into the plan, her words filled with enthusiasm. "We play the Argonaut! Bell will be Argo. I will be Argo's awesome Sister Feena. And Aki can be the princess that Bell rescues!"

Aki agreed, feeling slightly intimidated by Alice's enthusiasm.

"That sounds like fun," she replied, anticipating the adventure.

Bell sighed theatrically. "You always want me to be Argo," he remarked, mock-protesting.

Alice grinned. "Hehehe, of course, Bell. You're just as goofy as Argo."

Their banter filled the cave with joy.

"Alright, let's get started," Alice declared, excitement gleaming in her eyes.

Aki watched, grateful for the friendship. They embarked on an adventure of their own making, where reality dissolved, and make-believe became endless possibilities.

The stage was set for their hero story, and the cave resonated with the lively atmosphere of imagination and camaraderie, where the lines between fiction and reality blurred, and the world of storytelling came alive.

One of the things that the twins had brought to their hideout was a small wooden chest. It was a piece of their old life in Orario, used to store some of their favorite toys and a few cherished books. The chest was a physical link to the world they had left behind a reminder of the happy moments and the adventures they had shared with their family.

Alice opened the chest, her hands gentle as she reached inside. She pulled out a book with a worn but well-loved cover, the title emblazoned in bold letters:


"So, I'll start reading it, and then we can take turns," Alice suggested with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

The children moved to one of the cozy corners where blankets and moss provided a comfortable spot to sit. As they settled in, Aki's heart swelled with a sense of belonging.

Alice opened the book, her voice filled with the excitement of revisiting an old friend. She began, her words weaving a tapestry of adventure and heroism.


In the ancient times, long before the Gods' reign and before the age of Falna,

A tale unfolded, like a forgotten melody echoing through generations.

It was a story that had endured

A story has passed from generation to generation as

A fairy tale

A farce

A play

A comedy

A story of a man who was a foolish hero

A story with a hero unlike any other.

A hero was not forged in the crucible of extraordinary might or grandeur

Instead, hero more feeble and ordinary than any other took the stage

A clown disguised as a hero

A figure of absurdity and comedy

Or as others call him “the hero of the dawn”

Though heroes had come and gone before him,

None had managed to dispel the perpetual tragedy that shrouded their world.

It was the Hero of the Dawn who dared to turn this era of sorrow into a comedy

An era that would resonate throughout the very fabric of existence,

making even the Heavens themselves tremble in mirth and awe of this

Foolish Mortal

A clown with an impossible dream

A desire to brings smiles to others

This is the start of the comedy of the Foolish hero Argonaut

And the comedy he would write

For if the Fool could herald a new age, what could another do?

In the face of this clown's resolve, the rest of the world found itself with no excuse to surrender to despair.

For who wants to be thought to be beneath the fool

As the hours passed, the children delved deeper into the tale of the long-ago Hero Argonaut. The story, akin to an old friend, guided them through mythical realms, daring quests, and the promise of grand adventures. Within the heart of their secret hideout, the cave walls seemed to recede, making way for the vivid landscapes of Argonaut. The children became the heroes of their own narrative, their imaginations taking flight.

Aki listened with rapt attention, her eyes wide and her heart fully immersed in the tale. She marveled at the vivid descriptions of mythical creatures, lush landscapes, and the bravery of the hero. In these moments, she felt integral to the trio, connected by the magic of storytelling and shared experience.

Bell, too, was captivated by the story, his eyes fixed on Alice as she continued to narrate. The familiarity of the tale brought back cherished memories of bedtime stories and shared dreams with his twin. He envisioned himself as Argo, the valiant hero, Alice as the awesome Sister Feena, and Aki as the princess he longed to rescue.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden hue across the cave, the children paused in the story to share a light meal. Aki had brought a basket from her family dinner, and they shared the food with gratitude and camaraderie. The cave, a place of secrets and sanctuary, was illuminated not just by sunlight but by the warmth of their friendship.

In that moment, surrounded by moss and blankets, they were united by the magic of storytelling. The tale of Argonaut had brought them closer, forging a bond that would endure through the pages of the book and the chapters of their lives. As stars began to twinkle in the night sky, their journey continued, weaving a story uniquely their own.

Listening to the tale, the twins, Bell and Alice, exchanged glances expressing volumes of their emotions. They realized the fortune of meeting Aki and how her presence had enriched their lives. A warmth spread within them as they recognized the treasure of friendship they had discovered. The story bound them tighter, like a thread weaving their hearts into a tight-knit tapestry. They understood these moments with Aki were precious, and a cloud of dread settled as they became aware of the passing time.

After their meal, they decided to continue the tale of Argonaut, eager to see the heroic journey unfold. However, the setting sun cast long shadows within the cave, reminding them of approaching nightfall. The knowledge that their guardians would start to worry weighed on their minds.

With a collective sigh, they acknowledged it was time to conclude the story, for now. Aki's mention of returning home was met with a shared sense of responsibility.

"Hey, Aki," Alice said, her voice gentle, "ask your parents to let you stay at our farm tonight. We'll talk to Grandpa and Grandma. That way, we can keep reading the story together."

Aki hesitated, uncertainty in her eyes. The idea of spending the night at her new friends' farm was exciting yet nerve-wracking. Alice and Bell, quick to offer their unwavering support, nodded vigorously, their smiles warm and reassuring. Encouraged by their enthusiasm, Aki found herself nodding along. The trio, bound by friendship and the shared world of Argonaut, began their way out of the cave and back to the village, where their adventure would continue beyond the book's pages.

As they returned to the village, their hearts light, the sun dipped low, casting long shadows before them. However, their peaceful walk was interrupted by a group of half a dozen village children. Among them, four were boys and two were girls, all larger in size than Alice, Bell, and Aki. These children, aged between eight and ten, exuded bravado typical of a tight-knit village community.

As the group closed in, two older village children, not wielding weapons but sporting intimidating glares, seemed to instigate trouble. They harbored hostility towards Aki and wasted no time revealing their cruel intentions. "Let's teach this freak a lesson so she doesn't come back," one sneered, malice dripping from his voice.

A menacing smirk played on the other boy's lips. "Well, look here!" he announced as his group caught up to the trio. The three friends sensed trouble, prepared to flee if necessary. The rest of the village children formed a tight circle around them, effectively cutting off any escape route.

The atmosphere turned tense and hostile as the children faced uncertain confrontation with their peers. The twins and Aki exchanged worried glances, aware they might need wits and friendship to navigate this unexpected challenge.

"The twerp is hanging out with that half-breed!" One village child sneered, disdain lacing his voice as he pointed at Aki. "Hey, freaky ears, want us to teach you a lesson?"

Aki shivered at the hurtful words, her ears twitching involuntarily. She felt anger surge but remained silent, unwilling to stop. Alice and Bell, however, weren't about to let the insults slide. "Looks like your parents haven't taught you manners," Alice retorted, defiant.

The other village children chimed in, their voices dripping with arrogance. "We already proved we can deal with you," one declared, standing tall. "Yeah, and there are five of us and just two of you that can fight. That sickly freak can't do anything."

A steely determination filled Bell as he stepped forward, his eyes narrowing with a protective glare. "Watch what you say about Alice and Aki," he warned, his voice firm.

The village children remained unfazed, expressions filled with mockery. "Aww, look, the freak wants to fight," one taunted, sneering. The tension in the air crackled as the confrontation escalated, the twins facing a difficult choice: to defend their friends or seek a peaceful resolution.

Bell's fists clenched at his sides, feeling anger rise within him. He glanced at Alice, determined, and at Aki, dignified despite the ordeal. They knew they needed to handle this carefully. Violence wasn't their way and would only worsen matters.

"Listen, we don't want trouble," Bell said, calm but firm. "We're on our way home. Let us pass."

Alice nodded, eyes pleading for reason. "Please, let us go. We don't want trouble either."

The leader of the bullies, tall and burly, sneered. "You can leave, but we have to teach the outsider a lesson first."

"This isn't worth it, guys," Aki whispered, attempting to walk away, but before she could, a village boy violently yanked her tail. The pain surged through her, excruciating. It felt like searing lightning coursing through her body, leaving her momentarily paralyzed.

The tail and ears of animal people were incredibly sensitive and private. It was an unspoken rule that they should only be touched by one’s partner or family. For anyone else to touch them was taboo.

Aki’s eyes widened, pupils dilating, body stiffening. A guttural yowl of pain and surprise escaped her lips, raw anguish. Her muscles tensed, back arching, attempting to escape the tormenting grip. A surge of adrenaline coursed through her, her heart pounding furiously in response to the acute distress, her breaths quick and shallow.

Tears welled, blurring her vision. The torment seemed endless, etching itself into her memory.

Crumpling to the ground, her body convulsed with waves of intense pain. Every breath came ragged, eyes squeezed shut, trying to cope with the excruciating sensation.

The village children jeered and mocked her, reveling in her agony. The boy who caused it laughed hardest, his voice malicious.

The air thickened with hostility and cruelty. Aki's pain and humiliation were palpable, a stark reminder of the prejudice they faced.

Aki struggled to regain composure, tears mingling with dirt on her cheeks. She had been subjected to an unspeakable taboo, her identity violated, and the village children showed no mercy.

The boy's laughter halted by a bone-chilling sound: "CRUNCH."

Shock reverberated through the clearing as the boy's laughter turned to a howl of pain. He clutched his bloodied face, crimson spreading.

Bell's clenched fist, bloodied, told of an unbridled force. The impact sent shockwaves of pain through the boy's face. The village boy clutched his throbbing and bloodied face as a pool of crimson quickly spread from the bout’s obviously broken nose.

Aki, victim turned witness, felt a swirl of emotions. Her pain was tempered by gratitude for Bell's intervention.

The other village children stood paralyzed, faces etched with fear. The dynamics had shifted, their bullying backfired. Their laughter died, replaced by gasps.

Bell and Alice scrambled to Aki's side, offering comfort. Aki, still wracked with pain, shook violently. Her tail, sacred and sensitive, quivered. A violent yank could cause irreparable damage, physically and emotionally.

Aki's breath slowed as the initial wave of pain subsided. Grateful for Bell and Alice, she sensed the approaching threat.

The boy who had first tormented Aki lay crumpled on the ground, his face bloodied and dazed. The other village children gathered around him, helping him up and attempting to rouse him. But a transformation had occurred within the group. Their malicious laughter had turned into icy glares and palpable malice.

Every pair of eyes fixated on Bell, resentment and anger emanating like a toxic aura. The clearing became a battleground of emotions, a confrontation imminent.

Aki's heart raced, her trembling subsided as dread filled her. Bell and Alice stood firm, bodies tensed, their loyalty unwavering. The balance of power had shifted yet again, the outcome uncertain.

Dark storm clouds encroached on the once clear skies, casting long shadows that mirrored the ominous tension. The twins, Bell and Alice, stood defiantly amidst the clearing, facing the bullies.

"We are going to get you for that," the leader snarled, menace dripping from his voice as he pointed at Bell.

Bell met the bully's gaze and squared his shoulders. "Bring it. He got what was coming to him."

Emotions swirled, fear and defiance, as the twins and Aki prepared for the clash. The chilling wind ruffled their hair, the air tasted of impending violence.

The bullies charged, a wave of malevolence crashing toward the trio. Bell sprang into action, charging at the two boys. He tackled one to the ground with ferocious determination.

Meanwhile, a bully darted towards Alice, predatory grin in place. Adrenaline surged as she braced herself, grip on a tree branch tightening.

In the dim light, Aki nursed her pain, fending off the two girls. The fire in her eyes matched her unbroken spirit, even as she was overwhelmed.

The clash of fists and shouts reverberated through the field, violence and vengeance. The twins showed the bullies they were no longer to be trifled with, ready to fight for their right to live without fear. The setting closed in, the storm mirroring their inner turmoil, as the battle raged on.

Aki's fight scene:

Dark rain clouds loomed overhead, casting a palpable gloom over the village, while the field itself seemed to tremble in anticipation. Beneath these clouds, the field bore witness to a tormenting spectacle. Aki, her wounded tail still throbbing with pain, stood defenseless as two girls, driven by malevolent determination, charged towards her. They spat words, sharp as knives, cutting to the core of Aki's already fragile resolve.

"We are going to get you, freak," one of the girls hissed, her voice dripping with disdain, each syllable oozing malice.

"You don't belong here, outsider," the second girl sneered, her words a cruel reminder of Aki's painful isolation, akin to pouring salt on an open wound. Her dark eyes held a venomous glint, hinting at the deep-seated hatred that festered within her for too long.

Aki, a vulnerable figure amidst swaying grasses, flinched as if struck by a physical blow. Her eyes, wide and fearful, welled up with unshed tears, mirroring the storm clouds above. The tormenting words, laden with the weight of years of relentless bullying, cut into her like a jagged blade, tearing at the very fabric of her self-esteem.

In that moment, she felt small and isolated, once more at the mercy of her tormentors. Aki's heart constricted with an all-too-familiar fear. The echoes of countless taunts and torments reverberated in her mind, a never-ending chorus mocking her existence.

With shared, malevolent resolve, the two girls charged at her, their malicious intentions evident in their faces. The first girl, her eyes ablaze with anger, spat out the words, "Take this!" before delivering a savage punch to Aki's stomach, driving the breath from her lungs.

Before Aki could regain her footing, the second girl, her eyes cold and predatory, launched a kick that struck Aki's legs with precision, sending her sprawling into the unforgiving embrace of the muddy ground. The frigid, wet earth clung to her, amplifying the agony that raced through her body. She bit down hard on her lower lip, determined to swallow her pain, to deny her tormentors the satisfaction of her suffering.

The two bullies, fueled by the thrill of their prior success, swooped down upon Aki like vultures closing in on a wounded animal. In the grimly lit playground, the atmosphere grew oppressive, the dilapidated swings echoing the impending brutality.

Their expressions etched with malice, the girls lunged at Aki, their fingers finding purchase in her delicate hair, each snatching a fistful. Tears welled up in Aki's eyes, but she refused to let any cries of pain escape her lips, refusing to let the bullies hear her torment.

Aki's thoughts were a tempest of torment and defiance. She refused to grant them the satisfaction of witnessing her weakness. The pain was excruciating, but her spirit burned fiercely within her. Her heartbeat, a relentless drumbeat, underscored the unwavering resolve that refused to surrender.

"I see you still haven't learned your lesson," one of the tormentors sneered, a cruel smirk curling her lips.

"I don't like that look in your eyes. You still don't know your place," the other added, her voice dripping with malice.

Enraged that their torment had yet to break Aki, the two bullies stood ready to escalate their cruelty, unrestrained and unapologetic. With every surge of strength Aki summoned to resist, their laughter swelled, a cruel mockery of her attempts.

As the relentless hair-pulling failed, the girls seized Aki's delicate ears, pulling with sad*stic determination. The pain shot through Aki, unbearable, her scream piercing the air, a raw, guttural cry of torment.

Aki's scream reverberated through the desolate playground, a desperate cry for help unanswered. The two tormentors enjoyed her suffering, their cruel delight evident. Every pull on her ears was another notch in their cruel victory, their laughter taunting Aki's unwavering spirit.

As the tormentors continued, a sudden interruption disrupted their assault.

"GET OFF AKI!" Alice screamed as she tackled one of the girls. Her first fight was now finished.

Alice's Fight Scene

In the midst of chaotic brawl, a single boy charged toward Alice, driven by misguided anger and the thrill of aggression. Alice, sensing an opportunity, faced her tormentor in the dimly lit field, memories of her mother's gentle guidance echoing in her mind. Her mother, who had preached compassion and empathy, had encouraged her to find goodness in people, no matter how difficult.

But Alice had reached her breaking point. For years, her life had been a battleground of taunts and humiliations. She had always turned the other cheek, guided by her mother's teachings, but the bully's torment had gone on for far too long. She couldn't bear to think of the pain her friend endured.

In that moment, Alice knew her mother, who had always taught her kindness and compassion, would understand the need for a more forceful approach. She wasn't betraying her mother's teachings; she was upholding the spirit of justice, defending the innocent, and putting an end to the torment once and for all.

With her mother's love as her guiding light, Alice summoned the strength to confront the bully. Her resolve was unwavering, for she knew this was a battle her mother would have supported, a battle for kindness and justice, even if it meant using force to achieve it. Now, her rage had finally boiled over, and she was ready to unleash her fury.

The field by the village was shrouded in darkening skies, with ominous rain clouds casting a shadow over the scene. The air was heavy with the promise of a storm, mirroring Alice's turbulent emotions. As she faced the tormentor, her heart pounded, and her fists clenched. The bully, a towering figure with a menacing sneer, stood before her, their words sharp as daggers.

"Hey, freak, what's the matter? Gonna cry again like a little baby?" the bully taunted, their cruel laughter echoing through the desolate field. Alice's eyes burned with anger and determination. She couldn't let this continue, not for her, but for her suffering friend.

As the battle of wills reached its climax, a single figure emerged from the group of bullies, his eyes burning with malevolence. With a sinister grin etched on his face, he charged toward Alice, his fists clenched and his intention clear.

Alice's senses sharpened, fueled by adrenaline and rage. With animalistic ferocity, she threw a punch, her knuckles aimed unerringly at the bully's undefended stomach. Her clenched fist struck like a hammer, finding its mark.

Her fist connected with an audible thud, driving deep into the soft flesh. The blow was merciless, fueled by years of pent-up frustration and a desire to protect her friend from further torment. While acting cruel with words was one thing, causing physical harm was a consequence too severe to go unpunished.

A gasp of pain escaped the boy's lips as he doubled over, the force knocking the breath out of him. The impact was brutal, leaving him gasping for air and clutching his belly, retching uncontrollably. The contents of his stomach splattered onto the ground, a testament to the devastating blow he had received.

"YOU STUPID BULLY!! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO HURT MY FRIEND!" Alice's scream was a ferocious battle cry, a culmination of her anger and a visceral response to her friend's torment. She stood over the retching boy, her rage uncontainable.

With merciless fury, Alice delivered a series of powerful stomps, each accompanied by a sickening crunch. The rain began to fall, soaking the combatants, personifying the inner storm of Alice’s heart.

“You think you're so tough, huh? How do you like this!? This is a taste of your own medicine," she screamed in unbridled fury as she unleashed savage stomps onto the boy's chest.

The boy, pinned beneath her, struggled in vain, trying to shield himself, but Alice was relentless. With every move, she sent another searing kick, making him gasp and cry out for his mother.

Tears streaked down the bully's face, mingling with the rain, his whimpering growing more pitiable. The ground turned to mud as Alice continued her assault, channeling all her frustration and anger into each strike. Her inner thoughts and feelings drowned out the sound of his cries.

Finally, Alice ceased her brutal onslaught. She stood over the beaten boy, rain-soaked and mud-splattered, her own breath ragged. His continued whimpering irritated her.

"One more good kick ought to do it," Alice threatened, her voice echoing the stormy atmosphere.

With a decisive blow in mind, she poised herself for one final, crippling strike. Her focus unwavering, she aimed her kick at a target between the tormentor's legs. The swift and merciless strike that followed made every fiber of his being scream in agony. An extremely high-pitched wail erupted from the boy, the sound piercing the heavy air like a thunderclap. He crumpled into a fetal position, whimpering softly, a broken figure in the mud.

"That's what you get," Alice spat the words in rage.

In the periphery of her vision, Bell fought off two bullies, turning the odds to a one-on-one struggle. Alice's attention shifted to Aki, who was in trouble, overwhelmed by two girls clutching her hair. Aki's distress was palpable as tears mingled with raindrops on her cheeks. Alice's urgent cry pierced the air: "GET OFF AKI!"

Alice charged forward, her heart racing with fierce loyalty. Her voice, charged with urgency, rang out like a battle cry as she launched herself at one of Aki's tormentors. Their bodies collided, melding into a tangle of wet clothes and limbs in the mud.

Pain was a distant echo as Alice unleashed a flurry of slaps, her palm against the girl's face, each strike a declaration of defiance. Her fingers grasped for purchase in the bully's hair, revealing her determination to free her friend.

"WELL, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT!" Alice's scream reverberated through the rain, biting and laden with vengeance. Seizing the bully by her hair, Alice delivered the same torment she had witnessed inflicted upon Aki, each tug a poetic act of retaliation.

Aki's wide eyes met Alice's, a silent exchange of fear, relief, and gratitude, reaffirming the profound connection of their friendship. Bell's battle continued in the background, mirroring the ferocity of their fight.

The second bully, momentarily stunned, released her grip as Aki broke free. As Aki scrambled to her feet, Alice's glare turned menacing toward the remaining bully. The girl flinched, taking a fearful step back. Alice's stormy rage mirrored the turbulent sky above.

"Well, I'll teach you some manners," Alice hissed, her voice tinged with anger. With determined fury, Alice seized the girl by the hair, yanking fiercely. Then, in a breathtaking display of force, Alice lashed out with a powerful kick, crashing into the girl's stomach with a resounding thud, sending her tumbling backward in pain.

The fight raged on, the rain-slicked field bearing witness to a battle of wills and emotions. As Alice turned her attention to the second girl, she didn't grant her a moment's respite. In an instant, she closed the distance, pouncing upon the girl before she could fully regain her footing. They grappled, bodies entwined, and tumbled to the ground.

Once down, Alice wasted no time. She unleashed a flurry of slaps and punches, her blows landing with ruthless precision. Her opponent struggled beneath her, but Alice's determination was unyielding.

"Take this..." Alice began to say, her words laced with menace. But she shifted tactics, releasing her grip on the girl's face and hauling her to her feet.

"AHHH, STOP THAT HURTS!" the girl cried out, her protest punctuated by a harsh slap that left her cheek ablaze with crimson.

Alice's response was sharp. "OH. IT hurts. Well, now you know how it feels." Her voice carried a note of retribution, a response to the torment Aki had endured.

The pain seemed to fan the flames of determination within the bully. Her eyes flashed with resolve as she lunged forward, driven by anger.

However, this action proved to be a grave miscalculation. As the girl attempted to seize Alice, the latter's expression transformed into a savage grin.

"You're going to PAY!" the bully screamed.

Before the girl could utter another word, Alice executed a brutal headbutt. The sickening sound of the impact resonated through the field, a gut-wrenching crunch that came from the girl's nose and face. Blood erupted as the force of the strike sent her sprawling onto the ground, disoriented and reeling.

"Agghh!" The first girl emitted a visceral cry, her hands clamped over her throbbing features, their pain etched into her every movement. Tears welled in her eyes, mirroring the rain. Blood seeped from her injured nose, blending with the raindrops.

Her agony was palpable, a symphony of torment, as she writhed, gasping for breath. Each movement was a struggle, every inhalation a reminder of the pain inflicted.

The second bully, witnessing the brutal aftermath, was momentarily paralyzed by shock. The raw intensity of Alice's retaliation left her speechless, struggling to comprehend the sudden shift in power.

The injured girl's cries persisted, stirring the second bully from her stupor. She rushed to her suffering friend, guiding her away from Alice with a mix of fear and protectiveness. Her glare, filled with loathing and resentment, remained fixed on Alice and Aki, a silent promise of future retribution.

A tumultuous mix of emotions swirled within Alice, a volatile co*cktail of anger and triumph that surged through her during the confrontation.

"HMPH. Serves them right," Alice declared haughtily, her voice dripping with an undercurrent of arrogance that lingered in the air. The residue of their victorious battle remained, the taste of retribution on her lips. "You talk sh*t, you get hit. Now you are as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside."

Aki's eyes sparkled with admiration and gratitude as she looked at her friend. "Alice, you were awesome."

Pride radiated from Alice as she replied, her tone brimming with self-assuredness. "Ha. Of course. I am Alice Cranel. No one messes with my friends or family and gets away with it. I'm also tired of their behavior. I always turned the other cheek when it was just taunts, but physical violence is too far. They needed to learn some manners."

Aki's gaze dropped, her voice trembling with gratitude and vulnerability. "Thank you for standing up for me. No one has ever done that before."

"Of course, Aki. You're my friend," Alice replied, wrapping her in a fierce and protective hug. It was a comforting embrace, conveying the depth of their bond, the trust they shared. "Bell might be a little shy sometimes, but I bet he thinks the same thing. Right, Bell?"

As Alice addressed Bell, he approached them, a shadow of his usual confident demeanor. His injuries were evident: a dark, swollen eye, a trail of blood from his busted lip, and a cheek turning various shades of purple. In stark contrast to the girls, his clothes bore the brunt of their confrontation, transformed into a patchwork of dirt, grime, and tattered fabric. His once pristine outfit had been reduced to a twisted tapestry of sweat-soaked, mud-stained garments. Streaks of mud, now dried and caked on, adorned his once-clean jacket, and his shirt was a canvas of mud and sweat, with rips and tears exposing the battered skin beneath.

His hands, marred by the brawl, had left smudges of filth on his trousers, creating a mosaic of grime that bore witness to the intensity of their battle. His shoes, once shining, were now caked in a layer of mud defying all attempts at cleanliness.

Bell's appearance was a testament to the struggle they had endured, a reflection of their collective fight. As he stood there with his battered clothes and wounds, the emotions in his eyes spoke volumes as he softly replied, "Yeah, I...I do., Alice. Aki."

Bell's fight scene:

Dark rain clouds loomed overhead, casting a shadow over the desolate field by the quiet village. Tension saturated the air, broken only by distant thunder. Bell stood firm, fists clenched, ready to confront the two bullies who had tormented him, his sister, and now Aki.

As the boys charged, faces twisted with malice, it seemed a clash of titans on the cusp of chaos. Their footsteps pounded the damp earth, a rhythmic prelude to the impending confrontation.

Bell's heart raced, adrenaline surged as he sized up his adversaries. He couldn't allow them to dominate him any longer. Fear and determination churned within him like the turbulent skies above.

The first bully lunged, aiming to tackle Bell, but his reflexes were sharp. He pivoted, his movements fluid. Bell's mind raced, urging him to stand his ground, to fight back, to prove his worth.

A well-timed punch landed square in the first bully's jaw, reverberating through Bell's hand. Pain and surprise flashed in the bully's eyes—a flicker of vulnerability. This was his chance.

The second bully closed in, face contorted with rage. He swung wildly, but Bell ducked, countering with a swift blow to the gut. It was a taste of power longed for, and Bell relished it.

Their skirmish created a cacophony of grunts and curses, the downpour drenching them. Bell's breath came in ragged gasps, chest heaving. Victorious, his heart pounded with a triumphant rhythm.

As the confrontation escalated, a brutal punch landed on Bell's face. Ferocious pain coursed through him like lightning. He staggered backward, clutching his eye, feeling warm blood trickle from his split lip. The black eye swelled rapidly, grotesque, while blood mingled with raindrops on his skin.

Anger, humiliation, determination roiled within Bell. He refused to back down. With adrenaline surging, he retaliated, delivering a powerful kick, sending the bully tumbling.

Determined, he straddled the fallen bully, rain-soaked clothes heavy. With gritty determination, he unleashed a series of punches, releasing built-up anger. The wet ground churned, cries muffled by mud and rain.

Forced off when the other boy tried to sneak up, everyone panted, attempting to catch their breath. The field seemed to hold its breath, distant thunder rolling like an ancient drumbeat. Calm allowed Bell a glimpse into the rest of the situation.

The distant scuffle seized Bell's attention. His gaze shifted to where Alice, his younger sister, confronted her assailant. Bell's heart leaped, only to be replaced by a cold shiver racing down his spine as he watched the scene unfold. He involuntarily flinched when Alice's foot connected with the boy's vulnerable spot, a high-pitched scream piercing the air.

After catching their breath, the two bullies closed in, faces twisted with malice. Bell's thoughts churned with determination and concern. He had witnessed Alice handle herself against her aggressor, delivering a swift kick that made even him wince. "Ouch. Hopefully nobody is going to make her mad again," he thought, pride and worry mingling.

The first bully lunged at Bell, aiming a punch, but Bell ducked, countering with a precise kick to the second bully's knee, sending him tumbling. Raindrops clung to their clothes as the fight intensified.

However, the bully who grabbed Aki's tail seized Bell's ankle. Gritting his teeth, he broke the grip with a swift stomp on the bully's arm, causing him to curl up in pain.

Relief and determination surged within Bell. He had subdued the bullies, their cries merging with distant thunder.

Turning to the last bully, Bell couldn't contain his anger. He delivered a punishing kick to the boy's ribs, causing him to curl up in pain and fear.

"Should I beat them up more or help Alice? Should I do both?" Bell wrestled with conflicting thoughts, torn between revenge and protecting his sister, who was engaged in a fierce struggle nearby.

His moment of reflection shattered by a sickening crunch from behind. Bell turned to Alice and Aki, witnessing the two female bullies scrambling to their feet, fleeing from Alice's relentless onslaught. Sighing in relief, Bell began to approach, his own battle taking its toll.

Reunion after the fights

The rain persisted, drenching the field and the trio of siblings who emerged victorious from their battles with the bullies. Bell, Alice, and Aki huddled together, breaths ragged, bodies marked by physical and emotional turmoil.

Aki's gaze dropped, her voice trembling with gratitude and vulnerability. "Thank you for standing up for me. No one has ever done that before."

"Of course, Aki. You're my friend," Alice replied, enveloping her in a protective hug, conveying their bond and trust. "Bell might be shy sometimes, but I bet he feels the same. Right, Bell?"

Bell, now approaching them, bore the worst injuries. His right eye was grotesquely black, blood from a busted lip staining his chin, one cheek purple. His torn, dirtied clothes and scratched skin testified to the fierce encounter.

Dark rain clouds brooded overhead, matching the heaviness in their hearts.

Bell extended a hand to Aki, smiling warmly. "She's right, Aki. You're my friend." With gentleness, he pulled her into an embrace. Aki, shaken but grateful, felt warmth from Bell and Alice.

Bell's gaze shifted to Alice, who giggled, her laugh tinkling like wind chimes. "My dear sister," he said, annoyance evident, "If next time you could help when I'm fighting three opponents, it'd be appreciated. Facing all three alone was rather annoying."

"Oops," Alice replied, her laugh innocent yet mischievous. "But I had every confidence in you, brother. I knew you could do it."

Bell's response was a disgruntled "Hmpf." Alice's faith didn't erase the odds against him.

Alice brushed her hair back, eyes dancing with mirth. "We should find Aki's parents, plus grandpa and grandma. I bet they're worried sick. We're very late."

"It's getting late, so they're probably at home already. Aki, come with us," Alice said, her voice soft and caring.

Aki, gratitude evident, replied, "Okay, that's probably a good idea," vulnerability showing through as she considered their support.

Attempting to step forward, Aki winced as searing pain tore through her injured leg. Her face contorted, a sharp gasp escaping her lips. Her swollen, bruised leg refused to bear weight, nearly sending her to the ground.

"Oh no, Aki," Alice exclaimed, her words brimming with concern and self-reproach. Tears welled in her eyes as she scolded herself for not noticing Aki's pain sooner. "You're hurt! What happened? How long have you been like this? Why didn't you tell us?"

Aki's inner turmoil churned with pain, gratitude, and self-reproach. She tried to downplay her suffering, biting her lip to stifle her cries. "It's no big deal," she replied, though her trembling voice betrayed her pain. "It just makes it hard to walk."

Bell interjected, "We can't have you making it worse, so get ready for a piggyback ride." He turned, offering his back to Aki.

"Bell, are you sure?" Aki questioned, her concern mirrored in her eyes. "You're hurt too."

Bell flashed a reassuring grin. "Yeah, I can see how bad your leg is. Plus, I just have scratches and a few bruises."

"Well if you are sure," Aki replied timidly.

With understanding and gratitude, Aki carefully hoisted herself onto Bell's back. Her injured leg throbbed with pain, each step a torment. The decision to be carried was a mix of necessity and embarrassment, her cheeks burning with tension and shame as she leaned into Bell, seeking solace in his strength.

Bell, bearing the weight of his friend, carried not only her physical burden but the weight of his emotions. Pain gnawed at him, both physical and emotional, yet he felt a glimmer of happiness in being the protector. He controlled his thoughts, letting them swirl in the recesses of his mind.

As Aki snuggled into his back, Bell felt the warmth of her presence, a balm against his turbulent emotions. He remained stoic, determined not to show vulnerability.

But Alice, mischievous as ever, couldn't resist. Her gaze shifted to Aki, her face hidden, a mischievous grin tugging at Alice's lips. Her voice teased, "OMMPIE, your face is bright red, Aki. I wonder what you're thinking about right now."

Aki's embarrassment blazed, her eyes meeting Alice's with annoyance and embarrassment, turning her face crimson.

"ALICE, no teasing Aki!!!" Bell's wearied voice intervened. He sighed, "It's going to take a few minutes to get home."

Alice, playful, responded, "BOOO!!! You're no fun, Bell... What a drag."

Aki, not wanting further exchange, buried her head into Bell's back. Her blush faded, settling into tranquility. The rhythm of Bell's steps lulled her into slumber, breathing steady and tranquil.

Aki drifted in the realm of dreams, a whisper of memory from the day's events lingering in her subconscious, casting a faint shadow over her slumber.

"MAMA. PAPA," she murmured, her voice laden with longing.

A gentle voice, broke through her dreams. "Aki."

"Mama," Aki muttered, warmth and love infusing her voice.

"Aki, wake up, Kitten," the voice persisted, its soft insistence tugging at her consciousness.

With a sudden start, Aki's eyes fluttered open, her heart racing as she adjusted. Confusion clouded her senses momentarily as she grappled with the unfamiliar place. Wide-eyed, she found her mother, Yumi, cradling her.

As the fog of sleep lifted, Aki's memories flooded back. She recalled falling asleep on Bell's back, their journey to their grandparents' home. Yet, waking up to her mother in a strange house created a disconnect.

The room held a quiet anticipation as Aki sought reassurance and answers from her mother.

"Mama, where are we?" Aki's voice carried curiosity and concern.

Yumi met her gaze with a reassuring smile, her words soft and comforting. "We are in the Cranel's home. Jose (Zeus) and Juno (Hera) have kindly invited us to stay."

Aki absorbed the information, nodding in acknowledgment. Her mother's embrace in this unfamiliar place offered security amidst uncertainty.

"Bell is currently taking a bath first since he is the most beat up out of all of you," Yumi continued, her tone gentle. "Next, it will be you and Alice. Dinner should be ready after that."

Aki's mood dipped slightly, her reply subdued. "Oh. Okay."

Yumi leaned in closer, her voice a comforting murmur. "Aki, you can tell me what happened if you want. Bell and Alice only said that some of the village children picked a fight, and that you all had to defend yourselves. I won't push you for now, but I am here if you want to talk."

In the calm atmosphere of the Cranel's home, surrounded by the warmth of their friends' hospitality, Yumi's words offered Aki an invitation to share her experiences, to confide in her mother. Aki's heart swelled with the knowledge that she could turn to her mother for comfort and guidance as they navigated the emotional complexities of their time in this unfamiliar place.

Aki's voice trembled as she spoke, her words a fragile thread barely holding back a torrent of emotions. "Sniffle... Sniffle. They were so mean, Mommy. Why do they have to be so mean?" She curled up into Yumi's arms, seeking the warmth and protection that only her mother could provide. Tears welled in her eyes, and in that moment, Aki was the embodiment of vulnerability.

Tears welled in Aki's eyes, glimmering like liquid crystals as they threatened to spill over and trace a path down her soft cheeks. In that vulnerable moment, her heartache etched itself upon her face, her young features contorted by the emotional turmoil she had endured. The room seemed to darken around her, echoing the shadows that had fallen upon her spirit.

Yumi felt her own heart constrict as she witnessed the anguish etched across her daughter's face. It was as if Aki's suffering had manifested physically, a heavy burden carried in the depths of her eyes. With trembling fingers, Yumi reached out to gently brush away a tear that had dared to escape, the touch a fragile attempt to offer solace in the face of such profound sorrow.

In the stillness of the room, the silence was punctuated only by the sound of Aki's quiet sniffles, each one a heartbreaking symphony of her pain. The atmosphere was heavy with the weight of her suffering, and in the space between mother and daughter, they shared an unspoken bond—a testament to the depth of a mother's love.

As time passed and the room was blanketed in the final rays of the sun, Aki's sobs gradually subsided. The weight of her exhaustion bore heavily on her, her spirit worn from the day's events. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she found comfort in her mother's embrace once more. Aki nodded off, seeking the safety and solace she had known ever since she was a little kitten. The scene was a testament to the depths of a mother's love, the enduring refuge she provided, and the fragility of a child's heart. In that moment, the bond between them was an unbroken lifeline, a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

Several minutes later, the quiet of the room was disrupted as Alice entered, her presence a gentle but welcome interruption to the heavy atmosphere. Her eyes fell upon Aki, cradled in her mother's embrace, her expression mirroring her concern.

"Ms. Autumn, Bell is out of the bath. So, Aki can take one whenever she wants," Alice announced softly, her voice laced with warmth and empathy.

"Is she okay?" she asked, her voice a mere whisper,

Yumi responded gently as she picked Aki up in her arms. "Yes. Aki is just upset and tired. I have to thank you and Bell for looking after my little kitten." Her voice held a tenderness that spoke volumes about the depth of her appreciation.

Alice, with a solemn nod, voiced her own feelings. "No worries. Aki is our friend. Besides, those people were just horrible. They have no right to be that cruel. It was horrible what they were saying to Aki. I couldn't stand it."

Her words were imbued with a fierce protectiveness, a fierce loyalty to her friend, and an unwavering sense of justice in the face of cruelty. The room, once heavy with sorrow, now seemed to resonate with the bonds of friendship that had grown even stronger in the face of adversity.

Yumi smiled faintly, appreciating the depth of their friendship. "Regardless, you two stood up for someone you had just met. Very few people would have done that. So thank you for looking after Aki."

Aki, nestled in Yumi’s arms, shifted and awoke from her troubled slumber. She blinked at the faces surrounding her, a mix of emotions flickering across her eyes. Pain, exhaustion, and gratitude intertwined as she looked at her friend.

With gentle care, Yumi helped Aki to her feet, her touch conveying comfort and understanding. "Let's go to the bath," she suggested, guiding the trio towards the bathroom.

Splish-Splash of Laughter:

As they entered the bathroom, their footsteps heavy with the burden of a challenging day, the memory of relentless bullying still weighed on Aki's shoulders, leaving her in a disheartened and defeated state. Her once-sparkling eyes now looked dull, reflecting the emotional storm that had ravaged her. A hushed aura of anticipation enveloped them, contrasting the lively mirth they had shared earlier in the day. The room was illuminated by the soft, warm glow of magic stone lamps strategically placed to cast a calming glow upon the bath. The large, sunken bathtub beckoned invitingly, filled with steaming water, a sanctuary of comfort in their troubled world.

Turning towards Alice, Yumi smiled softly and began undressing, putting a reassuring hand on Alice's shoulder. "I'm leaving her in your care," she said, her voice carrying a note of confidence that brought a flush of color to Alice's cheeks. Yumi understood that it was Alice's mission to help Aki find solace in this trying time.

As soon as Yumi slipped into the bath, Aki was enveloped in a warm embrace, the steam and tranquility of the room providing a momentary escape from the emotional turmoil. Her heart ached, and the weight of her troubles bore down on her, making it hard to breathe.

Alice gestured at Aki with an uncharacteristically shy look. "Silly, your clothes will get all wet if you keep wearing them," she said quietly, a smile shining on her face. Her voice carried a soothing undertone, and her words were like a gentle caress, meant to lift Aki's spirits.

Aki appeared faintly startled for a moment, her vulnerability laid bare by the kindness of her friend. She flushed with embarrassment, realizing that she was still fully clothed. "Ah, yes," she mumbled, and began to unbutton her shirt, revealing the bruises on her body that bore witness to the day's torment. The physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional scars she bore.

As Aki undressed and joined Yumi in the warm bath, the emotional depth of their connection and the significance of this moment were evident. Alice's mission was clear: to be a source of solace, support, and, ultimately, to help her friend find the strength to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As they shed their clothes, Aki's subdued demeanor contrasted sharply with Alice's spirited one, casting a somber tone in the dimly lit bathroom. Alice frowned as she observed the patchwork of cuts and scrapes on Aki's body, remnants of the traumatic incident. Each wound spoke of pain and struggle, tugging at Alice's heart to witness her friend in such a state.

An instinctual surge of anger rippled through Alice as she surveyed the scars, a primal urge to shield Aki from the world's cruelty. Yet, she understood that confronting the bullies or dwelling on the past wouldn't offer immediate relief. Aki's silence held its reasons, and Alice's task was clear – to provide comfort and solace.

Slipping into the bath proved a welcome distraction. The warm water enveloped them, easing the tension and fear from outside. Though the initial heat stung, Alice soon found solace in its warmth seeping into her bones.

Turning to Aki, Alice met her gaze in the tranquil bath, sensing the vulnerability etched in her eyes. Though she yearned to inquire about Aki's pain, Alice knew the time for such conversations would come in due course.

Instead, Alice reached for a bar of fragrant soap, lathering it between her hands with care. She extended her soapy hands to Aki, offering to wash her back, a silent testament to their friendship.

Lost in her own thoughts, Aki accepted Alice's gesture with a small, grateful smile.

"Isn't it great?!" Alice exclaimed, excitement dancing in her eyes as she invited Aki to join her in the bath.

With a grateful smile, Aki acquiesced, sinking into the warm embrace of the water beside Alice. The bruises on her body served as reminders of her torment, yet Alice was determined to wash away some of her pain.

As the hot water enveloped her, Aki initially tensed, but the heat soon cradled her gently, easing the tension in her battered body, offering unexpected solace to her wounded spirit.

Alice nodded, encouraging Aki to sit beside her, their camaraderie a comforting presence. Aki acknowledged Alice's cheer with a soft voice filled with gratitude.

"This will make everything better! Be sure to get cleaned up so we can get out soon!" Alice's enthusiasm filled the room, a testament to her mission to bring joy back to Aki's heart.

With a flush of embarrassment, Aki thanked Alice, her voice barely audible yet reflecting profound appreciation. In that moment, their bond deepened, their unspoken support resonating in the room's quiet.

Bathed in the cozy glow of the lamp, Alice's heart swelled with excitement at spending time with Aki. Though she couldn't erase Aki's pain entirely, in the warmth of the bath, they found solace and hope.

As the girls conversed, a sense of ease settled over the room, dispelling the lingering shadows of the day's events. The dimly lit bathroom became a refuge, offering respite from the haunting memories they sought to escape. Within its confines, Alice and Aki found fleeting comfort and the hope of a brighter tomorrow.

Bathed in the warm water and the gentle radiance of the magic stone lamps, Alice and Aki dared to envision a future free from fear. The serenity of their surroundings nurtured their weary souls, transforming the bathroom into a sanctuary of healing, if only for a brief respite.

Laughter filled the air as the girls surrendered to moments of childlike delight. They playfully splashed one another, casting aside the burdens that weighed upon them. Aki giggled as bubbles danced around her, the fragrant scent of the bath cleansing the room of pain.

"That tickles!" Aki exclaimed, her laughter a welcome melody amidst the quietude of the room. The sound echoed, a reminder that joy could endure even in the darkest hours.

Alice joined in, her laughter intertwining with Aki's in a harmonious chorus. Their shared mirth banished the shadows of their troubles, lifting the weight from their weary shoulders.

A memory stirred within Aki, a distant echo of laughter from a time long past. It seemed a lifetime ago, before the bullies and the hurt. Yet, in the warmth of the bath, she realized that moments of happiness remained within reach, even amid adversity.

"You can't be sad if you're laughing!" Alice declared, her grin determined to dispel Aki's sorrow.

Aki's eyes sparkled with newfound light, touched by Alice's unwavering support. Gratitude filled her heart as she murmured, "Thank you. But even though Bell and you are so kind..."

Alice's expression turned serious, her youthful demeanor tempered by resolve. "Listen to me," she interjected firmly. "I don't care what others say. You're our friend, and we stand by you." Her conviction rang clear, a testament to her steadfast loyalty.

It was evident that Alice wanted to help Aki get better. Witnessing her friend's pain, she resolved to stand by Aki's side unconditionally. In the warmth of their friendship and the comforting embrace of the bath, a bond of trust and support solidified, offering Aki a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

Aki found herself speechless as Alice enveloped her in a tight hug. In this profoundly emotional moment, she realized something startling. For the first time, Aki comprehended the meaning of having a friend who cared so deeply for her well-being. The warmth of Alice's embrace brought forth a surge of emotion, washing over her like a gentle wave, diminishing the intensity of the earlier bullying they had faced.

"Y...Yeah. Thanks, Alice," Aki stammered, her voice trembling as she clung to the comforting presence of her friend. Alice's boundless energy left her flustered yet undeniably touched by the kindness emanating from the young girl.

Alice's determination to uplift Aki knew no bounds. "Here, Aki, let me help you," she offered, taking the shampoo and gently working it into Aki's hair. "Let's see how you'll look after this!"

Aki closed her eyes, allowing herself to relax as the soothing sensation of Alice's fingers in her hair washed away the remnants of her earlier turmoil. "Thank you, Alice," she whispered, savoring the tranquility of the moment.

For a few minutes, the bathroom brimmed with a serene ambiance as the girls indulged in the soothing rhythm of hair washing. However, Alice's curiosity got the best of her, and her fingers began to explore Aki's hair in various ways. Sensing the impending danger, Aki quickly interjected, gently grasping Alice's wandering fingers.

"Alice, be careful of my ears. They are more sensitive than normal ears," Aki cautioned, her voice gentle. Her vulnerability was on full display, trusting Alice to understand and respect her boundaries.

"Okay. Okay. I know that. I wouldn't touch them without permission," Alice replied with a playful pout, comprehending Aki's concern. "Honestly, I'm just curious about how different your ears and tail are. You are so cute, Aki."

Aki's cheeks tinged with a delicate shade of pink as she demurely replied, "Muh. Thank you, Alice."

Unable to resist, Alice sported a mischievous grin. "Oh, a 'muh.' Maybe you want Bell to compliment you instead?" she teased, knowing how to rile up her friend.

"W-what...what are you saying, Alice!?!??!" Aki stammered, her embarrassment causing her to turn an immediate and brilliant crimson. In a sudden impulse, she dunked herself beneath the surface of the warm water, hiding her flushed face from view.

Amused, Alice couldn't help but laugh at Aki's reaction. "Oh, that was a pretty embarrassed reaction there, Aki," she teased, her voice filled with amusem*nt. The playfulness and camaraderie between the two friends provided a much-needed respite from the weight of the day, and the bathroom resonated with the soothing sound of their laughter, a testament to the bond that united them.

Aki, ensnared by Alice's playful trap, immediately covered her ears, her cheeks flushing a shade of pink that rivaled a sunset. Despite her efforts to ignore Alice's teasing, it was evident that her friend's antics were taking their toll.

"Oh, what happened with Bell?" Yumi asked, her eyes twinkling with affection, curiosity piqued by the exchange between the two friends.

Aki, still blushing and flustered, murmured a reply, avoiding their gazes. "No... no...nothing."

Alice couldn't help but chortle, her laughter brimming with warmth and affection. She wrapped an arm around Aki's shoulders, drawing her closer, whispering, "You are someone me and Bell care about. That won't change."

Aki blushed deeply, squirming within Alice's embrace. It was a mix of Alice's warmth and the lingering embarrassment from the teasing. After a while, she hesitantly responded, her voice soft and vulnerable, "O...Okay. Thank you."

The bathroom now exuded warmth and acceptance, the day's burdens slowly replaced by the reassurance of friendship and support. Aki's initial despondence lifted gradually, thanks to Alice's unwavering determination, and the bond that united them.

As Aki embraced the comfort of Alice and the warmth of the bath, a gentle smile graced her lips. The weight of her earlier despair began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of belonging and acceptance she hadn't felt in a long time.

Yumi watched her daughter and her friend with a loving gaze, pride swelling in her heart at the strength and compassion between them. The soothing water continued to caress their bodies, the dimly lit bathroom fostering an atmosphere of tranquility. The scars of the day's trials were still visible, but they were now accompanied by a glimmer of hope. Aki realized she didn't have to face her troubles alone; Alice's presence was a beacon of light in the darkness.

With a soft sigh of contentment, Alice tightened her hold on Aki, silently vowing to be there for her friend, no matter the challenges ahead. Their breaths synchronized, creating a peaceful lullaby in the serene sanctuary of the bath.

In that moment, they weren't just two young girls facing the world's harshness; they were a team, a force to be reckoned with. Aki felt gratitude for having Alice by her side, knowing together they could overcome anything.

As the water's gentle embrace continued, they found solace and strength in each other's company, leaving behind the day's darkness and embracing the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

The moments passed, the girls intertwined in the bath, their laughter and teasing giving way to a comfortable silence. No words were needed; the depth of their friendship was felt in the shared warmth and understanding.

Yumi's heart swelled with pride as she watched her daughter find solace and strength in her bond with Alice. The trials of the day had been difficult for Aki, but they had also shown her the unwavering support of a true friend.

The bathroom was filled with the soothing sounds of water, the soft glow of the magic stone lamps casting a warm, comforting light. It was a sanctuary of peace and healing, where the world's wounds could be momentarily set aside.

As the girls relished the tranquility of the bath, Aki sensed a revitalization within herself. The weight of her earlier despair had notably lightened, courtesy of Alice's dedicated efforts to uplift her. Aki realized she wasn't alone in her struggles; there were those who deeply cared for her.

Alice, still embracing Aki, felt profound contentment. She had succeeded in bringing a smile to her friend's face, deepening the bond between them. Aki's initial despondency gave way to a burgeoning hope, a gratifying outcome for Alice.

The bathroom became a sanctuary of warmth and acceptance, shielding them from the world's troubles. As the two friends leaned on each other, their connection bolstered their spirits, casting a brighter light on tomorrow.

Minutes drifted in the quiet sanctuary of the bathroom, and Aki felt her spirits lifting. She couldn't help but appreciate Alice's unwavering support and friendship in her moment of vulnerability. Though the memory of bullying lingered, Alice's embrace dulled its sting.

Alice, too, found contentment in the moment. Knowing she had succeeded in cheering up her friend filled her with purpose and fulfillment. Aki's happiness justified every effort she had invested.

Watching the two girls, Yumi felt pride and joy in their strong friendship. As a mother, she couldn't shield Aki from life's challenges, but witnessing her daughter find solace and strength in friendship reassured her.

The bathroom remained a cocoon of tranquility, its steamy air soothing body and soul. The magic stone lamps continued their soft, warm glow, enveloping them in comfort.

As the girls leaned on each other, they found a safe haven, free from the world's cruelties. In the bath's embrace and each other's arms, they discovered the healing power of friendship, embracing the promise of a brighter future.

Alice's unexpected declaration deeply impacted Aki. Alice's heartfelt words resonated within her, stirring a whirlwind of emotions. Relief washed over her like a soothing balm, easing the wounds of the day's bullying.

Aki's life had been marked by constant change, her parents' nomadic lifestyle preventing lasting friendships. Yet, in this moment, with these people, something extraordinary had happened. She felt part of a family, and the thought of losing this newfound belonging was unbearable.

In that moment, Aki realized the depth of her bond with Alice and Bell. They were unlike any other connections she had known, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing them. A forgotten, scared part of her burst free, offering gratitude from her heart's depths. Aki was determined to protect these precious bonds, despite feeling like an outsider.

The bathroom, with its gentle light and soothing atmosphere, became a place of introspection for Aki. She was ready to face the challenges ahead and safeguard the fragile yet growing relationships she had found. Her thoughts mirrored the quiet moments of understanding and transformation she experienced, strengthening her resolve to cherish these unique friendships.

Yumi smiled gently as innocence and purity unfolded before her. She was moved by Alice's tight embrace of Aki, recognizing the depth of their friendship. She knew Aki would miss Alice and Bell when they parted ways.

Yumi had seen her daughter mistreated due to her heritage before, and she was grateful for the positive influence Alice and Bell had brought. It was a silver lining amidst trials.

As the two girls engaged in carefree antics, a playful atmosphere filled the bathroom. Alice's infectious energy returned, and Aki couldn't resist her friend's joy. In laughter and connection, the shadows of the day's trials receded, replaced by the light of friendship.

Minutes passed, Aki lost in the simple joy of the moment. Though bashful and reserved, her genuine smile spoke volumes. Alice beamed, satisfied in her mission to cheer up her friend. In the warm water, they played, the trauma of earlier events fading, Aki's spirit rejuvenated by Alice's boundless energy.

Their playful time ended with Juno's (Hera's) voice announcing supper. Reluctantly, the trio concluded their bath, the warmth and companionship lingering in their hearts as they prepared for dinner.

In the evening glow, the bond between Aki and Alice grew stronger, the darkness of despair giving way to the warmth and light of friendship. The bathroom had served as a sanctuary, a place of solace and healing, readying them for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Hero Stories at Bedtime:

As the evening sun, bathed the house in its warm glow, the bond between Aki and Alice had deepened. The weight of earlier despair had yielded to the comforting embrace of friendship, the bathroom serving as a sanctuary where solace and healing found refuge, preparing them to face the world together.

"Dinner will be ready soon, Alice. Aki," Juno's (Hera) gentle reminder echoed from the dining area.

"I'll be out momentarily," Aki replied, swiftly wiping away the last traces of tears. She had journeyed far from the despondency that once consumed her, buoyed by the support and friendship Alice offered.

Gathering their belongings, they checked themselves in the mirror before heading to join the family in the dining room. Upon arrival, Aki offered her assistance without hesitation.

"Allow us to help with the food," she suggested, eager to contribute to the meal's preparation.

With Juno (Hera) and the others, they set the table and assisted in dinner preparations. The clatter of dishes and the aroma of food enveloped the room, fostering a cozy and welcoming ambiance where bonds of friendship and family were cherished. It was a moment of unity, a testament to their connections, reaffirming their reliance on one another for support and solace.

"Set the table, Aki," Juno instructed with a warm smile.

Aki nodded, meticulously arranging utensils, plates, and glasses in their designated places, relishing her sense of belonging within the family.

Alice, intrigued, inquired, "Where's Bell, Grandma?"

Juno (Hera) reclined in her chair, eyes gleaming with affection. "Bell is listening to Hiroshi recount stories of his travels, with Zeus by his side. Fetch them, Alice."

"Of course, Grandma," Alice chirped eagerly, slipping through the door and prancing down the corridor with palpable excitement.

In the garden, Bell, Zeus, and Hiroshi were enthralled in tales of adventure and exploration. Bound by a deep camaraderie, they relished their time together.

"Bell, everyone, it's time for dinner," Alice's voice carried through the evening air.

"Coming!" Bell replied, tearing his gaze from the stories.

Alice let out a mischievous giggle, teasing, "Better hurry, slowpoke, or there won't be any food left."

Zeus and Hiroshi joined her laughter, while Bell playfully defended himself, "No fair, I'm not that slow!" With renewed energy, he darted toward the house, his friends following suit. Their shared camaraderie and laughter echoed, a testament to the unbreakable bonds of this extraordinary family.

Gathered around the dinner table, the setting sun cast a warm, golden glow across the room, enveloping them in its embrace. The savory aroma of the meal filled the air, a reminder of their togetherness, love, and the sense of home they found in each other's presence, transcending mere blood ties.

Juno (Hera) summoned her family with a gentle call to dinner, her voice echoing through the house, inviting and comforting.

The family members, responding to her call, gathered at the dining area, setting the table meticulously and indulging in a glass of warm milk. The atmosphere exuded contentment and unity, providing a well-deserved reprieve for the children after a challenging day.

Seated around the table, they shared stories and laughter, strengthening their bond with each passing moment. After the meal, their hearts full and spirits lifted, the children retreated to Bell and Alice's room, continuing their journey through tales of heroes, finding solace in the stories and in each other's companionship.


This only a comedy

A show only a clown could perform

A silly and foolish tale filled with song and dance

And yet this foolish tale will persist across the ages as

The Heroic Tale of A foolish Clown

As the narratives continued, the weight of their day began to catch up. Yawns and drowsy sighs signaled sleep's approach. With the book open in their laps, they nestled closer, finding comfort in shared dreams.

The wind hummed outside, serenading them into slumber. One by one, they drifted off, dreams mingling with heroic tales. In shared dreams, solace was found, bonds of friendship and family keeping them close.

Under the soft, moonlit glow filtering through curtains, tranquility filled the room. Bell, Alice, and Aki lay together, nestled under a warm blanket.

The room became a sanctuary as they settled into their dreamscape. Moonlight streamed through curtains, casting shadows that danced upon walls, creating enchantment.

Bell, book in hand, was the first to succumb to slumber. His fingers relaxed, allowing the well-worn book to rest against his chest, a silent sentinel to his dreams. The book's leather cover and dog-eared pages whispered of countless journeys, now a trusty companion on his dream voyage.

As Bell's eyes closed, reality gave way to dreams. He found himself among heroes whose exploits he had read about ardently. Landscapes from pages of beloved stories came to life, vivid colors overwhelming his senses. He could feel wind through his hair, smell the earthy scent of forests, and hear distant echoes of epic battles. Courage and valor flowed through his veins, tangible forces.

The rhythm of his breaths became slow and measured, a symphony resonating with stories in his dreams. Each inhale and exhale carried him deeper into adventures of heroes, his heart in harmony with courage and valor. And as Bell drifted further into dreams, a tranquil smile graced his lips, manifestation of joy that filled his heart as he became a hero in his own right.

Aki, nestled snugly between Bell and Alice, felt sleep's tender allure as a gentle lullaby. Events and worries of the day dissolved into the velvety night. Each passing moment in this peaceful chamber pulled her further away from harsh realities. Her sigh, soft as the whisper of wind through leaves of a comforting forest, signaled release of day's burdens.

Love and acceptance found in newfound friends became a warm cocoon, enfolding her in protective embrace. It was a sanctuary, refuge from life's storm. Bell and Alice's gentle, loving arms encircled her, offering solace and security, making her feel cherished.

For Aki, this was a sensation she had longed for, an unspoken need unfulfilled for too long. In shared slumber, she found a place where she truly belonged, a home in the hearts of Bell and Alice, and the serenity wrapping around her was the most precious gift she could ever wish for.

Alice, head resting gently against Aki's shoulder, surrendered to gentle, soothing call of slumber. As her eyes closed, a serene expression settled upon her face, chest rising and falling in harmonious rhythm. Each breath mirrored the tranquil shared dreamscape surrounding them. The room’s soft, moonlit glow seeped through curtains, casting peaceful aura over their small sanctuary.

In realm of dreams, Alice transformed into fearless heroine, embodying essence of adventurous spirit she had always held dear. She stood unwaveringly beside her friends, ready to confront whatever trials and tribulations dreamworld had in store. Her dreams were mixture of heroism and friendship, interwoven with same love and camaraderie they shared in waking hours.

As they drifted deeper into dreams, Bell and Alice instinctively wrapped their arms around Aki, silent gesture of protection and love. In peaceful moment, they were no longer readers of hero stories but heroes of their own, united by profound bonds they had formed. Together, they slept, cradled by serenity of night, ready to face adventures that new day would bring. In stillness of night, room filled with gentle sounds of their slumber. Book of heroes lay forgotten, tales of bravery now interwoven with dreams of children who had come to mean so much to each other. Together, they shared world of stories and dreams, wrapped in bonds of new friendship.

Several hours later, Zeus decided to check on children. He approached room with quiet, grandfatherly smile, knowing bond between Bell, Alice, and Aki had grown stronger through shared stories and warmth of familial love. He gently pushed door open and stepped inside, eyes falling upon heartwarming scene before him.

In soft moonlight filtering through curtains, he saw Bell and Alice on either side of Aki. Their small bodies curled protectively around new friend, as if forming shield to keep world's troubles at bay. Room seemed to radiate aura of serenity, testament to deep, unspoken connection formed between three children.

Zeus couldn't help but smile to himself, heart swelling with affection and pride for young heroes in making. He called out to the rest of family, and they gathered around doorway, expressions filled with warmth and contentment as they gazed upon peaceful trio. In a quiet moment, they knew children had found something precious in each other—an unbreakable bond of friendship and love.

The room, dappled with soft glow of moon filtering through curtains, bore witness to heartwarming tableau. Bell, Alice, and Aki lay in peaceful slumber, innocent expressions hinting at dreams dancing behind closed eyelids. Their bodies were a tangle of limbs.

The sight of children, nestled together in impromptu slumber party, warmed hearts of all who beheld it. The radiant smiles of Bell and Alice, even in dreams, reflected fulfillment of their mission to protect and nurture newfound friend, Aki. Each breath they took seemed to whisper tales of bravery and unity, mirroring heroes they aspired to be.

The atmosphere in the room charged with overwhelming sense of contentment and love. It was testament to the transformative power of love and friendship, not just for children but for entire family who had witnessed magic of newfound bonds.

As family gathered in doorway, smiles on their faces mirrored warmth in their hearts. It was rare and beautiful sight, testament to power of kindness and acceptance. Jose (Zues) stood tall with pride, gruff exterior softened by tender scene before him.

Juno (Hera), family matriarch, was equally moved. Her heart swelled with love for children, who had formed bond transcending their differences. In slumber, Bell, Alice, and Aki had embodied true essence of family, unity beyond bloodlines.

Yumi, Aki's mother, couldn't contain emotions welled up inside her. She stood at door, heart brimming with happiness and gratitude, tears welled up in her eyes. It was emotional scene, one she had always hoped for, where her daughter was cherished and enveloped in love of genuine friends.

Hiroshi, her husband, could sense depth of Yumi's emotions. Gently, he pulled her into comforting embrace, large hands patting her back soothingly. Their eyes locked, sharing unspoken understanding of significance of this moment.

Hiroshi's embrace of Yumi tightened, silently conveying their shared joy. They were proud parents, witnessing their daughter finding love and acceptance they had always desired for her.

Room radiated sense of peace and togetherness. It was haven of love and unity that had become norm in welcoming household. Warm glow of moonlight outside seemed to bless moment, casting soft, comforting light on intertwined trio of slumbering children.

This simple yet profound scene was testament to resilience of human spirit, power of friendship, and transformative magic of love. Family had learned true bonds could be formed, transcending challenges life might throw their way. They were united not only by blood but by shared experience of supporting one another and nurturing bonds of friendship.

Meeting Outsiders Aftermath

A serene ambience enveloped the children’s room, cradling slumbering forms of Bell, Alice, and Aki. Sun, a hesitant visitor on morning horizon, cast warm glow that gently touched thick curtains, giving them ethereal quality. Room, spacious and comforting, resonated with undisturbed quietude of early morning.

Early morning light filtered through curtains, casting warm glow on peaceful room. Bell, Alice, and Aki lay sprawled across the bed, immersed in tranquility of sleep. The rhythmic snores of two children, Bell and Aki, added a gentle soundtrack to tranquility. Their chests rose and fell in synchronized dance of dreams, undisturbed by waking world. The air itself seemed to embrace the dorm, holding its breath in deference to sleeping innocence within. Trio, though lost in dreams, reached unconsciously for each other, fingers brushing in silent pact against solitude that sleep might bring.

Juno (Hera) and Yumi, vigilant caretakers, sat on the edge of children's beds. Hera's eyes glimmered with mix of love and concern as she watched over Bell and Alice. Yumi, with her ebony hair cascading down like waterfall, focused on Aki, her gaze tender and protective.

Juno (Hera)'s question, laden with light smile, quietly cut through tranquil air. "What do you think, Yumi? Should we let kids sleep in today?" Her voice, held tone of maternal warmth, melody resonating with love she felt for children under her care.

Yumi's response, reflection of shared understanding between them, echoed with agreement. "Why not? They deserve it, after all." Her smile, mirror to Hera's, conveyed not just agreement but shared sentiment of indulgence. "Besides, it's not like they have anywhere important to be either."

The room exuded comforting silence, broken only by gentle whispers exchanged between Hera and Yumi. Their dialogue danced with shared love and unspoken understanding, weaving tapestry of connection between them. Emotional depth in their voices echoed years of shared trials and triumphs, painting vivid picture of love they had for their children. The atmosphere in room held mixture of love, protectiveness, and unspoken acknowledgment of transient nature of time.

As they spoke, Juno (Hera)'s mind wandered into the recesses of her thoughts, reflecting on moments of heartache and joy they had faced together. A tender smile playing on her lips betrayed wellspring of emotions within.

Yumi, too, couldn't escape currents of her inner reflections. Her gaze lingered on Aki's peaceful face, thoughts silent echo of worries she'd carried and solace she felt now that Aki had found such true friends.

"True enough," Juno (Hera) agreed. She turned away from sun-kissed window, its rays casting warm, golden hue over room. Bell, Alice, and Aki lay there, cocooned in morning glow, their features softened by peaceful embrace of sleep. Aki, cascade of raven hair framing her face, stirred slightly, testament to dreams that held her in gentle thrall.

Although air held promise of quiet morning, subtle tension lingered between two caretakers. Juno (Hera)'s eyes flickered with mixture of pride and melancholy as she regarded her grandchildren. Emotional depth in her gaze spoke of mother's love, layered with bittersweet understanding that time for farewells was drawing near.

"Although," she mused, her voice melodic cadence, "it is going to hurt them when you have to leave." Words hung in air like delicate veil, truth both acknowledged and feared.

Yumi, her smile now tinged with a hint of sadness, nodded in agreement. "I know," she said, her voice a soft echo of Hera's sentiment, "but it'll be alright. They're strong kids. They'll be okay." Her fingers brushed against the wisps of hair that framed Aki's face, a gesture both tender and reassuring.

"You're right," Juno (Hera) agreed again, her smile transforming into a beacon of hope. "They're going to do great things in their own lives, I just know it." Her inner thoughts echoed with a mother's pride, envisioning the bright futures awaiting her children.

The setting atmosphere, once a haven of tranquility, now carried the weight of impending separation. The room, bathed in morning light, seemed to hold its breath, aware of emotions threading through caretakers' hearts.

"Yes, they certainly will. Now let's get to work before we wake the children," Yumi suggested, practicality in her words grounding the moment. Varied dialogue tags highlighted emotional shifts—Hera's acknowledgment, Yumi's reassurance, and Hera's resurgence of hope.

The trio stirred from their slumber as morning sunlight spilled through the window, painting the room in warmth. The soft creaking of beds echoed in the stillness, and the three emerged, rubbing sleep from their eyes, to face the day. Downstairs, the inviting aroma of breakfast welcomed them as they descended to join the adults.

The breakfast table, adorned with sausages, hash browns, eggs, and toast, became a lively stage for the morning gathering. The air filled with the sizzle of sausages, the clinking of cutlery, and the laughter of the children. The vivid descriptions painted a scene of familial warmth, with morning light casting a golden glow over the shared meal.

Hera and Yumi, the guardians who had watched over the trio's dreams, observed with soft looks. Their eyes, reflective pools of emotion, traced the laughter and chatter. It was a moment of emotional depth, a silent celebration of normalcy after yesterday's storm.

Even Jose (Zeus) and Hiroshi, the other adults in the room, joined in the mirth. Chuckles escaped their lips as they exchanged glances, appreciating the resilience of the children. The varied dialogue tags captured the spectrum of emotions—soft looks, laughter, and shared joy.

The setting exuded a sense of relief and recovery. The breakfast table transformed into a sanctuary where worries dissipated, replaced by the simple joys of a shared morning. The room, once weighed down by concerns, now vibrated with sounds of joy and the clinking of breakfast plates.

The children’s reactions were a testament to the emotional shift. The worry that clouded the adults' minds dissolved as they witnessed the children enjoying a peaceful morning. Inner thoughts lingered on the healing power of a good night's sleep and the resilience of youth.

As breakfast ended, the scraping of chairs marked the impending departure. The rhythm flowed seamlessly from joy to the muted sounds of chairs, a symbolic transition from shared moments to individual paths. It was a moment reflecting the unspoken understanding that the group had weathered the storm and emerged stronger.

The morning air hung heavy with the residue of breakfast, the remnants of sausages and eggs still lingering. Jose (Zeus) took charge, his weathered hands clapping together, drawing the attention of the gathered group. The room, once vibrant with laughter, fell into hushed anticipation.

"Alright kiddos. Now that breakfast is done, I wanted to have a chat with you all about what happened yesterday. I am going to talk to the village chief later about what happened, but first, I want to hear what you have to say. I need to know exactly what happened and why it escalated to a fight," Jose (Zeus) stated, his voice carrying authority softened by concern.

"It is my fault, Grandpa. I threw the first punch," Bell confessed, his admission hanging in the air like an unspoken truth. The room seemed to tighten, the air thickening with a mix of tension and expectation.

"I see. And how did it come to this? I can understand a scuffle or even roughhousing, but broken bones are another matter. In addition, all three of you came back pretty beat up. The chief came by last night and told me how bad everyone else was beaten up. There must be more than just a simple scuffle," Jose (Zeus) inquired, his gaze piercing through the room as he sought answers.

"I got angry and hit the other boy before I could stop myself," Bell explained, his words a hesitant admission. "And then everyone jumped in and started fighting."

Jose nodded, absorbing the information. "All right, Bell. I've told you before, you can't let your emotions control you. What made you so angry that you lashed out?" he pressed, his voice gentle but insistent, digging into the core of the issue.

"That..." Bell hesitated, caught in the web of unspoken words.

"Please, Mr. Jose. Bell only did it to protect me," Aki intervened, her words a fragile shield thrown over her friend. The atmosphere in the room shifted, empathy replacing tension.

"Alright, little one. What was Bell protecting you from?" Jose inquired, his gaze stern yet gentle, seeking to unravel the intricacies of the children's experience.

"One of the village boys yanked on my tail, and I cried out. I couldn’t stop from crying out because of how much it hurt," Aki confessed, painting a picture of the pain she had endured. The room echoed with the memory of the distressing moment.

"Grandpa, they were saying terrible things to Aki. Then one of the boys pulled her tail and made her cry. That's when Bell hit him," Alice added, her voice a blend of protective indignation and concern for her friend. The emotional depth in her words conveyed the toll taken on the trio.

Jose sighed, his gaze softening as he regarded the children. "I figured as much. The village chief and I will deal with this. But now, onto more important matters. What do you kids have planned for today?" His question became a bridge between the heavy topic at hand and potential lighter moments ahead.

"Reading hero stories," Alice responded, her voice filled with joy, a melody dancing in the air. Bell and Aki nodded in agreement; their anticipation evident in the shared glint of their eyes.

"That's an excellent idea," Jose responded, his approval carrying warmth, an acknowledgment of the simple pleasures that filled their days.

Over the next several days, the routine became a comforting embrace for Aki, Bell, and Alice. Mornings unfolded in synchrony as they woke up together, the scent of breakfast weaving through the air. Their days became a tapestry of shared moments, painted with the hues of hero stories and outdoor play.

Bell, a storyteller with a spark in his eyes, spun tales that captivated Aki's imagination. She listened with wide-eyed wonder, the descriptions of heroic exploits unfolding like a vivid tapestry in her mind. Alice, a co-conspirator in the world of imagination, chimed in, helping Bell build narratives that transcended the ordinary.

Each day unfolded seamlessly, a routine of shared passion. Each day became a new chapter, an exploration of heroism and camaraderie, a respite from challenges. Bell found purpose in sharing his beloved hero stories. Aki discovered refuge in the fantastical, an escape from harsh realities. Laughter echoed through the house as Bell's tales grew more extravagant when Alice added her imaginative twists. The room, once witness to conflict, transformed into a haven of creativity and shared joy.

As days unfolded, the trio's routine became a sanctuary, a refuge from the outside world. Breakfasts became a ritual, a prelude to imaginative realms. The atmosphere within the walls of their home was charged with the energy of creativity, an antidote to lingering shadows.

Bell, fueled by his companions' infectious enthusiasm, spun tales transcending the ordinary. Heroes, mythical beasts, and fantastical adventures leaped from his words, creating a vibrant tapestry enveloping Aki and Alice in shared wonder. The room echoed with laughter, a testament to storytelling's power to heal wounds and forge connections.

Aki, initially seeking refuge in tales, became an active participant. Her thoughts, once burdened, now embraced present joy. Each hero's triumph mirrored their own journey of resilience.

Alice elevated stories with her lively imagination, blurring reality and fantasy. As they played outside, yesterday's troubles dissipated.

The children’s reactions formed a symphony of connection. Bell's eyes sparkled with pride, Aki's laughter rang melodiously, and Alice's expressions mirrored her imagination. Adults reveled in their transformation.

Jose (Zeus) observed the trio's camaraderie, finding solace. The once conflicted household now vibrated with creativity and joy.

Juno (Hera) watched with swelling pride, knowing parting ways approached. Yumi, by the window, shared Hera's emotions, her gaze holding a mother's tenderness and an unspoken yearning.

Hiroshi observed with joy and wistfulness. Aki’s newfound joy warmed him, yet he felt time's transient nature keenly.

The rhythmic flow of days became a dance of shared stories, laughter, and play. As the sun set, casting warm hues, the trio gathered for the ongoing saga of heroism and friendship. In this cocoon, they discovered the true magic of bonds.

The aftermath of the skirmish lingered, a tension demanding resolution. The elder, authoritative with silver-streaked hair and piercing eyes, stood before the children. The atmosphere shifted, charged with recent events. The elder, assessing each child's toll, summoned them to his house.

His gaze swept, capturing attention. The sun dipped, casting shadows, mirroring unease. Silver-streaked hair framed his face, adding gravitas.

"This incident was set aside as children fighting," the elder declared firmly. His verdict veered from blame, instead emphasizing collective responsibility.

The elder's gaze swept across the room, capturing the attention of all the children, including Bell and Alice. The elder’s tone conveyed — admonishment, guidance, and the stern reminder of the unnecessary conflict should be avoided.

As the Harvest Festival's vibrant hues began to fade, a bittersweet air settled over the village. Aki, with cascading raven-black hair, stood with her parents, the looming departure casting a shadow over her demeanor. Twins Alice and Bell approached, their eyes reflecting sadness and uncertainty.

"Umh, Mr. Hiroshi," Alice stuttered, her hands fidgeting with her dress. "Will we see Aki again? Will you come back?"

Bell mirrored his sister's apprehension, silently pleading for reassurance. Aki's departure threatened to snatch their newfound friend away, leaving an emptiness neither twin was prepared for.

Hiroshi, tall and stoic with salt-and-pepper hair, met their gaze with calm certainty. "You will see Aki again very soon," he assured. "We decided to stop here for the Spring Equinox and Harvest Festivals. This is the closest village to our route now."

The twins exchanged glances, hope sparking in their eyes. Hiroshi's tone softened, "Even if we didn't receive the warmest welcome. Some were accepting, and I think Aki would want to see you both again anyways."

A small smile tugged at Hiroshi's lips as he observed the relief washing over the twins. Sensing the heaviness, Aki embraced Alice and Bell in a tight hug. The air crackled with a mix of emotions – impending separation and the promise of reunions.

"REALLY!?" Alice's voice rang out with excitement, her eyes sparkling. Bell's astonishment mirrored hers. The news ignited a radiant glow within them.

"Yeap," Yumi confirmed, relishing the magic of the moment. "We decided it after talking to Aki, and she said she wanted to see you both again."

Alice leaped forward, enveloping Aki in a hug of unbridled happiness. Bell joined, completing the trio in heartfelt connection.

Aki melted into their embrace, feeling the familiarity of their touch. In that hug, unspoken emotions unfolded — the ache of separation, the joy of reunion, and reassurance in enduring friendship.

As the seconds ticked by, the front yard became a sanctuary of shared emotions. Finally, with a collective sigh, they broke apart, the afterglow lingering, a testament to their unspoken bond.

The trio exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a shared understanding that words could scarcely capture. In that moment, the world felt small, distances reduced to mere details by the rising sun's golden glow, capturing the pure happiness radiating from them.

"Thank you so much for accepting me into your family. Even if I am different, it was nice to feel included," Aki expressed with genuine warmth, her voice carrying gratitude and vulnerability.

Bell's eyes sparkled with sincerity. "Don't worry, Aki. You will always be our friend!" he proclaimed, reassuring Aki's departing heart.

"Friends forever," Aki affirmed, a radiant smile stretching across her face, a beacon of connection between them. Her eyes met those of the twins, and in that shared gaze, the promise of enduring friendship blossomed.

"Best friends forever," Alice echoed, her voice dancing with enthusiasm. The words hung in the air like a cherished melody, echoing in their hearts.

As Aki walked toward the front gate, the twins flanked her side, the atmosphere shimmering with bittersweet parting, warmth of shared memories, and promise of future reunions.

With a final wave and lingering smile, Aki left the Cranel household, her steps carrying both departure's weight and friendship's lightness. The twins stood by, watching their friend vanish into the distance, longing settling in their chests.

The house’s front yard, once filled with trio's laughter, now echoed with soft whispers of the wind. Yet, amidst melancholy, there was a silver lining. The twins, though saddened, carried anticipation for the future, a beacon of hope promising brighter days ahead.

As Aki joined her parents by the packed cart, the air was charged with poignant finality. The wheels creaked as it rolled, carrying the departing family away. The twins exchanged a glance, smiles masking the ache of separation.

Aki's departure marked not an end but a new beginning. Amidst goodbyes, the twins clung to hope Hiroshi had bestowed upon them, future encounters soothing the ache of parting. They now had something to look forward to – reunions, everlasting friendship, and the knowledge that true connections endured.

However, in a world submerged in shadows, where there is light, there is encroaching darkness. The darkness, though distant, cast a subtle pall over the unsuspecting trio.

Chapter 12: Protecting Alice

Chapter Text

Protecting Alice (1 Year before the events of Meeting Outsiders)

North of Orario, a village cradled in tranquility lay nestled, untouched by the city's ceaseless pulse. Like siblings, similar hamlets dotted the landscape, each with its unique tapestry of life—some sprawling and boisterous, others small and reticent. Villagers led quiet lives, their routines undisturbed save for transient figures: traders and merchants threading through their secluded haven.

Beyond the village, fields and pastures unfurled, a patchwork quilt stitched by nature's hand. Livelihoods intertwined with the land, a delicate dance of farming and husbandry. Cottages stood sentinel amidst the landscape.

On this day, the sun stretched its fingers, casting a golden glow. A breeze whispered through open fields, carrying wildflower fragrances and the scent of grass, painting the day with ethereal quality.

Within this haven, where existence hummed with the pulse of the earth. The villagers, with weathered hands and sun-kissed brows, toiled in fields and tended to livestock, their routines etched into the landscape.

As the breeze wove through grass, it whispered tales of a world beyond, where traders left transient traces. Yet, the village remained cocooned, a sanctuary of stillness.

In the outskirts, far from Orario's tumult, Bell and Alice reveled in their momentary escape. Their laughter drifted through the air as they played, oblivious to strife beyond village boundaries. Evilus cast its darkened pall over Orario, but innocence persevered in this quiet haven.

As the siblings frolicked, village children appeared, their banter muted by sight of a smaller girl. Tension thickened as they surrounded Alice, their curiosity tinged with cruelty.

"Why do you look so sick? You're so pale and skinny!" jeered an older boy, a smirk etched on his face.

Younger ones echoed his taunts, laughter twisted echoes in the landscape, pointing out Alice's delicate features and frail frame.

Alice flinched, vulnerability exposed, seeking refuge behind her twin. Bell, wrapped his arm around Alice, a shield against encroaching cruelty.

"Stop it!" Bell's voice echoed with defiance. "You have no right to say those things about my sister!" The words rippled through stillness, challenging darkness threatening their idyllic world.

"Oh, yeah? And what are you going to do about it?" one boy sneered

"Yeah, we can say whatever we want!" another chimed in, the air thickening with misplaced bravado.

"Why don't you try and stop us?" a child sneered, lips curling into a defiant smirk as he stepped forward.

"We don't have to listen to you!" another taunted.

Bell's fists clenched, tension radiating through his frame. His once innocent face flushed red with anger as he glared at the boy before him.

"What are you going to do?" the older boy taunted, leaning closer. "Are you going to hit me?"

The village children laughed. Bell's gritted teeth mirrored the storm raging within him. He hated the condescending glances, despised the mockery they aimed at Alice. The desire to make them pay surged, fueled by the injustice to his twin.

His eyes blazed with defiance, sweeping over Alice. Tears streamed down her pale cheeks, trembling with hurt. Her vulnerability stark against the innocence of playtime fueled Bell's desire to protect her.

With protective instinct beyond his years, Bell pulled Alice close, wrapping his arms around her in solidarity. The embrace conveyed emotional depth, a silent promise to stand against malice. He felt her heart racing against his chest, a palpable manifestation of distress.

He pressed his lips in anger, a silent vow etched in determination. The need to shield Alice from harshness burned within him like a beacon.

"Let's go," he said softly, leading her away from the bullies, seeking solace on the village outskirts.

As they passed nearby villagers, emotions played across their faces like shifting shadows. The once innocent backdrop now bore witness to societal discord.

Some wore masks of amusem*nt, deriving twisted pleasure from others' misfortune. Their laughter, cold and detached, stained the serenity, as if one's suffering could be cruel entertainment for those insulated from personal pain.

On the flip side, some in the group revealed faces of pity, acknowledging the unfairness the twins faced. Their eyes softened with empathy, gazing upon the twins with sorrow, recognizing the cruelty that was being inflicted upon them

Bell and Alice pressed forward, their small figures casting long shadows against conflicting emotions, the village landscape became bittersweet. Their steps echoed with determination, seeking refuge in their familial bond amidst turmoil.

Turning from onlookers' stares, Bell focused on Alice. In the aftermath, he held her close, their shadows melding against the fading day. Bell's arms wrapped around her frail form, stroking her hair with reassurance. Alice, nestled in his embrace, whispered apologies.

"I'm sorry," she muffled into Bell's shirt. "I'm so sorry."

Bell tightened his hug, murmuring, "You have nothing to be sorry for," his voice steady. The rest of the day unfolded quietly, the bullies keeping their distance. But the wounds ran deep, leaving an indelible mark on Alice's spirit.

Alice, once vibrant, had transformed into a shadow of herself. Her laughter, a distant memory, replaced by solitude. She retreated into herself, finding solace with Bell, their shared world a sanctuary shielding her.

The atmosphere bore witness to this shift, a silent requiem. Avoiding contact became her instinct, her eyes betraying fear. Past scars lingered, haunting her every glance. The vibrant energy that once emanated from her was replaced by a quietude, a stillness that felt heavy with the weight of unspoken struggles.

Bell stood unwavering by her side, supporting her every step. As Alice’s thoughts spun her inner thoughts became a mosaic of vulnerability and longing. Her inner most desire was a longing was for the one thing that remained absent her in life. The simplest desire a child could have.



The desire for a friend.



Days unfolded in this rhythm, the twins navigating childhood amidst harsh realities. In their cocoon, they forged a bond transcending the world outside. Bell, steadfast, refused to give up on Alice, their familial bond a beacon in adversity.

Over the course of the next year (Until the Events of Meeting Outsiders) The following incidents occur

In the vast field near the village, a storm of cruelty brewed as children surrounded Alice. Not in gathering clouds, but in bitter exchanges. The once-promising atmosphere crackled with tension, marred by malice. Their faces twisted with scorn, the children taunted Alice with venomous words, punctuating the air with hostility.

"Miserable loser!" one sneered.

“Stupid freak!" another chimed.

Fueled by cruel desire, their mockery targeted Alice's frail appearance, illness, and lack of parents.

"You're worthless, freak!" The relentless taunts echoed through the field, each word chipping away at Alice's already fragile emotions.

The misery of Alice intensified as the children's jeers grew more malicious and spiteful. The flow of their insults painted a grim cadence, a symphony of cruelty that resonated with the pain it inflicted.

"I bet your father couldn't stand to be around you, so he ran away!"

"I bet he never wanted a reject daughter like you. I bet he was happy to get rid of you!"

"No wonder your father didn't want you! You're useless!"

The vicious words, akin to arrows piercing the heart, sliced into Alice's soul. Unspoken thoughts and emotions, though silent, resonated throughout the scene. The cruelty fueled her insecurities, began to press on her like a suffocating weight.

As the children persisted in their assault, their taunts reached a crescendo. Each word, sharp as a knife, left wounds destined to linger long after the word themselves had faded. The once serene field now bore witness to the harsh reality of human cruelty, a stark reminder of innocence tarnished.

Accusations bombarded Alice, each one a blow to her composure. Despite her efforts, desperation threatened to expose the cracks in her emotional armor. Loneliness and despair intertwined, enveloping her in a suffocating cloak.

Time crawled; each moment stretched thin. The onslaught persisted, pushing Alice deeper into the abyss of self-loathing. Her inner sanctuary crumbled under the weight of negativity, doubts echoing louder than self-assurance.

Repeated instances of cruelty deepened Alice's despair. Accusations weighed heavily, burdening her with judgment. Loneliness clawed at her, shattering her facade.

The relentless storm of insults fractured Alice's world. Loneliness and despair became her constant companions, suffocating her resolve. Doubts gnawed at her consciousness, distorting her self-image.

Time dragged on, cruelty lingering. Alice's sanctuary lay in ruins, dreams shattered. Negativity tainted her thoughts, eroding her confidence.

Each word cast at her created ripples, disturbing her peace. As the onslaught continued, Alice's mental landscape transformed into a battleground. Her self-esteem crumbled, leaving internal ruins.

Amidst chaos, Alice clung to her identity. Yet, with each word, her resilience waned. The field, once lively, now bore the weight of negativity, mourning Alice's unraveling.

As insults rained down upon Alice, she groped for a lifeline, her hope teetering on the abyss's edge. Bell, her twin, sensed her anguish but found himself impotent against the verbal onslaught. His heart ached witnessing her unraveling, his attempts at shielding her feeble against the relentless storm.

Alice's eyes, once ablaze with determination, now mirrored profound vulnerability. Each barb chipped away at her resilience, the torrent of cruelty threatening to snuff out her last flicker of hope.

In the charged atmosphere, Bell felt the weight of their shared history—laughter, secrets, and the unspoken bond of siblings. Yet, despite his love, Alice's internal tempest intensified with every passing moment, the gulf between them widening inexorably.

Metaphorically, Bell extended a lifeline, a beacon in the turmoil, but Alice, lost in her whirlwind of struggles, remained unreachable. The bond they once shared strained, stretched thin by the ferocity of her emotional hurricane.

As Alice's torment reached its height, Bell grappled with a profound sense of helplessness. He longed to be her anchor, to bridge the gap and pull her back from the brink. Yet, in the face of the tempest, his efforts felt like whispers against the roaring winds of despair. Their bond, once unbreakable, now hung in precarious balance.

Seeing Alice's spiral, Zeus and Hera offered solace amidst the tumult. They endeavored to mend her fractured spirit, becoming silent pillars of support against the brewing storm. Despite their efforts, Alice's tempest refused to abate.

Fueled by concern, Zeus and Hera sought to intervene with the other children's parents. However, their efforts were met with staunch resistance, deepening Alice's sense of isolation and leaving her at the crossroads of hope and despair.

In the aftermath, Alice grappled with conflicting emotions. The warmth of surrogate compassion clashed with the cold indifference of others, blurring her path to resolution amidst the tempest raging within.

Meeting Outsiders Event (Alice’s POV)

"Hey, grandpa, grandma, can we go play with the girl?" Bell's eyes danced with excitement as he pointed towards the cat girl. The rising sun cast a golden hue upon her raven black fur, making her appear almost magical. I stood entranced, imagining myself with similar ears and a tail.

His words, filled with innocent wonder, momentarily dispelled the bigotry around them. Bell and I were oblivious to the disapproving glares from the locals, consumed by the allure of the enchanting creature.

Zeus frowned, considering the opportunity for the twins to interact with someone different. With how the villagers treated them, they didn't interact much with anyone.

"Come on, please?" This time, the words fell from both of our mouths, eyes wide with entreaty. Seeing our eager faces, Zeus felt his resolve waver.

"Alright, you may greet her, but if you want to play with her, you need her parent's permission, okay?" Zeus nodded.

I wondered what it would be like to have those ears and a tail, imagining the playful twitch of those ears or flick of that tail. It seemed like a world of endless fascination. Bell, on the other hand, envisioned adventures with the mysterious girl, her feline grace inspiring tales of bravery and magic.

The cat girl noticed our interest and offered a hesitant smile, her feline-like eyes reflecting curiosity and wariness. She seemed different, yet a sense of loneliness lingered in her gaze. Bell and I exchanged excited glances, then approached her, a first step towards friendship.

Bell and I ran towards the festival square, laughter and delightful aromas filling the air. However, the reality was marred by disdainful glances and hushed murmurs from the townsfolk. Ignoring the disdain, we saw only a potential friend in the cat girl.

Approaching Aki, a mixture of excitement and nervousness fluttered within me. Her feline-like eyes met ours, reflecting curiosity and fear. In that moment, I felt a surge of empathy, recognizing the loneliness in her gaze.

"I hate how they treat me and Bell differently simply for being from somewhere else. Maybe I can finally have a friend," I thought, my turmoil hidden beneath a determined exterior. The weight of villagers' judgment pressed upon me, but the prospect of genuine connection with Aki spurred me forward.

As Bell and I talked to Hiroshi, we became interested in his goods. "We were wondering about your wares. What do you have here?" Bell asked.

"We're very interested to know," I added.

Hiroshi gestured towards the array of goods on display. "We have silk, spices, pottery, and much more. Is there anything specific you'd like to know about?"

Bell's eyes lit up with excitement at the spices. "These are amazing! Are they from far away?"

Hiroshi nodded. "Yes, from distant lands, brought here for everyone to enjoy."

I looked at the silk with wonder. "And what about this? They're so beautiful."

Hiroshi explained, "Silk is a delicate material from the Far East. Woven with great care. A true art."

Meeting Hiroshi was like stepping into a world of wonders. The vivid hues of exotic spices and the delicate touch of silk transported me.

"Can we play with your daughter?" Bell's voice held curiosity, flicking toward Hiroshi's daughter.

I noticed Aki's hesitation. I couldn't bear to see her withdraw, imprisoned by judgment. Hiroshi encouraged her.

"Aki, it's all right if you want to play with these two " Hiroshi assured her. But Aki stayed close to him, seeking refuge in her father's presence, her trust in him acting as a shield.

I sensed the heavy weight of strange looks directed our way, a mixture of curiosity, disdain, and ignorance. The community's gaze shifted from Aki to us, their uniqueness garnering both fascination and repulsion.

"I know, dear. It's not easy, but at least there are two others here that want to play," Hiroshi offered a soothing reassurance, trying to ease the turmoil in Aki's heart.

Aki turned her gaze toward us, the only people around who hadn't directed any mean comments her way. We seemed genuine, our smiles inviting, a glimmer of kindness in a world that often lacked it. With that in mind, Aki walked toward us.

"Uh, hi, I am Aki," Aki responded tentatively, her feline ears flicking slightly, mirroring her nerves. The twins before her seemed like a glimmer of hope, a chance to escape the isolation that often accompanied her.

"Hi! My name is Bell!" Bell's enthusiasm was palpable as he introduced himself, his eyes drawn to the soft cat ears peeking from Aki's head and the elegant black tail swishing gently

"And I am Alice," I added, my voice a touch softer, my shyness apparent. It was clear to me that Aki was feeling the weight of our scrutiny. “I really want this to work. I love Bell and my grandparents, but I really want a friend. The other village girls always make fun of me.”

"Do you want to play with us?" Bell asked, inviting.

"Yes, can we?" I chimed in, my voice carrying a note of quiet excitement.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" Aki asked tentatively, curious and nervous.

"Oh, we can go explore a nearby cave. It's our secret hideout," I proposed.

"Okay. That sounds like fun," Aki replied, seeking approval from her parents.

"Great, then let's get going, Aki," I said, extending my hand. Bell mirrored the gesture. Aki hesitated for a moment before taking our hands, her heartwarming at the prospect of new friends. Aki tentatively takes both our hands, and we take off running with Aki right behind us.

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the trio of newfound friends. Bell and I, our identical features a testament to our twinship, stood with outstretched hands, waiting for Aki to bridge the gap between us. As we reached out to her, the anticipation of adventure tingled in the air.

"Great, then let's get going, Aki," I said, my voice filled with happiness. Bell mirrored my gesture. Together, we formed a chain of connections.

Aki's heart soared. She wasn't alone anymore. She finally had friends.

"Come on, Aki!" Bell exclaimed, his voice laced with enthusiasm. Aki couldn't help but giggle.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Aki replied, her voice filled with newfound lightness.

As we dashed across the meadow, the world around us blurred into vibrant colors and the melody of rustling leaves and birdsong. My breath came in short gasps, the exhilaration mingling with the racing beat of my heart. The meadow unfolded like a canvas painted with the hues of a summer day. Bell and I led Aki towards the forest. The forest embraced us as we stepped through the living curtain of ancient branches.

"Is that the hideout?" Aki inquired, her voice a soft purr of curiosity.

"Not quite; our hideout is inside the hollow there. There's a cave behind the branches," I replied, lacing my words with a sense of shared adventure. Aki nodded in understanding; her feline eyes gleaming with anticipation.

As we continued, the rain steadily intensified, casting a soothing patter of droplets upon the leaves. Aki's keen eyes noticed a gap in the branches above, offering a natural overhang and shelter. We guided her closer to the heart of the secret hideout.

Then we stopped by what appeared to be part of the rock wall, and with a shared effort, we revealed a dark cavern within. Magic lamps cast an inviting glow, beckoning the trio forward. Bell and I led the way, our shadows dancing on the uneven walls. Aki followed closely, her heart racing with excitement and gratitude.

"We found it when we were exploring last year," I explained with nostalgia. "We made it into a hideout to get away from the world and some of the meaner villagers." Aki gazed around the cozy cave, touched by our gesture.

"Thank you, both of you," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine warmth. Tears welled in Aki's eyes, her cheeks mirroring the glistening trails of her emotions. Bell and I turned to our new friend, expressions filled with empathy.

I saw Aki's cat-like ears, once alert and perky, now lay flat against her head, a silent gesture of vulnerability. Her once-playful tail drooped and curled between her legs, as if trying to shield itself from the world. Bell and I shared a somber frown and waited patiently, our hearts heavy with concern, giving Aki the space to express the pain that had long weighed on her soul. After wiping away her tears, Aki begin to speak, her voice quivering under the weight of her past.

"I-I was taunted and bullied in different villages because I am an animal person," Aki confessed, her voice carrying the echoes of a lifetime of hurt. "I haven't been able to make many friends because we are always moving."

"Aki, it's okay. We're not like those bullies," I offered kindly. "Those people are just...ignorant. I think your ears and tails are really cool," I reassured her. Bell took Aki's hand in a comforting gesture.

"Don't listen to them. They don't know what they're saying," I added reassuringly.

"And if they can't accept you, then you've got us," Bell chimed in, forging a connection of unwavering friendship.

Bell and I looked at Aki, our faces radiant with the sincerity of our words. Aki hesitated for a moment, her emotions still raw, but a sense of warmth and acceptance began to seep into her heart.

Once settled down, we read hero stories for hours until it was time to go home. The warmth of newfound friendship wrapped around me like a comforting blanket.

'I am so happy that I finally made a friend,' I thought, my heart swelling with joy.

"Now we play! I vote we play Hero Stories," I chirped excitedly

"Hero Stories?" Aki asked, her curiosity evident in the arch of her brow.

"Yep," I replied with infectious enthusiasm, "Bell and I love Hero stories, so Grandpa wrote a whole bunch of books for us. I vote we make our own play!"

"I like that idea," Aki responded, her voice carrying a note of genuine interest.

"Hero stories are always fun," Bell chimed in, his eyes alight with the prospect of our make-believe adventure.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I delved into the plan, my words a cascade of enthusiasm. "I say we play the Argonaut! Bell will be Argo. I will be Argo's awesome and amazing Sister Feena. And Aki can be the princess that Bell rescues!"

Bell, sighed theatrically. "You always want me to be Argo," he remarked with a hint of mock protest.

My smug grin was quick to follow. "Hehehe, of course, Bell. You are just as goofy as the Argo in the story."

"I am not," Bell protested.

"Are too," I countered with a playful wink, the banter between us as familiar and comfortable as our shared laughter.

"Am not," Bell retorted with a mock glare, playfully mimicking my earlier teasing.

"Are too," I fired back with my usual, infectious smile, my laughter filling the cave with a sense of joy.

With an exaggerated sigh, Bell accepted his role as Argo, knowing that in my stories, the hero often embarked on adventures filled with quirks and antics.

"Alright, then. Let's get started," I declared, my eyes gleaming with excitement as I took my place in the emerging tale.

Aki watched our interaction with amusem*nt and affection, grateful for the newfound camaraderie that had bloomed in this magical hideout. The stage was set for our hero story, and the cave resonated with the lively atmosphere of our imagination, where the lines between fiction and reality blurred, and the world of storytelling came alive.

As the hours ticked away, we continued our journey into the tale of the long-ago Hero Argonaut. The story, like an old friend, carried us through mythical realms, daring quests, and the promise of grand adventures. In the heart of our secret hideout, the cave walls seemed to recede, making way for the vivid landscapes of Argonaut. The we became the heroes of their own narrative, their imaginations taking flight.

The flickering light of the magic lamps cast dynamic shadows on the rocky walls, adding a layer of enchantment to our make-believe world. Aki, Bell, and I were fully immersed in the hero story, our voices echoing through the cavern as we navigated the twists and turns of the narrative.

Aki, once reserved, had blossomed into an active participant, her eyes alight with the excitement of our shared adventure. Bell, embodying the quirky Argo, injected humor into the tale, his infectious laughter ringing in the cave.

As we wove our way through the hero story, I stole glances at Aki, noting the sparkle in her eyes and the genuine smiles that adorned her face. It was a far cry from the hesitant, guarded demeanor she had initially displayed. Our shared narrative had become a bridge, connecting us in a realm where differences faded, and the strength of our bond became the focal point.

Even though we wanted to continue the story, the rays of the setting sun began to cast long shadows within the cave, reminding us of the approaching nightfall. The knowledge that our guardians would start to worry about our absence would weigh on their minds.

With a collective sigh, we acknowledged that it was time to conclude the story, at least for now. Aki's mention of returning home was met with a shared sense of responsibility.

"Hey, Aki," I said, my voice gentle and inviting, "you should ask your parents to let you stay at our farm tonight. We'll talk to Grandpa and Grandma. That way, we can keep reading the story together."

Aki hesitated, a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. The idea of spending the night at her new friends' farm was both exciting and a little nerve-wracking.

Bell and I, however, were quick to offer our unwavering support. We nodded vigorously, our smiles warm and reassuring. Aki, encouraged by our enthusiasm, found herself nodding along with us. The trio, bound by friendship and the shared world of Argonaut, began to make their way out of the cave and back to the village, where our adventure would continue beyond the pages of the book.

However, our peaceful walk was abruptly interrupted as a group of a half-dozen village children approached. Among them, four were boys, and two were girls, all larger in size than Bell, Aki, and me. These children, aged between eight and ten, had an air of bravado that often came from being part of a tight-knit village community. . They harbored hostility towards Aki and wasted no time in revealing their cruel intentions.

As the group closed in, two of the older village children, not wielding weapons but sporting intimidating glares, seemed to be the instigators. They harbored hostility towards Aki and wasted no time in revealing their cruel intentions.

"Let's teach this freak a lesson so she doesn't come back," one of the boys sneered. A menacing smirk played on the other boys’ lips.

"Well, look here!" he announced as his group caught up to us. Me and Bell immediately sensed trouble and prepared to flee if necessary. The rest of the village children formed a tight circle around us, effectively cutting off any escape route. Bell and I, however, weren't about to let the insults slide.

"Looks like your parents haven't taught you manners," I retorted, my tone defiant.

The other village children chimed in, their voices dripping with arrogance.

"We already proved that we can deal with you," one of them declared, standing tall. "Yeah, and there are five of us and just two of you that can fight. That sickly freak can't do anything."

Bell as he stepped forward, his eyes narrowing into a glare. "Watch what you say about Alice and Aki," he warned, his voice firm and resolute.

The village children, however, remained unfazed, their expressions filled with mockery.

"Aww, look, the freak wants to fight," one of them taunted, a sneer playing on his lips.

The tension in the air crackled as the confrontation escalated, and we found ourselves facing a difficult choice: to stand our ground and defend our friends or seek a peaceful resolution. Bell's fists clenched at his sides, and he could feel the heat of anger rising within him. He glanced at me, wearing a determined expression, and at Aki, who had ears flattened against her head. We knew that we needed to handle this situation carefully. Resorting to violence was not our way, and it would only make things worse.

"Listen, we don't want any trouble," Bell said, his voice calm but firm. "We're just on our way home, and we don't need any problems. Just let us pass."

I nodded in agreement, my eyes pleading for reason, despite my anger at their treatment of Aki. "Please, let us go. We don't want any trouble either."

The leader of the bullies, a tall and burly boy with a mean glint in his eyes, sneered at the. "You freaks can leave if you want," he spat, his words dripping with disdain, "but we have to teach the outsider a lesson first."

"This isn't worth it, guys," Aki whispered, turning to walk away. But before she could take a step, a village boy violently yanked Aki's tail.

Aki’s eyes widened, pupils dilating to tiny pinpricks, as her entire body stiffened. A guttural, involuntary yowl of pain and surprise escaped her lips, a sound that seemed to transcend language, a raw expression of anguish.

I saw every muscle in Aki's body tensed, and her back arched as she attempted to twist away from the tormenting grip, her movements jerky and uncoordinated, like a cat struggling to free itself from an unseen aggressor. A surge of adrenaline coursed through me, as my heart started pounding furiously in response to her acute distress. I felt a deep-seated rage overtake me.

The tail and ears of animal people are incredibly sensitive and private. It is considered an unspoken rule that they should only be touched by either one’s partner or family. For anyone else to touch them is considered a taboo of the highest order. Grabbing the tail of any animal person is not something that you should do, but before I could do anything, Bell reacted and punched the kid in the face.

Bell's fist connected with a satisfying thud, and the boy recoiled, releasing Aki's tail. The sudden absence of pain seemed to snap her out of the momentary paralysis, and she stumbled back, her hand instinctively reaching to cradle her tail.

The village boy clutched his nose, blood seeping through his fingers. The confrontation had escalated, and the air crackled with tension. The other village children, previously confident and arrogant, hesitated, exchanging uncertain glances.

Aki, still recovering from the pain, looked at Bell with a mix of gratitude and surprise. I could see the storm in his eyes, a mixture of protective anger and frustration at the senseless cruelty they had just witnessed.

"I warned you," Bell said, his voice low and menacing. "Touch her again, and you'll regret it."

The atmosphere shifted, and the village children, realizing the severity of the situation, reluctantly stepped back. The incident had cast a pall over the once vibrant day, leaving a bitter taste in its wake.

‘We had to fight the children after that. I hated everything about it. Kicking that boy, though, felt like he got what was coming to him. It was so stupid. I don't care anymore about this stupid village.’

In the aftermath of the scuffle, the air hung heavy with tension. Bell stood protectively by Aki, his fists clenched, a silent promise echoing in the shadows of his eyes. Aki, still recovering from the pain, clutched her tail, her eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and gratitude.

The other village children, their bravado shattered, retreated, casting wary glances back at us. The setting sun painted the scene in hues of orange and red, casting long shadows that seemed to mirror the lingering unease.

I felt a knot in my stomach, a co*cktail of anger, frustration, and a growing detachment from the village that had once been our home. The setting sun cast long shadows, mirroring the internal conflict we carried.

‘I was happy that we protected Aki, but everything else just left me feeling sad that it came to fighting." I thought after the fight’

The victory against the village children had a bitter aftertaste. As we walked away, the weight of disappointment settled on my shoulders. Aki's eyes mirrored the pain that had become all too familiar. The time of joy in the cave now felt like a distant memory. As we began to walk away from the village, I couldn't shake the feeling that something irrevocable had changed within us. The bonds that tied us to this place were unraveling.

The setting sun painted the horizon in a fiery glow, casting long shadows across the landscape. It was a painful realization that the place we once called home had become a battleground. The journey back to the farm felt longer than usual, each step echoing with the echoes of our shattered perceptions. The cave, once a sanctuary, now seemed like a distant memory. Bell ended up having to carry Aki and she fell asleep on his back.

“Her sleeping face is adorable” I thought as I giggled as we made our way back to the farm.

Scene Between the Harvest Festival and the Spring Festival (Normal POV)

The village field, once a tranquil expanse of swaying wheat, now bore witness to a tempest of emotions. Laughter, the carefree melody of childhood, transformed into a mocking tone as a group of children circled around Alice. One child, a malicious grin stretching across his face, pointed a finger at Alice and uttered words that hung heavy in the air.

"Look at her," he sneered, "She's so weak and fragile. I bet she won't last another week."

The declaration caused the derisive snort from others. Another child, his voice sharp spoke

"Why are you such a freak?" he taunted,

Alice, the epicenter of this sudden tempest, tried to maintain a facade of indifference. Her eyes, however, betrayed the turmoil within. The taunts found their mark, and tears welled up in her eyes, causing them to shimmer. As Alice struggled to maintain her composure, the cruelty of the other children clawed at her, slowly whittling away her esteem. Amidst the taunting voices, the field transformed into a battlefield of adolescent cruelty. The air buzzed with malice, a venomous atmosphere that seeped into the very core of her being.

Her eyes, once bright with confidence, now flickered with vulnerability. The weight of exclusion hung heavy around her. The sharp echo of mocking laughter reverberated. Alice's heart pounded in her chest, each derisive chuckle a painful reminder of the shattered bonds of friendship. The world that she thought she had navigated with Aki as her shield now seemed like a hostile territory, every step laden with the threat of ridicule. She clung to the memory of laughter shared with Aki, a lifeline in the tumultuous sea of rejection and cruelty.

She longed to run, to flee from the relentless torment that echoed in her ears, but there was no sanctuary to be found. Nowhere to hide from the pointed accusations and cruel laughter that wrapped around her like a suffocating shroud.

The bullies, relentless in their pursuit of cruelty, continued to hound her, never giving her a moment’s rest. The air buzzed with malice, and the weight of their words hung heavy around her.

"Stop it! Don't say things like that about my sister!" Bell's words rang out, a declaration of solidarity that resonated in the air. His gaze, a mixture of anger and frustration, bore into the bullies with a fierce intensity.

"Don't talk about us like you know anything." Bell's retorted

"I mean, look at the girl. She is sickly all the time. I bet her father left her hoping she would di—"

The malicious words hung in the air, a poisonous mist that threatened to envelop Alice. But before the venom could fully take hold, a resounding crunch shattered the taunting silence. Bell's fist collided with the boy's face, a forceful rebuttal that sent him sprawling onto the unforgiving ground.

The impact echoed through the air, a sudden burst of violence that rippled through the onlookers. The boy lay there, dazed and confused, blood trickling from his nose a testament to the consequences of his cruel words. He blinked at the world; the shock evident in his eyes as he tried to make sense of the abrupt turn of events.

Bell stood towering over him with fury. His expression, a mixture of anger and protectiveness, cast a long shadow over the fallen tormentor. The evening sun cast long shadows, elongating the outline of his frame. His jaw clenched, muscles taut with the residue of anger and protectiveness.

The fallen tormentor lay sprawled on the ground, a broken marionette. Blood oozed from his nose, staining the dust beneath him. The field, once a canvas of cruel taunts, now bore witness to the aftermath of a storm—a tableau of aggression and consequences.

The air, thick with the resonance of the preceding violence, crackled with an unspoken tension. Bell's gaze, a piercing stare of warning, bore into the fallen boy. Bell's voice, a low growl of fury, cut through the stillness:

“NOT ANOTHER WORD. Or I will hit you again.”

The threat lingered in the charged atmosphere, a palpable warning that hung between the twin siblings and the subdued tormentor. The onlookers, caught in the crossfire of aggression and consequence, hesitated in the eerie silence that followed.

"Bell! " Alice's cry pierced the air, a desperate plea that echoed with both concern and anguish. "You don't need to hurt them! You shouldn't lash out like that."

Bell turned to face her, a storm of conflicting emotions swirling in his eyes. "I have to, Alice. They're hurting you. If I don't do something, they'll never stop. They'll just keep doing it, over and over, until you break."

Alice shook her head, her vulnerability laid bare. "No! I can handle them. I don't want you getting hurt too. Please, just leave them alone. Let me take care of it myself. I can deal with it, I promise. This isn’t like with Aki."

Bell's internal struggle was evident, as emotions raged beneath the surface. He hesitated, torn between the desire to protect Alice and the fear of causing her more pain. His gaze softened as he met her tearful eyes, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders.

As Alice grabbed his arm, attempting to pull him away from the confrontation, the world around them shifted. They were immediately surrounded by the gang of town kids, a wall of hostility closing in. Bell's internal conflict heightened, the tension in the air escalating as the onlookers braced for the next chapter in the unfolding drama.

"I am going to get you," the leader of the gang declared, the promise of revenge dripping from his words. In a sudden blur of movement, he lunged at Bell, the atmosphere exploding into chaos.

Bell's punches and kicks sliced through the air, desperation fueling his movements as he attempted to fend off the relentless attackers. But it was futile. The attackers, pressed on using sheer numbers to their advantage, and soon Bell was overwhelmed.

"Alice!" Bell's desperate shout cut through the maelstrom of blows as he was pulled down to the unforgiving ground. He fought against the hands that held him, limbs thrashing in a futile attempt to break free.

"How's this?" the leader sneered as he delivered a punishing blow to Bell's ribs. "I think you should be sorry for punching me in the face earlier."

Bell winced, the pain radiating through his body. His inner thoughts churned with frustration and a burning desire to protect his sister, but the overwhelming force of the bullies kept him restrained.

"Get off of him!" Alice's scream sliced through the air, a plea that carried the weight of a sister's love.

"Like hell," one of the other children taunted

"No!" Bell roared, summoning every ounce of strength as he pushed one of the bullies away. His attempts to break free were futile; the children were too strong, forcing him onto unforgiving ground.

"Please don't hurt my brother!" Alice's tearful plea rang out, her eyes wide with fear. She was a helpless spectator, forced to watch her brother endure a brutal onslaught.

"Bell!" she cried out, her voice a symphony of desperation. Her fingers reached out, but before she could bridge the distance, she, too, became a victim of the onslaught.

Bell, still struggling beneath the weight of his tormentors, managed to call out to his sister amidst the chaos. "Run, Alice! Don't stop for me! Run as fast as you can!"

The village children, fueled by their cruelty and a desire for revenge against the twins. A callous voice among them sneered, "Somebody get the freak too."

Alice, now the target of their vicious intent, felt a surge of adrenaline. But before she could move Several of the village girls surged towards her with a ferocity that mirrored the aggression against Bell., fueled by anger and hate, seized Alice and held her in place.

Panic knotted Bell's stomach. He tried desperately to intervene, break free and slow down the approaching onslaught, but their numbers were overwhelming, a relentless tide closing in on his twin. Bell, still struggling against his captors, locked eyes with his twin, a silent plea for understanding passing between them. His attempts to break free became more desperate. The children surrounding him, faces twisted with rage. Each blow they landed on Bell reverberated through the air.

The setting sun cast long shadows over the grim tableau, a stark contrast to the once vibrant colors of the playground. The atmosphere, once charged with tension, now shifted to one of brutality and despair. Alice's cries for her brother, Bell's struggle against his assailants, and the twisted satisfaction on the faces of the attackers painted a chilling portrait. As the violence unfolded, the scene marked a grim chapter for Alice and Bell.

Despite Bell's valiant efforts, there were simply too many of the village boys holding him down. The girls tackled Alice to the ground. The clash of bodies against the dust marked the beginning of a more personal form of torment.

"HEY, do you remember me, freak?" The lead girl sneered. Her eyes bore into Alice. The memories of a broken nose resurfaced, a wound not just physical but etched into the very fabric of their shared history.

"You broke my nose defending that animal," she continued, the emphasis on each word carrying the weight of resentment. Her lips curved into a malicious smile as she spat on Alice.

"Suits you better now you are as ugly on the outside as you are inside," Alice retorted, her voice defiant despite the struggle against the relentless grip of her assailants.

“YOU STUPID Little freak.” The girl spat, venom lacing every word, as her sharp features contorted with anger and a predatory glint raged in her eyes. Her followers closed in around Alice.

With a swift motion, the lead girl's hand arced through the air, connecting with Alice's face in a resounding slap. The impact left a red welt in its wake. Alice staggered, the taste of copper on her tongue, but her eyes glistened with a mix of pain and defiance, as she fixed her tormentor with a glare of defiance.

"So, how I am going to get back at you. Let's see," the lead girl declared, her words carrying the weight of vindictive intent. She continued to slap Alice across the face, each blow punctuating the escalating torment. "Ahhh, I know. How about I cut your filthy white hair."

"NO!" Alice retorted, defiance mingling with fear in her voice.

"WELL, looks like I know how to get even now. Hold her down for me, girls, while I find something to cut her hair with," the lead girl ordered, a glint in her eyes as she scanned the surroundings and found a shed on the other side of the field.

The rest of the village girls pounced on Alice, their hands cruelly holding her down while simultaneously pinching and tormenting her. As the village girls held her down, their actions went beyond mere restraint. They tormented her with a relentless barrage of pinches, their fingers digging into the tender flesh of her arms and sides. The air echoed with Alice's screams, a desperate plea for release from the onslaught.

The hood of Alice's coat was violently pulled off, revealing her long white hair. The village girls' laughter grew louder, a cacophony of mockery, as several of girls yanked Alice's hair. Each one pulling in a different direction as Alice’s head is jerked back and forth. Strands of her hair came out at the roots. She cried out in pain as the girls twisted what remained, when it didn’t rip or grabbed more handfuls of her hair.

Alice's body became a canvas of suffering, convulsed with each touch, her screams reaching a pitch that seemed to scrape against the very fabric of the evening. Her emotions swirled—a tempest of pain, humiliation, and a burning desire for escape.

"GET OFF ME!" Alice's voice cracked with raw intensity.

"Not a chance, freak," one of the girls responded

"Hey, I found what I was looking for," the lead bully announced with a sinister glee, a triumphant glint in her eyes as she sprinted back with a piece of broken glass from the shed, carefully wrapped in cloth. The atmosphere crackled with sad*stic anticipation.

"Make sure you hold her tight. Now to get rid of this filthy white hair," she commanded, her voice a venomous rasp that cut through the air. The village girls tightened their grip on Alice, a relentless restraint that served to amplify the terror etched on her face.

The lead bully began to cut off Alice's hair in great uneven patches. The jagged glass tore through the strands, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Each stroke was accompanied by Alice's anguished screams, the sound a symphony of pain that reverberated through the desolate field

Alice's long white hair, once a connection to her mother, fell in tattered clumps. The sounds of Alice's anguished screams seemed to echo across the field. Each cry was a plea, not just for mercy from her tormentors but also a desperate attempt to reclaim even a single fragment of her connection to her mother that was being ruthlessly cut away. The village girls, accomplices in this heinous act, reveled in the degradation they inflicted upon Alice. Their laughter echoed through the still air.

Bell’s Scene

Several of the village boys, their faces twisted with resentment from a past confrontation with Aki, sought revenge. The leader, fueled by a personal vendetta against Bell, orchestrated the brutal assault. His voice, laced with malice, cut through the air, "This is payback for what did to us before!"

The first blow landed, a forceful punch that connected with Bell's jaw, snapping his head to the side. Bell endured the onslaught with gritted teeth as emotions surged within Bell—an initial shock, a surge of pain, and an undercurrent of frustration at the unfairness of the situation. Each impact painted a brutal picture, the sound of fists meeting flesh punctuating the air like a grim percussion.

The bullies circled Bell like vultures. Their varied dialogue tags ranged from taunts to jeers, a cacophony of cruelty that echoed through the silent expanse.

"Thought you were tough, huh?" one sneered, while others laughed.

"Stop! Not my hair" Alice's voice, a desperate plea, cut through the chaos. Her eyes wide with horror, she tried to push the bully back from cutting her hair as she remained pinned to the ground. The setting sun cast a surreal glow over her, transforming her tear-streaked face into a haunting portrait of anguish.

"What's this little freak going to do?" one of them sneered, contempt in his eyes.

With a speed that surprised even himself, Bell delivered a quick, targeted kick to one of the tormentors. The boy recoiled with a yelp, caught off guard by the sudden retaliation. The second tormentor, momentarily stunned by the unexpected counterattack, faltered. This distraction was all that Bell needed. Summoning the last reserves of his strength, he broke free from the clutches of his assailants.

In a sprint fueled by adrenaline, Bell closed the distance to Alice. His inner thoughts raced alongside his pounding footsteps—a cacophony of worry, determination, and anger.

Bell violently shoved one the bullies knocking them off balance and sending the girl sprawling, her body colliding with the others, creating a chaotic cascade of tumbling tormentors.

Alice, wide-eyed with a mix of relief and fear, looked up as Bell reached her side. The setting atmosphere, fraught with tension and defiance, bore witness to a brother's unyielding determination to shield his sister from further torment.

"What the hell?" one of the tormentors shouted, his voice carrying a note of disbelief.

Bell, with a protective instinct that eclipsed his own pain, grabbed Alice's hand. "Come on, we need to go," he urged, his words a solemn vow to shield her from further torment.

"Not so fast," one of the bullies called out

Despite the force of Bell's charge, the situation escalated as more tormentors regrouped. Some had been knocked down by the impact, but a faction of the bullies had positioned themselves, surrounding both Bell and Alice. The field, once wide open, had transformed into a claustrophobic arena with the village children closing in from all sides.

"Looks like you two can't escape this time," one of the tormentors sneered, a cruel smirk playing on his lips.

“I am not nearly done with that little freak,” One of the girls said

Alice, wide-eyed and terrified, clutched Bell's hand. Her emotions mirrored the turmoil of her brother's thoughts. The air, thick with the resonance of impending violence, bore witness to the siblings' vulnerability in the face of a relentless adversary.

"Get them," one of the bullies called, his voice a sinister command that echoed through the encroaching darkness.

"Thought you could escape, huh?" sneered a girl with a twisted grin, her words dripping with disdain as she closed in.

"Time to pay for what you did earlier, freaks," another bully jeered, the menace in his voice revealing a festering grudge.

Bell, gripping Alice tighter, felt the weight of impending violence pressing down on them. He gritted his teeth, his inner thoughts a silent vow to shield his sister at all costs. The air, thick with the anticipation of aggression, hung heavy over the siblings.

As the bullies closed in, their taunts became a cacophony of threats and taunts.

"Nobody's coming to save you now!" spat a tormentor, relishing the moment.

Alice, wide-eyed and vulnerable, clutched onto Bell, who whispered to Alice, "Hold on tight, sis. We'll get through this together."

But the bullies, their taunts now escalating to a fever pitch of aggression, descended upon the siblings. The rhythmic flow of time, once charged with defiance, now became a brutal symphony of blows and jeers.

With a swift and protective motion, he wrapped Alice in his arms, his muscles aching from the previous onslaught, but his resolve unbroken.

The siblings descended to the ground. Their huddled form, a desperate attempt to shield each other from the storm of violence. Bell, though battered and bruised, held onto Alice as if his embrace alone could ward off the brutality that threatened to engulf them.

As the bullies advanced, their faces distorted by cruel satisfaction, Bell's gaze locked with Alice's. There was a silent exchange, a shared acknowledgment of the danger they faced, Bell's desperation contrasting with Alice's silent plea for protection.

In a desperate attempt to shield her from the oncoming blows, Bell pulled the hood of Alice's coat up. As if the fabric could offer even a flimsy barrier against the harsh reality they confronted. Bell's protective embrace enveloped Alice. Alice, tucked into the protectiction of her brother's embrace, felt the tremors that coursed through his body. The bullies closed in, Bell's muscles tensed, his jaw clenching in anticipation.

The first blow landed, and Bell instinctively tightened his hold around Alice. The impact reverberated through his body, a jolt of pain mingling with his determination to shield her. Character reactions unfolded like a carefully choreographed dance—the bullies' cruel laughter, Alice's muffled gasp, and Bell's grunts of pain.

Within the shelter of Bell's arms, Alice's emotions surged. Fear clawed at her insides, threatening to consume her. A storm of anxiety and helplessness that raged beneath the surface.

Her breaths came in uneven gasps, the rhythm disrupted by the drumbeat of violence echoing around them. She clung to Bell, her fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt as if holding onto him could anchor her in the midst of the turmoil.

As the blows continued to rain down, each strike on Bell felt like a direct assault on Alice's soul. She winced with every impact, the pain reverberating through their entwined bodies. Her inner thoughts, drowned out by the cacophony of brutality, pleaded for the onslaught to end, for the sanctuary of Bell's embrace to shield them from the relentless storm.

"Hang on, Alice. It will be over soon," he urged.

His determination became a lifeline, a flicker of hope in the encroaching darkness. The scene, once charged with defiance, now became a test of endurance as the blows continued, and Alice clung to her brother's embrace, weathering the storm together.

"Please, just leave us alone!" Alice's scream pierced the air. She felt the weight of each blow as if it were directed at her, a visceral connection that transcended the physical. The emotional depth intensified, becoming a whirlpool of helplessness and rage.Her fingers, knotted in Bell's shirt, tightened with each strike, a physical manifestation of her desperate need to shield him from harm.

"Please stop hurting Bell!" Alice's voice trembled

“MAKE US FREAK.” one of the children taunted,




A horrifying presence had just arrived behind the children, a sudden hush falling over the scene as if the very air had frozen in place. Each and every one of them froze in their bullying. Slowly, as if in unison, the tormentors turned around, their collective gaze fixated on a woman of otherworldly beauty staring down at them.

Long silver hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall of moonlight, framing a face that bore the weight of untold stories. Heterochromic eyes, one piercing gray and the other a deep, mysterious green. Dressed in a flowing black gothic dress that seemed to dance with shadows, the woman stood at the edge of the field staring down the children.

The voices of the bullies, now tinged with genuine fear, revealed the shifting dynamics of power in the scene. "Who... who is she?" one of the bullies stammered, the bravado that once defined them replaced by an unspoken dread.

The air crackled with tension as the children, once so sure in their torment, now faced an uncertainty that hung thick in the atmosphere. The woman materialized out of nowhere, her entrance into the scene sending shivers down the spines of those present.

"Leave. Now."

Her voice echoed through the field; a command laced with an undisputed authority that sent shivers through the onlookers. It wasn't just a suggestion; it was an order that brooked no disobedience.

The children, caught in the crossfire of this unexpected intrusion, felt their hearts clench in terror. The sheer power behind her words reverberated, and a collective gasp escaped their lips. Fear clutched at their chests, squeezing the air from their lungs. In the blink of an eye, the other children scattered like leaves in the wind, leaving the twins alone in the presence of this stranger.

As the last echoes of fleeing footsteps faded away, the woman's gaze softened, revealing a flicker of emotion beneath the steely exterior. A mix of sorrow and determination played in the depths of her eyes.

"Auntie Alfia!" Alice's cry pierced the air.

Alice's small form moved with a blur of animated excitement as she sprinted towards the figure that awaited her. The wind whispered through the grass, carrying the scent of blooming wildflowers that danced in the gentle breeze.

Alice collided with Alfia in a burst of affection, the impact softened by the woman's tender embrace. Alfia's arms enveloped the child, and in that moment, the world outside ceased to exist. It was just the two of them, bound by an unspoken connection that transcended the ordinary.

Bell, standing at a cautious distance, observed the heartwarming scene with a mixture of disbelief and trepidation.

"Is that really you, Auntie?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of fear, as if afraid that this moment of reunion might unravel into the fragments of a dream, a specter of the aunt he hadn't seen in years.

"Yes, Bell. It is me," Alfia responded, her voice a soothing balm that dispelled the lingering doubts. Her eyes met Bell's gaze with a reassuring sincerity.

Bell, overcome with emotion, started to sniffle, a subtle tremor betraying the emotions that welled up within him. Without hesitation, he ran to Alfia, his steps gaining confidence with each stride, until he collided with her in a heartfelt embrace. Burying his face into Alfia's bosom, Bell let the tears flow freely, a release of pent-up emotions. The texture of Alfia's embrace, a blend of softness and strength, enveloped him.

As the trio lingered in the embrace, the sun's final golden rays painted the landscape with a soft, ethereal glow. Alice, her exuberance merging with a sense of profound gratitude, looked up at Alfia with tear-glistened eyes.

"Thank you, Auntie," Alice whispered, her words carrying the weight of unspoken emotions. Alfia, in response, pressed a gentle kiss on Alice's forehead.

Bell, still nestled against Alfia's side, found comfort in the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest. His sniffling subsided and a sense of belonging settled over him. Alfia gently pulled away from the embrace, holding Alice and Bell at arm's length. Her eyes, filled with a maternal affection, surveyed their faces.

"You've both grown so much," Alfia said, her voice carrying the weight of years spent apart. "It's been too long, hasn't it?"

Alice nodded, a smile playing on her lips, while Bell managed a small but heartfelt nod. The setting sun, now a mere sliver above the horizon, painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, a canvas of nature mirroring the warmth of their reunion.

With a gentle hand, Alfia wiped away the remaining tears on Alice's cheeks, her touch a soothing caress. "We have a lot to catch up on," she said, her eyes twinkling with a promise. "But for now, let's enjoy this moment.”

Alfia's gaze drifted to the ground, a kaleidoscope of emotions playing across her features. The softening of her expression hinted at a well of regret that ran deep.

"I am so sorry, my children. I should have been here sooner. I will do whatever it takes to make sure nothing like this ever happens again." Alfia began, her voice a gentle current of remorse that flowed through the air. "Who is taking care of you now?”

"Grampa Zeus and Grandma Hera take care of us now," Bell replied, his words carrying a bittersweet nostalgia.

"What about your mother?" Alfia's question, soft and probing, hung in the air like a fragile thread.

Bell shook his head; "No. Mama died three years ago."

Alfia, her troubled expression, looked away as she whispered "I'm sorry,"

"It's okay. We have you now."Alice smiled up at Alfia.

Alfia hesitated for a moment, a silent conversation unfolding in her mind. With a gentle touch, she reached out, placing her hand on Alice's head. "You're both good children," she murmured, the warmth of her touch a reassurance to both of them.

Alice grinned. "We know."

Alfia reciprocated the smile, and then pulled both into a tight hug. The embrace was a sanctuary against the world's harshness.

"Come now, let us go home," Alfia suggested, her voice a beacon of comfort. "You must be tired, and I would like to get to know you both better. Besides, I need to speak with your grandparents."

"Okay! Let's go home!" Alice exclaimed happily, the words a melody of relief in the fading light.

Bell and Alice, each seizing one of Alfia's hands, initiated a journey back to the twins' dwelling. Alfia, allowed herself to be led by the children, found a strange comfort in the intertwining of their fingers.

As they approached the twins' house, Alfia's inner thoughts stirred, recalling the earlier view of Zeus. A surge of irritation tightened her jaw, but beneath the frustration, a realization took shape— that Zeus's presence meant the child of Meteria was close.

Through the walk, Bell and Alice's laughter created a melody as they strolled down the road. The setting atmosphere, now tinged with anticipation, carried the weight of the unexpected reunion.

A giant brown-haired man, his overwhelming stature casting a formidable shadow, stood by the door. The atmosphere shifted, curiosity intertwining with apprehension before recognition took hold. Bell's eyes widened as he exclaimed,


The words echoed through the air, a revelation that rippled through the duo. Bell and Alice, released Alfia's hands, ran toward Zard. The atmosphere crackled with the reunion's electricity, the laughter of the children blending with the giant man's hearty chuckle. Zard, the uncle from their memories, enveloped them in a bear hug. As Zard ruffled their hair and exchanged heartfelt greetings, Alfia observed the scene with a softened expression

"I missed you guys," Zard says, his deep voice resonating with warmth as he effortlessly scoops up Bell and Alice in his massive arm and hugs them tightly.

Bell laughed happily, "We missed you too! How have you been?"

Alice nestled against Zard's chest, smiled as she said; "It's so good to see you again."

Zard chuckled as he spoke "It's great to be here, kid. I've missed you both so much."

Bell, grinning up at Zard, posed a curious question, enhancing the setting atmosphere with a touch of intrigue. "What brings you to the village?"

"Oh, just thought I'd check in on my favorite niece and nephew. I figured I should keep an eye on Alfia so she doesn’t murder Zeus," Zard replied, his eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. He gently placed Bell and Alice down, their curious eyes shifting to Alfia, who regarded Zard with a dark expression.

"You're worried about me hurting Zeus?" Alfia asked, a note of incredulity lacing her words.

Zard offered a nonchalant shrug. "Well, you two don't exactly see eye-to-eye, do you? I know you were furious when you saw him earlier. I figure you were likely to blast him with your magic as soon as you see him."

Alfia rolled her eyes, dismissing the idea with a flick of her hand. "Please, I have more important things to worry about. Like these two." She cast a fond glance at Bell and Alice, who were now staring at her with wide-eyed innocence. "I WILL absolutely blast him, though, if he tries to corrupt my adorable niece and nephew."

"Come on, let's go inside," Alfia said, her hand gently resting on Alice's shoulder.

"Okay!" Bell exclaimed, a spark of excitement in his eyes as he led the way into their humble abode.

Alfia and Zard followed suit, their eyes roaming over the small, simple dwelling that held the essence of the family within its walls. The air inside was warm, filled with the scent of home-cooked meals and the faint crackle of a fireplace.

As they entered, Hera and Zeus approached the house, catching sight of Bell and Alice bringing Alfia and Zard along.

"Ah, Bell. And I see that you've met Alfia and Zard," Zeus remarked, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Tch," Alfia scoffed, her irritation evident.

"Why are you so angry at me already!?" Zeus protested, exasperation in his voice.

"The mere sound of your voice annoys me. Stop talking," Alfia threatened, her gaze sharp and unyielding.

While Alfia clicked her tongue at Zeus, Hera observed the interaction with a fond smile. "I'm glad you came, Zard. It's been too long since we've seen you."

Zeus sighed dramatically; "If only my wife loved me as much as she loves you."

"What was that?" Hera snapped, her eyes narrowing.

Zeus raised his hands defensively. "Nothing, dear. Nothing."

Zard couldn't help but laugh at their playful banter. "You two haven't changed."

Bell and Alice looked up at Zard and Alfia, their faces radiant with happiness that their family was now complete. As the laughter and banter filled the air, the atmosphere shifted from tension to comfort. Until Hera laid eyes on the state of Bell and Alice’s clothing as well as Bell’s bruises.

"Bell, what happened? Why are your clothes dirty? Why do you both have bruises?" Hera's concern rang through the air, her eyes scanning Bell and Alice for any sign of injury.

"It's okay, Grandma. We're fine," Bell reassured, attempting to mask the pain etched on his face.

Hera's frown deepened. "Bell, I don't have to be a Goddess to tell that you're lying. So tell me what happened. You are both covered in dirt and dust. And you have bruises all over your arms and face. I want to know what happened."

Bell hesitated, glancing at Alice before meeting Hera's unwavering gaze. "We... we got into a fight, Grandma. Some kids from the village were bullying Alice, and I just couldn’t stand there. We fought back."

Hera's eyes softened with a mixture of pride and worry. "You fought for each other," she whispered, a touch of sadness lacing her words. "But you shouldn't have had to."

Bell nodded, the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. His thoughts of regret and frustration churned within him.

"I'm sorry, Grandma," Alice added, her voice quiet but filled with determination. "We didn't want to worry you."

Hera sighed, a complex blend of emotions swirling in her eyes. "You don't have to shoulder everything alone. You're my grandchildren, and I'll always be here for you. Now take off your coats so I can get a look at your injuries."

The twins obeyed, shedding their outer layers to reveal a canvas of black and blue skin. The room's warm, dim light cast a revealing glow on Bell's battered form. His skin, once smooth and untouched, now bore the scars of a battle fought with the village children.

Cuts, like angry red whispers, crisscrossed his arms. Each bruise painted a vivid story of defiance and courage, the colors morphing from the initial angry reds to sickly purples and deep blues. There was not an inch of unblemished skin on Bell. The room's atmosphere shifted, the air thickening with an unspoken understanding of the brutality they had endured.

Hera's eyes, usually warm with love, turned cold as her gaze swept over the vivid tapestry of pain that adorned her grandson. The lines on her face deepened, etching a narrative of concern and simmering anger. Beside her, Alfia's composed demeanor cracked, revealing a flicker of unbridled rage beneath the surface.

The bruises on Bell's face formed a mosaic of suffering, his cheekbone wearing a palette of colors reminiscent of a dark and brooding sunset. The bridge of his nose bore the shadowy imprint of a forceful impact.

However, once Alice began to peel her coat off, the extent of the village children's savagery was revealed. Every inch of her delicate frame bore the marks of the relentless onslaught. Bruises painted her porcelain skin now had a plethora of hues, ranging from angry reds to deep purples.

Yet, it wasn't just the physical wounds that struck the room into silence. As the fabric of her coat cascaded down, the air grew heavy with a collective gasp. Alice's once long white hair hung in uneven clumps. The once-lustrous strands of her long, flowing hair, which had been a connection to her mother, were now reduced to uneven clumps, starkly contrasting against the once-pristine white. The room froze in a moment of collective horror as the remnants of her hair framed her face. The uneven lengths were a stark contrast to locks that once reached down her shoulders.

The atmosphere in the room shifted again, now charged with a different kind of anger. A simmering fury permeated the air. Alfia's rage, already running rampant, began to burn even hotter at the sight of her niece's mutilated hair.

“I see… I will give you both a potion. That will take care of the physical injuries. Alice, sweetie, I will fix your hair once you and Bell take a bath. I will make sure that it is just as pretty as it was when it was long. Now Alice go take a bath first. Bell you can go and rest in your room. I will get you once Alice is one. I will fix Alice’s hair after her bath.” Hera responded her tone compassionate as she hands Alice and Bell Healing potions.

“Okay, Grandma.” The twins reply as the drank the potions and left do as instructed. Taking the potions, they sip the liquid, feeling its magic work to mend their wounds.

Alice, her mind still replaying the confrontation, headed to the bath to clean up. The creak of floorboards and the rustle of fabric blend into the comforting backdrop of their shared history.

The bathroom, with its pale tiles and a mirror that has witnessed countless moments, invites Alice to wash away the remnants of the day. The bathwater, warm against her skin, becomes a sanctuary where she seeks to cleanse not only her body but also the lingering echoes of the village's narrow judgments.

Meanwhile, Bell finds his way to his room. The bed, with its familiar quilt, offers a place to rest and reflect. His thoughts linger on the events that unfolded, the clash of emotions and his own powerlessness

In the bathroom, Alice immerses herself in the soothing water, her thoughts a tempest of conflicting emotions. The confrontation, the pain inflicted on Aki, the fight—it's all etched into her memory. The water, once clear, now mirrors the turbulence within her.

As the twins prepare to address the physical and emotional toll of the day, they fioubnd solace in the routine care offered by Hera. The healing potions, the bath, and the promise of a familiar hairstyle become anchors in the storm of emotions.

Back in the living room:

None of the adults managed to get enough control over their emotions to speak yet. The air hangs heavy with tension, the aftermath of the encounter outside still resonating within the walls of Hera's home. The first one to finally find her voice is Hera. Her usually composed demeanor is shattered, revealing the depth of her RAGE over the treatment of her grandchildren. Her eyes, usually warm with love, now blaze with a barely suppressed rage that sends shivers through the room. The very atmosphere seems to convulse in response to the Goddess's fury.

"Alfia, discipline those f*ckING welps. Make sure they never even think of hurting Bell or Alice again," Hera orders. Her voice, once a comforting melody, now took on a low, commanding growl, carrying the undertones of a power that demanded respect. The room, once a haven of Hera’s love for her grandchildren, now vibrates with the weight of the Goddess's fury.

The air crackled with a palpable tension, a symphony of static echoing Hera's displeasure. Every molecule seemed to hum in discord, aligning itself with the unsettling cadence of the Goddess's anger. Even the subdued lighting, once a soft embrace, now flickered in response, casting erratic shadows that danced along the walls as if bowing to the force of Hera's emotions.

The furniture seemed to creak under the weight of the atmosphere, and the very floorboards groaned in acknowledgment of the celestial force present. The air, thick with Hera's unspoken power, vibrated with an intensity that left no doubt—the Goddess was not to be trifled with. The echoes of Hera's command lingered, an invisible imprint etched into the very fabric of the home.

"UHMP. This is one of the few times I will actually listen to you," Alfia responded calmly, her voice cutting through the charged atmosphere like a knife through silk

Overhead, the flickering light cast shadows that played upon Alfia's face, accentuating the rage etched on her features. Her eyes, pools of molten intensity, betrayed a storm of emotions within. Each step she took echoed through the room. The tension hung in the air like a heavy perfume, a potent co*cktail of anticipation and danger of what was to come for those that crossed her.

Back in the living room:

None of the adults managed to speak yet, emotions too raw. The air hung heavy with tension from the encounter outside, resonating within Hera's home. Hera, the first to find her voice, shattered her composed demeanor, revealing her rage over her grandchildren's treatment. Her warm eyes blazed with barely suppressed anger, sending shivers through the room.

"Alfia, discipline those f*ckING welps. Make sure they never hurt Bell or Alice again," Hera ordered, her once comforting voice now a commanding growl, carrying undertones of power, as her divinity was about to snap out. The room, once filled with Hera’s love, now vibrated with her fury.

Tension crackled, echoing Hera's displeasure. Every molecule seemed to hum discordantly, aligning with the unsettling cadence of her anger. Subdued lighting flickered erratically, casting shadows that danced along the walls in response to Hera's emotions.

Furniture creaked, floorboards groaned, acknowledging the celestial force present. The air, thick with Hera's power, vibrated intensely, leaving no doubt—the Goddess was not to be trifled with. Her command echoed, an invisible imprint on the home's fabric.

"This is one of the few times I'll listen to you," Alfia responded calmly, her voice cutting through the charged atmosphere. Tension pulsed, the air crackling with an unspoken threat of both the goddess and the enraged Maiden of Slience.

Overhead, the flickering light cast shadows that played upon Alfia's face, accentuating the rage etched on her features. Her eyes, pools of molten intensity, betrayed a storm of emotions within. Each step she took echoed through the room, amplifying the gravity of the moment. The tension hung in the air like a heavy perfume, a potent co*cktail of anticipation and danger of what was to come for those that crossed her.

Chapter 13: Guided By Elders


So This is going to be a brief transition chapter. I will be plan to edit and re-work some of the story based on some of the feedback I have received.

This chapter WILL get longer after the re-write but for now I want to get to the last chapter of this act/arc before I take a break

This event is really the only thing significant plot-wise that is going to happen this chapter.

Even with the re-write nothing really significant plot wise will really are looking at some bonding time between Auntie and her niece and nephew. As well as a little training. Mostly this will end up being a slice of life chapter.

I picked this status for a reason and lets just says that it will make sense after the next chapter.

Chapter Text

The moon hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the village streets. Since the assault on Bell and Alice by the village children, Alfia's stern discipline silenced the tormentors but did little to thaw the twins' isolation.

Her gaze alone sent shivers down the spines of any malicious onlookers, causing them to flee in terror. Despite Alfia's vigilance, the twins couldn't escape the palpable loneliness. The townspeople, once indifferent, now recoiled from Alfia's presence. Fearful whispers and curious eyes followed them.

In the days that followed, Bell and Alice found themselves more isolated than ever. Even the sanctuary of their shared moments, playing games together, couldn't banish the weight of solitude. Their laughter, once vibrant, had dulled into echoes.

A week after the incident, in their dimly lit room, Bell and Alice prepared for bed. Their steps were slow, as if each movement required extra effort. While Alfia's presence quelled the torment, it deepened their isolation.

The adults, sensing the twins' distress, gathered to deliberate in the living room.

“I don’t see any alternative except leaving the village,” Zues voiced concern, brows furrowed.

Hera nodded “With Alfia and Zald, we can move freely. Asgard should suit the twins well.”

Alfia, simmering with rage, cut in; “I refuse to let the twins stay here any longer. We should leave immediately. Those scum are lucky I didn’t massacre them.”

Zald added, “Asgard will be good, despite its proximity to Dargon Valley.”

The weight of the decision bore down on them as Zues emphasized, “Now we just have to see what Bell and Alice want to do.”

The room fell into a tense silence. Alfia and Zald, attuned to the slightest sounds, turned towards the hallway.

"You can come out now," Alfia's voice sliced through the quiet.

From the hallway emerged Bell and Alice, clad in pajamas, their hands tightly intertwined. Their eyes met those of the adults.

“We want to leave after the Spring Festival,” Bell declared, while Alice nodded.

Zeus raised a brow, a smirk dancing on his lips. Hera sighed, knowing Alfia’s likely reaction.

“Why do you want to wait? That festival is nearly a month away,” Alfia inquired, her gaze unwavering.

“Aki’s coming back. She is our only friend, and we would like to see her again and let her know where we will be,” Bell explained

“She? I take it this Aki person is a girl?” Alfia's eyes narrowed, suspicion casting a shadow over her features as she honed on the name of this unfamiliar female hovering around her nephew.

Hera, interjected her tone calm and soothing. “Alfia, you need to relax. Aki is a wonderful and gentle child. She is also one of the few people that is kind to Bell and Alice.”

"Uhmp. Fine, but I will be meeting this Aki," Alfia declared

Side story Start:

In a distant city, Aki shivered, feeling as though she was being watched by a great predatory monster. Her fur bristled and she let out an involuntary noise


Side Story End

"Aki is our friend, Auntie, please be nice to her," Alice pouts, her eyes wide and pleading,

Alfia, her stern countenance immediately softened, couldn't resist the pull of those pleading eyes. "Fine. I will give her a fair chance,"

With the decision made Zeus was the first to speak: “Well, now that is settled, we can start preparing. We can tell Aki where you two will be. Asgard is a huge city. I am sure her family will make stops there. If I recall, after taking out Orario, it is one of the 10 largest cities on the continent. Should be a lot like Orario. Asgard is also on the northern coast, so you will both be able to visit the ocean. I am sure you will like it.

Alice and Bell, hopeful yet uncertain, exchange glances. Their nod reflects a shared determination, the weight of their decision they had made earlier.

"Lord Zeus. Lady Hera. We wish to receive your falna," Bell speaks, his voice carrying a mixture of formality and respect, something that they almost never did when talking to their grandparents.

“Absolutely not. You are too young,” Alfia's immediate response cut through the charged atmosphere, her protective instinct flaring.

“They are not. They are both 8. That is old enough to receive a falna,” Zeus countered

“Zeus, they are children,” Alfia's objection persisted, a maternal concern etched into her voice.

“Alfia, quiet for a minute. Bell. Alice. Why do you want a falna?” Hera interjected

“I want to protect my twin,” they responded in unison, their eyes locked onto Alfia. Alfia’s expression softened, her resistance yielding to the undeniable determination in their eyes. All the fight has gone but before yielding she issues one last warning:

“If you all go done this path. I will not be letting you rest on your status. I will be training you to be the best. It will be an incredibly harsh path.”

“We understand.” They respond while looking at Alfia, who merely nods and waves at Zeus and Hera

“All right. So be it. So, should we do it like we did in Orario, Hera? Boys in my familia. Girls in yours?” Zeus suggested.

“Yes, I believe that would work. But if you teach Bell anything perverted, I am taking him,” Hera asserted,

"Alright, Bell and Alice, get a seat, turn around. Then take off your shirts. We will give you a falna," Zeus commanded, his voice a blend of authority and warmth.

A new chapter began for Bell and Alice. Zeus and Hera pricked their fingers, the sacred offering of blood marking the beginning of a new chapter for Bell and Alice. The ritual began, the deities inscribing the children’s backs with their blessings.

Bell Cranel


Zeus Familia
Lvl 1
Strength: I-0
Endurance: I-0
Dexterity: I-0
Agility: I-0
Magic: I-0




[Twin’s Bond]

(Godly Explanation: The deep love and devotion to alleviate their twin’s pain has resulted in the manifestation of the following skill. Mutual devotion and love are necessary. Skill will only manifest if one of the twins is capable of bearing the burden to be place on them)

Grants the user the ability to utilize the same skill and abilities as their sibling. If both twins activate the same skills doubles the effectiveness of the skill. Negative effects can be mitigated through this ability.

Alice Cranel


Hera Familia
Lvl 1
Strength: I-0
Endurance: I-0
Dexterity: I-0
Agility: I-0
Magic: I-0




[Twin’s Bond]

(Godly Explanation: The deep love and devotion to alleviate their twin’s pain has resulted in the manifestation of the following skill. Mutual devotion and love are necessary. Skill will only manifest if one of the twins is capable of bearing the burden to be place on them)

Grants the user the ability to utilize the same skill and abilities as their sibling. If both twins activate the same skills doubles the effectiveness of the skill. Negative status effects can be mitigated through this ability.

Several Weeks later

"Ya!" Bell's voice rang out as his sword sliced through the air toward Zald.

"Heya!" Alice's voice joined the fray as her blade arced toward Zald's defenses. Their strikes echoed in the yard, steel meeting steel as they honed their skills against their formidable opponent.

Zald parried their blows effortlessly, his movements fluid and precise. Bell's determination burned bright in his eyes, muscles tensing with each swing, each strike fueled by relentless resolve. Alice matched his intensity, her focus unwavering as she danced with grace and agility.

Observing their progress with a critical eye, Zald offered no mercy, pushing them to their limits and beyond. Though only a few weeks had passed, the twins had taken naturally to learning the sword.

Zald had assumed the instruction of the twins for swordplay, while Alfia took charge of magic studies. Mornings saw the twins practicing with Zald until lunch, then Alfia delved into matters of magic and history.

"We will begin by having you memorize the most common monsters found on the surface. Then we will work on rarer ones. You will memorize their weak points and typical behaviors . That will be your starting point.” Alfia orders

"Yes, Auntie," the twins chime in response.

“Next, you will learn about the history of Genkai. We will start with the present day and work backward until Ancient Times. Finally, should your progress prove adequate, we will move on to having you memorize the Dungeon. You will learn everything that the Zues and Hera familias know. You will learn everything we have to teach you and I will not tolerate any slacking. Do you understand" Alfia says, her tone firm and resolute.

"Yes, Auntie," the twins repeated

"Now, we will begin," Alfia starts her lecture on the topics at hand.

Thus began Bell and Alice’s instruction by Zald and Alfia. Under the watchful eyes of their mentors, the twins took the first step on their journey.

Chapter 14: Encroaching Darkness


Minor updater and one scene added at the end.

Warning Mature Story: The following chapter is intended for mature audiences ONLY. Do not proceed beyond the warning mid-chapter. Summary will be provided next Chapter.

It needs a proper aftermath chapter which I will write after my hiatus. There will also be a status update in the next chapter.

So this was my first attempt at writing an M scene. Please let me know how I did either in a review or DM. Let me know if you think I went too far or if I didn't go far enough for an M rating. As a warning I have gone more towards the explicit scene depiction in this case. I am still developing as a writer so constructive feedback helps.

There will be a warning mid-chapter is when things get serious. Once the Aftermath scene is completed you will understand what happened without having to read the mature scene. I tried to think of the best way to write the scene without being gratuitous .

So obviously I haven't taken any part of my hiatus for rewriting or planning yet. So my hiatus will start now. Need to recharge the imagination. Given the time of this chapter upload, mid-to-late January will be the likely time frame for the revised story.

During that time, I will work on editing and planning the next few chapters of this story. I have lots of ideas, but the planning will be key to pulling it off. So, I need to hammer down the sequence of events to make it work.

Also please feel free to DM me if you have any questions.

After the hiatus expect the following:

Revised Chapters (cleaned up and more streamlined)

Content revisions based on criticism if appropriate.

DISCLAIMER: Danmachi belongs to its respective owners. Everything that occurs in this fanmade story is of my own creation and the characters abide by the fictional laws in the setting.

Alright so with all of that out of the way Let's get this story started.

Chapter Text

A week before the Spring Festival

Aki and her family finally returned to the Cranel's farm. As they approached, a tapestry of greens and golds blossomed the warm embrace of the sun. Aki felt a flutter of excitement as she saw the Cranel farmhouse in the distance. As the wagon rolled to a stop, Aki leapt down, and took off running towards the house. Having heard a wagon stop, Bell and Alice dashed from the house.

Aki, not one to hold back, charged forward. She collided with Bell, their laughter intermingling with the rustle of leaves as they somehow managed to maintain their balance.

"AKI!!!" Alice's cry cut through the air as she sprinted towards her friend. In her enthusiasm, Alice crashed into the duo, sending them all tumbling into a heap.

They landed in a tangle of limbs, with Alice still hugging Aki tightly. Laughter bubbled among the children.

"Hey Aki!" Bell chuckled, as Aki squirmed within Alice's grasp, surprised but not displeased by the unexpected embrace. The laughter continued, echoing across the farmstead.

Alice added, "You made it just in time. The preparations for the festival are in full swing."

Aki, caught in the embrace of friend, couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah. How are you?" Alice chimed in, her eyes sparkling

"I'm fine! Well, maybe a little tired. How have you guys been doing?" Aki questioned, finally extricating herself from Alice's embrace. Alice, though still seemed practically happy as she continued t, bounce up and down with enthusiasm.

"I'm good! I think Alice is better now," Bell stated

"Yes! I'm great. The worst is in the past! It's all uphill from here now that our friend is here!" Alice beamed, her joy evident. And now we can introduce you to our Auntie and Uncle."

As the trio disentangled themselves from their impromptu pile, they led Aki and her parents toward the heart of the homestead.

"Bell. Alice. Who is this girl?" Alfia walked up behind the trio and stared Aki down. Zald followed right behind her.

"This is our friend Aki, Auntie Alfia,” Alice chimed in. “And the big man is Uncle Zald, Aki.”

“GIANT,” Aki thought as she had to crane her neck to look up at Zald’s face. When Aki looked at Alfia, all of her fur stood on end and her instincts kicked in. “MEOW. Danger.”

“It is nice to meet you, Aki. I am Alfia,” Alfia responded, her gaze scrutinizing on Aki

“Meow. It is nice to meet you, Ms. Alfia, and Mr. Zald,” Aki replied as politely as she could, her voice betraying a subtle stiffness.

“Hmph. Likewise.” Alfia continued to eye Aki, who couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling that she was being measured, assessed for something she couldn't quite comprehend.

Zald offered a warm smile, his presence a stark contrast to Alfia. "Pleasure to meet you, kid. Just Zald is fine. No need for the Mr.”

Aki nodded, managing a small smile, though her senses remained on high alert. Aki's feline instincts tingled, warning her of Alfia's gaze remained fixed on her.

“Hi Alfia and Zald, I am Aki’s Mother, Yumi. This is my husband, Hiroshi. It is wonderful to meet you. Bell and Alice are wonderful children. Just like Aki,” Yumi responded, her gaze unwavering as she observed Alfia, who continued to eye Aki with intensity. Both Zald and Hiroshi exchanged glances and sighed. The silent battle of the mamas had begun.

“Hmph, of course they are. My sister was a saint,” Alfia declared, pride in obvious in her voice.

“I can believe it, with how wonderful Bell and Alice are. I am sure that they are destined to be best friends, if not more, in the future,” Yumi remarked, her words carrying a subtle challenge.

“Hoho, and what makes…” Alfia began, but her words were abruptly cut off by Juno (Hera)'s voice calling from the porch: “Alfia. Zald. Bring Aki and her parents in already.”

“Hmph. Fine,” Alfia relented, her gaze lingering on Aki for a moment longer before turning to lead the way.

The group was ushered into the Cranel household. The air inside was infused with the aroma of a home-cooked meal and the soft glow of lantern light. Aki couldn’t shake the tension that lingered from the initial encounter, but the warmth of Juno(Hera)'s voice and the inviting atmosphere began to ease the unease.

As they crossed the threshold, the silent battle of the mamas, fought with subtle glances and unspoken words, retreated to the background. Neither one of the mammas wanted to be the one to ruin the children’s happiness. So, they merely took to eyeing each other. Much to the amusem*nt and exasperation of all the other adults present. In its place, the prospect of shared moments and the promise of the Spring Festival unfolded—a celebration that, for Aki and her family, held the potential to become a new chapter in their lives.

Spring Festival Day 1:

A joyous and happy Spring Festival had begun in the village. It was a three-day celebration heralding the rebirth of the earth. The opening of the festival transformed the main village square into a lively spectacle, buzzing with anticipation and excitement. Lanterns adorned with vibrant colors swayed gently in the breeze, casting a warm glow over the festivities. The air buzzed with laughter, music, and the delightful aroma of festival treats.

Alice, Aki, and Bell reveled in the festivities, weaving through the lively crowd. Though most of the villagers ignored them there were still a few that reached out to the trio. The trio tried their luck at various games, their laughter blending with the melodies played by traveling musicians.

Amid the Spring Festival's, Elena approached Alice, Aki, and Bell with a twinkle in her eyes and a basket of candied apples cradled in her hands. The scent of warm sugar and cinnamon wafted through the air, enveloping the trio in a delightful embrace.

"Here, little ones. A gift for each of you. Since Bell doesn’t like sweets, I made him a tart candied apple. A special family recipe." Elena said, her voice carrying a playfulness. She handed each of them a candied apple, the glossy sheen of the sugar coating reflecting the flickering lights around them.

Alice, always appreciative of sweets responded, “Thank you, Elena! These look amazing."

Aki’s eyes sparkled with gratitude as she cradled the sweet treat in her hands “Thank you, ma’am."

Bell, grinned as he thanked Elena; "Thanks a bunch, Miss Elena!"

Elena's eyes twinkled with affection as she witnessed the joy her simple gift had elicited. "Enjoy, little ones.”

The trio wasted no time in savoring their treats. Their laughter bubbled up between mouthfuls as they shared the experience.

As the trio enjoyed the candied apples, Elena, watching from a distance, couldn't help but smile. Around them, the festival continued in full swing.

Meanwhile, Yumi and Hiroshi tended to their market stall, their offerings a delightful array of unique crafts from far and wide. The stall became a haven for festivalgoers seeking treasures from afar to commemorate the occasion. Hiroshi's exotic goods drew curious onlookers, turning their stall into a bustling hub of activity.

As day turned into night, the festival transformed the village square into a magical realm. The children, their faces adorned with smiles, found themselves drawn to the heart of the celebration—the central square adorned with colorful banners and flickering lanterns. In this space, the trio joined hands, their laughter blending with the music that filled the air.

As the night deepened, Aki, Alice, and Bell, caught in the rhythm of the music, found themselves drawn into a lively dance, their laughter blending with the melody.

The music, a celebration of life and the promise of the approaching season, enveloped them. Aki's lithe movements mirrored the grace of the surrounding trees, and Alice twirled with an infectious enthusiasm. Bell, hesitating yet eager, stood on the sidelines, his gaze shyly fixed on Aki.

"Uh, hey, Aki," Bell mumbled, nervously scratching the back of his head. "You, uh, want to dance?"

Aki, her cheeks flushing with a delicate shade of pink, glanced up from the dance floor. "Oh, um, sure, Bell. I'd love to."

The duo shared an awkward yet endearing moment before joining the dance. As the first notes of the new song swirled around them, Bell, still blushing, tentatively placed his hand in Aki's, and they began to move in harmony. Aki's smile, though shy, held a warmth of happiness.

Alice, noticing the exchange, couldn't help but grin. "Come on, you two! Me next!"

After Bell and Aki finished their dance, Alice seamlessly stepped in, her enthusiasm infectious. She took Aki's hand, twirling her friend in a burst of energy, their laughter echoing in the night. As the music continued, Alice, with a playful glint in her eye, turned to Bell.

"Your turn, Bell! Let's show them how it's done!"

Bell hesitated only for a moment before joining Alice on the makeshift dance floor. The air buzzed with the melodies of the celebration, intertwining with the echoes of laughter and the gentle hum of the crowd. As the final notes of the music faded into the night, the trio, their spirits lifted by the shared dance, made their way towards the outskirts of the village. The night, alive with the echoes of the festival, embraced them as they headed home to the Cranel farm.

Reaching the wagon, they clambered aboard. The clip-clop of the horse's hooves became a lullaby, and the trio, nestled comfortably, felt the fatigue of the day settling in. Underneath the stary night sky, they drifted into a peaceful slumber, carrying the echoes of the Spring Festival into the realm of sleep.

As the wagon rumbled along the familiar path towards the Cranel farm, Hiroshi and Yumi sat side by side, gazing fondly at the trio of sleeping children curled up together. A soft smile played on Hiroshi's lips as he looked at the children, their faces reflecting the innocent joy of the Spring Festival.

"They look so peaceful, don't they?" Hiroshi remarked and Yumi merely nodded, her heart swelling with affection as she watched over the children.

The wagon rolled through the farm gates, drawing the attention of residents. As Hiroshi guided the wagon to a gentle stop, the farmstead residents approached. Alfia, her stern demeanor softening the moment as she looked at her niece and nephew, spoke first. "Looks like the festival treated them well."

Zald, towering beside Alfia, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. They seem to have had quite the time."

Juno(Hera) and Jose(Zeus), watched the scene with affectionate smiles. They exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the beauty of the familial bonds that had blossomed among the children.

Hiroshi and Yumi exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. As they stepped down from the wagon, Juno(Hera) couldn't help but tease, "A bit too much festival spirit, perhaps?"

Yumi chuckled, "Maybe, but these moments are precious. It's heartening to see them so close."

Juno(Hera) responded as a faint smile tugged at her lips. "Family, in all its forms, is a treasure."

Together, the group approached the sleeping trio. Aki, Alice, and Bell lay nestled together, their peaceful slumber a testament to the shared joys of the festival.

Zald rumbled a deep chuckle. "Looks like they've made themselves quite comfortable."

The adults stood together in a moment of quiet admiration before bringing the children back to the house as the shadows continued to deepen.

Flashback (1 month prior to the Spring Festival)

In the chamber draped in shadows, the members of Evilus, had gathered to discuss the recent discovery of the elusive Zald and Alfia. The air hummed with an unsettling tension as the members exchanged glances, their faces obscured by hooded cloaks.

A figure in dark robes stepped forward, the hood casting a veil over their features. "So you finally tracked down Zald and Alfia, right?"

A cold, calculating voice responded, "Yeap. We found them hiding in a village to the north."

The room seemed to inhale sharply, absorbing the gravity of the revelation. The elimination of Zald and Alfia, a pair known for their formidable skills, was a crucial piece in Evilus's grand design. The removal of these two obstacles was necessary to ensure their eventual success. The air pulsed with an eerie silence as the members contemplated the significance of this discovery.

The figure in the dark robes raised a hand, casting a subtle signal. "Tell us the details. We need to assess the situation and plan accordingly."

A shadowy figure stepped forward, handing over a parchment containing the gathered intelligence. As the details were disseminated among the members, the room echoed with the hushed whispers of their wicked intentions.

The leader of this Evilus syndicate leaned back in their imposing seat, fingers steepled in contemplation. "Zald and Alfia have the potential to be thorns in our side if they return to Orario. It's best that we eliminate them before that happens.”

Nods of agreement rippled through the assembly. Plans were set into motion, strategies devised, and the darkness of Evilus began coil tighter around the village to the north. In the chamber, the dialogue continued as the plans of Evilus unfolded.

"Good, was there anyone else with them?" the leader inquired, their tone laced with anticipation.

"Hehe. We found them along with Zeus and Hera, who were looking after two brats," the informant revealed with a chuckle.

"EVEN better. We can get rid of those two meddlesome do-gooder gods. Then sell the brats and villagers as slaves. Three birds, one stone," another member chimed in, their words dripping with avarice

"Now we just need to gather enough people for the job. With the injuries Zald and Alfia suffered from the Great Quests, they are weakened from their height," a strategic mind mused.

"True, but we need to make sure we have enough people to overwhelm them. Even weakened, they still stand at the peak of level 7," a cautious voice added

"Beh. If that was true, then you really think Zeus and Hera would have fled Orario? They abandoned everything that they had spent the last 1,000 years building. They fled in the dead of night to try and escape. That only makes sense if their remaining children were weaker than Loki or Freya. Or do you really think they gave it all up for two brats? Or that Zald and Alfia would have run away during THAT incident?" a skeptical member challenged, injecting a dose of doubt into the room.

"I guess you're right. Giving everything up for two children is a stretch," conceded another, acknowledging the logic in the argument.

"Right. So Zald and Alfia have to be weakened to the point that Loki or Freya could have overpowered them," the strategic mind reiterated, solidifying the rationale behind their plan.

"Now let's gather up two or three of the nearby Familias and bandits in the area. Plus, we bring in a few of the high levels that have been in Orario for a while," the leader commanded, setting the plan into motion.

"Right. We can't let this chance escape," another member agreed, their voices intertwining with the growing darkness that cloaked Evilus's nefarious intentions.

As the assembly continued their discussion, the dark plans of Evilus gained momentum. The chamber resonated with the murmur of plotting as the members eagerly formulated strategies to bring their plots to fruition.

"Divide our forces strategically. We'll strike when they least expect it," the leader commanded “We should focus the bulk of the forces on Zald and Alfia. The villagers can be dealt with easily.”

A shrouded figure stepped forward, "We have contacts in the surrounding areas. I'll reach out to them, ensure their cooperation. We can't afford any surprises."

Nods of agreement swept through the assembly, the shared determination binding them tighter in their wicked cause. The prospect of overwhelming the weakened Zald and Alfia, and subduing the gods, fueled their appetite for destruction.

The skeptic from earlier, still harboring doubt, raised a cautionary point. "What if there are others who come to their aid? We should be prepared for unexpected reinforcements."

The leader, acknowledging the concern, responded, "Send out scouts to monitor the area. We can't afford to underestimate our enemies. If there's interference, we crush it mercilessly."

The room descended into a haze of whispered conversations and tactical discussions. Evilus, driven by the thirst for power, plotted the downfall of what they thought were the former mighty heroes Zald and Alfia. The stage was set for a clash of darkness and light, where the outcome would alter the fate of all involved.

Spring Festival Day 2:

The village square, bathed in the midday sun, pulsed with an energy. The Spring Festival had woven its magic into every nook and cranny of the lively gathering, transforming the mundane into a tapestry of vibrant celebration.

Market stalls, adorned with fluttering banners and tapestries that seemed to dance in the breeze, displayed an array of goods from far and wide. Merchants, their faces alight with the spirit of festivity, called out to passersby, enticing them with tales of the origins of their wares.

Aki, Alice, and Bell wandered through the bustling square, their senses alive with the sights and sounds of the festival. The air was a symphony of laughter and music, punctuated by the enticing aroma of street food that wafted from every corner. Colorful masks adorned the faces of festival-goers, adding an air of mystery to the lively scene.

At the heart of the square, a makeshift stage had been erected, and performers regaled the crowd with tales of ancient myths and legends. The storytellers' voices, rich with emotion, wove a narrative that captivated the audience, transporting them to realms of wonder and fantasy.

Nearby, a group of dancers twirled and spun, their movements synchronized with the lively melodies played by musicians in the background. The vibrant hues of their costumes created a kaleidoscope of colors that mesmerized onlookers, inviting them to join the rhythmic dance that pulsed through the square.

Market-goers gathered around a fortune teller's tent, eager to catch a glimpse of what fate held in store for them. The mysterious seer, cloaked in layers of ethereal fabric, peered into the future with an intensity that left those who sought her insights both captivated and intrigued.

As the day unfolded, the village square became a canvas painted with the joy of shared experiences. Families gathered for picnics on the lush green grass, children's laughter harmonizing with the lively tunes that echoed from the stage.

Yumi and Hiroshi's stall, nestled among the vibrant displays, drew curious visitors with its exotic treasures. Yumi, her eyes sparkling with warmth, engaged with customers, weaving tales of the inspiration behind each trinket . Hiroshi, with a steady hand, demonstrated his knowledge of the product, beautifully describing each product as an intricate work of art.

In the midst of the festivities, a sense of unity blossomed. Villagers, visitors, and the trio of friends from the Cranel farm became threads in the intricate tapestry of the Spring Festival. The atmosphere, charged with the spirit of renewal and celebration. Until a shrill cry shattered the festive mode:


The exclamation echoed sending a shiver down the spines of the assembled crowd. Before the word had fully registered, the village square erupted into chaos.

Warning Mature Story: The remainder of the chapter is intended for mature audiences ONLY. Do not proceed beyond this warning if you are squeamish.

Cranel Farm

In the morning sun, Zeus, Hera, Zald, and Alfia found a moment of respite. Laughter and banter filled the air as everyone exchanged playful jests.

"I tell you Zald. Bell already has the start of harem” Zues grinned, clapping Zald on the back,

Zald, just sighed at his god’s usual nonsense “Seriously, Bell is 8.”

Hera scowled at her lecher of a husband, as she responded "Fool. While Aki is a lovely young girl, they are still much too young for that. I will not have your pervertedness corrupting my adorable grandson.”

Alfia interrupted next with an indignant screech. "Zeus! Don't you dare corrupt my precious nephew with your nonsense. He's still a child!"

Zeus raised his hands in mock surrender. "But Alfia. A harem is a man’s dreams. Something that…”

"Gospel," Alfia uttered

A surge of magical energy unleashed its force and propelled Zeus backward until he crashed through the wall, leaving behind shattered boards and debris strewn across the room.

Zald, watching the spectacle unfold, sighed audibly. "Well, I guess I'll be fixing the wall before the kids get home."

"Keep your perverted jests away from Bell," Alfia warned, her eyes flashing with fury.

As the banter continued, Alfia and Zald’s senses suddenly picked upon the noises outside. They stiffened; their gaze darted toward the outskirts of the farm.

"Trouble” Alfia declared "Zeus, Hera, stay inside the house. We'll handle this."

Hera, her earlier amusem*nt replaced by concern, nodded "Be careful, both of you.”

Zeus merely nodded, "Not that you two need it but Good Luck.”

As Zeus and Hera retreated into the protective confines of the house, Alfia and Zald walked outside. Zald's voice cut through the air:

"Alright, you maggots can show yourself. We know that you are there."

The previously concealed bandits started to pick themselves up off the ground. More than 200 strong, their presence sprawled across the farm in all directions

Alfia, her gaze unwavering, surveyed the supposedly overwhelming force before them. "Uhmp. That's a lot of soon-to-be corpses," she drawled, her tone laced with a chilling confidence as she glared at the horde.

Zald, beside her, couldn't help but express his disgust. "Good grief. Do they really think they can overwhelm us with numbers?"

A sickly pale man, the apparent leader, stepped forward from the bandit ranks, a grin etched across his face. "MUAHA. Yes, we know that you all are weakened after the Great Quests."

Zald scoffed "You think that is enough to let a bunch of petty thugs like you beat us?"

The pale man chuckled "No, but we have several elite members that have been spending time in Orario since your familias fell. They have grown quite nicely."

As he spoke, half a dozen figures emerged from the bandit ranks, their presence marked by sneers directed at Zald and Alfia.

"And besides," the pale man continued with a twisted satisfaction, "we all heard the story of how the great and mighty Zald and Alfia RAN AWAY when—"

Before the pale man could continue, Zald and Alfia's eyes narrowed into slits, their bodies tensing with anger. In the next instant, they lunged forward.


Alfia's foot had slammed into the man's head, followed by a revolting squelch that echoed across the field as the surrounding bandits were covered in a shower of red. As the bandits came to the realization of what had just happened their faces contorted in shock and horror. The nauseating scent of freshly spilt blood began to permeate the air.


Zald's massive form surged forward with ferocious speed, a blur of muscle and steel as he closed in on the so-called 'elite' members of the bandit gang. With one swift, powerful motion, his greatsword cleaved through the air, slicing through flesh and bone as if it were paper.

The half dozen ‘elite’ members, who had been boasted of as the pinnacle of the bandits' force, were cleaved in half, their bodies adding their blood to the landscape. The surrounding bandits drenched in the warm liquid as their faces contorted in shock and horror.

"HAH! Is that all you have? Your elite group was nothing but weaklings, barely at level 6 or 5," Zald taunted, his deep voice bellowing with barely suppressed anger that shook the very ground they stood on.

The bandits, now stripped of their illusion of strength, stared in disbelief at the wreckage of their 'elite' members and their leader. The fountaining blood mingled with the red mist from Alfia's earlier kick.

"WHICH ONE OF YOU f*ckING VERMIN IS NEXT?" Alfia's voice, a deadly mix of rage and authority, echoed through the farm

In that moment, the bandits froze, a collective shiver running down their spines as they faced the impending wrath of the Maiden of Silence and Predator. Time hung suspended, a fleeting moment that would decide their fate. Then, with a ferocity that left no room for mercy, Alfia and Zald unleashed their power upon the bandits.



A bloody massacre.



The clash was an onslaught of deadly precision that left no room for the bandits to retaliate. Alfia's fist and feet danced, each strike crushed skulls, caved in chests, and shattered limbs. Every strike painted the landscape into a deeper crimson. Zald, wielding his greatsword, cleaved through the Evilus member before they even knew they had been struck only realizing it as they fell apart in Zald’s wake.

The bandits and Evilus members, overwhelmed by the unstoppable force before them, fell one by one. Even those that tried to run were hunted down and slaughtered. In a mere five minutes, the once formidable force of over 200 was decimated. The farm, once marred by the chaos of battle, now stood silent and desolate.

Alfia and Zald, surveying the aftermath of their fight, looked up to see great plumes of smoke rising from the heart of the village. The plumes of smoke grew larger, billowing into the sky. Alfia's and Zald's minds raced, fueled by a mixture of concern for their niece and nephew. Their gazes met, a silent understanding passing between them, and without a word, they took off towards the source of the disturbance.

Village Outskirts opposite the direction of the Cranel Farm (Aki, Alice, And Bell POV) Simultaneously as the Cranel Farm

The festive air hung heavy with the scent of freshly baked bread and the joyous laughter of villagers, the sun casting a warm golden glow over the gathering. Until shrill cry shattered the tranquility

"Bandits!" The exclamation echoed, bouncing off the surrounding hills and sending a shiver down the spines of the assembled crowd.

A plume of dust materialized on the horizon, a haze against the glaring sun. It grew rapidly, accompanied by a distant rumble that escalated into thunderous drumming as it marched closer. The once-celebratory atmosphere dissipated.

The festival ground, once a vibrant tapestry of colors and movement, now froze in place. A stunned hush swept through the crowd, leaving behind only the uneasy rustle of fabric and the anxious whispers of those trying to comprehend the sudden shift in fortune. Children clung to their parents, eyes wide with a mixture of fear and confusion, mirroring the adults who exchanged worried glances.

"VILAGERS TO ARMS!" bellowed a grizzled villager, his voice cutting through the silence like a clarion call to action. Instantly, a line of men surged forward, abandoning the festivities, and shouldering makeshift weapons – pitchforks, axes, and bows hastily gathered from the village outskirts. The rhythmic pounding of their footsteps matched the pounding in the chests of the onlookers.

The women, faces etched with fear, herded the children towards the sturdy meeting hall at the edge of the village. Panic danced in their eyes as they rushed to the hall's heavy stone construction hoping it would sanctuary for those that couldn’t fight.

As the men raced towards the edge of the village, a cloud of dust enveloped them.Fear and determination warred within each villager, the gravity of the situation etched on furrowed brows and clenched jaws. The unsaid words passed between them, a shared acknowledgment of the threat that loomed beyond the village gates.

"For the village!" erupted a fervent cry amidst the collective fervor, a rallying call that reverberated through the square. The resounding shout, a prelude to an impending storm, was met with a chorus of supportive cries from the assembled men, their voices merging into a shout that echoed between the buildings.

As the declaration hung in the air, a foreboding cloud materialized on the distant horizon, as the ground beneath them trembled subtly, a premonition of the approaching horde

Eyes fixated on the advancing cloud of dust, the villagers stood in collective vigilance, weapons poised. The thunderous beat of hooves intensified. Tension thickened the air, and the first whimpers of frightened children mingled with the muted sobs of mothers.

At the edge of the village, line of determined men formed a human barricade. Their faces, etched with grim determination, betrayed the gravity of the impending confrontation. The bandits, a silhouette outside the bow range, halted causing an uneasiness to settle over the villagers. Anxiety coursed through the villagers, amplifying the unease, until the dreaded word resounded, chilling the very air they breathed:


"GET DOW--" The words were drowned out by the deafening roar of the magical blaze.

In an instant, the villagers were consumed by an inferno of magical fire. The flames danced and devoured everything in their path. The screams of helpless villagers were swallowed by the searing heat and crackling destruction.

Chunks of burning wood, once part of sturdy village homes, soared through the air, leaving trails of destruction in their wake. The flames that now engulfed the buildings roared ferociously, casting an eerie glow that danced on the faces of villagers, no longer recognizable as individuals but as charred remnants of humanity strewn across the streets.

Panic erupted among the survivors, a palpable wave of terror swept through the disarrayed crowd. The realization dawned on them that conventional weapons were useless against the bandits, who possessed a falna and magic. Desperation fueled their flight, scattering them in all directions like frightened animals, their homes turned into a nightmarish battleground.

The thick and acrid smoke hung in the air. Fires now started leaping from building to building, devouring everything in their path. The crackling of flames joined the sound of the villagers of screams. The streets became a graveyard of twisted debris, burnt ruins, and smoldering corpses as smoke billowed into the sky, carrying with it the bitter stench of burning flesh and hair.

The bandits watched with grins as the village burned. They had come for the loot and the women, but now they reveled in the destruction they had wrought. Amid the pandemonium, the fallen bodies of villagers became obstacles in the race for survival. Some struggled to flee as they tripped over the burning corpses of friends and family.

The bandits charged relentlessly into the chaos. The villagers, once defiant, now cowered in fear, begging for mercy. But the bandits showed them no mercy and laughed at their pleas. Those attempting to flee were cut down or captured, their anguished cries joining the laughter of the bandits. As the invaders poured in from the sides, the village became ensnared in a deadly pincer movement, the once-thriving settlement now a hellish landscape. The bandits laughed as they set fire to houses and barns, watching as the flames consumed everything in their path.

Amid the deafening chaos, a mother's panicked wails pierced the air as she collapsed to her knees beside her slain child. Tears flowed freely from her eyes, quickly absorbed by the ever-growing ocean of blood. The air around her rippled with flames as villagers streamed past in desperation, barely noticing their grief-stricken neighbor. A group of bandits seeing that the woman not trying run away, fell upon her, and dragged her to one of the alleys in the village.

As the battle raged on, Aki, Bell and Alice huddled together beneath an overturned market stall, clinging tightly to each other. Hearts raced and breaths came in shaky, ragged gasps as the smell of death, burning flesh, and smoke permeated their senses. They had been walking around the village outskirts when they heard the cries about incoming bandits. They hadn't been able to find either Yumi or Hiroshi before all the chaos started.

Aki looked from Bell to Alice and back to Bell, her own tears welling up. "Wh...what's going on?" she whispered, her voice hoarse and filled with terror.

Before either of the twins could answer, a sudden harsh voice split the air as though it were the crack of a whip. "Don't move!" The children's blood froze at the sound, each of them holding their breath as a man's face appeared a mere inch from their faces. As his stinking breath washed over them, the children could only stare blankly man whose presence promised violence.

"Well, what have we here?" he sneered. He grasped Aki's arm so tightly; she felt her bones creak. Before any of them could react, the man grabbed her and hauled her to her feet. Instantly, hands grasped at Bell and Alice and yanked them upward too.

"What are three kids doing out here? The festival is being held at the village's square and not out here, brats," the man spat.

"I can't believe you three thought you could actually hide behind these flimsy market stalls," the man in front of them, a burly man with a black cloak and gray armor, remarked.

Aki didn't respond. Instead, she tried to pry his iron grip off her arm with her free hand. However, she didn't get far before a fist slammed into the side of her head. Bright lights flashed and dots danced in her vision as she fell to the ground.

"NEVER RESIST ME, WENCH," the man screamed in rage, as he kicked her. Aki was instantly on her hands and knees as she took a boot to the chest. The blow knocked the wind from her lungs and brought tears to her eyes. She scrambled for breath, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on with Bell and Alice.

"Let me go!" Alice screamed before a heavy fist silenced her.

Aki could hear the crunch of bone as the man’s fist connected with Alice’s chest. Then, from somewhere nearby, she could hear Bell being beaten as he tried to resist the bandits.

Before Aki knew what was happening, the first man picked her up off the ground. She screamed as loudly as she could for help but found herself gasping in pain a moment later as the man hit her.

From her position, Aki could see several of the other men picking up Bell and Alice. Desperate, she reached out and desperately scratched the face of the man holding her.

"Let go of me," she hissed.

Aki's hand raked the skin on the man's face, catching on an eyebrow. He yelped, and instantly swung her around and slammed her back down to the ground, knocking the wind out of her lungs once again as he delivered a swift kick to her ribs.

"Try that again you little bitch ad a beating will be the least of your worries.' the man spat with venom.

"Or, better yet, we'll make those two pay for your stupidity," he promised, jerking a thumb over his shoulder to where Bell and Alice both lay battered and beaten, each being cradled in the arms of a bandit. Aki tried to move once more and was rewarded with a vicious backhand from her captor. Tears sprang from her eyes as blood flew from a gash that appeared across her nose and mouth.

"Now. Be good and we won't hurt you too much. You are now a valuable slave. We can't have you being TOO damaged." the bandit sneers as his fist connects with Aki’s face. Aki can only lay there in shock as the world spins and shifts to darkness.

A dull ache throbbed in Aki’s skull as she started to awaken. They have been moved to the village center along with the rest of the surviving villagers. Bell and Alice are lying next to her in a heap. They had obviously suffered a far worse beating than she had.

Bell appeared to have suffered a far more brutal beating than Aki. Bell’s arm was twisted at an unnatural angle. His face was a canvas of discolored blacks and purple bruises. Where Bell's shirt was open and revealed that the same sickening tapestry was spreading across his chest.

Alice had blood running out her mouth and there were sections of her hair missing. Once of her eyes had swollen shut and there are several dark red hand marks on her face. Aki looked around and felt that she was being cradled by someone. Aki looks up and sees her mother's face looking back at her. Yumi has been badly beaten and one of her ears is missing. Blood matted her hair while bruises peppered her face and body.

"mam..." Aki is about to speak when Yumi cuts her off

"Shh. Aki. not another word. You need to be quiet. Don't speak if you can help it." Yumi orders

The fire still raged away from the village center, blazing through every hut, building, and structure in the village. It left a fiery orange haze floating up into the smoke-filled sky. Aki's breath caught in her throat as the smoke begins to cut through and block out the light of the noon day sun.

"We have a total 36 children, 50 women for slavery or brothels, and 40 men for the mines or the army..." the bandit speaks up. "To be sold when we come to the nearest city. We will need to head south."

Many children are crying for their parents or holding other children in their arms crying. Some were sobbing over the lifeless bodies of their friends. One child had buried her face in her dead mother's chest, and simply cried. Other villagers just sit numbly and stare off into the distance.

"Hey boss, we can have some fun now, right?" one of the bandits calls out.

The bandit leader turns to the man who spoke up;

"Sure," the leader growls. "We got plenty to choose from. Take the cat person. She will do nicely. After everything that you already did to her, she won't be a sellable slave anymore. And that was a valuable product you all damaged. Do you have any idea how much she could have sold for? A beauty like that is a rare find."

The bandit leader glares at the men responsible, who cower under his gaze. The bandits come over and drag Yumi forward.

"Ahh yes, Yumi. I remember that man calling out her name as I ran him through" one of the other bandits speak up.

Yumi struggle against the men, resisting with everything she could. She spat, hissed, and clawed at them. "Bastards! Let go of me! STAY AWAY!! I f*cking kill you." she growled as loudly as she could.

"Now. Now miss. You wouldn't want that. If you don't cooperate, we might have to hurt that little brat of yours. Or cut up one of her little friends." The bandit leader says as he meets Yumi's eyes and then looks at the direction of the only other cat person in the square. Yumi freezes before she gives up her struggle.

"Good Now you that you understand. I don't have to tell what will happen if you try anything, right?" the bandit leader says as he eyes Yumi's daughter and the twins.

Yumi's eyes dart from her daughter and the twins. She couldn't go along with this, but her own child... Maybe. Just maybe, if she cooperated just maybe her child could still make it out alive. She slowly nods and lowers her head.

"Good now strip," the bandit demands as the other bandits around Yumi jeer, catcall, and a few even start to whistle.

She knows that she does not have a choice and she start to take off her clothes. She closes her eyes, and she can hear and feel the presence of every one of the bandits around her. She can smell their arousal. She can hear men breathing heavily. She begins to take her clothing off. Every one of them eyes her up and down. Their leering gazes felt like a black sludge, pouring over her as the bandits began to encircle her.

Switch Perspective to Bell

In order keep control of the children, they had been tied up. Bell and Alice have finally started to regain consciousness.

“Don’t. Stop hurting mama…” Aki cries

Bell blinks his swollen eye and spits out blood as he looks over at Aki first. He was going to ask her if she was okay. But even that simple movement caused excruciating pain and tears to form in his eyes. With a strained voice he manages, "Aki, ugh.. akh you ook.. okay?"

What is really only a moment, felt like an eternity. What could be nothing more than just a blink of an eye feels like an hour of pain. The agony Bell feels coursing through him does not compare to anything they ever felt before. Even the beating they had received from the bullies was nothing compared to this. Bell could only grimace and grunt and breathe heavily. Bell looks at Alice whose bleary eye has started to come into focus.

"Try not to move... its...only... hurts" he gasps between pain.

He didn't need to finish the thought as Alice knew that moving would only hurt her. With great difficulty Alice nodded slowly as she was feeling the worst of the pain. Bell’s eyes look at Aki's and seeing her terror-stricken face then looks around and sees what is going on in the square.

'No..' his face pales at the sight of Yumi being penned in by the bandits. At the sight of what is about to happen a great fury wells up within as he starts to struggle against the bonds ignoring the screaming pain he feels while thinking.

“BASTARDS! I will kill you.”

Switch Perspective to Alice

Alice, though starting to gain her senses has not realized yet that the horrific scene is playing out before them. She shakes violently as her injuries hurt like never before. She spits out some blood. Then Alice slowly turns her neck to look at her companion when pain flares through every nerve as she moves the slightest amount. She looks up and sees where Aki is looking.

Yumi is on her knees, as the bandits are circling her. Alice doesn't notice that she has clenched her fists, the nails digging into her palms, drawing even more of her own blood, as anger wells up within her.

"Bastards..." Alice manages before her stomach churns and she vomits as she is met with the awful sight of the bandits circling Yumi... the horrid smell...and the terrible noises...

'We should...We need to.... something… anything…. We can’t just let this happen… ' Alice tries to think of a way to escape.

Switch to normal POV (Aki and the twins.)

Bell was already struggling against the restraints trying to break free with all his might. Only for one of the bandits to slam his boot into Bell.

"Now. Now. little brat, we can't have that now, can we?" The man says with a cruel smile. "Now be a good little rabbit and be nice and meek."

Bell clamped his teeth together as pain slowly wracked his body, looking around he saw the bandit sneering at Alice.

"Maybe I should make a lesson out of this one." The bandit growled as he stood up and started to reach for Alice.

Bell was overcome with rage, frustration at his helplessness to do anything; lunged at the bandit and sinks his teeth into the bandit’s arm.

"ARRRGHHH f*ck" the bandit screams in pain "CUT IT OUT!! You sh*tty Brat,” the bandit growls as his uses his other had to beat Bell’s face. While the other bandits merely laugh at their friend’s predicament.

Bell refused to release the bandit's arm until the bandit punched Bell in stomach. The bandit jerks his arm free and walks over the Bell, leans down, and growls. "Little sh*tty bastard… I know just what to do to."

The bandit growls as he drags Bell towards the center of the square. Many of the other bandits started jeering.

"OOOOH. We get to see someone disciplined." One of the bandits says gleefully.

What little strength that Alice possessed had now totally left her both from the pain and terror of what she had just gone through. Through she starts crying silently. Several of the other bandits have decided to help administer the lesson to Bell.

"Alright you stupid brat. I hope you are ready for the pain. And the rest of pay close attention to what happens when you get on our bad side." the bandit says.

Even though Bell is scared he refuses to give the bandits the satisfaction of seeing it. He looks at Alice and Aki. That is where his will and strength come. He can’t let the bandits focus on them or Yumi. He glares straight at the bandits.

"SCREW you." Bell snaps at the bandit.

"Hehe. A fighter, those are always the best when they break," The bandit sneers at the defiance Bell shows "don't worry kid, you won't have that attitude once we are done."

Most of the bandits had stopped what they were doing to witness Bell's beating. Alice was gritting her teeth so hard it hurt. She didn't have the strength to do anything.

"Alright. Let’s get this lesson started." Th bandit says as the other three also begin to rain blows down on Bell. He felt the first strike on his stomach making him gasp in pain and collapsing but still defiantly look into the bandits’ eyes.

"Go ahead, brat, glare all you like" the bandits smiles cruelly

The bandits landed kick after vicious kick on Bell, who refuses to make a sound. Blood started to slowly flow from his nose where it was broken, and his ribs started to throb after being kicked repeatedly. Even as Bell battled the pain that was forcing him closer to unconscious, the bandits did not stop. Even when Bell was lying still on the ground with blood starting to pool and other injuries from the previous beating were reopened.

Alice started to sob as her brother was beaten. Her tear-filled eyes could only watch in horror as the brutal beating continued without mercy. Time seemed to stretch on forever as each blow landed with bone-crunching force, leaving Alice feeling sick and helpless. The sound of fists connecting with flesh echoed through the square, accompanied by Bell's pained grunts as he tried to suppress any noise.

The bandits' raucous cheering and jeering directed towards Bell as they taunted him before each strike. Fear had started to take hold in Alice ' NO NO!' She cries mentally as she tries to break free to reach Bell. She grits her teeth as the rope burns and scraps her arms. She As she tries desperately to break free, the rope started to burn her skin.

“WHY CANT I DO ANYTHING!?!?!?!? BELL IS IN DANGER. I AM A USLESS and WORTHLSS Sister. HE ALWAYS PROTECTED ME AND I CAN'T DO ANYTHING. I HATE THIS!!" Alice cries internally. “WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!”

“Bell. Mama. No no, no, no. why, why, why is this happening? Why can’t I have a friend? Why can’t I be happy for once? Why Doesn’t someone save us?” Aki thoughts start to spiral

Meanwhile as Bell is being beaten Yumi has started to plead with the bandits.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE! PLEASE PLEASE..." Yumi wails she almost gets to her feet before one of the bandits kicks her down with a heavy kick to the stomach causing her to cry out in pain.

"Quiet." The bandit leader says.

Bell is motionless on the ground except for the faint and ragged rise and fall of his chest as he tries to breathe. Yumi could see his chest rising and falling faintly, a sign that he was still alive, but barely. The bandits had finally stopped their brutal assault and were now laughing and mocking Bell as he struggled to breathe.

“Come on brat. Where was all hat defiance?” a bandit taunted

“SCREW. You” Bell whispered.

“Ah. There it is looks like you could use more lessons in manners.” The bandit responds

Alice's heart was racing as she watched Bel lying motionless on the ground, his body covered in bruises and blood about to receive a second beating: “Nooooo. Bell…. Please… I don’t… want.. to lose… anymore… family… Auntie… Uncle…please… Someone… anyone… save… Bell…”

The bandits' attention was fixated on Bell, their cheers and jeers drowning out Alice's sobs and Yumi’s pleas as both helplessly watched the beating unfold. Yumi could only tearfully watch the event unfold as she desperately tried to think of something when her eyes locked onto the knife tucked into the bandit leader's belt.

As the bandits have turned away from Yumi sees that one of the bandits has a dagger loose within her reach. Seeing the opportunity Yumi lunges for the dagger. But before she can touch it the bandit leader bats her hand away and seeing the defiance she still has;

"Tch. Bad kitty. Here I was hoping that we could start to have some fun with you but given those defiant eyes of yours, it's not worth the trouble.” With a scornful sneer, the leader unsheathed his sword and thrust it into Yumi's chest. Alice and Aki stood in shock, unable to believe what they had just witnessed.

With a sickening thud, Yumi crumpled to the ground, her body wracked with violent spasms. Aki and Alice's breath caught in their throat as they watched Yumi crumple, her face contorted in pain. Blood gushed from the fatal wound on her chest, staining her clothes and the ground beneath her. With a strangled cry, she collapsed to the ground, her body trembling and spasming in its final moments.

Alice's heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice as she watched her Yumi's life slip away right before her eyes. Alice's heart seemed to freeze in her chest as she watched her friend's lifeless form hit the ground. A wave of shock and horror coursed through her veins, paralyzing her for a moment as she tried to process what had just happened.

' Nononononononnononononono! YUMI!!!!” Alice's heart stopped as she watched Yumi's body crumple to the ground. Tears streamed down her face as her feelings helpless, powerless, and fury mounted against the bandits.

Aki’s brain could process what was happening as she let out a gut-wrenching scream, "NOOOOOOOO! NOOOoooOOO! MOMMMYYYY!"

Yumi fell to the ground and convulsed in agony. She looked directly at her daughter Aki and Alice, mouthing "I love you my little kitten. Take care of her, Alice."

With a final exhale, Yumi's eyes closed and her body stopped moving.

“Miss Yumi. Nooo” Alice sobs

"MOMMMMYYY!" Aki's screams echoed through the air.

"No no! Please get up! Don't leave me!" Aki collapsed into tears.

Aki’s tortured screams have finally drawn Zald and Alfia. They had been working their way in from the outskirts looking for the children. Their eyes quickly scanned the scene before seeing Bell collapsed on the ground and his face contorted with pain. Bell felt a felt a gentle breeze as he felt that he was picked up and in an instant move back to where Alice and Aki are. Bell looks up at the form carrying him:

“Auntie… You made it.” Bell whispers

“I am so sorry, Bell.” Alfia responds, “Auntie will take care everything right now.”

“Uncle..." Alice cried as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Auntie... they... Yumi…they"

"It's alright now kiddos.” Zald reassured her, his voice gentle but firm. "Don't worry about anything. Me and Alfia will take care of these scum."

Alice nodded, clinging to Zald's words as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her.

"Now all of you be good children and close your eyes," Zald instructed, his expression stern but full of concern. "You don't need to see anything else."

Aki sobbed harder at these words, still unable to process the loss of her mother but does as instructed.

"Auntie..." Bell croaked weakly from where he lay on the ground.

"Shh, Bell," said Alfia gently as she gently patted his back "I am going to make all those bad men go away."

Bell was barely conscious at this point, but he managed to nod slightly in response to Alfia's words.

"I... couldn't... do anything," he began, his voice pained and filled with guilt. "Ms.Yumi got...ki.."

"Shh, Bell," interrupted Alfia as she pulled out a small vial from her pocket. "Drink this before you continue."

She tenderly lifted his head and helped him drink the potion, soothing his throat as he swallowed it down.

"Now tell me what happened," she urged him gently once he had finished drinking.

Through gasps and sobs, Bell explained briefly had happened leading up to Yumi's death. His eyes were overflowing with tears as he recounted the details.

The bandits had frozen in shock at the arrival of Zald and Alfia. They were not capable of tracking what Alfia and Zald had done. What they saw was where their friends once stood surrounding Bell were now heaps of red. A friend that had been standing by the captives near Aki and Alice was nowhere to be found. Where their friend once stood was nothing more than a simple red smear that trailed all the way to the opposite side of the square. Alfia is the first to recover.

"Zald, look after them and give me your sword" Alfia says as her face contorts with fury as she growls and Zald merely nods he hands it over. With only a single swing, Alfia has learned the balance of the sword.

“Ataraxia” Alfia chants.

Waves of magical energy cascaded off Alfia, a display of power that twisted the very air itself. It had become charged and crackled like lightning. The atmosphere thickened, becoming oppressive, as if the very fabric of reality strained against the raw might she unleashed. The air vibrated with a silent promise of annihilation.

Rage simmered within Alfia's eyes, as it gnawed at the edges of her composure, threatening to engulf her reason. As Alfia stared down the bandits, their former bravado crumpled as they exchanged furtive glances, seeking a way out of the impending storm. Without warning, Alfia sprang into action.

The blood from the first bandits' wounds sprayed out in fine droplets, painting the ground a deep crimson. With each strike of Alfia's fists, more blood joins the gory scene as blood painted the ground. The coppery scent of blood fills the air as Alfia unleashes her wrath, slicing through the bandits with ease. The sound of flesh being torn, blood spurting, and bones being broken creates a horrifying orchestra that echoes through village square. It's a spectacle, one that would make any normal person shudder in revulsion. However, Alfia has gone well beyond reasonable into unhinged fury.


Alfia's foot connected with the man's head causing it to explode all over the nearby ground. The man can’t even process what Alfia had as the expression on his face right before impact was of confusion as the rest of his body slowly crumbles to the ground. The red puddle on the ground grows larger and larger.

"Oh, who's next?" Alfia says quietly. Her eyes are filled will unbridled rage.

"GOSPEL" Alfia chants

A bandit's body disintegrates as a dark red pool spreads around him, staining the ground and nearby vegetation. Her fist shoots out to instantly crush another man's face. A kick of Alfia's foot shatters the bones of another. Her onslaught leaves the bandits as broken piles scattered across the village square.

Finally, the dust settles and there is nothing left but broken bodies amidst pools and rivers of blood. Alfia's clothes are soaked with blood as well. She takes a few deep breaths before standing up straight, squaring her shoulders and wiping the blood away from her face.

As Alfia slaughtered the bandits, Zald tended to the wounds of the children. He used a potion to take care of their wounds, offering words of comfort and reassurance.

"It's going to be alright," he repeated, gently brushing away stray tears from their cheeks. "We'll take care of everything."

Aki nodded numbly, their minds still reeling from the traumatic events that had just unfolded before them. Neither was able to fully process what they had seen so they merely found solace in Zald's presence, Meanwhile, Bell and Alice continued to watch as Alfia fought on ignoring their Zald previous instructions.

The bandits were no match for her ferocity and skill. Blood splattered on the ground as she landed blow after blow, her hair flying in wild tangles around her face. It was a sight both terrifying and awe-inspiring at the same time.

Finally, all the bandits lay defeated at Alfia's feet. She took a moment to catch her breath before turning her attention back to the children

"You did your best." said Alfia softly as she picks Bell up and cradles him to her chest

"But... I couldn't save Ms. Yumi," Bell whispered despairingly while thinking “If only I was like Auntie than none of this would have happened. I could have protected everyone. Miss Yumi would still be alive.”

Alfia's expression softened as she placed a hand on his back and held him close.

"You did everything you could, Bell. Don't blame yourself." Zald approached them then cradling Alice and Aki to his chest.

The once bustling village now lay in ruins, the aftermath of the ruthless bandit raid. The ground was littered with broken and burnt buildings, and the air was heavy with the stench of death. The majority of the residents were either killed or injured, their homes destroyed beyond repair. Those who survived were left traumatized and unable to stay in the village any longer. In search of safety and solace, they scattered in all directions, each one carrying their own burden of grief and loss.

The once picturesque village now resembled a warzone. The broken and burnt buildings, once full of life and color, now lay in ruins, their roofs collapsed, and their walls charred. The streets were strewn with debris and wreckage, and the corpses of those who were unable to escape the bandit raid.

A village that was once bustling with life and vibrant colors now lay in ruins. Buildings were crumbling and burnt, their roofs collapsed, and walls charred. Debris littered the ground, scattered like shattered fragments of a broken dream. Bodies of slain villagers and bandits alike lay strewn about, their lifeless eyes staring up at the smoke-filled sky.

Bandit Raid (Aftermath)

It took two weeks for Aki to speak to anyone. All she did was curl up in bed and cry. Aki had lost both her parents in the bandit raid, and even worse, she had witnessed her mother's brutal death. The trauma of it all weighed heavily on her young shoulders, and she struggled to come to terms with what had happened.

Aki's eyes were red and swollen with dark circles beneath them, evidence of her sleepless nights spent crying in bed. Her body was curled up in a tight ball under the covers, her arms hugging her knees tightly.

Her usually bright and vibrant eyes were now dull and heavy with tears, her face drained of color and her body curled up in a fetal position on her bed. There were dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep and her hair was tangled and unkempt.

The once vibrant and lively Aki is now a shell of herself, her eyes constantly red and puffy from her tears. She curls up in bed, her body trembling as she uncontrollably sobs into her pillow. Bell and Alice, sat by her side, their faces etched with worry and sadness as they watch their friend suffer.

Bell and Alice were by her side constantly, offering whatever comfort and support they could provide. They knew that words alone could not heal Aki's wounds, but they wanted her to know that she was not alone in this dark time.

They spent their days helping Aki with chores around the house, taking turns cooking meals for each other and doing their best to create a sense of normalcy in their lives. But every night, when they tried to sleep, Aki's sobs would fill the quiet house, a haunting reminder of all that they had lost.

One particular night, Alice found Aki curled up in bed shaking uncontrollably from another nightmare. She gently woke her up and held her tightly until she calmed down.

"Alice..." Aki cried out softly, clinging onto her like a lifeline. "I-I can't stop thinking about… how…my mother died..."

Alice felt a lump form in her throat as she held back tears of her own. She didn't know what words could possibly offer comfort in this situation. Instead, she simply whispered soothing words and stroked Aki's hair until she fell back asleep from exhaustion.

It took another long, grueling week before Aki could muster up the ability to speak with the adults about their journey ahead. She shared her desire to go with Bell and Alice wherever they went. The adults all agreed that this was the best course of action. And so, preparations began in earnest for their journey to the great northern city of Asgard,

On the day of the move, Hera pulls Aki aside and offers her a falna if she wants to join her familia and live with Alice.

"But what about Bell?" Aki asks.

"Bell is part of Zeus's familia," Hera replies.

"I would still like to join your familia as long as I can be with Bell and Alice."

Zues over hearing this responds: "Great, then we're all packed and ready. Now let's head to Asgard, the home of Odin and Frigg."

And so, the journey begins.

Chapter 15: Encroaching Darkness Aftermath


Alright so this is a new chapter it cover the journey to Asgard. It also shows the results of the children's desire.

Chapter Text

On the road to Asgard the children barely speak to any of the adults and merely huddled together as though seeking solace in each other’s presence. The children are huddled together trying to process what has happened to them.

Bell’s Perspective

Damn it, how could I let this happen?

I got a falna and am STILL WEAK. I couldn’t protect anyone.

Neither Alice, Aki, nor Aki’s parents. Why am I so weak?

I need to get stronger. Stronger than anyone. I never want to lose anything again.

I never want anyone to go through what me and Alice have been through.

The pain, the anguish—it's a constant reminder of my own inadequacy.

I never want people to lose their homes to monsters or bandits again.

I need to get stronger. I want to be like Auntie.

Her strength, her resolve. I want to be strong enough to protect the people I care about.

I want to protect people. I want people to look to me with trust and hope.

But how can they when I cannot even protect those closest to me?

  1. That is the wrong way to think about it. I WILL GET STRONGER.

No more whining, no more complaining. I will never let anything be taken from me again.

I hate feeling this regret, so I will get strong enough that I never have to go through this again.

I don’t want to be the one in need of protection.

I failed today. I won’t fail again. I'll train harder.

I won't falter ever again.

I REFUSE to lose anything precious to me ever again.


I won’t let anything get in my way. I will protect Alice and Aki. I have a falna for a reason. I will achieve my goals. I will make sure that no one ever has to suffer the losses like me and Alice. These are not mere words—they are a vow, a promise sworn upon the altar of my own self-loathing.

A falna is a gift from deity to allow a mortal to make their desires manifest. To allow them to achieve their desires. The abilities of those with a falna can surpass even the expectations of the god. If a will is strong enough, it can force the falna to respond to the mortal’s desire.

In that moment, all the anger, fury, and helplessness that Bell harbored, both at himself and the world at large, manifested in the form of two skills, whose existence would shake the very world itself if they were to be made known.

The first skill, a manifestation of raw power. It was the manifestation of all of Bell’s rage, indignation, burning desire to overcome my own weaknesses.

The second skill, a beacon of light amidst the shadows. It whispered of hope, of redemption, of the unwavering resolve to protect those he held dear. An ideal that Bell wished to achieve. It was the embodiment of his determination.

Together, they each complemented the other in a symphony of power and purpose. They were the culmination of Bell’s deepest desires, the realization of his most fervent dream to be a hero and protect those dear to him.

Within the depths of Bell's consciousness, a tempest raged—a maelstrom of anger, frustration, and self-loathing churned beneath the surface.

He had faltered, failed to protect those closest to him from the cruel whims of fate. The weight of his inadequacy bore down upon him. He had begged for a falna to be able to protect those that were important to him. And his first trial was an utter failure. How could he have let this happen? How could he have been so weak?

The anger burned within him, a smoldering ember that had now ignited into a raging inferno. He clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms, as if physical pain could somehow expunge the emotional turmoil within.

The manifest of these skills—their existence bore witness to the depths of Bell’s anguish, the depths of his desire to transcend his own limitations. They reflected his inner turmoil, his unyielding determination to protect those important to him.

The image of failure haunted him, etched into the recesses of his mind like a scar that refused to fade. He had sworn to shield Alice and Aki from harm, yet he had fallen short. Their faces, etched with fear and terror, haunted him.

The whispers of doubt crept into his thoughts, mocking his aspirations, his dreams of heroism. How could he hope to protect others when he could not even protect those closest to him?

But beneath the layers of self-doubt and despair, a spark flickered—a glimmer of resolve amidst the darkness. He refused to surrender to defeat, to succumb to his own inadequacy.

With each passing moment, the fire within him grew, fueled by the memories of his shortcomings, the echoes of his failures. He would not rest until he had mastered the power within him, until he had become the guardian he aspired to be. For Bell knew that true strength lay not in the absence of weakness, but in the courage to confront it—to rise, time and time again, in the face of adversity.

Alice’s Perspective

Damn it. I was useless again. I couldn’t do anything to protect Bell or Aki.

Why am I so useless? All I ever do is hold others back.

I am always such a burden. I can’t stand it anymore.

I need to get stronger. I hate being hurt all the time.

I have to get stronger. I have to protect Bell and Aki.

I REFUSE to always be the one being protected.

I don’t want to lose anyone else. I want a happy family again. I want friends to laugh with.

I want to not have to worry about when my disease will strike again. I want to be able to help Bell and Aki.

I'm tired of feeling powerless, of standing on the sidelines while others get hurt protecting me.

I'm tired of being a liability, a constant source of worry and concern for those I care about.

I'm tired of the pain, the uncertainty, the fear that gnaws at me.

I need to be stronger, not just for myself, but for Bell and Aki.

They deserve someone who can stand beside them, someone who can shield them from harm's way.

They deserve a life free from the shadow of my affliction, free from the constant specter of death that looms over us all.

I don't want to lose anyone else, don't want to bear any more grief and loss.

I want the warmth of friendship and a happy family.

But most of all, I want to be able to help Bell and Aki.

I WILL NEVER EVER ALLOW Aki or Bell to be taken from me.

I WILL GET STRONG enough to Protect them and everyone.

I want a strong familia strong enough that we never lose to anyone or any monster gain.

I cannot bear the thought of losing them.

I crave the warmth of friendship and a larger family.

Aki’s Perspective

Mama. Papa. I miss you.

Why did you have to go now?

I never wanted to leave you.

I don’t want to lose anyone else.

I hate how cruel everyone is.

I want to be able to stand up to people that are horrible.

I don’t want to be weak in the face of evil.

The air hung heavy with the weight of loss, a somber reminder of lives once cherished, now lost to the merciless march of time. In the silence of the night, amidst the whispers of the wind, echoes of longing reverberated through the empty halls of memory.

For young Aki, the ache of absence was a bitter companion, a shadow that clung to her every step. With each passing moment, the void left by her parents' departure widened, swallowing the warmth of their love and leaving behind naught but the chill of solitude. For she had witnessed firsthand the cruelty of the world, the callous disregard for kindness and compassion.

All of Aki’s pain suffer and loss coalesced in to the formation of a singular skill that would allow her deepest held wish to come true. Her heart though heavy with sorrow held the smallest ember of hope that refused to be extinguished.

Bell Cranel Status


Age: 8
Lvl 1
Strength: I-53
Endurance: -99
Dexterity: I-73
Agility: I-99
Magic: I-0


[Satanas Version] (Inherited)

User sends out waves of Sound towards the enemy

Quick chant: Gospel


[Realis Phrase-Crystallization of Desires]

As long as owner has a strong desire and goal, he will grow stronger according to his desires

Accelerated Growth

Immunity to charm

Immunity to mental attacks

StatusLimit is broken

Stronger desire results in stronger growth

Continued desire results in continued growth

[Inheritance of Talent]

User has monstrous will and desire of wanting to surpass the Incarnation of Talent herself. The user slowly gains someMagic, Abilities,Skills, andDevelopment Abilitiesthat belong to theIncarnation of Talent in addition to their own [Magic: [Satanas Version] Gospel is gained], (Development Abilities,Skills, and Abilitiesare linked to the user'sSkills and Abilities).

[Twin's Bond]

Grants the user the ability to utilize the same skill and abilities as their sibling. If both twins activate the same skills doubles the effectiveness of the skill. Negative effects can be mitigated through this ability.

Alice Cranel Status


Age: 8
Lvl 1
Strength: I-45
Endurance: I-99
Dexterity: I-90
Agility: I-85
Magic: I-0


[Corpus Sanum](Mutated Inheritance)

(Godly Explanation: the Deviation of Inheritance is due to the users own will and desires)

Negation of physical attack and pain

Suppression of physical symptoms of illness, status aliments, and physical attacks so long as armor is active. ( Does not stop progression of a disease.)

Suppression of physical illness and status aliments will result in recoil if armor is deactivated during manifestation.

Recoil will significantly exacerbate the severity of the illness/status aliment temporarily

The more mind that is poured into the spell the power it is able to suppress

Quick chant: Ataraxia


[Realis Phrase-Crystallization of Desires]

As long as owner has a strong desire and goal, she will grow stronger according to her desires.

Accelerated Growth

Immunity to charm

Immunity to mental attacks

StatusLimit is broken

Stronger desire results in stronger growth

Continued desire results in continued growth

Skill automatically applied to those the user considers to be family.

Strength of effect is based on the recipient’s desire.

Those in proximity have the same effects as user applied to themselves.

[Inheritance of Talent]

User has monstrous will and desire of wanting to surpass the Incarnation of Talent herself. The user slowly gains someMagic, Abilities,Skills, andDevelopment Abilitiesthat belong to theIncarnation of Talent in addition to their own [Magic: mutated inheritance ], (Development Abilities,Skills, and Abilitiesare linked to the user'sSkills and Abilities).

Anakitty Autumn Status

Demi-Human Cat Person

Age: 9
Lvl 1
Strength: I-0
Endurance: I-0
Dexterity: I-0
Agility: I-0
Magic: I-0




Guardianship Presence

Exponential status growth when seeking to defend family. Or in the face of what the user has deemed to be evil.

Raises user’s base status in an exponential curve the longer a fight goes on.

The curve is related to the number of people that the user is defending.

Does not enhance Excelia accumulation

Chapter 16: Arrival at Asgard

Chapter Text

A few days after the group set out onto the road.

After the group had settled for the night, Hera made her way to the girls' tent, her footsteps soft against the forest floor. There, she sought out Aki, her heart heavy with the weight of responsibility.

"Aki," Hera's voice was gentle yet firm as she addressed the young girl, her eyes reflecting the firelight's dance. " I know you said you wanted to join my familia but we have yet to give you a falna, are you ready for that now?"

Aki's response was hesitant, a mixture of nerves and anticipation evident in her voice. "Yes, Lady Hera. I am ready."

"Good," Hera nodded, a hint of warmth touching her expression. "Now, take a seat, and I shall bestow my blessing upon you."

Aki complied silently, her movements betraying the uncertainty that lingered within her. As Hera prepared, the air seemed to thicken with anticipation. With deliberate care, Hera pricked her fingers, a single drop of crimson welling forth—a symbol of the bond they were about to forge.

The atmosphere hummed with solemnity as Hera began to inscribe her Falna upon Aki's skin, the lines etched with purpose and meaning. Yet, as her hand moved, a fleeting moment of hesitation seized her—a pause in the rhythm of her actions.

In that moment, Aki's skill materialized, a manifestation of her potential and her destiny intertwined. It was a skill unlike any Hera had encountered before, its very essence a testament to the unpredictability of Genkai:

Anakitty Autumn

Demi-Human Cat Person

Age: 9
Lvl 1
Strength: I-0
Endurance: I-0
Dexterity: I-0
Agility: I-0
Magic: I-0



Guardianship Presence

Exponential status growth when seeking to defend family.

Or in the face of what the user has deemed to be evil.

Raises user's base status in an exponential curve the longer a fight goes on.

The curve is related to the number of people that the user is defending.

Does not enhance Excelia accumulation

A unique skill—a rarity that Hera had encountered only in a handful of her children over the last 1,000 years. With practiced precision, Hera completed the update, her mind already racing with the implications of what lay before her. Leading Aki outside the tent, she called for Alice, her voice tinged with a gravity that demanded attention.

"Alice, come here. It's time to update your status. Zeus, do the same for Bell," Hera's command rang out, the weight of her words underscoring the urgency of the moment.

Zeus complied, his usually composed demeanor betraying a hint of unease at Hera's uncharacteristic seriousness. "Alright, come here, Bell. Let's see what your status is like," Zeus spoke, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Okay," the twins responded in unison, their expressions reflecting a blend of anticipation and uncertainty as they approach.

As Zeus began to update Bell's status, in the blink of an eye, his jaw fell open in shock, the realization of what he beheld etched across his features.

Bell Cranel Status


Age: 8
Lvl 1
Strength: I-53 - I- 60
Endurance: I- 99 - H - 120
Dexterity: I-73 - I - 80
Agility: I-99 -H - 103
Magic: I-0


[Satanas Version] (Inherited)

User sends out waves of Sound towards the enemy

Quick chant: Gospel


[Realis Phrase-Crystallization of Desires]

As long as owner has a strong desire and goal, he will grow stronger according to his desires

Accelerated Growth

Immunity to charm

Immunity to mental attacks

Status Limit is broken

Stronger desire results in stronger growth

Continued desire results in continued growth

[Inheritance of Talent]

User has monstrous will and desire of wanting to surpass the Incarnation of Talent herself. The user slowly gains some Magic, Abilities, Skills, and Development Abilities that belong to the Incarnation of Talent in addition to their own [Magic: [Satanas Version] Gospel is gained], (Development Abilities, Skills, and Abilities are linked to the user's Skills and Abilities).

[Twin's Bond]

Grants the user the ability to utilize the same skill and abilities as their sibling. If both twins activate the same skills doubles the effectiveness of the skill. Negative effects can be mitigated through this ability.

Zeus sputtered, his words catching in his throat as shock rippled across his face: "da fu…"

"Zeus, language," Hera's reprimand cut through the air, her voice a sharp contrast to the tumult swirling within.

"But Hera, this is..." Zeus began, his protest cut short by Hera's stern gaze. His swearing had drawn the attention of Zald and Alfia, their curious gazes fixed upon the unfolding scene.

"Quiet. Let me finish Alice's update, then we can talk," Hera's voice held a note of command, her Falna beginning to unfurl upon Alice's back:

Alice Cranel Status


Age: 8
Lvl 1
Strength: I-45 - I-55
Endurance: I-99 - H - 117
Dexterity: I-90 - H- 18
Agility: I-85 - I-95
Magic: I-0


[Corpus Sanum](Mutated Inheritance)

(Godly Explanation: the Deviation of Inheritance is due to the users own will and desires)

Negation of physical attack and pain

Suppression of physical symptoms of illness, status aliments, and physical attacks so long as armor is active. (Does not stop progression of a disease.)

Suppression of physical illness and status aliments will result in recoil if armor is deactivated during manifestation.

Recoil will significantly exacerbate the severity of the illness/status aliment temporarily

The more mind that is poured into the spell the power it is able to suppress

Quick chant: Ataraxia


[Bonds of Family-Crystallization of Desires]

As long as owner has a strong desire and goal, she will grow stronger according to her desires.

Accelerated Growth

Immunity to charm

Immunity to mental attacks

Status Limit is broken

Stronger desire results in stronger growth

Continued desire results in continued growth

Skill automatically applied to those the user considers to be family.

Strength of effect is based on the recipient's desire.

Those in proximity have the same effects as user applied to themselves.

[Inheritance of Talent]

User has monstrous will and desire of wanting to surpass the Incarnation of Talent herself. The user slowly gains some Magic, Abilities, Skills, and Development Abilities that belong to the Incarnation of Talent in addition to their own [Magic: mutated inheritance], (Development Abilities, Skills, and Abilities are linked to the user's Skills and Abilities).

[Twin's Bond]

Grants the user the ability to utilize the same skill and abilities as their sibling. If both twins activate the same skills doubles the effectiveness of the skill. Negative effects can be mitigated through this ability.

Utter shock pervaded the campsite, casting a heavy veil over the assembled adults. It took several minutes for them to gather their wits amidst their astonishment.

"Kids, why don't you watch the campfire and make dinner while we adults talk about this. We can talk more shortly," Hera's voice cut through the stunned silence, her tone a beacon of calm amidst the chaos.

"OKAY," the children responded in unison, their movements guided by routine as they gravitated towards the flickering warmth of the campfire.

Meanwhile, the deities exchanged meaningful glances before entrusting the status sheets to Alfia and Zald, their mortal companions.

Zald, the first to regain his composure, broke the tense silence. "Alright, so what are we supposed to do about these statuses?"

"Not much, other than we can tell that the twins really love their auntie," Zeus quipped, his tone light with teasing as he directed a playful jab at Alfia, who blushed and fidgeted under his gaze, her discomfort palpable amidst the revelations of the children's skills and magic.

"These statuses are truly unbelievable. But first, what does this 'Status Limit is broken' mean?" Alfia's voice cut through the gathering tension, her curiosity tempered by a hint of apprehension.

"Not sure entirely. I can take a guess though," Zeus responded, his gaze flickering towards Hera for confirmation.

"Well, out with it," Alfia snapped, her impatience tinged with a hint of frustration.

"I think it means that they can break past the S rank limit of their status. Now, how much they can break past the limit, I don't know, but from the feel of it, I don't think there is any real limit on their status. What do you think, Hera?" Zeus queried, his gaze lingering on Hera, who nodded in agreement.

"I agree with that for Alice's skill as well," Hera affirmed, her voice steady amidst the swirling uncertainty.

"WAIT. Alice's skill applies to others..." Zald interjected, his realization sparking a new wave of astonishment among the assembled deities.

"Yes, based on the feel of the update. Alice's skill will apply to anyone she perceives as family, meaning that based on the individual's desire, they will receive a boost," Hera elucidated, her words echoing with the weight of revelation.

"That's f*cking insane," Zald murmured, his disbelief mirrored in the eyes of his companions.

"It is that. I have never seen a skill like that in our thousand years. It truly is an unprecedented skill. Bell's skill is the same. A growth skill is rare but not unheard of. However, the ability to break both past the S rank and immunity make it unprecedented," Hera explained, her words punctuated by a knowing smirk directed at Alfia.

Both men mirrored her smirk, their amusem*nt evident, much to Alfia's chagrin.

"I WILL HIT You," Alfia's threat cut through the air and caused both men to immediately sober up their expressions.

"Alright. So for now, there is not much we can do other than observe the twins and see their progress. As for Aki's skill, it seems to be in a similar vein as Alfia's Gift Blessing but rather than suffering abnormalities, the activation condition is needing to defend family or in the face of evil," Hera elaborated

"Well, given the state of the world, that should be a fairly easy condition to meet," Zald remarked

"True. Now, these skills make the children prime targets should they ever be revealed. We will need to keep them completely under wraps. Plus, should the twins decide to go to Orario, we will need to find a suitable deity for them. I expect that even with these skills, they will eventually hit a limit as to what they can do outside of Orario," Hera explained, her words echoing with the gravity of the situation.

"Beh. That city is a viper's nest. Is there even a suitable Deity left there?" Alfia scowled, her voice laced with disdain.

"Of those that are dungeon exploring, which will be a requirement given the twins' goal, there is only the Astraea familia. However..." Zeus began, only to be swiftly interrupted by Alfia's vehement protest.

"Absolutely not. Astraea only accepts women, and even if she made an exception for Bell, I will not let Bell be left in the care of a bunch of love-starved hyenas. He is too adorable for that. They will gobble him up," Alfia declared, her protective instincts flaring.

"Okay, okay. Settle down, Alfia. If Astraea is out, then we will have to find a suitable deity outside that is willing to relocate," Zald intervened, his voice a soothing balm amidst the rising tension.

"Tch. I will protect both of them from anyone that is unworthy," Alfia affirmed

"Good grief. She is already a mama bear. I pity anyone that tries to get close to these two in the future," the others mused, their thoughts a silent acknowledgment of Alfia's overprotectiveness rearing its head.

"True. However, for now, we can simply focus on helping them develop. I truly do not want to part with them, but it may become a necessity," Hera conceded, her words tinged with a melancholic acceptance of the challenges that lay ahead.

"Yes. We will have to see what happens once they hit that wall. There are a few that might be willing to take them. I know several in the Far East would probably be willing to take them. Especially if they had experienced members like Alfia or Zald to guide them. Last I heard there was a shrine where several gods had congregated to take care of orphans caused by the wars. There are also several wandering familias to consider. Artemis being the largest and most well-known familia. Though..." Zeus continued, his voice trailing off into the ether.

"Hmph... Artemis the man-hater you mean. You have a better chance of Taturaus thawing than her accepting a man into her familia. Really, Zeus. Why would you even suggest her?" Hera interjected, her tone sharp with disdain.

"Simple. If Bell were to be accepted, he would be the only man. He would have an Instant Hare..." Zeus began, only to be abruptly cut off by Alfia's incantation.

"Gospel!" Alfia chanted, unleashing a wave of magical energy that sent Zeus airborne, prompting Zald to spring into action to catch him before he hit the ground.

"ALICE. Sweetie, get Gramma a frying-pan please," Hera's voice dripped with anger as she directed her request to her granddaughter.

Several tense minutes passed before the two men returned to solid ground.

"Wow. I thought I was a goner for a second there. Thanks, my boy," Zeus remarked, his tone light despite the gravity of the situation as he patted Zald on the shoulder.

"Seriously, old man, Alfia is going to kill you one of these days. If she doesn't, then Hera will," Zald muttered, his exasperation evident as he shook his head.

Meanwhile, Alfia and Hera continued to glare daggers at Zeus, who began to sweat under their combined gaze. Attempting to change the subject, Zeus forged ahead.

"Now back to that topic at hand. We can worry about finding a suitable deity later. We will need to consider those that have yet to descend as well."

"Hmph. Very well. I will let you off the hook for now," Hera conceded, her tone softened slightly by Zeus's attempt at redirection.

With their conversation concluded, the adults made their way over to the children, who had begun to prepare dinner. As they worked, the deities explained the abilities each child possessed and emphasized the importance of keeping their status a secret. The children nodded in understanding, their expressions a mix of curiosity and determination as they absorbed the weight of their newfound responsibilities.

Several Weeks later as the group approaches the City of Asgard.

It was at this city that the twins and Aki arrived several weeks after leaving the devastated village behind. Even after the nearly month of travel, the children had only just begun to recover the cheer they once possessed.

At first, Aki barely responded to anyone other than Bell and Alice. Even in her interactions with the twins, she seemed listless, her replies minimal, lost in the shadows of her own thoughts. While still burdened, she at least had started to go out of her way to talk to the adults. Bell and Alice fared scarcely better. When they learned of their skills, the twins had started to push themselves beyond what anyone would deem responsible.

Since the development of their respective skills, the twins had been relentless in their training. Bell, in particular, drove himself practically to exhaustion in every session, his determination bordering on obsession. Alfia and Zald had to intervene, halting his efforts before they spiraled into self-destruction, often resorting to drastic measures to ensure he rested Including at one point knocking him out so that he would rest. Alice matched Bell's fervor, if not his recklessness, pushing herself beyond reasonable limits in pursuit of strength.

For all the concern this caused the results, their dedication yielded results. The twins and Aki had surpassed the 500 threshold for ranking up in a single month, a feat that spoke volumes of their potential. Bell's agility had even surpassed the 600 mark. While Aki and Alice had not quite reached that point they each had a category approaching it. However, given the implications of their newfound skills, it was unanimously decided to postpone any rank advancement until they understood the full scope of their abilities.

As the city loomed into view, Zeus's voice cut through the air, calling the children out of the wagon to behold the city's splendor.

"Kids, come out and get a look at the city," Zeus beckoned, his voice tinged with excitement and anticipation.

Three children, their eyes wide with wonder, poked their heads out from within the wagon, gazing in awe at the majestic sight before them. Rising proudly atop the tallest mountain, a great city stood, its spires piercing the sky like the claws of a giant. Rising majestically atop the towering mountain, the city sprawled down the mountain until it reached the base.

To the North, behind the city's proud silhouette, mighty mountains reached skyward, their peaks shrouded in mist, touching the very clouds with an aura of mystique. In the South, vast plains stretched out like a golden tapestry, unfolding endlessly to the horizon. And to the West, the boundless expanse of the sea stretched out, its azure waves dancing in the sunlight.

Asgard, nestled at the mouth of the Valley of Dragons, stood as a bastion against the encroaching darkness, its location strategically chosen to guard against the tides of monsters ofthe realms. Encircled by concentric rings of formidable walls, crowned by sturdy castles that stood sentinel on either side of the valley entrance, the city severed as a bastion for the familias of Odin and Frigg.

Bridges spanned the chasm between the twin cities that flanked the valley, their arches a testament to the ingenuity of mortal hands. The Bifrost, a marvel of engineering and magic, seamlessly connected the cities,

Here, in the heart of Asgard, resided the Deities Odin and Frigg, charged with defending the lower world from the monstrous terrors that lurked within the Dragon Valley. Alongside Zeus and Hera, they had descended from the heavens to aid mortals in their eternal struggle against the monsters.

Choosing to venture North to guard the entrance to the Dragon Valley, they erected great citadels to watch over the realm, their presence a beacon of hope for those seeking refuge. What had begun as a humble defense had evolved into a network of alliances and fortresses, as more deities descended to establish their own cities, united in their determination to safeguard the realms.

"Welcome to Asgard, children," Zeus proclaimed, his voice resonating with warmth and authority. The children nodded in silent awe, their hearts brimming with anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead in the legendary city.

Chapter 17: Meeting Odinn and Frigga


The group meets Odin and Frigga. The deities that have ruled of Asgard for the last 1,000 years.

Chapter Text

As they approached the gates of Asgard, the children in the wagon were beside themselves with excitement. Their young bodies couldn't contain their joy, and they bounced up and down in the wooden bed, their laughter echoing throughout the countryside. Alice, the most spirited of the bunch, leaned over the edge of the wagon, her white hair flying in the wind as she strained to see the magnificent city ahead. But she was quickly pulled back by the stern hand of Alfia, who delivered a gentle tap to the top of her head.

"No leaning out, Alice," Alfia scolded. "It's dangerous."

Alice pouted and rubbed her the top of head, but she obediently sat back down, her eyes still wide and sparkling with excitement. Bell and Aki, sensing Alfia’s disapproving gaze upon them, also settled down, though their energy still hummed in the air.

As they drew closer to the gates, the grandeur of Asgard became more evident. The city walls rose high and imposing. The wagon eventually came to a halt at the imposing gates of Asgard, guarded by a stern-faced sentry. The group was met with cautious stares as they were quickly ushered through the gates, surrounded by a small escort of armored guards, and lead through the city. A messenger had been dispatched ahead to announce their arrival, and the group proceeded through the bustling city towards the grand palace.

The city was even more breathtaking than they could have imagined. The streets were lined with towering buildings made of wood and stone, sparkling in the midday sun. Marble statues and fountains adorned every corner, and the air was filled with the sounds of music and laughter. The children gazed wide-eyed at everything around them, taking in every detail with wonder and amazement.

The children's eyes widened in awe as they saw bustling streets filled with merchants and citizens going about their day. Their ears were filled with the sounds of horses’ hooves clattering against cobblestone and vendors calling out their wares. They passed by vendors selling colorful fruits and vegetables, musicians playing lively tunes, and crowds of people bustling about their daily business. Everywhere they looked, there were signs of prosperity and enchantment.

The residents of Asgard moved out of the way as the group made their way through the streets. The guards lead them towards the magnificent palace at the center of Asgard. The towering Hall of Valhalla gleamed in the warm sunlight, their golden gates adorned with intricate carvings of brave warriors and fearsome creatures. As the group drew closer, the children couldn't help but gasp in awe at the grandeur of it all.

Alfia, smiled as she led them up the steps towards the entrance. "Just wait until you see what's inside," she said. "But first, we must present ourselves to Odin and Frigga."

The group was led into a grand hall lined with columns and adorned with tapestries depicting scenes from Asgard’s founding. Inside, the halls that stretched far and wide each was adorned with tapestries depicting the valorous deeds of warriors’ past. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the marble floors.

The Allfather, Odin, sat upon Hildskialf, his throne of gleaming silver, as his gaze surveyed the group. Cloaked in regal robes that were adorned with symbols of his authority, he emanated an aura of majestic strength and vast knowledge. Two mortal ravens named Huginn and Muninn perched upon his massive shoulders, their sharp eyes missing nothing that transpires within the hall.

Beside him stood Frigga, the Queen of Asgard, her presence as commanding as her husband's. Her golden hair cascaded like molten gold, framing a face that combined beauty and grace. Clad in garments woven with the finest threads of Asgard, she exuded an air of calm and peace. Adoring her neck and several of her fingers were different sets of jewelry each one having a understated elegance and refinement.

As they presided over their court, their union was a symbol of the harmony and balance that reigns over the realm of Asgard. With Odin's fathomless knowledge and Frigga's maternal compassion, they guided their kingdom through the last thousand years. Their presence a testament to the enduring legacy of Asgard.

As the group approached, Odin's towering figure rose from his throne. His long grey beard cascaded down his chest and almost reached his waist, every strand a testament to his age and wisdom.

"It's a pleasure to have you all here in Asgard," Odin’s voice boomed before his face broke into a wide grin.

Frigg greeted them with a warm smile as she followed her husband. "We are honored by your presence," she said in a gentler tone, in contrast to her husband's booming voice.

Odin laughed heartily as he embraced Zeus and Hera, exclaiming, "Good to see you again my old friends!" He grasped Zeus's arm in a friendly embrace.

Zeus returned Odin's gesture with a smile. "It's always good to see you again,"

Hera joined in with a warm smile, "We always loved our visits to Asgard."

"It was a pleasant surprise to hear that both of you were at the city gates," Frigga remarked. "I'm glad you made it here, but didn't you mention that you wanted to keep to yourselves?"

“Oh, we were, but things have changed,” Zeus says with a deep sigh, his once booming voice now tinged with sadness. “We had to come out of seclusion. We can discuss it further later tonight, once the kids are settled.” He runs a hand through his thick beard and looks at the group gathered before him.

“I see Zald and Alfia by your side,” Odin remarks, his one good eye twinkling as he gazed upon his old friends. “It brings me great joy to see both of you once more. Warriors such as yourselves are always welcome in Asgard.”

Odin’s grin widens, causing his long grey beard to sway with the movement, as he gestures towards the children who are peaking out from behind Alfia’s dress;

“And I believe I spot a few young ones following behind,”

Alfia nods and motions for the three children to step into the light. Their faces are filled with wonder and awe as they take in the majestic hall and its inhabitants, their eyes wide like saucers.

"Would you kindly introduce yourselves?" Alfia prompted the children as both deities turn to face the twins and Aki.

"We are honored to make your acquaintance, Lord Odin and Lady Frigga. I am Bell Cranel, and this is my sister," says Bell, motioning towards his sibling Alice.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Odin and Lady Frigga," adds Alice.

"I am Aki Autumn," introduces Aki, fidgeting with her tail. "I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Lord Odin and Lady Frigga."

"How polite for ones so young. Now, Alfia, are these twins your children with Zald?" Odin began to inquire before Alifa interjects.

“No, they are my late sister's children. I am simply caring for them,” Alfia clarified.

“Auntie is the best!” Alice chimed in happily, followed by Bell’s eager nodding, causing Alfia to blush and earning a deep laugh from Odin and a small giggle from Frigga.

“Well, you are all welcome in our halls for as long as you wish. Your families have performed great deeds in the mortal realm. In honor of your arrival, we will hold a grand feast tonight.” Odin proclaimed.

"In the meantime, I'm sure our younger visitors would enjoy a tour of Asgard," Frigga said as she turned her focus back to the group.

"That would be wonderful!" Alice exclaimed eagerly while the others nodded enthusiastically earning them chuckle from the adults.

The halls of Asgard gleamed with gold and silver, every corner adorned with intricate carvings and tapestries depicting epic battles and heroic deeds. The libraries contained shelves upon shelves of ancient scrolls, each one intricately decorated with vibrant colors and symbols. In the training grounds, warriors sparred, their movements precise and graceful. And in the grand halls, long tables were being set with for a lavish feast tonight.

As the group proceeded outside Frigga was the first to speak; “There is just one more place to show you. Now you children have been wonderful, but I must ask that you be on even better behavior for this last stop. The last place we are going to visit is very precious place. Can you promise me that?’

The children, their eyes filled with excitement, nod eagerly at Frigga's question. Their smiles mirrored hers as they followed her into the lush, vibrant gardens. Frigga's own smile widens as she turns and leads the children towards the lush gardens.

Frigga leads the group through a series of mazes and tunnels carved into the mountain all of which belong to the gardens of Asgard. The gardens are a marvel to behold. Flowers of every color bloomed in perfect harmony, their sweet scents filling the air. Trees with leaves of gold and silver rustled in the gentle breeze.

As they reach the center of the garden, Frigga stops in front of a magnificent ash tree. Its thick and sturdy trunk had branches reaching high into the sky like outstretched arms. The tree towered so tall that its topmost branches seemed to touch the clouds, casting a shadow over Odin's hall. The leaves are a vibrant shade of emerald green, shimmered and rustled gently in the bright sunlight. The sight memorized the children, their eyes widening with wonder at the grandeur of the tree. A gentle, bubbling creek could be heard in the distance, its soothing melody adding to the peaceful atmosphere of the glade.

Frigga's voice was full of pride as she pointed to the grand tree in front of them. "This is Yggdrasil, the World Tree, and next to it is Mimir's Well. These are sacred places to those of us from Asgard, so we must be respectful and quiet." The children's eyes widened in awe at the sight before them. Alice took a step forward and reached out to touch the rough bark of the tree, she felt a sense of peace wash over her, her breathing eased, and her body felt lighter. Bell and Aki followed suit, both experiencing the same calming sensation as they touched the tree.

Frigga's face lights up with delight as she sees Alice's reaction, but then turns to address the rest of the group. "In Tenkai, Yggdrasil is truly a magnificent sight. This one is just a very special fragment of the original, but it holds great significance. Among all the fragments of Yggdrasil scattered across Genkai, this one stands out as the most special. It was also the first fragment to take root 1,000 years ago, right before the arrival of the deities. Mimir’s Well is the source of a great deal of water between here and the rest of the Dragon Valley. Meanwhile Mimir runs deep into the valley beyond what even we have been able to reclaim from the monsters." She gazes fondly at the children gathered around the tree."Although this tree may not be as powerful as the one in our home, it still serves many purposes."

Aki interrupted with curiosity, "Besides being beautiful, what else does it do?"

“Ah. A curious one, I see, nothing you need to worry about little one. I will tell you when you are older.” Frigga said gently “This was the last stop on the tour. So, what do you all think?”

Alice practically bounced up and down with excitement, her eyes filled with eager anticipation as she gazed at their new surroundings. The other children nodded along, mirroring Alice's excitement.

"I can't wait to go exploring more!" Alice exclaimed, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

Frigga smiled warmly at the children. "I'm glad you all like it. But for now, we should probably head back to the others. I'm sure they have prepared rooms for you by now." Her voice was gentle yet firm as she led the group back through the grand halls of the castle. Each step echoed off the marble floors and ornate walls, magnifying their sense of wonder and adventure.

The adults are quickly escorted to a luxurious set of rooms befitting their status, their footsteps barely making a sound on the plush red carpet. Odin and Frigga highly value martial prowess and thus granted the group accommodations second only to their personal residence. The walls of the rooms were adorned with intricately woven tapestries depicting scenes from Asgard’s history, adding a sense of grandeur to the already opulent space.

As soon as they arrived, the children eagerly scurried off to claim their own rooms, each one as lavishly furnished as the next. They spent the rest of the afternoon excitedly discussing their plans for exploring the city, their voices echoing off the high ceilings and ornate chandeliers.

Just before dinner, a maid with a gentle smile informed them that a grand feast had been prepared and that they would be hosted in the private quarters of Odin and Frigga. The group changed out of their traveling clothes, carefully selecting their most appropriate attire provided for them. They made their way down the long hallways lined with marble pillars and intricate artwork.

As they entered the dining hall, they were met with an incredible sight - a banquet fit for a king. The table groaned under the weight of succulent meats, freshly caught fish, and fruits that glistened with syrup. The air was thick with the scent of cinnamon and spices, making the children’s stomachs growl in anticipation.

A whole roasted boar was the center piece, its mouth stuffed golden apples, and even the fabled mead of Asgard was present in pitchers across the table, all laid out on a table adorned with enchanted candles that flickered with a warm light.

As they settled down at a table, Odin raised his glass in a toast. "Welcome once again to Asgard. We are grateful to have such esteemed guests with us tonight."

"Good evening, Lord Odin and Lady Frigga," Alfia showed her respect by bowing her head, followed by Zald and their children who mimicked the adults' actions.

"Fufufu! No need for formalities here. We are comrades, after all," Odin said with a wave of his hand. "Let's enjoy the food together! It's not every day we have new faces at our table. Now let's eat, drink, and celebrate the return of our dear friends."

As the night wore on, stories were shared, and mead flowed freely (for the adults). Bell and Alice took to Odin like a duck to water, laughing at his tales of valor while Aki listened intently to Frigga's stories about Asgard's history and magic. The day's excitement catching up to them, they drifted off to sleep easily, dreaming of the marvels they had seen and those yet to come. The others watched the children finally start fall asleep at the table, Alfia and Zald decided it was time to take the children back to their rooms. They leave the deities to talk amongst themselves.

After Alfia and Zald left with the children.

Odin turns to his old friend, Zeus, and asks, "So, what brings you here, really?"

Zeus takes a deep breath before responding. "Things didn't go as planned in the village. Some of the children started bullying Alice because of her illness. It eventually turned into physical altercations. We decided to leave, but Bel and Alice wanted to visit Aki at the Spring Festival before we left. However, before we could do that, bandits attacked our village."

"I see," Frigga chimes in. "And that little cat girl is now..."

"An orphan under my care," Hera finished for Zeus.

“Thieving scum.” Odin's face twisted in anger and his hand clenched into a tight fist. “War should be a noble pursuit, testing one's strength against another. Seeking glory and honor. Attacking innocent people is the act of a wretch.”

“While she's here, I'd like to help take care of her. Would that be alright with you, Hera?” Frigga asked.

“Of course. That poor girl has been through enough already. She deserves some love and affection. I know Bell and Alice will do their best for her, but she needs more than they can provide alone. And most importantly, she needs motherly love. Alfia is great with the twins, but I'm not sure how she'll be with anyone else,” Hera replied to which Frigga nodded

Odin inquired, "So, Zeus, what is your plan now? You mentioned that Hera has accepted Aki as a member of her familia. Do you intend to rebuild it together?"

Zeus took a deep breath to calm his emotions before responding, "I cannot. The loss of my beloved sons to the OEBD is still too raw. I believe Hera shares my sentiments." He paused briefly before adding, "At this point in time, I have no plans to reform my familia. I am simply a doting grandfather looking after my grandchildren. When they are ready to journey to Orario, we will find them a suitable deity and send them off. It won't be easy, but it will be for their own good. If they stay outside of Orario, they will eventually stagnate."

Hera chimed in, "I have no intentions of rebuilding my familia either. I will only take in those whom Bell and Alice recommend. I have no wish to reform a familia now."

Frigga inquired, "What do you mean by 'when they have to go'? Surely there is enough for them to do in the outside of Orario?"

“ahh. The twins are special, and I am not even trying to brag. Their latest status exceeded what even me and Hera thought possible. Aki there isn’t that far behind either.” Zeus replied

Odin and Frigga exchange surprised glances at Zeus's declaration. Having spent centuries on the mortal plane, they are astonished to hear Zeus claim that their status exceeds their imagination.

"I understand now. Orario will play a crucial role for them in the future," responded Odin.

"Now moving onto something else. Have you heard of a familia with this symbol?" Zeus asks as he hands Odin a crest featuring a grinning skull.

"I have not seen this symbol before. Why do you ask?" Odin responds.

"Alfia found it on one of the bandits who attacked our village," Zeus explains.

"Hmph, I don't recognize this symbol. But if they already have enough members to be marauding bandits, they will surely pose a threat. I will have my children investigate and inform you when I have any information," Odin said firmly.

“I appreciate you helping me, Odin.” Zeus responded

“It's no trouble. I figured I'd have to deal with them eventually,” Odin said.

Zeus nods before voicing his concern. “How is the barrier holding up?”

Odin's expression darkened at the mention of the barrier. Frigga spoke in his place.

"It's not looking good, Zeus. While the barrier was strengthened, it's not as strong as we had hoped. We fear that it may start weakening again before long. Our estimate is that it will last for 15-20 years at most, but that depends on several other factors."

"Damn it. All of our children’s lives were only for that long." Zeus cursed as he slammed his fist onto the table. In his anger, lightning had started to play across his fist, causing a bolt of lightning to crackle across his skin and scorch the wood. Meanwhile, Hera struggled to hold back her tears.

"I apologize for the damage," Zeus said sheepishly.

"Do not worry about it, my friend. I can empathize with your frustration," Odin responded calmly.

"What have you revealed to Bell and Alice?" Frigga inquired.

“All we have told them is that their father died against the OEBD. We won’t be telling them anything more until they are mature enough to handle it and everything else that came after. Most likely it will be when they find a suitable deity.” Zeus responded

“I see” Frigga responds as the others fall into the silence of their own thoughts.

“What news do you have of Orario?” Hera asked as she broke the silence.

“The situation has remained stagnant for the past few years, with no significant changes. It's essentially at a standstill and unlikely to shift anytime soon. Although the Guild may have numerical superiority, Evilus holds the upper hand in ruthlessness and brutality. We only have fragmented information on their operations, but fortunately, there is no real unity among the various Evils,” Odin stated.

“It's more of a loose alliance of malcontents, making it difficult for them to coordinate and for us to predict their actions. However, if that were to change, The Guild would be in grave danger and could potentially be overwhelmed,” Frigga added.

Zeus then asked, “Which familias are of note in Orario at the moment?”

Frigga replied, “Aside from Loki and Freya, there are only two other notable ones. Ganesha leads a familia that maintains peace within the city. And then there's Astraea familia, led by Goddess of Justice, Astraea herself. I believe she hails from your region in Tenkai, correct? The captain of her familia is Alise Lovell, also known as the Scarlet Harnel. While they may be smaller than other familias, they are highly skilled and have multiple leveled-up members. If I'm not mistaken, Harnel is currently at level 3.” Odin answered.

"It's a sad state of affairs when Loki and Freya are considered the strongest in Oraio," Zeus lamented.

"Hmph, it's disgraceful. Loki is nothing but a disgusting pervert," Hera cursed. "And while I despise that bitch Freya, at least she can judge the worth of mortals."

"Have any of them leveled up since our exile?" Zeus asked.

"Not that we've heard," Frigga replied.

"By Tartarus, what could be taking them so long to level up?" Zeus sputtered.

"Unbelievable. I can’t believe that the future of the Genkai is relying on them" Hera cursed. "Any of our children would have leveled up at least once by now. Hell, I found Alfia and Meteria when they were around 8, and Alfia reached level 7 by the time she was 17."

The deities continued their discussions late into the night.

The children’s room

With gentle hands and soft whispers, Zald and Alfia carefully carried the sleepy children back to their rooms. Alice's head rests wearily against Alfia's chest, her eyelashes fluttering with each step. Zald held Bell and Aki close, their tired bodies snuggled against his chest. Suddenly, Alice stirred and opened one tired eye, gazing up at the caring her aunt.

"Auntie," she murmured.

"Yes, Alice? What is it?" Alfia responded in a soft, soothing voice, her gentle hand gliding over Alice's hair that has begun to regrow to its previous length. The strands are still short and wispy, but they hold the promise of returning to their former glory.

“Please, Alfia, read us a hero’s story before bed” Alice pleaded with her mismatched eyes of vibrant rubellite red and deep sapphire blue, gazing up at Alfia's own unique pairing of emerald green and stormy grey. Her hands clutch desperately at Alfia's dress, as if afraid she would refuse.

“You should have Zeus do that. That old lecher…,” Alfia started to say, but Alice cut her off with a determined look, her grip on Alfia's cloak tightening.

“No. This time I want you to read to me. Please..” Alice pleaded, her voice tinged with both longing and determination. Alice raised her chin defiantly and stared up at Alfia. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Alfia lets out a defeated sigh.

"All right," she conceded, after letting out a defeated sigh before she continued “if you all manage to stay awake that long than I will think about it. If not, I will read to you soon. I promise.”

“Thank you, Auntie.” Alice murmured as she snuggled closer to Alfia and drifted off to sleep.

“These children, I swear.” Alfia said in exasperation while Zald tried to stifle his chuckles. His attempts only made Alfia glare at him, which in turn widened Zald’s grin.

Alfia shook her head, thinking: “I'll have to convince that old lecher to write a new story for the kids. He's got enough of them after watching heroes for so long.”

Meanwhile, Zald couldn't help chuckling internally; “Haha, Alfia. You've really become softer since the twins were born. Who would have thought you'd be reading hero stories at bedtime? Life is full of surprises.”

The two adults carefully carried the children back to their rooms, where they all fell fast asleep. Alfia would have to keep her promise of telling them a story another night.

Chapter 18: City Exploration


Sorry for the super long delay in getting this chapter out.

This chapter isn't done but I wanted to post something since it had been so long.

Let me know what you all think in the comments.

Chapter Text

As dawn's light seeped through the window, the trio of children stirred. Bell was the first to rouse, his eyes blinking open as he sat up in bed.


A sound from below caught Bell's attention, halting his movement. Aki had nestled into the bed during the night. On the other side of Bell lay his twin, Alice, who was also beginning to awaken, her eyes fluttering open as she smiled at her brother.

"Good morning, Bell," Alice said softly.

"Good morning," Bell replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Aki mumbled in her sleep; her face scrunched in discomfort.

"Mama… don't… leave me."

Recognizing the signs of a nightmare, Alice and Bell exchanged a knowing glance. Alice gently wrapped her arms around Aki, offering a comforting embrace. Bell took Aki's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"It's alright, Aki. We're here," Bell whispered.

Slowly, Aki's eyes opened, and she saw Bell holding her hand and felt Alice's comforting arms around her. Tears of relief welled in her eyes.

"Thank you," Aki murmured, her voice barely audible.

"Of course," the twins replied in unison, their voices filled with warmth.

"JINX, Bell. You owe me," Alice declared with a mischievous grin, earning a resigned sigh from Bell.

"Fine, Alice. I'll make sure you get some when we go out today," Bell conceded with a chuckle.

"Hehe, great. You ready to get up, Aki?" Alice asked, her tone gentle.

"Yeah," Aki replied, her voice steadier now with the support of her friends.

A light knock on the doorframe drew their attention. Zald stood there, his presence filling the room with a reassuring calm.

"Well, look who's up already," Zald said with a smile.

"Morning, Uncle Zald," Alice chimed.

"Morning," Bell added.

"Morning, Mr. Zald," Aki said, her voice a little stronger now.

"Haaa. First, breakfast will be ready soon. Make sure you get ready quickly. Second, kid, there's no need for the 'Mr'," Zald chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt.

"Oh, okay," Aki murmured, a shy smile tugging at her lips.

"Let's go get changed, Aki," Alice said, extending her hand to her friend, who took it eagerly.

With Alice leading the way, the pair hurried off to change. Bell watched them go, feeling a surge of affection for his sister and their friend. They had been through so much together.

The children quickly donned their clothes and raced downstairs to the dining area, where Celia was setting out a lavish breakfast. The enticing aromas of grilled steak, fragrant soup, braised chicken, and a heaping pile of seafood filled the room, making their mouths water.

"Morning, kiddos. How are you doing today?" Zeus inquired as they sat down.

"We want to go into the city and explore!" Alice exclaimed eagerly, Bell and Aki nodding along in agreement.

"That sounds wonderful. Why don't you go with them, Alfia?" Hera suggested, her tone gentle yet firm.

"Of course, I'll be going with them," Alfia confirmed with a smile.

The group quickly finished their breakfast, the lively chatter and shared laughter setting a hopeful tone for the day. Today was the beginning of new adventures and challenges, and they were ready to face them together.

As they prepared to venture out into the city, the children felt a sense of anticipation and excitement.

"Let's go!" Alice exclaimed as she took off, her laughter ringing through the courtyard.

"Wait up, Alice!" Bell shouted, struggling to keep up with her quick pace.

"Not a chance! Catch me if you can, slowpoke!" Alice taunted back, her voice filled with playful mischief.

"Why you... Just wait till I get you," Bell called out, his voice filled with mock anger as he took off running after her.

"Yeah, wait for me, you two!" Aki shouted, her legs pumping as she chased after the twins.

Alfia raised an eyebrow at the children, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she called after them

"Stay together and be careful,"

The trio continue their merry chase but nod in wave an arm in understanding. Alfia sighs as she begins to think:

"Good grief these children are noisy.

But I don't hate their noise.

I promise I will look after them Meteria.

I promise I won't let any happen to the twins…

And I suppose I will look after that little black cat too.

She then walked after the children, who had continued chasing one another through city streets. The cobblestone streets of the city unfurled before them. The air was electric with the hum of merchants hawking wares and citizens weaving through the thoroughfares.

Alice led the way, her eyes shimmering with practically bounced around from one shop to another, her white hair catching the sun's rays in a halo of mischief. Her laughter, a bell-like chime, cut through the clamor. Bell's eyes brighten as he surveyed the goods at the shops. Aki matched the twins' strides with her own steps, her black eyes sparkling with joy as they looked at the myriad wonders around them.

As they navigated the stream of life flowing through the city's heart, the trio happened upon a street performer garbed in a cloak of many extravagant colors. He conjured spheres from the air, his hands a blur as they danced with orbs that glinted like jewels under the midday sun. The balls soared and dipped, following the whims of their master, leaving trails of color stitched against the canvas of the sky.

"Look at him go!" Bell exclaimed, his words bubbling over with excitement. He clapped his hands together, the sound crisp in the open air, urging the juggler to greater displays of skill. The performer responded with a flourish, sending his colorful charges into even more intricate patterns, much to the delight of his growing audience.

"Bravo!" Alice cheered, her voice joining the chorus of admiration that swelled around them. The street performer, emboldened by the appreciation, executed a final trick—a dizzying cascade of motion that ended with a dramatic bow as each ball found its place back within his folds.

The trio erupted into applause, their hands coming together in enthusiastic support. Bell, Alice, and Aki exchanged smiles and set out again.

Guided by their curiosity, the trio ventured away from the main thoroughfare and into a serpentine alleyway that led to a nearby market. The cobblestones underfoot bore the wear of countless footsteps, each shop a treasure chest waiting to be unlocked. Their windows displayed a myriad of trinkets, from books bound in leather to sparkling jewelry resting on beds of velvet.

"Look at this!" Alice whispered, pressing her face against the cool glass of a shop whose window brimmed with wooden trinkets. Bell and Aki peered over her shoulder, their gazes marveling at the intricate details of the carved trinkets.

"These are amazing," Bell said "I've never seen anything like them."

Aki nodded; her eyes wide. "I wonder how long it took to make these. They are so pretty."

As they ventured deeper into the alley's embrace, the distant sounds of celebration began to seep into their awareness. A lively melody, filled with joy and energy, drew them onward. The music swelled in volume, urging them forward, until they emerged into a sunlit square alive with laughter and chatter.

Before them sprawled a bustling market, its stalls adorned with a kaleidoscope of colors that captivated the eye and captured the imagination. Merchants energetically peddled their wares, each stall a testament to the craftsmanship and creativity of its owner.

"Would you just look at that?" Aki exclaimed, her finger pointing towards a display adorned with gleaming trinkets of silver and gold. Delicate chains suspended intricate pendants; each one adorned with ancient runes. Aki reached out, her fingertips brushing against a pendant shaped like Mjolnir, the legendary hammer of the God Thor, while Alice's gaze lingered on a necklace adorned with the intricate design of the World Tree Yggdrasil.

Their attention momentarily diverted by the shimmering treasures on display, Bell stood slightly apart from the group, his gaze directed towards Alfia. With a tug on her sleeve, he drew her attention, prompting her to look at him with a raised eyebrow. He gestured towards the pendants, then towards the girls.

Alfia sighed, acknowledging his request with a nod, her lips forming the word "Later," which elicited a grin from Bell. His gratitude was expressed in silent mouthing of "Love you Auntie" followed by an affectionate hug, earning him a playful flick to the forehead from Alfia.

While Alfia's expression retained a hint of annoyance, a delicate blush spread across her cheeks as she placed a hand on Bell's head, tenderly stroking his hair.

"No FAIR! I want to hug Auntie too!" Alice's cry interrupted the moment, as she darted back to throw herself into Alfia's arms. Alfia's response was a resigned sigh, as met with Alice's enthusiastic embrace and a gentle pat on the head.

"AH. Bell help get Aki get over here too." Alice as she looks at Bell who nodded back

"haaa! You guys… EEP" Aki waws about to protest but before she could Bell and Alice, each seized one of her hands, pulling her towards them.

Caught off guard, Aki stumbled forward, only to find herself enveloped in a group hug with the others. Together, the group moved among the stalls. After the hug, the children made to leave and Alfia quickly purchased the trinkets from the merchant unnoticed by Alice and Aki.

Through the bustling crowd of the marketplace, the children forged ahead. Amidst the lively chaos, the vibrant hues of the displayed fruits beckoned to them, an abundant spectacle of nature's offerings.

The market square unfolded like a canvas of vitality before their eyes, its stalls adorned with colorful canopies and fluttering banners. Among the myriad of sights, Bell's attention was drawn to a peculiar vendor whose table boasted an array of small, spiky, oval-shaped green fruits.

"Excuse me, sir. What are these?" Bell's inquiry captured the merchant's focus.

"They are gooseberries. Tart and refreshing, whether eaten raw or made into jams. Here, try one," the vendor offered, pushing a spiky fruit towards Bell.

Bell raised the fruit to his lips, the scent tantalizing his senses. With a decisive bite, the tartness exploded on his tongue, a flavor unlike any he had experienced before.

"I'll take a handful of those," Bell requested.

"Sure thing, kiddo. That'll be 10 valis," the merchant replied.

Bell exchanged the coins, their glint catching the light before vanishing into the merchant's weathered hand. With the fruit now in his possession, Bell turned away from the stall, his gaze scanning the bustling marketplace for his companions.

Meanwhile, Alice's wandering gaze alighted upon a nearby stall draped in rich crimson fabric. Amidst the kaleidoscope of hues adorning the market square, a cluster of brightly colored berries caught her attention, their allure irresistible. Drawn closer by their vibrant display, she found herself amidst an array of luscious fruits.

Leaning forward, Alice extended her hands towards the assortment of juicy berries, their glossy skins reflecting the sunlight.

"Auntie, please?" Alice appealed to Alfia, who offered a nod of acquiescence.

"Sure, go ahead," Alfia replied, gesturing towards the merchant, who promptly began filling a carton with an assortment of fruits. The air was suffused with a medley of fragrances as strawberries, blueberries, grapes, and various other fruits mingled together.

With each succulent berry she plucked, Alice's anticipation grew, her mouth watering in anticipation of the burst of flavor. But as she indulged, a mischievous notion took hold.

"Aki, here," Alice offered, holding out a grape to her friend.

"Oh, thanks, Alice," Aki responded, reaching out eagerly, only to be halted by Alice's intervention.

"No, no. You have to let me feed you," Alice insisted, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Wahhh..." Aki's blush deepened, her cheeks flushing crimson as her ears and tail twitched nervously.

"Hehehe. It's an absolute rule when sharing food. You have to let the other person feed you," Alice declared with a mischievous grin, prompting a subtle twitch of Alfia's eyebrows as she thought about from WHO this supposed rule originated. As Alfia glanced at Bell, he immediately look down confirming Alfia suspicions.

"It's fine, no worries. Open wide," Alice urged, moving to offer the grape to Aki.

"No, no, I'm sure that's not—" Aki began to protest, but Alice interjected.

"Oh, oh. Maybe you'd prefer someone else? Maybe...," Alice teased as she looked towards Bell, her grin widening as she playfully teased Aki.

"What...Don't be ridiculous. What are you saying, Alice?" Aki stammered, uncertainty evident in her voice, but Alice's grin only grew wider.

Realizing it was futile to resist, Aki relented. "Fine, I'll let you feed me," she conceded, her cheeks still tinged with a blush as she opened her mouth for Alice to feed her.

Alice proceeded to gently offer the grape, but before she could attempt another, Aki quickly recoiled. "I'm fine, that's more than enough. I'm not even that hungry," Aki protested, leaning away.

"Muuah. Fine then," Alice pouted at having her fun stopped.

Alfia led the group away from the chuckling merchant and the amused onlookers, guiding them through the bustling streets of the city. Aki's attention was soon captured by a shop adorned with an array of candied fruits and fruit-filled pastries, the tantalizing aromas drifting from within causing her nose to twitch with anticipation.

"You can get something if you want," a voice from behind offered, causing Aki to startle before realizing it was Alfia.

"Can I get some for Bell and Alice too?" Aki inquired eagerly.

"Of course. Bell doesn't really like sweets too much," Alfia replied with a knowing smile.

"Okay," Aki nodded, then turned to the smiling merchant who awaited her order.

"I would like some candied fruits and pastries, please. And something for someone who doesn't really like sweets," Aki requested, her nerves evident in her voice.

"Sure thing, little kitten. Coming right up," the merchant responded warmly, beginning to select a variety of treats for Aki's purchase.

With her purchase in hand, the children continued their exploration of the city, sampling candied nuts encrusted with spices and pastries filled with creams and fruits. As they indulged in the delectable treats, their excitement and enthusiasm for their adventure only grew.

Beyond the bustling clamor of the market lay a vast park, a verdant oasis amidst the city's hustle and bustle. Towering ash trees reached towards the sky, standing alongside sturdy oaks, while smooth stone paths wound their way through the tranquil landscape. Hedges adorned with vibrant flowers and ripe berries framed the scene, adding a splash of color to the serene tableau.

Bell, having discovered the path to the park, led the way. Sheets of ivy vines hung from the great oaks, forming a natural canopy that shielded the park from the cacophony of the outside world. With a gentle push, Bell parted the verdant tapestry, revealing the hidden courtyard within.

At its heart stood a majestic fountain, its waters cascading in a dance that seemed to whisper tales of bygone realms as they leaped towards the heavens, only to return to their marble cradle with a gentle sigh.

"Look at this place," Alice breathed, her voice a reverent whisper as she took in the beauty of their surroundings. The air was alive with the symphony of nature, as birds chirped melodiously, bees hummed their industrious tune, and dragonflies flitted gracefully across the glade.

In this secluded sanctuary, amidst the tranquil embrace of nature, the children found themselves captivated by the timeless allure of the park, their senses alight with wonder and awe.

Bell nodded, a serene smile gracing his lips as he settled at the edge of the fountain, his fingers trailing lightly along its cool, wet rim. The gentle touch of the water left glistening droplets upon his skin, sparkling in the sunlight. Beside him, Aki's joyful grin mirrored his own as she joined him by the fountain's side.

Their laughter bubbled forth, a carefree melody that danced upon the air, mingling with the soft murmur of the fountain's waters. Above them, the sun played hide-and-seek through the foliage of the ancient oaks, casting dappled shadows upon the courtyard.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Alice sprang to her feet, excitement coursing through her veins. "Bell," she called, her voice brimming with anticipation, "You're it! Catch me if you can!"

And with that playful challenge, Alice darted off, her swift footsteps followed closely by Aki's. The two friends raced through the verdant grove, their laughter trailing behind them like a joyful refrain.

As Alice vanished behind the gnarled trunk of a towering oak, her laughter echoed through the forest, light and teasing. The playful spirit that animated her every movement now led her on a merry chase, whispering secrets of hiding spots among the leaves and enticing her into a game of sly concealment.

Heart pounding with excitement, Alice pressed herself against the rough bark of the ancient tree, its silent presence seeming to embrace her in its timeless wisdom. In that moment, amidst the playful game of hide-and-seek, she felt a profound connection to the ancient spirit of the forest, a bond forged in laughter and shared joy.

Bell wasted no time, spurred on by the spirited challenge issued by his twin sister. With a determined gleam in his deep red eyes, he dashed after them, a silent resolve propelling him forward. As Alfia settled onto a nearby bench, embracing the tranquility of the glade, Bell embraced the chase after his sister.

Alice danced ahead, her movements agile and graceful, while Bell followed closely behind, his focus unwavering as he kept pace with his sister and friend. The forest seemed to come alive around them, the rustle of leaves and the whisper of the wind mingling with the laughter of the children.

In this secluded sanctuary, amidst the timeless embrace of nature, the worries and troubles of the outside world faded away, replaced by the simple joy of play and companionship.

As Alice's energy began to wane, her steps growing heavier with each passing moment, she glanced back and saw Bell closing in on her. With a mischievous grin, she concocted a plan. Rounding a corner of the oak where she knew Aki was hiding, Alice sprung into action. As she approached, Aki's eyes widened in surprise at her sudden appearance. Without hesitation, Alice enveloped her friend in a flying hug, causing Aki to stumble backwards and collapse under the unexpected force of the embrace.

Bell, unable to halt his momentum in time, collided with his sister and friend, sending all three tumbling into a heap on the grass. Laughter erupted from them, a joyous symphony that filled the glade as they embraced each other amidst their tumble.

Entwined amidst the soft blades of grass, they laughed and giggled, their spirits lifted by the simple pleasure of companionship.

"What should we do next?" Alice asked, her eyes bright with anticipation.

"We should go back to Auntie and enjoy some of the snacks we brought," Bell suggested, his practicality shining through.

"Yeah, I could use a snack too," Aki chimed in, nodding in agreement.

"Okay, off we go then," Alice declared, taking the lead as the children began their march back to the glade.

As they approached the clearing, Alfia, having heard their approach, had already laid out a blanket for them. With eager hands, the children unpacked their collective feast, their appetites whetted by their adventures in the forest.

As Alice laid out the colorful array of berries, Aki unfurled the cloth containing her pastries and dried fruits, while Bell proudly presented the spiky green treasures he had acquired. With eager hands, they took turns sampling each other's discoveries, their laughter blending harmoniously amidst the tranquil glade.

"I want to climb that tree," Aki declared, her finger pointing towards one of the tallest and most gnarled oaks in the glade. Amidst the playful banter of her companions, Aki's gaze was drawn upward, captivated by the towering sentinel of nature that loomed above them.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun. Let's do it," Alice agreed, her eyes sparkling with excitement, while Bell nodded in enthusiastic assent.

As they finished their impromptu lunch, the children made their way towards the great oak, their hearts brimming with the allure of adventure. With a sense of daring determination, Aki approached the base of the tree, her hands reaching out to touch the rough, textured bark before she began her ascent.

As Aki began her ascent up the ancient oak, her hands and feet expertly navigating the rough bark, she suddenly paused mid-climb, her attention drawn to a subtle movement nearby. With a curious tilt of her head, she spotted a chipmunk darting along a branch, its tiny form blending seamlessly with the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy.

"Look, a chipmunk!" Aki said in a hushed tone, gesturing for Alice and Bell to join her in observing the creature. The trio watched in fascination as the chipmunk scampered along the branch, its movements nimble and quick.

"It so cute." Alice whispered

"Yeah, it was," Bell agreed,

The chipmunk paused for a brief moment, its bright eyes meeting theirs before it darted away, disappearing into the foliage with a rustle of leaves. For a moment, the children remained still, before continuing.

As she reached the top of the ancient oak, Aki's heart swelled with awe at the breathtaking vista that unfolded before her. From her lofty perch, she surveyed the expanse below: the verdant park stretched out like a lush tapestry, its winding pathways shimmering in the sunlight. Beyond, the city sprawled before them, its towering spires reaching towards the heavens like fingers of prayer.

Bell and Alice followed closely behind; their eyes wide with wonder as they beheld the majestic sight before them. Together, they stood in silent reverence, each breath drawn in appreciation of the beauty that surrounded them.

As the sun reached its zenith and Alfia's voice called out to them, the children reluctantly descended from their lofty perch, their hearts still soaring with the thrill of adventure as they made their way back to their waiting lunch.

As they left the park behind a rich aroma of roasting meat enveloped them.

"AHH. I smell delicious food." Alice cried as she took off in the direction of the smell leaving the others behind.

As they drew closer to the source of the enticing smell, their mouths watered in anticipation, their stomachs rumbling in hunger.

Before them stood a grand building, Crafted from weathered wood and rough-hewn stone, the inn and restaurant rose two stories tall, its sturdy beams adorned with intricately carved runes and symbols of protection.

The entrance was flanked by towering wooden pillars, their surfaces etched with tales of heroic deeds and ancient battles. Above the threshold, a carved wooden sign swung gently in the breeze, depicting a fierce dragon locked in combat with a valiant warrior, its colors faded by years of exposure to the elements.

Inside, the main hall was a sight to behold, its open layout reminiscent of a great hall in the halls of Valhalla itself. Long wooden tables stretched across the polished wooden floor, their surfaces scarred by the marks of countless feasts and celebrations. Above, a massive stone hearth dominated the room, its flames dancing merrily as they licked the air.

In the center of the hall, a whole boar roasted slowly on a spit, its succulent juices dripping onto the hot coals below, filling the room with the mouthwatering aroma of cooking meat. Along the walls, tapestries depicting scenes of Asgard's founding and epic battles adorned the wooden panels, their vibrant colors and intricate designs adding to the rich tapestry of the room.

As the children stepped inside, they were greeted by the warm glow of firelight and the hearty laughter of fellows. A woman with gray curls approached them, her eyes kind and welcoming as she addressed them.

"Welcome, I am Cecilia. How can I help you all today?" she asked, her voice carrying a gentle warmth.

Alfia stepped forward, taking the lead for the group. "The children wanted to eat, and we were wondering if your restaurant was open?" she inquired politely.

Cecilia smiled warmly. "Yes, we are. Please, take a seat in any of the booths, and I will bring you a menu shortly," she replied, her hospitality evident in every word.

"Alright, children. Let's find a seat," Alfia said, guiding them towards an empty booth nearby.

They settled into the cozy booth, the wood worn smooth by the touch of countless patrons before them. Above them, tapestries adorned the walls, their vibrant colors depicting scenes of legendary heroes and epic battles from times long past. The intricate stitching brought the tales to life, each thread a testament to the bravery and valor of those who came before.

Cecilia glided gracefully towards their table and distributed a menu to each of the children and Alfia, leaving them to peruse the offerings at their leisure.

"I want steak and vegetables," Bell declared, his eyes scanning the menu

"I'll have the seafood. We never got that back in the village," Alice chimed in, her excitement evident in her voice as she imagined the exotic flavors that awaited her.

"I'll take soup and bread," Aki announced

"I will have the chicken and salad," she said with a nod, her gaze lingering on the menu for a moment before returning to her companions.

"Be right up," Cecilia assured them with a smile before gracefully departing to relay their orders to the kitchen.

As they waited for their meals to arrive, the children took the opportunity to soak in their surroundings. The inn's main hall was alive with activity, the air filled with the chatter of patrons and the clatter of dishes. Above them, the flickering light of the hearth cast a warm glow over the room, illuminating the tapestries that adorned the walls and infusing the space with a sense of comfort.

The table before them bore intricate patterns carved into its surface, each line and curve telling a story of its own. The children's fingers traced the winding paths of the carvings, following the intricate design that depicted the mighty Yggdrasil, the World Tree that stood at the heart of Asgard. Above them, tapestries hung from the ceiling captured tales of history, valor, and the founding of their great city.

Lost in the mesmerizing display, the children were momentarily unaware of Cecilia's return. With a warm smile, she set their food before them, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she observed their fascination with the tapestries:

"Well, what do you think?"

"They are so pretty," Alice remarked, her admiration evident in her voice as she tore her gaze away from the hanging artworks.

Aki and Bell nodded in agreement, their attention captured by the rich tapestry of stories woven above them.

Cecilia's smile widened at their response as she watched them eagerly anticipate their meal. The savory aromas of grilled steak, fragrant soup, braised chicken, and a heaping pile of seafood filled the air, tantalizing their senses and stirring their appetites.

Just as they were about to dig into their respective dishes, Alice's voice broke the momentary silence. "We should share some from each of our plates," she suggested, her eyes alight with excitement at the prospect of tasting a bit of everything.

Bell nodded in agreement, recognizing the wisdom in her suggestion. "That's a good idea," he agreed, his own enthusiasm evident as he glanced at his companions.

With eager hands, they exchanged portions of their meals, eager to sample the diverse array of flavors before them. As they ate, the worries and troubles of the day faded into the background, replaced by the simple joy of sharing a meal with friends amidst the rich tapestry of their city's history.

A Light Amidst the Darkness: A Danmachi Dark World Tale - ZFanficts - ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか | DanMachi (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.